13+ Extremely Specific Pieces of Advice That Could Save Your Life

What would you do if confronted by wolves? What about if you were trapped in a car underwater? Surely there are simple ways to escape from these extreme scenarios, but how do you figure them out?

Welcome to Reddit, my friends.

#15. You want to know which it is.

“If you or someone you are with ingests a chemical they aren’t supposed to and you aren’t sure what it will do to you, don’t immediately try to throw it up. Call poison control.

Some do more damage coming back up and diluting them by drinking lots of water is better. You want to know which it is before you start shoving fingers down your throat.

I was told a story of a child who ingested some type of drain clearing chemical during nap time in a daycare because the janitor left it out and this kid was little and little kids are kind of stupid. The teacher was able to find info on the cleaner in the supply closet (thanks OSHA) and had the kid chug water while the ambulance came. She would have killed him if she induced vomiting because it would have destroyed his esophagus coming back up. Something about how it reacted to stomach acid.

That always stuck with me. Also, don’t leave draino out around little kids.”

#14. Don’t take it out.

“If you ever get stabbed, shot with an arrow, and or impaled by something, don’t take it out. Leaving it in could mean the difference between bleeding out and being able to make it to a hospital.”

#13. Don’t move them.

“If you fall through the ice and can reach the surface but can’t climb out, place your arms out on the ice and don’t move them. The cold will freeze your sleeves to the ice, and your sleeves will help hold you out of the water in case you pass out.”

#12. No gifts, please.

“If you ever find yourself in jail, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, ACCEPT ANYTHING AS A “GIFT”. This includes: pop tokens, food, bedding, water, a fucking a square of tissue paper.

The person giving you this is working you and will see you as someone ‘in their pocket’. Expect any act of kindness in jail as an attempt to work you or con you. Nothing in jail is free. No matter how nice or how innocent the person comes across, do not take anything or accept any favor from anyone.

Jail sucks, but it sucks more when you’re in the pocket of a professional inmate. You’ll be under incredible risk of being forced to do things you don’t want.

Source: worked at a jail and saw multiple people get worked by professional inmates”

#11. Double the fun.

“If you get caught in a rip tide or a current and pulled out into the ocean, swim parallel to shore until you’re far enough away from that spot to have escaped it, then swim for shore. Also, learn the sidestroke. If you find yourself stranded in open water for whatever reason, you can swim for hours without tiring yourself out using the sidestroke.

If someone ever has both hands on your throat, put your forearms between theirs and press them apart until they let go. Also, if you can grab their pinky and yank it in any unnatural direction, you control the whole hand. If you have to hit someone with your head, hit them with the hard part just between your forehead and the top of your head so you don’t hurt yourself.”

#10. Stay loud and aggressive.

“If coyotes begin harassing you in the woods, stay loud and aggressive until you can walk to safety. They wont risk an injury unless they are weak and starving.”

#9. Drop to the ground immediately.

“If you wake up in the middle of the night and your house is on fire…drop to the ground immediately! That first breath of heated smoke can be enough to drop a person for good. Smoke detectors save lives people. Source: former firefighter.”

#8. Look for the exits.

“Look for the exits in airplanes. The majority of people that survive a crash claimed they purposefully always look for exits when boarding.”

#7. Put it in milk.

“If you get a tooth knocked out, don’t put it on ice to take to the hospital- put it in milk. Also if you get a body part severed, put it in a bag and then put the bag on ice; don’t put the body part directly in the ice.”

#6. Stop moving.

“If you get lost in nature, stop moving. Don’t try to find your way out. You will only move farther away from where the search for you will start.

Once you’ve stopped start building a shelter then start a fire if you can. Spend the rest of the time you have collecting things to burn without ever losing site of your fire. Even if it’s hot, fire will keep animals Away at night and will make it easier for you to be spotted.”

#5. When you poke it with a stick.

“A startled armadillo will leap straight up with a surprising amount of force. Don’t be leaning over one when you poke it with a stick.”

#4. The one-rein stop.

“If you ever find yourself on a horse that is out of control – pull one rein so that it’s head is all the way around, touching your foot/it’s shoulder. A horse can not buck, bolt or rear in this stance – it can run madly in a tight circle but it will tire and stop eventually. Plenty of stories of people going on tourist riding trips, or rented horses at weddings, or guided trail rides where a horse spooks or loses it and someone’s just hanging on for dear fucking life. It’s called a one-rein stop. It could save your life.”

