10 Facts That Are Good for Quiet Reflection

With this fact set, you’re getting quality and quantity.

Enjoy! And learn!

1. Harmful

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. Get a load of those names

Photo Credit: did you know?


3. Are you living it?

Photo Credit: did you know?


4. Prudish

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. Thank God!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. Dream away

Photo Credit: did you know?

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7. I think I sound like Barry White

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. That is cool!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. Clone wars

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. Ahhhhh, that’s better

Photo Credit: did you know?

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I can safely say I didn’t know any of those facts. How about you?!?!

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These People Might Just Get Food Poisoning in the near Future

Having had actual food poisoning once in my life (through no fault of my own), I would say that it’s definitely something you want to avoid at all costs.

So maybe don’t try any of these things at home.

15. I love mayo but just stop.

14. Pregnant ladies rejoice?

13. A crime against pizza.

12. That poor sushi.

11. This person is undoubtedly from the midwest.

10. That’s not how any of this works.

Image Credit: Tumblr

9. What a waste!

8. I get needing a crunch, but…

7. Toddlers are unreliable.

6. Imagining this made me gag.

5. Why would you do that to an Oreo?

4. It’s plated like some sort of gourmet!

3. Ketchup is not for everything. #sayitwithme

2. Okay…but not together.

1. I’d rather just eat the guacamole with a spoon.

Some of those definitely made me throw up in my mouth. Ew!

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“Men Writing Women” Twitter Shares What Male Writers Actually Know About Women: Not Much

It’s a joke in the writing community that male writers manage to create the most cringe-worthy, impossible female (and sexual) moments – and now, there’s a Twitter account dedicated to giving shoutouts to the best (worst) of the bunch.

Buckle up, because these are amazingly too much.

15. I mean why not just get a dog?

14. Still trying to figure this one out.

13. I mean, who doesn’t?

12. At least he mentioned her face first?

11. Snoozer.

10. Her wheat-colored nest.

9. The breasts.

8. Nipple-weary.

7. I obviously need to get to know my boobs better.

6. Can you say “rape-y?”

5. Never you worry, ladies.

4. Skim alert.

3. A decent little pooper.

2. Is that supposed to be a good thing?

1. IDK I’d be reaching for the pepper spray.

I’m off to walk “boobily” to the kitchen for a cookie that will somehow never find its way to my waist!

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15 Tumblr Posts That Might Give You a Big Chuckle

Tumblr can be many things – sweet, insightful, aggressive, on-point – including funny, but these 15 posts took hilarity to the next level!

15. This is actually a horror story in disguise.


14. And also money for Netflix.


13. *sips tea*


12. I mean friendship is nice and all.


11. Truer words.


10. Big feelings.


9. No wrong answers.

Human form of duolingo owl from tumblr

8. Prove her wrong.


7. They are cute sometimes.


6. Clever girl.


5. It’s funny AND it makes you want to weep.


4. Never give up on a Tumblr post.


3. Now that you think about it…


2. Dumb animated kitty.


1. Nailed it.


Did you lol in real life, too?


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An Aquarium’s Naughty Penguin of the Month Award Winners Have Committed Some Hilarious Crimes

These penguins are definitely up to no good.

The National Aquarium of New Zealand has taken drastic measures in an attempt to get their penguin population to shape up – they’ve started a running list of the naughtiest penguins of the bunch and post them on Facebook.

No public shaming would be complete without a list of crimes, but let’s face it – telling the world that the water birds are pushing each other from the pier, stealing food, or just bugging the crap out of each other isn’t going to improve their behavior.

Honestly though…do you really want it to?

Below are 10 of my favorite penguins, so bad they’re actually the best.

