9+ People Predict Which Scientific Beliefs from Today Will Be Mocked in the Future

Do you ever wonder what beliefs we hold now that will be completely disregarded as ridiculous someday in the future?

We like to think we’re at the height of human evolution, but we’re just another part of history. And a lot of the things we do and believe now will most likely one day looked on as folly.

Folks on AskReddit shared their ideas about what they think future societies will look back and laugh at us for.

1. LNT

“Linear-No Threshold hypothesis (LNT) that says any radiation dose, no matter how small, can cause cancer.

LNT is not compatible with the scientific evidence. It’s already very controversial in the scientific community, adds burdensome and unnecessarily high costs, and foments needless fear of low dose radiation among the general public.”

2. Agriculture

“Our naive trust that genetic monocultures aren’t a problem in agriculture when CRISPR technology is involved.

That’s a dense statement so to unpack it, a genetic monoculture happens when everything in a field is a clone of everything else. The great Irish potato famine, that was a genetic monoculture: once a fungus came along that could exploit a weakness the entire country’s crop failed. The Irish had been propagating potatoes asexually so every potato in Ireland was a virtual clone of every other potato.

Yet there’s never been a great Peruvian potato famine even though potatoes are native to that part of the world. That’s because the Peruvians cultivate a huge variety of potatoes. So if a blight comes along and destroys a few plants, the other potatoes in the field are different enough that they don’t have the same vulnerability.

Europeans had actually been cloning potatoes for the better part of a century before the Irish famine. A single shipment during the eighteenth century had introduced the plant to European agriculture and it became a staple in some areas because it produces a high yield nutritious crop that can be grown in a small space. Nobody really considered genetic variation as a risk factor.

Other agricultural monocultures have led to crop failures: the French wine industry nearly collapsed from a blight during the late nineteenth century until they started grafting their vines onto root stock from California. Now another blight is slowly taking down the French wine industry again.

The world’s banana production collapsed in the mid-twentieth century for similar reasons: banana plants are reproduced asexually. The Gros Michel banana succumbed to a fungal disease and every Gros Michel banana plant was vulnerable. The Cavendish banana took its place for commercial cultivation. Cavendishes are also reproduced asexually. It’s taken about fifty years for a different fungal disease to devastate the Cavendish, but right now the reason bananas are still on grocery store shelves is that the new fungus hasn’t spread to the Caribbean and Latin America. Asian and African banana export farming has been ruined.

So genetic monoculture farming has short term and medium range advantages in terms of crop yield, shelf stability, etc. Yet on a time scale of fifty to a hundred years it’s prone to catastrophic collapse.

What are we doing with GMO crops now? We’re patenting them, which ensures they get raised as genetic monocultures.

This doesn’t necessarily mean GMOs are bad per se. It’s an implementation problem. The OP asks about a hundred years. Suppose the Midwestern prairie states are raising genetic monocultures seventy years from now.

It’s a risk our generation is capable of anticipating, and that we’re capable taking steps now to prevent. Prevention would involve making genetic modifications of several different varieties of staple grains so that if one variety ever falls to a blight we’ll have enough backups implemented to prevent real devastation.

Yet this type of precaution would be slightly more expensive to implement now.”

3. Not scientific

“In all likelihood, it’s going to be something that isn’t actually “scientific” in this day and age.

See, a lot of the things that we take for granted as “scientific facts” — particularly those having to do with cultural mandates — haven’t actually been studied or examined in any meaningful way. For example, it used to be that corporal punishment was regarded as the only effective means of disciplining a child, and everyone “knew” that other options would result in adults who were spineless, entitled twerps. Along similar lines, everyone “knew” that homosexuality was the result of either abuse or some other sort of mistreatment… and not only was it potentially contagious, it was also psychologically harmful to anyone who was exposed to it.

We understand that both of those beliefs are ridiculous nowadays, but we haven’t gotten any better at approaching things from an actually scientific perspective. Chances are that there are several things which we “know” today which are actually false… and furthermore, it’s equally likely that many of those suppositions are difficult to challenge, simply because questioning them goes against the societally mandated grain. For example, what if someone suggested that rape only caused mental harm because we expected it to?

