15 People Remember the Conversations They’ve Had with Famous People

Have you ever had a real conversation with a celebrity? I’m talking about a talk that, while brief, wasn’t just you bumping into them randomly on the street? Or just posing with them for a photo?

AskReddit users shared their celebrity stories and some of them might even make you jealous.

Do you have your own celebrity encounter story? Share it in the comments!

1. Dave Chappelle

“Dave Chappelle. I was working Night Audit(overnight) at a Mid Luxury hotel in Napa. He and 6-7 friends rode up on motorcycles at like 2am and asked to get rooms for 2 nights. Apparently, they were in a road trip to nowhere and would just stop each night where they stopped. They had a few people following them in a truck and trailer.

He is a pretty legit insomniac and would sit in the front steps for 5-6 hours each night on his phone smoking. They decided to extend and ended up staying a total of 6 nights. On night 2, I went out and asked for a light and we ended up chatting a few hours. It repeated for 3 nights and I got to hang out with him about 10 hours total. Smart, thoughtful, articulate, and genuine person. The humor is just him. I was actually blown away with how precise his natural whit and timing was.

Saw him at a show in SF last year and he recognized me. Shouted out from stage “Yo… I know you… You still working nights?”

Great human.”

2. Buzz

“Buzz Aldrin. Just my family and I got to spend a few days with him touring around the Kennedy Space Center. I was 12 and had no idea what kinds of questions to ask him. So all I could think of was “Were you scared during launch?” and, “What does Moon ground feel like?”

I got back in contact with him l a few years back when I called to notify him that my Dad had passed away. He said that he remembered my father and was proud that I followed in his footsteps by majoring in Aerospace Engineering for my Bachelor’s.”

3. Two comedy legends

“Jim Carrey and Robin Williams. They visited the St Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis TN. They both were incredibly nice and hilarious. This small kid fell into the floor and was crying and kicking his legs so Jim Carrey (in a very expensive suit) dropped to the floor and did the same just to stop him from crying. Robin Williams wore the nose from Patch Adams and much more hairy than he looked in the movies.”

4. Crocodile Hunter

“Steve Irwin in an elevator when I was 11. He asked me where I was from and if there was any crocodiles in the pool and I told him I went to his zoo and how cool it was. He was exactly how you think he’d be, just a really nice guy and a great dude.”

5. Ripley!

“Sigourney Weaver, just after Aliens was released on VHS. A buddy of mine and I were riding up the gondola at the mountain where we were on the ski team, she was in the singles line, and we didn’t know who she was until the end of the ride up (~10 mins), when she said something, and he and I (both being about 12, so we had both obviously seen Aliens, as good children of the 80’s) were both like… “Ripley?”

She was kind enough to repeat “get away from her, you bitch!” for us.”

6. A nice guy

“Jason Mamoa. Bumped into him when I went rock climbing with my girlfriends. He liked my Batman shirt hahaha.”

7. Dolly

“Dolly Parton. My grandpa is good friends with her. She’s a peach.”

8. That is amazing

“Played a round of golf with Bill Murray, was awesome.”

9. Swayze

“Patrick Swayze! Dude was super nice!

I used to work at a small airport in Van Nuys, CA. Mr. Swayze and his wife owned an older King Air that they flew themselves. My very first day on the job, while I was standing on a ladder fueling his plane, Mr. Swayze was inspecting his plane before a flight. He found a small puddle of fluid (left behind by a previous aircraft) on the ground under one of his engines and dipped his middle finger in it, held it up to me and asked, “Hey what the fuck is this?”

He clarified that he was just joking when he saw me internally freaking out. He usually tipped really really well whenever I helped with his bags and pulled his truck around (especially when his goldendoodle clawed me in the face once) and I remember his wife coming to an older, unused hangar once to pull a litter of kittens out from under a car to take them to the vet.

