Random Thoughts and Pics That Will Make You Uncomfortable

There are things in life that should be left alone. Things you may never unsee or worse…unthink. YIKES! This slew of social media “thoughts” and pictures will have you curious enough to look and then think “I can’t even…”

1. Creepy, but I’m okay with it

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. No pressure

Photo Credit: The Chive

3. And we can’t tipfinger. #BOOM


Photo Credit: The Chive

4. Mind Blown

Photo Credit: The Chive

5. Sure it…oh


Photo Credit: The Chive

6. Just great…

Photo Credit: The Chive

7. Now, I’m paranoid

Photo Credit: The Chive

8. Some things should remain unsaid

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. A little off the top…oops

Photo Credit: The Chive

10. Well, this is something. Did Disney think that through?

Photo Credit: The Chive

Hope this didn’t creep you out too much! Sorry. Not sorry.

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12+ Tweets About Introverts You Quietly Read by Yourself

Introverts know how real the struggle is. The world is a chaotic, anxiety-inducing place that tends to be structured around the preferences of extroverts (probably because they never shut up).

But it’s ok, because instead of going out into the world today, we’re gonna stay home, pour a drink, and read TWEETS about…

1. Looking away from you

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Fearing your judgement

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Fearing you in mass quantities

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Hating ourselves

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Avoiding you

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Clinging to you

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Sparing you

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Hiding from you

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Remembering you

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Running from you

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Hating you

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Hiding ourselves…

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. …and digging to figure out wtf we’re gonna tell you about it (and practicing saying that about 100 times internally before we say it to your face text you)

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Fearing your voices

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Love-hating you

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. Shooing you

Photo Credit: Twitter

I hope you’ve enjoyed these tweets.


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UberFacts 2019-03-26 15:14:13

Spend enough time working in an office setting and you’ll eventually encounter the office potluck. It’s something that *sounds* really fun in theory, but it almost always turns into a spectacle in real life. Some colleagues get it and bring truly good food to the table, while others bring their mom’s Jello salad recipe from the ’70s. Damnit, Karen, nobody wants ham and peas suspended in lemon Jello!

A Twitter user recently had a ridiculous run-in with the latter sort at his office potluck.

Also, this article absolutely epitomizes why I love working from home. Take a look to see how this drama unfolded. It all started with an innocent office potluck…and then…

Photo Credit: Twitter

That’s not a good beginning.

Photo Credit: Twitter

It’s about to get gross up in here.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

You can imagine there was hyperventilation all the way around.

And this lady on Twitter was getting a little riled up.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Now get really grossed out.

Photo Credit: Twitter

And he was getting positive reinforcement!

Photo Credit: Twitter

She had to be on the offensive.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Uh oh…

Photo Credit: Twitter

And the nightmare continued.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

She might be looking for a new job soon.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

This has to be related, right?

Photo Credit: Twitter

And the worst part was the shocking conclusion.

Photo Credit: Twitter

This guy perfectly captured how we all feel after reading about this awful scenario.

Photo Credit: Twitter

The agony! The horror! Good luck on your job hunt!

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10+ Hilarious Tweets With Over 150K Retweets And Counting

When the Twitterverse giveth, it giveth with aplomb. These hilarious tweets have all garnered over 150 retweets, so you just know they’re awesome.

Let’s check ’em out!

1. Just a small town dog, livin’ in a lonely world…

2. And suddenly… SCIENCE!

3. Well, humanity was fun while it lasted…

4. OMG! Cutest. Hiding. Place. Ever.

5. Yeah, this is too true.

6. Ninja kittehs!

7. I’m dying! ???

8. Sooooooooooooooo excited!

9. Sorry Duey. Love, Grandma.

10. And people say they don’t have personalities?

11. Note to self: never go to Oklahoma…

12. “No, you can’t play with us!”

13. Just wait for it…

14. Pro parent move…

15.Round and round and round…

And that’s all folks!

