15 of the Ugliest Belgian Houses You’ll Ever See

There are no shortage of things in this world that go so far down the ugly scale they begin to somehow get cuter – like the scale is actually a loop and not a straight line.

I wouldn’t have guessed that this would apply to houses, but thanks to blogger Hannes Coudenys, now I do. Belgium is notorious for its quirky buildings, and in 2012 Coudenys started an Instagram account documenting some of the weirder ones.

It’s called Ugly Belgian Houses, and even architects and architecture enthusiasts can’t get enough.

After you scroll through these 15 bizarre architectural oddities, you’re not going to be able to, either.

#1. Are you sure it’s finished?

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David Gebouwi

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#2. A couple couldn’t decide on what kind of house to build and so this happened?

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#3. Warped storage box or a house?

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Calimero house

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#4. Why would you do this.

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Ugly Belgian house protecting it’s nest.

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#5. So weird.

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Nobody puts Baby in the corner

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#6. No idea what’s happening here.

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All roads lead to R̶o̶m̶e̶ an Ugly Belgian House.

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#7. It’s a door! It’s a window! It’s both!

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You had one job (pic by @_schrooten )

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#8. That’s quite a beak.

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Luke, I am your house

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#9. I can’t stop staring.

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The temple of boom shake shake shake the room

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#10. Is it falling apart?

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Sink outside the box

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#11. This one, though.

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When your house is a vegetarian

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#12. It looks like it’s made of Legos.

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#13. I’m strangely uncomfortable.

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When your architect fell asleep

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#14. Somebody pissed this house off.

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#15. In a science fiction movie, this is where the evil scientists are being all evil-y.

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Chernobelgium (pic by @pabloxcepeda )

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You can keep up on Instagram or Facebook.

Hot tip: don’t build a house like this.

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People Continue to NOT Recognize Tony Hawk, and It’s Hilarious

Tony Hawk just can’t catch a break, can he? Who knows why, but Hawk just can’t get anyone to believe he’s really the man he says he is. We’ve previously documented how often the world-famous skateboarder doesn’t get recognized, and we’ve got a new example – it happened when Hawk was trying to rent a car.

Sorry Mr. Hawk, but it happened again. But since he’s such a nice guy, he didn’t call out the person or the rental car company by name.

Just like the many times when he wasn’t recognized in public, people loved this story about Hawk’s misfortunes.

And someone made this great collage on Hawk’s famous video game cover.

Classic! All I can say is that I would recognize you, Mr. Hawk!

At least I think I would…

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15+ Tweets That Prove Cats Are Equal Parts Weird and Adorable

Cats. Humans can totally live without them, but it seems we don’t want to: they’re cute, they’re funny, and maybe we’re hoping that if we feed them they’ll ultimately decide not to murder us in our sleep.

The 17 tweets below prove that we’re right to be worried, because the little floofs among us are as weird as they are adorable.

#1. Are you sure that’s a cat?

#2. She has her reasons.

#3. Cats watching cats never disappoints.

#4. He just wants to make sure you still love him.

#5. Oh, hey, fancy meeting you here!

#6. Stellar use of a hidden camera, if you ask me.

#7. It’s best to make yourself look large in the face of a potential threat.

#8. This cat is basically a toddler.

#9. That’s everyone’s dilemma, my friend, regardless of profession.

#10. He’s pretty sure no one can see him now.

#11. Er.

#12. They do not care about your wants, human.

#13. An apt comparison.

#14. I’m going to go ahead and blame “parenting.”

#15. Someone is confused about the predator/prey relationship here, and it’s everyone.

#16. She’s not exaggerating. Fair warning.

#17. Just living up to his namesake, is all.

Cats: Still the best argument for the internet.

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10+ “Genuises” Who Forged Documents and Didn’t Think They’d Get Caught

Before I start tearing all these forgers a new one, ask yourself a question: when is the last time somebody compared the signature on your credit card with the signature you signed?

Probably can’t remember, can you? True story… I’ve literally just written a big, fat “X” down in the signature field and people have accepted it, no questions asked. Of course, it was my credit card, but nobody asked me for my ID.

So we definitely live in a world, where people just take documents at face value. No questions asked. But our signatures are supposed to be our bond. How can we get back to that?