10. Don’t get in the way of a hungry lady!

🐧 PENGUIN OF THE MONTH – FEBRUARY 🐧It's a mother/daughter duo this month!Good Penguin of the Month – PepperShe's…

Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Wednesday, February 6, 2019

9. He’s definitely not winning boyfriend of the month, either.

GOOD PENGUIN: DoraDora was such a trooper at our regular health checks this month. She waddled straight over to the…

Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Wednesday, August 7, 2019

8. I mean he was fine.

Here we go *Penguin of the Month*Naughty Penguin – Flip abandoned her boyfriend and their baby for an entire week!!!!!Good Penguin – Mr Mac ate during a public encounter ( normally snobs them)

Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Tuesday, January 8, 2019

7. I mean maybe he’s just trying to keep everyone on their toes?

🐧 PENGUIN OF THE MONTH TIME! 🐧Good Penguin: ELMOElmo, our oldest resident, has been waddling out of her burrow to eat….

Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Sunday, July 7, 2019

6. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Mo.

Here we go everybody our Naughty and Good Penguins for the month of December!Naughty Penguin- Mo… for hiding in the…

Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Wednesday, December 12, 2018

7. Okay so Mo might be my Patronus.

🐧 Penguin of the Month – June 2019 🐧NAUGHTY – MoMo has been a lay-about over the last few weeks! Has sleep ins, and…

Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Sunday, June 9, 2019

4. Apparently no one likes getting weighed.

“This is it” You have all been waiting for the penguin update!Naughty Penguin Flip… managed to evade the keepers on…

Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Monday, July 2, 2018

3. He’s just having a bit of harmless fun.

🐧 Penguin of the Month – May 2019 🐧NAUGHTY – DaveDave just can’t get it together and stay off the naughty list! We…

Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Sunday, May 5, 2019

2. Dave again!

🐧 NAUGHTY & GOOD PENGUIN OF THE MONTH – MARCH 2019 🐧NAUGHTY (kind of!): Because Dave has been partially hand raised,…

Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Tuesday, March 5, 2019

1. Variety is the spice of life.

🐧 PENGUIN OF THE MONTH – APRIL 2019 🐧NAUGHTY – Martin Martin is new to our Penguin Cove (rescued after a predator…

Posted by National Aquarium of New Zealand on Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Just more proof that the penguins are the best animal in the zoo.

Or anywhere, really.

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15 Apartment Dwellers Share the Weirdest Thing They’ve Heard Through the Walls

You can overhear a lot of crazy sh*t through walls that are a bit too thin: funny things, inappropriate things, embarrassing things, perhaps even illegal things.

And let me tell you, these 15 Redditors have pretty much heard it all.

15. I’m grateful I forgot that book.

In college, I lived in a crappy apartment nearby the school, that was mostly populated by students. Halfway to class one day, I realized I forgot a book and had to rush back to my apartment to get it. As I was running up the stairs (which shared a wall with the stairs in the next door apartment, which mirrored my own) I could have sworn I heard someone yelling. I ignored it and ran to my room to grab my book. As I clambered downstairs, again I heard yelling, and I paused to listen. I heard some unintelligible moaning, and eventually heard the words “help me,” weakly groaned from the stairs next door. I rushed out and tried their door, but it was locked. I totally forgot about my class and ran to the apartment management office, hoping that someone was there. A manager was, thank goodness, and after I explained the situation, she grabbed her master keys and we booked it back to my neighbor’s place. She opened the door and the poor guy was laying in the stairwell (it was one of the ones that goes up halfway to the second floor, then turns 90 degrees for the rest of the way), clearly having fallen. I called 911 while the manager ran over to the guy. Ambulance came and picked him up, and I later learned that he had fallen down the stairs after passing into a brief diabetic coma. I guess he hadn’t eaten in some time; I don’t know too much about how diabetes works. Anyhow, to this day, I feel grateful that I forgot that book. That poor guy could have died, slumped halfway down the stairs with his face in the carpet.

Edited to add: also, relevant to the thread, I was grateful for the thin walls. Just for that though. Thin walls suck.

Edited again to add: Thanks stranger – baby’s first Reddit gold!

14. Geniuses.

My upstairs neighbors taking turns zapping each other with a stun gun, hitting the floor, groaning in pain, and then laughing like Beavis and Butthead.

13. I’ve felt it.

I’ve heard and felt the neighbors upstairs having sex.