#3. Don’t think.

“Drowning doesn’t always look like drowning. It’s not like in the movies where people flail around and shit, sometimes they just go under and drown. It can be anti-climactic so don’t think that because someone isn’t panicking they aren’t drowning.”

#2. The second place they take you.

“If someone tries to kidnap you DO NOT let them transport you….fight, scratch, die bc if you don’t, the second place they take you will be much worse.”

#1. Roll down the window.

“If you drive your car into a body of water and start sinking you most likely wont be able to open the door but quickly roll down the window and you can get out. I had a friend die bc she did not know this. Its a life tip I wish I didn’t have to learn through her passing.”

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12 Funny Game Show Answers That Will Leave You Feeling Pretty Smart

Gameshows are harder than they look. Sure, it’s easy to come up with the answers when you’re sitting at home on your couch, but as soon as those lights hit you and you can hear the roar of the crowd, it’s a different story. Whether you win or lose, at least you have the experience, right?

Well, sometimes even that experience is a mixed bag — especially when you find yourself the butt of a joke for answering a super obvious question incorrectly.

These 12 people just weren’t prepared for what their brain would spit out in response to simple questions.

Laugh all you want (I did), but you never know how you will respond until it’s your butt in the hot seat.

#12. Some people take everything so literally.

Image Credit: CBS

#11. This poor man who can’t count…

Image Credit: ABC

#10. …or remember what happens in the seasons.

Image Credit: ABC

#9. That sounds easier.

Image Credit: GSN

#8. Hey, it’s probably illegal in some country.

Image Credit: ABC

#7. Woooooooooow.

Image Credit: VH1

#6. Tell me more about where you go to church.

Image Credit: Sony

#5. Hey, sometimes fish find love…

Image Credit: NBC

#4. I mean…it’s not a WRONG answer, per se.

Image Credit: Sony

#3. This is adorable.

Image Credit: GSN

#2. I feel like there just has to be a porn actor out there with this name.

Image Credit: ABC

#1. Best.

Image Credit: Freemantle Media

Lol, Steve Harvey…gotta love it.

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Geologists Reveal Strange Facts About Earth That Most People Don’t Know

You may think there’s not much to know about rocks, but let me tell you something pal, you’re wrong.

That’s why geologists sounded off on AskReddit about some of the weirdest things about our beautiful Earth that you probably didn’t know. Read on to get edumucated…

1. That’s a long trip

“Scientist didn’t know how the Amazon forest got enough phosphor to stay fertile. It turns out it gets it from the Sahara desert. The phosphor travels the Atlantic ocean and a great part of the South American continent to keep the forest alive.”


“You know how icebergs are mostly under the water?

Mountains work the same way. They have roots that go deep into the mantle. Scientists noticed this when they were measuring the gravity and it wasn’t what they predicted.”

3. Just the tip

“Here’s an interesting way to think about the Earth’s history: look at the geologic time scale and stretch your arms out to your sides away form each other. Your left fingers represent the formation of the Earth. The entire “Precambrian” (or Proterozoic & Archean Eons) represent everything in between your left finger tips to your right wrist.

That’s 89% of the entire history of the Earth, a time when life didn’t exist or was rather primitive. Then, life diversified like crazy starting from your right wrist to the base of your fingers (aka the Paleozoic Era). Then, the Mesozoic Era, or the age of dinosaurs, was across the first two segments of your fingers. Then, the Cenozoic Era, or the age of mammals (aka today), is the last third segment of your finger. Humanity is the very tip of your right fingernail and can be erased by one swipe of a nail file.”

4. That’s a myth

“Diamonds aren’t forever, if you want a gem that will truly last forever look into zircons. Zircons are the honeybadgers of the gem world, they simply don’t give a crap. They’re hardy little gems, that can undergo multiple orogenic cycles and still maintain their original crystal lattice structures. Very helpful in dating very very old rocks.

Source: am geophysicist.”

5. Massive

“The Pacific ocean is so huge it contains pairs of antipodes (points that are directly opposite each other).”

6. Africa is huge

“It’s probably more common to know this now, but Africa is waaaaaaaaaay bigger than it looks on most maps. The Mercator projection map is the one that most people are familiar with, and it vastly under represents the size of some areas of the world, while making others look a lot bigger. Russia is much smaller than it looks on a map, and Africa is monstrously big when you really look at it.

