People Talk About Their Creepiest Paranormal Experiences

I’ve never experienced anything that I would consider paranormal, but I have to say that this kind of stuff really intrigues me and I’ve been interested in it from a very young age.

And the fact is that some people I know who are totally normal, sane, upstanding citizens have told me personal stories about things that happened to them that they just can’t explain…so you never know…

Have you ever had a creepy paranormal experience?

AskReddit users shared their spooky stories.

1. Grandpa’s old room.

“I was sleeping in my grandpa’s old room. He recently passed away and his body (in our tradition) was outside in the hallway. The hallway did not have a door and literally was outside.

Well the fabulous fam decided to move his body closer to my window. The whole night I could hear foot steps. I then saw a shadow of a man with a hat walking back and forth.

I’m a light sleeper so I said all angry “Shut Up! Let me sleep! Go to sleep or leave!” Lol the person left.

Well I found out my cousin thought she saw my grandpa walking around in the hallway but she didn’t understand as he was d**d.

So I guess we both saw my grandpa’s spirt? Idk?”

2. Deep in the forest.

“I do deep forest, as far from civilization as possible, camping and one experience creeped me the f**k out.

It’s the middle of the night, 2 am roughly, traveling through a forest a couple of miles from civilization because I got a call on my sat phone saying I needed to get home immediately. I stumble upon an old graveyard the latest tombstone I could read by my flashlight was 1831, and I hear a sound behind me. I whip around and there’s nothing but the still unending blackness of the night.

Then I hear another sound from my left. I look over there and again nothing. I think to myself I’m probably imagining it since I’m alone in a forest miles from civilization. I turn around and head back to civilization. Just as I’m about to pass the last tombstone I can see I hear a little girl giggle right in my f**king ear. Now I think I’m going crazy because s**t like this doesn’t happen in the real world only in horror movies. Suddenly a f**king rock hits my back.

Not a pebble but an avocado sized rock. I know I’m not crazy and I just book it the f**k out of there as fast as possible. I refuse to re-enter that forest to this day.”

3. I’m a believer.

“Worked security for a local security company that was just starting up and specialized in monitoring heavy levee equipment out in the orchards.

I had no radio, no g**, no mace, no flashlight, and no phone service. I was strictly there to monitor and take notes, but if anything DID happen the nearest help was 30-45 minutes away in town.

Fast forward to a few weeks of night shifts along the levee with it being surrounded by orchards, and i was pretty comfortable at my new location with its one road in and one road out as the only entrance for a few miles.

It was about 0230 in the morning when i hear an alarm clock going off somewhere in the murky darkness. Im positioned along side the levee in this position: o + o with my car being the “o” on the right, the levee as the “+” and the alarm sound coming from the “o” on the left. I turn my car on and drive over the levee to where the workers had a portable office container with a few chairs and a table set up and where it sounds like the alarm is coming from.

As my dim high-beams started to sweep across the orchard I see a dark figure multiple rows back seem to fade behind a tree quickly. I stop there and stare into the darkness barely disrupted by my POS cars head lights.

Nothing moves and I can hear the alarm still going off so I get out of my car and using my phones light, i find the culprit sat upon a white plastic table. A single small square battery powered alarm clock was singing away as my brain screamed at me to return to my car. I quickly popped the batteries out of the alarm and hopped back into my car as the silence returned to the orchards.

As i was reversing out of the spot, my headlights bathed the trees in light again and the same similar shape was now 3 or 4 rows closer and this time it seemed to crouch down behind a tree. I sat there for a moment longer staring into the void before my brain screeched, “What if theres more and this is the distraction?” That thought encouraged me to back up onto the high part of the levee and there i waited for the next three and a half hours “alone”.

It felt torturous. Like a thousand eyes were burrowing into every square inch of my car and soul from every angle. The quiteness of an orchard is something very unsettling in the winter time, as theres no insects or wildlife wandering about. All i could hear was silence and my pounding heart for the next three and a half hours of my shift. I almost wanted some monster to come tearing through the trees bellowing out, “Hahah here I am, here to eat you!” But instead i saw and heard nothing more.

My morning shifter shows up late and starts casually drinking his hot cup of coffee as i give him the run down while the sun starts to peak into the sky. I still remember the steam trail from his mug and the chirping of early birds as we decided to investigate further into the orchards.

We ended up at the spot where I saw the figure and after some quick scanning he ended up spotting some really large footprints from boots that seemed to pace back and forth in a line along one row of trees, we then tracked them as they led forward towards the workers office container and abruptly stopped near a tree while still a few rows back.

Nothing more. No follow up footprints leading forward or backwards. No vehicle tracks leading out of the dirt. No one could have gotten past me without trudging through the orchard. It was as if someone appeared, paced back and forth in a line for a few hours, walked forward, and then just disappeared without another step.

We reported it to the boss and he shrugged it off saying maybe it was an elaborate prank by the construction workers, but that was one of the last shifts I worked doing security.

Definitely made me more of a believer in the paranormal kind of things.”

4. Very weird.

“Pretty sure an aliens stopped me from st**bing my dad when I was 15.

One evening after school freshman year I had gotten into a huge argument with my father. He had a tendency to not calm down once he gets riled up, he was being very confrontational with me and had me cornered in the kitchen next to the sink. My mother had come out of the room she was yelling and doing her best to calm him down but it wasn’t working. Right after he pushed her away from him I had grabbed a huge knife from out the sink.

In that moment it felt like time stopped for what felt Like forever in my mind. So long that I had time to have a full dialog about what i wanted for my life. Suddenly time had resumed and everyone’s demeanor in the house had changed dramatically. I no longer had a desire to wield a weapon, my father who was just shouting and being aggressive was Suddenly docile along with my mother, they joined hands and walked into their room in near complete silence.

In complete shock from everyone’s sudden change in behavior, I scratch my head for a moment confused then I had this sudden urge to look out the front door of my house. As I peered out the window my eyes are immediately drawn towards the sky as there was this MASSIVE ball of green light over my house and the next moment it bolts south west through the sky never to be seen again.

It burned the mango tree across the street from my house too, causing it not to grow fruit or leaves for close to 2 years and had a section missing from the top of the tree that looked like someone had an ice cream scooper.

There were 5-6 other people at the school bus stop talking about the giant green light from the night before also. I didn’t see any lil green dudes but I feel like something or someone stepped into my life and hit a reset button in that moment and it changed my life dramatically… I’m forever grateful for that help that day idk where my life would be otherwise.”

5. There’s something out there.

“20 years old, taking my girlfriend home late one night on small country roads. I go to take a left turn then suddenly there are bright headlights coming through the passengers window.

She screams, I scream, we are about to be ki**ed….and nothing happens. We don’t get hit, the car just vanishes. She is hyperventilating and crying, Im scared as hell, confused, and adrenaline is racing. We sat there five minutes before I could drive again.

Start up the road and suddenly there are intense headlights behind us, they fly up behind us easily going 50 mph faster than us. Braced to get rear ended….and nothing. Girl is screaming so loud she is hoarse, all I hear is GO, GO, GO.

We drove the next 10 miles on little country roads at 110 mph, making curves that should have sent us into ditches, with the headlights either mere feet behind us or pulling alongside but we could never see anything but lights. Then my girlfriend suddenly screamed “What did you do with the f**king stars?!”

I glanced up, not daring to look away from the road very long, and the sky was black. Not moonless night black, I mean GONE black. I know how crazy it sounds but I am driving with the gas pedal on the floor at three times the safe speed, scared to death, with a screaming girl beside me and distinctly remember watching the trees in the headlights to figure out if everything literally vanished, ceased to exist once my cars headlights were past it because looking out the passengers window things seemed to just pop and vanish.

She curled up in her seat and passed out. There was a sharp 90 degree turn ahead with a huge, deep gully just past it and there was no way we could make it at our speed. I don’t know why but when I saw the lights beside me I slammed on the brakes as hard as I could. The lights zipped past us and vanished, the stars were back and somehow sitting there I just knew it was over

I woke her up, and she just kind of oozed into her seat and quietly asked me to take her home. We didn’t talk about it at all, she just got out and ran inside. I sat in her driveway and trembled for 10 minutes. I was terrified of going home the way we had come so I numbly drove 20 minutes in the wrong direction and slept in the parking lot of a truck stop because there were people around 24 hours a day.

My girlfriend would not return my phone calls for two days, I finally got her by calling her mom (who was as nice as ever). Told my girlfriend I really wanted to talk about what had happened, she said “it never happened.” In the driest, most emotionless voice that I can still hear 30 years later.

We NEVER discussed it and three troubled months later broke up (never discussed that either, just quit talking). I have never heard of anyone else seeing odd lights and I’ve never seen them again but SOMETHING was out there with us that night.”

6. The stair case.

“We lived in a house that had wooden stair case going from the first floor to the second floor.

I noticed that anytime we went up the stairs when we got to the fifth and sixth step we would stumble going up in the same spot. So it became habit to move to the left as if someone was blocking the way and we needed to get out of the way. We didn’t think about it. We would just move out of the way.

Crazy thing is the cats would do the same thing in the same area. None of us realized we were doing it. This was back in the day when we had 33mm film cameras. I had taken a few picture of my daughters one evening with the stairs in the back ground. Weeks later I had the film developed .

In every picture I took with the stairs in it there were two orbs floating over the exact spot on the stairs were we would trip.”

7. Freaked out.

“Woke up one morning and heard a full conversation going on downstairs. It wasn’t uncommon for the neighbors to be over and talking to my mom that early so I thought nothing of it and went to the kitchen for a drink.

Walked past my mom‘s room and noticed she was sound asleep and there was no one in the front of the house. Didn’t see anything but I was genuinely freaked.”

8. Skyscraper.

“I worked in skyscraper. Before I started working there, a teenage boy jumped off the building, he was distraught over his mother’s death.

It was very traumatic for the witnesses. I always parked on the top floor of the adjacent parking garage because it was less expensive. One morning I was waiting for the slow garage elevator and I was looking over the railing at the plaza seven floors below when I heard a voice say “just jump!”

I started parking across the street in a paved lot the next day.”

9. Man in the store.

“I went to Kroger late one night, since I was on a graveyard shift schedule, so this was about 1 AM.

I’m at the back end of an aisle where this was this poorly dressed man, looked about mid-40’s/early 50’s with a walking staff. As I stood near him for a few seconds to find my items, he started talking to me about religion. I initially thought it was just the usual crazy person, ranting about God or whatever popped into their head. However, after 10-12 seconds, he stopped and said “Son, you seem like you are carrying a burden”.

Over the next 10 full minutes, I had this very open conversation with this complete stranger about the world and spiritualism. It was the first real therapeutic moment since my mom had d**d and I couldn’t believe the setting of it.

After a little bit longer, he said he didn’t want to hold me up and to have a good night before he turned back around and started grabbing an item off the shelf. Since I was at the end of the aisle, it took me only a few steps to get into the back portion of the store where there was a Kroger employee stocking shelves.

