10 Interesting Facts to Get You Thinking

We’re almost at the end of the year, and it has been a loooooooong twelve months.

But I’m gonna power through, and I know that you can, too!

So put aside all the worry, turn that frown upside down, and enjoy these 10 wonderful facts that we’ve selected out of our extensive archive.

Let’s see those pearly whites!

1. Kindness for a hero.

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2. A case of the Mondays.

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3. A great idea!

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4. That makes sense.

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5. This is amazing.

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6. Stressed out.

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7. And they never forgot about it…

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8. Put on your dancing shoes!

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9. An end to slavery.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. The seas are rising.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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Have a great day, happy holidays, and keep SMILING!

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Some People Are Accidentally Poisoning Themselves with Essential Oils

You’d have to be living under a rock to have missed the resurgence of alternative medicines and essential oils. People everywhere are touting the ability to cure everything from nausea and headaches to the common cold (and, in some cases, more extreme illnesses) using nothing but plant, root, and herb extracts.

Essential oils are volatile chemical compounds extracted from plant materials via a distillation process that typically involves steaming. They’re used in perfumes, soaps, incense, and aromatherapy aids, along with traditional medicine therapies.

And they are known to have some health benefits when inhaled.


But it turns out that even natural medicines require some research and training (whaaaaat), lest you poison yourself and those you love – and that goes double if you’re going to engage in the dubious practice of applying the oils to your skin, or ingesting them orally.

People are clearly ignoring that fact, though, because a recent study has shown that essential oil poisonings are becoming more frequent in Europe, the U.S., and in Australia.

The study appeared in the Medical Journal of Australia, and it analyzed data from the New South Wales Poisons Information Centre. They received a total of 4412 calls about essential oil poisoning between July 2014 and June 2018, with 2/3 of the cases involving children under 15.

There was a 16% increase between 2015 and 2018, showing a disturbing trend.

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*GIVEAWAY CLOSED* WINNER HAS BEEN CONTACTED* Day 4: Craving the holiday traditions this season? Bring the smell of the Nut Cracker into your home with the warm diffuser blend of Adaptiv, Balance, and Grapefruit. And for today's giveaway you can win these oils! To enter to win comment below your favorite holiday movie. Don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW us for the chance to win more free products! Jour 4 : Vous avez envie d’honorer les traditions des Fêtes cette année? Infusez votre intérieur d’un arôme digne de Casse-Noisette grâce à ce chaleureux mélange à diffuser associant le pamplemousse aux mélanges Adaptiv et Balance. Et comme cadeau aujourd’hui, vous pourriez remporter ces huiles! Pour avoir une chance de gagner, parlez-nous ici de votre film des Fêtes ?préféré. N’oubliez pas de cliquer sur J’AIME, de COMMENTER la rubrique et de nous SUIVRE pour courir la chance de gagner d’autres produits gratuits! #doterraca #doterracanada #doterra #doterragiveaway #giveaway #holidaygiveaway #holidayessentials #doterraholiday #essentialoils

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Essential oils are labeled with a warning that they can “cause severe toxicity when ingested,” and the risks increase as the frequency with which the oils are being used goes, the authors explain.

“Clinical effects include vomiting, central nervous system depression or excitation, and aspiration pneumonitis.”

And it’s even worse for kids: Essential oils can also upset a person’s hormonal balance, a more concerning hazard when dealing with children who haven’t yet entered puberty, or who might be in the midst of it.

There has been at least a few cases of prepubescent boys developing enlarged breasts after applying tea tree and lavender oil to their skin.

It’s important to note that a number of the poisoning cases were due to someone mistaking the bottle for something like cough syrup, but others were due to people ingesting them on purpose.

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When you have a natural 1st aid kit & your a Pilates instructor. ??? . An old injury decided to flare up this morning ?. I was dropped in a ballet performance many moons ago & injured my rotator cuff. But being a dancer you just push through & never really fix it properly. So it annoys me every couple of years. . So panaway and a massage to the rescue and it’s 80% better. Will repeat later then again tonight. . Here’s to synthetic free, chemical free, toxic free pain relief.???????. . #panaway #pain#painfree#injury #massage#naturalremedies #naturalproducts #heal#cleanliving#cleanlivinglovers #momlife#mumlife#yleo#yl#younglivingeo #younglivingessentialoils #wellness#livewell#makegoodchoices #sport#pilates #painmanagement #essentialoils #essentialoilsrock #healthylifestyle #

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“Flow restrictors and child-resistant closures would be desirable, but containers are only required to have such closures when the essential oil volume exceeds 15 milliliters.”