That’s obviously absurd, but look at the way you reacted.

Now, think about other things that might make you react in similar ways. Have you ever read any scientific papers on those concepts? Have any impartial, peer-reviewed studies even been done on the topics in question? Do you have any evidence that supports your beliefs, other than personal anecdotes and culturally reinforced feelings?

It wasn’t too long ago that transgenderism was looked at as being a mental illness, and there are still people who approach it from that perspective, despite the actually scientific evidence to the contrary. Popular points of view are difficult to shift, and they’re even more daunting to challenge… and yet, chances are that something we all take for granted is completely and utterly wrong.

Just don’t ask me what it is. I won’t know until after I’ve seen studies.”

4. Climate change

“That by 2100 the world will just be beginning to suffer the more truly globally calamitous consequences of climate change.

Because by 2050 that s*** will have already happened.”

5. Meat

“How we used to get meat. 100 years from now, it will all be grown in vats on an industrial scale.”

6. Technology

“Every belief about how small, efficient, powerful, etc any given technology can get. It will all be beyond anyone’s current expectations.”

7. The universe isn’t everything

“The premise of our universe being the original, and not contained within some larger structure, whether as a simulation or a bubble in a fractal patter of multiverses. From the big bang to the laws of physics, there are a lot of clues that are universe isn’t everything…”

8. Caffeine

“That caffeine isn’t super harmful.

I wonder if we’re going to look back in a hundred years, incredulous there were so many products that you could legally buy with caffeine in it. Similar to how we look back at legal products containing cocaine and heroin from the early 1900s.”

9. Heavy metal

“That we use metals to hold together the damaged bones. That we are not able to develop any collagen that have density of bones and can function like a bone.”

10. Food

“That meat and (post infancy/non-human) dairy products are actual dietary requirements, rather than cultural preferences or economically dominant industries.”

11. Mental illness

“I suspect a lot of the ways mental illness is viewed and approached. Scientists don’t even know what things like bipolar disorder actually are in any physical sense, other than the cluster of symptoms presented. So really, you could even expand this to – many of our current views of the brain/mind. It’s really uncharted territory.”

12. The things we do today…

“Not beliefs per se but things we do today…

Amputations of any kind “They used to cut off their legs and stick metal ones on that they couldn’t move”.

Organ transplants “They’d harvest organs from the dead and place them in sick people!”

Longevity “People used to only live to around 80 on average, that’s like a child now!”

Meat “people used to slaughter animals for food and not grow it in a lab!” “

13. Migraines

“Back in the early 2000s, people just had to live with migraines. They treated them with painkillers- which, as we know today, is ineffective against the root cause of the migraine. In those days, if the painkiller didn’t work, the person just had to live with the migraine, sometimes for days or weeks at a time.”

h/t: Reddit

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IKEA Asked Kids to ‘Bully’ a Plant for 30 Days and the Results Are Pretty Amazing

Bullying is a serious issue among young people, and IKEA representatives took it upon themselves to learn more about the phenomenon. In a very clever study, IKEA placed two plants in a school in the United Arab Emirates and instructed students to say mean words to one plant and shower the other plant with praise for 30 days.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Both plants received the same amount of water, sunlight, and fertilizer in order to ensure the results were accurate.

Photo Credit: YouTube

When the 30 days were up, the results were clear. The bullied plant was drooping and its leaves were turning brown, and the plant that received encouragement was healthy and thriving.

Photo Credit: YouTube

The experiment reinforced in the kids the fact that hurtful words can be very damaging to all living things.

Watch the video below to get a more in-depth look at the study.

h/t: Yes Plz

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Check out This Psychiatrist’s 10 Rules for a Happy Life

We all want happy lives, right? I mean, obviously there are going to be ups and downs and highs and lows, but what about the long stretches of even? Humdrum? Every day? Those are the times when being happy matters the most, I say.

