The Loudest Sound Ever Heard in Human History

You probably think you know what an extremely loud noise sounds like. If you’ve ever walked by a jackhammer, for example, or stood a little too close to the speakers at a loud concert. But those sounds pale in comparison to what is officially known as the loudest sound ever heard.

It happened on August 27, 1883. On an island in Indonesia, a volcano erupted so violently that it literally tore the island apart. The noise was so loud that people heard it over 3,000 miles away — which would be like hearing a noise from Dublin, Ireland when you’re in Boston.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

It sounds impossible, and yet it very much happened. People heard the eruption on the island of Krakatoa in over 50 geographical locations across a full thirteenth of the Earth.

At 40 miles away, the sound shattered people’s eardrums. At 1,300 miles away, it sounded like “guns firing.” At 2,000 miles away, it sounded like “a series of loud reports, resembling those of artillery.” And at 3,000 miles away, it sounded like “the distant roar of heavy guns.” By the time the sound reached such a distant location, hours would have passed (the speed of sound is about 767 mph).

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

As you might guess, this was no average volcano eruption. It was devastating enough to wipe out 165 coastal villages and settlements and kill tens of thousands of people.

So, yeah, this is not a record we should aim to break anytime soon! Only truly cataclysmic events can create such loud noise, and it hasn’t happened since 1883.

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Scientists Just Partially Revived Dead Pigs’ Brains Just Hours After They Were Killed

THE END IS HERE. It’s all there, right in the title: scientists have managed to partially revive the brains of dead pigs, hours after they were killed.

Oh god.

While your brain swims with images of pig zombies coming to seek revenge on us all, let me try to explain the science. A research team at Yale restored some cellular activity in the brains of dead pigs, hours after they’d been killed in a slaughterhouse. They did this by soaking the brains in a “specially formulated chemical cocktail” for six hours.


The team has been careful to clarify that the revived brains are not conscious or aware.

“This is not a living brain,” neuroscientist Nenad Sestan explained, “but it is a cellularly active brain.”

The discovery marks a major breakthrough — but not because the scientists are actually trying to bring pigs back from the dead.

Instead, they’ve been trying to figure out how to directly study brain cells while they’re still in an intact organ. Restoring cellular function to a deceased brain is one way to do that.

With this breakthrough, researchers will be able to study brain diseases and injuries in an entirely new way.

“We could actually answer questions that we can’t now,” researcher Zvonimir Vrselja said.

Still, this comes way too close to zombies for comfort. People are kinda flipping out, and can you blame them?

Given the apocalyptic-feeling state of the world in 2019, we can just go ahead and add this to the long list of possible ways that the world might soon end. More nightmare fuel, NBD.

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Apparently, Caffeine May Cause Headaches… And Also Help Cure Them

Before you reach for a cup of coffee to alleviate your headache, did you know caffeine could actually make it worse?

Yes, we all want fast relief, but here’s the thing: not all headaches are created equal. Most pain relievers do contain a small dose of caffeine, though, so…where does that leave us, exactly?

Photo Credit: Pexels, Nathan Crowley

Before we dive into how caffeine works, let’s talk about the causes of a headache. A headache is essentially a tightening of blood vessels, muscles, and nerves in the head and neck. This can be caused by stress, high blood pressure, anxiety, and more. Other reasons are generally secondary, such as a concussion or dehydration.

For the run of the mill headaches, caffeine can release this tension and lower inflammation – but when you ingest caffeine in excess (through medication or coffee), those same symptoms can resurface. Here’s the thing: caffeine affects everybody differently. So if even though a cup of coffee cures my headaches toot-sweet, it may make yours even worse.

A high caffeine intake constricts blood vessels, and when the vessels open back up a rebound effect can occur. Or on the flip side, muscles and nerves can over-tighten, leaving the headache worse. It all depends on the unique chemical reactions happening in your body.


So what can you do?

Caffeine is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each person has a unique chemical makeup and they should be aware of how caffeine interacts with their bodies. According to Kiran Rajneesh, who is the director of the neurological pain division at the Wexner Medical Center at Ohio State University, “Some people are more genetically predisposed to be sensitive to caffeine.”

There are other natural remedies for headaches, such as a cold compress, a nap, or quiet time in a dark room, that can help those with a caffeine sensitivity. You may also want to avoid nicotine, alcohol, and prolonged screen time.