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15 Truly Terrifying Horror Movies That Don’t Rely on Cheap Scares

Are you a horror movie nut? Frankly, I’m a big ol’ scaredy-cat but my wife really loves them so I’ve ended up seeing a few as well. The thing is, not all horror movies are created equally – some just rely on gimmicks and gore rather than actually cultivating a sense of dread in the viewer.

If you’re a horror fan looking for some suggestions, it’s a good thing you clicked on this link. Users of AskReddit shared their favorite terrifying horror films that don’t rely on cheap gags and scares, and they did NOT disappoint.

Take note of these!

1. Lake Mungo

“Lake Mungo.

Shot like a documentary, and definitely one of the more realistic mockunentaries I’ve ever seen. It’s about a family in Australia who believe their house is being haunted by the presence of the recently deceased teenage daughter. Since it’s meant to be realistic, the entire film kind of focuses on the idea that spirits aren’t real. That’s all I’ll say about the plot.

It’s been about two years since I first (and last) seen it and it has certainly stuck with me. I think about it often.”

2. Good choice

“John Carpenter’s The Thing.”

3. Ringu

“The original Japanese version of The Ring (“Ringu”).”

4. The Ritual

“The Ritual is a great movie, and it’s on Netflix.

“Reuniting after the tragic death of their friend, four college pals set out to hike through the Scandinavian wilderness. A wrong turn leads them into the mysterious forests of Norse legend, where an ancient evil exists and stalks them at every turn.”

5. An old fashioned ghost story

“The Others (2001).”

6. From 1979


7. A classic!

“The Hitcher. Its just this teenager who picked up a murder hobo, escaped, but then sees him in another car with a family and tries to intervene.”

8. I need to check this one out

“I don’t know anyone else that’s seen it, but They Look Like People is a pretty unsettling psychological horror.”

9. Unsettling

“Jacobs Ladder for sure, very unsettling atmospheres.”

10. Spooky

“Event Horizon was pretty spooky.”

11. Take Kubrick’s word

“The Vanishing. Dutch film. Completely terrifying. Kubrick said it was the scariest movie he ever saw.”

12. Home invasion

“Hush (2016) Most home invasion movies freak me out but this one really stuck with me.”

13. Here are two for you

“Night of the Living Dead (1968). The classic zombie flick scared the shit out of me as a kid! :O

It Follows (2015). The modern monster flick scared the shit out of me as an adult! :O “

14. Into the Catacombs we go

“One movie I liked that didn’t grab too much traction was As Above, So Below, about a group of college kids that get lost in the catacombs below Paris, and the demons they meet down there. It’s unsettling as a film, but also because it has actually happened that several people, drunk or whatnot, have ventured into the catacombs and gotten lost and died. The movie was filmed in the actual catacombs, and the effects are really good. Plus there is a psycological aspect to the haunting that occurs, particularly amongst the more guilty of the group. Would recommend.

There are jump scares, but they are legitimate.”

15. Nightmares

“The Mothman Prophecies” shares a spot with the original “Nosferatu” as one of three movies that legitimately gave me nightmares.”

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15 People Reveal the Moment They Realized They’d Been Doing Something Wrong Forever

I apologize to you all in advance for the fact that this article might make you feel kinda dumb. Sure, these are stories shared by other people, but they’re Because even though these stories are from AskReddit users, you know you’ve been there, too.

So don’t even try to deny it.

1. Ohhhhhh….

“My mom use to refer to me as a “bull in a china shop”. Always heard it as “bowl in a china shop”. Thinking it was a compliment. At about 22 I hear someone else use the phrase and realized she meant “bull”, not “bowl”.”

2. That took a while

“Last month was the first time I discovered lint rollers were peelable. Literally sat there for a minute to take that in.

I’m 20.”


“Since the dawn of time, I would pick up the silverware and utensils out of their tray in the dishwasher and put them away in their drawers then go back and pick up more out of the dishwasher. Then one day I saw my wife lift the tray out of the dishwasher and I legit stood there with my mouth open.”

