10 Memes For People Born with the Soul of a Grandma

I’m the type of person who’s been referred to as an “old soul” for pretty much my entire life. Even in my youth, I wasn’t really much for being the footloose and fancy-free type.

Some of us are happy to RSVP “Maybe” to every party, knowing there’s no chance in hell that we’re going out after 9PM.

Here are 10 memes that every 20-something-going-on-81 will relate to.

1. When people ask about your hobbies.

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Serious regrets!!!

Photo Credit: BuzzFeed

3. Sleep counts as an activity.

Photo Credit: Instagram

4. Get offa my lawn!

Photo Credit: Instagram

5. Can’t relate.

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. The intention is always there.

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Wow I was totally gonna go too!

Photo Credit: Instagram

8. Priorities, priorities.

Photo Credit: BuzzFeed

9. Am I a grandma or am I just lazy? Hmm.

Photo Credit: Instagram

10. Woahhh what happened?

Photo Credit: Instagram

Extra 5 points if you’re nodding at these memes from the bed right now.

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10 Memes About Best Friends That You’ve Gotta Share with Your Bestie

Best friends are life, and these memes capture that feeling perfectly!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

2. Friend-envy?

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

3. That dreaded feeling

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

4. YES! This means you were meant to be!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

5. Bromance

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

6. I can’t even with this picture.

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

7. Absolutely!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

8. “Wait, is that DRAKE?”

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

9. This is real life

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

10. Just tell me!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

Share this post with your bestie!

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20+ People Reveal the Moment That Changed Their Whole Perspective On Life

One of my favorite shows on Netflix, Big Mouth, has a moment where all the characters sing a song called, “Life is a F***ed Up Mess,”and I definitely believe it.

That said, sometimes there are just experiences that we have to go through in order to learn and grow as a person. Whether it be from travel, heartbreak, or a number of other incidents, here are some examples of people whose perspectives on life were totally changed thanks to a single experience.

1. Bucket List

After my dad died in 2014 of Huntington’s Disease, a fatal genetic disorder, I decided to get tested in late 2015. I am gene positive. Meaning, I will develop the disease at some point later in life, but am not currently showing symptoms. Although I’m only 26, I’ve begun working towards my bucket list and only 2 months ago, crossed off my #1 wish of visiting Germany. It was two weeks of everything I could have asked for. I have a relatively successful career, which I enjoy and am thankful for, which allows me to check off these items from my bucket list.

Knowing that my life expectancy is maybe 40 at best, based on my CAG repeats, it’s given me the chance, or maybe the reminder, to live my only life as well as I can.

2. Hard Times

Getting injured, having multiple surgeries, and having to quit my teaching job and go on long-term disability. Being on disability really sucked, and I have more compassion for people who are permanently disabled. I also understand homelessness better. I’d probably be homeless myself if I didn’t have parents who could help with some of the medical bills.

3. Simple Pleasures

Getting high at a music festival. My buddy and I got hungry so we got chicken strips. We sat down on the dirty ground and enjoyed our chicken strips amongst other festival goers. I realized how nothing is more important than being somewhere you love with people you love. No fancy restaurant, no expensive food, no flashy jewelry… just my bud and I having a blast. Will never forget that.

4. Moving On

I’m in my early 20s, and got dumped by my first serious girlfriend a few months ago. I really liked her and she was pretty into me, but I was constantly trying to please her and was letting her walk all over me because that’s what I believed women wanted. I never stood up for myself when she would flake/take hours to text and I think she lost respect for me because of that. Her excuse was that “she wasn’t ready” but I know I was at least partially to blame…

Instead of sulking and begging, I took the breakup as motivation to hit the gym, meet new people, read books, further my career, work on social skills, etc so that at least if she doesn’t want to give it a second try, then a better girl will take her place. I’m so much happier now because of it.

5. Still Here

Drug/alcohol addiction, followed by recovery.