This was all before he got his cancer diagnosis, and I left the job before he died. I do remember being legitimately sad for his wife when I read he had passed. The guy didn’t really take too much time to know me, but he was always very friendly, very polite, and made it a point to treat us like people. I met a handful of famous (and not famous, but connected and wealthy) people while I worked there – but he was the one I’ll always remember. Dude was awesome.”

10. The Boss

“Bruce Springsteen stayed at the hotel I used to work at in college and I got to carry the band’s guitars from the hotel to the stage which was cool( he was playing before a speech from President Obama).

When I was grabbing them from his room his wife was nagging him about his hair and he just laughed and came out in the hallway with me and chatted for a minute or so. Asked me if I was married(I wasn’t) and told me to expect the nagging if I were to get married.”

11. This is great

“Samuel L. Jackson. Even got to end the conversation on him calling me a motherfucker. I put that shit on my resume.

Was in an IHOP at like 2 am. Went to check out and the cashier was all smiles and anxiously said, “There’s a celebrity behind you.” Rolled my eyes and figured it was gonna be someone like Jimmy Fallon or Joe Rogan. Turn around and there in all his glory is Samuel L. Jackson. In a pink plaid golf outfit. Hat and all. His friend was in the same but it was baby blue. I was legit star struck, mouth agape.

SLJ proceeds to channel some Jules Winfield on me and my friend, “DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN. You two acting like I held you up at gunpoint or some shit. Tell me, do I……… intimidate you? ”

Without missing a beat, and the only time I’ll ever think of anything remotely this witty, I tell him, “We’re not intimidated by anyone that can get their ass kicked by Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall with a mop handle.”

SLJ is caught flat footed for a split second and starts laughing his ass off. We get to chill with him for a bit and chat him up. When he says he’s gotta bounce, I ask for a favor. “Now, I don’t do autographs,” he starts. “Ain’t no one gonna believe me with some napkin or something anyways. Could you call me a motherfucker? ”

He laughs uproariously and stone faces us mid laugh, “you’re a motherfucker.”

I’m a six foot three dude and I melted on the spot, shivers running up my spine.”

12. Spike

“I once shot a movie with Spike Lee. Very low budget, independent thing with a tiny crew and tinier cast. We were together everyday for a week but he never said a word to me beyond some notes. Anyway, on the last day of filming we were coming back from lunch and I was standing outside having a cigarette when he comes walking by.

He says something like “Ahh, so this is where the smokers all hang, huh?” and I just kind of laugh and say Yeah. He looks at my beat up sneakers and goes “What kind of shoes are those?” I tell him I don’t actually know, and he looks at me like I just took a dump on the sidewalk and says “You don’t know?” and I tell him I’d run a 5k three years earlier and had needed some running shoes, so I bought the cheapest ones.

This dude reaches into the cargo pocket of his pants and pulls out a fat envelope. He opens the envelope and I see that it’s full of Nike gift cards. Like, a hundred Nike gift cards. He pulls out two, hands them to me, and says “There’s two gift cards, $75 a piece. Get yourself some new Jordans” and walks away.”

13. Full Metal Jacket!

“R. Lee Ermey, The Gunny. Just an all-around down to earth badass dude. Met him at WWII Weekend here in PA years ago, along with my younger brother who got inspired to become an US Marine. It was a honor to meet him.”

14. Tom Hanks

“Tom Hanks. He was the host for the national christmas tree lighting, and I volunteer with the decorations every year. He was looking at some and talking to his wife about them. As I was facing away at first I just kept thinking that sounds like woody from Toy Story.

I turn around and low and behold it was. The nicest couple you could imagine, just pleasent conversation for a few minutes and they were called off to do something. Both pleased and disappointed I didn’t ask for a selfie, but I was geeking out nonetheless.”

15. Rock star

“Steven Tyler came into my car dealership. One of the managers came up to me and said, “I need you to help a VERY special client.” I joking asked who and said, “it isn’t another footballer player, is it?”