This picture shows a bunch of different countries in relation to Africa’s true size.”

7. I did not know that…

“A “tel” (like in Tel Aviv). is a hill that’s not just a hill. It’s a hill made from human garbage, built up over millennia. So there was once a village, and as it grew, houses were built on the rubble of old houses. Garbage pits (for ceramic and stuff) were filled in and built upon. This happened so many times over centuries, that hills developed. It’s sort of amazing to think of a big hill, with a city on it, and if you dug straight down from the top of that hill, you’d hit layer upon layer of former civilizations.”

8. Tsunamis

“The San Andreas Fault can’t produce tsunamis despite what movies with the Rock may tell you.

The SA Fault is a transform fault which can only move laterally and is not capable of vertical displacement like a subduction zone fault would be able to. Subduction zones make up much of the Pacific Ring of Fire. The San Andreas Fault is not capable of producing an earthquake more powerful than an 8.0 on the Moment Magnitude scale. So an earthquake such as the Tohuku or Indian Ocean (9.0+) is not possible according to earthquake scientists.”

9. Bet ya didn’t know

“Mining geologist here. That many gold mines have no visible gold.”

10. Greenish

“Before studying geology I thought the earth’s mantle would be like a brown or reddish colour, but in fact it has a greenish colour due to the prevelance of the most common mineral, olivine.”

11. Smarty-pants

“Solar activity generates electrical currents in the Earth itself because it causes fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetosphere. These are referred to as geomagnetically induced currents and they often cause interruptions in power grids and communications networks. We generate electricity much the same way but on a lower scale. This happens either when a conductor is moved through a magnetic field or when a magnetic field moves through a conductor.”

12. Impact

“The Sudbury Impact was so large and energetic that magma existed there for about 100,000 years before cooling. That made the area rich in metal resources due to slow mineral separation and hydrothermal action. Not only that but the impact would have caused trees to ignite nearly 500 miles away, though trees did not exist as this happened 1.85 billion years ago.

More info in pdf form from the Minnesota Geologic Survey.”

13. Pimple

“Hawaii was formed by what is essentially a pimple on the crust of the earth.”

14. Wow

“Florida was originally part of Africa. It got sutured onto North America when Pangea was formed.”

15. A much bigger lake

“My parents went to a geology lecture in Tahoe and the evidence they have there used to be a glacier holding back a much bigger lake is it broke so violently that boulders the size of houses were washed miles downstream. I drive down the 80 all the time and you can see the large granite boulders as you approach Reno.”

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7 Scientific Ways to Win an Argument Every Time

Whether you love to debate or hate conflict in all forms, sometimes you just can’t avoid an argument. That’s why the tips below will help hone your argument skills and will help you be more convincing and ultimately win your argument, whatever it’s about.

Read on, and get ready to debate and argue!

1. Know your opponent’s personality type

If you know your opponent’s personality, use it to your advantage. Most people fall into two categories: reactive or analytical. Use techniques that appeal to their personality. If they are more thoughtful, appeal to their analytical side.

2. Use empathy in your argument

Photo Credit: Unsplash,rawpixel

You should use specific examples about people rather than generalizing to make a point. Most people tend to relate to an individual rather than a group. Also, get a little more detailed about a person to make them seem more familiar to the person you’re arguing with.

3. Know your opponent’s moral identity

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Different people view the world in various ways, which is why it’s important to know exactly who you’re up against. For instance, liberal people might be more swayed by compassion and fairness, while a more conservative person might be swayed by loyalty and authority. If you know what your opponent values in life, it will help frame your questions and delivery.

4. Remain calm

Photo Credit: Pixabay

This one is a lot easier for some people than others, but it is a crucial part of a victory strategy. Remain calm, talk slowly, listen, and keep your emotions under control. A raving lunatic never looks good during an argument.

5. Practice your delivery

The more you practice, the better you get. This is true for anything, including arguing and debating. Work on your delivery so it becomes second nature and you don’t second guess yourself. The more put together your delivery is, the more convincing you will be.

6. Be a storyteller

Instead of bogging down your argument with statistics and figures, compile all your knowledge and facts and create a compelling story. Narrative-driven delivery styles are often hard to beat.