I just shouldn’t even be alive. I told a psychologist I expected to be dead by 25. But I’m 25, not dead, sober for several years, and somehow getting a Ph.D. I literally had no idea how to stop drinking; I wanted to, but couldn’t. Somehow it happened, though. And now when I get super stressed at school, or when people bug me, I just remember the fact that I shouldn’t even be alive. All of my problems immediately become laughable and absurd when I do that.

So I’d say I learned not to take things so serious, because at the end of the day, I’m still just right here.

6. High On Life (And Drugs)

I’ve never had any truly religious or deep meaningful experience in my entire life. Sure I’ve had fun. But I’ve never really got a deep life altering, paradigm shattering experience in my entire life. Everything was just humdrum until I started experimenting with psychedelic drugs.

I was a vocal atheist and thought everybody who believed in anything like that was totally stupid. Not saying I am religious now because I’m not, but I was such a closed minded person about stuff like that.

Psychedelics showed me the potential for love. Both for myself and others. It opened me up to seeing how consciousness and existence is so much more than I ever thought it was and it showed me how to see the world a lot differently than I currently was. Also showed me just how insanely beautiful and wonderful everything truly is.

I lose sight of it all the time, but deep down those experiences are still with me.

7. Rags to Riches to Rags

So after a family member died I inherited almost $78,000,000. My family and friends attitudes changed completely after hearing the news. People I didn’t even know of started contacting me, almost everyone I knew asked me for money, the number of ‘friends’ I had doubled. About a week later, the lawyer that handled the last will contacted me saying there was a closer relative that they had missed. I went back to being normal and found out who my real friends and family were.

8. Take the Time

One of my best friends passed away unexpectedly last August. I didn’t keep up with messaging him every once and a while and slowly grew apart. He messaged me a week before he died simply saying “I miss you.” I forgot about replying like some people do and I got a call the following week from another friend saying he died. I was devastated because I had no idea he was ill. Later that day I was looking at my inbox and noticed his message and it floored me. I still beat myself up over it because all I had to say is “I miss you too we should catch up.” But I didn’t and he’s gone. It was a harsh lesson but it changed me, and no matter what I take the time to reply to any message I get from someone I care about.

9. Hugs Work

Up until I was a teenager, I didn’t like my sister much. She didn’t like me either. Then, one day, I read that hugging someone makes your brain release chemicals that make you trust that person more. I didn’t buy it, so I jokingly told my sister that it means we have to start hugging our enemies to give them a false sense of security, and stuff like that. Then we jokingly hugged and we continued to hug every day for a while.

And you know what? It’s weird, but it actually worked! She’s my best friend now.

10. Eat More Salad

I had been eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for about a month straight. I was in college. These things happen. Anyway, I had a little bit of cash put together, so a buddy and I went to TGIFriday’s. The waiter came, and as I was ordering my food, for some reason, inexplicably, I had to have a salad. My friend looked at me like I had grown a second head. He demanded explanations. There were none.

So I ate the salad. Literal chills started racing up and down my spine. It was like a religious experience.

So, I told my friend to order a salad. He was understandably concerned at this point. Why was this important all of a sudden? What’s the deal with the salad? I said, “Order. A. Salad.”

We still talk about it sometimes. That was 15 years ago.

Uh… so, the moral of the story is don’t eat so many sweets and vegetables are a required part of your diet.

11. Count Your Blessings

I traveled a lot early in my career. I spent a lot of time in quite a few poor countries.

I went to Haiti 6 times in my life to work. The poverty and corruption was like nothing I had ever seen before or really since. People would beg and beg for the scrap lumber from our shipping crates to build their houses. When they built a house, it was about the size of the walk-in closet in the first home my wife and I bought.

Ever since then, I have never complained. I have a nice house. Nothing extravagant, but it is a nice house. I have money to put food on the table. I have multiple grocery stores within a 10 minute drive from me and I can buy anything I want to eat. I have a job that pays well and I enjoy working at.

I don’t let the inconveniences of life bring me down. If I feel sorry for myself about something, I remember the really poor people I have come across in my travels (as opposed to what I call American poor) and I am instantly thankful for what I have.