He didn’t think it was funny. Walk to where Steven was and my jaw dropped. Hard to maintain professionalism when you have music royalty in front of you. After he had left, one of my coworkers came up to me and said, “whoa! That was the dude from American idol!” I wanted to slap him.”

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The Anthony Bourdain Food Trail in New Jersey Is Now Open

Anthony Bourdain was truly one-of-a-kind. He was able to genuinely connect with people of all backgrounds in every single corner of the world.

Photo by Vogue: http://vogue.cm/AcLVEjQ

Posted by Anthony Bourdain on Friday, October 21, 2016

And although most people viewed Bourdain as a New Yorker, he actually grew up in New Jersey in a town called Leonia. Bourdain frequently talked about his favorite places to eat in the Garden State and visited them on his television shows. And now his home state is paying tribute to the late chef/writer/TV host with a food trail dedicated to Bourdain’s favorite New Jersey restaurants.

After Bourdain’s tragic suicide in June 2018, an assemblyman in New Jersey named Paul Moriarty proposed establishing an official food trail dedicated to Bourdain’s favorite eateries.

The trail draws on Bourdain’s New Jeresey-themed episode of Parts Unknown and features restaurants throughout the whole state, from Fort Lee in the north to just outside of Philadelphia to stops along the southern Jersey Shore.

The food trail passed a vote in January and was officially inaugurated last week. The trail was officially launched from Hiram’s Roadstand in Fort Lee, New Jersey.

Bourdain’s brother Chris was there for the inauguration and said about Hiram’s, “We’d hang here a lot. When Mom would be too tired to cook, we’d find ourselves at Hiram’s — at least once a month.”

The restaurants on the trail include:

Kubel’s (Barnegat Light)
Hiram’s Roadstand (Fort Lee)
Tony & Ruth Steaks (Camden)
Donkey’s Place (Camden)
Lucille’s Country Cooking (Barnegat)
Frank’s Deli (Asbury Park)
James Candy Company (Atlantic City)
Knife & Fork (Atlantic City)
Dock’s Oyster House (Atlantic City)
Tony’s Baltimore Grill (Atlantic City)

Sounds like a great road trip to me!

Mr. Bourdain, you are missed dearly.


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Nurses Admit the Worst Things People Got Stuck Inside of Them. Yikes.

Are people ever gonna learn? You probably shouldn’t put foreign objects in the orifices of your body! I mean ever!

Here are genital horror stories from the Buzzfeed community and they are absolutely harrowing!

Nothing can prepare you for this, so here we go!

1. That’s your revenge?

“A lady came in with a knife still in her vagina. She claimed that an intruder assaulted her, but the area was not bleeding; it was as if the knife was slid into her.

She later revealed that she did it herself to ‘get revenge’ on her boyfriend…”


“My step-grandma was a gynecologist.

She once had an older woman come in, and at one point they took X-rays.

Apparently the woman had a potato growing in her uterus. INSIDE OF HER UTERUS!”

3. I fell on it…

“My adoptive mom who was a nurse once had a patient who came in with a flashlight stuck up his butt.

He claimed that he accidentally fell on it, but he had a history of ‘falling’ on objects that way.”


“A coworker of mine had a patient who decided to stick a crochet needle up his penis while drunk.

The urologist on call had to surgically remove the object.”

5. Not a joke

“A guy tried to make a butt plug out of Lego and duct tape, and got it stuck in his ass.

I wish I was kidding.”

6. Not very bright (Hey o!)

“My mom always remembers the guy who put a lightbulb up his ass.

I asked her how they got it out, and her response was, ‘With great difficulty.’”

7. We need that back

“One night a man came in with the biggest black dildo I have ever seen shoved in his butt. We actually had to follow him around while holding a bucket under his ass.

When it was finally removed, his partner asked us to clean it off and said, ‘We’re going to need that back,’ and then she winked at me.”

