12 Facts That May Change How You Think About Sleep

I’m a huge proponent of napping and basically catching a bit of shut-eye whenever possible. Is there anything better than sleep?

Let’s just say things can get unpleasant when I don’t get my beauty rest.

Take a look at these fun facts about sleeping. You’ll be glad you did.

12. Placebo sleep works like placebo pills.

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11. Parrot fish have a gross sleeping arrangement.

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10. You can sleep across borders.

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9. You actually can be half-asleep.

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8. Lucid dreaming can be for anybody.

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7. Sleep lots – your sex life might depend on it.

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6. Dolphins are cautious sleepers.

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5. Never fight while tired.

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4. Brain cannibalism is real.

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3. Beauty sleep is real, too.

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2. Letting teenagers sleep longer could grow the U.S. GDP.

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1. Spiders don’t crawl in your mouth while you sleep. It’s the last place they would ever want to be. Stop worrying.

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These 8 Popular Genetic Traits Prove We All Have More in Common Than You Thought

When you take a long, hard look at humanity, there’s no denying that at our most basic, genetic level we’re all inbred. Maybe not to the point where our kids turn blue, but still – we have way more things in common than than not.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In fact, if you are a human being, you more than likely have every single one of these super common, dominant genes.

If you are not a human being, please know that we come in peace.

#8. Your Eyes Are Brown

55% of the world has brown eyes, which means more people are brown-eyed than all of the other colors combined. Take that!

Photo Credit: NBC

#7. You’re Right-Handed

70-90% of people have a dominant right hand (it used to be more when people forced children to be right-handed, despite preference!).

Photo Credit: Pixabay

#6. Look At Those Broad Eyebrows

Don’t feel bad if you have to pluck to get thin, arched brows – thick and bushy is the dominant trait, but the unibrow is not.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

#5. You Have Dark Hair

More than 50% of people in the United States sport natural dark locks, but there are cultures around the world where that percentage is 98% or higher.

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures

#4. Your Left Thumb Automatically Crosses Over Your Right

Well over half of the world’s population display this random genetic predisposition.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

#3. Your Eyelashes Are So Long

The cosmetics companies would have you believe that you need that mascara and the falsies, but in reality, long lashes are a dominant trait enjoyed by the majority of the population.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

#2. You’ve Got A Round Face

In a world of squares or rounds, you’re most likely the latter.

Photo Credit: MGM

#1. Your Earlobe Hangs Free

No definitive study exists, but estimates are that this dominant gene exists in about 2/3 of the world’s population.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Did you just touch your earlobe? I bet you did…

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Flat-Earthers Are Left Speechless by Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Brilliant Tweet

Whether we like it or not, the ‘Flat Earth Movement’ is a real thing. No… we’re serious. Not surprisingly, the strongest support for it is in the United States. Search for it on YouTube and you’ll find thousands, if not millions, of relevant videos made by conspiracy theorists claiming everything from the ‘Biblical firmament’ referenced in the Book of Genesis, to claims about the horizon, sunrises, etc. There is even a guy planning to launch himself into space to prove the theory true.

And then there’s Neil deGrasse Tyson:

Photo Credit: Twitter

So, let’s all hold our breath together and see how well this rocket launch goes.

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6+ Captivating Facts You Never Knew About Rainbows

Rainbows can cheer up even the gloomiest of days. They’re colorful, huge, and can appear just about anywhere.

And that’s why we all love them.

Take a look at these 7 facts about rainbows. And have a great day.

1. Rainbow art

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2. Double rainbow!

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3. Fogbows

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4. Mirror image

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5. Never forget

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6. Finally snapped it

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7. Wow

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Check Out These Important Dos and Don’ts of Creativity

Creativity is a skill that needs to be nurtured and practiced if we want to see improvement. While every person is different, we can all learn a lot from this infographic that lays out the dos and don’ts of creativity.

These habits will help work out your brain and hopefully assist you in creating the best project possible.