Since 5 milliliters is enough to generate a severe toxicity in the product, these cases and others should serve as a warning for you to make sure properly secure any essential oils in your home.

I don’t know about you, but I would feel pretty bad if something I brought into my house to help my kids feel better ended up hurting them instead.

Just sayin’.

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A Hallucinogenic Party Drug Seems to Help Curb Alcohol Addiction. Who Knew?

Alcohol abuse is a problem that untold amounts of people deal with on a daily basis. But there may be a surprising new tool on its way to help treat this addictive disorder: a hallucinogenic drug.

According to a report in Nature Communications, researchers suggest a single dose of ketamine can help weaken the desire to drink beer. While the drug’s effect was modest, there is still plenty of room for optimism, according to addiction researcher David Epstein.

“If a seemingly small one-time experience in a lab produces any effects that are detectable later in real life, the data are probably pointing toward something important,” explained Epstein, who works for the National Institute on Drug Abuse in Baltimore.

Addiction is considered a memory disorder, so finding a way to stop the memories that trigger cravings for beer was a key component of the ketamine study.

“We’re trying to break down those memories to stop that process from happening, and to stop people from relapsing,” said Ravi Das, a co-author of the study and a psychopharmacologist at University College London.

To conduct the study, Das and the research group recruited 90 people who admitted to drinking too much beer. Participants were exposed to pictures of beer, drank one in the lab and rated their cravings, enjoyment of drinking and their desire to drink another one.

The participants returned a few days later and were divided into three groups for further examination. The researchers utilized different methods to test the effect of ketamine and the different triggers and memories associated with drinking beer. Interestingly, the results showed that the people who had their beer memories jogged before receiving ketamine reported both a lower desire and less enjoyment for beer.

Nine months after the study concluded, all 90 participants had cut their beer consumption in half. Surprisingly, that even included those who did not receive a dose of ketamine. Epstein explained that the full-scale reduction could be due to the self-awareness that comes from enrolling in a study.

“Behavior can change for all sorts of reasons that aren’t specific to the experimental treatment,” he said.

While the research on ketamine’s short-term effects on drinking is far from over, the early results are promising. The research group plans on conducting clinical trials on people with drinking problems. In addition, they also want to test other problematic memories, such as post-traumatic stress disorder.

Of course, with any drug, there are concerns about abusing ketamine. But the upside of its ability to weaken the lure for alcohol makes it a worthwhile option to explore.

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This New Breed of Apple Stays Crisp for up to a Year

Apples are the perfect snack to have in the house – tart and tasty, they’re great for baking, in yogurt, or by themselves…until the day you go to grab that last apple and find that it’s mushy and overripe.

Well, science is thinking it can help make that disappointing moment a thing of the past with these new “Cosmic Crisp” apples.

The Washington-grown hybrid was bred at Washington State University and is a cross between Enterprise and Honeycrisp apples. Researchers began working on the patented breed in 1997, and now, over 20 years later, it’s officially ready to hit stores.

According to reports, the Cosmic Crisp apples resist bruising and browning better than any other kind of apple. It also has an extremely long storage life – to the tune of around six months in a regular fridge. In a suitably controlled atmosphere, the apples can stay nice and crisp up to a full year.

Which means that not only will you not have to deal with mushy, past-their-prime apples, you also could have in-season fruit pretty much any time of the year you’d like.

The long shelf life also means less waste in the long run, but what about taste?

Well, a 2012 report published by the American Society for Horticultural Science claims that a control group of consumers rated the Cosmic Crisp apple higher than Fuji in the categories of sweetness, sourness, flavor intensity, crispness, firmness, juiciness, and overall acceptance.

The creators even boast that, if you’re baking with the apple, you should be able to reduce the amount of sugar your recipe calls for.

If you’re curious, the whitish specks on the apple’s skin earned it its name – Cosmic – and allow the apple to exchange gases with its environment.

Isn’t science kind of a miracle all on its own? I certainly think so!

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The Melting Permafrost in Siberia Revealed a Mysterious 18,000-Year-Old Puppy

It turns out that maybe humans haven’t changed all that much in the past 20,000 years.

At least, not when it comes to puppy love.

Scientists believe the male animal, found near the Indigirka River in Siberia, was around 2 months old when it died. Despite it being preserved by the freezing temperatures with its fur, whiskers, and teeth intact, researchers are not entire sure what species the little guy belongs to.