8. This is insane

“A man came into the ER, blue in the face, looking like he was about to die. They checked all over his body but couldn’t figure out what was wrong. They flipped him over and saw a TAIL coming out of his butt. After doing a CT scan, they found a rat inside his rectum. The rat bit off part of his colon, and the man was suffering from internal bleeding, which is why his face turned blue.

Apparently the man decided to place a condom over the live rat to suffocate it and then place it up his butt so its breathing would hit his prostate and he would feel pleasure. The man made a full recovery, but the poor rat died.”

9. Time for surgery

“I work at the gastrointestinal lab at a local hospital. We were doing a colonoscopy on a guy who had a carrot stuck up his butt…that his wife put there. We weren’t able to remove it, so he had to go into surgery. The colon is curved, people. Don’t shove straight, long things up there that aren’t flexible.”

10. Trailing behind him

“I once had a guy come in with a shower head up his butt. He had the whole hose trailing behind him like a tail as well.”

11. Ballerina

“My friend is a nurse in the ER. One time a guy came in and complained that something was stuck in his urethra.

He said it hurt too bad to take out, and he ultimately started bleeding from there.

Turns out it was a little ballerina figurine from a music wind-up jewelry box. Wow.”

12. What is wrong with everyone?

“The craziest thing was when a man came in with a Barbie doll’s arm stuck in his urethra (pee hole).

Apparently, he ordered a sex doll off eBay, and when it arrived it was actually a Barbie doll.

He was so angry that he ripped off the doll’s arm and shoved it up his penis.”

13. At least it was a toy

“I once had a patient come in with stomach pains. I took an X-ray of his abdomen and asked what happened.

He told me he didn’t know. I hung his X-ray on the light box and saw that there was a toy lizard in his rectum.”

14. That sounds awful

“A prisoner came in with penis issues. Turned out he shoved a piece of floss really far up his urethra, just so he could get out of his cell.”

15. Did you learn a lesson?

“I’m a nurse in an ER. One day a woman came waddling in with a set of tongs stuck between her legs.

She used them to masturbate and inserted the tongs into her vagina. The clip that holds the tongs shut opened, and the tongs became hopelessly lodged into her vagina.

She had to be taken to the operating room to have them surgically removed and nearly perforated her uterus.”

Okay, I need a shower… stat!

The post Nurses Admit the Worst Things People Got Stuck Inside of Them. Yikes. appeared first on UberFacts.

All of These Photos Are Going to Make You Very Uncomfortable

I gotta say…these pics are just downright weird. Bizarre. Strange. Odd. Uncomfortable.

Pretty much any word you can think of that is similar to “unpleasant” sums up these photos.

They all come to us courtesy of Unusual Images on Facebook. Thanks a lot….

1. What?!?!

Posted by Unusual Images on Monday, June 17, 2019

2. Totally normal

Posted by Unusual Images on Wednesday, June 19, 2019

3. Smoke ’em if you got ’em

Posted by Unusual Images on Friday, June 14, 2019

4. Awwwww

Posted by Unusual Images on Tuesday, June 11, 2019

5. Clearly a con man

Posted by Unusual Images on Saturday, June 8, 2019

6. Wow

Posted by Unusual Images on Tuesday, June 11, 2019

7. I’m next!

Posted by Unusual Images on Friday, June 7, 2019

8. Don’t go too far out

Posted by Unusual Images on Thursday, June 6, 2019

9. Absolutely disgusting

Posted by Unusual Images on Wednesday, June 5, 2019

10. Hello?

Posted by Unusual Images on Tuesday, June 4, 2019

11. That is kind of amazing

Posted by Unusual Images on Sunday, June 2, 2019

12. He is!

Posted by Unusual Images on Saturday, June 1, 2019

13. NO

Posted by Unusual Images on Wednesday, May 29, 2019

14. YES

Posted by Unusual Images on Friday, May 24, 2019

15. Whatever works

Posted by Unusual Images on Friday, May 24, 2019

Nightmare fuel, no doubt about that.