4. That’s better!

“We bought a nice liquor cabinet. We got it delivered and noticed it was a bit shorter than we thought. No biggie. Three years later, we’re moving. Lift up cabinet and these beautiful, ornate, screw on legs wrapped in tape and bubble wrap fall off the bottom. Looks so much better now!”

5. Driving lessons

“It wasn’t very long, but when I was learning to drive my dad was explaining the rule of thumb regarding a safe distance to be behind the car in front of you. I thought it meant to hold your thumb up and if your thumb didn’t cover the entire car you were too close to it. When he caught me doing that he asked me what I was doing. When I explained he burst out laughing, then considered it, and concluded it wasn’t a bad idea but perhaps a bit distracting.”

6. Grateful/Embarrassed

“Until last week, when my father in law would made a phone call on his very basic non-touch-screen flip phone he would open the menu, scroll to the phone icon, open it, hit the soft key for contacts, scroll to the person he wanted to call, press ok, then press the soft key to call.

When he mentioned how he preferred his landline because he could just dial the number, I said “Humour me. Just dial the number and hit the talk button.” I’ve never seen a man so simultaneously grateful and embarrassed.”

7. Mind was blown

“Couple years ago i was trying to open some toothpaste and had to break the seal of the tube, i used to look for something like a nail to break it, then one day i looked at the pointy end of the cap and thought ‘what if I could use this to break it’ and oh shit it did fit and broke it effortlessly, and so did every other tube product i had in the house and their respective cap, my mind was blown.”

8. Spelling issues

“Not mine, but my dad has been spelling his name wrong his whole life (he’s 51). His name is Jeffrey, and he’s been spelling it like that since he learned how to spell his name. A few months ago my mom pulled out his birth certificate, and we all learned it’s actually spelled Jeffery. Not sure if he spells it correctly now, but it was definitely an “oh shit” moment for him.”

9. Double Tips!

“When i first got a debit card and would go out to eat at restaurants with my friends, i would leave a cash tip on the table. when i got the receipt to put how much i was paying i would write down how much money i left on the table. for at least 6 months i gave double tips to every waitress i had…”

10. But that wasn’t the case…

“My mom has been pronouncing Massachusetts “Massa Two Shits” for years and no one corrected her because they thought she just had strong feelings about Massachusetts.”

11. Use the swivel!

“I owned a car with swivel headlights and it was very nice to have that. Discovered three years in that I had never turned on the swivel feature.”

12. Devastated

“When I was 5 a Pizza Hut employee told me that the powder on the breadsticks was called ‘fairy dust.’ Ordered extra fairy dust on my breadsticks until I was around 14 when an employee said ‘do you mean garlic salt?’ It still devastates me to realize how obtuse I was.”

13. Never noticed that…

“Realized the multi colored tape measures glued to the door frames of gas stations etc. are for identifying robbers, not for measuring yourself as you walk out. I mean, they can be, but that’s not why they are there. Unless you’re the robber.”

14. RYAN

“My name is Ryan.

It took me until I was in 1st grade to realize my name wasn’t in the alphabet.

My mom had told me my name was in the alphabet, and I felt so lucky. She obviously meant the letters to spell my name were in the alphabet.

But nope. It took that long to realize the alphabet didn’t go “W, X, Ryan Z….”

15. Don’t eat that

“Apparently the red ring around the bologna is not supposed to be eaten.”

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15 Children Share Their Parents’ Most Embarrassing “I Want to Talk to Your Manager” Experiences

We’ve all been there: you’re at a public restaurant or the grocery store, and some crank decides to make a scene about some aspect of the service that they’re unhappy with. It’s always uncomfortable for everyone on the scene, but it’s even worse when you happen to the child of that person.

These AskReddit users share their sad stories of being the children of those people.

1. NO

“Scene: Any fast food drive-thru

Worker: Ma’am, can you please drive forward a little bit while your food finishes up?