So, let’s check out 10 rules (according to psychologist Mikhail Efimovich Litvak) to help you get – and stay – there!

#10. The right path vs. the shortest one.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Or the easiest one. The road to happiness and success may not be straight – it’s important to remember this when it feels like your own path is doubling up on itself. You can still be headed in the right direction, given some luck, patience, and perseverance.

#9. A well-organized life.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

According to Viktor Frankl, happiness, joy, and success are simple side effects of a well-organized life. You have to perform daily acts that make you experience and reach happiness, joy, and success during your routines.

#8. Goals sharpen your vision.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Giving yourself something to work for, save for, etc can be like setting the focus on your camera. With something to keep an eye on, you’re more likely to keep going, and to get what you’re after.

#7. Respect other people.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Every person you come across is a human being with their own backgrounds and views. They’re all fighting a battle. Never act like you’re better than them or that your problems are bigger.

#6. Stop trying to change people’s opinions.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Live your life for yourself – if you waste time trying to prove other people wrong, their opinions become more important than your own.

#5. Do as you say.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

We are defined by our actions, not by our words. If you say you’re going to do something or want to do something, at least start down the path. It will make you happy – and other people will respect you for it.

#4. Learn to love being alone.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Mature people can use time alone to self-reflect, and understand that another person won’t be able to make them happy – only you can do that, for yourself.

#3. The best revenge is living well.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

There’s no better way to shed your grudges and free yourself from the negative feelings than by finding success doing something you love. Simple, right?

#2. Want, can, and must.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Your life will be happy and in balance when what you want, can, and must do are the same. Bottom line? The only thing you must do is work on yourself. The rest will follow.

#1. You are your own worst enemy.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

You have to face the barriers you’ve set for yourself that stop you from growing and changing. Once you do, you’ll be able to move forward with a version of yourself that you’re able and willing to face in the mirror every day.

h/t: Brightside

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10 Hacks That Are Guaranteed to Simplify Your Life

We’re all looking for ways to simplify our lives these days, and these 10 hacks are simple but useful – and guaranteed to work!

#10. Clean your toilet without scrubbing

Photo Credit: Brightside

Dump in a can of Coke and let it sit overnight. Then just give the bowl a quick swipe and flush!

#9. Waterproof your shoes

Photo Credit: Brightside

Melt beeswax on your shoes with a hair dryer until it’s no longer visible. Voila!

#8. Unclog your drains without a plumber (Liquid or otherwise)

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

All you need is baking soda (1cup) followed by vinegar (1 cup) and some hot water. Save time AND money!

#7. Dry your clothes more efficiently

Photo Credit: Brightside

Roll clothes inside a dry towel, then wring it out and hang them to dry. You save the energy of the dryer and keep your clothes in better shape, besides!

#6. Clean your shower head (and faucets)

Photo Credit: The NY Melrose Family

All you need is some white vinegar in a plastic baggie, and a rubber band to secure it in place. Let it sit overnight, then the metal will be as good as new!

#5. De-smellify your shoes

Photo Credit: Brightside

If they’re just stinky, put a tea bag inside them to soak up the stench (try something good-smelling, like peppermint!). If they’re wet, too, put baking soda and rice inside and leave them for a few days.

#4. Kill body odor

Photo Credit: Brightside

Who among us hasn’t run out the door without deodorant (more than we’d like to admit)? If you’ve got an orange (or other citrus fruit) in your lunch bag, rub some of it one your skin. No more smell!

#3. Stretch out your shoes

Photo Credit: Pixabay

We’ve all bought a pair of shoes on a whim because they’re super cute, only to admit after a single wear that they’re too tight. Instead of relegating them to the back of the closet, try shoving wet newspapers inside and waiting for them to dry.

#2. Keep your cooler cold longer

Photo Credit: Flickr

Just add salt to the ice, and you’ll have cold beer and soda longer than before.