The post All of These Photos Are Going to Make You Very Uncomfortable appeared first on UberFacts.

A Guy Compared Scraped Knees to Period Pain, Gets Obliterated

There are plenty of sympathetic men who do their best to put themselves in the shoes of the ladies in their lives, and who would never, ever trivialize the pain a woman feels once a month, every month, for decades.

And that’s not even mentioning childbirth.

Even less “woke” men are aware that dismissing period pain is off-limits – at least, if you want to stay in your wife or girlfriend’s good graces – which means it takes a special kind of insensitivity to try to convince all of Twitter that your skinned knees are as bad as the cramps your monthly visitor brings along in her suitcase.

But that’s exactly what @_sargee tweeted, accompanied by a soccer player (presumably not him) sliding on his knees on turf..

He had to know what he was in for, right? And he was looking to ruffle feathers or start a fight?

That’s my story, because I just don’t see how anyone could be this un-ironically obtuse.

Also…women athletes experience skinned knees all the time? And so does every child who plays outside in the summer?

I mean. Yeah. Boom.

Sorry not sorry.

It wasn’t just women blasting him, either.

Yeah, something like that.

Sarcasm warranted.

An undisputed fact.

And we can just leave this last little observation right here.

Please tweet responsibly, my friends. You don’t want to find yourself in the crosshairs.

The post A Guy Compared Scraped Knees to Period Pain, Gets Obliterated appeared first on UberFacts.

LGBTQ Folks Share Their ‘Gayest’ Childhood Photos

We’re hearing a lot more coming out stories lately with happy endings – stories about parents loving and accepting their children for who they are no matter what, and wanting nothing more than for them to be happy in the life that they’re leading.

Which means we’re also getting some amazing pictures of these LGBTQ people in their childhood. These moments, captured forever on film, are likely why their parents weren’t all that shocked at the coming out – they’d literally had years to rehearse their responses.

The images were originally submitted to a blog called Born This Way that provides a community for LGBTQ people as they talk about what it was like growing up gay or queer.

#18. “Back when I wanted to be a ‘fixer’ and my wardrobe consisted mainly of cargo pants and dragon T-shirts. I’m currently sitting here in basketball shorts and a Spiderman T-shirt, so I really shouldn’t judge younger me’s fashion sense. I think exactly no one was surprised when I came out.”

Photo Credit: StarBurned

#17. “Think this about sums it up…”

Photo Credit: brandonm28

#16. “Walking and already fabulous.”

Photo Credit: Chris

#15. “1992: I used to build shelves with my dad, but only while wearing my Mickey construction shirt and with stamps on my arms to represent tattoos. Grew up to be very gay.”

Photo Credit: Britt

#14. “My Halloween costume when I was in fifth grade! I wanted to be a girl that year so bad. I was 10… and somehow my family didn’t catch on! Lol.”

Photo Credit: e4fd78b80d

#13. “I’m the sassy lion in the front.”

Photo Credit: akenigsberg

#12. “When I was a little boy, I was allowed to play with dolls. After I came out to my family I asked my mom why she let me and she simply said ‘You wanted them so bad and I wanted to make you happy.’ Clearly from my face you can tell I was happy.”

Photo Credit: jonathanm416a87015

#11. “Here’s my baby lesbian picture circa 1999. I was really hoping my parents would use this as a headshot, I still don’t know why they didn’t.”

Photo Credit: strobertson9

#10. “Me: I’m gay. / Parents: What? No you’re not.”

Photo Credit: justinbreton

#9. “I would vacuum the carpet while wearing this. And I called myself Jeanette. #DragQueenAspirations

Photo Credit: adamlewis

#8. “Me around 4 or 5, dancing to Whitney Houston’s ‘Queen of the Night.’ I still love that song.”

Photo Credit: smeredith89

#7. “What can I say? I have a flair for the dramatics.”

