Take a Look at the Case for Putting Your Kids to Bed Super Early

Some of us are night owls, others thrive in the early hours of the morning, but one thing is true across the board – we need solid, consecutive hours of sleep in order to perform our best.

And since many people find themselves on a forced 9-5 schedule because of, you know, jobs, our kids don’t have a whole lot of choice what time they get up in the morning.

So if you want them to get enough sleep, they probably need to be in bed around 7pm.

Image Credit: Pixabay

I know that probably cuts into your evening schedule, or practices, or even things like church, but listen: getting enough sleep lowers kids’ risk for future obesity, makes kids less vulnerable to illness, and primes them for better growth, academic achievement, and emotional wellbeing.

In fact, experts like Andrew J. Bernstein, a doctor and professor at Northwestern University, warn that kids with later bedtimes aren’t lucky at all, but set up to fail in many important ways.

“Children’s natural rhythm is to need to go to sleep well before adults do, and if children are kept up as late as their parents, they’re being deprived the opportunity to grow and learn as well as possible.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If your baby is under a year old, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends they get between 12-16 hours of sleep, while kids between 1 and 2 should be snoozing between 11 and 14 hours a day. Kids who are between the ages of 3 and 5 should sleep 10-13 hours out of every 24.

These recommendations include naps.

You might be thinking, well, as long as my kid sleeps 12 hours a night, why does it matter what time they go to sleep, but, well…multiple studies have shown that it does.

Kids who go to bed earlier get more quality sleep, and evidence suggests enough good quality sleep can help prevent emotional meltdowns, childhood obesity, and other childhood issues that could have lifelong impact.

Image Credit: Pixabay

A study published in The Journal of Pediatrics followed 1,000 kids from preschool into adolescence, tracking their bedtimes and other baseline factors the entire time. They found that 39% of the kids who went to bed after 8 p.m. were overweight as teenagers, compared to only 10% of the kids with earlier bedtimes.

Additional studies have linked high BMI to kids going to bed late, and have also supported the claim that “catching up” during the day doesn’t do anything to curb the increased risk of obesity.

“Napping during the day to make up for poor nighttime sleep is just catch-up sleep and is the sign of an exhausted child. That child still suffers from the lack of good consecutive sleep at night.”

Good sleep, and plenty of it, is still important to teenagers. With it, they’re more likely to perform better in school and to display more control over their emotions, too.

And no one wants a teen in the house with bad emotional regulation…



Anyone who has ever had kids can attest to the fact that bedtime can be one of the most challenging times of the day. Babies like to be held and rocked, toddlers have a million reasons they can’t just lay down and pass out, and older kids need one more drink or one more book.

But if you can come up with a routine and stick with it – even on the nights they’re fighting you – your kids will likely be the better for hitting the sack early.

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When the Pollen Count Goes Up, Violent Crime Goes Down

Much in the same way you feel like crap when allergies attack, it turns out criminals are less likely to go about their regular day when they’re not feeling up to snuff.

Image Credit: Pixabay

We know this because of a study recently published in the Journal of Health Economics, which found that when large cities experience a drop in violent crime, it typically happens while the pollen count is unusually high.

“Leveraging daily variation in local pollen counts in 16 US cities, we present novel evidence that violent crime declines by approximately 4% on days in which the local pollen count is unusually high. …While this might sound like a small behavioral response, it is on par with the change in crime that would be expected to accrue from a 10% increase in the size of a city’s police force.”

The researchers looked at crime levels in Chicago, Georgia, and New York, and while the results matched up when it came to violent crime – even domestic violence – property crimes did not seem to be affected.

Image Credit: Pixabay

It seems that if a plan to rob a house or a bank is already in progress, no one is going to cancel because they’re under the weather. Gotta pay the bills and all that.

“Given that the effects we observe are driven by a decline in a residential, mostly family violence, despite the fact that, if anything, there is more residential interaction on high pollen days, this is not merely a story about a change in opportunity or routine activities.”

It’s pretty remarkable when you think about it – even though people are more likely to be at home, where domestic violence typically occurs – these violent crimes are still less frequent.

