Twitter Mansplainer Proves Men Know Nothing about Periods

As if it wasn’t tough enough out there for the ladies, did you know about the “Period Tax?” It’s not an actual tax (yet, anyway), but rather, a reference to how much the cost of tampons and pads takes out of a woman’s earnings. It’s literally an unavoidable bodily function that half the population has no choice but to pay for!

In news that will surprise no one, a man took to the internet to give his opinion on the price of tampons and pads and why women should “stop complaining.”

This man did some hilariously wrong math to determine that women only spend about £20 per year for tampons.

Anyone with a period immediately smelled the bullsh*t.

First of all, SEVEN tampons per cycle?! Only in a dream world, pal.

Second of all, he flubbed the NUMBER OF MONTHS IN A YEAR.

He almost certainly mixed up the period thing with the pregnancy thing.

Anyway, third of all, he also got the average volume of blood per period wrong.

It’s actually impressive to be this wrong!

Seriously I can’t with this guy.

Even well-meaning men are oblivious about periods and tampons.

The only solution is to teach ’em a lesson.

That will shut this guy up forever.

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Poor Person Perfectly Explains to Rich Friend Why Poverty is So Hard to Escape

“Invisible Poverty” is a term that many people don’t even know exists, but it actually describes a very real problem faced by a surprisingly large number of Americans. Unfortunately, it falls through the cracks of our awareness and understanding because it’s so tricky to explain to those who haven’t experienced it firsthand.

A Tumblr user wrote an important post about their conversation with a wealthy friend concerning how hard it is to escape poverty and why it goes so unnoticed by so many.

The post is lengthy, but read the whole thing and pay attention, because the words are powerful.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

People were moved by the Tumblr post and weighed in with their own thoughts on the subject.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

However “Invisible Poverty” is defined, there’s no doubt that many, many Americans have struggled and continue to struggle with it day in and day out.

Share your own experiences in the comments below.

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Male Athlete Gets Roasted to a Crisp for Comparing Skinned Knees to Period Pain

It’s unbelievable to me that we still need to say this in 2019: Guys, DON’T ever try to tell a woman that her period pains aren’t that serious. Honestly, it takes a real idiot to belittle someone’s pain. I’ve known dudes who could get stabbed in the chest without blinking an eye and yet quivered at the sight of a flu shot. You never know how something affects someone, and their pain is not made any less real just because it doesn’t hurt you the same way.

And yet, there’s always some self-appointed jackass willing to offer his hot take anyway, like this guy.

This man not only claimed that women tend to overreact to their menstrual pain, but he also compared that discomfort to skinned knees, which all of us have experienced at one time or another in our lives. Take a look at his post.

Dude…you’re an idiot. And you know you just opened the floodgates to get your ass handed to you.

Ladies, you may proceed.

What was this guy thinking? Here’s some more feedback for him.

Do you think this guy will ever open his mouth like this again? My money is on “NO.”

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We Dare You Not to Laugh at These Hilarious Tweets of the Week

Twitter is my favorite source of snark online. It really does show that great comedy can come from the most unlikely sources. The best thing is that you get a seemingly endless new supply pretty much every week.

Hold on to your devices, these are the best tweets of the week!

1. Will spring ever arrive?

2. We’ve all lied to the doctor

3. Adults without kids

4. The truth about dogs

5. Elon Degeneres

6. OMG, I’ve stared in this one!

7. Sad but true

8. Hay!

9. They both saved my soul just by listening

10. Best romantic story

That’s a wrap! Hope you’re laughing!

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This Comic Brilliantly Explains Why It’s OK For Some Women Not to Want Kids

We all know that becoming a parent is a hugely significant milestone. Creating and then raising your own little human can be intensely rewarding. It’s important to recognize, however, that there’s no such thing as a universal life choice. What might be great for me may be a living hell for someone else, and there’s nothing wrong with either of our choices.

Society likes to put a lot of pressure on people – women, specifically – to have children once they hit a certain age. That’s something that illustrator Kate McDonough has had a lot of experience with, and she decided to outline her feelings in a comic strip for her comic, “Pretty, Pretty, Ugly.”

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Being a parent is a massive responsibility, and not everyone is cut out for it. Isn’t it actually more unselfish and responsible to recognize that about yourself and simply opt out of having kids, as opposed to being a terrible parent?

At the end of the day, it all boils down to this: if you want to have kids – great! If you don’t want to have kids – great! There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all lifestyle for ANYONE. Make your life choices based on what’s best for you, as opposed to what anyone else might want you to do.

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Deceptively Cute Kitty Waits Outside Cafe to Trick People into Letting Him Inside

Animals do the funniest things sometimes. Anyone who has pets or even spent an extended amount of time with someone else’s pets will attest to the fact that they have distinct personalities. Some of them are total sweethearts, while others are naughty little scamps.

Twitter user David Fucillo recently spotted a cat that falls into the latter category. He came upon the creature standing outside a cafe during a trip to New Orleans. The cat looked despondent and lost, like he probably needed to be let into that cafe. See?

Photo Credit: Twitter

“A woman was working inside so we knocked and pointed to the cat, asking if she belonged inside there,” David wrote on Twitter.