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Un cane di 18.000 anni. In Siberia è stato trovato  un cucciolo di animale di circa due mesi perfettamente conservato in uno strato di permafrost: risale a 18 mila anni fa e gli scienziati, che l’hanno mostrato lunedì per la prima volta dopo il ritrovamento avvenuto un anno e mezzo fa, lo stanno analizzando tramite prove sul DNA. Nonostante sia ben conservato, con naso, pelo e denti ancora intatti, la creatura ha spiazzato gli stusiosi. I test, infatti, non sono stati ancora in grado di stabilire la sua specie. Forse un cane dell’era glaciale, forse un lupo. O, ancora, l’anello della transizione evolutiva da lupo a cane Il cucciolo, che era maschio, è stato chiamato Dogor: ha pelliccia, scheletro, denti, testa, naso e baffi ancora intatti. #dogor #siberia #ritrovamenti #scienza #science #animals #life #evolution #anellimancanti #curiosità #scoperte #scopertesorprendenti

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“The Centre has Europe’s largest DNA bank of all canines from around the globe, yet in this case they couldn’t identify it from the first try,” admits Love Dalen, a representative from the Swedish Centre for Palaeogenetics.


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They do know it’s around 18,000 years old, though preliminary gene sequences was unable to confidently call it a wolf or a dog – or really anything we currently know about.

Well-preserved remains of an ice age wolf were discovered in the area a few years ago (40,000 years old), and dozens of woolly mammoth bodies have also been recovered from the frozen ground. Some scientists hope they’ll be able to use the partial DNA sequences to bring the species back to life (because clearly they’ve never seen Jurassic Park).

As far as humans, it appears that they settled in the northernmost parts of Russia around 32,500 years ago. Previous research suggests that people began domesticating dogs anywhere between 10,000-40,000 years ago, so this little guy could have been a pet, a protector, a working dog, or a wild wolf species – we just don’t know.

Scientists have called in Dogor, which means “friend” in the local Yakut language.

“This is intriguing, what if it’s a dog? We can’t wait to get results from further tests,” says Sergey Fedorov from the Institute of Applied Ecology of the North.

I’d have to say that’s an understatement, because I don’t think I’ve ever been more curious about an 18,000-year old anything in my entire life.

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Running Once a Week Is Linked to a Decrease in the Risk of Early Death

This is excellent news for all you runners out there. And for those who don’t incorporate running as part of your regular routine, this might make you dig out your jogging shoes and hit the gym or the track pretty soon.

A study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine compiled data from 232,149 people whose habits were tracked for between 5.5 and 35 years. The researchers found that those who ran had a 27% lower risk of death than people who didn’t run.

Tp be clear, the study doesn’t guarantee that being a regular runner will lower your risk of early death, but it shows that there is definitely a link between the two.

Running with Sue

The results of the study also suggest that you don’t need to be an extremely dedicated runner to get some of the health benefits, either. Researchers found that people who run less than 50 minutes per week, only once a week, or at speeds below 6 mph had similar results as intense runners re: early death rates. Non-runners did not.

Željko Pedišić, a co-author of the study, said, “This finding may be motivating for those who cannot invest a lot of time in exercise, but it should definitely not discourage those who already engage in higher amounts of running.”

Jogging 2010

So if you’re not a serious runner, or your schedule of work, family, kids, etc. doesn’t allow for you to run every day, at least consider getting out for one long jog a week or a few shorter jaunts.

Pedišić says that this also might help with your blood pressure, cholesterol, and keeping cancer and cardiovascular disease at bay.

Get out there and start running!

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Donor Blood Was Found to Contain Xanax, Caffeine, and Cough Medicine

A quick note: receiving any of these things through a blood transfusion wouldn’t be problematic for most people, so it shouldn’t put you off receiving or giving blood.

That said, the results of this Oregon State University study does offer some pretty interesting insights into what’s keeping many people in our country on their feet.

Researchers sifted through 18 batches of scanned human blood and, using a mass spectrometer, learned the samples were laced with all kinds of drugs.

In fact, every single one of the samples contained caffeine.

Many of the others contained Xanax, over-the-counter cough medicine, or a medication for type 2 diabetes – and though the sample size is small, the director of the Oregon State study speculates it could be indicative of a widespread trend.

“We can only speculate on how widespread the problem is. Another thing to consider if that we found drugs that we just happened to be looking for in doing the drug interaction assay validation – how many others are in there too that we weren’t looking for?”

Still, they stress that the contamination wouldn’t be an issue for the majority of people in need of donor blood.

“From a ‘contamination’ standpoint, caffeine is not a big worry for patients, though it may be a commentary on current society,” explains Luying Chen, a PhD student who was part of the group. “But the other drugs being in there could be an issue for patients, as well as posing a problem for those of us doing this type of research because it’s hard to get clean blood samples.”

