The Shocking Discovery this Woman Made in Her Hotel Room Is Straight out of a Horror Movie

Staying at a hotel definitely has plenty of potentially skeevy elements: bed bugs, dirty sheets, hidden cameras, and who knows what else. But, most of us deal with it and try to keep these things out of our minds. I’ll warn you: If you’re one of those people who reads a story and can’t get it out of your mind, you might want to stop here.

Because you’ll never be able to forget what you’re about to read, and I might never stay in a hotel alone again.

Victoria Rothe is a regular gal, returning to her hotel room with a co-worker after grabbing a meal or drinks or whatever. They’re probably in town for a work conference and not expecting too much excitement.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Then, she opens the door to her hotel room and finds a strange woman inside. She’s holding bags full of Victoria’s personal items and stares, caught like a deer in headlights. She mumbled nonsense about her key still working but was clearly unable to come up with a good excuse for being in a stranger’s room holding her things.

Assuming (correctly) that she’s being robbed, Victoria asked to see what was in the bags. Then, stunned and feeling slightly as if she’d walked into an alternate universe, Victoria let the woman go.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Then, she realized her medication was missing and tried chasing the robber down. When she couldn’t find her, Victoria called the police. They came, took a report, and went over the situation in the room.

There were some odd things left behind – a baseball bat, a necklace, and a flashlight that all must have belonged to the thief, since they weren’t Victoria’s, and bits of drywall in the sink that no one could really explain.

Photo Credit: Facebook

There was no forced entry, no unlocked windows, no adjoining room, so the police and Victoria assumed the woman must have somehow gotten hold of a spare key, or had previously stayed in the room and the hotel hadn’t reprogrammed the card (even though they denied it was possible). But later, Victoria got to thinking about those bits of drywall.

Photo Credit: Facebook

She and her coworker (who I assume was now her  roommate because HOW COULD YOU SLEEP ALONE) looked behind the mirror in the bathroom…

…and found a hole big enough for a person to crawl through.

Not only that, they found a space big enough for a person to live in, and enough personal effects to make it clear this woman (likely a drug user) had been doing just that for some time.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Living. In. The. Wall.

She had access to more than one room and was probably crawling out when people were gone to go through their things and steal medication she could take or sell.

I literally screamed when she got to the punchline.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Just. Nope.

I don’t know about y’all, but in the event I find a way to get up the nerve to stay in a hotel again, I will be checking all of the walls.


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15 People Share the Creepiest Thing They Saw From Their Bedroom Window

If you’re like me, you’re constantly waking up in the middle of the night and thinking that every little bump and creak is someone or something lurking outside your bedroom window. There’s something about that time of night that just makes everything seem more sinister.

Lucky for me, it’s always been my imagination. These AskReddit users, however, have some genuinely creepy tales to tell.

1. Shooter

“Live in Detroit right on the border between a safer neighborhood and “Detroit” Detroit, so I tend to see quite a bit from my window.

Maybe not creepy, but the scariest would have to be getting an alert for an active shooter and only to see a guy matching the exact description just wandering around across the street.”

2. Scary

“A man walk in his yard with a gun drawn, aiming it at windows of different houses. He was arrested after someone called 911.”

3. Terrifying ex

“I was sitting on my bed trying to ignore the texts my abusive ex was sending me. I was dating my now husband, and my ex didn’t take kindly to it. He was sending me text, after text switching between being apologetic and threatening me. I was sitting on bed. The bedhead was against the window and I was leaning on it.

Eventually I grab my phone and text back, telling him to stay the f**k away from me, when I hear his message tone go off right behind me. I, while shaking, open the curtain and he was right there in the bushes. Nothing too good unfortunately happened after. I opened the front door, like an idiot, to tell him to go away. He burst through. I was home alone. I reported to the Police but nothing was done. I did manage to get a transfer with work though and never saw him again.

Last I heard, he is in prison.”

4. Flashlight in the face

“Not me but my mom, she has a sliding glass door that she sleeps with open because my cat used to wake her up wanting in and out of it at all hours of the night. Well, one night she wakes up with two men in her room and a flashlight in her face, she jumps up and realizes it was two cops, they asked her if anyone came in, apparently someone on the run ran through our backyard while she was asleep with the door open, and luckily enough the guy didn’t notice and ran on.

She just leaves her actual door open now, my cat can deal with it.”

5. That’s…odd

“A very well to-do looking man who didn’t appear to be drunk, walking down the street at about 2am. He stopped, got down on his knees, and started having a conversation with the darkness through the grills of a sewer drain. I couldn’t hear what he was saying. It appeared to be a two-way conversation, he would pause, nod, gesticulate from time to time. Lasted around 20 minutes.

And no, he didn’t drop anything down there, I saw the whole thing. I have no explanation.”