“Violence responds to other situational factors which shift the costs and benefits of offending and precaution: malaise driven by pollen allergies.”

Image Credit: Pixabay

Basically, people may be too drowsy or unwell to commit crimes of passion.

The authors of the study believe that their findings show not just how crime is sensitive to allergens, but how it can be affected by changes to public health altogether.

“Our results do not show evidence of temporal displacement or state dependence, and hence the data are most consistent with the proportion that high pollen days prevent crime rather than delay it.”

So, people don’t “make up” for their drowsy, crime-free days by doing more crime afterward – the high allergy days actually seem to prevent crime.

I’m not sure how local law enforcement could take all of this into consideration, but I feel like they should be able to, don’t you?

Let’s figure it out together in the comments…

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Take a Look at This Bizarre Crayfish Species of All Females Who Clone Themselves by the Hundreds


The marbled crayfish looks like a regular crayfish. They live in fresh waterways, rivers and streams like regular crayfish. But they are so much more creepy.

The Procambarus virginalis is a crayfish with an ominous ability. First, they are all female.

Also, they clone themselves.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

German biologist Frank Lyco was the first to notice something amiss about the extra large crayfish. An aquarium enthusiast told him he picked up the creature he called a Texas crayfish (aka a marmokreb) at a pet shop in 1995.

The man told Lyco the crayfish just kept laying eggs. He had so many live crayfish, he started giving them away to friends. It wasn’t too long before they could be found in aquarium and pet stores across Europe.

But the strangest part was that all the crayfish were female. They laid hundreds and hundreds of eggs with no males for fertilization, but the eggs still hatched hundreds and hundreds of crayfish—all females and all exact clones of the mother.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

The females, once matured, would in turn lay her hundreds of eggs…

Yikes (that’s a scientific term).

Aquarium owners reported having hundreds of offspring from one crayfish. In 2003, biologists sequenced the crayfish DNA and confirmed the animals were exact clones.

Twenty-five years ago, these crayfish didn’t exist. Now, they number in the millions, thriving in the wild, throughout Europe, Japan and Madagascar.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

As aquarium hobbyists are finding out, even the largest tanks will fill with marbled crayfish fast. Extra animals often get dumped into rivers, but the dump-ees are hardy and can walk for hundreds of yards to fresh water… where they clone themselves to the contentment of their hearts.

So, where did the first weirdo come from?

Lyco and his team sequenced the marbled crayfish genome and discovered this new crustacean was a result of a major mutation in the form of a copied chromosome in a slough crayfish from the Saltilla River in Florida and Georgia. This mutation meant that there were two of each chromosome in its sex cells instead of the usual one. About 30 years ago, the mutated slough crayfish mated. The offspring was super hardy and had three copies of chromosomes in their sex cells.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

And they could reproduce themselves.

Now what?

Well, Lyco told The New York Times the crayfish could thrive for a hundred thousand years, which is not all that long evolution-wise. Or, because there’s no genetic variation in the clones, one pathogen could bring the whole species down.

So there’s that.

But for the blip in time in which we now live, we’re sharing our space with mutant, self-cloning crayfish.

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Thousands of Tarantulas Are Roaming the San Francisco Area Searching for Mates

Attention: people of San Francisco, don’t freak out—but there are thousands of tarantulas casually roaming your city right now.

The tarantulas are out and about throughout the entire San Francisco Bay Area. They’re making a show not for Halloween, but because the weather has been drier and warmer than usual, causing male Bay Area blond tarantulas, the only tarantulas that are native to the region, to come out and look for a mate.

Residents have been spotting the creatures on trails, roads, and parks.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

After the males successfully mate, they die. “They’re not returning home,” Cameron Morrison, supervising state park peace officer for Mount Diablo State Park, explained to ABC News. “That’s their final voyage, basically.”

The male tarantulas are up to 4 inches in length, while females are the size of a nickel. But experts say not to fear them—they are “gentle giants,” Cameron says. “They’re very reluctant to bite you. I’ve never had someone say that they were bitten by a tarantula.” Also, if one did bite you for some reason, it would be less severe than a bee sting (even though their fangs are quite large). Their hairs can cause skin irritation, though, so it’s not a good idea to handle them.