He saw me and instantly asked “Hey man, who were you talking to? I was right here for a bit and only ask because you don’t have any headphones in and your phone wasn’t out”. I told him it was with that older guy in the aisle and the employee replied with “dude, nobody else was there”.

I instantly turned, took a few steps back to the aisle, and saw a completely empty aisle. I figured he probably just walked away right as I did, so I quickly jogged to the front of the store and looked around. This guy was nowhere to be seen.

With the condition this man appeared to be, there was no d**n way he hobbled to the front, checked out, and was gone within the 8-10 seconds it took for me to interact with that store employee. I even asked the security guard if he had seen that man within the last minute and he told me that nobody had come in or out since I walked into the store.”

10. Cursed key.

“I was on a long trip from Michigan to California.

I drove for 16 hours straight to eastern Colorado, where it started to snow pretty hard. I decided it would be a good time to pull over for the night and pulled over at a rest stop in Sterling, a small town in the middle of the Colorado plains. My first weird experience in this town was a random stranger pulling into the rest stop and asking me how to get to Denver.

I thought nothing of it and found the nearest motel. It had this old-west saloon theme and was completely empty, my car and the owner’s were the only cars in the lot. The snow started to come down pretty hard so I decided to stay there. When I checked in, the owner gave me this key with a keychain that had my room number.

I got my bag out of my car and put it in the room, and as I went back outside in the snow to get something else from my car, I noticed I lost the key and was locked out. I looked everywhere for it, and even took out everything in my trunk. As I was searching my car for the key, the snow started to pick up a little more.

I gave up and eventually went back to the owner for a new one, and went to sleep for the night. I couldn’t really sleep that whole night, and the room was eerily drafty. Flash forward two years, and I eventually forgot about the key with the red keychain. Until it magically re-appeared in my trunk in some random place I remember already looking in. I swear this key is some kind of cursed object.”

11. Hearing jazz.

“My husband and I had the “hang out house” of the cul-de-sac.

Everyone hung out in our garage. We had a friend “Tony” who would stop by after work, take a nap on my couch, and then hang out every night playing pool or just shooting the s**t before going home. Sadly, he was ki**ed in a vehicle accident. For nearly a year after that, we would wake up to the stereo in the garage turning on and playing the jazz radio station.

Tony was the only one who liked jazz – and our garage radio was never tuned to that station. Even if it was turning on due to some strange power surge, it would have turned on to the station we kept it set to, not the jazz station!”

12. Won’t stay there anymore.

“I won’t sleep in my nana’s house anymore now. Even though I basically grew up in that house as a kid with zero problems. I didn’t even believe in anything beforehand but this had me proper shook.

I was in my 20s and hadn’t been back for ages since I had moved away. But me and my mam stayed over one night visiting. I slept upstairs in the front bedroom (two single beds). Mam slept in the smaller “box room” that was a narrower room to the left of it. I can’t remember why it was that arrangement. Nana and grandad were in the back bedroom.

I woke up randomly in the middle of the night, wide awake. Went to the bathroom, checked my phone. Saw it was after 4am-ish. Tried to lie down and go to sleep and I suddenly felt really really awful. I can’t describe it. I felt sick, sad and terrified all at the same time for no reason. As if you were hiding somewhere from somebody and your heart is going crazy as they walk past looking for you.

I tried to close my eyes and nod off. Couldn’t really get to sleep. To the left of me the bed started dipping as if someone was trying to stand on the mattress and walk across it. Two more dips one after the other to where my legs were. The mattress was actually making noise under the weight. But there was nothing there I couldn’t see anything? It stopped as it got to the end of the bed. Then I kid you not the hand I had out over my blanket was touched and I thought I was going to cry or wretch (or both). I felt so sad and confused.

When the terror subsided enough for me to move I burst out crying and ran into my mam. Trying to tell her what happened through the gasps. She was already awake. She said a spider was crawling across her arm and it woke her up. Said she heard me come back from the bathroom.

She left me in her bed and got up to check the front bedroom. She told me that when she went in she felt sick and angry. The hairs on her arms were sticking up but she couldn’t see anything. She came back and told me not to go in there.

Of course then nana and grandad woke up to me crying and grandad dismissed it saying I was dreaming. I was awake and was on my d**n phone! My nana wasn’t too bothered and said something like “ah yeah I’ve felt and heard strange stuff for years but nothing dangerous”. Couldn’t believe she was only saying that now.

I didn’t stay over again after that. I dunno whether I got more sensitive to stuff that was already going on or that something awful started hanging around.

Mam and nana didn’t tell grandad and called a priest to come to the house (we’re Catholic). He was told everything and checked the house. He took some photos in that front room. He took a few photos of the wall over the beds and there was this blurry area in the middle over the headboards. He said that apparently from what he’s seen before it was a sort of gate where things can get in and out. So they were obviously coming out, landing on the bed and continuing through the house.

The housing estate itself is next to the biggest children’s hospital in the country and he thought maybe there were a lot of confused “entities” passing through that didn’t know where to go. So that explains what my nana says. But also older, meaner things were coming in and out and that could’ve only been happening recently.

My uncle told me afterwards that he stopped house sitting for them years ago because he could hear running across the house upstairs and couldn’t take it anymore.

Mam had to stay there a few more times for work and she said the night disturbances were getting more and more aggressive. More grabbing, things moving. My nana told me she locked up the house but when she came back and unlocked the front room the iron was plugged in and red hot. The house could’ve burnt down.

Grandad still denies everything but won’t sleep without a tv or radio on (so he’s afraid but won’t admit it). Currently waiting for them to move houses.”

Have you ever had any paranormal experiences?

If so, tell us about them in the comments.

Let’s get weird!

The post People Talk About Their Creepiest Paranormal Experiences appeared first on UberFacts.

What is the Scariest True Story You Know? People Responded.

I’m a true crime fanatic and I genuinely enjoy reading and hearing about true stories that are disturbing and scary.

Does that make me a weirdo?

Perhaps, but at least now I know I’m not alone, judging by how many people out there are obviously into the same kind of stuff.

Folks on AskReddit shared the scariest true stories they know.

Prepare to get creeped out.

1. Creepy.

“I grew up in a funeral home. I helped out in the office.

When I was about 15, we got a call from a man whose wife and infant baby had been m**dered in cold blood.

There were very few clues. It made headlines. Cops set up surveillance at the viewing. It was heartbreaking, as the mother was holding the baby in her arms.

I was asked to take the flower cards and periodically get the husband and ask if he recognized the names. I then photocopied them and put them back. I did it because I was a “kid,” people knew me, and I was unobtrusive.

I talked to the husband quite a bit. He seemed devastated and shaken.

The cops told me they had an eyewitness to someone leaving the house the day of the m**der.

The witness was a three year old girl. She recognized the man leaving. It was the husbands best friend.

Turns out that the friend and the husband had made a pact to k**l each other’s families and run off with their secretaries. The little girl identified the friend, and I guess one of them cracked.

They both went to jail on multiple counts, all on the testimony of a three year old.

I still cannot believe to this day that that man stood right beside me, multiple times, and I had NO CLUE.”

2. Awful.

“James Bulger.

He was just 2 years old and with his mom running errands. She let go of his hand to pay the cashier, and he wandered away. Two ten year old boys spotted him, lured him toward them, took him by the hands and led him away. They took him to a remote location, pushing and kicking at him the whole time.

Some people questioned the two kids with the crying toddler, but they lied saying he was their brother and nobody intervened further. They took him to a secluded spot and t**tured him. I don’t want to recount the t**ture details, it’s just too gruesome. They left his body on some railroad tracks hoping that being run over by a train would make it look like an accident. He was found days later, his body severed in half by a train.

The boys were caught and became the youngest convicted m**derers in British history. Security footage from the day they took James shows them watching children, picking out a target. And they were just kids themselves. They were released at 18. One of them is back in jail for possessing child abuse photos on his computer.

The most terrifying thing about this for me is that my own son is only 2 now, and James’s m**derers were just children, too. It was premeditated and intentional and entirely random. Just a momentary lapse in attention and he became a target of two m**derous children. Children.

To think that children younger than my step son are capable of such a thing… ugh. Everything about this case is just horrifying.”

3. The more you know…

“My dad worked in a morgue in during college in the 60’s.

One time on the night shift he was training a recent hire who was wheeling a body down the hallway. The body was under a sheet but all of a sudden started to sit up. The guy immediately freaked out, ran out the doors and quit.

Apparently a d**d body can have muscle contractions in the abs causing it to start sitting up. The more you know I guess.”

4. Terrible.

“During college, I lived in an apartment with a community pool. There were a bunch of us having beers at the pool one night over summer term, and one of my friends ran to jump in the pool but changed his mind at the last second.

His feet slipped out from under him on the wet concrete and he went down. He broke his neck in the edge of the pool…never walked again and had extremely limited upper body function.

I watched someone’s life be ruined and it was terrifying. Listen to the lifeguard and walk.”

5. This is terrifying.

“I had a guy tell me a story a couple decades ago about how he was hiking in an area in South America and wandered away from other hikers in the area.

The ground was wet and without warning it gave away and he got sucked into a fast moving underground river- pitch black, completely submerged, and at the mercy of the current as it buffeted him against the sides of the tunnel. After some time the current subsided and he realized he was in a larger pocket, still pitch black and submerged.

He said that even as he struggled to hold his breath, he didn’t panic and realized that the water had to keep moving somewhere, so he moved around until he found another tunnel that sucked him in.

At one point he began to see light so he punched upwards, broke through the ground and pulled himself out, soaking wet, gasping for air, and a bit of a distance from the other dry hikers, who were somewhat bewildered when they saw him straggling up to them.”

6. Explosion.

“The New London school explosion.

A school in Texas in 1937 tried to tap into natural gas on their own and it ended up leaking and blowing up the school. It’s the reason they make natural gas scented in Texas and probably the US now. I’m amazed I never heard of this in school because it seems like something that should be taught.

I read some survivor stories and I had f**king nightmares. It was horrible. Three in particular stuck with me. One was a 7 or 8 year old girl, she saw her best friend and playmate with her entire body crushed by concrete with only her shoulders and head above it, and she still had a lollipop in her mouth like she didn’t know what happened.

Another was a guy I think a 16-17 year old, helping un-dig people and bring them out of the wreckage. He saw a dad holding his daughter crying his eyes out while the back of the girls head was broken open with her brain on the ground next to her.

The last was a 9ish year old girl who went to find her mom after it happened (there was a PTA meeting going on at the time so there was a lot of parents at the scene) her mom was freaking out trying to find her but didn’t even recognize her. She went upto her mom and called out to her but she just kept saying ‘you’re not my daughter.” She was so covered in blood and ash and tears that her own mother couldn’t recognize her.