7. Use physical cues

Body language is extremely important when arguing/debating with someone. One way to try to connect with a person is to mimic their movements, such as crossing your legs if they do or folding your arms. Maintaining direct eye contact with your opponent while they speak may influence them and cause them to have reduced confidence in their own argument. Also, eye contact will make you appear stronger.

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These 20 Photos Show That Depression Doesn’t Have a Face or Mood

You may have seen the hashtag #faceofdepression recently. It’s prompting people to share their own photos and to prove that depression doesn’t have one face or outward appearance. September is National Suicide Prevention Month, so it’s time to check in on your friends and family and look for possible warning signs that someone may be unhappy, or even despondent. Depression manifests itself differently in every person, which is why it’s important to talk to your loved ones about their feelings, even if they seem outwardly normal and happy.

If you or someone you know needs to talk to someone, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is open 24/7 at 1-800-273-8255. You can also live chat with a counselor on their website, suicidepreventionlifeline.org.

Here are 20 photos that people shared on social media to reinforce the idea that depression doesn’t have one face.


Photo Credit: Instagram


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Photo Credit: Facebook

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According to Science, Here’s How Often You Should Wash Your Sheets

One of the best feelings in the world is climbing into a freshly made bed covered in clean-smelling sheets, and yet…if you’re the one who has to do the washing and drying and making, the pleasure is diminished about 10% with each task.

Well, science is stepping in with some information that might give you a push to do it a bit more often. How often, you ask?

Photo Credit: Pixabay

At least once a week.

Any longer than that and you’ll find yourself sleeping among a “botanical park” of bacteria, according to NYU microbiologist Philip Tierno.

Along with your own, ‘human’ bacteria, the ones found on skin and in sweat, spit, and other bodily fluids, there’s also pollen, lint, dust mites, and as many as 16 different kinds of fungus – on your pillows alone. Since you spend about a third of your life in your bed, that might be concerning for the cleanest among you.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If you suffer from allergies or develop other symptoms like sniffling and sneezing without other signs of a cold, your dirty sheets could definitely be to blame.

Tierno talked with Business Insider, and compared sleeping in more than week old sheets to not washing your hands after you touched dog poop in the street. “If you saw what was there – but of course you don’t see it – after a while you have to say to yourself, ‘Do I want to sleep in that?’”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Since the answer is likely no, stock up on your laundry detergent and get to work. It might not sound like fun now, but once you’re snuggled up in clean sheets and resting assured that no extra allergens are finding their way into your airways, you’ll definitely be glad you did!

h/t: Mental_Floss

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These 7 Random Facts Will Make You a Smarter Person

Here are a few questions for you. When does your feeling of impending doom actually have a high chance of being right, and why might that also be really bad news for you?

What industry paid Harvard scientists to blame cardiovascular disease solely on saturated fat?

Are you trustworthy? Do you cuss a lot?

All this and more in today’s bag of Fact Snacks:

#7. Swearing keeps your filter open.

Photo Credit: dyk

Sources: 1, 2

#6. There’s a bar for after the bar in Amsterdam.

Photo Credit: dyk


#5. When that feeling of dread is real…

Photo Credit: dyk


#4. The Nobel champion is in Paris.

Photo Credit: dyk


Photo Credit: Quartz

#3. Harvard shilled for Big Sugar.

Photo Credit: dyk

Sources: 1, 2

#2. Canada and Denmark have a ‘whiskey war.’

Photo Credit: dyk

Source: 1, 2

#1. Powdered wigs hid syphilis.

Photo Credit: dyk


Want more Fact Snacks?

We’ve got a whole book full of them:

Photo Credit: Amazon

Hundreds of your favorites facts, such as:

  • Your pupils dilate when you’re looking at someone you love.
  • Octopuses are older than dinosaurs.
  • Caffeine withdrawal is officially a mental disorder.
  • The only breed of dog to be mentioned by name in the Bible is the greyhound.
  • Your heart is so powerful that it can squirt blood 30 feet across the room.
  • Dr. Seuss’s first book was rejected 27 times.

Buy it now on Amazon:

Did You Know?: A collection of the most interesting facts, stories and trivia…ever! (Volume 1) Paperback

Did You Know?: A collection of the most interesting facts, stories and trivia…ever! Kindle Edition

Or keep digging into more lists like these:

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These 5+ Facts Will Really Make You Think

Hope you’ve got your thinking cap ready, because these 7 facts are going to put that mind of yours to work.