12. Gone Too Soon

A few years ago I lost a long time friend of mine in a car accident. He fell asleep at the wheel on the interstate and crossed over into oncoming traffic, hitting a semi. We had known each other since we were 5 and went through grade school, middle school and high school together. He was 25 when he passed. I knew he had struggled with depression for a long time, but at the time of his passing he was actually in a really good place in his life. He was doing what he loved and had been dating a girl for a few years. He was happy!

So it really made me think if I were to suddenly be gone tomorrow, am I happy with where I’m at? I wasn’t, and I started to make a lot of life changes after that. I had been overweight for a long time and started working on my health and I’ve lost around 85 lbs since then. I got into a career I love and enjoy doing everyday. I stopped stressing about stupid things too. It’s not worth it. I tell my family and friends I love them a lot more frequently than I used to. And I always, always, ALWAYS make sure I get enough sleep before I have a long drive to make.

13. No Apologies

A random stranger in passing. When I was about 16, I accidentally stepped into an elderly woman’s way while walking down a narrow walkway. We did the awkward dance trying to pass one another, as we passed each other I turned and said “I’m sorry!” to her.

She turned back to me and with a stern, but oddly charming, tone says “Don’t you ever apologize for your existence. Just say excuse me and be on your way.”

At first I took what she said as her being rude. Then I walked away and let it sink in for a bit and since then it’s stuck. I always say excuse me now if I’m in someone’s way.

14. Enjoy Life

Gaining a friend and talking to said friend. Up to that point in my life I had lived on the internet and became something of a space exploration fanatic dead-set on pushing humanity into the cosmos. My plan in life was to work as hard as I could toward that goal, without any room for anything else.

Until I met my friend. She was much more normal than me (normalcy was something I disdained at the time), but not any less dedicated academically. She wanted to excel in life, but also enjoy it. It was the latter part that I had been missing.

15. Expand Your Horizons

To me it was definitely travelling.

And, not to sound like that guy, but by traveling I don’t mean two days in a hotel by the beach in some third world country, I’m talking several years in total immersion. Worked there, slept there, ate, met people, got drunk, got mad, fell in love, got heartbroken, split up, fell in love again, made money, lost at least as much, learned how to greet locals the proper way, and why how I’d do it in my country isn’t okay here, the whole thing.

16. Full Circle

For me it was a small comic, it had a picture of a girl at various ages of her life.

Age 6:”I love mommy”

Age 16:”I hate my mom!”

Age 30:”Mom was always right…”

Age 45:”I wish mom was here”

It really hit home and made me change for the better. I started helping my mom around the house and built an amazing relationship with her till now.

17. Power of Empathy

An anthropology course I took in University. The professor told us that when we look at different cultures we have to “make the strange familiar, and the familiar strange”.

So basically you need to look at cultures outside of your own and try to see them with empathy. Really try to look at it as if it was your own culture, that it was normal, or something you grew up with. And to do the opposite with your own culture.

Taught me a lot about looking at my own culture with a critical eye, and looking at other cultures with empathy.

18. Lesson Learned

I was dating a girl for 2 years and was so damn certain she was the one. She was passionate, confident, and could light up a room when she entered. At the same time, we were very different in that regard and I struggled to stay balanced in something that I wanted so badly to work.

Anxiety and a lack of motivation were a serious pattern for me. She pushed me, tried to say that it was important to her that I got a grip on things but I just couldn’t come to terms with it. In the end one day while driving back to her place she told me she couldn’t do it anymore and that she felt I wasn’t ready for a relationship. I needed to learn to believe in yourself or I would always leave people staring at a wall of nerves.

The experience hit me like a bombshell and for a long time I felt like I wasn’t going to make it through. I just wanted to do anything to stop feeling defeated. One day while sitting there and thinking I realized that I let my fears rob me of someone I deeply cared about. It had to stop and I needed to get help.

I reached out to my folks, explained to them what I was going through and got help. After spending some time planning what I wanted out of life I began committing everyday to building back to a place where I could be proud of what I was doing. I never forgot what she said to me, and while it hurt a great deal it made me realize that I was defeating myself out of enjoying life.