It was a truly horrifying thing.”

7. Right next door.

“I lived next to a m**derer.

Faye Swetlik was 6 years old when she was kidnapped out of her front yard. It was all over the news. I had news crews, cops, even the FBI all over my townhouse complex. My fiancée and I met with the FBI 3 times. They searched our home and everything. I remember clear as day, my fiancée FaceTimed me as the cops were digging through the trash cans directly in front of my townhouse.

They pulled out her boot and a bloody knife. Then they found her body, dumped maybe 300 feet from my house. He had watched them find the m**der weapon. Dumbass put it in a trash bag along with his other mail. He went to his back porch and opened his own throat.

It’s crazy. I had conversations with the guy. I never knew he was a psycho. This all happened a year ago.”

8. Middle of the night.

“My great aunt woke up in the middle of the night, she heard her dog making these low growls.

She was single at the time and living alone in her ranch-style home. She walked out to her living room to check things out. She didn’t see or hear anything out of the ordinary, so she decided to make sure her door and front windows were locked. Door was locked, first window she checked was locked.

When she lifted the mini blind on the second window, it was wide open and a guy in a ski mask was standing there. She said he laughed this evil laugh and said “party time” then he started to climb in. She screamed that she had a g**, her dog started barking his head off. The would be r**ist decided to bolt. My aunt did get a g** after that and learned how to use it.

I can’t even think about what would’ve happened to her if she didn’t have her dog to warn her.”

9. The Girl in the Box.

“The kidnapping of Colleen Stan. She was hitchhiking in the 70s, and turned down rides because they didn’t seem safe.

A van with a young couple and a baby offered her a ride, and because it was a family, she accepted. They held her at gun point, put a giant box on her head that blocked out noise and sound, and later, kept her in box the size of a coffin underneath their bed. She was brutally beaten and r**ed daily for 7 years. They also brainwashed her to believe that they were part of a mafia called “The Company” that would k**l her family if she tried to escape.

Eventually, the wife helped her escape and received immunity for testifying against her husband at trial. The case is known as “The Girl in the Box.””

10. Chilling.

“Germanwings Flight 9525.

The copilot locked himself in the cockpit and set the airplane for a slow descent into the French Alps.

For 10 minutes, the crew desperately tried to get back into the cockpit, but in this post 9/11 world, the door was design to withstand assault did not fail.

This is was a daytime flight. Passengers knew what was happening. They could see the mountains getting closer out the windows. This wasn’t a quick, “what’s that… omg… out”… this was a long, drawn out realization of what was coming and the end was inevitable.


11. The doctor.

“The story of Christopher Duntsch aka Doctor D**th who operated out of the Plano and Dallas area.

He maimed 33 people and ki**ed 2. He was an alleged neurosurgeon that didn’t actually receive a proper medical education to operate, but still did so despite not fully being trained. No hospital would report him or take his license away. They would just pass him off to another hospital to continue injuring or ki**ing people.

He was the first doctor to be formally indicated with m**der, and sentenced to life imprisonment.”

12. Wow.

“My brother was a police officer.

He had a call to check on the welfare of a mother who had not showed up for work. She had d**d on the sofa and her little toddler brought the little diaper pad and laid down next to her, and d**d of dehydration.

The little kid had opened the lower cabinets and drawers in the kitchen looking for food. He still cries about it. And he’s not the crying kind”

Okay, you’re up!

In the comments, tell us about the scariest true story you know.

Thanks in advance!

The post What is the Scariest True Story You Know? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Scariest True Stories They Know

I’m a sucker for all crime-related material and the spookier, the better for me.

And I think it’s safe to say that the true crime genre as a whole is more popular than ever with the general public.

So I think a lot of folks are gonna be interested in these stories.

What’s the scariest true story you know?

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say…

1. Missing.

“This one kid back in the early 20th century named Bobby Dunbar.

He went missing, and after like a year of searching for him, his parents came across a man with a kid who looked a lot like Bobby. They believed it was their kid, and after a legal battle with the kid’s supposed mother, they brought the kid home. A whole parade happened due to the missing kid’s return. He lived and d**d believing he was, in fact, Bobby Dunbar.

Well, a few decades later, his granddaughter asked Bobby’s (nephew I think?) for a DNA sample so she could see if her and Bobby’s nephew were related. Turns out, they weren’t. Meaning the real Bobby Dunbar is still missing and, probably d**d alone without his parents.”

2. Horrible.

“Nirbhaya Case – 2012 – Delhi

A female student boarded an off-duty bus with a male friend. They were returning home after watching a film. The six men, who were already on board, including the driver, attacked the couple, taking turns to r**e the woman in the moving bus around the city, before brutally assaulting her with an iron rod.

Her friend was beaten and tied to watch the assault. They were then thrown out onto the roadside to d**. Some passers-by found them naked and bloodied and called the police. Two weeks later – after widespread protests that demanded India reckon with its treatment of women – the victim d**d in a hospital in Singapore, where she was taken for further treatment after her condition deteriorated in a Delhi hospital.

All six people were arrested for the attack. One of them was found d**d in jail in March 2013, having apparently taken his own life.

Another, who was 17 at the time of the attack, was released in 2015, after serving three years in a reform facility.

The remaining four were hanged in the capital’s high-security Tihar prison.”

3. Frightening.

“My mother’s friend left her abusive husband. My mother met her while working at a women’s shelter.

They were really close, and my mother fought so hard to get her somewhere safe. They did everything right. She helped her file divorce papers. And then one morning my mom can’t get her on the phone, but they’d had plans to meet for lunch. And she checks the newspaper. And she calls in sick to work. Which she never did. And she sat my down in tears and told me what happened.

Her friend was home, with her son, when her ex broke in. He ki**ed her and left the baby there, in his mother’s blood. And then he hung himself outside of Raley’s. Last I heard their almost two year old went to live with his uncle. I can’t imagine how terrifying it was for the baby to cry to himself, in his mother’s blood, for the almost two days until he was found.”

4. Whoa.

“Happened to my boss’s best friend when they were around 17 yo:

Best friend’s parents were out of town one weekend and she had the house to herself. Went about her business having dinner, watching tv then decided to go to bed. She was lying in her bed with her back to her closet when she heard the door open. She somehow pretended to be asleep – the man who was hiding in the closet walked around her bed to the side she was laying/facing, gently stroked her hair and face then left.

She immediately called her boyfriend to ask him to come over then called her parents and then the police. Long story short this man had been getting into their home via a doggy door (they didn’t have a dog and didn’t bother to secure it) and he’d been living in a tent in the foresty area behind their home for months to creep on her. They found a ton of surveillance footage of her sleeping and pieces of her clothes and stuff.

If I recall correctly this happened somewhere in Alabama, most likely mid-2000s.”

5. Bizarre.

“I read a story recently about Paulette Gerbera Ferah, a 4 year old child who went missing from her room in 2010.

Her parents immediately notified authorities, and started a social media campaign to find Paulette. Paulette’s room was searched multiple times and used by her parents to do media interviews.

Here’s the terrifying part: Paulette was found d**d 10 days later… IN HER BED! She had wedged herself between the mattress and the footboard and suffocated.”

6. OMG.

“The blue-ring octopus has a venom that causes paralysis, causing people to d** of cardiac arrest or because of hypoxia. There is no antidote; the ”cure” is CPR or lif-support for the hour-or-so it takes for the the venom to leave the body.

There was a man who was bitten by a blue-ring octopus. As the life-guard was preforming CPR, he was lying on his back on the beach, facing the sky, eyes frozen open. Unable to close his eyes or communicate with the others, he lied there as the sun slowly burnt out his retinas. He became permanently blind.”

7. Inspired by…

“The story that inspired “Candyman” is pretty creepy.

A woman in a Chicago apartment was m**dered by some drug dealer who lived next-door.

How did he get into her apartment? Through a hole behind her bathroom cabinet/mirror.”

8. Horror story.

“The Nutty Putty Cave Incident

A spelunker got stuck upside down in a narrow cave for 26 hours. Crews tried to pull him out with pulleys, but had to be careful not to break his legs, because that could be fatal with the circumstances he was in.

Rescuers even almost dislodged him, only for an anchor to fail at the last second, plunging him back into the crevice. He eventually d**d, and they sealed the cave shut with him inside.”

9. The expedition.

“The Franklin Expedition.

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 British sailors and military personnel on two ships embarked on a mission to find the Northwest Passage from the Atlantic across to the Pacific through arctic waters. The ships, named HMS Erebus and HMS Terror (two former warships reclassified as ice breakers thanks to their sturdier builds) departed British waters in the 1845 and were never seen again. In subsequent rescue attempts and investigations it was discovered that quite possibly everything that could’ve gone wrong on the expedition did so.

The weight of the ships with their reinforced hulls and decks designed to fire mortars and cannons off of worked against them as much of the waters crossed were shallow and filled with rocks and icebergs. The the time chosen to launch the expedition occurred at one of the coldest Arctic periods in recent history, meaning the polar ice and (particularly the pack ice) didn’t melt like usual as the ships became locked in the frozen water and essentially experienced an endless winter for over 4 years.

The food they stored which was supposed to last for years thanks to the revolutionary new process of canning was bought at the lowest bidder. Much of the food was improperly sealed and spoiled leading to food poisoning and even the ones that were properly sealed and kept intact were riddled with lead thanks to the soldering used to keep the food inside fresh.

In conjunction with the lead pipes in the ships the men would’ve been drinking out of for years meant the entire crews of both ships was slowly being infected with all manner of diseases (namely botulism, scurvy and heavy lead poisoning which also affects the mind leading to memory loss, heavy paranoia and general mental deterioration) combined with already present tuberculosis that ki**ed a small number of the crew before departing to the Arctic.

After about 2-3 years stuck in the ice, the captain in charge of the voyage John Franklin and many other crew members d**d in unknown circumstances and the remainder decided to abandon ships and try and hike out together to the nearest trading outpost and Back Fish river in Canada, hundreds of miles away, by loading up their rowboats with supplies and fixing them on sleds to be pulled. All remaining crew perished on that journey.

Their remains discovered by local Inuits/Netsilik tribes, who described desolate campsites of skeleton-like corpses with hazily built, half-open tents and even human body parts in cook pots, heavily implying that the men resorted to cannibalism in their last desperate hours.”

10. Deranged.

“The m**der of the Groene family.

A deranged pe**phile named Joseph Edward Duncan was already on the run from the cops for a past s**ual assault. He was incredibly charming and manipulative, and was truly pure evil. He camped outside a family’s rural home, unseen by them. He picked it out after driving past it and seeing children’s toys outside. He watched them from afar, got to know their routine with the intent of kidnapping the children, ten year old Dylan, eight year old Shasta.

Jed found the lock on the door was broken, entered the home in the middle of the night and tied up the mom, dad and teenage son. He put Shasta and Dylan in his car and ki**ed the rest of the family with a hammer.