Photo Credit: ANDY

#6. “I brokebacked before Brokeback.”

Photo Credit: ivancommajoseph

#5. “I look so fucking stoked. Transguy who still now wears a leather jacket and killer glasses.”

Photo Credit: ollieow

#4. “I don’t quite remember why I did this, but I mean…I wasn’t mad, check out that smile.”

Photo Credit: marshallamplify

#3. “I’ve always wondered why my parents thought I was gay. Now I know why…”

Photo Credit: tylerl422d13561

#2. “Came across this picture a couple years ago and couldn’t quite believe it. I’ll let it speak for itself. #babybutch”

Photo Credit: maddief4413102cd

#1. “Very embarrassed I wasn’t wearing Andrew Christian briefs.”

Photo Credit: Jon-Michael Poff

h/t: Buzzfeed

Check these out before you go!

7 Strange Facts About What Intimacy Was Like in Revolutionary America

20 Foods from Your Childhood That You Will Never Taste Again

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These Things Have No Reason to Exist, and yet Somehow They Do

I’m talking about those little annoying things you run into on a daily basis and think, “Why, in this day and age, am I still dealing with this sh*t?”

Below are 15 perfect examples of stuff we just shouldn’t have to face anymore.

#15. Whyyyyy!!

“For Christmas my dad got me a bluetooth frisbee that’s supposed to connect to your phone and play music. It doesn’t make any sense to me why this thing seemed like a good idea to make. Its heavy, it sounds like crap, you’re supposed to throw this speaker that supposedly playing music you like away from you when you get it + it’s limited on how far you can throw it because it’s connected to your phone. Also it’s hard to carry because it’s so big so it wouldn’t even be fun to bring anywhere even if you need a bluetooth speaker. Whyyy!!

*edits *Thank you kind stranger for the silver *edited first sentence for clarity (it plays whatever you tell it to not just Christmas music) *For those who asked for a link, here it is they must have known it was terrible because it’s marketed as a flying sound disc instead of a frisbee. *RIP my inbox TIL frisbee is a trademark of Wham-O?”

#14. False advertising.

“Fake Youtube Pranks and Youtube Video Clickbait

These videos are monetized so the creators are making $$$ off of False Advertising.”

#13. Brains, man.


My brain: “hate yourself”

Me: “but why?”

My brain: “just do it.”

Edit: oh wow my first silver. Cool!

Edit 2: now I’ve got 1 of everything! Can’t wait to pass these onto others! Thank you!”

#12. Nope.

“sushi at gas stations.”

#11. Koala rant incoming


Here’s the copypasta:

Koalas are fucking horrible animals. They have one of the smallest brain to body ratios of any mammal, additionally – their brains are smooth. A brain is folded to increase the surface area for neurons. If you present a koala with leaves plucked from a branch, laid on a flat surface, the koala will not recognise it as food. They are too thick to adapt their feeding behaviour to cope with change. In a room full of potential food, they can literally starve to death. This is not the token of an animal that is winning at life.

Speaking of stupidity and food, one of the likely reasons for their primitive brains is the fact that additionally to being poisonous, eucalyptus leaves (the only thing they eat) have almost no nutritional value. They can’t afford the extra energy to think, they sleep more than 80% of their fucking lives.

When they are awake all they do is eat, shit and occasionally scream like fucking satan. Because eucalyptus leaves hold such little nutritional value, koalas have to ferment the leaves in their guts for days on end. Unlike their brains, they have the largest hind gut to body ratio of any mammal.