What about those who can fight headaches with caffeinated beverages?

Photo Credit: Pexels, Breakingpic

Great question. First of all, good for you! But there are some caveats…

You should remain cautious of the type of drink you choose and the amount. For example, there’s caffeine in coffee, sodas, and energy drinks – but energy drinks have additional agents called neurostimulants that can wreak more havoc than good.

Rajneesh advises against energy drinks because “neurostimulants…can worsen your headaches.”

Coffee contains around 106 to 164 milligrams of caffeine per 5-ounce cup. Most sodas have less, capping out around 38 to 46 milligrams per 12-ounce can, but are higher in sugars and other chemicals. Coffee or tea seem to be the safest bets if you are trying to help a headache.

The best remedy depends on the person.

So what does all this mean? It means all people are different and what works for one person may not for another. If you track your headaches and find caffeine worsens them, try other forms of medication like ibuprofen or aspirin. If you experience chronic headaches, it’s best to consult with a physician. Don’t forget though – simple things like drinking more water and sticking to a better sleep schedule can alleviate tension headaches as well.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself. It may seem silly, but it is totally possible for headaches to be caused my lifestyle habits rather than medical issues – so a little self-care can go a long way!

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Scientists Just 3D-Printed an Actual Heart, So Welcome to the Future

What a time to be alive!

I remember the very idea of 3D-printing being a totally new and groundbreaking thing just a few years ago. Back then, simply printing out simple shapes using plastic was considered groundbreaking. Now, we’re already at the point where scientists have used a patient’s own cells and other biological materials to 3D print heart that will “completely match the immunological, cellular, biochemical, and anatomical properties of the patient.”

This is a big deal – until now, only simple tissues that lacked blood vessels have been 3D-printed.

The lead researchers issued a statement, and it’s easy to read their excitement between the lines.

“This heart is made from human cells and patient-specific biological materials. In our process these materials serve as the bioinks, substances made of sugars and proteins that can be used for 3D printing of complex tissue models. People have managed to 3D-print the structure of a heart in the past, but not with cells or with blood vessels. Our results demonstrate the potential of our approach for engineering personalized tissue and organ replacement in the future.”

The heart was made from fatty abdominal tissues which were reprogrammed to become pluripotent stem cells – “master cells” with the potential to produce any tissue or cell in the entire body.

Then they made the extracellular matrix – collagen and glycoproteins – into the printing “ink”. Once it mixed with the master cells, the ensuing slurry first grew into either cardiac or endothelial cells, then into patient-specific, immune-compatible cardiac patches with blood vessels, and then, amazingly, into an entire bioengineered heart.

The heart is not ready for human transplantation, though. Not yet.

Creating a fully functional human heart would take longer and require more cells – a billion or so – and the printed heart would have to be trained to pump like a real human heart. The ones they made have the ability to contract but not to work together in a coordinated pumping motion.

With heart disease being the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States, the research is extremely exciting. Heart transplants work, but donors are in very short supply – not to mention that if hearts could be made from a patient’s own tissues, rejection would, in theory, be less of or not at all an issue.

“The biocompatibility of engineered materials is crucial to eliminating the risk of implant rejection, which jeopardizes the success of such treatments. Ideally, the biomaterial should possess the same biochemical, mechanical and topographical properties of the patient’s own tissues. Here, we can report a simple approach to 3D-printed thick, vascularized and perfusable cardiac tissues that completely match the immunological, cellular, biochemical and anatomical properties of the patient.”

The next step is to teach them to pump, then the team hopes to transplant them into animals for more testing.

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A Surprising Number of Parents Are Googling “Is My Son Gay?”

Parents are Googling “is my son gay” 28x more often than “is my son a genius”, and more than twice as often as they’re Googling similar questions about their daughters.

In fact, people Google the same question about their husbands, uncles, fathers, and the other men in their lives way more than they ask about their daughter’s sexuality, according to multiple studies.

Sociologist Tristan Bridges, who studies gender identity, took a deep dive into the historical and social reasons these results may seem surprising, but actually aren’t. Really everyone raising and/or loving a member of the male sex should stop and evaluate their feelings when it comes to male sexuality – cause we’ve got a big ol’ double standard here.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Our society connects gender expression to sexual orientation, and when boys do things outside their gender “norm,” like crossdressing, playing with dolls, or befriending girls more often than boys, more often than not they do actually grow up to be gay or trans.