#1. Start a fire in a pinch

Photo Credit: Hackable

Use your chips – they’re excellent sources of fat, oil, and chemicals (all necessary to make a fire).

h/t: Brightside

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Creative People Have a 90% Higher Chance of Becoming Schizophrenic

If you look to history (which you always should), you’ll find plenty of anecdotal evidence that creatives tend to lose their minds at a higher rate than the average population. Famous people, too – van Gogh, Beethoven, Plath, Hemingway…the list of creators with mental illness is as long as my arm and yours put together.

Though previous studies attempting to link the two have been small and varied, a recent study in The British Journal of Psychiatry found that people with “artsy” degrees are 90% more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, 62% more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder, and 39% more likely to struggle with depression.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

This new study is in line with brain scans published in 2010 that revealed similarities between neural pathways of schizophrenics and creative people. In 2015, a different study also found a raised risk of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in creatives – though a 2012 study found that only writers fell into the higher risk category.

The reason behind the growing links remains a mystery, with some believing that a tendency to think more deeply can cause emotional instability and depression. Artists also tend to create in spurts, and bouts of productivity and high energy are also linked to bipolar disorder. Genetics could, of course, also influence both mental health and a creative nature.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

One of the study’s authors, James McCabe, sums up further:

“Creativity often involves linking ideas or concepts in ways that other people wouldn’t think of, but that’s similar to how delusions work – for example, seeing a connection between the color of someone’s clothes and being partof an MI5 conspiracy.”

If you work in a creative field, it’s important to be mindful of your own mental health. That said, the incidents of schizophrenia in the world as a whole are still small, so your chances of being diagnosed remain slim.

h/t: IFLScience

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The 5 Best Workouts, According to One Harvard Doctor

Health and fitness are a billion dollar business these days, and it seems like every time you turn around, one of your friends is trying to hock some new, amazing, pain-free diet and workout program that’s sure to change your life in the next thirty days.

Well, you can ignore them going forward, because this Harvard doctor has come out with a list of the 5 best workouts available, and guess what? Most of them are old school.

So get moving!

#5. Walking

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Surprise! You don’t have to join an expensive gym or program to get a low-intensity workout that benefits the body and the brain. Just make sure and do it for a period of at least 30 minutes on more days a week than not. Voila!

#4. Swimming

Photo Credit: Pixabay

According to Dr. Lee, swimming is the perfect workout. It’s low impact, so it won’t damage your joints, and it works almost every muscle in your body. In addition, it raises your heart rate and, if done regularly, can help you battle depression, aging, and stress.

#3. Tai Chi

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The flowing, detailed movements combine purposeful breathing and attention to balance, all of which can act as a moving meditation that benefits the mind as much as the body.

#2. Kegels

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Apparently, men and women can benefit from strengthening their pelvic floor. The exercises maintain the muscles around the uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum. Doing them regularly can help you reduce, um, leakages later in life.

#1. Strength Training

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Okay, so maybe your Crossfit friends have a point. Dr. Lee recommends both resistance training and high-intensity interval training for strengthening muscles and achieving cardiovascular benefits. Like with the rest of the workouts on this list, consistency is key.

h/t: Elle

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5 Things Men Secretly Pay Attention to in Women

There’s a stereotype (that’s often true) that men are only half-paying attention to anything their better halves are saying, wearing, doing, etc on any given day. In my personal experience, that is absolutely true (and goes double for my young son), but according to this research, there are some things that men absolutely notice.

Go forth and experiment on your own, friends!

#5. Text Signals

Photo Credit: Brightside

Think women are the only ones who obsess over every word in a text message? Think again.

Linguists say that frequent phrases like “I think, I feel” mean that a person is likely to be more selfish. It’s easier to pick up on these kinds of tendencies while texting, which is why people who are tuned in to analyzing and making judgement based on what we send.

#4. Facial Expression

Photo Credit: Brightside

Despite what you may believe, men can absolutely gauge emotions by reading expressions. Don’t let them off the hook!

#3. Drink Preference

Photo Credit: Brightside

It turns out you can tell a lot about someone from how and what they drink. Men pay attention so that they’ll know what to order, but also to gauge a loved one’s mood. They also notice whether a woman is a social or habitual drinker when searching for a long-term partner.