The following 12 people know this all too well, and most were successful in their deceit.

1. Just a minor violation…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Okay, that is seriously fucked up.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Caught!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Caught again!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Damn.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. You’re probably just hurting yourself, but whatevs…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. How would diabetes disqualify you from a job? Seems shaky…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Nailed it.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. How would they ever check this anyway?

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Well, that didn’t work out as planned…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Ivy league scammers, your day will come…

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. “Many a signature” almost sounds charming. Almost.

Photo Credit: Whisper

Forgery is a legit crime, and if you’re caught you can get some serious prison time.

Basically, don’t try and get away with doing stuff like this. Because it’s more likely than not that you’ll get caught.

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15 States Where It’s Actually Legal to Fire Someone Just for Being LGBTQ

Believe it or not, there are still places in the United States – in 2019! – where there are no protections in place keeping gay people from being fired from their jobs for simply being who they are.

These 15 states below offer no protection at all for LGBT people from being terminated from employment.

All of the statistics below come from the Movement Advancement Project.

1. Texas

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Texas: 873,454

2. Arkansas

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Arkansas: 76,251

3. North Carolina

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in North Carolina: 323,319

4. South Dakota

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in South Dakota: 19,939

5. Wyoming

Photo Credit: GoodFreePhotos

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Wyoming: 14,618

6. Mississippi

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Mississippi: 79,814

7. North Dakota

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in North Dakota: 15,697

8. West Virginia

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in West Virginia: 57,667

9. Virginia

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Virginia: 259,268

10.  Missouri

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Missouri: 180,486

11. Kansas

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Kansas: 72,783

12. Louisiana

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Louisiana: 138,998

13. South Carolina

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in South Carolina: 139,236

14. Nebraska

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Nebraska: 55,192

15. Oklahoma

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Oklahoma: 113,491

Here is a complete list of local non-discrimination ordinances across the U.S.

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“Overheard New York” Instagram Account Is Just Too Funny

I’m not sure why it took someone this long to come up with this brilliant idea, but at least we have it now, right?

The Instagram account Overheard New York is exactly what it sounds like, and that’s a good thing. No, it’s a great thing.

Because who doesn’t love New York, New Yorkers, and the things they have to say?

I know I do!

1. Absolutely heavenly

2. Forget about the taste

3. The daily grind

4. Absolutely not

5. Uggghhhh

6. Hey, it happens

7. That’s how it goes here

8. Oh…

9. You bet it is

10. Help each other out

11. Very specific

12. Roommates

13. Hahaha

14. Regular ass, please

15. Constant struggle

I love New York! Don’t you?

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This Mom is Changing the Game by Shooting Portraits of Girls in Sparkly Dresses and Sports Gear

From a young age, girls are sent the message that they have to either be girly-girls or tomboys. There’s no in between and there’s no overlapping.

Well, not anymore.

Heather Mitchell runs HMP Couture Imagery in Alabama, and she shoots portraits of young girls who want to do what they want to do. Her series is called “Because you can do it all”, and it has gone viral in a big way.

Dress by Dollcake

Posted by HMP Couture Imagery on Friday, April 12, 2019

Mitchell said, “My youngest daughter is 8 and she is trying softball this year for the first time. We were at practice a few weeks ago and I was talking with the other moms. I was saying that I hoped Paislee learned to love the game because she was athletic. One of the moms told me that she was not athletic, that she was a girly-girl.”

She added, “I couldn’t sleep that night. All I could think was, ‘Why does she have to choose?’ I played every sport my school offered and wore lipstick to every game. So the next day we went to the studio and created her shot.”

Posted by AnthonyAshley Kelsoe on Thursday, April 18, 2019

After posting shots of her daughter Paislee on Facebook, the requests from other moms came flooding in.

Take a look at these young ladies.

Dress by Dollcake

Posted by HMP Couture Imagery on Friday, April 12, 2019

Posted by HMP Couture Imagery on Friday, April 12, 2019

Mitchell added a final comment. “My parent taught me that I could be anything I wanted growing up. I didn’t realize till I was much older that everyone is not that blessed.”

Great stuff! Remember girls – you can do it all!

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10 Absolutely Insane Confessions by People Who Got Away With Something Serious

This is some crazy shit folks.