Photo Credit: iStock

Usually, by this time of year, the male tarantulas have already done their mating and died. But thanks to seasonal weather changes, they’re still on the prowl. Lucky California!

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A Man’s Strange Reaction to Antibiotics Has His Guts Brewing Alcohol

Well, this is odd.

A week into his course of cephalexin, a common antibiotic prescribed to ward off infection in an injured thumb, a man checked into the emergency room with some strange symptoms.

They included memory loss, brain fog, and episodes of depression, along with personality changes and uncharacteristic aggression.

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Among my sleep studies research there are numerous notes about how alcohol disrupts sleep. Because it causes the brain to be simultaneously in alpha and delta activity patterns (one’s for being wide awake, the other for being in deep sleep), and blocks REM sleep, and messes with adenosine production interrupting your circadian rhythm, and aggravating breathing problems such as snoring and sleep apnea. . This has me thinking about a recently-discovered, seemingly-rare condition known as auto brewery/gut fermentation syndrome. It’s a condition in which the naturally-occurring yeast in your gut causes the sugars you consume to ferment into alcohol. Known cases lead to folks becoming drunk as a result of drinking fruit juice (for example), but — as with any condition — there should be cases that run the gambit between in-your-face (drunkenness) and subtle-enough-to-be-misdiagnosed-as-a-dozen-other-things-if-at-all. . With this in mind: What if an individual’s daily sugar intake, daily energy use, and overall gut yeast levels are balanced in such a way that their gut doesn’t automatically create alcohol during the day, but then at night (with some sugars still in the system and physical activity coming to a halt) the gut then creates alcohol? That person would have no trouble falling asleep, but would regularly have trouble staying asleep. . It’s just a theory. But it’s a theory that can be checked (at least on the individual level) via stool test and or glucose challenge test. And for those struggling to get a proper diagnosis for sleep issues, those are tests worth taking. . If it turns out a person has secondary insomnia resulting from auto brewery syndrome, that means there’s only a handful of underlying conditions that could be causing the whole kit-n-kaboodle. Because no one’s born with auto brewery syndrome, it arises as a result of some other condition creating too much yeast in your gut. And that really helps to narrow down the possibilities. . And as someone whose OCD was misdiagnosed and punished in equal measure for about 25 years before we finally knew what was what, if even one random-ass theory can help someone get to the right diagnosis a little fast

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Doctors were unable to get to the root of the cause, and he suffered those same symptoms for some time. Three years later, a psychiatrist treated him with antidepressants, but his issues persisted.

Things came to a head when he was pulled over on suspicion of drink driving, and was found to have a blood-alcohol level of 200mg/dL (about the equivalent of 7-10 drinks, depending on your weight). He was nauseous, vomiting, impaired, had no memory of the event, and passed out in the hospital.

The patient, however, insisted he had not had one single drink.

It was his aunt who brought him a breathalyzer, and as he tracked his measurements over time, he received similar readings.

A doctor in Ohio administered a carbohydrate test, where the patient consumes carbohydrates and then has their blood-alcohol levels monitored over the course of several hours, and found elevated alcohol levels in his blood. They also found brewer’s yeast in his stool, and eventually diagnosed him with auto-brewery syndrome (ABS).

The syndrome, also known as gut fermentation syndrome, is extremely rare. It causes the digestive system to produce ethanol that makes you intoxicated. Several cases have been reported over the years, usually discovered under similar circumstances (people arrested for drunk driving without having a drink).

This man, however, is the first documented case of ABS stemming from a course of antibiotics.

“We postulate that the antibiotic altered his gut microbiome, allowing fungal growth. This diagnosis should be considered in any patient with positive manifestations of alcohol toxicity who denies alcohol ingestion.”

He was given antifungal medications and, despite a relapse after a night of pizza and soda, is doing well.

I’m not saying this will work if you ever find yourself on the wrong end of a traffic stop, but I mean. It could be your guts making beer, and you just don’t know it.

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This Is Kind of Scary. Antibiotic Resistance in Germs Has Doubled in the past 20 Years.