And apparently they like to rearrange the furniture at least twice a week.

12. That’s one ballsy argument.

Heard the couple next door arguing. The wife was furious because she realized he had been cheating on her after she found out she had chlamydia. He tried to convince her that she must have been the unfaithful one. She still lives there. He doesn’t.

11. Going crazy on a piano.

an argument about money while I was doing the dishes. It ended with a slammed door and one of them on a piano, hitting the keys like a maniac. Some people read, some people go get something to eat, some people exercise.. this motherfucker relieves stress by going crazy on a piano. lol

10. Always a gamble.

my old neighbour was a cam girl and I could hear absolutely everything she said in every single session for a good 4 months. pretty much learned the names of her clients. I work from home and it was always a gamble whenever I had to meet with someone virtually.

9. We vacuum together.

I can hear when my neighbors vacuum. Our building tends to vaccuum together as a result. I hear my upstairs neighbor and go “oh hey i should vaccuum havent done that in awhile and its already noisy”. Then my downstairs neighbor and my left hand neighbor start vacuuming. It’s kinda hilarious. My right hand neighbor doesn’t vaccuum with us but does sing opera while doing dishes.

8. I never should have said anything.

I actually manage an apartment complex where my office is surrounded by a one bedroom unit. The building is old and the walls are thin. The tenant that used to live in the unit was a quiet man but would frequently sing beautiful opera music. His voice was amazing and I loved it every time I heard him sing!

Then one time I saw him in the halls and made the mistake of asking if he was the one who sang these beautiful opera songs. His face turned red but he confirmed that it was him. I told him that I always enjoyed it when I heard him sing and that it would always brighten my day.

Never should have said anything because I never heard him sing again.

7. Oh my god.

“William! We do not hit!”

His mom was visiting. He was 30.

6. Three kids later.

“Yeah girl, you know you want this dick”

My college roommate. 3 kids later it’s apparent she did, in fact, want it.

5. Losers.

I once heard a former roommate laughing with his then girlfriend about how they’re fucking me over on money. Turned out they were taking my utility portion and buying various games and alcohol.

Instead of confronting them, I confirmed what they said with the utilities company (they hadn’t paid the bill is 2 months) and I moved all my stuff out that day while they were at work. For good measure, I took myself off the lease and told them about the GF that had been there 6 months.

4. Just me and my rabbit.

Years ago I had an upstairs neighbor. At 2am, every night, I would hear something sprint across the entire apartment. I realized three things, it was very fast, it took small strides, and it never deviated from its path. One day, I saw my neighbor outside and I said, “I dont know how you have energy at 2am?” He responded with, “Dude, I’ve been working the midnight to 8am shift for 15 years. Doesnt bother me at all”.

That night, I watched him leave his house, drive off, and waited two hours. At exactly 2am, I heard what sounded like two feet hit the floor in his bedroom, and the marathon started.

A few weeks later, I see him outside. I tell him what I hear at night and he says, “That’s strange, no one has my keys, it’s just me and my rabbit up there.”

3. Jeez, Jessica.

I once heard an argument that went a little like this:

“Stop treating me like I’m stupid!”

“You asked if Seahorses were mammals, Jessica!”


2. Solid argument.

“Fuck you, man! If you don’t like spaghetti, then you don’t like me!”

1. We could never figure out what that was all about.

In our old apartment our upstairs neighbor had extremely loud, theatrically enthusiastic sex in the middle of the day. The puzzle was that he would stop in the middle and we’d hear him walk to where the bathroom is, stay there for a minute or two and then walk back and resume in the bedroom. It was the same pattern every time. We could never figure out what that was all about. Any ideas welcomed.

I’m remembering why I’m happy to be in a house!

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You Should Probably Know What These Text Abbreviations Are by Now

A lot of us have been in this situation before: you get a text from a friend or family member and there’s an abbreviation in there that you’ve never seen before. You panic because you don’t want to look clueless or uncool and you act like you know what they’re talking about. Then the conversation takes a strange turn because you just couldn’t be honest and everyone’s day is ruined.