He travelled around various campsites and cabins with Shasta and Dylan captive, s**ually abusing, t**turing and raping them. He eventually shot Dylan but Shasta talked him out of ki**ing her. Jed ended up telling her she “taught him how to love”

The scariest part is a cctv footage of Jed and Shasta at a gas station. Because you could easily believe they were just a normal dad and a grumpy daughter if you were an onlooker

Eventually, he took her to a diner where he was finally apprehended when a waitress noticed something was up and Shasta was saved after 7 weeks in his clutches. As he was dragged away, he called to her “promise me you’ll visit me in prison” and she said she would. I don’t know if she ever did.

Jed was put on death row and found to be guilty of three previous child m**ders. He d**d a few months ago from cancer.

But the worst part of it all is how horrible Shasta’s life has been afterwards. Drug addiction, in and out of jail, losing her children etc. Just the most horrifying story ever.”

11. The cult.

“In the 1980s there was a Mexican cult led by an American named Adolfo Constanzo.

They used to kidnap random people from tourist towns and nearby cities and perform human sacrifice on them in their rural Mexican desert compound, usually t**turing in elaborate rituals for hours or days before finally letting them d**. These rituals included vivisections, castrations, eyeball removal, tongue removal, teeth pulling, skin flaying, hanging, etc.

They used amphetamines and cocaine to force the victim to stay awake during the t**ture and not pass out from shock.

The cult believed the more pain and fear they could generate in the sacrifice victim the more powerful the body parts would be as ritual trinkets and also for food for the cult’s “nganga” which is a large ritual cauldron used to store bones, blood, meat, and other valuable items that the cult believed gave them power. They used to make staves out of wired together spinal columns and they would often eat the victim’s eyeballs during the rituals.

They are believed to have kidnapped and sacrificed over 26 people to their nganga in their three years that they were active from 1986 to 1989. The leader committed suicide when the police showed up at their compound. They arrested 14 cult members but most people believe there were at least a dozen more that escaped and are still out there.”

12. Scary.

“Personal story.

When I was 10, I regularly attended a choir club for kids. One day, I was picked up by my dad to drive me home. I was confused about it, as it was always my mum who did, but did not think much on it until half-way through the drive. My dad began to mumble about how sorry he was, and how I would never see him again.

More than a bit frightened and confused at that point, I kept asking what he meant, but he wouldn’t say. Until we were home, but he did not leave the car, and instead urged me to get out. Finally, he told me I would not see him again because he will be d**d very soon for what he did, and that the police would answer me.

After he practically kicked me out of the car I rushed home, but no one was there. But I found the door open, and a puddle of blood on the floor.

The police was nearby and explained what had happened:

My dad was obsessively jealous and had found a pack of old condoms in the cupboard, so he drew the conclusion that my mum must have cheated on him. Never mind the fact that we only recently moved into this apartment, and they could have been left by previous tenants, or the fact that he controlled my mum’s very step and never let her go anywhere alone. The police took me to the hospital, where my mum, luckily alive, was being treated.

My dad had smashed her skull in with a full wine bottle. The only reason she survived was because my little brother, 7 at the time, intervened. If it weren’t for him, my dad would have ki**ed my mum in a fit of jealousy.

When he said that I would not see him again, he meant that he had planned on ki**ing himself shortly after dropping me off. He did not succeed, and police managed to get him into a mental ward.

This, to this date, is the scariest thing that had ever happened to me, but I keep thinking of my brother all the time. To witness your own mum being beaten half-d**d by your dad. We both suffered extreme mental trauma from this event later down the line, but somehow turned into decent people. I never really told him how grateful I am he was there, but I think that I really, really should.”

Do you know any really scary true stories?

If so, tell us about them in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Share the Scariest True Stories They Know appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s the Scariest Fact You Know? People Responded.

In case you haven’t been paying attention, the world can be a pretty scary place.

And I’m talking about the natural world, the actual human beings walking around, all of it is kind of terrifying.

You ready to get scared?

People on AskReddit talked about the scariest facts they know.

Let’s get weird!

1. Sounds painful.

“If a bear attacks it won’t k**l you immediately, it’ll just start eating.”

2. Horrible.

“If you have FFI (fatal familial insomnia) you will experience progressively worsening sleeplessness.

Your inability to sleep eventually turns into total insomnia at which point you’ll die. People who have this rare genetic condition will all die.

It’s inevitable; most people within a year of it’s onset… scary to think about.”

3. Scary plants.

“There’s a plant that grows in Australia called the Gympie-Gympie , touching the plant will result in an unbearable pain because of the small needles on the plant.

The pain is so unbearable people and animals k**led themselves because of it.

There’s also a plant called Hogweed that can cause severe burns and blisters that can scar you for life.”

4. Very strange.

“Totally blind people don’t see black, they don’t see at all.

For some reason that’s always frightened me.”

5. Yikes.

“Fun fact!

Being flayed (skinned alive) by a skilled tor**rer meant that you’d be likely to survive the ordeal. Believe it or not dying of shock, or blood loss wasn’t guaranteed.

Often people survived hours, or days with no skin. In these cases what finished them off was hypothermia.”

6. Can’t be stopped.

“Prion diseases exist.

They’re not bacteria or viruses, there isn’t an infection, per se, to attack.

They’re basically an alternate form of protein, and we can’t stop them.”

7. Frightening.

“A brain aneurysm can hit you any time, anywhere, with next to no warning.”

8. A little weird.

“All communication in the United States is controlled by fewer than 10 companies.

All major news in the US is controlled by 5 companies, including Disney and Comcast.”

9. Messed up.

“In certain parts of South Africa, girls are more likely to be r**ed than learn how to read.”

10. Be careful.

“You can have rabies for years before it even shows symptoms.

Then one day you get a headache and it’s a death sentence from there.”

11. Impressive.

“A moose can swim about 16 feet/5 meters underwater, which is why orcas are natural predators of them.

Imagine you’re diving underwater, suddenly there’s a moose sitting at the bottom eating sea grass, then it gets eaten by an orca.

That would be terrifying.”

12. Oh, great.

“Your skin is not 100% attached to your body.

With enough air pressure beneath the skin, your body will become a balloon with a solid core and it will be excruciating before the embolism k**ls you.”

13. Scary and true.

“Rose West is, alongside her husband Fred, one of the most infamous serial k**lers in modern British history who k**led several lodgers in her house. And if not for a single mistake, she would’ve gotten away with it.

When they were finally caught, all evidence actually pointed to Fred being the sole culprit and she shifted the blame onto him. Either out of a fu**ed-up sense of loyalty or despair for being betrayed, Fred committed suicide in custody which seemed to end the idea of bringing him and his wife to trial, relegating any other investigations into figuring out what crimes Fred had committed.

The police were still deeply convinced that either Rose knew more about the murders than she was letting on or she was a direct participant, but she was a tough egg to crack. The police tried every angle conceivable but she always deflected the blame onto Fred and there was never a crack in her story – too well rehearsed. She knew what to say, when to say it and they couldn’t trip her up.

However, while investigating both her husband and her own backgrounds, they discovered that Fred had a daughter from his first wife… and the police confirmed that not only was this girl one of Rose’s victims, Fred has an iron-clad alibi for when she died because he was in prison.

And when they confirmed that another victim found was the girl’s mother, the police had a clear motive – Rose k**led her step-daughter and told people she was back to living with her mother, and had Fred k**l his first wife to keep her quiet.”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what you think is the scariest fact you know.

Please and thank you!

The post What’s the Scariest Fact You Know? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Scariest Facts They Know

Whenever I really want to creep myself out, I start to read about the nuclear arsenals that different countries around the world have and how many of them could easily fall into the hands of the wrong folks out there…

That’s the scary stuff for me.

But everyone is different.

What’s the scariest fact you know?

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say.

1. Don’t get rabies.

“A lot of people don’t realize rabies is extremely fatal. It’s one of the deadliest diseases to ever be seen on planet earth, deadlier than any plague.

Only a handful of people have ever survived rabies untreated, I believe the number is around 5. And most of them were completely crippled for the rest of their short lives.

Even treatment isn’t very effective.

Don’t ever get rabies.”

2. Not Hollywood.

“That a large number of asteroids and comets that could potentially hit Earth directly have not even been discovered as of yet.

And our ability to actually stop a large object travelling stupidly fast is much worse than depicted in films.”

3. Now that is gross.

“Your tastebuds are actually cilia and are constantly being worn down by the movement of your tongue in your mouth.

If you end up in a coma for long enough, your tongue becomes fuzzy.

Maybe it’s just me, but that adds to the very long list of reasons I never want to be in an extended coma.”

4. Not a comforting thought.

“We’ve come very close to nuclear war and had nuclear accidents many times.

Also, we’ve lost a lot of nukes.

Google “broken arrows” some time.”

5. Sleep is good.

“That you really do need 7-9 hours of sleep every day.

Even at 6 hours, the lack of sleep decreases efficiency, productivity, and increases risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s. Furthermore, it weakens the immune system and handicaps the body’s ability to destroy cancer cells, which therefore increases risk of cancers of the breast, colon, ovaries and prostate.

The scary part of it is that you can’t get back all the sleep that you lose out on because “sleep efficiency” decreases, so trying to catch up on the weekends isn’t really making up for what you lost throughout the week. Ironically, those who say “I can sleep when I’m dead” will end up dead quicker because of lack of sleep over time.”

6. Beware of the botfly.

“A botfly can lay an egg in a fraction of a second.

Literally swatting the fly can be enough for it to lay an egg which burrows into your flesh and feeds in there until it hatches and matures enough to fly away and start the cycle again.

It can also happen to an eye. I know this because I’m an eye doctor and I have removed a botfly larva from the INSIDE of an Eyelid (tarsal conjunctival membrane).”

7. Let’s hope not.

“At any second the whole planet could be completely destroyed by x-ray bursts from quasars.

So many other scary things have practical solutions for protecting the human race, but there is no defense humanity could conceivably develop against such a massive amount of energy.

I subscribe to the Star Trek utopian techno future, massive gamma or x-ray burst.. nothing can stop it.. goodbye planet earth.”

8. We’re due.

“Geologist here.

The earth’s magnetic poles (places your compass point to) are moving at an alarming rate.

While they switch (think north compass arrow will point south) every 10,000 years or so, we are over due for a switch… so like happy 2021 y’all.

Also the supervolcano under Yellowstone does technically have the fire power to wipe out much of life on planet earth, but its NOT over due like many people try to claim it is. That’s just fear mongering.

ALSO there was a point in the past during the ice age (I think) were less then 2000 humans were alive. If it would have been modern humans we would have to put ourselves on the endangered species list.”

9. Freaky.

“Surfer’s myelopathy is a non-traumatic injury most often seen in novice surfers, where they tweak their back while trying to get up on the board.

