A Guy Found out His Wife Was Cheating With a Professor and He Got Sweet Revenge on Both of Them

Finding out your spouse is being unfaithful must be one of the biggest, most shocking betrayals of a person’s life. While some people might down their sorrows, or just walk away, others get mad – and bent on revenge.

This man, who found out his wife was sleeping with one of her professors, definitely falls into the latter category.

And it’s been a minute since all of this happened…

And Jamaica even makes an appearance!

And he never would have known had it not been for a surprisingly honest student…

Okay, so far, all normal reactions.

But then, he finds out they’ve been laughing about how stupid he was not to figure it out.

And he snapped.

Wait… weed lube? Googling now… okay, yes! Will try.

Back to the proceedings…

Then, he puts the next part of his dastardly plan into action.

Yes, this is evil.

Evil. Genius.

And that’s when his plan really takes off.

And the fallout continues!

Whew. That was a LOT, y’all.

Do you feel badly for the wife? The professor? Agree with the “burn it all down” mentality?

Sound off in the comments!

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These Jobs Probably Won’t Exist in 20 Years

The world is changing very rapidly. There are countless jobs out there that weren’t even on people’s radars 20 years ago, but what jobs today might be obsolete themselves 20 years in the future?

These 15 Redditors have some ideas!

15. What’s that job called again?

Hopefully, that job where that dude stands in the men’s room of a bar and squirts soap into your hands, and hands you a paper towel, expecting a tip. I don’t hate the guy who does that job, but I loathe the fact that that job exists and that I’m forced to choose between wasting money, looking like a jerk and stiffing the guy, or taking the loophole and not washing my hands.

14. Except for Family Video…

Video store employees.

13. Never mind the papers themselves.

It’s me again, just lonely here, thinking bout the paperboy, wondering when he’s gonna bring me some good news

12. What about Facebook, though?

Any job related to Facebook.

11. Selling things over the phone at all?

My current job may not exist in 5 years, so I am not sure that counts.

I sell reference titles over the phone, specifically print reference titles. I suspect that with the current flow of technology this company may only be around for another 3 – 5 years.

10. The sticker-slapper.

Ever watch “How’s Its Made” and there’s this complicated ass machine literally piecing together and building some kind of complicated product. There are arms grabbing, and lasers cutting, belts moving things, and just miracle after miracle of modern automation. Then there’s this dude who moves the finished product into a box and slaps a label on. And the viewer wonders why the fuck did they need a person to do that lousy step? That job doesn’t stand a chance.

9. They even charge you to do it yourself, so.

That asshole you have to wait a week for from the cable company just to plug in a box for an exorbitant fee.

Edit: everyone… tell me how much this bums you out…

rubs nipples

8. Pretty sure this is already happening.

BlackBerry tech support.

7. I like your hope and optimism.

I hope jobs in general won’t exist in 10-20 years. Wall-E.

Edit: Oh my…what have I started.

6. No one to kill you (at least on the ride home).

Taxi Drivers. Hopefully in 20 years autonomous cars will mean we can go to the pub, get drunk and drive home safely. The computerised cars might have to be programmed to understand slurred words and mistyped commands though!

5. At least you’re aware.

Mine. I am a switchboard operator, a dying breed.

4. They’re already down to like, 1 real person an exit.

Toll Collectors.

3. Do you want to trust a remote control with your life, though?

Train Engineers. My father is one and complains about the newer remote controlled trains taking jobs every day.

2. As we know them, anyway.

Weed dealers will become obsolete quite soon.

EDIT: Weed dealers as we currently know them will be obsolete. They’ll be forever more convenient and less sketchy.

1. Fingers crossed for this one to miss the list.

I’m really sad to say this – but I hope that libraries are still operational in 10-20 years. Maybe bookstores too.

I think that while everybody says, ‘no way, books will be around forever, blablabla’ there is also the fact that libraries run on public funding and there has been legislation that continuously cuts hours and shuts down libraries.

Do you have anything to add? Agree? Disagree?

Tell us what you think in the comments!

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These People Swore up and Down That They Did Not Want a Pet

There are pet people and then there are people who claim to be human but still say they definitely don’t want a pet.

Okay, fine. I know there are responsible reasons to not want a pet, like not being financially able to care for them, or in a living situation that’s not conducive, or you travel or work a lot.

For most of us, though, those claims come to an end the moment “our” next pet worms their way into our lives.

Which is exactly what happened to these 18 people, who changed their tunes rather quickly.

17. I mean, he does look interested.

16. All animals can smell a sucker.

15. He’s clearly appalled at how they’re being deprived in his absence.

14. The cat wants what it wants.

13. She knows a nice chair when she sees one.

12. This is so innocent and adorable.

11. Never say never…

10. You gotta spoil the grandkids – it’s a rule!

9. No one getting tossed out, I see.

8. He was asleep!

7. If you’re gonna do it, do it right.

6. Not even with her children. Ha!

5. Education is important.

4. That seems right.

3. A beard snuggle omgggg.

2. Snuggle buddies!

1. That cat looks awfully smug!

Annnnnnnd I totally want a new pet for the new year. How about you?

