16 Hospital Employees Share Their Most Emotionally Scarring Stories on the Job

The emergency room is a CRAZY place. If you don’t believe me, check out this thread by Redditor FanisPapa, where asked other users this simple but brutal question: “Hospital staff of Reddit, what is an ER moment that has scarred you for life?”

Caution, the following stories are rough to read. You have been warned.

1. Every. Single. Rib.

Ex-wife is an ER nurse and this is the worst story she ever told me.

Guy was driving his Jeep Wrangler with the roof and doors off. He also wasn’t wearing his seatbelt, you can guess where this is going. What should have been a minor MVA ends with the Jeep rolling over. Not wearing his seat belt means the guy is tossed out. The roll bar of the Jeep rolls right over the guy’s sternum. Every rib, EVERY RIB, was broken in multiple places. He made it to the ER, but didn’t live long after.

Worst part: he was a firefighter at the station right next to the hospital. Everyone knew the guy and he was well liked.


One of my colleagues told me about a guy that came in c/o eye pain and sensitivity.

Turns out he didn’t wear eye protection while doing some DIY home repair with a metal grinder of some sort. He had metal filings embedded in his cornea.

After numbing up his eye, they picked out some of the filings with a needle. My colleague was pretty sure that his coworker pierced through the cornea at some point.

I HATE eye stuff. I nearly puked when he told me this story.

3. Corked

My partner is an ER nurse so I asked her – she said an older lady came in one day and said that she couldn’t get a cork out of her vagina.

They asked how it got up there and she said when she shaved she puts a cork in to stop the shaving cream from getting in, but this time it wouldn’t come back out.

Said she had been doing it for years

4. Broken junk

Years ago we had a guy come into the ER with a broken penis….yep, a broken penis. He and his wife were having sexy time at what he described as “a very rapid pace” when he pulled back to far and came out when he went to shove it back in, he hit a dry spot on the side of her leg and bent his penis 90 degrees.

The problem was that he had ruptured his urethra. Scarred for life is a good way to describe the effect on the entire staff.

5. We all have limits

My mom works in the ER and tells me stories. Some take something out of her. Last year a two-year-old came in with head trauma. The 2-year old’s brother was backing out of the driveway and ran him over. After hours of trying to save him, he was gone. The ER went silent and the mothers scream echoed throughout the hospital. My mom said she couldn’t help but break out into tears when she left.

I have a son that was the same age at the time so it hit her hard. The Dr that was trying to save the child had already lost another patient that day and went on a leave of absence after that.

6. The moment you become an orphan

40-year-old man motor vehicle accident, not the patient’s fault, car swerved into his car on the highway. Patient comes into the trauma room with an EMT still giving chest compressions, patient’s vitals crashed on the way to the hospital. Nurses take over the chest compressions once the patient gets on the hospital stretcher. They continue compressions for 35 minutes with no positive response. Up until this moment, I’ve seen this before so not a big deal. A young 12-year-old girl walks up behind me and sees the compressions going on and stays silent. The ER doctor looked at her and then took over compressions for about 5 minutes. He tired out and a nurse took over. The doctor looked around the room at everyone with the familiar look of “are we all ready to call it”. The room is pure silence except for the noise of chest compressions. 5 more minutes go by. The doctor stops the nurse doing compressions with only his hands. The young girl starts to cry softly behind me. The patient was a single father, that girl became an orphan in an instant. I had to leave the room.

7. Beat down

Not ER worker, but had an internship with a hospital’s IT department and on occasion would have to service equipment in the ER.

One time I was sent into a room to work on something and there was a young woman there who had overdosed. She was dead, but they were waiting for her parents to arrive, which all happened while I was there. The mother begins wailing, understandably, but the father immediately begins BEATING the daughter’s boyfriend, screaming it was all his fault. Beating to the point of skull fractures and blood splattering everywhere.

It took three security guards to subdue him.