6. Pregnant and alone

“My husband and I rented the upper floor of a house and another couple rented the bottom floor. They usually went to work early and didn’t come home until the dinner hour. I was very pregnant and alone at home during the day. I had just gotten out of the shower, towel barely wrapped around me, to see that someone was outside my bedroom window in my side yard. He didn’t see me because he was trying to lure the neighbor’s dogs to the fence by shaking a bottle of pills at them. He was wearing a large trench coat, underwear and no shoes.

I called 911 kinda naked and they came immediately. Turns out my downstairs neighbors had a house guest. Which is fine, I guess, but he really was trying to drug the neighbor’s dogs. Who knows why because they were quiet sweet dogs. Neighbors were called and they kicked him out immediately and apologized for scaring me. Still, I had a friend come over while I was there alone that day.”

7. Neighbor

“My neighbor (older woman) looking right through it. With her hands on the glass to see better, like this.

I got out to ask her if she needed help. Her response was “No, I’m just looking.” and she walked away. After she probably stood there for four hours (my brother saw her standing there earlier).

She did this every day for half a year. Turned out she was mentally ill and absolutely harmless. But it creeped me out and made me paranoid for a few weeks.

One day she was gone for a few months. She’s back now but doesn’t look through my windows anymore. Now she’s standing on the ground-floor, looking through the door outside. I miss her.”

8. Silhouette

“My wife and I were awakened in the middle of the night by what sounded like a loud scream in our backyard. What really freaked us out though was there was a silhouette of someone on the drawn window blind.

I ran through the house to grab my highest power flash light then back to the bedroom. I tried looking out the adjacent window but didn’t see the person even when I used the flashlight, but the person’s silhouette was still on the drawn blind. I finally decided to pull the blind back, fully expecting some freak to be on the other side but no one was there.

It turned out to be an owl sitting on the fence silhouetted by my neighbor’s garage light.

Awakened by scream, thought some freak was looking in our window, tuned out to be an owl.”

9. OH SH*T

“Used to live in a basement apartment in a reasonably nice end of town. Had been there a few months, no issues. One night (late summer), I was laying in bed, watching a movie, whilst the dog had adopted about a month prior was laying on my feet, sleeping. (110 lbs, senior Rottie x).

Window was open, as I normally opened it in the evening for fresh air when the weather was decent. About 10 PM, I hear nothing, but my dog snaps awake, snarling, flies at the open window, knocks the screen out and all I hear is “OH S**T!” I look out the window, and there is a screwdriver on the ground.

Turns out this guy was trying to break in, using a screwdriver to quietly remove the screen. Moved to an 8th floor unit very, very shortly afterwards.

(Also got my dog back about an hour later, un-injured. RCMP had gotten a few calls (including mine) about this guy seen at other complexes around my neighborhood and one picked up my dog along the way). They also caught the guy, and from what I understood, he was wanted on multiple warrants.”

10. Dad!?!?!

“Not seen but heard–what sounded like a young woman pleading and crying. It was a hot summer night in Chicago so I had my windows open.

“PLEASE NO! NO OH GOD NO!” Followed by a gruff male voice shouting back. I go outside to investigate, holding a hockey stick. I walk up the alley between my house and the neighboring apartment building. Nothing. No lights on, no more voices.

A few nights later I hear the same voices. “PLEASE I’M BEGGING YOU DON’T DO IT!” followed by MUFFLED ANGRY MALE SHOUTING

I walk out again, hockey stick in hand. Again, nothing. I walk into the neighboring building’s back yard to see if someone is there. Nothing. I say “can anyone hear me?” in as calm a tone as possible, holding on to the hockey stick for dear life. Nothing.

About a week later, in the middle of the day, I hear this voice again. “COME ON PLEASE! PLEASE!” I go outside and stand on my front porch. There, I see a young teen boy, pleading with his dad, who I can clearly hear now. “I told you once, I told you again, you don’t do your homework, you don’t get to play XBOX!” The dad walked to his car, Xbox in hand, with this kid screaming bloody murder from the front porch.

I wonder if Batman ever had to deal with this crap.”

11. Sad

“my neighbors bathroom light on. obviously it doesn’t sound creepy initially, but to this day the story it still gives me chills.

growing up in my childhood home, we had a neighbor who was very… eclectic, but very nice. 99% sure he was on a lot of heavy drugs, and he would leave for weeks/months at a time cause he traveled and worked with the circus. he was also a heavy cigarette smoker. he would take baths every night and i could sometimes faintly hear his loud smokers cough from my window. one night i saw his bathroom light on, heard him cough a little, then it was quiet. the next night the light was on, but he was oddly quiet this night… no coughing. same thing the next night, and the next, and the next, and the next…..

come to find out, he had suffered a heart attack while he was in the tub and had been in there dead for almost five days. his body was only discovered because his roommate came home and found him 🙁 makes me so sad to think he died all alone.”