But they’re all extremely solid, so 7 is the perfect number for you. Enjoy.

1. Avert your eyes

Photo Credit: did you know?

2. A true hero

Photo Credit: did you know?

3. They blew it

Photo Credit: did you know?

4. A different take on a classic

Photo Credit: did you know?

5. Interesting…

Photo Credit: did you know?

6. Vader plant

Photo Credit: did you know?

7. This is wonderful

Photo Credit: did you know?

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15 of the Biggest Culture Shocks Travelers Have Ever Experienced

Traveling is an exciting opportunity that everyone should get the chance to experience. It puts you outside of your comfort zone and pushes you to try new things.

It’s one thing to go to England or Germany, but quite another to go to places like India or China.

Here, 15 travelers share their stories of when they experienced major culture shock.

1. Time to eat!

“Visiting family in the Czech Republic around Christmastime. Went to use washroom and was utterly astounded to see a giant carp swimming around in their bathtub. Learned it is customary to eat fried carp on Christmas Eve.”

2. It’s all about the quality

“How much quality food there is at Japanese 7-11. Yes you heard me, QUALITY. Obviously here in the US you don’t trust gas station sushi or really any food that comes from them. Honestly a vagabond or tourist can easily survive eating only 7-11 food in Japan, since really it’s cheap and not as processed.”

3. Gross

“When I visited South America it was my first time experiencing that you throw your toilet paper in a trash bin next to the toilet specifically for that rather than flush it and mess up their sewage infrastructure

It’s so weird but not weird at the same time since its just how things work there.”

4. Boston!

“I went into an an ice cream shop in Boston that was staffed by an older lady, we’ll call er her OL, the exchange went like this:

OL: Hi how aw ya?

Me: I’m great, and you?

OL:<no answer>

Me: Do you have blueberry cheesecake ice cream?

OL: Do you see it on the board? If it’s not on the board then we don’t f*cking have it”

5. Different culture

“I grew up in a working class city where passive-aggression wasn’t a thing. If people didn’t like you they made it obvious. Shouting matches and fist-fights were pretty common. Then I get a job at a snooty ivy league university and nobody expresses what they actually think or feel, snide remarks replaced insults, people quietly conspire against you while pretending to be your friend, and you can’t call people out on their bullshit without getting socially shunned because everybody is neck deep swimming in it.”

6. Trash

“I live in a very clean city, so I was shocked When I visited South America and saw how dirty it was and how much people litter.

People there literally do not give a sh*t and will just throw their trash right on the ground… Even if there’s a trash can 10 ft away.

I was on a bus in Colombia and this lady was throwing trash out the window the whole 12 hr bus ride even though there was a garbage bag across the aisle from her.

In Brazil I was on a boat ride on the Amazon and our engine got clogged up. They stop the boat pull the engine up and there’s a black trash bag wrapped around the motor. The driver proceeds to take the bag off and throw it right back in the river before starting the boat and taking off.

I also remember seeing people just chucking huge bags of trash right into the Amazon River…No sh*ts given.

It’s really sad because it’s beautiful in South America. A lot places there just don’t have the money/infastruture to properly take care of their waste.”

7. Rules of the road

“Traffic in Vietnam. Crossing the street by walking slowly, letting the overloaded scooters drive around me, I got used to relatively quick. But the overnight bus from Hanoi to Danang crisscrossing the highway, having near misses with incoming trailers and honking every third second, that was bad.”

8. Welcome to Japan

“First time in Japan, first interaction with anyone outside of the airport:

Get there early in the morning, LOOOONG flight and have a meeting in an hour. Need coffee asap. Go to 7-11 (awesome! they have that here!) before checking into hotel. Guy at the counter greets me. I’m looking around for the coffee. Guy runs around counter, eager to help me in any way. “Cofffee” I say. He takes me to the coffee, points to the different types, gets a cup for me, shows me how to use the machine, practically holding my hand through the process. Get me all set up with a fresh coffee, runs back around counter. shows me the little tray to put my money in, helps me count my money. Runs back around counter, leads me to door, opens it for me and bows with traditional goodbye and arigatou gozaimasu.

WOW, welcome to Japan.”