#2. Outfit Color

Photo Credit: Brightside

They may not know who the designer is or remember whether the tie went on the front or the back, but color? Men notice. This is because it sends subtle signals about the mood and appetite for the evening.

#1. How Much Meat We Eat

Photo Credit: Brightside

Women who eat salads appear shy and often less attractive than a woman who orders a steak – she’s confident and relaxed!

h/t: Brightside

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8 Brilliant Facts About Blondes

Blondes sometimes get a bad rap for being dumb – or a good one, for having more fun – depending on who you ask. So it’s time we got down to the scientific truth, don’t you think?

Let’s do it!

#8. Blonde-haired, blue-eyed men are drawn to blonde women

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The reason is possibly evolutionary, since both traits are recessive. Only two parents with fair hair and eyes can produce an identical heir.

#7. It’s rare

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Only 2% of the world’s population (but 1 in 20 Americans) are natural blondes.

#6. Gentlemen do prefer blondes

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Blonde women are more likely to get picked up in a bar or helped on the street by a stranger. Sad but true!

#5. Blonde may not be forever

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Most kids born with light hair will end up with dark locks before they turn 10. This is due to rising levels of a natural pigment called eumelanin.

#4. Equality?

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Blonde women are more likely to get paid more than their peers and also to marry wealthy. Unfair!

#3. Blue eyes aren’t guaranteed

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Unlike redheads, who often have light eyes and skin, blondes are just as likely to have dark eyes.

#2. They have more hair

Photo Credit: Pixabay

A normal head of hair holds around 120,000 strands, but because blonde hair tends to be finer, they can have many more.

#1. 30 shades of blonde…

Photo Credit: Pixabay

There are that many hues that can be considered true blonde.

h/t: The Stir – Cafe Mom

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12+ People Share Survival Hacks You Might Need One Day

There are life hacks that help you organize the cords around your desk (which are helpful, sure), and then there are survival hacks that could one day legitimately save your life.

Provided you’re level headed enough to recall them in your time of need, which, you know. I probably definitely wouldn’t be. But hey, no harm in reading, just in case!

#15. It’s still going to hurt

“If your elevator car suddenly falls, don’t jump. Your momentum will still be the same, and upon impact, you’ll collapse into your feet like an accordion.

Instead, lie flat. Make no mistake, you’ll still break something, but the impact will be evenly distributed across your body.”

#14. Common sense can save your life

“Get a carbon monoxide detector for your home and regularly check to make sure it has fresh batteries.”

#13. Don’t worry about fighting fair

“There is no such thing as a fair fight. If it’s a life threatening situation, fight dirty. Attempt to bite if you are pinned down, and press the base of your thumbs onto their eyes if necessary. As soon as you get the opportunity, run towards the nearest place with people around, and report to the police

Obvious, but often people view fighting as a boxing match.”

#12. You’re not in a cartoon

“Two animal ones

If you are scuba/free diving, and a giant octopus grabs hold of you, do not try to pry him off of you. He has more arms than you, and more ways to hold you. Focus on getting him off his anchor point -rock, pipe, whatever. He can’t pull you in and pull you down without using the leverage from his anchor.
If you are being chased by a swarm of bees, do not jump into a lake or other body of water to escape. This isn’t a cartoon. The bees will simply wait above the water to sting you, and now you have created a situation where you move slower, can’t breathe as well, and suffer worse if the toxins affect you. You may even swallow a bunch of bees gasping for air. Also, water has unseen predators that you’ve now introduced to the equation. If pursued by bees, just keep running and running. They will defend their hive to a large proximity, perhaps even a mile. Just run until they feel they’ve won.”

#11. To include in your survival kit

“Bring a small mirror or reflective item whenever you’re going some place or doing an activity where you could end up stranded. The shiny reflection from a mirror can signal rescue aircraft much more easily than most other methods.”

#10. An oldie but goodie

“Don’t be silly, wrap your willy.”