There are a lot of things to worry about these days, but if you’re a germophobe (like my husband) or someone obsessed with the idea that we’re all going to die in a pandemic (like me), then you’ve probably spent at least some time wondering what’s going to happen when antibiotics stop being widely effective.

I mean…the world before antibiotics was a pretty harrowing place.

And now, research is finding that the number of cases in which people experience infections that are resistant to antibiotics is sharply on the rise.

Preliminary findings, which were presented at United European Gastroenterology Week Barcelona 2019, focused on conditions related to the Helicobacter pylori bacteria – gastric ulcer, lymphoma, and gastric cancer – and found that resistance to the typical antibiotic treatment has risen to nearly 21.6% (from 9.9% in 1998).


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Similar rises have been seen with other common antibiotic treatments.

Antibiotic resistance happens when bacteria evolve a tolerance to the drugs we use to eliminate them from our bodies body. Recently, the issue has gotten attention from the WHO, as well as national and regional health organizations in the U.S. and the EU.


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Right now, around 56,000 people die worldwide every year when antibiotics fail to treat their infections. Of course, according to this research, we can expect that number to rise, says lead author Francis Megraud.

“With resistance rates to commonly used antibiotics such as clarithromycin increasing at an alarming rate of nearly 1% per year, treatment options for H. pylori will become progressively limited and ineffective if novel treatment strategies remain undeveloped. The reduced efficacy of current therapies could maintain the high incidence rates of gastric cancer and other conditions such as peptic ulcer disease if drug resistance continues to increase at this pace.”


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Not being able to counter the effects of H. pylori is especially telling – and bad, as children are often the ones infected.

“The findings of this study are certainly concerning, as H. pylori is the main cause of peptic disease and gastric cancer. The increasing risk of H. pylori to a number of commonly-used antibiotics may jeopardize prevention strategies.”

If you’re worried about yourself or your family, the best thing you can do is not take antibiotics for infections that are likely viral, not all that bothersome, or will run their course on their own without excessive discomfort.

Easier said than done, I know, but you’ll be toughing out a lot worse if these bacteria evolve faster than we do.

Real talk.

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10 Interesting Facts to Help You Get Through This Loooooong Week

Will this week ever end.

It feels like it’s taking FOREVER.

But, wait! I have a good idea about how to fix this.

Facts! Great facts that will challenge your brain and soothe your soul.

Let’s get started!

1. It’s mostly water weight.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1

2. Rejection leads to later problems.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. That’s totally disgusting! Yay humans!

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4. Oh, it’s real…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. Typical male behavior.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. Are you good at this?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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7. This is amazing.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. Be on the lookout…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. A symbol of grace and poise.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. Wow…that’s really something…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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That’s a little better, right?

Now let’s power through the rest of this damn work week together!

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People Share What They Think Are the Worst Legal Things You Can Do

You can do a lot of terrible things in this world that are totally legal.

Things that most of us would never dream of doing. And they might infuriate you…

AskReddit users shared their thoughts on the subject.

1. That’s pretty infuriating.

“You can leak the names, addresses, email addresses, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, and payment card details of nearly half of all Americans (and more than half of all American adults) and then settle for about $5/person.”

2. Makes my blood boil.

“Permanently destroying huge swaths of land.

There’s a development corporation in my hometown that has bought up virtually all of the remaining woods, meadows and wetlands in the area, paved them, and built retail spaces that go vacant just a few months later.

Businesses aren’t even moving into these “office parks”, but the group just keeps spreading out and “developing”. It seems like every month, I drive past another leveled tract of land.”

3. Whoa, that’s kind of intense.

“Groom your stepdaughter for over a decade, then when she’s 18, divorce her mom and hook up with your stepdaughter.”

4. It is pretty bad.

“I think it’s pretty shitty to claim bodily harm from a very minor car accident just to get 10k, and make the other person pay more for their car insurance. I’m looking at you, lady I hit going 3 mph.

Probably not the worst thing, but it’s pretty bad.”

5. Who the hell does this?

“Take custody of a pet in a divorce and the. Put the pet down out of spite.”

