This Is Why Some People Can Function Well on Less Sleep Than Others

Which category do you fall into?

Some people need a full eight hours of sleep to function no matter what, while others seem to be able to go go go with less than six hours of solid sack time. The latter like to brag about their ability as if it’s something they’ve trained for, or a reason to think themselves a superior human, but what is it about their makeup, really, that leaves them able to function with so few zzz’s?

Cause it’s just unfair.

Well, science has the answer, so hold on.

Neurologists from the University of California San Francisco think they’ve isolated a gene that could directly impact how much a person has to sleep to feel good.

The findings, published in Neuron, show that people with a single-letter gene mutation seem to be able to function well on six hours of sleep or less without suffering any of the adverse heath effects associated with too little time under the covers.

Whereas people without the mutation wake up moody, tired, and subject to the other nasty side effects of sleeping less than six hours a night.

Study author Louis Ptacek explained more in a statement:

“It’s remarkable that we know so little about sleep, given that the average person spends a third of their lives doing it. This research is an exciting new frontier that allows us to dissect the complexity of circuits in the brain and the different types of neurons that contribute to sleep and wakefulness.”

Interestingly, this isn’t the only gene that’s been linked to requiring less sleep – one called DEC2 also typically means a person averages 6.25 hours of sleep per night, as opposed to the 8.06 hours averaged by the people who do not posses the mutation.

This new gene exists in people without the previously known mutation, and it appears to affect neurons and their level of activity in the brain region that controls stages of sleep.

When the mutated gene was engineered into mice, the ones with the new gene mutation not only slept less, but were more active both when they were awake, and when they were in REM sleep. So it seems the mutation affected their circadian rhythms, says Ptacek.

“Sleep is complicated. We don’t think there’s one gene or one region of the brain that’s telling our bodies to sleep or wake. This is only one of many parts.”

One of many parts that I clearly don’t have. Le sigh…

I’m gonna go take a nap.

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This Under-The-Desk Hammock Is Designed for Napping at Work

Now you can be just like George Costanza and sleep under your desk instead of working! But with this gadget, you’ll be a little more comfortable than he was in that classic episode of Seinfeld.

As someone who used to occasionally sleep in their car during lunch breaks, I wholly approve of this product.

The hammock is manufactured by Uplift Desk, and it comes free with every full desk purchase. It hangs below the company’s standing desk model, and, by the looks of it, you’ll be snoozing in no time if you decide to get comfy in one of these.

Take a break from the hectic workday in the Under Desk Hammock by UPLIFT Desk. Free with every full desk purchase, choose yours in gray or blue. Or buy it by itself!

Posted by UPLIFT Desk on Friday, August 23, 2019

You can also buy the hammock from Uplift by itself for $55.

It comes in blue or gray.

Take a break from the hectic workday in the Under Desk Hammock by UPLIFT Desk. Free with every full desk purchase, choose yours in gray or blue. Or buy it by itself!

Posted by UPLIFT Desk on Friday, August 23, 2019

All you’ll need to do is install the two anchor plates on the frame, then clip the carabiners that come with the hammock into the anchors, and you’ll be ready to go to Zzzzzzzz-Ville.

The bag that the hammock stuffs into hangs off the side of the hammock when opened, so you can put your phone (with the alarm set!), your keys, and anything else you want to keep next to you in there while you doze off and forget about all that paperwork you have to catch up on.

Ugh, we all know that feeling.

Here’s a video of the hammock in action. Will you be able to resist this product?

I love this idea – the more nap opportunities, the better.

I’m gonna order mine today.

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These Posts Will Make Perfect Sense If Your Partner Is a Snorer

Okay, confession time: I am a snorer. And the ironic part: I lose my mind when I’m sleeping in the same room with someone else who snores.

But it doesn’t seem to bother some people at all. I have a friend who said she likes it because it’s soothing. Soothing.

Oooookay, what planet are you from again?

Anyway, if you have to deal with a snorer in your life, these posts will look very, very familiar.

1. Bragging rights

2. Great…

3. The Six Stages

4. Last night’s count was…

5. Ugh

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6. It’s over

7. Futuristic

8. Sexy


10. Still love him, though

11. That’s hot

12. Drowsy

13. Let me sleep, please

14. Hahahaha

15. Me? No…

Good night and good luck.