Many herbivorous mammals have adaptations to cope with harsh plant life taking its toll on their teeth, rodents for instance have teeth that never stop growing, some animals only have teeth on their lower jaw, grinding plant matter on bony plates in the tops of their mouths, others have enlarged molars that distribute the wear and break down plant matter more efficiently…

Koalas are no exception, when their teeth erode down to nothing, they resolve the situation by starving to death, because they’re fucking terrible animals. Being mammals, koalas raise their joeys on milk (admittedly, one of the lowest milk yields to body ratio… There’s a trend here). When the young joey needs to transition from rich, nourishing substances like milk, to eucalyptus (a plant that seems to be making it abundantly clear that it doesn’t want to be eaten), it finds it does not have the necessary gut flora to digest the leaves. To remedy this, the young joey begins nuzzling its mother’s anus until she leaks a little diarrhoea (actually fecal pap, slightly less digested), which he then proceeds to slurp on. This partially digested plant matter gives him just what he needs to start developing his digestive system. Of course, he may not even have needed to bother nuzzling his mother.

She may have been suffering from incontinence. Why? Because koalas are riddled with chlamydia. In some areas the infection rate is 80% or higher. This statistic isn’t helped by the fact that one of the few other activities koalas will spend their precious energy on is rape. Despite being seasonal breeders, males seem to either not know or care, and will simply overpower a female regardless of whether she is ovulating.

If she fights back, he may drag them both out of the tree, which brings us full circle back to the brain: Koalas have a higher than average quantity of cerebrospinal fluid in their brains. This is to protect their brains from injury… should they fall from a tree. An animal so thick it has its own little built in special ed helmet. I fucking hate them.

Tldr; Koalas are stupid, leaky, STI riddled sex offenders. But, hey. They look cute. If you ignore the terrifying snake eyes and terrifying feet.”

#10. More harm than good.

“ticks. those fuckers carry around lyme disease and only a select few animals sometimes eat them. they cause much more harm than good.”

#9. Anything Gwyneth Paltrow sells.

“Pretty much anything Gwyneth Paltrow sells on her website.”

#8. California’s largest lake.

“The Salton Sea, California’s largest lake.

The most recent inflow of water from the now heavily controlled Colorado River was accidentally created by the engineers of the California Development Company in 1905. In an effort to increase water flow into the area for farming, irrigation canals were dug from the Colorado River into the valley. The canals suffered silt buildup, so a cut was made in the bank of the Colorado River to further increase the water flow. The resulting outflow overwhelmed the engineered canal, and the river flowed into the Salton Basin for two years, filling the historic dry lake bed and creating the modern sea, before repairs were completed.

The sea has occurred naturally several times in the past, but its current iteration is an accident.”

#7. Another way.

“Periods/Vaginal Bleeding. The universe could have figured out another way. It could only bleed when going pee, that would be awesome.”

#6. By a child.

“That weird font in android phones that looks like its drawn by a child.”

#5. Impossible to peel off.

“Cheap ass paper stickers on new products that are impossible to peel off.”

#4. Why did they even have that lever?

“That lever Kronk pulls when Yzma tells him to “pull the lever!” Why did they even have that lever?”

#3. Awful.

“Those super bright headlights that temporarily blind you if you’re going opposite ways or continuously blind you if they are driving behind you. Awful.”

#2. Oddly specific.

“Velvet Pumpkins with real stems


#1. Big drama queens.

“Allergies. Fuck em. Biggest over reaction by the human body ever.”

Get on it, science!

The post These Things Have No Reason to Exist, and yet Somehow They Do appeared first on UberFacts.

These Tweets About Abortion Bans Will Make You Justifiably Furious

This isn’t about politics. This isn’t a debate. This is about human rights.

If you take away a woman’s right to govern her own healthcare, you take away her ability to make decisions for her life.

These 20 women get it, and they’re tweeting about it unapologetically.

1. Yeah… WTF America?!

2. So infuriating…

3. The questions we never ask…

4. I can’t even begin to imagine…

5. Absolutely heartbreaking

6. Not a bad idea…

7. Stop making sense!

8. Again, I can’t even imagine what this would feel like. So tragic.

9. Oh, you know somebody. For sure.

10. Speak up people!

11. #truth

12. The hypocrisy never stops…

13. YES!

14. Ya know… that could work…

15. Pathetic

16. This!

17. Walking back…

18. They know. They just don’t care.

19. Insanity

20. Yep.

Share far and wide! And add your voice to it!