Last year I saw her for the first time in 5 years. She was engaged, had moved to a new city and was happy as ever. I thanked her for helping me to realize what I was doing to myself and wished her the very best.

Every time I struggle, or start to doubt myself I remember what that experience taught me. If you are going to lose something, don’t let it be because you defeated yourself. Take charge, do your best and accept the outcome – but don’t sell yourself short.

19. Dumb Luck

Growing up I was absolutely miserable. Being the fat kid in school, no attention from girls, very very few friends, more athletic family members who would single me out and pick on me. This went on through high school unfortunately.

When I was 19 things began falling into place for me through sheer dumb luck. I was (wrongly) diagnosed with ADD and the adderall they put me on caused me to lose 70 lbs in ~2 months, then the family came into some money as a result of a medical malpractice suit that killed my grandmother a few years earlier and my dad paid for me to study Japanese in Japan for 6 months.

Losing the weight and going to Japan were exactly what I needed to shake off my miserable former self. I had finally done something I could be proud of and it just kept catalyzing more and more positive changes in my life. It’s weird to think I spent the first 20 years of my life hating myself, hating the world, hating my family, just as such a miserable guy. I love all those things now.

20. Beauty in Heartbreak

Had my first real breakup last year. For a while, I was devastated and truly depressed. However, after a while I began to discover more things about myself and what I wanted and what I liked. I began to appreciate things and people that I took for granted before. 2016 was one of the worst years of my life, but I can confidently say that so far 2017 is the best year of my life. I’m still single, but I’m truly happy with that and with myself.

21. Love Isn’t Magic

It showed me that love is not magic. It’s something that has to be worked at together. When one party can’t or won’t do equal work, the relationship fails. It feels amazingly good when it works and feels amazingly bad when it breaks down. The fact that my fairytale image of my parents marriage failure led me to (at least try to) have a more realistic view on life. No amount of want alone can make things happen in relationships. It’s like carrying a really big fish tank: it’s difficult with two people, and it’s pretty amazing to move things along to new places, but one person can’t do it. If someone isn’t invested in moving it along, it will drop and break. And it’s a real big mess to clean up and deal with all alone.

22. What’s In a Grade?

I locked myself in a bathroom stall and literally beat myself up for 15 minutes. I cried for many days afterward.

Soon enough, I got sick of living in this misery. I wanted to let go and accept it so I could just be happy. But to be happy in spite of such a grade would mean redefining my values.

Panicked, I looked up whether I could still stand a chance at Caltech, my dream university, if I got such a grade. The general consensus was “eh, pick somewhere else.”

That was it! Not “no, you suck,” not “no, Caltech wants smart people.” Just pick somewhere else.

So now I’ve truly accepted the loss of my valedictorian status, as painful as it may be. There’s nothing I can do about it now, and looking back, I can see that all this grade anxiety did nothing but crush my spirit. Now I centrally define myself as a friend, reader, learner, inquirer, helper, and daughter of God, identities that will endure my whole life – not as the tenuously hanging valedictorian.

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Internet Can’t Stop Laughing at Gangster Arrested Carrying a Gun from 1858

If there’s one thing the internet’s got in spades, it’s jokes about fools who got caught lookin’ silly. These days, you might just be one fail away from being the subject of your own viral social media thread.

The latest victim? A self-proclaimed gangster called Amador Carlos Martinez, who was recently pulled over by Fresno Police and was subsequently arrested for possession of a firearm.

Photo Credit: Fresno Police Department

What makes the case unique, however, is the TYPE of gun that Martinez had on him. Specifically, a Remington Model 1858 Black Powder Revolver.

Photo Credit: Fresno Police Department

According to the Fresno Police Department’s Facebook page:

On Monday, March 11, 2019, at 5:00 P.M. Southeast Special Response Team Officer Dillon Biggs and Officer Sukhbir Chauhan were proactively patrolling the area of Third St and Madison Ave in an effort to reduce gang violence and shootings in the Southeast Policing District. They initiated a traffic stop for a vehicle code violation. They contacted the driver, 19-year-old Amador Carlos Martinez, a self-admitted Ruthless Thug Life Fresno Bulldog Criminal Street Gang Member.