9. Work experience

“Working in the public sector. I previously worked in hospitality as a restaurant manager. The change to go working into a 9-5 office job was extraordinarily tough. People were so awkward and shy, I used to greet every staff member with a handshake previously but now everyone in my office can’t make eye contact. Public Sector for me is the most ‘be careful what you say’ environment regarding absolutely anything even your plans for the weekend…”

10. Sexism

“As the only American at a company in rural Japan: the sexism.

Everyone wears uniforms, women have to wear skirts.

In the company phone directory there is a special symbol to indicate if someone is a woman.

Women leave the office at 5 or 530. Men all work later.

Women are very unlikely to be promoted. There is only one female manager in the entire company.

When a women gets married 90% of the time they quit the company.

If a married woman’s husband’s parents die the company sends a card and money. If her own parents die they send nothing.

Women must serve tea and clean the office spaces.

Constantly being called “kawaii”, cute, beautiful, and “~chan” by male co-workers.


11. All grown up

“Holidaying in Tokyo and watching 5 year old kids walk themselves home from school and catching public transport…all by themselves.”

12. People everywhere

“I spent 12 weeks backpacking in India. The most intense culture shock was when I returned to the US. There were no people outside! The streets felt deserted. In India every city street is just packed with people. I had a second wave of culture shock was when I went to the grocery store for bread and the aisle was 25 feet long and had dozens of varieties. Lots of stuff I used to take for granted suddenly felt like such a blessing.”

13. Can’t read

“When I went to Egypt, with everything written in Arabic script, I realized what it would be like to be completely illiterate.”

14. Freezing

“The lack of central heat in Japan was a rude wakeup call for me in my first Kansai winter.”

15. What do I say?

“Recently moved to the US (9 months ago), and I am still not used to everyone asking me how I am doing. I am from Norway, and if the cashier ask how you are, you get embarrassed and don’t know how to answer.”

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12+ of the Weirdest Things Doctors Have Ever Found in Human Bodies

When you’re a doctor, you see a lot of strange sights. I mean, the human body is weird – and that’s before all the horrible things that can go wrong with it.

In this article, 15 doctors/medical examiners/morticians share the strangest things they ever found in bodies.

1. Horrifying

“A mummified foetus – I was working in Africa and the usually very stoic Congolese surgeons called me in to theatre, gagging – the patient was an elderly woman with a protruding abdominal mass. When they opened it, they found that it was a long, long dead mummified foetus which as a result of an ectopic pregnancy, had somehow managed to both wall off after it died and somehow avoid killing the mother. Her body had encapsulted the alien tissue and over the years, it had slowly eroded her anterior abdominal wall to the point where it finally caused her to have enough symptoms to get something done about it.

It was horrific and the smell was worse.

Happily, though, the patient survived the procedure and just left the surgical team with a .. memory.”

2. Black goo

“In my anatomy lab, my groups’s cadaver had died from systemic complications of stage 4 lung cancer and when we got to the lungs they were two rock hard, necrotic blackened masses that looked nothing like the other cadaver’s pink and spongy lungs.

My anatomy prof took one lung out and wrung it resulting in this putrid black goo flowing out of the lung.

As he was draining the lung, he mentioned…

“This. This is what happens when you smoke” “

3. How’d that get there?

“Weirdest thing was in a woman’s intestine- a dead mouse.

Tiny little thing…. obviously never got the chance to ask how the mouse got there as this was post mortem. Definitely unexpected though…”

4. A tough situation

“She isn’t dead, but this week i saw a patient with endometriosis in her lungs.

Somehow, womb-lining cells had travelled to her thorax and colonised on the lung. She previously had symptoms of coughing up blood while menstruating, but because the endometriosis was so severe, was on the pill to stop her periods entirely.

Then she came off it to have a baby, and after the birth, with her hormones all over the place, she developed two pulmonary embolisms (blood clots in the lung), and a few weeks after that, three successive pneumothorax (collapsed lung). The womb cells had tried to shed, and made a hole between the airways and the sac surrounding the lung, letting air escape.

She’s deciding now whether to let the surgeons cut out the part of her lung with the endometrial cells, to go back on the pill for life, or to have a full hysterectomy and remove her ovaries. Tough choice at 32.”

5. Very rare

“I was a combat medic in the Army.

Not super super uncommon (about 1 in 10,000 people have it), but I had a buddy with situs inversus. All of his major internal organs were reversed (heart on the rights side instead of the left, for example). As soon as he got to the unit, it was the first thing he told me. Wanted to make sure if he got hurt I wasnt curious as to why he had no heart, I guess.