8. Ricochet

10-year-old boy shot in the head with a high-powered bb gun by his cousin. Came in fully alert, talking, normal mental state. Just a tiny BB hole between the eyebrows.

By the time he got back from CT his words were slurring and he was a little confused.

By the time Neurosurgery called back his eyes were pointing in 2 different directions.

By the time he was going up to the OR, he was starting to posture (abnormal body positioning due to primitive brain reflexes taking over when higher function shuts down).

This was all over the course of about 20-30 minutes.

The CT showed the BB went straight into the skull and pretty much just ricocheted all over the place. AFAIK the kid lived, but of course he’s never gonna be the same.

9. Cracking good time

ER call one night when I was a medical student. Chief complaint was penile pain. Guy’s mid-forties, seems otherwise normal, no obvious past medical or surgical history. Ask him about when it started and he tells me that it’s been hurting ever since he “cracked it” that morning. I’m assuming I misheard or that he misspoke, so I ask for clarification. He proceeds to explain that, ever since he was a teenager, he started waking up with morning wood, so he would “crack” his penis to make it go away so he could get on with his day. He demonstrates cracking by placing his two closed hands together on top of each other, then quickly bending the top one ninety degrees. He’s completely lost as to why it still hurts today when it’s been thirty years and the pain always went away by mid-morning before.

10. Face hole

FF/EMT turned ER Nurse here. Took care of a person who was attacked by several dogs. Responding officers had to use lethal force so that the medics could get the person into the ambulance. The dogs would end up testing positive for cocaine, steroids and other substances

We weren’t sure which hole in their “face” was the best to put a breathing tube into. I believe it was a 19-hour surgery.

She didn’t live too long after.

11. Cute maggots?!? No such thing.

Nothing scarring just mildly interesting: 1. Buttock infection from self-administering street bought steroids. Right buttock so swollen and raw with underlying tissues macerated creating a tunneling into his rectum. 2. A guy with backpack stuck to his back. Found like that in his apartment. Severely necrotic ulcer and very foul. We scraped like a bag and a half of cute maggots (visible and hidden ones) 3. Homeless guy. Bed bugs and lice. Crawling all over. Like lots. We-all-ran-out-of-the-room lots.

12. Sock foot

I removed a guy’s sock once. “I haven’t taken those socks off in 3 months.” The flesh came off with the socks because over enough time it “soaked” into the sock so the cloth and flesh were one.

It was all muscle and tendons underneath.

13. Karma’s a bitch

A woman I knew from a previous stay in our hospital was admitted. The woman was already about 95, basically tetraplegic from two strokes she had the year before, and “cared” for by her daughter. The daughter said that it’s quite nice that the mom can’t move anymore because she could just put her in a chair or a bed and she couldn’t get up and walk, so the daughter could go and work. People who don’t move spontaneously usually have severe problems with skin breakdown due to pressure ulcers and need to be moved around regularly, so that was kind of a red flag. With social services and our whole team, we were able to put the patient in a nursing home where she was cared for appropriately.

The ER-occurrence happened about three months later. We knew that the daughter wasn’t quite happy about everything because she wanted the mom to change her will in her favor. The mom was in no condition to ever be able to do that, but the daughter just didn’t realize that.

Well, she was sent to the ER from the nursing home with cardiogenic shock (meaning her heart was not working properly, and she was dying). The nursing home wanted to just let her go in her own bed at the home, but the daughter threatened to call her lawyer if she wasn’t moved to the hospital. So we saw her in the night, saw that she was in her last few hours on Earth and she was going to die (see above, she was old and sick and there wasn’t much we could do). The daughter demanded (and I mean with screaming and waving with her lawyer’s card) not to give her anything to lessen her symptoms. We also had to try and put a cannula in to “revive” her. So we had to try really hard, knowing it was basically torture for her mom – but the daughter had a certificate showing that she was the person allowed to decide on medical issues.

Best part is: daughter has a private practice for karma healing.

