What Happens in Movies That Really Annoys You? People Spoke Up.

If you watch enough movies, you begin to see some patterns over and over again.

They might be of the romantic variety or maybe it’s something that seems to happen in every action movie you watch.

And some of them are so unrealistic that they make folks go a little bit nuts.

People on AskReddit shared what happens in movies that drives them crazy.

1. Truth!

“That EVERY sh**ty movie nowadays is set up as the first part of a possible trilogy.

So what ends up happening is the first movie is non-committal and vague as a result.


2. Lame.

“Male lead and female lead with no chemistry end up together “just because”.


Come on writers! Try harder!”

3. See it all the time.

“In romantic comedies, the two love interests are usually bad for each other.

So, to make them seem less bad for each other, when they go through that period where they break up and try dating other people, the other people are the weirdest, most unlovable freaks anyone has ever laid eyes on. Men are instantly abusive, women behave like spoiled children.

It’s the stupidest trope.”

4. Yeah, I got it.

“Over explain the plot.

Like a recap so you are not confused.

Usually accompanied by flashbacks you just saw ‘live’ minutes ago.”

5. Always happens.

“”What happened?”

“I dont know, lets check on the news…”


in perfect timing

“If you are just joining us, here is the plot wrap up of the thing that the heroes need to know”

Cuts TV off immediately after important newscaster dialogue.”

6. You’re not convincing me.

“They hold supposedly full coffee cups like they are empty, always holding them at a tilt.

I know they are just stage props but they can at least act like there is coffee in their cups.”

7. Totally unrealistic.

“Car keys “hidden” behind sun visor

Of all the hundreds if not thousands of cars I’ve been in across my lifetime, I have met precisely zero people who stow their car keys this way.”

8. Can we have a minute, please?

“When two people want to talk privately, instead of them going into the hallway, they make the other 20 people leave the room.”

9. Two things.

“When some thing is foreshadowed and then revealed later in the movie, but instead of just letting you realize it yourself, one of the characters say it out loud. Like the audience is too dumb to make the connection.

Biggest pet peeve is the fact that EVERY comedy has to turn sad in a very cliche way halfway through the movie. It’s the guy loses girl and has to win her back formula that’s in every damn comedy.”

10. Lucky!

“After someone gets s**t in the chest, they always stand up, and triumphantly remove their jacket to reveal the bullet proof vest.”

11. We’re taking over.

“When the FBI shows up to “take over” the case and then the cops butt heads with them.

This does not happen.

Cops are more than happy to let someone else do their work for them.”

12. Do some research!

“Poor research.

When a part of the plot is in a different country than the movie itself is from and they show a regional/cultural aspect of the visited country and fail.

Don’t they have Google?”

13. Surprise!

“I have noticed in movies that involve a new house, it is often a “surprise” for all but the member of the family that apparently acquired or purchased it without any input from the rest of the family. Did the one person just buy it online or sneak away and just go through the purchase process and closing?

The family pulls up to the house, dad gets out and says, “let’s see the new house”, kids go run and pick their rooms and partner has never seen the house before. Why is this? It seems completely unrealistic and it bugs me every time.”

14. I don’t like this.

“I’ve noticed this a lot more lately, the fact that horror movies are super dark.

And I don’t mean dark plot-wise, I mean dark in the sense that I can’t see what the f**k is going on.

I get that horror is creepier at night but how can I be scared when I can’t see what’s happening on the screen?”

Are there certain things that happen in a lot of movies that drive you crazy?

If so, tell us about them in the comments.

We look forward to it!

The post What Happens in Movies That Really Annoys You? People Spoke Up. appeared first on UberFacts.

Fake Movie Posters That We Wish Were Real

I have a pretty decent collection of movie posters but I’ve never seen any quite like the ones you’re about to see.

They come to us from a Twitter page that is dedicated to really bad, fan-made, FAKE movie posters that we think you’re gonna get a big kick out of.

We know we did!

So take a look at these and we’ll see you on the flipside, friends!

1. Who wants to see this flick?

It might be a blockbuster. You never know…

2. The gang’s all here!

And they’re back in business!

3. This just looks like a nightmare.

Any takers for this one out there…?

4. I believe that is Pauly D and Snooki.

Two of America’s finest thespians.