Mom: No. *folds arms*”

2. Loved a deal

“My dad just loved to argue, and he loved a deal.

We were shopping in a department store, and I found a pair of pants I was mildly interested in. The pants were tagged at (let’s say) $40, and the sign on the rack was “All pants $25”.

I was mildly interested, I asked the salesclerk if they had them in my size, the clerk said “those aren’t supposed to be on that rack”.

My dad lost his shit and insisted on getting the pants for $25, and started asking for a courtesy discount on top of that. Escalated to the floor manager and the store manager.

Meanwhile, I didn’t want the pants. They were ok pants I guess, nothing awesome, I just didn’t care very much about them. I was more than happy to move on. I told my dad I didn’t want the pants, by then he didn’t care about what I wanted, he wanted the pants at the better price.

Eventually after like an hour of arguing the store manager said “we’re not giving you the pants at that price. Take them or leave them at $40″. So we left them. Which suited me just fine, because I didn’t want the pants.”

3. Banned for life

“Ugh, my dad. He can be such a prick if you get his order wrong, it could be fast food or a nice sit down restaurant. He often yells at wait staff if they “undercook” his steak. It has to be well done or he claims to have lost his appetite.

One time we went to Burger King when I was younger and we sat down to eat. He took one bite of his burger, spit it out and immediately started bitching about it being under cooked. He cut in front of everyone in line to yell at the cashier, then he asked who was the cook. when the cook appeared, he launched his burger hitting the poor kid directly in the face with a lidless burger. He’s now banned for life from Burger King.”

4. Mortifying

“I was 13 when this happened. My mom had made a reservation at a hotel for a trip, but when she got there the lady said there was some error with the reservation and that my mom’s payment didn’t go through, so the lady offered us a double bed room for a discount.

Rather than just taking the room, thanking the lady, and leaving, my mom decided the best course of action would be to scream, in the middle of a hotel lobby, “NOBODY IS GOING ANYWHERE TIL I GET MY FUCKING ROOM!” She then proceeded to pester the lady, who clearly couldn’t do anything about it, until eventually she called the police on my mom for public disturbance. Mortifying.”

5. No, Nanny!

“Not my parent but grandparent. When I was around 10 years old my grandmother went out and got us (her, my brother, and me) McDonald’s. We got home and we didn’t have napkins in the bags. No big deal, right? We have paper towels and napkins in the house, also me and my brother are pretty good with not making any messes while we eat.

Nope. Grandmother got us in the car, drove back to McDonald’s, demanded a manager, and screeched about how upset she was that we didn’t get any napkins. I wanted to just melt into the floor and disappear. It’s just napkins, Nanny….”

6. “I died inside”

“I was with my parents on vacation and the hotel put charges on the bill by accident. My mom marched to the front desk and demanded to see the manager. There was a long line, but she cut right in front of it. The manager wasn’t very helpful, probably because she was rude.

So my mom, went to all the other customers in line and told them that the hotel was a scam and they were ripping us off with fake charges. She made a scene. The hotel called the police and we were escorted off the premises by actual cops. I died inside.”

7. Oh my…

“When I was a young child on a long distance flight my mother let me and my brother sleep on the floor. For safety reasons the flight attendants told my mother that we were not allowed to sleep on the floor. She started to argue with the flight attendants who then turned to the pilots.

The pilots threatened to turn the plane around unless we get up from the floor but she continued to argue. The pilots anounced they were about to turn around because of my mother, so all the passangers got pissed. Eventually she caved in when she had all passengers and flight crew on a boeing 747 against her…”

8. Maybe she had a point…?

“My Mum demanded to see a café’s hygiene certificate when she saw an employee go from cutting cake in the kitchen to handling money at the till, even though the real problem is going the other way.”