“The woman pointed to the sign which was to the left of the door.”

Photo Credit: Twitter

WOW. The cat is a Liar with a capital L.

Are you thinking “that is crazy I’ve never heard of a cat pretending to be hungry ever in my life”? Well, prepare to have your mind blown.

Photo Credit: Twitter

This is a thing.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Like a really common thing. Those greedy cats.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Anywho, the cafe liar’s name is apparently Squeak. She is “absolutely adored,” the owners of the cafe wrote on Twitter.

“Her owners have multiple cats, but Squeak is not a big fan of other cats. She likes people. In particular, she likes people who pet her.”


Photo Credit: Twitter

Cat, you are 100% forgiven for lying. Come here!!!

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15 Things About Being an Adult That We Never Understood as Kids

As a child, I remember wanting desperately to be an adult. Grown-ups got to do whatever they wanted – they could watch R-rated movies, use swear words, and stay up late.

I never realized until I grew up, however, that all of those perks don’t even BEGIN to offset all the annoying parts of being an adult. Things like bills, responsibilities, and spending 5/7ths of your life working for people who probably don’t give you what you deserve.

The 15 things below definitely make me nostalgic for the carefree days of my childhood.

#1. Bills to pay.

my dad wasn’t a workaholic, we just had bills to pay.

#2. I really thought I’d need the karate chop.

I used to think that living beyond 24 was crazy and impossible
I used to think you would grow up to be a particular person instead of a larger version of yourself. I genuinely thought I could become Prince.
I really thought I’d need the karate chop as a part of my adult life

#3. How to cherish the silence.

As a kid I thought if it was quiet it was boring and the worst possible thing. Now I work in a library and cherish the silence more than anything.

#4. Lefts and rights.

The whole “my right vs. your right” thing confused the heck out of me as a preschooler. I knew my own lefts and rights but when my mom was facing me and used to say “my right isn’t the same as your right” I learned to just do the opposite of what she looked like. Problem is this led to me thinking that the difference was because of AGE, so kids’ lefts and rights were the opposite of adults’ lefts and rights. So somehow I got the idea in my head that when you turned 21 your lefts and rights switched (I have no clue why I specifically thought 21, I had this image in my head of blowing out 21 candles and everyone saying congratulations and you get some kind of certificate to officially switch them). Well I’m 21 now and my lefts and rights never switched.

#5. Just double the Christmas presents.

That my parents couldn’t just double the presents this Christmas if I tell them it’s okay to not do anything for next Christmas.

#6. A dog and children.

The stress of paying bills and budgeting. My parents tried to keep this hidden from me but I could tell how much they carefully budgeted. They also sacrificed for us kids. I didn’t get that until I had a dog first and then children.

#7. Value.

The value of all the shit I trashed or broke.

#8. Some people are selfish jerks.

Not everyone is inclined to do the right thing. Some people are selfish jerks and it sucks, but you just have to accept it and do what you believe is right. There are a lot of awesome people out there too, and you can’t get too cynical about the world because of the shitty people in it

#9. Not a given.

Vacations and breaks aren’t a given. You don’t just get to stop working for a few weeks randomly throughout the year, and no one plans around your vacation – you must plan all of your own (and sometimes other people’s) work around your departures. Oh, and vacations are expensive. There’s probably a reason that Billy down the block’s family is able to take five people to Disneyworld: because they have money.

I’m a violin teacher now and blew this poor kid’s mind this past weekend when he asked me what I was doing for spring break. I sort of stared at him for a second, and then remembered that spring break is a thing that kids get…so I told him that I’m working because I don’t get a spring break and he was just completely aghast. Sorry buddy, the adult world isn’t as fun as being a kid.

#10. Because they weren’t cool.

The Alanis Morissette lyric “You’re my best friend / best friend with benefits” from “Head Over Feet.” I told my parents that my best friend was my best friend with benefits when I was like 8, and they laughed hysterically and I just assumed it’s because they weren’t cool and into Alanis’s music and didn’t understand that it clearly meant “super best friend.”

#11. Special phones with letters.

How to dial any phone number that was alphanumeric. 1-800-WAIT-WUT. I thought adults had access to special phones with letters.

#12. New jokes every time.

Calvin and Hobbes jokes. Reread and there’s new jokes every time.

#13. The value of afternoon naps.

How grown-ups fall asleep after Sunday lunch, Christmas dinner, etc. It was so boring as a kid but now I fully understand the value of afternoon naps in the sun after a roast dinner.

#14. Such a pretty name.

I didn’t know what virginity was and my dad would say I would understand when I got older. In the meantime, I thought it would make such a pretty name for a girl.

#15. How seldom they do.

You wouldn’t care what people thought of you if you knew how seldom they think of you.

Youth is definitely wasted on the young.

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20 Gorgeous-Yet-Affordable Hostels Around the World

Whether you’re an avid world-wanderer or just someone who likes to get away for the occasional weekend, it’s ALWAYS in your best interests to plan out your trip. A few minutes of research can save you so much money and aggravation with flights, accommodations, and everything else.

