People Admit the Reasons Why They’re Single

Being married is wonderful and all, but as my happily single friends are quick to point out, remaining single can have its merits too.

A lot of the time, singletons seem to get a bad rap, as society sits around waiting for them to follow the socially expected path of getting married, having children, the end.

Comedian Jimmy Fallon recently leaned into this trope of teasing single folks, when he tweeted:

Fallon started off the game, by tweeting about a friend of his who was single.

Frankly, I don’t see anything to make fun of. We should all be more like Kevin.

Some people did see a little humor in the question, sharing their little idiosyncrasies that they were fine with, but that might discourage a long-term relationship.

Like secret and not-so-secret obsessions:

Be they real people or simply characters:

Sometimes your foibles are things you can help, and sometimes not.

There was also the weighted blanket crowd, which… yeah. Waited blankets are amazing.

A number of people seemed to agree with this person’s food habits, so maybe he just needs to find a partner on Twitter.

And this one, for me, raised so many questions:

Are they single because they couldn’t find a partner who could tolerate the 3AM parties?

Or are they single because they don’t want anyone to be bothered by their 3AM parties?

The world may never know 🤔

Some people made jokes about online dating apps:

Even companies like Kraft got in on the joke:

Other users got all too real.

There was this person, who honestly just really loves their dogs:

Apparently it’s not uncommon for pets to come between partners:

Pretty typically, the cat lady got a few laughs.

Why is it acceptable to talk to your dog, but strange to talk to your cat?

And this person, who has political priorities, can’t be bothered:

But a number of the responses showed that young people today aren’t really buying it anymore.

It’s not funny or a flaw, it’s just a fact.

Knowing what will make you happy is a good thing.

Not having to share can also be a bonus.

Honestly, some people choose to be single and some people don’t, but for the most part you just are until you aren’t, whether you’re looking or trying too hard or not.

Did we leave out any good ones? Tell us in the comments.

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15 Funny Jokes About Being Single and Ready to Mingle

Being single has its ups and downs.

And it also depends on what kind of person you are. Let’s just put it this way: being in a relationship consists of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

That’s why being single is the best! Sometimes…

Let’s take a look at some folks who are livin’ the single life.

1. Who won?

2. Make your move.

3. It’s not going well.

4. That’s a fun game, isn’t it?

5. A sad state of affairs.

6. All kinds of trash.

7. That was your topic of conversation?

8. Back away. Slowly.

9. You’ll be back on there in no time.

10. Seems like a good move.

11. That’s pretty much the only way to make it work.

12. Two sides of the coin.

13. Get away from me.

14. Imagine that…

15. What does touch feel like?

Are you single? Dating? Married?

Give us an update in the comments and let’s see who’s living their best lives!

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15 Singles Discuss What They Love Most About Their Lifestyle

These days, I’m quite happily married, but it wasn’t that many years ago that I was living the single life. While I’m definitely happier today than I was then, there are definitely some parts of the single life that were pretty great.

There are a lot of perks, as these 15 people are quick to point out.

#1. My entire social battery.

I can do what I want whenever I want!
Well, actually I still gotta help my family and go to work and that pretty much drains my entire social battery.

#2. Not getting dragged into lame events.

Not getting dragged into lame events with her family that essentially ruin my weekend.

“Oh no, I totally want to drive three hours and hangout with your family this weekend. I had these crazy plans to relax, maybe go for a bike ride, have some beers by pool, go to a movie with our friends, etc. But you’re right, lets drive three hours away to listen to your family argue about politics, eat bland food, and sleep on a futon. Sounds great.”

#3. What I love about being single.

All of my shit is exactly where I left it when I get home.

My bed is still made, my dishes are still done, my food is still there, my clothes are still clean, and nothing is missing from my cash stash.

If I want to stay up late and watch movies or listen to music, I can.

If I want to go to bed early, and use the whole damn bed, I can.

If I want to go out and have a few drinks with my friends, I can.

I never have to laugh at unfunny memes’ found on FaceBook, or explain why I’m laughing so hard at anything.

I never have to justify my joy.

I’m my own person. Full, complete, and content.

And no one can drain that from me.

This is what I love about being single.

#4. So much space!

Being able to sleep diagonally across my bed, so much space !

#5. The same goes for me.

No one has to deal with my shit, and the same goes for me. Dunno how I’d handle that.

#6. Free of the constant anxiety.

I’m free of the constant anxiety of if I’m being a good boyfriend.

#7. No obligations.

the fact that I have no obligations to anyone on a daily basis (outside of my family and shit). all I gotta do is worry about myself. also I get to use all my money for me

Edit: Thanks for the silvers and all the replies, even the ones who disagree, I enjoy hearing your perspectives.

#8. When you put something somewhere.