Have any of your pets found you accidentally? How did you react?

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A Single Dad Asks His Daughter for Advice on What to Wear for a Date, and the Internet Swoons

There’s not many sweeter things than dads and their daughters who have excellent, close relationships. So when this young lady shared a text conversation in which her father was asking for advice on his first date wardrobe, well, the internet just collectively swooned.

He sent her several different options (I have similar exchanges with my mother all the time, but instead of dates, she stressing over wedding or church wear).

Image Credit: Twitter

The white?

Image Credit: Twitter

The blue?

Tucked in or not? So many choices!

Image Credit: Twitter

Sadly, even though he obviously looked darn good, Dad got stood up (by a horrible lady who is going to regret her choices sooner or later).

People on Twitter were invested, and angry on his behalf.

Some of them are even hoping to hook him up with their single mamas!

Stay tuned for more updates (please, let there be more updates!).

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People Are Sharing the Dumbest Thing Anyone Ever Said to Them

I actually remember the dumbest thing someone ever said to me, and how it kind of stunned me into silence for a good thirty seconds. There’s no way to respond to some comments, truly, that isn’t incredulous or flat-out rude.

Me? I just nodded and smiled.

These people have some pretty amazingly terrible stories of their own, and thankfully, someone thought to ask for them on Twitter.

Yay for us!

15. I promise her credentials are better than yours.

14. That’s not going to work out in her favor.

13. That’s not something you forget.

12. Just keep digging that hole deeper.

11. I need to hear the reasoning behind this.

10. I’m guessing this happens a lot.

9. I literally have no comment.

8. I would have struggled not to slap this person.

7. He picked the wrong lady.

6. It’s literally his name.

5. Well, that proves it then.

4. Why didn’t we think of that?

3. Oddly enough, it’s possible.

2. Yeahhhhhh that’s not how science works.

1. Pretty sure Canadians would take issue with this comment.


Mine was an actress – I complimented her on her ability to play two characters on a single show, saying that I could always tell which character she was playing when she came onscreen, even before she spoke.

Her reply, with a furrowed brow: “Do you mean right now?”

We were in an interview setting, soooooo. Yeah.

What’s your story? I know you have one!

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This Artist Imagines Fantastical Animals Living in the Real World

Art can make us think, push us out of our comfort zone, challenge us, please us, and connect us. In some cases, like Yee Chong’s adorable illustrations of fantastical animals living as pets, it can utterly delight us.

Below are 12 of my favorite images (I just want them to pop off the page so I can snuggle them, for real!), but you can check out everything she does if you follow her Instagram!

12. I can haz some dinner?

11. He sees you trying to leave.

10. This one is my favorite.

9. That face!

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Yamper. #pokemonswordshield #yamper

A post shared by Yee Chong (@art_of_silverfox) on

8. You just said awwwwww, didn’t you?

7. He fits he sits!

6. You couldn’t even be mad at him!

5. No one likes a bath!

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Instafloof #floofy #wet #fox

A post shared by Yee Chong (@art_of_silverfox) on

4. That’s not the kind of table food he wants and you know it!

3. What, am I not supposed to play with it?

2. Reporting for duty!

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Swiper no swiping! x3 #swiper #fox #doratheexplorer

A post shared by Yee Chong (@art_of_silverfox) on

1. So cozy!


So freaking adorable – it’s fun to live in a fantasy world now and then, no?

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Here Are 15 Nice and Wholesome Posts From 2019

In many ways, 2019 was a huge dumpster fire of a year.

Lots of anger, fighting, bad news, and chaos.

But I’m here to tell you that some really good things happened as well. Nice and wholesome everyday things that should put a big smile on your face and restore your faith in humanity…

Let’s take a look at some of the good stuff!

1. He nailed it!

2. Good efforts!

3. Now they’re in love.

I just really needed everyone to see this (u/pinche_whey) from MadeMeSmile

4. Doin’ it for the kids.

Awsome bus driver from HumansBeingBros

5. I want one, too!

My lady friend wanted a piggy back picture on the beach and a random biker watching the sunset said he wanted one too. from funny

6. I love this!

7. Go get ’em!

8. Far from home.

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. You can beat this.

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. A helping hand.

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. That was nice.

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Now I’ll take you.

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Let it grow.

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. A great idea!

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Heart donor.

Photo Credit: Twitter

That makes me a little more hopeful about 2020.

Let’s jump into the new year with a positive attitude!