6. Ouch…

“Recruit people to join Scientology.”

7. If not…that…

“Is it illegal to leave your shopping cart in the parking lot instead of returning it to the corral? If not, that.”

8. People are pretty sh*tty.

“Sue your poorer ex spouse for child custody so repeatedly that you drain their finances and can’t fight it anymore.”

9. A lot of this out there.

“Steal people’s money through fine print conditions.”

10. Not a good idea.

“Ruin the world economy by handing out subprime loans.”

11. That’s not cool.

“Nestle claiming rights to water and then selling it back to the public at exorbitant prices all while polluting the earth with the production of single-use plastic bottles.”

12. Sign of the times.

“Fire all your employees and move your business to East Asia so you can essentially use slave labor.”

13. Does this sound familiar?

“Start a pharmaceutical company.

Develop a drug that people need to live.

Raise the price just because you know they’ll pay for it if they don’t want to die.”

14. Bullying and abusing.

“Bully someone. Mentally abuse someone. Making them feel bad about themselves their whole life.”

15. Vaccines do not cause autism.

“Not vaccinating your kids.”

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Here Are the 20 Companies That Produce over 1/3 of the World’s Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Many people and governments and companies around the world are doing their best to mitigate some of the effects their lives and business dealings have on the planet, so that hopefully we can have a future that doesn’t include a complete apocalypse and the extinction of human beings.

These 20 companies, though, appear to not give a rat’s a** how much they harm future generations, as long as they’re still making the big bucks.


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According to the Climate Accountability Institute, a handful of oil, gas, and coal companies are responsible for 480 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide and energy-related methane pumped into Earth’s atmosphere since 1965 – that’s 35% of all greenhouse gas emissions since then.

The report also states that half of all greenhouse gas emissions in recorded history have been released into the atmosphere since 1990, with 1.35 trillion tonnes of carbon dioxide (or equivalent GHGs) emitted since 1965.


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The CAI had this to say about their findings in a recent press release:

“Although global consumers from individuals to corporations are the ultimate emitters of carbon dioxide, we focus on the fossil fuel companies that, in our view, have produced and marketed the carbon fuels to billions of consumers with the knowledge that their use as intended will worsen the climate crisis.”

Here’s a list, from worst to…less worse.

20. Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia) — 4.38 percent
19. Chevron (USA) — 3.2 percent
18. Gazprom (Russia) — 3.19 percent
17. ExxonMobile (USA) — 3.09 percent
16. National Iranian Oil Co. (Iran) — 2.63 percent
15. BP (UK) — 2.51 percent
14. Royal Dutch Shell (The Netherlands) — 2.36 percent
13. Coal India (India) — 1.71 percent
12. Pemex (Mexico) — 1.67 percent
11. Petroleos de Venezuela (Venezuela) — 1.16 percent
10. PetroChina/China Natl Petroleum (China) — 1.15 percent
9. Peabody Energy (USA) — 1.14 percent
8. ConocoPhillips (USA) — 1.12 percent
7. Abu Dhabi (UAE) — 1.01 percent
6. Kuwait Petroleum Corp (Kuwait) — 1 percent
5. Iraq National Oil Co. (Iraq) — 0.93 percent
4. Total SA (France) — 0.91 percent
3. Sonatrach (Algeria) — 0.91 percent
2. BHP Billiton (Australia) — 0.72 percent
1. Petrobras (Brazil) — 0.64 percent

If we hope to achieve the goals set by the Paris Climate Change Agreement in 2017, all of these companies would have to recognize their current levels as a “peak” and immediately begin to taper them. The report says that these fossil fuel giants, and others like them, have “a significant moral, financial, and legal responsibility to help curtail and compensate for the runaway effects of climate change.”

