If Jesus Wasn’t Around, Who Else Would You Want to Take the Wheel?

It might sound funny, but that’s the exact question someone posed on Reddit, and the 15 people below come up with some truly interesting answers!

#1. In that order.

“Jewish God, Allah, and then Tom Cruise, in that order.”

#2. There’s always one.

“Jesus doesn’t know how to drive, the car was invented after he died. I would not want him driving my car.”

#3. Never be afraid.

“The Vengeful ghost of Dale Earnhardt.

Edit: thanks for the gold and silver strangers, never be afraid to bring the vengeful ghost of someone you have a childhood photo with into reddit.”

#4. As long as it’s not Hammond.


As long as it’s not Hammond, I’ll probably be ok

E: 15 hours in and I’ve been guilded and at over 6k upvotes. Reddit, you’ve made my day. :D”

#5. Trust him to save your life.

“If there’s anyone that I can entrust to save my life, it’s Terry Crews.”

#6. A story about a dude.


There’s a story about a dude in ancient Greece falling in a river and being swept by the current and between gasps of air he’s begging the goddess Athena to help him.

Athena appears right next to him and tells him that she’ll help, but he also has to start swimming as well.

It’s the myth behind the saying ‘Συν Αθηνά και χείρα κίνει’ (along with Athena’s help you should also move your arms), meaning you should also try to help yourself, not just rely on higher powers.”

#7. All those arms.

“Vishnu. All those arms, he’s probably a good driver.

Apologies to any Hindu Redditors who take offense to that quip.”

#8. For about a year now.

“Joe Pesci. I’ve been praying to Joe for about a year now.”

#9. A person of culture.


(Thanks for the Silver! You’re clearly a person of culture.)”

#10. Only happy accidents.

“Bob Ross. Because there is only happy accidents Edit: This comment have made half of my total karma. Thank you, strangers.”

#11. Infinite wisdom.

“Keanu Reeves. keanu’s supernatural power exceeds that of all others mentioned in this thread, I know at least one person who frequently dreams of his infinite wisdom.”

#12. He seems qualified.

“Jason Statham. he seems qualified.”

#13. Either or.

“Mario (I’ll take “Andretti” or “The Plumber”)

Pass on Balati.”

#14. He really likes steering wheels.

“Kimi Räikkönen, he really likes steering wheels.

Wow, thanks for the silver :)”

#15. You knew someone was going there.

“Ricky Bobby.”

Mine? I’d have to go with Mr. Rogers. I feel like he’s a guy you could trust to steer your life nice and steady until you were ready to jump back in.

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Linguistic Maps Highlight How Americans Say Things Differently Across the Country

In case you weren’t aware: America is a HUGE place. Having driven all over the ap when I was younger, I can tell you that it’s truly surprising how vast our nation is.

With that large landmass comes various regional dialects. People in Boston speak differently than people in Mississippi. The folks in North Dakota sound a heck of a lot different than the citizens of Texas. And so on and so on.

These nifty maps show some of the differences in how Americans say things.

1. This one gets people worked up

Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest

2. Where to put the rubbish?

Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest

3. Which do you prefer?

Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest

4. Garage sale is dominant

Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest

5. Hey y’all!

Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest

6. What do you call your footwear?

Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest

7. And finally, how many syllables are there in “caramel”?

Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest

8. Eastbound and Down, loaded up and truckin’

Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest

9. I love “bubbler”

Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest

Pop, soda, or Coke? That’ll really get a heated debate started…

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17 Awesome Responses to the #Trashtag Challenge

When it comes to internet challenges, I think it’s safe to say many of remain skeptical. On the one hand, there are challenges like the “Ice Bucket Challenge” that raised millions for ALS research, and on the other, there are things like the Tide Pod challenge – which I think we can all agree is a collective low for humanity.

The latest trend is called the #Trashtag challenge, and it’s definitely in the “score one for humanity” column. The goal is to save the planet, one bag of garbage at a time, and with 1.3 billion tons of household waste being generated every year, it’s far past due.

The challenge is simple: take a before photo of an area littered with trash and put it next to an after photo of the same area once you’ve cleaned it up.

The hashtag blew up after a Reddit user posted a screenshot of someone who had completed the challenge with the caption “Here is a new #challenge for all you bored teens. Take a photo of an area that needs some cleaning or maintenance then take a photo after you have done something about it, and post it here.”

Image Credit: Reddit

And post they did! Below are 17 amazing before-and-afters that you’re just going to love.

#1. Yes.

Image Credit: Twitter

#2. This brought a bit of a tear to my eye.

Image Credit: Twitter

#3. Such a nicer walk now!

Image Credit: Twitter

#4. I fear he might have bagged up his shirt on accident.