#9. In the unlikely but terrible event that…

“If you ever get held at gunpoint and asked to get in a vehicle, you fight with everything you’ve got to not do that. Run zig zag, punch and kick, do whatever even if you die in the process. Because 99% of the time, people who get in the car do not come back. Especially if being moved from a public place to a private place.”

#8. Follow the bubbles

“If you somehow find yourself so deep in a body of water that you can’t tell which was is up, blow bubbles and follow them up.”

#7. If something feels wrong, follow your gut

“If you’re ever on a dark highway at night and suddenly an unmarked car behind you flips police lights on but you don’t feel right about the situation, drive slowly and cautiously to a brightly lit/populated area before pulling over. You can also call 911 to find out if there are actually any cops in the area that would be out there to pull you over. If they say no, request for a cop to meet you at a nearby location.

There are a lot of carjackers/muggers/etc. that use fake police lights to get people to pull over on a dark and lonely roads because who isn’t going to stop for a cop? If it IS a real officer it may annoy them that you made them follow you for a few miles to a public area, but better safe than sorry and as far as I know as long as you’re not leading them on a high-speed chase/clearly trying to evade them they can’t punish you for it. IANAL though, and maybe some actual police officers can chime in.

edit: I get people being doubtful but this is a kind of thing that happens, and for the people who say it’s bad advice, the advice comes straight from the police departments themselves:


#6. Don’t drink the urine

“If you’re ever in a situation where you think you have to do it, you should still never drink your own urine. This will only kill you quicker. Urinating expels concentrated blood wastes from your body. Putting them back into your body will only make your kidneys work harder, greatly accelerating your impending kidney failure and reducing the amount of time you have left to find water and save yourself. Survival shows are full of shit. They just want ratings. Don’t drink your own urine, don’t give yourself a lake water enema, don’t eat anything you find in the forest, don’t try to tame a wild horse and ride it back to civilization (all things I have seen Bear Grylls ‘do’).

Real wilderness survival tips: Carry way more water than you think you’ll need, always carry at least one knife, have a flashlight and a backup flashlight, pack at least a few granola bars, have a compass, and carry a comprehensive first aid kit. Preparedness will save your life one day.

Oh, and take your fucking trash back home with you. Nature isn’t your trashcan.

Edit: Obviously, this post is not meant for you experienced hikers and outdoorsmen. This post is for the type of people who need to be told these things. Read into that what you will.”

#5. But first, find some berries

“Around 90% of red berries are toxic while only 40ish% of dark berries are toxic.”

#4. Just like in It’s a Wonderful Life

“Also, a thing I see in movies a lot is people trying to save someone who has fallen through the ice doing it the wrong way.

Never stand. You need to disperse your weight. What you do is belly slide as wide as you can and make a chain of people. Once the person on the end has hold of the person in the water only the people on the shore pull, and the people on the oce shpuld not move. It is always super dangerous, and really should only be done in extreme emergencies. If you can, wait for real rescue to arrive.”

#3. If you’re lost in the woods

“Birch bark has flammable oil in it that lets you light a fire even if it’s raining.”

#2. Modern advice

“Do not text and drive.”

#1. Don’t run

“If a hostile dog is confronting you, do not run. It can outrun you, and the minute you turn your back it’ll see it as a sign of weakness and may attack.

Instead, keep eye contact with the dog and try to find something long like a branch or pole. Face the dog and start slowly backing in the direction you need to go while shouting at the dog. IF the dog comes at you hit it’s face with the branch and shout, it will most likely back up out of the range of the stick. Use your phone to call for help if you can.”

h/t: Reddit

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The History of DNA

In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick reported that they had discovered the structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) – the molecule that genes are made of. This discovery would transform the life sciences – from biochemistry and agriculture to medicine and genetics. It had all started much earlier, in 1859, when Charles Darwin published his book, “The Origin of Species”. He had joined a 5-year expedition in 1831, to the Galapagos Island, where he was studying fossils of animals believed to be from millions of years ago. During that time he noticed that each of the islands had their own

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