9. Walk away in shame

“My mother is A nightmare with customer service… even with the fact that I her daughter works in customer service and deals with people like her on the daily

So many incidents stick out in my mind but one that really embarrassed me was we were at Walmart

The stocker was struggling and dropped their price scanner thing on the ground. I was going to go help her gather her things she was struggling with when my mom came out like a bat out of hell and yelled “YOU KNOW YOU SHOULD PICK THAT UP PEOPLE COULD TRIP” and then she darted off with the cart

I was so embarrassed I just walked away in shame, and when I pointed it out to my mom the girl dropped it on accident she said “WELL SHE SHOULD BE MORE CAREFUL”


10. Thanks a lot, Mom

“I worked at Best Buy. I stopped in with my mom one day because she wanted to buy me the Star Wars DVD box set for my birthday.

I had a huge, HUGE crush on the girl that was working the customer service counter. Well, the DVD set rang up $10 more than it was priced, and my mom deliberately didn’t say anything until after the transaction so she could claim the effing $5 Michigan Scan Law bounty.

My crush didn’t know how to process it and the manager was busy, so my mom tore into her about how it was her job and how she should understand how to do things.

At my job.

To a girl I liked.

My life was misery for a while afterward.”

11. Never again

“My mom asked me to call her a taxi via an app.

She ended up calling me multiple times complaining about how the driver didn’t use the route she thought was best (she never owned a car and doesn’t know how to drive), even though the guy just used the best possible route the navigator suggested.

She ended up getting out halfway and using subway. The driver proceeded to call me in tears, completely shocked, unsure of what he did so wrong, and apologizing. I felt like total shit.

I never called her a cab again.”

12. Honor the sign!

“Grocery store had this sign up that said if an item rang up higher than an advertised price it was free. It was the 80s and stores did stupid shit like this that I never see in stores today.

Mom was buying a box of Little Debbie cakes and they rang up for $2.85 instead of the advertised $2.50. So now mom wants her free cakes. Cashier doesn’t know what to do, summons a manager. Manager tells her to ring up the sale otherwise and he’ll be right back.

Comes back and hands my mother 35 cents cheerfully and says “There you go!” My mother points out the sign behind him and he says “Oh, the last manager put that up, it doesn’t make any sense. I’m the new manager and I just haven’t had the sign removed yet” (it was a printed plastic sign that was screwed into the wall).

Mom insists they honor their sign, he says nah. Now, up to this point, I as an adult looking back am totally on board with mom’s actions.

Mom gathers her things, decides against taking the Little Debbies on principle, and we get in the car. Mom wordlessly drives downtown to the main store of this 3-5 store chain, knowing the office is next door. We walk into this perfectly 80’s wood paneled office where my mother asks the secretary to speak to the owner of the store and is permitted to do so since this is a family owned business and their “corporate office” is smaller than the row of cubicles my staff occupy at work.

Here my mother unleashes a tirade about how she has lost faith in his brand and how his word is meaningless since they will not honor the sign etc. This guy stands up, profusely apologizes, validates her anger and then pulls out his wallet and hands her a $5 bill along with a promise that he will speak to the manager and the sign will either be honored or removed.

We get home and find that the ice cream we bought melted in the trunk because summer and ruined the cereal and the bread.”

13. Silent bystander

“My dad once asked the guy at the verizon wireless store to give him his own Social Secuirity number because he asked for my dads. My dad walked out afterwards with some strangers SS number on a post it. I was a silent bystander because I really wanted my first phone.”

14. Get it sorted

“One time my Grandad got a sausage roll at a football match during half time, when he got back to his seat he found it was overdone, the pastry was quite burned. The man was irate. He didn’t take it back straight away as the second half was about to start, but he spent much of the second half angrily lamenting his savoury snack letdown. So he takes it home, calls the customer service number on the back (I assume he had a few choice words for the poor soul on the other end but I wasn’t present for this), and keeps the remainder of the sausage roll in the freezer for the next couple of weeks.