Image Credit: Twitter

#5. That’s a lot of trash.

Image Credit: Twitter

#6. An hour well spent.

Image Credit: Reddit

#7. If a 70-year-old retired school teacher can do it, what’s your excuse?

Image Credit: Reddit

#8. A big job, well done.

Image Credit: Twitter

#9. A South African #trashtag

Image Credit: Reddit

#10. Cleaning up a tourist area in Vietnam.

Image Credit: Reddit

#11. Many hands make light work.

Image Credit: Reddit

#12. Look what 10 people and 1 Sunday morning can do!

Image Credit: Reddit

#13. Hard to believe people let such a beautiful place get so messy.

Image Credit: Reddit

#14. Actually makes you want to sit there now.

Image Credit: Reddit

#15. Manila Bay after a judge ordered it cleaned up. Wowzers.

Image Credit: Reddit

#16. In their school unis and everything.

Image Credit: Instagram

#17. I’m sure the horse helped.

Image Credit: Instagram

It’s not too late to do your part – get out there and clean, people!


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Son’s Tweet about His Dad’s Empty Donut Shop Helps Sales Skyrocket After Going Viral

Ah, Twitter. It’s been the source of all sorts of craziness in the last few years, but this might be one of the best Twitter stories yet.

When Billy By’s dad opened Billy’s Donuts in Missouri City, Texas, sales were slow to say the least. Nobody was coming in. So Billy did what any normal person does in 2019 to try to boost business: he took to social media to plead his case.

You know people couldn’t resist Billy’s dad standing behind the counter waiting for customers to come buy up his delicious donuts.

And guess what? The tweet picked up steam, went viral, and people started going to the store!

It worked!

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Even TWITTER jumped on the story and told people to get on down to the shop.

How’s that for advertising? As of this writing, the original tweet has been retweeted 343,000 times!

Billy’s dad looked pretty darn happy about this turn of events.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Billy tweeted an update about the amazing turnaround.

Check out the Billy’s Donuts Instagram page, too.

I needed that wholesome story! And now I need some donuts!

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So… Drive-Thru Workers Can Apparently Hear EVERYTHING You Say – Even When the Speaker Isn’t On


If you tend to visit your local drive-thru pretty regularly, you might not love this. You see, it seems that drive-thru employees can hear every single thing you say in your car, even when you’re just waiting for the speaker to turn on.

One Reddit user and drive-thru worker posted the tidbit, just to let everyone know that, yup, they can hear you. Their headsets pick up pretty much everything.

Photo Credit: iStock

“As soon as you drive up to the speaker, we get a beep over our headsets and the transmission begins,” Redditor wreckinitralph wrote. “If we don’t answer you right away – we can hear everything. If we apologize and say we’ll be with you in a minute – you’re not on hold, we can hear everything. If you’ve ordered but the drive-thru line won’t let you pull ahead yet – we can hear every single thing you’re saying. I wish I could forget some of the stuff I’ve heard.”

Whoooaaaaa. So, basically don’t talk crap about the drive-thru until after you’ve safely pulled away with your food. And if you need to say something embarrassing or top-secret, maybe roll your windows up and whisper? Your car is not as private as you think!

Photo Credit: iStock

Another Reddit user had a similar and equally horrifying revelation in the comments of the post.

“This also applies when you’re on any type of support chat. Whatever you type, even if you don’t press enter, is transmitted right to them as you’re typing it,” user Steve90000 wrote.

WHAT. What kind of cruel world is this, anyway?

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New Emoji Coming Out Later This Year Will Seriously Improve Sexting

I can’t believe it needs to be said, but if last year taught us anything it’s that unsolicited dick pics (or just unsolicited dicks in general) are NOT cool. Nobody needs to see that, trust me. You don’t have some magically gorgeous penis that’s going to instantly make the recipient of your dick pic be like, “You know, I’ve hated every other dick that flew into my inbox without my consent, but yours really changed my mind!”

Now, thanks to the extremely clever devils at the emoji factory (that’s where emojis are made, right?), the anti-dick pic brigade will soon have a brand new emoji weapon at their disposal.

The Unicode Consortium announced that 230 new emojis will be released this year. The new emojis include a lot more diversity, more animals and foods and tools, and… a pinching hand.

Photo Credit: Twitter

The pinching hand looks like a hand that is saying, “THIS SMALL.” As in, “This dick is THIS SMALL.”

Men and creeps everywhere are shook.

Photo Credit: Twitter

As they very well should be.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Men’s egos are fragile, especially when it comes to size.