14. When parents are horrible people

House fire- family of six. One child didn’t make it.

Parent shrugged, laughed, said- “Well I’ve got three more don’t I?”

*To save the armchair psychologists of Reddit some time, this was not an instance of “Dark Humor”

15. The noises drowning people make

In the early 80’s I was a night shift Orderly in a small hospital when an ambulance came in with two drowning victims. They were in an SUV that had rolled into the water and they were unable to escape. They had been under water for a long time so there was no attempt to resuscitate.

The State Police had been called to collect a blood alcohol sample and to maintain the chain of custody someone had to stay with the bodies until the Trooper arrived, and I drew the short straw. For a half hour, I was shut in a small examination room with two people who I knew (small town) waiting, and drowning victims make noises.

It was horrible having to see the parents arrive to identify their daughters and it was bad seeing a cardiac blood draw but the noises stuck with me for a long time. It didn’t help that I had been reading Stephen King’s Night Shift when the ambulance arrived.

16. “I only came out to see him suffer.”

Cousin told me this one. He was doing side work in an acute care nursing facility, and full time as a critical care nurse.

He is standing next to the bed of stroke victim. The guy is twisted into a knot, and suffering every moment of every day. There is no going back.

My cousin says to the man’s wife, “Look, this is as good as it gets. We can keep him alive for a long time, but every day will be a day of suffering. Maybe it is time to let him go.”

Her reply, “F_ck him. He cheated on me our whole marriage. That mother f_cker is getting the full ride. I only came out to see him suffer.”

He was stunned, but he couldn’t do a thing about it.

Well, that was insane.

Have a good night!

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Here’s Why Your Poop is Green Sometimes

Let’s just face it: everybody poops. It’s something we all do just every day, so we may as well talk about it.

Now that we’ve got that settled, let’s take a second to discuss something kinda weird that happens when you poop sometimes: it comes out green.

It’s kind of an alarming situation, and you think to yourself…what the hell is going on here? Am I sick? Dying? What is causing this?

Well, that’s what this whole article is about, so you’re in luck!

Photo Credit: Flickr,U.S. Army CCDC

Good news! It’s actually normal to occasionally have green poop, so you can relax and wipe that sweat from your brow. While it is possible that you might have some gastrointestinal issues going on that cause it to turn green as it ventures through you, the main issue is that the waste moves too fast through your digestive system and doesn’t have time to break down the bile that is naturally secreted from your gallbladder.

That bile is usually a green or yellow color.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

There are some other factors that could cause green poops, too. You might have too much fat in your diet, you might be eating so many green veggies (i.e. kale and spinach) that it’s turning your bowel movements green, or you might be consuming a lot of food and/or drinks that have a lot of green food coloring (think Shamrock Shakes).

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If you do happen to experience green diarrhea that doesn’t go away quickly, then you might have some kind of infection, and you should get checked out.

Otherwise, just lay off the green beer on St. Patty’s, okay?

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15 People Who Definitely Lost the Genetic Lottery

Genetics are a tricky thing. You could live your best life, eat healthy, exercise, avoid drinking and smoking and still end up with some horrible disease.

It’s tragic, but true.

In this AskReddit article, people share how they believe genetics cheated them.

1. Bad knees

“Knees. They just don’t work properly, even after the operations to keep them from dislocating. They always hurt.”

2. Squinting

“My ‘Beautiful’ light green eyes are so bad at denying light that I constantly squint, which leads to headaches.”

3. Damn him!

“Unibrow. My younger brother has thin half-eyebrows. Me (F) has one long, thick and bushy brow that goes from one hairline clear across to the other.

That rat bastard brother is also nearly completely hairless on his arms and legs. And blond.

That f*cker.”

4. Ugh

“My fathers family has early onset dementia, my mother’s family all live to be 100.

So I’m destined to lose my mind at 50, and spend the next half century wondering were I left it.”