They initially feel pain and and weakness and then they become fully paraplegic. It doesn’t even have to be surfing. Yoga, pilates, or even getting up from laying down.

You just hyperextend your back a little weird one day and bam, you’re in a wheelchair, completely paralyzed from the waist down.”

10. A world of plastic.

“There is plastic everywhere from the highest mountains to the deepest trench in the ocean.

It’s estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean.

And it is bad for us, likely causing fertility problems and reducing pe**s size.”

11. Truth.

“You die 3 times..

You die

Your grave gets visited the last time

The last person who even knows your name dies

You are completely forgotten and gone.”

12. Wow.

“If you commit a m**der in the United States, the chances that you will be arrested and convicted for it is less than 50%.”

13. Keep your eyes open.

“An average person walks past at least 16 m**derers in their lifetime.

And sometimes the m**derer turns out to be someone you grew up with.

One of the most disturbing phone calls I’ve ever gotten was an old friend calling to tell me a mutual buddy had just been arrested for beating his ex-girlfriend to death with a brick.

It’s been fifteen years since we graduated high school and went our separate ways, and I still can’t reconcile the memories of a goofy skater kid with the facts that came out during his trial. How could we not have seen the anger in him?”

What do you think is the scariest fact you know?

Talk to us in the comments.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share the Scariest Facts They Know appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s the Biggest Bullet You Ever Dodged? Here’s What People Said.

Life sure can be strange…

One minute you can be minding your own business and having a pleasant day and then out of nowhere something totally unexpected and terrible happens.

That’s why it’s important to appreciate every day we have on this planet…because you never know when something bad might happen.

AskReddit users talked about when they dodged major bullets in their lives.

1. Gotta protect your head!

“I used to roller skate as a kid outside my house down a hill and never wore any kind of protection.

Suddenly one day before I go out my older brother tells me I can’t leave unless I put on a helmet, which is weird since he’s never cared before. Anyways I do it and that day, for the first time ever, I fell and landed on the back of my head so hard that the helmet cracked.

That crack would’ve probably been my skull had I not wore it.”

2. Creepy.

“Years ago I was on a first meet for an internet date. We met at a bar and the bartender carded us.

Even though we were both older they were doing stings in the area so he was carding every single person. Handed mine right over but my date was an *ss about it. The bartender checked mine and handed it back to me. He checked his and rather than handing it back to him he placed it on the bar right in front of me.

It had the s*xual offender stamp on it. The guy picked it up, looked at the bartender, looked at me and then got up and walked out. I immediately googled him. He was on the registry and had been in prison for r*pe.

Lesson learned. Always google. The bartender and I are still friends.”

3. Phew.

“About a year ago at my job I was offered to switch from my current team where I was established for a few years, had seniority, etc. for a new department that just started to kick it off, write processes, basically start from square 1. A lot more work for the same amount of pay. I figured f*ck it and went.

Yesterday they announced that they just closed the physical HQ office for my old department, and everyone in that entire part of the company would have to either move to one of 14 random states (that we cant pick, its chosen basically by a roulette wheel for where you’re going) to a local office, or they’re going to be fired.

Thankfully since I’m part of the new department, I wasn’t included in that mandate. Phew.”

4. Pre-pandemic.

“Sold my three restaurants in February 2020, for way more than they were worth.

Now two of them have closed.”

5. Close call.

“I was a teen driver not paying attention at an intersection at the crest of a hill with low visibility when the light turned green.

The car behind me honked and just as I was about to go a truck barreled through the red light on the perpendicular road at decidedly ludicrous speed. If I had been paying attention and gone when the light turned green, I very likely would have been T-boned to death.

Closest call I’ve ever had.”

6. This is scary.

“I was on the train in Brooklyn a few years ago.

Next to me was this man who had a big tool in his bag. I think it was a hammer. He was moving very oddly. It was just the vibe that “this man is up to something.”

I decided that once we got to the next stop, I would get off the train and catch the next train, which I did. 30 minutes later this guy gets off the train, at my stop, and starts attacking people. He went after cops and was shot to death.

If I didn’t get off that train, and instead got off with him, I might be dead.”

7. No more smoking.

“In 1994, I was on a business trip in LA.

I stopped for a pack of cigarettes before getting on the Santa Monica Freeway. The Northridge earthquake happened while I was in line. Parts of the freeway collapsed.

I quit smoking after that pack.”

8. Ouch.

“Got chucked off a horse. Hit the ground so hard I felt my soul leave my body.

Started to cough up blood and was having trouble breathing within 30 seconds. Rushed to the hospital and the doctors were running down the hallway with me on a back board (doctors running is aways a bad sign). I was sure I was dying.

Come to find out that I broke 2 bones in my back and collapsed a lung. Once I was more with it a nurse handed me my helmet and said “it’s a good job you were wearing this”. It had been cracked almost in half.

If I hadn’t been wearing it that would have been my head, and I’d most certainly be dead or permanently disabled. Wear your helmet kids.”

9. Tinder match.

“I matched with a guy on Tinder who played for the Atlanta Falcons. He was really charming and seemed nice

. He asked me to fly down to Atlantic City for Memorial Day weekend, said he would pay for everything (airfare, hotel, food, etc.) but I had never met him before and he refused to give me his phone number.

I was uncomfortable flying to meet a stranger so I told him no. Two weeks later he was on the news for kicking (and killing) his girlfriends dog.”

10. Avoiding the storm.

“2005, my friend and I evacuated New Orleans 2 days before Hurricane Katrina and drove to Mississippi with the little money we had.

We were trying to decided on where to stay for the night and it was between a mid range hotel or the really cheap motel. Decided to spend a little more for the hotel.

During the night the eye of the storm came through Mississippi and flattened the roof of the motel we decided against.”

11. Split decision.

“When I was 12 years old, I was going to be home alone one evening, since my mother was going to a dinner party at her friend’s house. She wouldn’t be home super late, midnight at the latest – but I would have to tuck myself in and such.

I was looking forward to it and feeling like a really “big girl”, hell yeah! Since we lived in a kind of shared two-story town house, with close neighbors on each side and a nice lady living in a separate apartment upstairs – I felt super safe being home alone at night.

An hour before dinner time, a good friend called and asked me if I wanted to come to her house and have dinner – afterwards they were going to watch “The Abyss” in their giant home theater.

Being a lover of sci-fi and having heard about the really cool computer graphics in that movie – had wanted to watch that movie in like forever. Having the chance to watch it on such a cool setup convinced me to go, despite having looked forward to being home alone.

The evening went fine and I had a good time – but since the movie was really long, I got home pretty late.

When I pulled up to my house on my bike, I only just noticed an orange glare in the windows upstairs – before the first-story windows exploded out in to the garden. The fire department arrived only a few minute later, and put out the fire, before it could engulf our part of the house as well.

Apparently the lady upstairs had fallen asleep on her couch, with a cigarette in her hand. The fire had smoldered in the couch, developing a very toxic smoke, which not only caused the lady to get “normal” smoke inhalation – the chemicals also f*cked up her brain permanently. She was in a coma for a year or so, before they ended up pulling the plug.

The doozy was that we shared our ventilation system with the upstairs apartment, so our apartment was jet black – SO much of the poisonous smoke had come into our home.

The fire marshal (I think they’re called in English?) said that with that amount of smoke, combined with my small stature – I would never even have noticed the fire (I would have been asleep by then), but simply have slipped into a coma and died, before anyone had even noticed the fire from outside the house.

I think the shock almost killed my mother as well. See, she thought I was home (I hadn’t told her of my sudden change of plans), and got the call about the fire from a neighbor – to only later learn that I was shocked, but safe and sound, being looked after by another neighbor.

So I guess that’s the story of how my budding love of sci-fi and computer graphics helped me dodge a bullet with a big fat ”DEATH” stamped on it.
I still love that movie.”

How about you?

Have you ever dodged a major bullet in your life?

If so, tell us all about it in the comments.

Thanks a lot!

The post What’s the Biggest Bullet You Ever Dodged? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About When They Dodged Huge Bullets

Life can be a game of inches and a game of seconds.

You might be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or maybe you took yourself out of a situation that was years in the making.

But we all barely escape danger or misery at some point in our lives…

Have you ever dodged a major bullet?

These AskReddit users sure have…let’s check out their stories.

1. Avoided a tragedy.

“I was booked on Pan Am flight 103 which went down over Locherbie Scotland.

I didn’t have a premonition or anything supernatural. I just decided to cancel my seat. Didn’t think anything of it until the plane went down and my mother had written down my flight plan and reminded me.

This was back in the day when you could cancel without a penalty up to a couple of days in advance.”

2. Fire hazard.

“I was subletting an apartment in college and got zapped by the electric stove.

Gave notice immediately and moved out with very clear reasons why I was moving out.

The building burned down a few weeks later.”

3. Bomb.

“In 1996 the IRA bombed the Arndale center in Manchester.

Myself and a group of friends were on a bus heading straight there. We were probably about ten to twenty minutes out.

The thing is, one of my friends was late. So we had to get on the bus just after the one we intended to get on. Guess where that bus was when the bomb went off?”

4. Bus crash.

“A bus.

I grew up in Bermuda, and since it is such a small island cars are limited to one per family, and everyone drives mopeds. I was driving into town, and came up to a red light behind a bus.

As is tradition, I scooted around the bus to be in the front of the line of traffic. Literally 2 seconds later a second bus smashed into the back of the first bus at like 30 mph.

I would have been pancaked. Without question, 100% dead. I just sat on the side of the road for a bit and thought about my mortality.”

5. You lucked out.

“My ex-girlfriend moved out of my house a day before the first lockdown in Spain.

She previously pulled a knife on me.”

6. Scary.

“A few months ago I was driving on I-80 at night when out of nowhere the biggest buck I’d ever seen is in the middle of my lane.

I did exactly what you’re not supposed to do and swerved, and thankfully managed to keep the rear of the car content with it.

I literally shaved that buck’s *ss. My mirror was folded in.

I know you’re not supposed to swerve, but I drive a tiny little thing and that buck’s body would’ve gone through my windshield into my and my wife’s face at 70 mph.”

7. Barely made it out.

“I found an explosive device in a National Guard training area when I was 14. It had little pull string and a metal plate to attach it to a tree.

I held the thing in my hand and almost pulled the string but decided to attach it to a tree instead and put on a longer pull string. I pulled the string and it blew a 5 inch hole in the tree.

The explosion was so loud the police came and it made the local news. (They didn’t catch me.) I would have lost at least one hand, maybe both or worse.”

8. Gut feeling.

“My first ever boyfriend dated me when I was 14 and he was 16.

We only dated for one week before he took me into the woods and forced me to kiss him. I started to feel ‘icky’ and broke it off that same day.

Five years later I found out that he was now in prison for r*ping two fourteen year old girls.”

9. A fork in the road.

“I was supposed to hang out with a couple of friends one night.