Skip ahead to the next match day, my Grandad tells me we’re heading out early so he can have his sausage roll replaced. The customer service line told him to go to Kiosk 3 at the front of the ground next to the ticket office. When we arrive, however, the shutters are down at the food place. The old man looks around growling and turning red in the face, stamps right over to window number 3 of the ticket office and slams his frozen burned sausage roll down like a fucking flaky gauntlet. At this point I’m trying to convince him the ticket office was a completely different department to the catering concession but my Grandad was having none of it.

The lady working the ticket window continually attempted in vein to convince him the same, they sell match tickets not hot snacks, but this just got him angrier and angrier. Across comes a colleague behind the glass, now there’s just two people to rage at. Then a head steward comes to attempt to diffuse the situation and my Grandad begins to wave the burnt sausage roll in this man’s face, I was actually surprised he didn’t whack him with it. At this point I’m mortified by the whole affair, wishing I’d have stayed back at the house until nearer kick off.

Eventually, after an hour or so, the shutters come up on the food concession. Fella at the counter goes ‘You must be Mr. Alaginge’ and calmly resolves the situation, dispatching a freshly baked sausage roll with the steady hands of a surgeon. My Grandad is completely satisfied with the result of his hour of insolent rage. As we’re walking away he turns to me and says ‘that’s how you get these things sorted.’ “

15. No more Olive Garden

“I grew up in a smaller town right on the cusps of its big growth boom. We knew our town had finally made it when we got an Olive Garden. We used to eat there 2-3 times a month. My mom and I would always split an entree and my dad would get his own. We knew the rule if you’re splitting and entree and you get more than one of the family style bowls of salad than you’ll get charged an extra $4 for the extra person. Which is fair, 2 entrees come with 2 unlimited salads.

Welllll one day my dad decides he wanted more salad. Only he wants the additional salad, but the waitress said if she refills the bowl, that we will be charged the extra $4. Wellll low and behold my parents threw the biggest tantrum because only HE wanted the additional salad. The demanded to speak to a manager and the manager explained the rule (which we knew) but offered to comp the extra salad just to get my parents to stop yelling….and they did. When our bill came the manager comped my dads entree and the additional salad fee. Well my mom got up.

Interrupted the manager while he was talking to other guests and threw the check in his face and asked “what’s this?!?!” She was furious that he comped my dads meal. He ate the meal therefore we would like to pay for it. She wouldn’t stop raising her voice until she was allowed to pay for the meal (but not the salad). The manager was confused but obliged…when they brought the change the manager slipped a few free appetizer coupons.

My mom ripped them up and threw them on the ground as she left. Safe to say I didn’t eat out with them for at least a month and I still refuse to go to Olive Garden with them.”

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15 “Unwritten Rules” of Life You’d Do Well to Follow

Life doesn’t come with a manual, despite how much we all wish it did. That leaves each of us to figure out our way through the maze that is existence.

That said, there’s no rule that says you can’t seek out the advice of others. With that in mind, here are a number of unwritten rules for life by the users of AskReddit.

What are your unwritten rules in life? Share in the comments below?

1. Your responsibility

“If you have to cancel on a friend, it should be your responsibility to reschedule.”

2. This is HUGE

“If you use up all of the toilet paper, you go refill it (this applies for the household).”

3. No snuggles

“Give people their personal space. Not everyone wants to snuggle a stranger.”

4. Fill ‘er up

“If you borrow someone’s car… fill up the tank before you return it.”

5. Get your own

“If you’re borrowing it for a third time, you need one of your own.”

6. Never, ever, ever do that

“Don’t just say things like “I love your baby bump!” to some random person.”

7. It is mindblowing

“If someone asks you a question, finish what you’re saying with, “what about you?”

Enjoy noticing how many people actually don’t do this.”

8. It’s okay to be wrong

“You can be wrong. It isn’t a bad thing, either. And when you are wrong, acknowledge it, and learn from it, you don’t need to dig down in your beliefs to try and comfort yourself because you can’t handle not being right all the time.”

9. Words to live by

“Don’t mess up an apology with an excuse.”