5. No fun

“I’m Arab on my mum’s side and Italian on my dad’s.Basically I have to spend a lot of money on hair removal.

I’m a woman, for everyone asking.”

6. That sucks

“Severe acne.

Looking back over old family photos, it seems to be a common feature. At least it’ll clear up at some point.”

7. Rough

“Psoriasis all over my torso/legs/scalp.

It’s kinda weird to bring it up on a first date as well, so I got ghosted an awful lot before finally getting it under control.”

8. Bummer

“My orthodontist legit said I had a monkey face and that my jaw kinda went outwards and she said the surgery wouldnt be so costly, only for my dad to say we couldn’t afford it. Hits hard sometimes.”

9. Take care of yourself

“Both my grandfathers dropped dead at age 59.

Both from cerebral hemorrhages.

I have high blood pressure.

I’ll turn 52 this summer.

Tic, toc.”

10. One way…

“I am 6 ft tall and have the wingspan of someone who is 5’4. Basically a human T-rex.”

11. That’s strange

“My great-grandfather had 3 kidneys. I’ve had kidney problems since I was a baby.”

12. That’s not good

“Absolutely shitty teeth. Some people don’t have to wear braces. It was crucial for me to wear them but my parents weren’t educated enough on the matter to make me wear them. So now, at 28 i’ve had more teeth surgeries than i can count, finally have them straight but the price and the pain i had to endure for them is 20 times more than i would have 20 years ago.”

13. And the other…

“I’m 6’2 and have the wingspan of someone who’s 6’6. I look like fucking slender man.”

14. Luck of the draw

“Twin Gets Nothing, I Get:

•Colour Blindness

•3rd-Generation Acne


•Muscle Spasms

•Creaking Bones

•4th-Generation Early Arthritis”

15. Bad news

“I’m a woman. I have a hot mom but came out looking like my dad.”

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10 Celebs Who Revealed the Hard Truths About Postpartum Depression

If you’ve ever suffered from Postpartum Depression, you know the effects can be absolutely crushing. Celebrities are no different from me or you, and these 10 shared their stories dealing with the devastating condition.

1. Sharon Osbourne

“I did suffer from it with one of my pregnancies, but I was suffering from depression anyways.
“The depression is so dark, you feel like you’re in a black fog the whole time and you just cannot cope. And you get to a point where you don’t realise what you’ve got with the baby and you’re just so dark and distraught and alone and it’s the loneliest feeling in the world.”

2. Celine Dion

“Some of the first days after I came home, I was a little outside myself. One moment, tremendous happiness; the next, fatigue sets in, and I cried for no reason.” She added: “Some of the first days after I came home, I was a little outside myself. I had no appetite and that bothered me. My mother remarked that she noticed I had moments of lifelessness but reassured me that this was entirely normal. It’s for things like that after having a baby that mothers really need emotional support.”

3. Drew Barrymore

“I didn’t have postpartum the first time so I didn’t understand it because I was like, ‘I feel great.’
The second time, I was like, ‘Oh, whoa, I see what people talk about now. I understand’. It’s a different type of overwhelming with the second. I really got under the cloud. I just got right on the idea of, ‘Where do I need to be the most?’ Fifty-fifty would be ideal but life doesn’t work like that. Life is messy. It was just really challenging and I felt overwhelmed. I made a lot of decisions and I definitely changed my work life to suit my parenthood.”

4. Chrissy Teigen

“…I was different than before. Getting out of bed to get to set on time was painful. My lower back throbbed; my ­shoulders—even my wrists—hurt. I didn’t have an appetite. I would go two days without a bite of food, and you know how big of a deal food is for me. One thing that really got me was just how short I was with people.

I would be in my dressing room, sitting in a robe, getting hair and makeup done, and a crew member would knock on the door and ask: “Chrissy, do you know the lyrics to this song?” And I would lose it. Or “Chrissy, do you like these cat ears, or these panda hands?” And I’d be like: “Whatever you want. I don’t care.” They would leave. My eyes would well up and I would burst into tears. My makeup artist would pat them dry and give me a few minutes.