We were going to go to a party that we were all invited to the weekend before. I asked to get off work early so I could go to the party. My manager let me go early, so I went to go find my friends. But I had a really bad feeling all day and it just kept getting worse.

Instead of turning left to go to my friend’s house, I went right and went home. I found out a few weeks later that they got busted with cocaine in their car. They were 16 and 17 at the time. I was 18, so I would have been screwed.”

10. That’s wild.

“In 1996, my parents were deciding between two houses to move into.

They picked the new construction that resulted in being placed on shoddy soil and years of lawsuits when we ultimately moved in 2001.

Anyway, the other house they could’ve picked (presumably on better soil) would’ve placed my older sister at Columbine High School as a freshman for the 1998-1999 school year.”

11. Sketchy.

“Once at a bar a woman was surprisingly into me as we danced. If I had had more confidence back then I definitely could’ve taken her home.

In the end, one of my karaoke buddies ended up with her instead and got caught by her husband that night.”

12. Not a scratch.

“Driving along a road about 50 mph and a farm tractor comes out of a field straight into the side of me.

Spins my car and as I realise the car is going over I grip the steering wheel tight, close my eyes and brace myself for excruciating pain or death. The car rolls a few times then stops, upside down. I hang there by my seatbelt for a few stunned moments then realise I’m ok.

I walked away with not a single scratch or even a bruise. Car was destroyed, and all the emergency services who attended could not believe I was completely ok.”

Do you think you’ve ever dodged a huge bullet in your life?

If so, tell us your story in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Talk About When They Dodged Huge Bullets appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s Your Favorite Creepy Campfire Story? Let’s See What People Had To Say.

I love all things spooky!

I can’t help it! It must be in my DNA!

And I really love listening to spooky stories when I’m out in the woods!

What’s your favorite creepy campfire story?

Let’s get spooky with some folks on AskReddit.

1. Missing fingers.

“There was a body of a fairly large person, once found in the woods. They were quickly killed, and there was nothing extremely off about the scene, except he had half of his pointer, ring, and pinky finger all missing from his left hand.

No one could find the missing fingers, and they never found any clues. A few weeks later, another body was found, another man who was a bit smaller than the previous guy. Same situation, quickly killed, and 3 fingers missing all from the left hand, and still no clues.

A few more weeks went by, and this time it was a woman who was found, smaller than the second guy found, same fingers missing from the same hand. This went on for a while, with the victims getting smaller and smaller, until it was kids bodies being found. One teenagers body though, only had the ring finger and pinky finger removed. The police found a fingerprint at this crime scene, and they found it matched the prints from a theft record from the previous victim.

The guy telling the story then told the kids that the killer was searching to replace his fingers, and so far, he had yet to see if the fingers of children their age would fit. He then took off his glove, showing he had a scarred pointer finger and was missing half his ring and pinky finger, and then lunged at the kids while screaming.

He later told the kids he lost the two in a work accident, and doctors were able to save his very mangled pointer finger. He told this story every year at camp.”

2. A funny one.

“There was a Brit who was driving through Ireland as the weather got progressively worse and day soon turned to night.

He suddenly realised that he was on the wrong road but there was nowhere to turn around – so he pressed on, barely able to see the road through the rain.

Without warning, his car just died. No battery, no engine. He assumed water must have shorted something and he’d best start walking.

He was soaking wet in a hundred yards but he continued walking.

An hour later, he heard a noise behind him and turned to see a car coming very slowly up the road behind him – its lights very dim.

As it reaches him he reaches out through the torrential rain and opens the back door and jumps in.

Shocked – He is the only person in the car. There is no-one driving and no other passengers. He freezes with fear as the car slowly continues up the road through the pouring rain.

Before long a village comes into view and the car creeps silently and slowly into the village. The Brit spies a pub so he jumps out and runs inside – not looking back!

Panting with horror – he orders a beer and sits down.

A minute later two soaking wet Irishmen come into the pub. The taller one points at the Brit and says “That’s him Paddy. That’s the bastard I saw jump out of the car we were pushing…””

3. The man in the corn.

“My family had one called ‘the man in the corn’, or ‘beans in the corn’.

There was once a hobo who was stealing ears of corn from a local man’s garden. Now food was hard to come by, and someone stealing that which you’re growing was especially frustrating. The man saw the hobo in the garden and fired a shotgun shot over the hobo’s head. The next day, the hobo was back there again stealing ears of corn.

The man decided he would teach the hobo a lesson so he poured all the lead shot out of his shotgun shells and filled them with small dry beans. The very next day the hobo was back in the cornfield again, and the man fired twice on the hobo, and the hobo screamed and ran down the corn rows fast pleading the whole way. The man watched for days, but the hobo was never seen again.

Some days later, the man still had ‘bean shells’ in his shotgun, so he aimed at a plank of wood standing over by his well. The plank ripped to pieces!
When the next planting seasons came, the farmer walked his corn field to its far corners, to cut corn husks and prepare to plow. Along the way, he found tiny bean plants coming up through the soil, one here, another there, all lining up to lead him to a big bunch of beans coming up along the edge of the field.

When he went to exam the bunch of beans, he first saw shoes souls turned to one side, and then the outline of a body, sank in the mud and soil. He realized he had killed the hobo, and the random beans that had fallen out of his body had sprouted along the way. My Father had bought that particular farm during the war years, and he said for 20 years, random bean plants would show up in that field.

Any bean plant that showed up in our garden was given the chance to grown, and one year there was a bean planted that wrapped around a corn stalk; my Father did not harvest the corn ears on that plant.”

4. Folk tale.

“A story I always tell around a campfire that I think is quite spooky is the legend of el silbon (the whistling ghost) it’s a Venezuelan folk tale but I have a tradition of telling it.

Anyway the legend goes that on cold dark nights in remote places especially in south america a whistle can be heard coming down the road. At first it will seem loud like its right next to you but as time passes it begins to fade and get more and more quiet until its almost gone. The trick is as el silbons whistle gets louder he’s further away and when he’s right next to you the whistle is very faint and sounds like its far away.

Once el silbon is at your doorstep he will sit down and begin to count the skulls of his victims and you have to listen to him count every single skull or one of your family members will die soon after and become one of his skulls. El silbon is said to dress like a farmer with a large straw hat, torn clothes, ghostly aura and a pale dead face. Its not that scary but its interesting”

5. In the woods.

“A group of hikers were wandering through to woods looking for a place to stay at night when they came across a small cabin.

They all decide to stay the night inside, seeing as there was no one there. Inside, the cabin is decorated with paintings of what seemed to be members of the family that used to own the cabin.

The hikers spend the night looking at the paintings and making fun of how wonky they looked. In the morning, one wakes up to see the cabin full of morning light, and looks around.

The paintings are gone, in their place, windows.”

6. Spooky.

“Here’s a creepy story to tell around the fire.

A man and his wife traveled West in hopes of striking it rich with gold, or, at worst, finding a nice plot of land to settle down on and farm.

A few months into their journey they come across the spot. A beautiful plot of land to make their new home. Winter would be coming in a couple months, so they build a hasty shack and figure they’ll hunker down there for the winter, and build a more established house in a few months when the weather is more permitting. They don’t worry, as the area is teeming with wildlife for hunting and trapping, so they figure they’ll be set for food. A couple of months go by and the winter is bitter cold and unrelenting.

They’ve finished off the last of their food stash, and they haven’t seen so much as a squirrel in weeks. They’re both slowly starving and freezing to death as they huddle in their shack, day after day with no end in sight.

The man’s wife is delirious with hunger. Fearing that they will soon be dead, he decides to go for a hunt. He musters the energy to bundle up and heads out – determined to stay out as long as it takes to find them both some food.

A couple of days pass as the man takes shelter under impromptu stick shelters – keeping warm with a campfire in the night time and hunting in the day time. Nearly frozen to death, mercifully the man spots a beautifully plump rabbit several yards away. He takes aim with his musket and bang. It’s a perfect shot. With a newfound energy the man runs home, giddy to finally feast with his wife.

What he doesn’t know is that while he was gone, his wife had discovered some tasty flesh of her own. Literally. The hunger had driven her insane, causing her to believe that her now frost-bitten finger tips were lady-finger cookies. She started off with a few nibbles here and there, slowly pulling the flesh away from her bones.

After just a couple of hours both hands were nothing but bone. So she worked her way up her arms to the elbow. The feeling of something in her stomach just continued to drive her further, until she had chewed away at every last bit of skin she could reach – culminating in her chewing off her own lips.

The husband approached the shack with his (now frozen) kill when he got an uneasy feeling. Fearing the worst, he steps up to the door and slowly opens it, expecting to see his wife’s corpse shriveled on the floor. But instead what he finds is even worse. This zombie like creature with exposed teeth and bones writhing on the floor at the sight of him, chomping its jaws with an insatiable hunger.

At that point, one of the scouts screeched for the leader to stop (which I was extremely thankful for, as it was easily the most terrifying thing I had ever heard at the age of 7). The scout leader told it with real conviction too… honestly still gives me the creeps if I go camping and happen to think about it sitting around a fire 😅.”

7. Random guy.

“One year, a group of us went camping in Kearney, Ontario, where we always go camping. Whenever we go, we always form our tents in a big circle, with the fire pit in the middle of us. We’ve been drinking, smoking a few joints and a few of us were tripping balls on shrooms.

The first night we were there, this guy randomly walks into our circle, introduces himself (I can’t remember the name he gave), that he was in the military and decided to take some vacation to camp out a bit. He asked if he could join our fire, as it was getting late and he didn’t buy any firewood.

Being the friendly stoned people we are, we let him join our fire. He even pitched in some money for the firewood. The night went on and we all were having a good time.

One by one, our group started heading off to bed, me being either the 2nd or 3rd. I remember waking up to the sound of someone talking and the fire being started, it was 4 in the morning. I peeped out my tent and saw the random just sitting on a log by the fire, talking to himself.

Still tripping on shrooms, i thought to myself i am in no condition to deal with this and chalked it up to me just tripping out. I wake up the next day and everyone is still alive (thankfully) and the fire is smoldering.

We look to the next campsite, where the random was staying and it was spotless, no garbage, no tracks in the trail around the site, no nothing. We all started talking about him, just to be sure we all saw him.

Through talking, we managed to figure out that he must not have slept at all, the last 2 of our group passed out just after 330am. The first person got up just after 6am and noticed he was gone.

The rest of the camping trip went well and we all went home. Fast forward maybe 4-5 years, i flip on the news and there is a picture of someone i could swear i recognize. He was arrested for a bunch of crimes, including rape and murder. Guess who it was? It was the random guy who joined our fire, i don’t know why i remembered his face, but i guess it was just a weird situation where my brain right clicked and saved as a jpeg in my brain.

Now, i have no way of proving if it was the same guy. We didn’t take any pictures of the random, but the picture jump started my memory and made me instantly remember the weird random fire joiner. Either that, or they looked identical to the same person.