10. Don’t be a bum

“Dont ask for something if the person only has one left.(Gum,cigarette,piece of cake etc.).”

11. Be respectful

“Leave it in a better condition than you found it.”

12. Let them laugh

“Never make fun of someone else’s laugh, be it how they sound or how they look. Laughing is the most natural expression of joy and happiness and for someone to feel self-conscious about that because of other’s comments is so brutal.”

13. Why would anyone do this?

“Don’t propose at someone else’s wedding.”

14. I feel like everyone should know this

“Don’t start drama at a funeral.”

15. Everyone should do this

“Be kind to strangers even if you’re having a hard time.”

The post 15 “Unwritten Rules” of Life You’d Do Well to Follow appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Things That Are Socially Acceptable Today But Will be Seen as Backwards and Immoral by Future Generations

Times change. It’s one of the few things you can actually rely on. What may have been totally acceptable a few decades ago might be considered extremely problematic today. Take homophobia, for example. Just a few decades ago, homosexuality was considered a mental illness! Today, we know better, and gay people are seen (by most of us, anyway) as just regular people who love the same sex.

Even though we like to think we’re so advanced and enlightened, the fact is that in 50 years, future generations will look at how we behave now and they’ll think we did some seriously backward things.

Here are what AskReddit users think those things will be.

1. Workaholics

“The insane workaholic culture we have that promotes unhealthy amounts of overtime and getting to work early every day.”

2. A divisive topic

“Allowing children to eat so much sugar.”

3. Noooooooo

“Microwaving fish at the work cafetaria.”

4. I don’t see this ever going away

“Posting pictures of your children on social media.”

5. Gotcha!

“Hyper-politicizing everything. “Gotcha” debates where the aim is just to win the argument rather than actually being right or making sensible points.”

6. No more plastic surgery

“My money is on the current methods of cosmetic surgery. Jamming sacks of fluid in a lady’s chest to create bigger boobs, for instance, seems like something for which there will one day be a better practice.”

7. Enough of that

“Influencers”, or in other words, people expressing an opinion (or worse, being paid to express an opinion) with the intent to influence others.

If I am looking to buy a new product that I am not familiar with, I will look for honest reviews. Unfortunately, honest reviews are virtually impossible to find today – they are either written by the manufacturer themself, or by a paid “customer” (influencer).

The only honest reviews are the negative ones by pissed off customers, but those are also not reilable, since they could be coming from someone who has been paid by a competitor, or just someone who happened to get that one faulty product that slipped through the QA checks.”

8. Wasteful

“Using something as strong and durable as plastic to make packaging destined to be thrown away.”

9. Awful

“Letting businesses pay politicians who are then responsible for setting laws that apply to the businesses.”

10. Do you agree?

“Colleges sucking every fucking dollar out of you that they can. Fucking scam artists.”

11. Bad for your health?

“Social media in general it’s proven that it takes a toll on our mental health but we still use it all the time anyway.”

12. Obsession

“The North American obsession/fetishization with work. European countries already have it figured out that productivity isn’t linear with time worked and 50-80 hour weeks aren’t doing anyone any good.

We’re still stuck with bragging about how little we slept and how many hours we worked this week, when so many of us are probably non or low functioning for many of those hours worked anyway.”

13. Listen to this one

“The idea that it is correct and sustainable for the current generation to borrow from future generations to consume now.

This is a relatively new trend. Perhaps 100 years in the most developed countries. Only beginning in many developing countries. This is why we don’t see the horrible consequences… yet.

Traditional models of economic development were all about savings and deferred consumption. Future generations had more than past generations and it was assumed that this is how they take care of their parents – by having slightly more than they would on their own. There was a general consensus that life is hard and that giving our children a better one is our duty. I eat half as much so that you and your children can eat it all. People were happy that they had it better than their parents and attempted to control their greed for the sake of their children.

