Chinese and Japanese Speakers Share the Dumbest Things They’ve Seen Tattooed on Someone

Tell me if this sounds familiar…?

Have you ever met someone who thought they were being really deep and spiritual with a Chinese or Japanese character tattooed on their body, but then they later found out that symbol meant “beef with broccoli”?


It actually happens all the time, my friends. And these AskRedddit users shared some really good ones.

1. Actually, that means…

“Saw a girl with 魚 tattooed on her shoulder who swore up and down it meant poison… It means fish.”

2. Do you lift, bro?

“I was on the subway in NYC and there was a guy who clearly lifted a lot. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt and on his jacked arms in chinese were the words “牛肉麵” or “Beef noodle soup” for everyone to see. Man looked ready to get the rest of his favorite restaurant’s menu tattooed on his body.”

3. That’s a bummer.

“He thought it said “Love my grandson”. It translated to something like “I love fat boys”. I think it was a google translate failure of epic proportions.”

4. Not your name.

“”Tiny chicken” my friend got that thinking it said his name.”

5. Major eye roll.

“Chinese speaker here. In high school I worked at a CVS. A white woman showed up at the register with a very poorly drawn 力 tattoo, and I said “cool tattoo, means power”. She scoffed and replied to me like I was satan himself, and said “you obviously don’t understand Chinese “letters” the tattoo artist told me it means the strength to overcome anything, even breast cancer…” then she rolled her eyes at me and walked away.”

6. You blew it!

“My friend got a tattoo that said “veni vidi vici” in chinese, well so he thought. The tattoo acutally said “three small dishes”.”

7. Strength and courage…maybe.

“I was scrolling through the web at some tattoos for fun,a person said they got a tattoo that said “Strength and courage” in japanese. It actually said “Little animal, big mistake.” Great quote imo, but I dont think they thought so after they got it permanently marked on their skin.”

8. Uh oh. That’s not good.

“Not my story but a friend of mine.

She had a classmate in college with a kanji tattoo, confused she asked her what it meant.

“High princess”

Turns out it actually said “pig princess”.”

9. Might want to get a cover-up.

“I once saw this middle aged dude wearing “金魚佬” on his shoulder (the rough literary translation is “Goldfish Man”), which in cantonese means a sleazy older man who creeps on younger girls/children. Basically a pedo. Wonder under what circumstances he got that inked…”

10. Lookin’ tough…oh wait…

“机 on his fist. I haven’t taken Chinese but in Japanese it means ‘desk’.”

11. The Fat Man.

“”Kitchen” – confused the kanji, what he wanted I have no idea. “Fat man” – he wanted “big guy” (tough guy?) apparently.”

12. Opposite day?

“Gets a tattoo in google translate Japanese thinking it says “fear no one” but it really means “I fear everyone”.”

13. That’s…me?

“I once had a roommate placed with me in the apartment our company ran for us here in Japan. He was loud, obnoxious, and I generally didn’t get on well with him. But, you try to get along, so we’d go to the izakaya up the street from time to time with other friends to drink and have a good time. The owners were this wonderful old Japanese couple who loved having all these weird gaijin come and entertain the locals.

Anyway, somehow we get talking about tattoos and the roommate is showing his off. He then says that he got the kanji for “friendship” (友) and “peace” (和) tattooed on his back and lifts his shirt to show everyone. There’s a bit of silence, broken by someone asking, “Who’s Tomokazu?”

What Roommate didn’t know, of course, was that those two kanji in that order was a man’s name.

He reacted well, though, taking a beat and then announcing, “I’M TOMOKAZU!” which became a running joke while he was there.”

14. Hahaha, that’s good.

“40+ year old bald white guy with Chinese characters that translated as “I’m a cute little princess” on the length of his forearm.

Had a good laugh the rest of that day.”

15. Didn’t have the heart to tell him…

“I met a guy in the air port when I came back from living in Tokyo for 2 years who had just visited Japan. He had 2 symbols on his shoulder I noticed that were “off”. I stopped him and asked him what his tattoo said. He said ” It means strong will bro.” I didn’t have the heart to tell him….. his two symbols he picked in order were “dog poop”.

If you find this online…. im truly sorry bro. Ha ha.”

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Teenagers Are Using Social Media to Make History More Exciting, and It Is Definitely Working

Kids today…

TikTok isn’t history class (it’s probably not allowed in most history classes), but teenagers all over are using the newish social media platform to prove the adults around them wrong (again).