I couldn’t figure out why I was so unhappy. I blamed it on being tired and possibly growing out of the role: “Maybe I’m just not a goofy person anymore. Maybe I’m just supposed to be a mom.”

5. Brooke Shields

6. Cardi B

“I thought I was going to avoid it. When I gave birth, the doctor told me about postpartum, and I was like, ‘Well, I’m doing good right now, I don’t think that’s going to happen.’ But out of nowhere, the world was heavy on my shoulders.

For some reason, I still don’t feel like my body’s the same. I feel like I don’t have my balance right yet. When it comes to heels, I’m not as good at walking anymore. I feel like I’m holding a weight on me … But there’s an energy I haven’t gotten back yet that I had before I was pregnant.”

It’s just the weirdest thing.”

7. Adele

“My knowledge of postpartum — or post-natal, as we call it in England — is that you don’t want to be with your child; you’re worried you might hurt your child; you’re worried you weren’t doing a good job. But I was obsessed with my child. I felt very inadequate; I felt like I’d made the worst decision of my life. … It can come in many different forms.
“Eventually I just said, I’m going to give myself an afternoon a week, just to do whatever the f**k I want without my baby. A friend of mine said, ‘Really? Don’t you feel bad?’ I said, I do, but not as bad as I’d feel if I didn’t do it. Four of my friends felt the same way I did, and everyone was too embarrassed to talk about it; they thought everyone would think they were a bad mom, and it’s not the case. It makes you a better mom if you give yourself a better time.”

8. Hayden Panettiere

“If you think for one second that a mother wants to feel that way toward her child, you’re outta your mind. It is one of the most debilitating, scary, guilty feelings that you can ever feel. That a mother would not be able to connect with their child, would not be able to get a grip, or would not know what’s going on, for anybody to say that it’s false or created by us, you must have your head examined.”

9. Serena Williams

“Honestly, sometimes I still think I have to deal with it. I think people need to talk about it more because it’s almost like the fourth trimester, it’s part of the pregnancy.”

10. Gwyneth Paltrow

“About four months into it, Chris came to me and said, ‘Something’s wrong. Something’s wrong.’ I kept saying, ‘No, no, I’m fine.’ But Chris identified it, and that sort of burst the bubble.
I thought postpartum depression meant you were sobbing every single day and incapable of looking after a child. But there are different shades of it and depths of it, which is why I think it’s so important for women to talk about it. It was a trying time. I felt like a failure.”

If you think you have postpartum depression, find out more info at Postpartum Support International.

As always, thanks for reading Did You Know. We really appreciate you spending time with us, and we hope you share articles like this with your friends so we can all be part of the conversation.

You rock!

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People Can’t Stop Debating the Number of Times to Say “Chugga” Before “Choo Choo”

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. We bring you a matter of vital importance today, and it’s about choo-choos.

Specifically, someone in the “Too afraid to ask” subreddit shared a rather disturbing tale about their kid’s preschool teacher.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Well, that immediately sparked a rather heated debate on the appropriate number of “chuggas” to say before “choo-choo.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

It wasn’t long before all of Reddit was chanting in their rooms, trying to determine the answer.

Photo Credit: Reddit

A lot of folks went with two, possibly inspired by the popular children’s book by Kevin Lewis.

Photo Credit: Amazon

Some people even started diving into music theory to determine the acceptable amount.

Photo Credit: Reddit

I think we can all agree that 32 “chuggas” with no “choo choo” is just too much, and just a single “chugga” is an absolute travesty.

The number of “chuggas” and “choo choos” must be balanced – too many “chuggas” and the train might be too pressurized, but too many “choos” and the train wouldn’t even leave the station! Duh.

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“Shrill” Tackles the Truth About Plus-Sized Women and the Contraceptives That Doctors Keep Ignoring

I’m gonna possibly blow your mind right now: big gals have sex lives!