I’ve gotten away with like, stealing some candy from a store once. That I went back and paid for because my conscience wouldn’t let me rest until I did.

I don’t know how these people live.


Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Oh how I wish this person would be found out…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Wow. That must have been some excuse!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. That’s a lot of work to essentially be super lazy.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Jeezus, what job is that?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. 128 million reasons to lie…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. What would mom think?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Hmmm, something seems fishy here…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. How do schools not check this stuff?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Well, if you’re going to do it, do it right!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Told you those were nuts!

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A Surprising Number of Parents Are Googling “Is My Son Gay?”

Parents are Googling “is my son gay” 28x more often than “is my son a genius”, and more than twice as often as they’re Googling similar questions about their daughters.

In fact, people Google the same question about their husbands, uncles, fathers, and the other men in their lives way more than they ask about their daughter’s sexuality, according to multiple studies.

Sociologist Tristan Bridges, who studies gender identity, took a deep dive into the historical and social reasons these results may seem surprising, but actually aren’t. Really everyone raising and/or loving a member of the male sex should stop and evaluate their feelings when it comes to male sexuality – cause we’ve got a big ol’ double standard here.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Our society connects gender expression to sexual orientation, and when boys do things outside their gender “norm,” like crossdressing, playing with dolls, or befriending girls more often than boys, more often than not they do actually grow up to be gay or trans.

However, predicting homosexuality is not at all simple, and averages are almost never applicable on the individual level, which means that Googling “is my son gay” when he is young is not only useless but also potentially stigmatizing. Experts maintain that there is only one sign of homosexuality that parents should really be looking out for, and it’s when their child says, “I’m gay.”

Sociologists Monica Caudillo and Emma Mishel told Fatherly that they’d found the same gender gap during their 2016 research.

Image Credit: Pixabay

“We find that people ask Google whether their sons are gay about twice as commonly as whether their daughters are gay or lesbian. To really understand the patterns in Google search behavior we discovered, you need to understand the ways three interrelated theories of gender and sexual inequality overlap and work together.”

American culture values a strong link between masculinity and heterosexuality that is reinforced by boys calling other boys “gay” when they don’t act “manly” enough as a child. Therefore, masculine conformity is policed from a young age, while anything associated with females or femininity is simultaneously devalued.

Similarly, as a society we tend to question men’s heterosexuality more easily than women’s – females who have same-sex sexual encounters are free to maintain a heterosexual identity without trouble, while men who admit a single same-sex experience may be immediately labeled gay or bi-sexual, even if they don’t identify that way.

The data is pulled from anonymous Google searches, and the fact that researchers have no information on the searchers is both good and bad, scientifically. On the one hand, there’s no way to know if the people Googling are dads or moms, conservatives or liberals, etc. There’s no way to break down the results by demographic.

Image Credit: Pixabay

On the other, no one who’s data was studied knows they’re being studied, either, and there are advantages to that. According to Bridges,

“While people might, for instance, hesitate before checking “yes” on a survey asking whether they have ever questioned their children’s sexualities before, they might not have the same hesitancy in regards to asking Google questions.”

The sociologists all agree on one point, and it’s that the searches don’t necessarily mean parents are homophobic. They should, however, serve as a reminder that we all live in a society more unforgiving of boys who violate masculinity norms. Good parents have a duty to encourage boys as well as girls to be themselves.

Also, remember – Google doesn’t have answers, it only has information. What you choose to do with it is up to you.

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12 Guys Openly Share Secrets About Dating That Most People Wouldn’t Guess

The dating experiences for men and women can be VERY different.

Gender roles. Societal expectations. Basic sexual attraction. They all play a big role in who we date and what we expect. And keeping up with it all can be complicated and exhausting.

These 12 men share their struggles with dating and tips about how to treat a lady. And while some of this is eye opening… some of it is a bit douchey.

Hang on! It’s about to get weird in here.

1. Really?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Well, now you know how women feel, right?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. This is what women say they want, so hopefully they do understand.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. I know a lot of men who would disagree.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Devastating!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. The background picture on this is amazing.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Hahaha, okay buddy.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. I’m pretty sure women know…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. And I bet they do the same to you, pal!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Another good test!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Seems like a bad test…

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. You know, this is completely cool. Good test!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Learn anything new?

Hope so! ???

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