Many of the commentaries are a bit simple, but hey – you have to remember that some people are hearing about these events for the first time.

And simple or complicated, this is a way more fun way to study for a test than reading a textbook or actually paying attention to a lecture.

There are some that tackle tougher historical events, like the Vietnam War and the truth about colonization of the Americas.

Here are some of the best ones!

10. The Monroe Doctrine (1823).

9. The German occupation of Belgium (1914).

8. The colonization of Africa (1400s).

7. The establishment of the League of Nations (1919).

6. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln (1865).

5. The attack on Pearl Harbor (1941)

4. The Black Death (1347-1351).

3. The U.S. exit from Vietnam (1975).

2. The Boston Tea Party (1773).

1. The European age of exploration/invasion (1405-)

I love these, and would totally have been on board as a teenager!

Do you have a favorite? What would you like to see next? Share with us!

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15 People Weigh in on the Idea of a 4-Day Work Week

Microsoft Japan recently tested a 4-day workweek and reported upsides galore – but do you think it would work across the board? What would be the benefits? The downsides?

Well, these 15 Redditors have thought it through, and their musings are definitely a good place to start.

15. More time to dig into what you love.

Life would be that much better. I would have somewhere around 50 extra days a year to do all the yardwork and home projects that I don’t want to spend all weekend doing.

14. It’s just science, people.

While having the option to do 4 10 hour days would be nice (people could decide if it would improve their lives), it’s a terrible plan from the perspective of societal benefit. No matter how much idiot workoholics claim otherwise, productivity is not steady across an 8 hour day. Most people can do, in a 6 hour day, the same level of productivity they could in an 8. Maybe 10% less. MAYBE.

If we want to make society better people should work closer in line to school. 9-3 (30 hour week) makes a lot more sense and then most of us wouldn’t need a 4 day week to get stuff done. There’d still be time to get stuff done during the week.

And those without kids? Give them the option of 4 8 hour days. Most of them would probably prefer the day off.

13. People don’t want to be shells.

Describing my life even with time off for vacation. I work 205 days per year, about 10-12 hrs per day (salaried), and I’m a shell of a person. No matter how hard I work, there is no progress, nothing gets better, the system sucks the soul from you, people come up with ideas that make things worse, everyone pretends like things are good, and no one has the resources to do what needs to get done.

12. Oh, how I wish this mentality would prevail.

In my experience, people will still slack off if they have the ability to, especially if they getting paid by the hour. Give them the incentive of “you can go home when you get x finished” and the uptick in productivity is amazing. Though, you also run the risk of half assed work that way.

11. Some people definitely love it.

My new job is 4 day, ten hour work shifts (Wed-Sat, 7:30 – 6) and it’s honestly worth it just for the 3 day weekend.

I have yet to feel a case of the “Mondays”, I’m properly rested despite 10 hour shifts, and Mondays/Tuesdays are perfect “odd” days for things like hitting the gym, grocery shopping etc. since it’s hardly crowded.

10. The three-day weekend is huge.

My company switched to 4 10 hour days. We are diesel technicians and work 7-5:30. Half of us work Monday through Thursday and the other half work Tuesday through Friday. We have did this for over two years and we all love it. It is so nice to have a three day weekend every week. Another thing about it that is nice is if you doctors appointment or something I can make it on a Monday and don’t have to miss any work.

9. When you love what you do…

It really depends on the work. I’ve worked jobs where 30 hours was hell, jobs where 60 was a breeze, and everything in between. I remember one particularly long couple weeks (pretty sure I cleared 160 hours that pay period) that was stressful at first but turned into a cakewalk with a lot of babysitting equipment and just being available at the site if the remote engineers needed my hands for something (and steak/beer on the company dime every night for 2 weeks,) but I also remember a summer at a different job with 4 12s a week in a 120 degree room full of plastic fumes and a plant supervisor that saw sitting down instead of standing at a sorting table as some sort of moral failing…

8. Even for less money.

Fuck it. I’ll take the drop in salary. My biggest complain…probably in general, is that there is no way to take extra time off. I can only take 2.5 weeks a year and that is just stupid. Life becomes slaving away constantly without leaving the same 10 mile radius. That goes on for decades. Leads to extreme depression.