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15 Older People Confess What They like About Millennials and It’ll Warm Your Cold Heart

You can’t turn around these days without seeing Baby Boomers insulting millennials for literally every little thing they do. But while this is definitely a popular narrative that a lot of places have tried to push, the fact is that there are plenty of elderly people who sympathize with the problem young people today are facing.

Heck, a lot of them even admire the way millennials are handling things, as this Reddit thread will show you.

1. Smashing gender divides

I’m 62, and I’m impressed that boys and girls in junior high and high school actually are friends with each other. I even saw the kids playing a quick pickup game of touch football – boys and girls – at the middle school while waiting for the bus to come over from the elementary school. Never would have happened in my generation.

2. Fun music

My kids laugh because I like rap as much as they do.

They do get tired of me telling them the original sampled sources and musical roots.

3. Video games are awesome now

61 years old here, and I love my video games as much as younger people.

4. No worries

The phrase “No Worries” after you apologize for a delay holding someone up. Has a much warmer feel than any other equivalent.

5. Hilarious slang terms

Yeet. I don’t know what it is, but that word just makes me laugh. I’ll be 48 this year, and hopefully still have many years before I yeet the f**k off this mortal coil.

6. Changing priorities

Putting more of a priority on personal life and goals than on “career”. The realization that devotion to employer is a dead-end is one that not so many of my fellow Gen-Xers have cottoned to.

7. Memes!

I’m 48 and I love memes. I’m facebook friends with many of my college students and I’m sometimes in tears laughing over the memes they post. I love the levels of cultural knowledge required to “get” them. Even at 48, I still feel rebelliously like I’m getting something that my parents don’t get.

8. Kindness rules

How kind and understanding they are to kids who are different.

My first grader just went to a party for a kid with Downs this last weekend. He invited his whole class and at least 2/3 of them showed up to celebrate with him. Warmed my heart.

9. Adopt don’t shop

They adopt pets rather than buying the designer ones.

10. Keepin’ it casual

Casual dress codes!

Some of the managers are younger than me now and they do not care what anyone wears to work.

Die, high heels!

11. Tolerance

You guys are tolerant as hell. I work in a school and kids can wear nerdy shit and not wonder who they’re gonna have to fight first.

Back in the 90’s I smuggled my Star Wars books into the cafeteria like I was carrying enigma machine codes.

12. Advanced technology

I am amazed that you all can play game consoles with what seems like twenty different god damned buttons on the controller. And use them all almost simultaneously!

13. More living

I like that they are less into stuff and more into experiences.

14. Acceptance

I was a teen when “gay” was still an insult.

Kids these days are so friggen cool.

15. Dabbing

Dabbing. I dab the f**k out of my wife and kids. I open my arms and walk to them like I’m going to hug them, then I dab away.

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40+ of the Best Puns on the Internet

These really are the best!

And by best I mean worst. In the awesome-est possible way.

#19. All good.

expalin puns from pun

#18. Trying a bit too hard, but I’ll allow it.

#17. Totally.

#16. Don’t we all.

#15. A few for the price of one.

#14. Appropriate for church.

#13. So hard.

#12. Everyone knows that.

#11. It takes a bit to get there but it’s worth it.

#10. It’s a classic for a reason.

#9. So wrong it must be right.

#8. A list worth sharing.

A list of puns from Jokes

#7. Burn.

#6. Not exactly PC, but…

#5. Wait for it.

#4. So many.

#3. Try to keep up.

A mean crook going down stairs = A condescending con, descending. from pun

#2. Ba-dum-ching.

A list of puns from Jokes

#1. Ring it in.

Get out there and make me some new ones, people – there are never enough good puns in the world!

The post 40+ of the Best Puns on the Internet appeared first on UberFacts.