12. A gang thing

“When I was a teenager I woke up one night to fighting outside and this one guy was hitting this other guy with a belt all crazy talking about how “he stood up for him” and all this…the weird thing is the guy just was taking it and not fighting back…I think it might have been some sort of gang thing…”

13. Oh my god!

“I was awakened by this scratching noise to find a creature that I can not for the life of me recognize as anything I’ve ever seen at my window trying to pry it open with tiny paws. I looks like a cross between a weasel and a rat but I will never forget the fur on this creature. It look like it hadn’t cleaned itself in days and its fur made this creature unrecognizable to the point that I need to put my face about two feet from it with only a plane of glass between us just to see if I can recognize it.

It clearly wanted in but thankfully, the apartment window is secure. I recall there being a second one, but it wasn’t any more recognizable to me in the slightest.”

14. Not a pleasant sight

“A man urinating from his roof.

Ugh so disgusting.”

15. Don’t do drugs

“In high school, I lived in an apartment where the first floor was downstairs, so ground level was about half way up your wall, meaning your windows were basically just above the grass.

My blinds were shit, and couldn’t be rolled up because of it. I had to yank them out of the way to crack the window at all, and that lead to one of the slats cracking. Maybe an inch tall, 5 inch wide strip was missing.

One night, I heard a lot of chatter, then people walking away. After about 15 minutes of dead silence, with me facing the window, I noticed something moving and shut my laptop.

Some dude was just peeking in that strip like that’s totally a normal thing to do, watching a teenager play habbo probably.

When I moved, he stepped back, laughed, and walked away. Creepy fucker. I think it was an older brother of someone who lived in the complex but I’m not positive.

Honorable mention to the methhead that lived above me who had finger looking nipples and paper thin,translucent night gowns, just standing and staring at nothing, rocking back and forth. I expected her to teleport like 10 feet while I blinked or something. She’d sometimes smoke a blunt and just let ash fall onto herself, wiping it away when she was done smoking then walk over the broken glass and cracked up concrete barefoot about half the time.

Drugs are a hell of a drug, kids.”

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Here’s Why So Many People Are Afraid of Clowns

Clowns are meant to make people smile and laugh – everything from their appearance to their act contributes to that exact goal – so why do so many people find them absolutely horrifying? Chances are you probably know someone who’s afraid of clowns (or are afraid of them yourself) and the slew of clown-themed scary movies and Halloween costumes goes to show that this phenomenon isn’t going away any time soon.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

But believe it or not, It is not to blame, nor are the terrifying spate of creepy clown sightings back in 2016 – those people are just playing off a common fear. It turns out that the fear could be emanating from collective human memory.

The history of the clown, according to Yale doctoral candidate Danielle Bainbridge, is related to the stereotype of the unsettling, outsider funny man, which dates back to the court jester. These men typically weren’t evil child murderers toting red balloons, but they didn’t fall within society’s normal hierarchy, either, and would have been considered untrustworthy outsiders among the “normal” folk.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

After that came the harlequins of the Middle Ages who performed in the Italian street theatre called “Commedia Dell’Arte”. Harlequin was actually the name of one of many stock characters. These performers weren’t intentionally scary, but their acts definitely weren’t for kids – their jokes were explicit and morally bankrupt, and their strange costumes were meant to make audiences slightly uncomfortable.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

From the 19th century into modernity, the white-faced, kid-friendly circus clowns have prevailed, but society as a whole hasn’t been able to shake the creepier associations from our past. If anything, films like It, Killer Clowns from Outer Space, and Poltergeist just prove that our ancestors may have passed along their fears and distrust through the centuries.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

I don’t know if that’s possible, but it certainly seems as if the past is whispering to a large number of modern day people that there’s good reason to head the other way when a grown person wearing big, floppy shoes and a red wig starts heading their way.

And history has a way of, you know. Repeating.

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15 People Describe the Scariest Sound They’ve Ever Heard

Noises have the power to terrify us in unexpected ways. Our minds can come up with some truly terrifying images based on sound alone.

These AskReddit users share their personal stories. We dare you not to get freaked out.

1. Poor bunny

“I used to live with my sister during my last teenage years. She had this Holland Flop bunny as her pet. He was a sweetheart that loved to cuddle. One day, I was getting out of the shower and I heard this absolutely blood curdling scream. I wrapped a towel on quickly and dashed into the living room to see what was up. The poor bunny had trapped himself and gotten tangled up in some headphones. I had to calm him down and unwrap him.”

2. Hissing

“I remember when I was in middle school, I was working on a project that involved a poster. I worked on it earlier in the day, leaned it against my bedroom wall, and forgot about it. Later that night, it fell down making a long sliding sound down the wall. Being almost asleep, I thought it sounded like an animal hissing very loud. I don’t think my feet touched the ground on my way out of the room.”