We only get one life and we make a sick joke out of it because there is no other way to survive. And then it degrades your morale even more until you are a helpless husk of a person who can’t find a way out.

7. Let’s all stop working for the weekend.

I would gladly work 4 ten hour days to have an extra day off. 2 day weekends are too short. They’re gone just as soon as you start to feel comfortable

6. Way too much time, indeed.

I feel like people are missing the point, which is that we need to shorten the work week/amount of time spent at work. When people say we should switch to 4 day work weeks, they don’t mean 4 tens or 4 twelves. We need to WORK LESS, meaning 4 day weeks that are still 8 hour days (or less, because most people could get the same amount of work done in 4 five or six hour days as they do spreading it out over 5 eights and procrastinating at work as much as they can). With adding in commuting time, and any time outside of work spent thinking about work, answering texts or emails, etc., the average adult spends way too much time on work.

5. There are benefits for employers, too.

My employer gives us every other Friday off. We work 80 hours over 9 days (M-F, M-Th). It’s really helpful to have those Fridays to schedule appointments, and I have less desire to burn PTO throughout the year just to take a much-needed Friday off (through the end of October, I had only used 2.5 PTO hours for the year, mostly for doctor’s visits). The only real downside is that on the Fridays that we do work, nobody wants to do anything.

4. You’ll still need work-life balance.

I’ve stopped donating time and freely use the phrase “donating time”, which nips in the bud any implied requirement to work past 40 hrs. My bosses have always known if there’s an emergency, I’ll be there with bells on and do whatever it takes (including being on site until 4 in the morning and back to work the next day), but other than that, they know to leave me alone.

Don’t get me started on the ‘must take an hour for lunch’ standard. The entire point of that is they know a lot of people will work at their desk while eating, so they get 9 hrs out of you instead of 8. I take my full hour at a local park.

Work-life balance is all about setting boundaries.

3. You can’t lose the benefits, though.

I’ll take the drop in salary.

Me, too. My biggest concern is that health insurance, retirement benefits, etc., are tied to employment in the United States. I’d happily work fewer hours for less pay if I could also maintain healthcare coverage and other benefits.

Health insurance and retirement benefits shouldn’t be tied to employment. It hamstrings employees, effectively retracting our freedom to move on to other employment or start our own businesses.

2. It could ease up on stress.

I work 4 9 hour days and then half-day Fridays. The Fridays themselves are awesome because even though it’s a “half day”, with the proximity to the weekend and how many people take those days off they’re barely work days at all. Not stressful at all. This is awesome too because you can get a 3 day weekend by only taking a half-vacation day.

The biggest downside that people don’t realize is how much working a 9 hour (or 10 hour, usually I’m here from 8-6) day really sucks. You arrive when it’s dark, you leave when it’s dark, and by the time you get home it’s 6:30/7 and you can do 1 thing before needing to go to bed. Working out, cooking, cleaning, all become a lot harder when you’re home at that hour instead of home at 5/5:30 every day.

The half day Fridays themselves can be a lot of fun in summer when there are things to do, but you know what happens in winter? I go home at 12 and sleep for a couple hours to make up for sleep deprivation earlier in the week lol. It all evens out in the end.

1. More tools to fight rising depression.

Working a 5 day work week just makes life seem so much more pointless. By the time I get the other things I need to do (grocery shopping, appointments, etc.) done, its Sunday night. A 4 day work week might give me time to play the piano I bought to combat depression.

I mean, working one less day is kind of a no-brainer, right? I definitely think so.

Would you rather keep the status quo? Sound off as to why or why not in the comments!

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Enjoy These Photos of Pets Wearing Sunglasses. That Is All.

I’m a simple man. I don’t ask for much in this life. Some shelter, some food, some water…and photos of animals wearing sunglasses.

Is that too much to ask for?

I have a feeling this might just make your day.

Let’s do this!

1. The coolest pooch around.

2. With a little assistance.

3. Livin’ her best life.

4. Rude with a ‘tude.

5. He’s killin’ it.–/

6. Sitting pretty.

7. Ready for some fun in the sun.

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Happy Friday my furry friends!

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8. Totally ’80s.

9. A real fashion plate.

10. Hippie for life.

Don’t hold out on us! Share some pics of your beloved companions wearing sunglasses in the comments!

We need this to get through the day!