Either way, was creepy.”

8. A classic!

“A couple are driving through the woods and hear on the radio about the escaped mental patient, then the car runs out of petrol. Man decides to walk back to a garage they saw a few miles back, claims he won’t be long.

Few hours go by and he’s not back and the woman is getting sleepy. She keeps drifting off but is woken up by the rain dripping on the roof of the car and the branches scraping across it. Eventually it’s morning time and she’s woken up by the police, they ask her to get out of her car and walk towards their car but do not look back.

She gets out and starts walking towards their car and they keep reminding her to not look back. Eventually curiosity gets the better of her and she turns around. Boyfriend is hung by the legs off of a tree and beheaded. The dripping was his blood and the scratches of the branches was his fingers.”

9. The neighbor.

“One day my neighbor walked over into my backyard while I was in my garden. He looked disheveled and was wearing pajamas.

When I stood up I notice his eyes were sunken in and it looked as if he lost a lot of weight. I tried to crack a joke about how this would be a great day to go down to the beach if it were not for the weather being so cold. But the joke fell flat.

A week later I bumped into his wife at the post office. She was in line in front of me mailing about a dozen packages. I asked if her husband was feeling better because he looked a bit under the weather last week when he was in my backyard. She tells me I must have been mistaken. He past away over a month ago from cancer. The packages she was mailing were his action figure toy collection she sold online.

I was speechless. Was I crazy? Maybe I did misjudge the weekend I thought I saw him. Then I really thought hard. I did not remember him saying anything to me. I did remember telling him the joke and it falling flat. I assumed I wasn’t funny and that’s why he didn’t laugh. Or maybe he couldn’t because it may have been just his spirit.

When I returned home from the post office I immediately start telling my wife about our neighbor. Before I could get out he had past away from cancer she says “Oh yeah I saw you guys talking last weekend. And then I tell her about seeing his wife at the post office and being told about his passing. So we go to our security camera. And play back the video from the week before.

It’s clear in the video that I do stand up, it’s obvious I’m acknowledging the presence of someone and have a brief conversation. And then I go back to tending to my garden. But on the video the entire time I was the only person in my backyard.”

10. The golden arm.

“The golden arm.

A fellow is looking to be married to one of the rich merchant’s daughters to gain the the fortune that would come with her.

Fortunately the merchant had an unmarried daughter still so the fellow begins to court her. The first thing he noticed is that she had a solid gold right arm, she apparently lost it in a childhood accident and her father had a golden arm forged for her.

Seeing this as a sign of extreme wealth he continued with courting her, making her believe he truly loved her and not for her fathers money, in turn she fell deeply in love with him.

They get married and the fellow is given his riches along with part of the merchant business his now father in law owned, thus giving him more money.

However, he soon realized his wife was now of no real use, so he ignored her, gave her gifts and had dinner with her but the love he said he felt had disappeared. Angry and heartbroken the daughter accused him of marrying her for her money, in which he boldly states of course.

She was furious, screaming about going to tell her father what a scoundrel he truly was and their riches would be stripped away along with his job. This angered the fellow, after all he worked so hard to get to here, he wasn’t going to let her take it away. So he pushed her down the cellar stairs and let her snap her neck on the stone.

He plead heartbroken to the grief stricken father, losing his most favorite daughter, the fellow’s riches intact. The fellow and family hold a funeral for the daughter and weep and cry.

When it was but him and his dead wife he opened the casket and pulled out a saw, for she did not need her golden arm in the grave.

That night he slept with the arm under his pillow, not wanting even the servants to see it before he melts it down into bars. He slept soundly until a voice like the wind asks

“where’s my golden arm?”

Slow and far away the voice echoed through the sleeping house, so quite he thought it was just a draft. Until the voice came again, closer and louder this time, as it down the hall,

“where’s my golden arm?”

Sitting up the fellow looked around fearfully, too scared to do anything as he hears again much closer,

“where’s my golden arm?”

He felt a heat on his back and a movement from under his pillow, but he was too scared to look away from the door as he hears again, just outside the frame the wail of

“where’s my golden arm?”

It felt like hell fire on his back as he felt the hot metal of the hand on his back, seemly crawling on its own as he watches the door knob turn.

The maid found his body that morning, face frozen in horror and hair a bright white, hands still clutching the sheets around his body. But the strangest thing was that his dead wife’s golden arm was on his chest, hand wrapped tightly around his throat.”

Okay, now we want you to creep us out.

In the comments, tell us your scariest campfire story.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

The post What’s Your Favorite Creepy Campfire Story? Let’s See What People Had To Say. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discussed Their Creepiest Travel Stories

You never know what you’re gonna into out there when you travel in a foreign country…or your own country, for that matter.

There are all kinds of weirdos, creeps, and criminals you might encounter…so you best be on high alert.

AskReddit users talked about their scariest travel stories.

Let’s take a look.

1. Alone in India.

“In 2007 I went to India by myself, I was going to a friends wedding but first I decided to have some time in Delhi.

I was staying at a guest house that was attached to one of the embassies, I think it was the Andaman Islands consulate (edit: I can’t remember which one it was, it was arranged by someone else. It was 14 years ago). My friend’s dad worked in immigration so had arranged the room for me.

When I checked into my room late at night the bathroom window was open and they were muddy footprints going from the window onto the toilet and into the room. I immediately checked the room for any people but it was empty.

As a woman travelling by myself it was quite frightening.”

2. Keep driving!

“Driving up through the Arco Desert in iIaho and saw a guy pushing an empty baby stroller along the highway. no cars or stops for miles in either direction.”

3. Got any cat?

“I had just hiked all day in Arches NP in Utah. I decided not to camp that night as a thunderstorm was moving in. Upon reaching the hostel I was informed that their rooms were booked for the night so I bought a tent pass and decided to sleep in my car.

I was extremely sunburnt from the days hiking and striped down to my underwear. The car windows were partially left open to have some air circulation. Around 3am I heard someone outside the car talking, a few seconds later a man stuck his face in my window and exclaimed, “got any cat?!”

Half naked I arose like a cobra with my fist cocked. This old man again asked if I had any cat, I really don’t remember what I said or did I just remember yelling at him. I tried to fall back asleep to no avail.

Eventually I decided to drive off into the night to my next destination, Monument Valley, and witnessed one of the most surreal sunrises of my life.”

4. Beware of dogs.

“When I was in a coastal town in Colombia last year, I was cornered by a pack of domesticated dogs.

I was walking back to my hostel on the main strip of shops after dark and noticed a pack of dogs waiting outside a store. The store happened to be the last business on the main strip and also the last source of light between it and my hostel up the road.

As I passed the store, a man inside noticed me and signaled to his dogs to follow me. At first it was cute, but it turned scary when I tried to turn down my street and was snarled and barked at. The dogs cornered me between the road and a house, barking and jumping on me.

Flustered, I eventually pushed through the pack to get up the road, but continued being swarmed. I kept swatting and yelling at the dogs until I just a couple houses down from my hostel and the man whistled to recall his dogs.

The family that ran the hostel came outside when they heard all the noise and asked me if I was alright. Turns out this wasn’t a one-off thing; a local misogynist has literally trained his dogs to scare and trap women.

I shudder to think what would have happened if I didn’t shuffle up the street when I did or if the family hadn’t appeared in the street before the man caught up with me.”

5. Twilight zone.

“I spent a night at a hotel in Naples, Italy. It was the end of a long trip abroad & I was tight on cash so I booked a super cheap room at a surprisingly nice looking hotel near the airport.

My taxi driver laughed when I told him the name of the hotel & proceeded to tell me it was a refurbished hotel for “ladies of the night” basically a hotel for prostitutes. I didn’t see any other guests & every single staff member knew my room number off the top of their heads. It was a terrified sleepless night, filled with weird sounds. In the morning they had set up enough breakfast for 30 people, but there was not a soul in sight.

I’ve never been one to spook easily but something just felt WRONG about that place. I felt like I was on an episode of The Twilight Zone.”

6. That is messed up.

“Fell asleep on a cross-Atlantic flight.

Window seat, split from my parents cuz f*ck United. Woke up to the guy next to me sticking his hands down my pants.

I was in middle school at the time.”

7. Drugged.

“Drugged and assaulted while travelling in Croatia.

Was travelling solo, and had befriended another female traveller. In Split, met a guy who joined us for dinner, and at some point I blacked out (I am not a drinker, but was drinking a single glass of wine). Pretty sure I was roofied, and I woke up at his home.

To be frank, I’ve mostly blocked out what little I can remember. That was the beginning of a year long trip that took me across Europe and Asia, where I slept on park benches in Turkish bus stations and alone in huts in Thailand and that was the only incident. Stopped drinking any alcohol, point blank for the rest of the trip though.”

8. That is scary.

“Riding my motorbike cross state, 2:30 am no lights no moon just my headlamps and the thump of the engine, and miles of dark endless fields on either side, I am almost floating on a boat of light in the darkness, heck if you lost concentration it became hard to balance, it was that dark.

All of a sudden the road infront of me is covered in slick blood, like covered, almost as if someone deliberately painted it red, blood red. I had to slow down as my tires began to loose traction a little, and stopped looked around found nothing, nada, no herd of deers massacred, no accident signs, no broken glass, no bodies, just the irony bloody smell and the eery quiet all around.

I noped the heck outta there, and I believe set some kind of speed record that night, still to this day I have no idea what happened there.”

9. At the pub.

“I was in London for 6 days on a stop-over on my way back to Canada from 6 weeks in South Africa. I’d been working in South Africa, very long but rewarding days, so the London stop was touristy and lazy, just a nice reset before I got back home to Canada.

There was a pub a block or two from the hostel I was staying in that I ate at every night. It was cheap, cozy, and never too crowded so I’d bring a book, order a pint and eat supper. I had chatted with the waitress a couple nights in a row, she was very kind, my age, and we exchanged a few stories and she knew from chatting that I was travelling alone, and staying in a hostel nearby.

Well on day 4 I followed my usual route from hostel to pub and greeted the waitress. She said “hello” and quickly brought over a drink menu. Not 30 seconds after I’d sat down, a man walked in and sat a few tables away. She motioned to him and mumbled “do you know him?”. I kind of laughed and said, definitely not, I don’t know anyone in London.

She nodded, and positioned herself between myself and the man and said quietly “he got off a bench and followed you from the street over, I don’t like the look of him and I just thought I’d ask. Might be nothing, but thought I’d mention it.” I thanked her and said I’m sure it’s coincidence, she shrugged and took my order, and the evening proceeded as usual. The man also ordered a drink but no food.

I stayed for over 2 hours, reading, eating and drinking. The pub was quiet, a few other people or groups came and went, but the man stayed. He drank the one pint and refused top ups. The waitress kept a close eye on him, and me, and stopped over to chat several times between refills but didn’t bring him up again.