5. Keanu looks so young.

This is gonna be good!

6. The new entry in this creepy series.

It might work, you never know.

7. He looks just like him.

I think he’s gonna pull it off.

8. Finally making it into a movie.

What took so long?!?!

9. What the hell is this gonna be about?

We all want to know!

10. Not this guy again!

I thought he went away forever…

11. They grow up so fast!

This is gonna be weird…

12. Wow…good luck with this one…

Has anyone heard any details about the plot yet?

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about a movie that doesn’t actually exist that you’d like to see.

We want to hear about all genres! Don’t hold back now!

This will be a lot of fun!

The post Fake Movie Posters That We Wish Were Real appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What They Think Everyone Should Experience in Their Lives

Everyone has their own opinions about what they think everyone needs to experience in their lives.

Sky diving? Stargazing? Visiting another country? Swimming with dolphins? Getting married?

The possibilities are endless!

What should everyone experience in their lives?

People on AskReddit offered their opinions. Let’s take a look.

1. Yes!

“Work in fast food

Not because it gives you some experience with fast paced, low wage, horribly managed fun.

But it gives you the sense that this happens to everyone in retail or fast food. Be nice to the person behind the counter because you’ve been in their shoes before.”

2. Go see some stuff!

“Travel. Even if it’s within your own state.

Because if it’s bad, you’ll appreciate your home so much more. If it’s good, you will broaden your horizons and take home a bit of inspiration.

Either way, it’s important to see how other people live in order to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around you, and your perspective.”

3. PAIN.

“Significant physical pain.

Some people don’t seem to understand how pain can reshape your entire world, your view of yourself, and how you think/react.

I lived with chronic pain for years (femoral head ground away most of what was left of my hip socket) and I know I was a very different person then.”

4. Changes your perspective.

“Knowing someone with a disability.

My life completely changed when I became disabled, and it introduced me to some amazing disabled people.

You learn a lot about empathy and just how creative and ingenious people can be. You also see how cruel people can be.”

5. The great outdoors.


Even if you are a fussy clean freak who loves a five star hotel, there is a simplicity of life that everyone should experience.

I love it so much.”

6. Try it out.


Even if you don’t think you need it, if you have access to it you 100% should take advantage and go.

It’s just a good way to get to know yourself and what you want. I wish it was free for everyone.”

7. That’ll teach you.

“A week taking care of a baby and a toddler.

Just so people can see how it really is. I work with a lot of people who were shocked at how much work it is. Which is fine. But parental regret is a real thing.

I think people would be more cautious about birth control if they knew or had experience.”

8. Heartbreak.

“Complete and total heartbreak.

Nothing makes you get your s**t together & become a more rounded person like someone you thought you’d spend your life with up & leaving.”

9. Time to move on.

“Moving away.

Narrow world views are some serious progress ki**ers for yourself and for the human species as a whole. Stop making excuses. Move out of your hometown.

You might be extremely surprised at how much is out there if you just let go and leave!”

10. Desperate times.

“Real hunger, real desperation.

I grew up very poor but got a scholarship to a ritzy school for college and a large portion of my classmates had literally never worked or struggled for anything in their lives. They’d never been dependent on another person’s kindness for their continued existence, and it showed in their absolute absence of empathy.

These were the kinds of college kids who call the cops if they see a homeless person going through a dumpster on campus. It was jarring to me how much basic human compassion they were missing.

They’ve never experienced real hunger so of course they don’t understand digging in the trash for a meal. Being rich literally strips your humanity away as far as I can tell- there was a reason I transferred out and it wasn’t the price of tuition.”

11. There you go.

“Three things:

Crippling Poverty.

Service industry employment.

One solid beatdown.”

12. Trippin’.

“I think a comfortable dose of psilocybin in a safe setting would do wonders for a lot of people.

Lose a little ego, appreciate nature much more, and just experience a sense of connection and bliss.”

13. Good learning experience.

“Own a small business. Everyone should do it.

Nothing has FULLY had me understand my finances like that.”

14. All the emotions.

“We should all experience joy, happiness and love. Unconditional love.

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but also heartbreak, sadness and all other bittersweet emotions.

Actually scratch that, we should experience all the emotions we can!”