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In Honor of Movember, Here Are 15 Epic Moustaches

Each November, men all over the world grow moustaches for Movember, a nonprofit organization that raises awareness for men’s health issues such as testicular cancer, prostate cancer, and mental health.

Their goal: to stop men dying too young.

In honor of Movember, let’s take a look at some pretty impressive cookie dusters.

1. Solid and timeless.

2. Black and white action.

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Perfect moustache day •

A post shared by Johan Bergström (@joohaanbergstrom) on

3. A young Bill Murray. Legend.

4. This fella is not messing around.

5. Kind of terrifying, TBH.

6. Damn right it’s epic.

7. A little Rollie Fingers action.

8. I want to meet this guy.

9. A sharp looking ‘stache.

10. This man is a legend.

Do you have a killer ‘stache that you want to show off?

Maybe you’re even growing one for Movember?

Share your pics in the comments!

The post In Honor of Movember, Here Are 15 Epic Moustaches appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Interesting Facts for You to Think About

Let’s get down to business with another fact set. We consistently bring you the facts that you make you think about our world and ponder our past, present, and future.

Are you ready to put on your thinking cap?

Let’s go!

1. Get down to business!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. You have two minutes!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. Consider me the hardest worker of all time.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. How many do you have?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. I want to ride my bicycle.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. I’m with Mr. Jefferson on this one

Photo Credit: did you know?

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7. What a story!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. No proof…yet.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. I’m in luck!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. Brilliant until the end.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

Some quality facts, right there!

Be sure to explore our other fact sets as well.

The post 10 Interesting Facts for You to Think About appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Interesting Facts for You to Think About

Let’s get down to business with another fact set. We consistently bring you the facts that you make you think about our world and ponder our past, present, and future.

Are you ready to put on your thinking cap?

Let’s go!

1. Get down to business!

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

2. You have two minutes!

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

3. Consider me the hardest worker of all time.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

4. How many do you have?

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2 Source 3

5. I want to ride my bicycle.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

6. I’m with Mr. Jefferson on this one

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2 Source 3

7. What a story!

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

8. No proof…yet.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. I’m in luck!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. Brilliant until the end.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

Some quality facts, right there!

Be sure to explore our other fact sets as well.

The post 10 Interesting Facts for You to Think About appeared first on UberFacts.

A Guys Got the Silent Treatment from His Fiancée After Spending $5k on Surgery to Save His Dog

Relationships can be tricky and that goes double for the moment you realize that your money is now our money. That means you need to discuss before you make decisions with it.

A fact that Unsurebigbig3 found out the hard way after he shelled out $5k for his dog’s cancer treatment without discussing it with his bride-to-be.

She got angry, he’s upset – no one is happy.

What do you think about the situation?

My Fiancée isn’t speaking to me after I used “our” money to help my dog. Not sure not to fix this? from relationship_advice

Now, I love dogs as much as the next person, and if I had the money sitting in the bank to save or extend my pupper’s life, you’d better believe I would use it. And the fact that she’s thinking more about the money than the dog’s life makes me absolutely dislike her.

That said, we’re only getting his side of the story, here, and there are red flags on his end, too – like the fact that he didn’t include her in the decision, and that he takes the time to point out that he saves much more money than she does.

So, what do you think? Was he wrong? Was she?

Do they both suck?

Most people tend to fall on the “you both kind of suck and you probably need counseling before marriage.”

I can get on board with that, though I do also question marrying someone who is going to use the silent treatment as a fighting tactic…

Because you’re probably hoping to marry an adult and not a psychological child.

What do you think? Should he marry her? Should she split? Are they going to make it?

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15 Men Share the Moment They Knew They Wanted a Divorce

Marriage is tough, and the truth is (at least in my experience) that not everyone gets it right on the first (or second) try. It stands to reason, then, that there’s a moment for many of us when we realized that staying married to the person sharing our lives and our beds just wasn’t going to be an option.

If you’re curious what puts men over the edge in a relationship, well, these 15 guys are down to share.

15. I bet he wishes he could take the $15k back.

Not me, but one of my best friends(got his permission to post). He got a pretty substantial year end bonus from work. He decided to use most of it for his wife’s Christmas gift and pay off her remaining student loans (~$14,700) and the remaining portion to buy a new computer chair for when he gamed (~$300).

Christmas morning (he was nice enough to let me stay at his place when I traveled for work as he lived 20 minutes from the airport) we all woke up, and had breakfast. His family and her parents came over and we started exchanging gifts.