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This Is Why Men Fall Asleep After Sex (Don’t Worry, It’s Not You)

Listen up, people!

Ladies, have you ever had your world rocked in bed by your male lover? Have you experienced the dreamy, lovey-dovey state of a powerful orgasm and then the need to cuddle afterwards?

I hope so.

But I’m sure you’ve also noticed that during intimacy talk, your man drifts a bit, perhaps even falls into a deep sleep, leaving you…what? Alone? Unable to express your love and emotions? Darn it…

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Toa Heftiba

Don’t worry – he’s not sleeping as an excuse to escape cuddle time or ignore your connecting relationship. He’s doing it because you rocked his world. True story!

Male orgasms differ chemically from women’s

It goes without saying that the act of orgasming is experienced in different ways among the sexes. Men ejaculate externally while women “explode” internally. But what does this mean for brain chemistry?

When a man crosses the sexual finish line, his energy is literally spent. His prefrontal cortex (which houses decision making, personal expression, etc) pretty much switches off. Since this is the epicenter of consciousness, alertness, and mental activity, his brain basically gets sleepy.

But in women? Our orgasms doesn’t cause the same sort of energy expense, therefore we can talk and cuddle after sex. Le sigh.

Body reactions to sex and orgasm

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Adi Goldstein

There are many things…um…surging during sex and foreplay. And prolactin, a hormone excreted during playtime plays a huge factor. According to one study, “Research has shown that pituitary hormone prolactin (PRL) plays a role in regulating sexual satisfaction for both men and women.”

David McKenzie, a sex therapist in Vancouver told Reader’s Digest, “A man’s body chemistry changes after orgasm. The biochemical prolactin is released, physically altering his body and making him very tired.”

But that’s not all. Glycogen, a storage of carbohydrates, is spent as well.

Mark Leyner and Billy Goldberg, M.D., authors of Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex?, give their explanation: “It is thought that exertion during sex and after climax depletes the muscles of energy-producing glycogen. This leaves men feeling sleepy. Since men have more muscle mass than women, men become more tired after sex.”

Women like to process their experience

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Becca Tapert

Regardless of chemical increases and depletions, it is a simple fact that women enjoy conversational intimacy with their partners.

Laurie Betito, a Montreal sex therapist, said,”Women like to ‘process’ their experiences, hence the desire to talk after sex.”

As a woman, I can vouch for that. I’m better at communicating emotions after sex and therefore crave that tender heart-to-heart talk with my beau, even if he’s drifting off.

So no matter why you might think about your man drifting away into a post-coital slumber, it’s purely a matter of chemicals and fatigue. It is not you.

If anything, take it as a compliment that you wore him out!

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15 People Reveal the Weirdest Things Their Partners Say in Their Sleep

I am the undisputed king of talking in my sleep. It has caused me derision and ridicule since I started going to sleepovers as a young lad…and it hasn’t gotten any better.

The good news is: I’m not alone. In this article, AskReddit users share the strangest/funniest things their significant others have said in their sleep. Enjoy!

1. Creepy

“I was up all night because my girlfriend was viciously jolting in the night. When I got fed up with it I tried to wake her up and she quietly said “who dis?” And then replied to her own question in a really creepy voice, “It danger.” She’s weird.”

2. LOL

“My girlfriend did a thing early one morning. I asked her what she was doing because she was throwing elbows at the sky and she calmly and simply said: “punching hamburgers.”

I haven’t laughed so hard in ages.”

3. Raise the roof

“Mine did the “raise the roof” motion with her arms and said “hells to the yeah” while giggling.

**Added Bonus ** She can occasionally say some _”blonde” _things and while her, myself and her three kids were sitting in our living room, she randomly says _”you know, it’s crazy to think that you’ve all been inside me.” She didn’t mean to include me but the kids all stopped talking and got very confused looks on their faces and started looking at me.”

4. Okay…

“I forgive you for your dark Chinese past.”

5. Perfect data

“When my wife was writing her PhD thesis, I woke up one night at like 3 AM to her stroking the duvet and smiling. I asked her what she was doing. She said, “Shh, don’t disturb my data. It’s finally perfect,” still smiling.