Yup, I know it’s hard to believe given the way they’re generally portrayed in the media, but plus-size women get it on just like the rest of us. That’s why Shrill, a new series on Hulu, is making such an impression with viewers everywhere – because it actually talks about the very real issues that plus-sized women have when it comes to their reproductive health.

Photo Credit: IMDb

The show quickly establishes that protagonist Annie (played by SNL‘s hilarious and talented Aidy Bryant) has an active sex life with a regular partner, Ryan. After one of their romantic dalliances, Ryan mentions that they didn’t use a condom – so Annie runs to the pharmacy to get a morning-after pill. A few months later, she starts to exhibit all the symptoms of… drumroll please… pregnancy!

That’s when the show hits Annie (and the rest of us) with a real doozy of a fact: emergency contraceptives such as Plan B are actually less effective on women who weigh over 175 lbs. What the what?!?

This is an aspect of contraceptives that’s not talked about very often, and considering that the average American woman weighs 166 lbs, that’s a scary thought! How do so few of us know about this?

Despite the fact that there are tons of studies that pointed to this link between weight and effectiveness of emergency contraceptives, there are still virtually no options for women who might be over that weight limit. This problem is made even worse by the fact that doctors tend not to listen to female patients as attentively in general. As a final insult to injury, plus-sized women must also fight the notion that any medical issue they have could just be solved by weight loss.

While the media has definitely made strides to include more plus-sized perspectives in recent years, we still have a long way to go. The fact that Shrill is taking on topics like sex, contraception, and (spoiler alert) abortion helps to open up a bigger dialogue about how to improve our quality of care for people of all shapes and sizes. Here’s hoping more networks take that ball and run with it.

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Portland, Oregon is About to Generate Electricity from the City’s Water Pipes

The need for modern societies to move beyond fossil fuels and develop renewable energy alternatives is undeniable. Towards those efforts, city planners of the world should keep an eye on what’s happening in Portland, Oregon.

The city has partnered with a company called Lucid Energy to generate clean electricity for the city by utilizing the water already flowing beneath the city.

Photo Credit: Facebook, Lucid Energy

A section of Portland’s water system was replaced by pipes designed by Lucid Energy that contain four 42″ turbines. As the water flows through the pipes under the city’s streets, the turbines spin and provide energy that is put into the city’s electrical grid.

Lucid Energy says this will be “first project in the U.S. to secure a 20-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for renewable energy produced by in-pipe hydropower in a municipal water pipeline.” One big advantage that this type of energy-generating system has is that it isn’t affected by the weather, like solar and wind power are.

The water must be moved by gravity because the energy required to pump water through pipes would make the energy generated by this technology pointless. In other words, cities with an abundance of hills will be the winners with this technology.

Photo Credt: Good Free Photos

When the project is complete it is supposed to generate power to up to 150 homes. While that might not sound like a lot, it is a great start for what is basically a brand new technology.

Take a look at this video to learn more about the project.

Hopefully, city planners and civic leaders around the country are paying attention to what’s going on in Portland.

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10+ Hilarious Tweets With Over 150K Retweets And Counting

When the Twitterverse giveth, it giveth with aplomb. These hilarious tweets have all garnered over 150 retweets, so you just know they’re awesome.

Let’s check ’em out!

1. Just a small town dog, livin’ in a lonely world…

2. And suddenly… SCIENCE!

3. Well, humanity was fun while it lasted…

4. OMG! Cutest. Hiding. Place. Ever.

5. Yeah, this is too true.

6. Ninja kittehs!

7. I’m dying! ???

8. Sooooooooooooooo excited!

9. Sorry Duey. Love, Grandma.

10. And people say they don’t have personalities?

11. Note to self: never go to Oklahoma…

12. “No, you can’t play with us!”

13. Just wait for it…

14. Pro parent move…

15.Round and round and round…

And that’s all folks!