No longer single but the fact that when you put something somewhere IT FUCKING STAYS THERE!!!

Edit : thank you for gold and silver!

#9. The thing I miss most.

married father here chiming in.

The thing I miss most about being single is the ability to act purely in your own self-interest without having any sense of guilt or responsibility to another person. And I’m not even talking about something with high stakes — I’m talking about something as simple as wanting to eat an entire bag of skittles without sharing with another person.

Don’t get me wrong, I love sacrificing for my family and sharing any and every thing I have with my wife and kid, but when you’re single, you have the ability and right to make every tiny decision based on your own self-interest or selfishness, and that’s something I sometimes miss on a very simple rudimentary level.

#10. Not worrying about their success.

I enjoy not worrying about their success. Life can be difficult, so supporting an SO and putting personal struggles on the back burner to do so can be exhausting.

Overall, a healthy relationship is still my favorite… but single is much better than an unhealthy one.

Obligatory Edit: Holy karma! Thank you everyone! I’m so happy that so many of you found some value in this post. I’m in the middle of a divorce and had been habitually putting myself second to my wife, so I’ve really been trying to convince myself this is true. All these fake internet points reassure me in my thinking and make me feel pretty great, so I really appreciate you all. Please stay awesome! 👉🏻😎👉🏻

#11. Delightfully selfish.

I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I can spend money on myself with zero regard for what anyone else thinks. I don’t have to factor anyone else into my plans or life decisions.

It can be lonely sometimes, but it’s also delightfully selfish.

#12. I don’t have to choose.

i don’t have to chose between hanging with my friends or my SO.

#13. Best of all…

Not having to share a bed.

Not having to share your food.

Your space. Your free time. Your time out with friends.

But best of all …

Not having to have unnecessarily long discussions on where to eat.

#14. Stuff can just happen.

That stuff can just happen. If I want to change my entire weekend plans, bam – done. If I stumble upon a thing that happens and want to participate, boom – done. If I don’t want to talk to anyone, ka-blam – done.

#15. Exactly where it should be.

Everything in my car and apartment is exactly where it should be.

Try not to be jealous, coupled people. We have perks, too.

Just not the same ones.

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14 Cringeworthy Tweets That Single People Will Definitely Relate To

I remember my single days. The freedom, the thrill, the uncertainty, the loneliness. It was… a lot. Sure, there were times when I loved that I didn’t have to answer to anyone, but if I’m being honest, that feeling never lasted.

If you don’t believe me, these tweets have all the proof:

1. Oops!

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Accurate

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Umm you know what that is really an excellent point

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Exactly my point

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Only if you post pics, lady

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. And then they’re like “Whoaaaaa…” and I’m all “Whoooooa….”

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Dogs are people too ya jerk

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Ugh that always happens to me

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. “Interviews”…

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Gurl same

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Wait what??

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. But do you LIKE like it?

Photo Credit: Twitter

If I haven’t convinced you by now, we having nothing more to discuss. So.


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10+ Tweets That’ll Make You Glad You’re Still Single

For some folks, being in a committed relationship is their ultimate goal, and playing the dating game just makes them miserable. For others, the single life is where it’s at, baby!

For one thing, being single is definitely easier. You have nobody to answer to but yourself – you can do whatever you want whenever you want. You don’t need to plan around anyone else’s schedule, or need to talk yourself out of a daily homicide because your husband can’t seem to put plates in a dishwasher that’s three feet away.


Here are 17 tweets that get that relationships aren’t all they’re cracked up to be, at least not all the time. If you’re single, here’s to you!

#1. Worth it?

Image Credit: Twitter

#2. Honesty is the best policy and all of that.

Image Credit: Twitter

#3. How to keep your girlfriend, 101.

Image Credit: Twitter

#4. He should have known better.

Image Credit: Twitter

#5. The important things.

Image Credit: Twitter

#6. You’d better know where you stand.

Image Credit: Twitter

#7. Best to just go all in.

Image Credit: Twitter

#8. Do not listen to the man behind the curtain.

Image Credit: Twitter

#9. When sexting becomes this.

Image Credit: Twitter

#10. They have so much to learn.

Image Credit: Twitter

#11. Until then, you’re on a need to know basis.

Image Credit: Twitter

#12. Relationship goals.

Image Credit: Twitter

#13. If you’ve never had this thought, then you’ve never seen the show.

Image Credit: Twitter

#14. I mean, she’s wearing jeans.

Image Credit: Twitter

#15. Tru Wuv.

Image Credit: Twitter

#16. Sometimes it’s hard to know what to hope for.

Image Credit: Twitter

#17. It’s a fine line.

Image Credit: Twitter

So get tindering or whatever people do these days!

The post 10+ Tweets That’ll Make You Glad You’re Still Single appeared first on UberFacts.