Besides paying off her loans, he had gotten her a few times items. She opened the card saying her loans were paid off she just sat there for a minute. After the silence, and assuming she was kinda in shock, she asked “did you seriously not get me anything else? I bought you that stupid keyboard (the wrong one btw) and you only got me a few things?”

At that point, his brother in law and myself decided to go hang out in another room for a while they ended up getting into a huge fight. A day later when he was dropping me off at the airport he told me that he was going to visit a lawyer and get a divorce.

14. That’ll do it.

When a friend’s wife said to me “You know your wife is sleeping with my husband.”

13. Too bad you couldn’t take your stepdaughter with you.

When my stepdaughter became a teenager, my ex ramped up the nutso. She had always been an impatient, angry screamer of a parent. But as my stepdaugher became a young woman, my ex just went crazy with envy or something. I know lots of moms have a hard time with teenage daughters, but their base level patience is so much better than my ex’s was. Threats of cutting hair in middle of night while daughter slept, pulling hair, slapping face, ridiculing in front of her friends, swinging something that missed and put a hole in the wall – I was out, with the kids.

12. Second chances should be more than enough.

I was working on a mother daughter scrapbook as a Christmas present for her. Was going through her Google photos account looking for pics of them together. Came across a selfie she took with some dude laying on her. Confirmed her second affair. Knew it was over the moment I saw it. That has fucked me up pretty good.

11. I would have gone for the drama and the free drinks.

We flew across the country for her sister’s wedding. She didn’t say a word to me the entire time since we had parked at the airport. Once we landed at our destination, we walked to baggage claim (absolute silence preceding for several hours now). At the carousel, I picked up her bag when she took it out of my hand and calmly stated, “None of my family knows you’re here–I told them I came alone.” She walked out of the airport and left me there.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder made for some really fun scenarios.

10. He’s got some great friends.

When my buddies approached me to complain that she kept sitting on their laps, wiggling, and hoping for an erection.

9. Not that he needed permission, but.

When she falsely told our marriage counselor that I punched her.

The next week, she denied saying it and accused our counselor of lying. He gave me a “You should leave this relationship” look. I took that look as permission from a professional that I definitely wasn’t making the wrong decision. Got divorced and never looked back.

I legitimately feared for my safety towards the end — not that she would hurt me, but that she would make a false accusation to the cops or a crazy friend.

Edit: shortened the story

8. That’s a big ol’ yikes.

The morning I saw a picture of some dudes dick on her phone. She was classy enough to bring him to the divorce proceedings…

7. It’s hard to watch people make your kids feel like that.

My wife was around less & less…had to be free to live her life, go out with her friends. More often than not she would call me to pick our daughter up from daycare, after promising to pick her up & have some girl time…..just tell her I’m working late or not feeling well. She always had something better to do & the kids were old enough to know better. I went to pick our daughter up one day, when they called her name she came running over until she saw it wasn’t mom, again, slumped her shoulders & slowly walked over to ask “what’s her excuse this time?” That was the breaking point, told her to get out, even helped pay her security deposit to get her out.

6. It’s okay to be happily divorced.

During the last year and a half of our marriage she became extremely psychologically abusive. She was a narcissist, controlled my every move, would isolate me, refused physical contact, I was just an extension to her life, was not allowed to talk to any female, was not allowed to hang out with any friends or she would ignore me for up to 5 days at a time, double standards everywhere, verbal abuse and the list can continue but it hurts to think about. The last straw for me was when she threatened to kill me because I came home from work late even though she knew I would be home late. It was just a little too late for her and she also threatened to hit me the same day. This was the second time this happened and I talked with several people at work about it and they suggested that I run. I had texts of the threats on my phone and contacted a lawyer that same week. She agreed to sign since I told her I would take severe legal action if she didn’t. Thankfully no children and it was a clean divorce and I’m happily divorced.

5. A good deal for whom, exactly?

I was a Lance Corporal bringing home scraps for a paycheck to an unemployed wife who one day brought home a brand new Lexus IS350 because she “got a good deal on it.” Apparently I was supposed to pay the $800/mo bill. I didn’t think it was a good deal.