So coffee drinkers: you should continue to give blood when and where you can – even if you’ve just chugged a venti coffee on your way there.

It’s a good deed, and no one wants you to fall asleep at the wheel on the way there.

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This Fun Illustrated Periodic Table Shows How We Interact with the Elements

Most of us had to memorize the periodic table in school (or at least I did). But did our ability to recite the elements really help us understand how each functions in our day-to-day lives?

No, not really. I mean, who knows what boron is used for?

Well, now there’s a chart for that.

This very cool and colorful graphic gives you a picture reference for each element that demonstrates how you might see it in your day-to-day surroundings. The atomic numbers of the elements and their material states are also noted.

Boeing software engineer Keith Enevoldsen is the genius behind The Periodic Table of Elements, in Pictures and Words. It’s meant to help students visualize the elements, which can assist with the tedious task of memorizing the chart.

But adults are sure to find this information fascinating too.

So boron is in sports equipment. Who knew?

Imagine being able to tell people at the bar that they’re being exposed to tantalum as they are checking their Snapchats on their cell phones. Most of us know what arsenic is, represented by a jar of poison. But what about finding gallium in LEDs? Or, krypton in flashlights?

Who knows that besides science people?

If you like it, the chart is available to buy as a poster, so you can grab one for yourself. And if you know a student or have an element-loving person in your life, a poster or the corresponding flashcards would make a great gift.

Or, at least a helpful gift.

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Girls Won the Five Top Prizes in National STEM Contest for Middle Schoolers

As people say, “The future is female.” And that trend was certainly on display recently at the 2019 Broadcom MASTERS competition. The competition, “Math, Applied Science, Technology, and Engineering for Rising Stars,” highlights very bright middle-schoolers and is run by the Society for Science & the Public.

This year, girls won all of the top five prizes awarded at the competition in Washington, D.C. What makes it even more extraordinary is that the five winners were out of a total pool of 2,348 applicants from 47 states. A total of 18 boys and 12 girls were then brought to D.C. to take part in the competition.

While in D.C., the middle-schoolers were given STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) projects to work on in teams. The youngsters were judged on leadership, teamwork, problem solving, and communication. The last 20% of their score was based on the science projects that the kids had applied to the competition with. The panel of judges included engineers, scientists, and educators.

The five winners were:

The Samueli Foundation Prize: $25,000
Alaina Gassler, Improving Automobile Safety by Removing Blindspots

Lemelson Award for Invention: $10,000
Rachel Bergey, Spotted Lanternflies: Stick’em or Trick’em

Marconi/Samueli Award for Innovation: $10,000
Sidor Clare, Bound and Bricked

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Award for Health Advancement: $10,000
Alexis MacAvoy, Designing Efficient, Low-Cost, Eco-Friendly Activated Carbon for Removal of Heavy Metals from Water

STEM Talent Award, sponsored by DoD STEM: $10,000
Lauren Ejiaga, Ozone Depletion: How it Affects Us

Maya Ajmera, president and CEO of the Society for Science & the Public, said,”We are just so thrilled that the top five winners were girls this year. This is the first time in our history that it was a sweep for girls. It’s also the first time in our history that we had more girl finalists than boy finalists.”

Way to go ladies! Keep your eye on these kids, because they’re going places.

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Your Cat Makes Facial Expressions, You Just Probably Can’t Read Them

If you pay very close attention, you may finally be able to tell WTF your cat is thinking.

A study in the journal Animal Welfare found that cats show their moods on their faces, but that only a small subset of people can actually pick up on what they’re feeling.

Researchers at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada conducted the study by asking 6329 participants to watch videos of cats reacting to certain events. The participants had to name whether the cat was exhibiting a positive or negative reaction by relying only on their faces—not their tails or any other body language.

Most of the respondents were cat owners. Nonetheless, their average score was just 59 percent correct, which is not very impressive.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

But 13 percent of participants scored very well on the test. They correctly guessed 15 out of 20 questions. These participants weren’t just cat owners, but people who had very extensive experience with cats, such as veterinarians.

Thus, the researchers concluded that a minority of people can tell what cats are feeling based on their facial expressions alone.

It’s not clear whether this talent is innate or learned, though.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

“They could be naturally brilliant, and that’s why they become veterinarians,” the study’s senior author, Georgia Mason, told The Washington Post. “But they also have a lot of opportunity to learn, and they’ve got a motivation to learn, because they’re constantly deciding: Is this cat better? Do we need to change the treatment? Does this cat need to go home? Is this cat about to take a chunk out of my throat?”

Who knows? Maybe you, too, can learn this skill one day.

If you want to test yourself, a shorter version of the video test that participants used is available online.

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