Edit to say: Had to look up the name and how uncommon it is, because it’s been a few years since I got out and he’s literally the only person I’ve ever met like that. I was honestly surprised at how common it actually is, I figured it’d be more rare.”

6. That’s odd…

“My colleague was embalming an autopsied male and found two hairnets, numerous plastic tissue sample slides, a plastic urine container (with another person’s name on it) and over twenty seven latex gloves within his abdominal cavity…”

7. Sounds awful

“Doctor here, general prac and young, so not many experiences.

I had this kid (8) and his mother come to the ped triage about a cold.

As soon they came in they filled the room with stench, like a wound festering, that humid and rancid smell. Kid had a runny nose, but secretions were coming from a single nostril. Upon examination we found the sinusal cavities filled with cotton.

Apparently the kid had this funny idea of stuffing one nostril with cotton and shoving it up inside with a stick as far as he could. We had to call the specialist to remove a lot of VERY deep cotton that was of course a picnic field for bacteria.

Kid probably isn’t going college but he won’t be lacking new ideas.”

8. Don’t see that every day

“One of our cadavers had two spinal cords, aka split spinal cord malformation.

Edit: just a first year med student here folks. Unfortunately it’s against our school’s policy for me to even take photographs, yet alone share them. One of our groups during our laminectomy (removing the back of your vertebra to expose spinal cord) lab, once they cut into the dura mater (the tissue that wraps around the spinal cord) noticed a spit cord in the in the thoracolumbar region, side-by-side. Our lead anatomist was very excited to see this and had the whole class come see. Apparently it’s not the most incredibly rare thing, but it is the weirdest anomaly I’ve seen thus far.

Edit 2: So a lot of people are mentioning Spina Bifida. From what I understand in my studies, that would be the result of bones in the spine not forming correctly. This was not what we saw. There were no signs of prior surgery or herniation of the meninges.”

9. Fix me up

“Pretty memorable to me. I’m a doctor was working in OT (anesthesiology)

An emergency came in the afternoon. Apparently the patient is a fisherman and got into a fight with his fisherman friend.

Patient was impaled by a spear gun. The spear entered just lateral to his belly button and came out just above his right hip.

He actually held this 6 ft long spear going through his body and walked into the emergency room by himself. When it was time to put him under he wasn’t scared /anxious. He said “just fix me up so I can go find that guy”. “

10. Probably should’ve mentioned that

“Young man comes in complaining of headache. I work in radiology.

We ask for history. Nothing to report, he says.

We scan his head. CT shows a bullet rattling loose inside his sphenoid sinus (kind of between the nasal cavity and the brain).

I asked the guy: “Have you ever been shot in the face?”

“Oh, yeah, I guess I forgot to mention that.”

Edit: Okay this blew up. To clarify, the guy had been shot in the face a few years earlier, never sought treatment for it. The bullet had somehow missed all the vital structures.”

11. Yikes

“When my mom was a mortician, I would hang out in the mortuary watching TV. Her boss showed me a guy who had retained water and drowned. His balls were the size of a grapefruit. Not the most pleasant thing to see at age 15. When you poked him, he moved like a water bed.”

12. Whoops!

“In med school I had to do a pelvic on a woman during my EM rotation and found a meth pipe. She forgot she put it there during a traffic stop.

I also had to remove a nail from a guy’s head. He figured it must’ve went off while reloading. He had intractable tooth pain, so he got sent by his dentist for a CT and low and behold there was a nail in his cranium.”

13. No idea

“Father owns a crematory, we once cremated a man (with no clothes and not in any container) and along with his ashes came a massive belt buckle. I kid you not, we have no idea how it got in him but it was definitely there.”

14. Never noticed

“ER nurse; man comes in after a car accident, we do a brain scan for safety and find a 3 inch nail imbedded in his brain. Ask man about it, he says he has no idea. Admits he was once shot with a nail gun but HAD NO IDEA A NAIL HAD BEEN LODGED IN HIS HEAD. Had been there for well over 4 years. Edit: originally said 6inch, meant 3.”

15. He really loved the game

“Here’s another weird one… 3 golf balls in a mans stomach. His cause of death was lung cancer. Still trying to figure out how he ate golfballs/how long they were in there considering he was on life support for 2 weeks before he died.”

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