Martinez admitted to Officer Biggs he had a loaded 44 Magnum revolver under the driver seat. Martinez said he possessed the firearm for his protection against other gang members. Martinez was arrested and booked into the Fresno County Jail for being a felon in possession of a firearm. Please see the attached photograph of the handgun recovered and of suspect Amador Carlos Martinez

Naturally, people had jokes.

Photo Credit: Fresno Police Department

Photo Credit: Fresno Police Department

So many jokes.

Photo Credit: Fresno Police Department

Photo Credit: Fresno Police Department

Photo Credit: Fresno Police Department

Seriously, the comments thread on this is a goldmine.

Photo Credit: Fresno Police Department

Photo Credit: Fresno Police Department

Photo Credit: Fresno Police Department

Photo Credit: Fresno Police Department

I’d feel bad for the guy, but he is a convicted felon, so… I’ma keep laughing!

Photo Credit: Fresno Police Department

Photo Credit: Fresno Police Department

Too funny!

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15 People Discuss the Worst Movie They’ve Ever Seen

For every great movie out there, you’d better believe that there are just as many (if not way, way more) bad ones out there. What’s the absolute worst film you ever recall seeing?

While I won’t bore you with a lengthy diatribe about my pick for that (dis)honor, these AskReddit users felt no such need to hold back!

Share yours in the comments!

1. Sounds traumatic

“Gotti starring John Travolta. I took a girl on a second date as she wanted to see it due to her love for mob/mafia movies. I think I witnessed part of her soul die that night.

There was no third date.”

2. Not a fan

“Slenderman. F*ck that movie.”

3. Won’t be seeing that

“House of the Dead. Worst mesh of game and movie integration I have ever seen. Terrible directing with terrible actors in an incoherent plot.”

4. Not a good viewing experience

“Ahh there was a Ted Bundy movie that came out in the late 90s/early 2000s. I was sleeping over my cousins’ house and my uncle went to Blockbuster and asked for a “scary” movie, but I guess he didn’t specify that we were all like 12-15. We watched the whole thing. It was so so awful, and it wasn’t only because it was traumatic.”

5. Two doozies

“I’ll only focus on full budget, studio productions. Small-time movies are hard and I hardly blame people for messing those up.

Battlefield Earth – OK, so this is funny if you think of it as a comedy, but they clearly intended for it to be a real scifi movie. This is a movie that is 1000 years in the future and they find our fighter jets….in a hangar…..with fuel in them…..that still work when you turn them on….and are able to learn to fly them and shoot missiles with them(which also still work).

Highlander 2 – So the immortals we learned about….come from a planet….a planet where you die in normal time….but our two leads are punished by being sent to earth…..where they will be immortal….until the villain go to earth later himself…..not having aged even though he was back on the other planet.”

6. Hahahaha

“Gigli. My girlfriend at the time made me take her to see it. We broke up later that week.”

7. Heard some things about this…

“Fantastic Four (2015)

An awful movie that becomes completely incoherent in the 2nd half.”

8. Sounds incredible

“A little gem called Airplane vs Volcano. It’s on Amazon Prime. It stars Dean Cain. It’s about an airplane with about 6 passengers that gets stuck inside an emerging ring of volcanos off the coast of Hawaii. The pilots die due to… Don’t think about it.

And the airplane has an emergency auto-pilot that makes the plane fly in circles. You know! To avoid another 9/11. Now it’s up to Dean Cain and some other passengers to push past the volcanoes’ ash clouds. They have to survive… Meteors?

That always hit the wings of the plane. And a psycho who thinks Dead Cain is not doing his best, so he wants to form a mutiny and basically kill everyone. The Army is there, and they can help, except the general doesn’t want to because of reasons. So he waits until the final moment to send a squad of fighter jets, to fight volcanoes mind you, and get all the passengers to safety.