Okay, that may be a little dramatic, but you know what I mean.

I have many moments like this with my 12-year-old niece when I should just own up to the fact that I don’t know what the hell she’s talking about and I need her help because apparently I’m already a senior citizen. But I can’t lose face, so I play this dangerous little game.

So, let’s run down the must-know list of text abbreviations that you really should know by now.

Ready? Go!

1. TFW

“That feel/feeling when…” Okay, I have to admit I didn’t really know about this one until now. We are NOT off to a good start.

2. NBD

“No big deal.” A classic! Believe it or not, people actually used to SAY this to each other when human beings still spoke before smartphones were invented.


“Fear of missing out.” This describes your friends who can’t miss any of the action. Ever. Even if it’s your Aunt Esther’s 90th birthday party.


“In case you missed it.” Simple. Elegant. To the point.


“For what it’s worth.” Whatever follows this abbreviation might not be something you want to hear.

6. TBH

“To be honest.” Another timeless classic.

7. FTW

“For the win.” I thought this meant “f*ck the world” forever, but now I stand corrected.

8. IDK

“I don’t know.” But you should know this one, okay?

9. SMH

“Shaking my head.” As in, “you’re not gonna believe this and I’m very perplexed.”

10. TLDR

A staple on Reddit, this means “Too long, didn’t read.” Everyone’s in such a hurry these days…

11. IIRC

“If I recall correctly.” Full disclosure: I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen this one out in the wild before.”

12. IRL

“In real life.” A must-have in your texting arsenal.

13. SLAY

“Crushing it” or “killing it.” So not exactly an abbreviation, but important nonetheless.

14. Vaguebooking

Another one that’s not an abbreviation, but you need to know, okay? This term sums up when someone posts something random or vague on social media because they’re obviously looking for likes, comments, and attention. A good example would be “Please pray for me at this tough moment” with absolutely no context at all.

15. LMK

“Let me know.” A huge one! LMK when I should be there. LMK what time dinner is. Etc.

16. OMW

“On my way.” You’re always in a hurry, so you’re always gonna need it.

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This Is How You Can Tell If Someone Blocked You on Facebook

Most of us don’t have the time or interest to go checking (or caring) who might have decided they no longer want to see what we have to say on Facebook.

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La forma de comunicarnos ha cambiado 😃 Estamos inundados de información día tras día, esto nos hace complicado hacer llegar nuestras oferta de productos y servicios a nuestro publico objetivo 😫 Existen distintos tipos de redes sociales ➡ Horizontales albergan todo tipo de usuarios sin una temática claramente definida. Facebook o WhatsApp son ejemplos de las redes sociales más importantes de esta categoría. ⬇ Verticales se especializan en algún campo, actividad o temática. Pueden ser profesionales o referidas a algún tema en concreto como puede ser moda o música. Ejemplos de esta categoría son Pinterest, SoundCloud o LinkedIn Ya sabes que Red Social usar para llegar a tu publico objetivo? Foto: @mauriciostradaphotography #avanza2creativos #agenciadigital #marketingdigital #marketingtips #marketingonline #branding #socialmedia #redessociales #rrss #felizlunes #instagram #facebook #twitter #linkedin #venezolanosenmadrid #venezolanosenespaña #emprendedores #emprendimientovenezolano

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That said, most of us also have moments of morbid curiosity that we’ll occasionally give into. And maybe we want to know if that one interaction (or something more personal) caused a “friend” (or relative, natch) to not only unfriend us on Facebook, but to completely block us from their timeline.

Here are some tips and tricks for those inevitable moments!

Scroll Through Your Friend List

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Current mood: 😂 #blockedonfacebook #mature

A post shared by Danielle Meadors (@dani_sherri_c) on

If one of your former “friends” has blocked or unfriended you, they’ll no longer been on the list.

Do A General Search

If you type a name into the search bar and, when you click on a name, it shows that you’re friends, then the two of you are still in good standing.