I said, “Hon, that’s not your data. That’s the duvet.”

The smile drained from her face and she started sobbing uncontrollably. For about five seconds, at which point she passed out mid-sob and was fast asleep again.”

6. Slabs

“I often try to have conversations with my SO when he starts sleep-talking… I transcribed the most recent one we had.

SO: No?
Me: Yeah?
SO: We can go if you want to.
Me: Where are we going?
SO: The… dollar slab bacon at Costco.
Me: Oh yeah? Why?
SO: Yeah, dollar for dollar it’s the best… slabs.”

7. That wasn’t nice

“Apparently my girlfriend sneezed and I yelled “Shut the f**k up!!” in my sleep…”

8. Gives me the creeps…

“For me it’s what she hasn’t said. Usually if she talks in her sleep it’s unintelligible gibberish but said in a manner that sounds like it’s supposed to make sense.

Its weird given it’s not just random words but sounds that are trying to be words.

Always gives me the creeps.”

9. Go back to sleep

“My girlfriend woke up at like 4am to go to the bathroom. When she came back I was sat on the edge of the bed, looked at her and said ‘i’m breaking out of here.’ She was obviously freaked out and asked me wtf I was on about and if I was awake. To which I replied ‘i’m getting a Chinese’ then laid back down and resumed sleeping.”

10. Katie

“Late to the party but here you go:

Woke up one night because my boyfriend was talking in his sleep and I’m generally a light sleeper. I listen for a moment while he just talks jibberish and then hear him say, “yeah, Katie! That’s what I’m talkin’ about!”

My name isn’t Katie.

So being the moderately unstable woman I am I sat on that one for a couple days and stewed silently. Who is Katie? Why is he dreaming about Katie? What did she do in his dream that was so awesome?

About a week later I’m at his work having a drink (he’s a bartender) after I got off work when his coworker/our mutual friend walks up to him and asks if he wants to go out to her car and smoke a bowl. He says, “yeah, Katie! That’s what I’m talking about!”

I forgot we both knew a Katie. Katie is a lesbian.”

11. The important stuff

“We gotta get the elusive passwords…..for Mario kart!”

12. Dangerous sleeper

“I’ll tell this one for my wife.

One night, I kicked her in the back, when she turned round and said”what the f**k?” i apparently said “What? Don’t you like it?” and tried to push her off the bed.

Recollection. I wish I did because thats funny as hell.”

13. Do they?

“Don’t trust the penguins, they have fake ID’s!”

14. Spider!

“One night he full on screamed at me to turn the light on, because he had caught a spider in the bed. He was crouched over it and had his hands cupped around it. I turned on the light and he gave me the weirdest look then looked down at his hands planted firmly on the mattress. He lifted them really carefully one at a time and … no spider.”

15. That is sexy

“I thought she was having a sexy dream because she was saying: “oh oh oh.” The. She followed up with “O’Reily auto parts!” “

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10+ Memes About Morning and Not-Morning People That Should Look Familiar

Are you a morning person? A snoozer? A coffee addict? Or maybe it depends on the day.

Regardless of where you fall on the sleepy-scale… here are 14 memes to get your day started!

1. We all hate the “Early Riser”

Photo Credit: Pinterest, Mabel Mora

2. Because most of us are “The Snoozer”

Photo Credit: Imgflip

3. And let’s face it… ain’t nobody the “Beauty Queen”

Photo Credit: Saying Images

4. And how many “Coffee Addicts” we got out there?

Photo Credit: Bustle

5. Yes, most of us are “The Walking Dead”

Photo Credit: Pinterest, Angie Alzola

6. And it’s okay to be grumpy. Because mornings SUCK!

Photo Credit: Elite Readers

7. Why do we have problems waking up? Wonder why…

Photo Credit: Somecards

8. The horror!!!

Photo Credit: Somecards

9. I prefer fantasy over reality…

Photo Credit: Shareology

10. Decisions, decisions…

Photo Credit: Shareology

11. Daylight Savings Time is the WORST!

Photo Credit: Somecards

12. Yeah… how?!?!?!?

13. Savage

Photo Credit: Shareology

14. We’re all tired fam…

Photo Credit: Somecards

Have a great day!