When I was finishing my last drink and preparing to leave I glanced over at him and noticed he looked on the edge of his seat, like he was preparing to leave too. I hadn’t really thought much of it til then, but my stomach suddenly knotted up. It was dark, it was drizzly, and I had a short, but lonesome, walk back to my hostel.

I suddenly felt distinctly unsafe. I summoned the waitress over to pay and asked her if she’d mind calling me a taxi as well. She nodded vigorously and I knew she thought this was a good idea.

The taxi showed up, I thanked the waitress and left. I hopped in the taxi and I swear that old man thought I was so dumb for needing a drive for such a short distance but whatever. I felt so much safer. I went back the next evening as it would be my last night in London and I wanted to say goodbye, and thank the waitress for her hospitality, friendship and ultimately looking out for me.

When I arrived she ran over and said she was so glad I’d called the cab. I guess right after I left the man left too, seeming really agitated. He’d not even asked for a bill, just left money on the table and stormed out. She felt very confident he’d seen me walking alone, followed me in and was planning to “approach” me when I left. What would have happened then neither her nor I really wanted to think about.

I had a lovely last night at the pub and we even shared some small glasses of wine together for a quick cheers before I left. I don’t walk places alone at night anymore, even if it’s just a short distance.”

10. In the woods.

“I was camping with a friend (a male friend, and I’m a chick) and I went to find firewood while he set up camp. I found a place where you can rent cabins and I found a worker outside chopping wood.

I asked him how much for a bucket of wood and he sold it to me. He also invited me and my friend to a concert this cabin place was hosting. He was friendly but a bit…weird and reeeaallly chatty. He asked if we were camped up by the river and I said, no we’re by the bridge. As soon as it came out of my mouth I knew I shouldn’t have said it. I headed back to camp, told my friend what happened, and went to the woods to pee.

While peeing, I heard a truck pull up to our campsite and I headed out to see what was going on.

This man had 100% COME TO FIND ME AND MY FRIEND, he was asking about me. I’m sure he had assumed he was going to find 2 young women alone at their campsite, not a dude. He had unchopped wood in his truck, and an axe, and he pretended he came to give me more wood. So he started chopping up wood beside our camp with his axe.

I politely said thanks and whatnot and managed to get him to leave. I hugged my friend so f*cking hard. That man was not expecting me to be with a male friend, and I shudder to think what could’ve happened if I had been alone or with a girl friend. He literally had brought an axe with him. I guess he could’ve been genuinely being kind, but that’s not what my gut was telling me.

Lesson learned folks. Don’t let dumb sh*t slip out!!!”

11. What happened?

“I went to a big city in Colombia (I’m a man from USA) and the hostel had a rooftop hangout spot.

People left one by one until it was just me and a girl from Europe. It was around 10:30 pm when i last remember checking. She was quite friendly, and the conversation was very surface level casual – asking about the best restaurants in town, or something.

Now I was not drunk or doing drugs, I only had two Aguila lite beers (they’re less than 3% ABV) in 2.5 hours, but the next thing I remember from the night was waking up in the early morning hours in a hotel hallway bathroom shower with a jacket on now, but no undershirt. The lights were completely out and I struggled to gather my senses as I crawled around utterly confused in pitch blackness until I felt a toilet and realized I was in a bathroom.

It was my jacket by the way, but it was previously in a suitcase in my room.

I then went back to my room, shared with 3 other people by creaky wood bunk beds, to sleep more after that. The next day when I asked, nobody noticed anything strange about my night; they all slept soundly the whole night… which is also strange given I apparently came in “inebriated” to some degree, got a jacket out of a suitcase on the top bunk, left, then came back. I found my shirt outside my door the next day when I woke up.

I honestly didn’t bring it up to the girl ever, because I truly don’t believe she was the cause of anything. We both saw each other plenty after that around the hostel for another week. She was genuinely a kind person.

I didn’t feel physically hurt whatsoever, and nothing of mine was stolen (and I had a smartphone and about $150 cash in my pocket). I never got an explanation for this night. I have never been aware of a sleepwalking habit.”

12. Scary.

“I’m American, and lived in Malaysia for several years towards the tail end of high school.

I traveled to Vietnam with my sister and father. One of the places we visited was an area of concentrated tunnels upkept from the Vietnam war era. We had the option of touring some of the tunnels, and jumped at the chance. We started out in a small room with holes at eye level that just cleared the earth’s surface. Perfect for shooting at the feet of the enemy.

We were then led down a tunnel that required us to stoop, seeing as we were significantly taller than our vietnamese guide. We came to another small room. Our guide told us that one tunnel led up and out, the other led to what was once a weapon cache. My sister and I really wanted to see that room, but my dad had enough and asked to be led out.

To this day I have no idea what my thought process was, but I decided to lead my sister to the next room. I might have been under the impression that there was a second guide there, waiting for us?

Unsurprisingly, it got dark. The guide had the flashlight, and the hanging lamp from the previous room got harder to see by. I kept thinking “it has to be just a few feet further.” Instead, the tunnel got shorter and shorter, until we were basically crawling forwards in the dark, single file.

I remember looking back, and realizing the tunnel must have curved or something because the lamp light was gone. There wasn’t enough space to turn around, so I kept going. I felt horrible, like I had just condemned my sister and I to dying in the dark, crushed by the ever shrinking tunnel.

Eventually the floor in front of me ended. Thinking back, we had probably reached the weapon cache room and only needed to drop a couple of feet to stand, but in the dark I only felt empty air in front of me. I’m pretty sure that moment is the moment I developed a fear of really wide open spaces, because to this day I can imagine some giant maw inches from my flailing arm looking for purchase.

I told my sister we’d have to crawl backwards, and godd*mn if that middle schooler wasn’t an absolute trooper about the whole thing. Unfortunately we must have taken a turn without realizing it, because we started down there blind, lost, crawling in the dirt for what I would later learn was about an hour.

The guide eventually found us, and I’ve never been happier to see a flashlight.”

How about you?

Have you ever had anything scary happen to you while you were traveling?

Please share your stories with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post People Discussed Their Creepiest Travel Stories appeared first on UberFacts.

What Scares You as an Adult That Didn’t Bother You as a Youngster? Here’s What People Said.

It’s pretty interesting how our fears and worries change as we get older.

When you’re young and you think you’re invincible, all the scary stuff out there just seems to roll off your back. And then you get a little bit older and you get a little more worried about, well…everything.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Folks on AskReddit talked about the things that scare them as adults that didn’t bother them much when they were young. Let’s take a look.

1. Not as much fun anymore.

“Signs of aging.

When you’re a kid, getting older means new and exciting changes.

When you’re in your 30s and older, it means far less fun things.”

2. Life is hard.

“Needing help or advice. I’m a grown adult now, 34, and my mom and dad have since passed on.

When I run into a problem with an appliance or a home repair or need help with a recipe, it always takes me a minute to remember they aren’t here anymore.

Really sucks having no one to lean on when things get hard. My mom used to just give me $100 without question when I’d be hard up for money. No more bank-of-mom. if I run out of money now I’m just f*cked until payday.”

3. Slow down!

“Traveling in a car, especially if I’m not the one driving.

7 year old me: Man it’s amazing how many adults are smart enough to run hundreds of cars around the city going super fast and not hit each other!

Adult me: uhhhhhhh….”

4. Be careful.

“Jumping down from a height greater than a few feet.

As a kid I could jump off a roof and roll with it, nowadays if I land funny I fear I’ll be paralyzed for life.”

5. Oh God, no!

“A tooth falling out. As a kid it was gross, funny and painful all at once. As an adult, horrifying.

My dentist said that a couple of my teeth are “a little mobile.” Then he said it’s nothing to really worry about, as if hearing “teeth” and “mobile” in the same sentence is ever good.”

6. A fact of life.

“When you are a child, you see for parents mortality as something so far away and that eventually you will be prepared

But it’s never the case, recently my grandmother died after a long disease and what it strike me the most was the reaction from my mom, she said “no somos nada”, “we are nothing”, she was devastated and then it comes to my mind, one day I would be the one on her shoes and she will be on the coffin.

The hard part is that, that is the best result, that you bury your parents not the other way around.”

7. Protect your noggin.

“Head injuries.

As a kid, I thought broken bones were the big thing to worry about, because I could visualize what that was; I had no sense for the severity of brain injuries.

As an adult, protecting my noggin is my number one injury concern, because the human machine don’t work with a damaged processor.”

8. Time is precious.

“Lack of time.

As a kid, felt like I had all the time in the world.

As an adult, I feel like I have no time to do anything other than work.”


“I bought a house a couple years ago. Literally everything scares me now.

It’s raining? Probably gonna flood the basement.

Windy? Tree’s gonna fall on the house.

Weird smell? Probably an electrical fire.

Leave the house for literally 5 minutes? Obviously going to explode due to a gas leak.”

10. Not a thrillseeker anymore.

“Roller coasters.

I used to ride them all summer long because I had a six flags summer pass. I went a few years ago with my younger sister. It wasn’t fun anymore. I just kept feeling like I was going to die.

I ended up holding purses, and keeping my feet on the ground. I never understood why my mom would just wait for me, but I get it now.”

11. Yeah, pretty scary.

“I had no fear of U-Hauls until I rented a U-Haul.

I filled out all of my information online and they gave me the keys to a 27 foot box truck. No training. No anything. They’ll just let anyone take these massive vehicles and drive them off the lot.

Give them a wide berth.”

12. Aging.

“Honestly, just getting older. I’m only 36 but I just don’t want to be an “old person.” I fear my daughter is already starting to see me that way, but I do everything I can to fight it.

One disc in my back is permanently injured from a car wreck 12 years ago, one knee is bad from playing with a nephew 14 years ago.

I want to be the strong hero my daughter needs as she grows up but I fear these will really catch up to me in the coming years.”

13. Under the knife.


As a kid, I was led to believe that it was something magical that happened to you when you got your tonsils out, and then afterwards, you could eat all the ice cream you wanted!

Now that I’ve had it as an adult and know that there’s always a possibility it could go horribly wrong, I get really antsy and scared just thinking about it.”

14. Avoid it if possible.

“Anything related to going to the hospital.

When I was a kid, I was always in the emergency room with a deep cut or broken bone. Now that I realize it isn’t as “free” as I thought it was when I was a kid, I’ll make any excuse to not go to the hospital.

Case in point, my wife (before we were married) went to the ER with severe abdominal pains and found out she had an infection in her gallbladder. So they removed it.

Her hospital bill, because she went “out of network” and had an ER visit, was over $80,000. Meanwhile, I probably would have just died because I would have crunched down a hundred Immodium before visiting the hospital.”

Now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us what scares you as an adult that didn’t scare you as a youngster.

We can’t wait to hear your stories. Thanks!

The post What Scares You as an Adult That Didn’t Bother You as a Youngster? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.