15. Glorious!

“Unfiltered nature, in all her glory:

-A trip to the beach to smell the salty air…to feel some fine, soft beach sand between your toes…to have a seagull steal your food and then take a massive s**t on your shoulder…

-A trip to the mountains to feel the exhilarating crisp pine air enter your lungs…to find a quiet stream to relax by…to hear a growl somewhere nearby, and to skin your knees on the trail back to your car because you tripped over a rock looking behind to make sure that whatever growled isn’t following you…

-A trip to the desert to witness that life, indeed, (uh) does find a way…to witness the most glorious colors at sunrise an sunset, to balance off the somewhat boring shades of brown…to get stung by a scorpion as you awe over the immaculate horizons…

Nature. Experience it!”

What do YOU think everyone should experience in their lives?

Let us know what you think!

Talk to us in the comments!

The post People Talk About What They Think Everyone Should Experience in Their Lives appeared first on UberFacts.

Epic Fails That Might Make You Shudder

We all mess up sometimes, but when you see a major fail, you get down on your knees and give thanks to your God (whoever it is) that it didn’t happen to you.

Is that selfish behavior?


Should you feel bad about it?

Nahhh, don’t even bother!

And we got a bunch of BIG FAILS for you to enjoy today. Go ahead and see what went down with these folks.

1. That’s an expensive mistake.

Always look on the roof!

Forgetting about your $5,000 bike on your roof rack as you pull into the garage from facepalm

2. There’s a lot going on here.

He just wanted to see what was going on.

Are we there yet? from funny

3. Ouch. Forgot about the lid.

Maybe it still tastes okay?

Chicken and Broccoli smothered in melted rubber lid. from RuinedMyDay

4. Frozen milk, anyone?

That does not look appetizing at all.

I just wanted a nice snack ? from mildlyinfuriating

5. Didn’t work out so well.

Oh well, maybe next time…

Having been eagerly waiting for my tomatoes to grow from Wellthatsucks

6. This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.

Or at least in the Top 10…

Hi I’d like an appointment to see the dentist please from MakeMeSuffer

7. Garlic butter? Uh uh…

I’m not willing to go down that road.

I did not look closely enough at that label from Wellthatsucks

8. Wow. They sure are picky.

Come on, give ’em a break!

well this is one way to f*ck up a test…. from MakeMeSuffer

9. He won’t make that mistake again.

Don’t be too hard on him, okay?

Boyfriend tried to wash a down pillow… from Wellthatsucks

10. Have fun cleaning that up.

Might want to cancel your plans for tonight…

At least I missed my foot, mostly. from Wellthatsucks

11. That is totally disgusting.

I think they call that “trench foot”.

My foot after wearing a wet boot with a hole in it for 10 hours from MakeMeSuffer

12. Time to get the scissors out.

Good luck with that!

This is where the battery died from mildlyinfuriating

13. Did anyone buy this?

I sure hope not…

Why from MakeMeSuffer

Did you shudder?

I know I shuddered…

And now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us about the worst fails that have ever happened to you.

We can’t wait!

The post Epic Fails That Might Make You Shudder appeared first on UberFacts.

Quality Memes to Put a Huge Grin on Your Face

There’s a time for everything…

A time to cry, a time to mourn…and a time to GRIN! Yes, I just ripped off a song by The Byrds…sorry about that…

But the point I’m trying to make is that we all need a smile or two these days and we believe that these memes are gonna help you out in that department.

Let’s get grinning!

1. I find this to be disrespectful.

Get it? Got it? Good!

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. We got a high roller on our hands.

All thanks to Mom…

Photo Credit: The Chive

3. How did you guys get here?

There’s no escape from them!

Photo Credit: The Chive

4. You know they’re gonna do it.

They have to! It’s their duty as friends!

Photo Credit: The Chive

5. Beavers really look up to that ship.

I mean, can you blame them?

Photo Credit: The Chive

6. You blew it this time.

You had your shot…

Photo Credit: The Chive

7. Oops, didn’t mean to do that.

Time to buy some new sheets. Again.

Photo Credit: The Chive

8. This kid has it pretty rough.

But at least they’re being honest.

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. Sick burn, bro!

You know they had to do it.