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Hilarious Reviews From People Who Think the ‘Cats’ Movie Is a Total Disaster

It seems that pretty much everyone across the board thinks that the new Cats movie is a major disaster.

The movie is currently sitting at a 19% favorability rating among critics on Rotten Tomatoes, so you know there’s probably something bad going on here.

Let’s see what people on Twitter think about this new flick…

1. Let’s make this a book.

2. Thank you for this.

3. Stressin’ out!

4. Why? Why? Why?

5. LOLing for days.

6. Give it some time.

7. What kind of drugs are you on?

8. Going to new depths.

9. The reviews are in!

10. I guess that’s something.

11. It will always be here among us.

12. This is great.


14. Time to say goodbye.

15. I wish I could’ve been at that critic screening.

Have you seen Cats yet? What did you think?

Tell us all about it in the comments!

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Enjoy These Funny Tweets About Self-Care

A lot of times, in the midst of our incredibly busy lives, we forget that we need to take the time to relax, reflect, and take care of ourselves. Maybe not all the time, but at least occasionally.

I’m sure you’ve heard of “Self Care Sunday,” where you treat and pamper yourself after a lot of hard work? Well, these tweets are kind of about that phenomenon, but they flip it on its head a little bit with some humor.

Enjoy…and see if these tweets speak to you…

1. Please fix me.

2. Does it work, though?

3. All good tips.

4. Totally worth it.

5. I have a feeling it would be popular.

6. Do what you gotta do.

7. I do!

8. Sorry about that…

9. Start today!

10. This is so funny.

11. All very good tips.

12. The last one is crucial.

13. Doesn’t seem to be working…

14. I need to talk about how healthy I am.

15. I see…

Take good care of yourself in 2020 and beyond!

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Former Homeless People Explain What Their First Night on the Streets Was Like

Over half a million people in the United States sleep without a home on any given night. They’re forced to rest in cars, parks, streets, abandoned buildings, or on friends’ couches. Any kind of person can wind up in this situation, but homelessness is especially common for  those who are living paycheck-to-paycheck without savings – the financial reality for millions of Americans this year. Making it back out of homelessness can be incredibly difficult.

People on Reddit who have experienced homelessness opened up about their stories, describing their first night without a home, and how they were able to adapt to their new circumstances.

1. My mom said we were going camping.

“I was about 9 years old, and my mom said we were going on a camping trip. I didn’t really suspect anything, as it was summertime and we went camping a lot when I was younger. Although I did wonder why we were packing so much stuff. After a few weeks of “camping,” I started to complain, but my mom kept insisting that it was good for us to get in touch with nature, etc. Then school started, and we were still camping. And we kept camping for another 6 months. When we finally got a house, my mom cried with joy. And we don’t camp anymore.”

2. “I remember being really hungry”

“I remember being really hungry and acting weird because of the low blood sugar, almost delirious. This was when I made a futile attempt to run away from an abusive home with no money. I ended up going back because of that.”

3. The police escorted me to the shelter.

“Sleeping in my car wasn’t that bad. It was summer, so it was pretty warm which was my biggest issue.

Showered in the gym, and spent most of my day at the library before going to work.

For the first few nights it wasn’t bad. However one night police found me sleeping in my car and escorted me to the local homeless shelter, which was one of the most terrifying nights of my life. Since I’m lying there in a top bunk, when a huge argument breaks out because one guy breaks out some meth, wouldn’t share it with a second, then a third got pissed and started screaming at them to be quite because he needed to sleep.”

4. The crippling loneliness.

“I was kicked out by my mother at 16 and spent 2 months homeless before the local authority placed me in foster care.

I think what hit me first was how my own mother could make one of her own children homeless. I felt like the least favourite of her children – it all came out of nowhere, I racked my brain for years after, trying to think of what I might have done in particular.

Also the crippling loneliness you feel when you are trying to get hold of people to ask for a place to sleep for the night. I could not feel more alone in the world when someone would either not answer my message or tell me they were busy.

I’m pretty sure I camped out in the park that night. Didn’t sleep at all.”

5. Didn’t sleep a wink.

“It was terrifying and cold and hungry. I didn’t sleep a wink. I adapted over time. Extremely steep learning curve to surviving homelessness. Nothing really prepares you for it.”

“It wasn’t awful until it sunk in that it wasn’t going to change anytime soon. At first it’s just shocking. Like, blank mind shocking. How did I get to this point? Then it’s scary and surreal. AND I had my kid with me…so I was busy keeping him safe and fed. Awful came about a month into it.”

6. Walking “home.”

“I kept waking up in the middle of the night and would start walking “home”. I’d get a few steps then stop and realize I had nowhere to go and turn and walk back over and lay on the ground. The ground is very cold and I felt a lot of shame.”