Present models of economic development are all about present short term consumption which is financed with money creation. But money creation means that the wealth still has to come from somewhere and it does – from the future. More money creation now stimulates the economy for greater investment in the future which will increase production so that the extra debt can be paid. Unfortunately because there is no way to know how much you can borrow from the future it leads to essentially what is greed because expectations for the future have no restraint in something that we see around us – it is all in the future. Then as a result the future generations have less available to them than past generations and are being increasingly more burdened by economic cost of that which was consumed.

The result is that I want my house and my car and my vacations and my pension at 60 and you can get a student loan and get a job and not live in my house because I didn’t do it when I was your age. Except you did it because you borrowed from the future – that is my future.

Almost nothing of the way we now pay for things in the long term is ethical. The most obvious example is the environment – we are consuming now by leaving environmental debt for our children – but the same is true of welfare as pensions and medical care. We have fewer and fewer children and we both live longer and have greater demands and expectations. This means that our children have to both work harder to have the same standard of living that we had and in the end they are loaded with debt to pay for our welfare.

In the past a child would get inheritance from the parents. Sometimes nothing. But now every child gets a ton of debt and inflation before you get to whatever your parents left you. The national debt, the private debts, consumer debts they all keep growing… Who is going to pay it? Every time the government bails someone out to stave off a complete collapse of the debt-based economy the bill falls on the shoulders of the new generation. How much longer?

We still keep deferring the deadline with more and more money creation and various financial inventions but sooner or later enough people in the world will get on the same “consume now, pay later” scheme that it will crack because there will be nowhere to borrow from or nobody left to exploit and the sheer pressure of everyone wanting to have it will be like a collapsing star.

And there will be no escaping the black hole. Nobody will remember what it meant to just work for a better future for your children. Everyone will be angry that they can’t have it as good as their parents. And remember… the “natural” way of human society is not to have it as good as your parents but better. It is so natural to us as if it has been wired into us by evolution – which makes sense because those whose parents ensured their children’s well-being would be more likely to survive.

And when you can’t have it better. When there is no hope for a better future. Why live? Why let others live…? Why should they have when I can’t? And this is how wars begin.”

14. Here, here!

“I really hope this extremely polarizing political climate is seen as backwards and immoral in the future.”

15. Hmmmm

“I think one day some future generation will think “Can you believe they used to just let people drive these multi ton metal boxes at high speeds? They just accepted car accidents and traffic as a fact of life.”

I think this even now when I’m doing 80-85 mph on the highway and I look over and the driver next to me is doing the same speed while looking at their phone.”

The post 15 Things That Are Socially Acceptable Today But Will be Seen as Backwards and Immoral by Future Generations appeared first on UberFacts.

This Viral Math Trick Has Everyone Wondering “How Did I Never Learn This??!”

For those of you who constantly struggle with math, take heart: this simple trick has been making the rounds on the internet, and it makes it insanely easy to calculate percentages.

Most of us use calculators now to do things like percentages, and if I asked you to do 4% of 75 in your head, you’d probably just keep scrolling until I told you the answer. According to Ben here, though, there’s a super easy way to simplify percentages.

Not my way of going like, okay I can do 10% and 1% so maybe just do halfway between that minus a bit and voila 4%-ish!

No. “Maths whizz” Ben Stephens can help you get the actual answer, so hold onto your seats.

The answer is 3 – which is a lot easier when you’re trying to get 75% of 4 rather than 4% of 75.


Image Credit: Twitter

“18% of 50 feels hard to calculate,” Ben wrote. “But 50% of 18 is a doddle, right?”

Because both answers are 9.


While there were a few mathematicians out there living up to their reputations…


Image Credit: Twitter

Image Credit: Twitter

Most people were thrilled and amazed and all of the proper responses to such a trick.

Did you know how to do this? I sure didn’t, and now I feel like a maths whizz too!

Or a math whizz, as we say here in the States.

Either way.

The post This Viral Math Trick Has Everyone Wondering “How Did I Never Learn This??!” appeared first on UberFacts.