If it shows the option to “Add Friend,” then you’ve been Unfriended. You can tell if you’ve been fully blocked by clicking on their name and seeing whether or not you’re able to see their public posts.

If you can’t, things are as bad as you think.

You’ve Definitely Been Blocked When…

Someone you know has an active profile doesn’t show up in the search results at all.

Your options are getting a friend to do the stalking for you or – crazy – talk to them about what happened in person, if that’s the sort of relationship you used to have.

There you go – but like I said, try not to get too wrapped up in what people think of you online.

There there be monsters, my friends.

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Here Are the 7 Types of Cookout Dudes Who Show up at Every Summer BBQ

Summer’s end is almost here, which means back to school. It also means the end of grilling hamburgers and hot dogs. But before we get ahead of ourselves, there is still time for a few more BBQs. And you’re be bound to spot at least one of these dudes at your next cookout…

7. The Grill King

Photo Credit: Kaboom Pics

This is the guy who runs the show, flipping burgers and making piles of meat to celebrate bro time in the back yard. He is the epicenter of a cookout, and without his grill smarts your backyard is just a lame hangout.

6. The Grill Pals

Photo Credit: Pexels, Samuel Zeller

Yep, we’ve all seen it. Those bros that linger around the Grill King, chugging a beer while making comments about the best ways to grill – whether or not they have any idea what they’re talking about. But really, without the Grill Pals’ commentary, perhaps the meal would be less…I don’t know…manly?

5. The Lawn Gamer

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Austin Distel

This dude gets the festivities going. He’s probably the one that totes around cornhole waiting for that right moment to spark a backyard competition. He’s super competitive, but always willing to give someone else a turn.

Or at least a guest shot.

4. The Can-I-Get-You-a-Drink Dude

Photo Credit: Pexels, ELEVATE

No party is complete without that friendly guy offering to get the Grill King an extra spatula or to refill everyone’s drinks – it’s crucial guests don’t go without! We should all raise a beer in his honor.

3. The Bonfire Buddy

Photo Credit: Pexels, Djordje Petrovic

You might have noticed your one friend chomping at the bit for a fire even if it’s 2 in the afternoon. He’s always scoping out kindling and asking the host if he has firewood. But once twilight hits, he’ll be rocking the best hangout fire you’ll ever experience.

This guy is a solid addition to any sort of hang, cookout or no.

2. The Music Man

Photo Credit: Raw Pixels

He’s a what – he’s a what?


What is a cookout without ambiance? This guy knows how to set the mood for a great party. He’s probably got a Bluetooth speaker stashed somewhere for when the mood strikes. What’s great is he always has the best playlists ready on his Spotify app!

1. The Grill King’s Best Friend

Photo Credit: Free Stocks

Nope, we’re not talking about a Grill Pal. The Grill King’s “number one” is his dog.

And what’s great about having a four-legged friend around? He’ll clean up any delicious food scraps that fall on the ground.

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You’ve Heard of Dog and Cat Shaming. Take a Look at Fish Shaming.

Well, this is new.

You’ve seen kid shaming, dog shaming, cat shaming, and even bird shaming – but did you ever think the day would come when people’s pet fish would be exposed as naughty?

Well, get ready, because even though they probably don’t understand the internet, these 17 fish definitely deserve all the shame in the world.

17. Maybe he doesn’t like your choice of decor.

16. Relapse!

15. Understandable.

14. When you definitely don’t live up to your name.

13. Maybe he likes it that way.

12. But I mean whose fault is that, really?

11. As the mother of a 2.5 y/o, I don’t want to say I get it, but…

10. I guess you should have spent your money on something else!

9. Not everyone has a refined palate.

8. Poor Moira.

7. That’s science.

6. He’s not a fan of escargot.

5. It probably looked like chocolate.

4. Well I mean you keep feeding him so…

3. This is actually awesome.

2. Okay that is very naughty.

1. Only *I* can eat my eggs!

Fish! Who knew?

The post You’ve Heard of Dog and Cat Shaming. Take a Look at Fish Shaming. appeared first on UberFacts.