Dean Cain gets hit by… I have no fucking clue… But he decides to sacrifice himself by crashing the plane (which is now filled with bombs) into the Big Boss Volcano. Even though everyone was evacuated and he can be evacuated as well and get medical help, he goes though with it saying “You’re a big bitch” as he crashed into the big volcano.

Seriously 0/10 but it’s worth to watch.”

9. I need to check this out


With Gary Oldman, in the role of a lifetime…”

10. Atrocious

“After Earth.

The acting was atrocious and the story barely made any sense. I mean who’s idea was it to have Will Smith and Jayden Smith talk in shitty psuedo-english accents during the movie??? I mean I know it’s supposed to be “how english will sound like in the future,” but that seems somehow even more stupid.”

11. A Nic Cage delight

“The Wicker Man with Nic Cage. So awful I couldn’t leave the theater, crying laughing. Trying to create suspense by bicycling quickly through the countryside. So bad.”

12. Sounds decent

“Birdemic. It was so bad it was hilarious.”

13. Childhood = Ruined

“Dragonball Evolution. It was like watching a drunk guy vomit all over my childhood.”

14. What a load…

“Human Centipede 3. Not like I thought it would be anything more than a bad horror flick, but man what a load of annoying shit.”

15. Just terrible…

“That Adam Sandler movie ‘Jack & Jill’. It was terrible.”

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Satirical Article from ‘The Onion’ Inspires Chef to Create This Easy-to-Make Treat for Kids

The Onion has been entertaining internet audiences with their satirical news stories for years (and also faking some people out). But their headlines are usually along the lines of something like this:

Photo Credit: Facebook,The Onion

And we all have a good laugh at that person’s expense. But this example of a person falling for a headline from The Onion is actually really nice and heartwarming, so we just had to share it with you.

An Australian fella named Adam Liaw noticed an Onion story on Twitter, and he decided to reply to it.

Liaw is a chef – take a look at what he decided to do next.

How nice!

The next day Liaw came back and shared his creation. Follow the directions closely…

Photo Credit: Twitter

Good idea from the chef! And simple to make, too!

And finally, you’ll be able to use the leftover chocolate for other recipes.

Liaw was seriously praised for his efforts.

On behalf of all the parents out there, thanks, Mr. Liaw!

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Brave Passenger Live-Tweets the Entire Viking Sky Cruise Ship Ordeal

The recent disaster with the Viking Sky cruise ship that was stranded off the coast of Norway after it lost power has been the subject of national and international news.

But what most of you probably don’t know is that on board that ship was a true hero, a shining example of humanity who goes by the name of Alexus Sheppard.

Photo Credit: @alexus309

Alexus basically live-tweeted the entire clusterf*** as it was all going down.

Her videos had us all SHOOK.

Those waves were no joke!

As the world anxiously watched on, Alexus kept us all constantly updated.

Photo Credit: @alexus309

Even with her battery dying and probably very few options to charge her phone, she documented the whole thing.

Photo Credit: @alexus309

Photo Credit: @alexus309

Photo Credit: @alexus309

BUT WAIT, that’s not all! You see, she was also SIMULTANEOUSLY tweeting about gay rights in Tennessee!

So while everyone else onboard was looking haggard, Queen Alexus was lookin’ like this:


Eventually, conditions started to improve…

… And everyone made it safely to shore.

Before she was even on dry land again, Alexus was already tweeting about Mayor Pete.

I think it’s safe to say we all have a new gay icon now, and her name is Alexus Sheppard.


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25 Essential Rules for Parents Whose Kids are All Grown Up

A parent’s job is never done. Even when your kids are grown up and moved out and have lives of their own, you’re still their parent and they’ll still look to you for guidance and support.

Here are 25 important rules to help you do your best at parenting your adult children:

1. Stop asking when they’ll get married. Seriously.

2. Always pay for the meal at restaurants.

3. Support their choices – if they’re happy living in the weird part of town in a dingy studio, act as though you love it too.