4. Poor little dear.

She let me know she was pregnant and wanted my permission to tell all her girlfriends during a girls’ night out.
Since I knew there was no possible way it was my child, she was also unknowingly admitting to having an affair. (I can math, and she can’t). It was with her boss.
Lawyered up the next day, and he ate her alive in court. I got primary custody of our child we already had, and child support, and a sheriff’s notice that she had to vacate my home in 30 days.
I never knew she could be that stupid.

3. This one has to win some kind of award.

When she staged a robbery of our house so she could pawn all of my shit for drug money.

2. Oprah always knows best.

she made me watch Oprah and there was a quiz. Is Your Marriage Okay or not type thing. In my head I saw 7 or 10 items that were Not Okay. She didn’t see any. We had already been to counseling.

1. Shenanigans are overrated.

When she presented a picture of our four-year-old daughter and me laying next to each other on the couch watching Blues Clues to our marriage counselor as evidence of my “inappropriate conduct” around our kids.

Thank God he saw right through that bullshit immediately and told her to knock it off.

Edit: There is no Joe. #notmySteve

Edit 2: Many asked, so here’s the deal. We’ve been divorced almost five years now. The process wasn’t fair, but that wasn’t really my ex’s fault. No allegations of child abuse or misconduct were brought up against me during the proceedings, so that was good. They wouldn’t have flown for a minute in court anyway.

Our kids are older now and every day are becoming better equipped to see and understand the difference between what’s reasonable and right and what’s simply just batshit insane–and it’s not working out all that well for their mother, who hasn’t changed her MO much if at all since we parted ways. So it goes.

I’m happily remarried now to a woman with kids of her own–kids who were friends and schoolmates of MY kids before she and I even got to know each other. They’re all OUR kids now. Life is good. No more shenanigans.

Those are some doozies that I have no idea how they could have come back from, so yeah. Probably a good decision.

If you’ve got a moment like this in your past, share it with us in the comments!

The post 15 Men Share the Moment They Knew They Wanted a Divorce appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Men Share the Moment They Knew They Wanted a Divorce

Marriage is tough, and the truth is (at least in my experience) that not everyone gets it right on the first (or second) try. It stands to reason, then, that there’s a moment for many of us when we realized that staying married to the person sharing our lives and our beds just wasn’t going to be an option.

If you’re curious what puts men over the edge in a relationship, well, these 15 guys are down to share.

15. I bet he wishes he could take the $15k back.

Not me, but one of my best friends(got his permission to post). He got a pretty substantial year end bonus from work. He decided to use most of it for his wife’s Christmas gift and pay off her remaining student loans (~$14,700) and the remaining portion to buy a new computer chair for when he gamed (~$300).

Christmas morning (he was nice enough to let me stay at his place when I traveled for work as he lived 20 minutes from the airport) we all woke up, and had breakfast. His family and her parents came over and we started exchanging gifts.

Besides paying off her loans, he had gotten her a few times items. She opened the card saying her loans were paid off she just sat there for a minute. After the silence, and assuming she was kinda in shock, she asked “did you seriously not get me anything else? I bought you that stupid keyboard (the wrong one btw) and you only got me a few things?”

At that point, his brother in law and myself decided to go hang out in another room for a while they ended up getting into a huge fight. A day later when he was dropping me off at the airport he told me that he was going to visit a lawyer and get a divorce.

14. That’ll do it.

When a friend’s wife said to me “You know your wife is sleeping with my husband.”

13. Too bad you couldn’t take your stepdaughter with you.

When my stepdaughter became a teenager, my ex ramped up the nutso. She had always been an impatient, angry screamer of a parent. But as my stepdaugher became a young woman, my ex just went crazy with envy or something. I know lots of moms have a hard time with teenage daughters, but their base level patience is so much better than my ex’s was. Threats of cutting hair in middle of night while daughter slept, pulling hair, slapping face, ridiculing in front of her friends, swinging something that missed and put a hole in the wall – I was out, with the kids.

12. Second chances should be more than enough.

I was working on a mother daughter scrapbook as a Christmas present for her. Was going through her Google photos account looking for pics of them together. Came across a selfie she took with some dude laying on her. Confirmed her second affair. Knew it was over the moment I saw it. That has fucked me up pretty good.

11. I would have gone for the drama and the free drinks.

We flew across the country for her sister’s wedding. She didn’t say a word to me the entire time since we had parked at the airport. Once we landed at our destination, we walked to baggage claim (absolute silence preceding for several hours now). At the carousel, I picked up her bag when she took it out of my hand and calmly stated, “None of my family knows you’re here–I told them I came alone.” She walked out of the airport and left me there.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder made for some really fun scenarios.