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Research Shows That Sleeping in a Cold Room Is Better for Your Health

Do you battle with your partner over the thermostat? If so, then listen up – whoever likes it colder at night now has some science to back up their position.

According to an article written by Dr. Christopher Winter, medical director at Charlottesville Neurology & Sleep Medicine, there are several reasons to keep your thermostat between 60-67 degrees F while you snooze. According to his research, if the temperature falls below or climbs above that range you’re more likely to toss, turn, and generally get worse sleep.

Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

Why? It’s important to note that our bodies have a natural, 24-hour cycle in which our temperatures peak in the late afternoon and fall to their lowest point around 5 am. We’re typically able to fall asleep when our body temperature begins to drop, so keeping your room cold could encourage you to fall asleep faster.

A cold room encourages a more restful sleep, says research out of University of South Australia that connected poor body temperature regulation with certain forms of insomnia.

It could keep you looking younger, since sleeping in a room warmer than 70 degrees stops your body from releasing melatonin.

Image by Jess Foami from Pixabay

Naturopathic doctor Natasha Turner says that healthy sleep patterns and a predictable temperature drop release a growth hormone and decrease your stress hormone, the combination of which could actually help you lose weight.

One study even found that it could lower your risk for metabolic disease like diabetes. Participants burned more calories while they were awake and also doubled their amount of brown fat, or good fat, while allows the body to store fewer calories. Over time, that combination can lower your risk for metabolic disease.

Image Credit: Pixabay

So, there you go – make sure to turn down your thermostat and get ready to catch some totally restful, totally healthy zzz’s tonight!

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A Simple, Surefire Hack to Help You Fall Asleep Much Faster

Personally, I have very little trouble falling asleep. I tend to sleep through the night quite soundly, but my wife sometimes struggles with insomnia. She tells me she often flips and flops for hours before finally getting to sleep.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you’re more like her, then you might be interested in this simple practice that could help you snag some much needed z’s without so much work!

And when I say simple, I mean, it’s probably something your mom told you to do when you were little…

Stick one foot out from under the covers.

I know. But it turns out there’s some science behind why this helps – and it has to do with keeping your body at the optimal temperature for snoozing.

According to the video below, higher internal body temperatures are associated with keeping you more alert and awake, and the opposite – cooler internal body temperatures help us relax and sleep – is also true.

By uncovering one foot, you help your body dissipate body heat, and cool the temperature of your blood in the process. This happens because our feet and hands contain vascular structures that can exchange heat more effectively than, for instance, your core.

The cooler blood then circulates through your body, lowering your internal temperature and helping you drift off without so much trouble.

It turns out your mom did know a thing or two after all. Who knew?

So best of luck, my tossers and turners. I don’t envy you!

The post A Simple, Surefire Hack to Help You Fall Asleep Much Faster appeared first on UberFacts.

Mom Films Herself at Night to Show What Sleeping with Babies Is Like for Parents

Parents: you know the drill – you’re not gonna get a whole lot of sleep. Or any at all. For a long time. And that’s just part of the gig.

To make that point obvious for any disbelievers out there, a mom named Melanie Darnell decided to film herself and her kids sleeping over one night, and parents around the world said, “Amen.” The time-lapse video of the evening went viral in a big way because it’s just so darn relatable.

Darnell originally started off sleeping solo but later brought her baby into the room. The baby wiggles around…and neither of them sleep as a result.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Photo Credit: YouTube

Then, adding to the fun, Darnell’s other child decides to join the party – so now there are three people in the bed, none of whom are sleeping.

Photo Credit: YouTube

At 1:30 a.m., the baby finally falls asleep and Darnell takes the other child back to their room.

Photo Credit: YouTube

But the baby wakes up again. Also, the baby decides to play with mom’s hair.

Photo Credit: YouTube

And the baby wakes up again at 6:20 a.m.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Let’s just call it a rough night all around.

Here’s the whole video. Does this look familiar, all you parents out there?

Let’s give it up for all the moms and dads out there who are running on little or no sleep for months at a time. We salute you!

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