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Internet Roasts Anti-Vaxxer Dad Asking for Advice on Building “Outside Bedroom” for 2-Year-Old,

Oh, anti-vaxxers. There are tons and tons of real, peer-reviewed, scientifically validated evidence showing how much good vaccines do. There is also all the evidence there is no link between vaccines and autism. Despite that, anti-vaxxers will keep insisting that vaccines are the devil, an opinion they’ve based on information gleaned from memes and health blogs.

Naturally, choosing not to vaccinate your child is your right as a parent. But unfortunately diseases couldn’t care less about your personal autonomy, and skipping vaccines is a decision that puts you child and others (such as those too sick/young to be vaccinated) at serious risk of infection. That’s why whenever an anti-vaxxer parent tries to justify their choice online, other parents are pretty quick to roast them.

That’s what happened to this parent, who apparently wanted to create an “outside bedroom” for their unvaccinated child…

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

Here’s what they wrote:

The weather is getting nicer. My son, Jericho (not vaccinated), never wants to make it in by curfew. I am planning on moving his bedroom outside. I’m not looking for this post to turn into a debate, REBECCA. Just looking for recommendations for outdoor furniture for 2 year old boys room. His favorite color is yellow.

The internet being what it is, it wasn’t long before the roasting began.

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

And continued…

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

…and continued…

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

The Twitterverse was on FIRE

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

And the hits just kept coming.

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

So toasty in here

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

Is it just me? Cuz I am feelin the heat for real.

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

That’s a whole cup of dark roast right there

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

People were also curious about this mysterious “Rebecca” that Jonny didn’t want to debate with.

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

Where is Rebecca??

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

I think Jonny is gonna need some ointment for these sick burns.

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

Photo Credit: WWInterweb

And finally, there’s this to consider:

Photo Credit: WWInterweb


Well played, internet. You have saved the day yet again.

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6 Little Things You Can Start Doing Today to Save the Bees

Bees play a vital role in sustaining life on earth – over 20,000 species of bees around the world are essential pollinators for all kinds of crops. Unfortunately, bee populations have been declining steadily for several years now

“Populations are declining due to a variety of factors including human development, pesticides, disease, and a changing climate,” a representative from The Honeybee Conservancy  told Bored Panda.

If you’re concerned and want to do your part to help, below are 6 simple ideas that could make a difference for the bees in your yard – and beyond.

#1. Protect their habitat.

Image by Thomas Schiewer from Pixabay

Create gardens everywhere there’s green space – wildflowers can populate street corners, balconies, along roadways, and yes, in your backyard.

#2. Sponsor a hive.

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

There are initiatives in many communities that build and install stocked honeybee hives and solitary bee homes. You can donate today to sponsor one or more habitats you don’t have to build or maintain. It’s a win for everyone!

#3. Create a bee bath.

Image by Cornelia Moore from Pixabay

Much like a bird bath, a shallow dish or container filled with clean water and pebbles or stones that poke out of the water is a great retreat for tired bees in the middle of a long workday.

#4. Plant trees.

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

It’s not just flowers that bees love – they also adore trees. Tree leaves and resin provide the nesting materials necessary for bees and many live in the trunks and thick limbs.

#5. Build a bee hotel.

Image Credit: Danie Ware

Most people associate bees with hive living, but the truth is that most bees are more solitary, with 70% living underground and 30% living in trees or hollow stems. You can find plans for a bee condo or bee hotel online and build your own if you want to attract pollinators to your yard.

#6. Avoid harmful pesticides.

Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

If you do have a garden, check the products you’re using to reduce pests. If the chemicals they contain are part of the neonicotinoid family, you’ll want to ditch them. Instead, check for organic options or try introducing natural predators like praying mantises or ladybugs to your space.

I’m off to do my part…as soon as spring finally gets here.

The post 6 Little Things You Can Start Doing Today to Save the Bees appeared first on UberFacts.