7. How cold concrete can be.

“I slept at a Catholic Church across from my high school so I could still make it to school and graduate early. I remember feeling really sad because I slept where they put peoples ashes, and I remember being so sad that those people could comfort me in death more than anybody alive. I used to talk to them, if there’s camera footage I look insane. I never realized how alone I was in the world until I was homeless. And I never realized how cold concrete can be, it chills you right to your bones and is painful.”

8. Starting to spiral.

“I started being homeless at 19, a previous foster parent put me out for coming home from college one night, and I had called up a friend last minute. When I started to realize I wouldn’t be able to crash or stay anywhere, I am fairly certain I started to dread, and spiral into a constant, underlying depressive state. All I could think about was “am I going to die like this? Do I matter? Will no one help me? I’m sad, I’m scared. I don’t want to feel like I have to beg. What if I’m stuck like this? Is this really my life right now?” 19-26 was a very challenging time…”

9. Hours upon hours of nothing to do.

“I was getting high, so it really didn’t truly sink in until I was broke and dope sick. Then the desperation started. Going to gas stations jumping car to car asking for money. Stealing what I had to. It was a miserable existence. There are so many things you don’t think about when your not homeless…taking a shower, washing your clothes, and the boredom. Hours upon hours of nothing to do. And the constant noise. There was nowhere to go where it was truly quiet.”

10. Mom was just crying.

“I didn’t really realize what was going on, I was about 6-7 at the time. Dad said we were going to go for a drive and to pack my backpack with all the clothes I could fit and one toy. Mom was just crying. Me and my brother sat in the backseat, he was a little older and was holding our Sega Genesis and looking scared.

We drove for a little while (it was already getting dark) and we parked in front of a Walmart and dad said he had to rest for a while. Was the first of many….many nights we slept in the car.

I remember one of my parents was always awake, with their hand in their coat pocket. Looking back it was obvious they had a gun for protection, sleeping in shifts.”

11. No one wants to let you use the bathroom.

“Its terrifying at first. You feel so unsafe. I was a teenager, and wasn’t willing to close my eyes and sleep on a park bench alone. So, I went to a local shelter and lied about my age. The forced me to shower and do a pee test. It turns out the women in that shelter were scarier than the street so the next night I didnt go back. I slept in a park but ultimately made squatter friends and stayed with them. It was very much a community and I felt safe and loved there.The biggest problem with being homeless in the city is no one wants to let you use the bathroom. Even park bathrooms are locked. Squat peeing in between cars can be done quickly and undercover, but when you get your period its a nightmare.”

12. The first night was miserable.

“I was homeless for a couple of months a year or two ago. I had a car and a low paying job so I lived in the woods in a tent for a bit. The first night was miserable. I ended up sleeping really uncomfortably in the passenger seat of my car and it was a really cold night. After that I got a tent and slept on an old climbing pad i had. The first night was hell but the next several weeks were actually not so bad. I had a spot in the woods where I was well hidden and would cook over a fire. I really didnt have it that bad but it gave me quite a bit of sympathy for people who really do end up on the streets in a much more desperate situation. Shit is not easy.”

13. We climbed up the slopes of a mountain.

“First night my wife and I landed up sleeping outside we slept in a local park that I knew. We had come down from the countryside with a few Rands (enough for 1 meal maybe) and had hoped to stay with a friend. He was unable to give us a place to stay, so we had to sleep outside.

After the insecurity of that 1st night I told my wife that we have to find a safer place to sleep, so we climbed up the slopes of Table Mountain (about a 1 hour walk) and found quite a obscured spot amongst some bushes and trees. We cleared it out of sticks and rocks, made it a bit habitable and then went make to the city looking for work. We’d spend the day going from one place to the next looking for work until it started growing dark. Then we’d head up the mountain to our little spot for the night.”

14. It really messes with your self-esteem.

“My mom used to lock me out of the house regularly for no reason and I never had a place to sleep either so I would walk two hours to the beach and just wait until sunrise when my mom went to work and would sneak in thru my window. Sometimes I would spend a few nights on the beach at a time. It’s terrible, lonely, and really messes with your self esteem especially when you’re young and have nobody to take you in (I didn’t really have friends she prevented that). I’ve been solicited for sex tons of times by grown men when I was 14/15 and was terrified the first few times but quickly leaned that being meek gets you in bad situations so I would bring a knife with me and tell at them. I’ve learned a lot from those times and I hate remembering the loneliness and the hopelessness. I felt like I could’ve died and nobody would’ve cared or even known who I was. It’s a sad feeling knowing that if you disappeared nobody would come looking for you or even care.”

15. Food or blankets.

“I don’t think it all really hit me until I had to choose one night between food and blankets because the temperature was expected to drop down to the mid 30s and I had only had one somewhat thin blanket at that point.”

The post Former Homeless People Explain What Their First Night on the Streets Was Like appeared first on UberFacts.