So whether you’re working on a book, a painting, or a business venture, these tips will get your brain moving.

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This Is Why You Shouldn’t Leave Water Bottles in Your Hot Car

There are a lot of things you shouldn’t leave in a hot car (dogs and cats, kids) but you should add one more thing to the list this summer, and a lot of us are guilty of it.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

That’s right, plastic water bottles. And there’s a couple of reasons why you shouldn’t do this. The first is because when it gets hot, chemicals from plastic bottles can seep into the water, and we all know that isn’t good for anyone. But a hot plastic bottle also has the potential to set your car on fire.

Photo Credit: iStock

If the sunlight hits the bottle just the right way, it can set your seat ablaze. A man named Dioni Amuchastegui noticed this happening in his truck one hot day and he took to Facebook to warn others of this hazard.

The thermometer tested his bottle at an incredible 213 degrees. If the beam of light is focused on a vinyl seat and the conditions are perfect, you might find your car on fire this summer. So clean out the trash from your vehicle and have a safe summer.

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A Super-Stinger Wasp Was Discovered in the Amazon

As if regular wasps weren’t frightening enough, now you have another insect to worry about. It’s a super-stinger wasp that was discovered in the Amazon by researchers from the University of Turku in Finland.

Photo Credit: The University of Turku

The Calistoga crassicaudata has a stinger that is almost 5 millimeters long. And the way it lays eggs is really horrifying. The wasp impales its prey, usually a spider, the sting paralyzes it, and the wasp lays its eggs inside the prey. When the eggs hatch the prey dies. Thus is life in the animal kingdom…

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10 Fascinating Facts About Life in Our Universe

Our universe is FASCINATING! Fascinating, I said!

And these 10 facts prove it.

1. Lots of stuff in there

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2. Interactive

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3. The hexagon

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4. Poor Pluto

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5. Retro

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6. It’s a long way to the moon

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7. Mars

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9. Large quasar group

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10. Cool…

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Here’s the Proof. Lightning Can Strike the Same Place Twice.

“Lightning doesn’t strike twice.” It’s a phrase you hear all the time, even if someone is not referring to the weather. Well, science says otherwise.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Actually, it’s almost inevitable that lightning will strike the same place twice. As soon as a lightning bolt hits the ground, a new one is not deterred in any way, shape, or form from hitting the same spot again. A good example is lightning hitting tall buildings. Take a look at this video from the tallest building in Chicago, now known as the Willis Tower.

That night the Willis Tower was hit by 10 bolts of lightning. According to storm chaser Dan Robinson, tall buildings are most likely to be hit by multiple lightning strikes.

And what about human beings? Can they be hit more than once? The story of park ranger Roy Sullivan proves that yes, this phenomenon can occur. I remember seeing poor Mr. Sullivan in the Guinness Book of World Records as a kid for his unfortunate encounters with lightning.

Sullivan was a park ranger in Virginia who was struck by lightning an incredible 7 TIMES between 1942 and 1977, more than any other human being on record. So be careful out there during thunderstorms. You may think you’re safe, but you never know…

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Monkeys in Panama Have Just Entered the Stone Age

Researchers have observed a small group of white-faced capuchin monkeys off the coast of Panama using stone tools to break nuts and shellfish. That’s right: a group of capuchin monkeys have entered the Stone Age.

Photo Credit: YouTube

These are the fourth group of primates to use stone tools after humans. It was reported all the way back in 2004 that monkeys on the island were using stone tools. In 2017, researchers placed cameras on Jicarón Island to try to capture the act on camera, which they eventually did.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Researchers saw the group of male monkeys using tools to break coconuts, snails, and crabs. For some reason, the same behavior has not spread to other groups of monkeys or other islands off Panama’s coast. The researchers think that the monkeys’ behavior may be by chance and isn’t necessarily the expected trajectory. The other three primate groups that have already entered the Stone Age are a group of capuchins in South America, macaques in Thailand, and chimpanzees in West Africa.

Watch the video below to see the monkeys in action.

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