10. He’s got some great friends.

When my buddies approached me to complain that she kept sitting on their laps, wiggling, and hoping for an erection.

9. Not that he needed permission, but.

When she falsely told our marriage counselor that I punched her.

The next week, she denied saying it and accused our counselor of lying. He gave me a “You should leave this relationship” look. I took that look as permission from a professional that I definitely wasn’t making the wrong decision. Got divorced and never looked back.

I legitimately feared for my safety towards the end — not that she would hurt me, but that she would make a false accusation to the cops or a crazy friend.

Edit: shortened the story

8. That’s a big ol’ yikes.

The morning I saw a picture of some dudes dick on her phone. She was classy enough to bring him to the divorce proceedings…

7. It’s hard to watch people make your kids feel like that.

My wife was around less & less…had to be free to live her life, go out with her friends. More often than not she would call me to pick our daughter up from daycare, after promising to pick her up & have some girl time…..just tell her I’m working late or not feeling well. She always had something better to do & the kids were old enough to know better. I went to pick our daughter up one day, when they called her name she came running over until she saw it wasn’t mom, again, slumped her shoulders & slowly walked over to ask “what’s her excuse this time?” That was the breaking point, told her to get out, even helped pay her security deposit to get her out.

6. It’s okay to be happily divorced.

During the last year and a half of our marriage she became extremely psychologically abusive. She was a narcissist, controlled my every move, would isolate me, refused physical contact, I was just an extension to her life, was not allowed to talk to any female, was not allowed to hang out with any friends or she would ignore me for up to 5 days at a time, double standards everywhere, verbal abuse and the list can continue but it hurts to think about. The last straw for me was when she threatened to kill me because I came home from work late even though she knew I would be home late. It was just a little too late for her and she also threatened to hit me the same day. This was the second time this happened and I talked with several people at work about it and they suggested that I run. I had texts of the threats on my phone and contacted a lawyer that same week. She agreed to sign since I told her I would take severe legal action if she didn’t. Thankfully no children and it was a clean divorce and I’m happily divorced.

5. A good deal for whom, exactly?

I was a Lance Corporal bringing home scraps for a paycheck to an unemployed wife who one day brought home a brand new Lexus IS350 because she “got a good deal on it.” Apparently I was supposed to pay the $800/mo bill. I didn’t think it was a good deal.

4. Poor little dear.

She let me know she was pregnant and wanted my permission to tell all her girlfriends during a girls’ night out.
Since I knew there was no possible way it was my child, she was also unknowingly admitting to having an affair. (I can math, and she can’t). It was with her boss.
Lawyered up the next day, and he ate her alive in court. I got primary custody of our child we already had, and child support, and a sheriff’s notice that she had to vacate my home in 30 days.
I never knew she could be that stupid.

3. This one has to win some kind of award.

When she staged a robbery of our house so she could pawn all of my shit for drug money.

2. Oprah always knows best.

she made me watch Oprah and there was a quiz. Is Your Marriage Okay or not type thing. In my head I saw 7 or 10 items that were Not Okay. She didn’t see any. We had already been to counseling.

1. Shenanigans are overrated.

When she presented a picture of our four-year-old daughter and me laying next to each other on the couch watching Blues Clues to our marriage counselor as evidence of my “inappropriate conduct” around our kids.

Thank God he saw right through that bullshit immediately and told her to knock it off.

Edit: There is no Joe. #notmySteve

Edit 2: Many asked, so here’s the deal. We’ve been divorced almost five years now. The process wasn’t fair, but that wasn’t really my ex’s fault. No allegations of child abuse or misconduct were brought up against me during the proceedings, so that was good. They wouldn’t have flown for a minute in court anyway.

Our kids are older now and every day are becoming better equipped to see and understand the difference between what’s reasonable and right and what’s simply just batshit insane–and it’s not working out all that well for their mother, who hasn’t changed her MO much if at all since we parted ways. So it goes.

I’m happily remarried now to a woman with kids of her own–kids who were friends and schoolmates of MY kids before she and I even got to know each other. They’re all OUR kids now. Life is good. No more shenanigans.

Those are some doozies that I have no idea how they could have come back from, so yeah. Probably a good decision.

If you’ve got a moment like this in your past, share it with us in the comments!

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