Photo Credit: The Chive

10. Yeah, tell me how that works…

Doesn’t seem very fair…

Photo Credit: The Chive

11. Now you’re in trouble.

This is a gang you don’t want to mess with.

Photo Credit: The Chive

12. It’s gonna be a long day.

Just try to power through it!

Photo Credit: The Chive

How about you?

Have you seen any funny memes lately?

Well, you know what to do! Share them with us in the comments!

Please and thank you!

The post Quality Memes to Put a Huge Grin on Your Face appeared first on UberFacts.

Check out This Video That Shows How Fast Bacteria Can Spread “Down There”

Knowledge is power and sure, one of the best and coolest things about the internet is that we can learn just about anything with the click of a few buttons. Some posts, though, leave me wondering if life wasn’t just a bit happier when we didn’t know everything, because some things…I’d be ok maintaining my ignorance.

Because after you realize something, of course, you feel compelled to, you know…take care of it.

Which is exactly how you might feel after watching this TikTok about how quickly bacteria and bacterial infections can spread in the vagina.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

The TikToker, Roxanne Ramsey, is going to use a zucchini, water, and ranch dressing to make her demonstration about bacterial vaginosis really pop, so consider the squeamish among you warned.

She grabs three bowls and names them – Ashley, the bowl of clean water, Ashley’s boyfriend Brandon, the zucchini, and Britney, the ranch dressing, who always wipes back to front.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

“Even though Ashley and Brandon’s relationship is really healthy, Brandon went to the market one day and just couldn’t help himself…”

She goes on to show what Brandon looks like after his experimental dip…and what Ashley looks like after Brandon comes home, sheepish and mum about the whole thing, and dips back into her.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

Ashley gets medicine for the vaginosis, but lo and behold, look what happens in Part 2 of Roxanne’s video…

The vaginosis comes back, even though Brandon has been faithful since that one encounter with infected Britney.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

Roxanne spoke to Buzzfeed about why the topic was important for her to inform others about online:

“I began to notice I would only get it after s^x with my partner. I had been to so many doctor’s appointments searching for answers, but to no avail. Every doctor told me I was suffering because of my soap and detergent. Finally, I decided to participate in a study for bacterial vaginosis because I thought something was terribly wrong with me.”

A doctor in the study told Roxanne that she thought her boyfriend was probably the reason, but that there were little to no tools for diagnosing bacterial vaginosis in men, and no treatment options, because many doctors didn’t believe men could get or pass the infection along.

Roxanne, though, knew it was at least worth exploring, since she’d tried everything else.

“It’s funny because I’ve struggled with BV for so long, I feel like I have a bacterial vaginosis degree… Once I learned information from the specialist, I knew that treatment was a possibility. She prescribed me meds, and I simply gave them to my partner. I was so shocked because it worked! It was such a simple fix that could’ve saved me years of struggling.”

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

She wanted to share not only the visualization of how easily bacteria can spread and her own experience, but the message that we know our bodies better than anyone else, and when you’re talking to your doctor, it’s important to remember to advocate for yourself.

Ask the questions, listen to the answers, but remember that you’re in charge of your body and your treatment, so if you feel like something more needs to be done, don’t stop pushing until you don’t feel that way anymore.

Be safe out there friends, and remember to love yourselves all the way up and down.

The post Check out This Video That Shows How Fast Bacteria Can Spread “Down There” appeared first on UberFacts.

Check out This Video That Shows How Fast Bacteria Can Spread “Down There”

Knowledge is power and sure, one of the best and coolest things about the internet is that we can learn just about anything with the click of a few buttons. Some posts, though, leave me wondering if life wasn’t just a bit happier when we didn’t know everything, because some things…I’d be ok maintaining my ignorance.

Because after you realize something, of course, you feel compelled to, you know…take care of it.

Which is exactly how you might feel after watching this TikTok about how quickly bacteria and bacterial infections can spread in the vagina.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

The TikToker, Roxanne Ramsey, is going to use a zucchini, water, and ranch dressing to make her demonstration about bacterial vaginosis really pop, so consider the squeamish among you warned.