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Without action now, climate change will exacerbate the inequalities that children already face, and future generations will suffer. On our 5th anniversary Pressman's pledges to donate 50% of the total Dine-in Sales at all outlets to Emirates Nature WWF towards the cause of Climate Change. Join us on 3rd November. #pressmansforenvironment #pressmansanniversary #youthforclimate #climatejustice #climatechangeisreal #globalwarming #strikeforclimate #connect2earth #environment #voicefortheplanet #ourplanet #naturealert #makeahealthyplanet #savetheplanet #climatechange #climatecrisis #lowcarbonfuture #saynotofossilfuels #saveenergy #savetrees #savewildlife #supportemiratesnature #emiratesnature #saveourplanet #zomatouae #deliveroo_ae #talabatuae #ubereats_uae #dubai #uae

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It’s time for people to stop plowing ahead like horses plodding a field with blinders on, eyes on nothing but the row of money to be reaped ahead. If the world wants to survive long enough to leave something other than smoking ashes for our kids, the time is nigh to stop, look around, and start to take several million steps back.

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Take a Look at This Giant Ocean Cleaning Device That Removes Plastic Waste from the Water

There is a giant swath of floating garbage (we’re talking twice the size of Texas) in the Pacific called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Thousands of tons of plastic debris is brought together by swirling ocean currents and kept in place by those same forces.

Aside: Is this where Garbage Pail Kids are born? We need to investigate.

Plastic and other trash, like discarded fishing nets, pose large and often deadly issues for marine life, a sad fact that has convinced scientists and conservationists that we need to fix the problem.

Now, there may be an answer.

The Guardian reports that the non-profit Ocean Cleanup has engineered a giant, floating device that can remove plastics safely from the water. They’ve been working on the device for seven years, but only recently put it into action with positive results.

The cleaner captures trash with a large folding arm, everything from large cartons, crates, and other fishing gear, to tiny microplastics as small as a millimeter wide. Its U-shaped barrier drops a net below the surface and, as the current moves, traps pieces of trash moving along at a good clip.

Fish, if you’re worried, are able to swim beneath it.

Ocean Cleanup founder and CEO Boyan Slat confirmed at a press conference that the invention is “catching plastics,” and tweeted out a picture of all of the collected debris.

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Das System @theoceancleanup macht sich die natürlichen Ozeanströme zu nutzen um Müll zu sammeln und zu konzentrieren. Es besteht aus langen, luftgefüllten Schläuchen aus Gummi, die an der Wasseroberfläche schwimmen und Plastikmüll auffangen. So kann der angesammelte Abfall abgetragen und entsorgt werden. ♻ Seit 2016 wird das System immer wieder in unterschiedlichen Meeren getestet. Zunächst in der Nordsee und seit 2017 auch vor der kalifornischen Küste. Die gesammelten Informationen und Erfahrungen halfen The Ocean Cleanup weiterzuentwickeln und zu verbessern. 2018 startete endlich das große Sammelsystem, welches 2019 erneut verbessert wurde und nun erfolgreich Plastikmüll sammelt! Sollten die Ergebnisse weiterhin positiv bleiben wird das System an weiteren Orten der Welt eingesetzt. Übrigens ist das System für Fische ungefährlich, da diese einfach darunter hindurch schwimmen können. ? Folge uns für aktuelle Infos und Trends zur Plastikvermeidung ✅ Quelle: https://theoceancleanup.com ? #theoceancleanup #oceancleanup #oceancleanupproject #müllsammeln #müllsammelaktion #plastikfrei #plastikvermeiden #plastiksammeln

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“Our ocean cleanup system is now finally catching plastic, from one-ton ghost nets to tiny microplastics! Also, anyone missing a wheel?”

The process of developing the device has taken most of Boyan’s adult life – he presented the idea at a TEDx talk when he was just 18, and it has gone through many failed attempts before finally reaching this sweet success.

The team learned from the various mistakes, and they are now able to capture even more types and sizes of plastics than they first imagined. It’s easy to pick up on their excitement in this statement:

“Our team has remained steadfast in its determination to solve immense technical challenges to arrive at this point. Though we still have much more work to do, I am eternally grateful for the team’s commitment and dedication to the mission and look forward to continuing to the next phase of development.”

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001 B successfully completed the clean up test!

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Ocean Cleanup is going to start improving their device based on what they learned during this exercise, including work on a full-scale cleanup device that can endure tough conditions and have enough space to store large amounts of collected plastics while at sea.

Good people going good work. May there be more of them coming up through the ranks.

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