Hostels can be a bit of a crapshoot, as any seasoned traveler knows. That’s why this list of 20 hostels all over the world that look pretty swanky but won’t totally empty your bank account is CRUCIAL.

Take a look at these hostels and see if maybe you can squeeze them into your next travel itinerary.

1. 99 Surf Lodge, Tola, Nicaragua

2. Central Backpackers Hostel, Catba, Vietnam

3. Lucky Lake Hostel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

4. Hostel Celica, Ljubljana, Slovenia

5. The Farm Hostel, Bali, Indonesia

6. Away With the Fairies Hostel, Hogsback, South Africa

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Who says backpackers don't take baths?

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7. Rodamón, Marrakech, Morocco

8. Zostel Ooty, Ooty, India

9. Bambuda Lodge, Bocas del Toro, Panama

10. Jumbo Stay, Stockholm, Sweden

11. Fauzi Azar Inn, Nazareth, Israel

12. St Briavels Castle, Gloucestershire, UK

13. Sydney Harbour YHA, Sydney, Australia

14. Caveland, Santorini, Greece

15. Red Boat Hostel, Stockholm, Sweden

16. The Circle, Da Lat, Vietnam

17. Sunset Destination Hostel, Lisbon, Portugal

18. Héraðsskólinn Hostel, Laugarvatn, Iceland

19. Cascada Verde, Uvita, Costa Rica

20. ArkaBarka, Belgrade, Serbia

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#Belgrade#serbia #Danube

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Now, who’s got the travel bug?!?!?!

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15 Problems That are Uniquely European

There are so many great posts about the unique aspects of life in America, so we figured why not give our European brethren a chance to shine – and by “shine” we mean “tell us all the weirdest things about your life.”

#1. Adapting.

Popping over to your friend in the next country over only to find out they have the wrong configuration of 2/3 pins only to have to quickly drive back over the border to pick up your adapter so you can charge your phone.

#2. Despite all the data mining.

Despite all the data mining Google will still suggest me website in German eventough it knows that I only speak French. Edit : yes I also speak English but on local websites there is either French or German so the website will automatically set the German option despite my location being in the French speaking part of my country.

#3. Often expected.

It’s often expected that you need to learn your native language, English, and frequently one more language to a good level.

Edit: I want to thank everyone who took their time to reply! It’s been fascinating reading all your comments about the cultures of your countries growing up!

#4. No cool stamps.

Not getting any cool stamps in the passport when travelling through Europe

#5. Living in the Balkans.

Having a war every 20 years or so​

-sincerely, someone living in the Balkans

#6. Still bitter.

The wrong song representing your country in Eurovision. Still bitter.

#7. Not speaking in online games.

People not speaking in online games since they don’t speak english as their first language and are insecure about it.

#8. Netflix content.

different Netflix content when you change country

#9. Skinny people only.

Small roads. Dunno if this is just England. But my street can only fit one car and a skinny person and the MAIN road, outside it, can barely squeeze a bus and a big van.

#10. Happened to me.

Studying a few months in a neighboring country, falling in love, getting married and suddenly having a bunch of relatives you can’t talk to. Happens very quickly here. Happened to me.

#11. Still part of the Soviet Union.

Having a website in russian language automatically because some people still think your country is part of soviet union.

#12. Dead body storage.

Having to dig massive catacombs under cities to store all the dead bodies

#13. Sh*tty Viking raids.

Spending 3 hours driving to another country because the soda, candy and alcohol is cheaper and filling entire trailers and cars with it. Everyone who lives in Denmark on Jutland takes roadtrip over the border to Germany shopping at places like Kalle and Fleggaard, and stockpile huge amounts of soda, food and alcohol so that they have enough for months or years to come. It’s basically just shitty Viking raids

#14. WWII left some exciting treasures.

Problem of Germany and most likely London and the area around. (Can’t tell for other countries; so not sure if it counts but I am pretty confident that besides Spain every country has this problem to some extent) Having to plan for bomb defusal whenever there is a bigger excavation in or near any bigger city. WW2 left some exciting treasures to search for.

#15. Not being sure exactly what country you’re in sometimes.

Not being sure of exactly what country you’re in sometimes, when you’re driving through some border regions. Taking a detour through Germany or France depending on traffic conditions.

None of that makes me want to visit again any less!

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Twitter Post About a Nail Job Gone Wrong Goes Viral

We all know that life rarely ever turns out the way you want it to. A friend of mine once told me, “If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans,” and it really is true.

Anyone who’s spent time on the internet knows all about the “Expectation vs. Reality” memes, because they are so instantly relatable.

Twitter user Mai Tai recently had her own version of the Expectation vs. Reality experience when her nail job didn’t quite go right…

It wasn’t long before others started chiming in about their own less-than-stellar nail jobs.


The struggle, it seems, is very real.

Just when you think it can’t get worse…

… it does.

Yowza. Those are *not* great.

But don’t get too discouraged, because there were also plenty of people who got just what they wanted and then some:

Oh, my!

I’ll have what she’s having.

It just goes to show, not all nail technicians are created equal (and also probably avoid the one that Mai Tai went to).

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