However, predicting homosexuality is not at all simple, and averages are almost never applicable on the individual level, which means that Googling “is my son gay” when he is young is not only useless but also potentially stigmatizing. Experts maintain that there is only one sign of homosexuality that parents should really be looking out for, and it’s when their child says, “I’m gay.”

Sociologists Monica Caudillo and Emma Mishel told Fatherly that they’d found the same gender gap during their 2016 research.

Image Credit: Pixabay

“We find that people ask Google whether their sons are gay about twice as commonly as whether their daughters are gay or lesbian. To really understand the patterns in Google search behavior we discovered, you need to understand the ways three interrelated theories of gender and sexual inequality overlap and work together.”

American culture values a strong link between masculinity and heterosexuality that is reinforced by boys calling other boys “gay” when they don’t act “manly” enough as a child. Therefore, masculine conformity is policed from a young age, while anything associated with females or femininity is simultaneously devalued.

Similarly, as a society we tend to question men’s heterosexuality more easily than women’s – females who have same-sex sexual encounters are free to maintain a heterosexual identity without trouble, while men who admit a single same-sex experience may be immediately labeled gay or bi-sexual, even if they don’t identify that way.

The data is pulled from anonymous Google searches, and the fact that researchers have no information on the searchers is both good and bad, scientifically. On the one hand, there’s no way to know if the people Googling are dads or moms, conservatives or liberals, etc. There’s no way to break down the results by demographic.

Image Credit: Pixabay

On the other, no one who’s data was studied knows they’re being studied, either, and there are advantages to that. According to Bridges,

“While people might, for instance, hesitate before checking “yes” on a survey asking whether they have ever questioned their children’s sexualities before, they might not have the same hesitancy in regards to asking Google questions.”

The sociologists all agree on one point, and it’s that the searches don’t necessarily mean parents are homophobic. They should, however, serve as a reminder that we all live in a society more unforgiving of boys who violate masculinity norms. Good parents have a duty to encourage boys as well as girls to be themselves.

Also, remember – Google doesn’t have answers, it only has information. What you choose to do with it is up to you.

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12 Guys Openly Share Secrets About Dating That Most People Wouldn’t Guess

The dating experiences for men and women can be VERY different.

Gender roles. Societal expectations. Basic sexual attraction. They all play a big role in who we date and what we expect. And keeping up with it all can be complicated and exhausting.

These 12 men share their struggles with dating and tips about how to treat a lady. And while some of this is eye opening… some of it is a bit douchey.

Hang on! It’s about to get weird in here.

1. Really?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Well, now you know how women feel, right?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. This is what women say they want, so hopefully they do understand.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. I know a lot of men who would disagree.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Devastating!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. The background picture on this is amazing.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Hahaha, okay buddy.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. I’m pretty sure women know…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. And I bet they do the same to you, pal!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Another good test!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Seems like a bad test…

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. You know, this is completely cool. Good test!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Learn anything new?

Hope so! ???

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This French Theme Park Trained Some Crows to Keep the Place Clean

Theme parks all tend to have a few elements in common – plenty of rides, souvenir shops, food stalls, and, of course, an abundance of birds hopping around trying to pick up any food that falls to the ground.

Now, Puy du Fou, a theme park in Les Epesses, France, has decided that if birds are going to be hanging around begging for leftover popcorn and discarded funnel cakes, they might as well earn their keep. To that end, they’ve trained a small contingent of rooks as staff – they get paid in treats to clean up garbage and cigarette butts from the grounds.

Image Credit: Puy du Fou

Rooks are in the same family of birds as ravens and crows, highly intelligent and trainable animals. The ones at Puy du Fou pick up litter and place it in a bin in exchange for a treat – the team of 6 birds have been working hard since August 13.

Image Credit: Pixabay

It sounds a bit out there, but the amusement park is far from the first company to give it a go. Dutch startup Crowded Cities started training crows to gather cigarette butts using a vending machine-like device that offers peanuts in exchange for trash, and the experiment is going well.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If it continues to work with no detrimental effects to the crows (from handling tobacco), we could see a broader implementation of the idea worldwide – maybe nature can help us clean up nature, even though we’re the ones who soiled it in the first place.

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Survey Reveals “Most Relaxing Color in the World”

What’s your favorite color, and why? Is it because you look good in clothes of that color, or because you just love the shade, or because the mere sight of it makes you feel calm and relaxed.