She grabs three bowls and names them – Ashley, the bowl of clean water, Ashley’s boyfriend Brandon, the zucchini, and Britney, the ranch dressing, who always wipes back to front.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

“Even though Ashley and Brandon’s relationship is really healthy, Brandon went to the market one day and just couldn’t help himself…”

She goes on to show what Brandon looks like after his experimental dip…and what Ashley looks like after Brandon comes home, sheepish and mum about the whole thing, and dips back into her.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

Ashley gets medicine for the vaginosis, but lo and behold, look what happens in Part 2 of Roxanne’s video…

The vaginosis comes back, even though Brandon has been faithful since that one encounter with infected Britney.

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

Roxanne spoke to Buzzfeed about why the topic was important for her to inform others about online:

“I began to notice I would only get it after s^x with my partner. I had been to so many doctor’s appointments searching for answers, but to no avail. Every doctor told me I was suffering because of my soap and detergent. Finally, I decided to participate in a study for bacterial vaginosis because I thought something was terribly wrong with me.”

A doctor in the study told Roxanne that she thought her boyfriend was probably the reason, but that there were little to no tools for diagnosing bacterial vaginosis in men, and no treatment options, because many doctors didn’t believe men could get or pass the infection along.

Roxanne, though, knew it was at least worth exploring, since she’d tried everything else.

“It’s funny because I’ve struggled with BV for so long, I feel like I have a bacterial vaginosis degree… Once I learned information from the specialist, I knew that treatment was a possibility. She prescribed me meds, and I simply gave them to my partner. I was so shocked because it worked! It was such a simple fix that could’ve saved me years of struggling.”

Image Credit: Roxanne Ramsey

She wanted to share not only the visualization of how easily bacteria can spread and her own experience, but the message that we know our bodies better than anyone else, and when you’re talking to your doctor, it’s important to remember to advocate for yourself.

Ask the questions, listen to the answers, but remember that you’re in charge of your body and your treatment, so if you feel like something more needs to be done, don’t stop pushing until you don’t feel that way anymore.

Be safe out there friends, and remember to love yourselves all the way up and down.

The post Check out This Video That Shows How Fast Bacteria Can Spread “Down There” appeared first on UberFacts.

This is How You Can Delete Yourself From Google Searches

There are many great things about living in the age of the Internet, but not everyone likes the idea of random people being able to learn things about their family and lives with a simple Google search.

It can make a person uncomfortable even if they don’t have something to hide, but that said, there are plenty of people out there with extremely legitimate reasons for needing to stay as anonymous as possible.

Whether you just like your privacy or safety is a major concern, everyone should know how to delete themselves from a Google search if they want to, and we’re about to hand over that knowledge right now.

If you’ve got a common name, this process might not be worth your time and effort, but only you know whether or not it’s important enough to you – and if it is, these steps will help you erase around 99% of your digital footprint.

#1. Do a search yourself.

Image Credit: Pexels

Google yourself first and see what actually comes up.

Open an incognito window using the Chrome browser menu, type your name into the search box surrounded by quotes – your whole name, including your middle name and then without your middle name – and make a list fo what comes up.

If there are things that seem problematic, focus on removing those results first.

#2. Realize there are downsides.

Image Credit: Pexels

Google searches aren’t the way that corporations store your information, so if you’re concerned about data sharing, you’re going to have to take a hard look at your social media usage and online shopping habits instead.

There will still be plenty of information floating around for data mining; deleting yourself from Google searches will only help thwart future employers, potential stalkers, nosy neighbors, and the like from being able to find you in real life by using the internet.

#3. If you still want to, take the first step.

Image Credit; Pexels

The first thing you’re going to have to do is to delete your social media accounts, or at the very least, use a fake name online.

You’ll want to make sure you delete even accounts you haven’t used in some time, like MySpace or Reddit, but your self-Google should make it easy to jog your memory.

If you don’t want to delete, keep the apps that allow you to set them to “private,” which at least prevents google from showing your pictures in the search results.

#4. Contact some data collection sites directly.

Image Credit: Pexels

Data collection and data broker results will look like “click here to get the arrest records for” or “we’ve found the address and phone number for” in your search results.

Those sites allow people to pay to access a person’s phone number, address, court history, etc, and unfortunately, there’s no easy way to get the sites to remove you without contacting them directly.