Photo Credit: Twitter

And while women have always had the words “wow so small” at our disposal, something about a single emoji is just a whole new level of roast.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Unless dudes have good reason to believe that a woman is interested in seeing their dick, they probably won’t risk receiving this emoji in response.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Which means they’ll exercise greater caution, which is exactly what they should’ve been doing all along!

Photo Credit: Twitter

One small step for the Emojipedia, one large step for womankind.

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10 Tweets by Celebrity Parents That Even Us Regular Folks Can Relate To

We all know celebrities live a charmed existence. They have seemingly endless amounts of money, they’re always gorgeous, and they’ve got all sorts of staff to help them manage life.

That said, parenting is one of those things that affects all of us similarly. Sure, if you’re wealthy you can afford extra help, but a sassy kid is a sassy kid no matter what. These 10 tweets are proof.

1. Christina Applegate hasn’t showered but it’s fine.

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Pink remembers the important stuff.

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Serena Williams’s kid is growing up too fast.

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Carrie Underwood mostly eats her kids’ leftovers.

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard are clearly delirious from sleep deprivation.

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Chrissy Teigen’s toddler has a knack for words.

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Anna Faris is amazing at potty-training.

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Cardi B doesn’t speak baby language.

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Conan O’Brien is fed up with children’s movies.

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Lin-Manuel Miranda has a wordsmith for a son.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Hey, at least you know you’re doing as well as a mega movie star at parenting.


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People Confess the Secrets They Keep from Loved Ones

While we all agree that honesty is very important in any relationship, but sometimes a little white lie can be useful, for instance when being 100% upfront might actually do more harm than good.

If you don’t believe that, just read these 10 secrets that partners kept from their partners – only for the sweetest and/or most hilarious of reasons.

The things we do for love.

1. Spider? I haven’t heard that name in years.

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Wow, a true heart of gold:

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. I have absolutely no idea where the remote went!

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Gee honey IDK why DID he cross the road?

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. It’s just water haha got you!

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. Thank God they found your necklace!

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. Wow, we forgot these bananas yet again!

Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Wow you’re so lucky!

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. Cersei just said WHAT.

Photo Credit: Reddit

See? Sometimes a lie is sweeter than the truth.

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This Hawaiian Cat Sanctuary is Home to Over 600 Kitties

If you’re a cat lover, then boy have I got a vacation destination for you! This place is absolutely teeming with kitties, and it also happens to be on the island paradise of Hawaii!

On the Hawaiian island of Lanai, the Lanai Cat Sanctuary is home to more than 600 stray kitties.

And yes, you can visit the sanctuary, play with all the cats, and even adopt some of them if you are so inclined.

The cats live in a fenced-in area about half the size of a football field, complete with all kinds of enclosures and holes to play in, on, and around.

Executive Director Keoni Vaughn says, “The average person who’s not a crazy cat person thinks, ‘Oh my God, [the sanctuary] has got to be gross and stink’—but it’s the absolute opposite. The two compliments we get the most are: A) It doesn’t smell, and B) It doesn’t feel like 600 cats.”

The sanctuary is currently being expanded and the goal is to have room for 1,200 cats at some point.

The sanctuary receives about 12,000 visitors each year. Lanai has a large feral cat problem, which is why the sanctuary was established.

Vaughn said about 40% of the sanctuary’s cats become socialized due to visitors, despite coming to the facility as feral animals.

If you can’t make it all the way to Hawaii, you can still make a donation and sponsor a kitty at the sanctuary and you’ll receive monthly updates and photos.

I’m currently looking into plane tickets to Hawaii…

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Viral Post Perfectly Captures the Frustrating Truth About Women’s Clothing

Guys don’t like buying clothing, but considering how much easier it is for us to buy clothes, you’d think we’d be more enthusiastic about it. Seriously fellas, if you think buying men’s clothing is a chore, buying women’s clothing is a whole different ballgame.

You see, women’s clothing sizes can vary wildly from brand to another. There’s no “large, medium, small,” just a bunch of numbers that mean nothing. Seriously, what might be a 12 in one brand could be a 6 in another brand and a 16 in another. It’s like the wild west out there.

A Twitter user named Chloe recently posted a picture that very neatly expressed her annoyance with this unfortunate phenomenon.

As you can see, that’s a whole bunch of jeans that look a lot different from each other but are all size 12.

Chloe continued…

In another response, Chloe said, “No wonder women feel so insecure. I’ve had size 10 dresses, fit fine, then I’ll try on size 14 jeans that won’t even go past my hips, it’s not right”

Other Twitter users agreed with Chloe and offered their own thoughts.

Seems like a super annoying problem to have to deal with constantly.

Ladies, what do you think? Do you have a lot of issues like this with clothing?

Let us know in the comments!

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