I never gave it much thought, but the people running this survey (out of the University of Sussex) have – and now they’re telling us what color is the best one when you want to relax to the max.

Here it is: Navy blue, followed closely by teal (or turquoise), and then pastel pink.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The World’s Favourite Colour Project surveyed 26,586 people from over 100 different countries and aimed to find out about people’s favorite color, along with what sort of associations people have with different colors and why.

Professor Anna Franklin, a leading expert in color psychology, wrote a blog post about their project.

“Many studies have investigated the link between color and emotion. Although not all of these studies agree, some consistent results can be extracted from the literature. First, the more saturated the color is, the more it is associated with excitement and stimulation. Second, the lighter the color, the more it is associated with calmness and relaxation. Many studies have found that blue and green are also associated with calmness and relaxation (fewer studies find no association).”

Orange is most often associated with happiness, pink is sexy, and people associate white, purple, and orange with luxury.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Most people’s favorite colors are shades of green and blue, and the ecological valence theory purports that humans seem to be more fond of those hues because they’re associated with beneficial environmental features like clear skies, clean water, and plants.

Likewise, we dislike brown because it’s associated with feces, dirty water, and disease.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Even though there are broad cross-cultural similarities,  the study’s authors are quick to remind us that there also remain differences among cultures.

“Several studies suggest that color associations, particularly abstract concepts, can vary across cultures. For example, whereas white is associated with peace in some cultures, in others it is associated with death.”

As an avid fan of Say Yes to the Dress, I also know that while Western cultures wear white for weddings, Indian cultures prefer bright colors on a bride.

Look at The Learning Channel, living up to its name!

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13 People Share the Reasons They Refuse to be an Organ Donor

Being an organ donor is a pretty noble thing that just about all of us can do, because you can save someone’s life even after you’re gone. Sadly, there are still so many folks out there who refuse to sign up because of all the misinformation there is out there.

First, organs are given on the basis of need, not greed. While it is true that people can go places in the world and purchase organs, that’s rare. And they definitely can’t do that in the United States. So if you decide to donate ANY organ, it’ll go to the next person on the list. Guaranteed.

Second, nobody is going to let you die because they want your organs. That would be completely illegal, and there’s no evidence this has ever happened when it comes to modern-day, organ donation programs. Especially those in first world countries. So if you believe this is happening, you’re probably a moron.

Alright, on to the secret reasons!

1. Another good point.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Right, but you won’t need them eventually…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Rich. People. Are. NOT. Profiting. From. This.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. This is actually a good point.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Fair point, although this is bound to change eventually.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Good exception.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. But do you really know for sure or are you just guessing?

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. This person just does not give AF!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. No they won’t. That’s not how it works!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. I can’t believe THIS many people actually believe this!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. That’s not actually a bad reason, but it is very specific.

Photo Credit: Whisper


Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Ultimately it’s a very personal choice.

Photo Credit: Whisper

Of course it is completely okay to NOT donate your organs if you don’t want to. But if you’re doing it because you believe any of the myths out there… you’re wrong. And likely stupid.

Sorry, not sorry.

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Study Finds Anxiety Makes People More Obsessively Clean

Are you struggling to keep your space clean? It turns out that maybe all you need to clean up your act is a light dose of anxiety.

Researchers at the University of Connecticut presented test participants with a shiny statuette and a list of seven questions to consider about the statue (such as “How old do you think the object is?”). Then, half the participants were told they’d have to present a short speech on the object to an art expert – thereby inducing anxiety.

All the participants were then given a few minutes to ponder the questions, plan their presentation (if they were in that test group), and polish the statuette. The experiment then ended, with the speech-giving group being told they didn’t have to speak after all.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The results were remarkably consistent across both groups. The “relaxed” group that never believed they had to give a speech tended to clean using pretty varied motions. Meanwhile, participants in the “anxiety” group (the speech-givers) all cleaned with repetitive motions, focusing on smaller areas and cleaning much more meticulously.

Remarkably, even participants who didn’t show any perceptible signs of stress still followed the same pattern of cleaning! The researchers behind this study hypothesize that people might engage in repetitive behaviors during stressful situations because it gives them a sense of control in a time of uncertainty.

So, you know. If you ever feel like your room needs cleaning, you could just stress yourself.

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