4. Don’t embarrass them by pulling out awkward childhood photos.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

5. Be ready to become a storage facility for at least some of their unused stuff.

6. Don’t use emojis in text unless you really know how to use them. It just looks awkward.

7. There’s a 70% chance that clothes you bought for them without them being there won’t fit.

8. Let them be the one to suggest FaceTime. Don’t surprise them with it.

9. Stop messaging them video links on Facebook.

10. If they don’t want you on their Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc., respect that. Honestly, you may not want to see some of it anyway!

Photo Credit: Pixabay

11. Even if they’re having a tough time (heat turned off, noisy neighbors, etc.), don’t force them to come sleep at home. Let them know you’re here for them, but let them try to resolve things themselves.

12. Don’t be mad if you don’t get a “Thanks!” for helping them move, covering some groceries, buying furniture, or landing a job interview. Being a parent is a thankless job, and you already know that.

13. If they say something is a huge crisis, act like it is. Don’t try to downplay it.

14. While there’s nothing wrong with being sex-positive and helping your kids make better choices, don’t go overboard either. Even as adults, no one wants to talk to their parents about their sex life.

15. More often than not, your trips down memory lane are best kept to yourself.

16. Much like marriage (see Rule #1), don’t pester them about having kids.

17. Always help them with shopping for their grandparents. They have no idea what to get.

18. Don’t turn up to their place unannounced. You’ve been warned.

19. If you think they’re leaning towards a bad decision, gently question it, but don’t go too hard one way or the other. Ultimately, it’s their decision to make.

20. Your adult kids don’t need your help – until they do.

21. They may not always remember your birthday. You must still never forget theirs.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

22. If they haven’t answered your texts for a little bit, don’t freak out.

23. Unless there’s a ring on it, you don’t need to buy their significant other a holiday gift. It may backfire if a “casual” friend (kids these days) gets the wrong idea.

24. Be comfortable with the fact that you might be on a need-to-know basis when it comes to their lives. Don’t worry, when they really need you, they’ll come to you.

25. Stop pressuring them. You’re probably doing it even when you think you aren’t. Stop.

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Nosy Friend Asked Mom About her Daughter “Dating a Black Boy,” Mom’s Response is Gold

Like any good mom, Heather Boyer just wants her daughter to be happy. It’s pretty much all any of us can hope for as parents, especially once our kids start growing up. As long as they’re happy, you can feel assured about life. That policy also extends (rightly so) for anyone your child might choose to love.

Boyer’s daughter recently changed her profile picture on Facebook to a photo with her new boyfriend, who happens to be black.

Photo Credit: Facebook,Heather Boyer

Almost immediately, Boyer got a text message from someone asking if she knew her daughter was dating “a black boy.”

Boyer took to Facebook to explain her outrage with the situation.

Photo Credit: Facebook,Heather Boyer

Boyer’s post went viral in a huge way and other people shared their own personal stories of interracial love.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

And this last one is really great.

Photo Credit: Facebook

And others were surprised that people are still so narrow-minded in this day and age.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Boyer was touched by the huge response.

Photo Credit: Facebook

It’s 2019, people. Get with the times!

The post Nosy Friend Asked Mom About her Daughter “Dating a Black Boy,” Mom’s Response is Gold appeared first on UberFacts.

Here are the Largest Religious Groups Across Every County in the America

Do you ever wonder what exactly is the breakdown of religious groups where you live? As I drive around town, I see churches, mosques, and temples, and I ask myself that question all the time.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The Washington Post gathered data from the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies to put together the following map, which will answer all of those questions for you. As you can see, certain regions of the country are strongly dominated by one religion, especially the South and the Northeast.

Photo Credit: Mental Floss

Here’s a larger version of the key so you can get a good idea of what’s going on in your community.

Photo Credit: Mental Floss

Here’s what their map of the second-most practiced religions in each state (besides Christianity) looks like.

Photo Credit: U.S. Religion Census

And here’s the county-level map of second-largest religions after Christianity.

Photo Credit: U.S. Religion Census

Pretty interesting, right?

(h/t: Mental Floss)

We know you can choose a lot of sites to read, but we want you to know that we’re thankful you chose Did You Know.

You rock! Thanks for reading!

The post Here are the Largest Religious Groups Across Every County in the America appeared first on UberFacts.