You can pay services like DeleteMe to do it for you, if you have the cash, and it will save you a ton of time.

#5. Delete comments you’ve made.

Image Credit: iStock

If you’ve made comments on website articles, those can come up in a Google search. If you can, just log on to the site and delete your comment.

If you can’t, you’ll have to contact the owner(s) of the site and ask them to remove it for you.

If you can’t find the contact information for the site’s owner, you can use WhoIs.com to find it, but know that the owners aren’t required to delete your comments and may not.

Shoot your shot, though! There are still some people out there who aren’t complete jerks just because they can be.

#6. Remove photos or article mentions.

Image Credit: Pexels

If there are photos of you posted by someone else, or articles that mention your name, you will once again be relying on the kindness of the person who put them up to take them down.

Google might be willing to help – you can contact them and request the information be removed on their end, and if the mention or image is inappropriate, you can try using the Report Inappropriate Content Tool to speed up the process.

#7. Hide your home on Google Maps.

Image Credit: Pexels

If people know your address (or pay to get it) they’ll be able to see your home on Google Maps (or even street view), but Google makes it fairly simple to request that your house be blurred out through this service.

Go to Google Maps, search your address, and click on your home’s photo.

A black box should appear with your address, and there’s a menu that includes Report a Problem.

Fill out the form and submit, but know that you can’t undo this action.

#8. Hide anything you can’t get removed.

Image Credit: iStock

If Google and/or site owners aren’t willing to help you remove something you’d rather not be easily found, you can force those embarrassing results onto a second page.

Update your information on as many sites as you can, join new ones, start a personal blog or webpage, etc – more recent information should show up first, which would push the things you don’t want found down lower on the list of results.

There you have it, my friends. Not simple, exactly, but doable if you’re committed.

If you decide to disappear from the internet, well, it was nice knowing you – be safe out there!

The post This is How You Can Delete Yourself From Google Searches appeared first on UberFacts.

#WhyImSingle Hashtag Might Make You Feel Better About Your Own Life…Maybe

I’ve been single for quite a while now, and I’m okay with that.

I know I have my quirks and I also know that it’s gonna take a very special someone for me to give up my independence.

And knowing is half the battle, right?

These brave souls were nice enough to get real about why they’re single. Let’s dive in.

1. That wasn’t a compliment.

In case you didn’t know.

2. That’s your best?

If you say so…

3. Never give up hope!

That call might come tomorrow.

4. Now it’s over.

Time to move on.

5. You’re lying!

That was a test.

6. That could be a problem.

Just letting you know.

7. I’m right about this!

People and their laundry…sheesh.

8. Not the one.

Not by a longshot.

9. Father always knows best.

And here’s one more example.

10. Can I clone myself?

And sleep in a cave?

11. Find your happiness.

Focus on yourself!

12. Darn right!

You nailed it!

Are you single?

If so, why?

Talk to us in the comments and spill your guts!

The post #WhyImSingle Hashtag Might Make You Feel Better About Your Own Life…Maybe appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Lamest Jokes They’ve Heard About Their Names

My last name is Gilligan so I’ve heard it all.

Where’s the Skipper? Hey, little buddy. Don’t forget Mary Anne!

Enough! No more, I say!

But I guess I probably didn’t have it that bad compared to some people. Still, I heard every lame joke in the book growing up.

And so did these folks! Let’s see what kind of lame jokes they’ve had to endure because of their names.

1. Australia puns.

Totally lame, if you ask me.

2. Ouch. Sorry about that.

That must have been rough.

3. You poor thing.

I hope you’re over it now.

4. Davy Jones for the win!

No, not that Davy Jones…

5. This is bad.

And not very funny.

6. Jake the Snake!

Never gets old.

7. A real, unique name.

You do you!

8. A-A-Ron here.

That’s tough…

9. Smooth Criminal!

Young kids, look it up.

10. You just can’t win.

Still traumatized by it.

11. Well-informed bullies.

Well, that’s kind of nice, I guess.

12. Neither are very good.

But what do you expect from people?

Do you have one of those names that people seem to make fun of?

If so, tell us about the lame jokes you hear.

Do it in the comments, please!

The post People Share the Lamest Jokes They’ve Heard About Their Names appeared first on UberFacts.