3. Click click

“When I was 7-8 years old, a neighbor gave me one of those large 3′ dolls with realistic hair and blinking eyes with long lashes. I think she also walked if you held her arms.

Went to sleep that night with the doll sitting in my little rocking chair. At some point during the night, I woke up and heard this soft ‘click click’ sound and realized that the doll was sitting there blinking at me. Screamed bloody murder, made my parents put the doll outside the house that night and the next day, give it back to the neighbors.

I still don’t like blinking dolls.”

4. Bomb

“Used to go camping with my parents and grandparents when i was 12.

Sleeping in our caravan 2AM-ish, grandfather wakes us all up screaming “BOMB”, we were all confused and then we hear an explosion, we put on our shoes and right before we get outside we hear another bigger explosion.

The camping has like streets with caravans on both sides lined up, what happened was (we learned this the next day) someone had a short-circuit with his fridge in his caravan and this started a fire that reached the gas canister.

That was the first explosion (and furthest away) that woke my grandfather up, he said he recognized that sound from WW2 and it shot him right out of his bed.

The explosion set fire to the next caravan in line on our street for the 2nd explosion that was closer, it was nearing us.

Repeat for the next in line which was getting close for the final biggest explosion we heard.

Luckily we had taken out the gas canisters immediately and put them further away on the concrete.

Our caravan melted from the heat but the explosions stopped.

Had to talk to cops about what i saw with my parents at like 3-4AM when i was 12, that was a scare and a half for us.”

5. Trash can kitty

“I came home from work a little earlier than usual one day. It was dark in the house and dead silent, except for this weird, rhythmic crinkling sound. I stumbled around the couch to find one of my cats lying on her side with her head buried in a snack size potato chip bag. She was stuck and she was suffocating. I ripped the bag away and saw her foaming at the mouth, eyes rolling around in her head, terrified. She took a deep breath and within seconds was breathing normally again.

We always joked about her being trash can kitty because she would eat pretty much anything, but apparently that day, she’d actually made it into the trash can. We got a can with a lid after that.

I always shudder when I think about that noise and what I would have found if I’d stayed at the office a minute later.”

6. Awful

“I was on the phone with my mom while she got in to a bad car accident. I still remember her screaming. I was at home with a broken ankle at the time. It was horrific and I still think about it today (even though it was months ago).

I’m so grateful she is alive and walked away with only some bad bruising, even though the car was destroyed. I just felt so helpless not being able to do anything in that moment. Thankfully 911 was called immediately.”

7. Ghost

“I went up to stay with my mother after my dad died for a few weeks. She went out to run some errands with my aunt so I was home alone. I hear a familiar sound of my dad getting out of his computer chair upstairs in his bedroom. I hear him walk over to the door, open then close it, walk into the hall and down then up the stairs. He then closed the door.

It scared to hell out of me. I couldn’t move. If that was an encounter with a ghost, I don’t want another one.”

8. Alarms

“Not long after the 2011 earthquake in Japan, I was living Tokyo and was traveling daily on the Japanese metro. Most Japanese residents have a earthquake detector phone app that sends off an alarm approximately 10 sec before you feel the shaking of an earthquake.

I was riding the busy keiyo line that is deep under Tokyo Station in a packed carriage , when the train stops unexpectedly and suddenly every person’s phone on train suddenly starts playing the same alarm.

There was at least one hundred people in my carriage and hearing a chorus of devices suddenly begin to sing in unison of your impending doom while we are around 8 stories underground will be an experience I won’t soon forget.

Thankfully after the alarm, the quake started and wasn’t anything more than a light after shock, but that 10sec wait was intense. No one said a thing, no one panicked and when the shaking stopped the train silently restarted and we continued our journey.”

9. Death rattle

“Doing CPR on my mom’s third husband after finding him on the kitchen floor. I’d just stopped by and walked in on my mom, frantic on the phone with 911.

Blood was coming from his mouth and he had no pulse. He was turning cold. But my mom being an RN for the last million years yelled at me to start chest compressions.

His eyes were vacant, but I slapped him and yelled his name and started explaining that I was going to start compressions. It was something I recalled from class to help keep focused on the task. This was happening. I was in the zone. Hero mode activated. Then I started.

With the first push, blood sprayed from his mouth and he made this raspy sound. By the second or third compression, I felt his ribs break. The sound with every push was nauseating.

I wanted to puke. I wanted to cry.

At some point, a cop walked in. I screamed for help and the officer told me I could stop and that my stepdad was dead.

The scene played over in my dreams for weeks after that, but with variations. He was trapped under ice in one. In another, logs were being sawn nearby. In both, the activity mimicked the raspy cough his body made.”

10. Nightmare

“Sleep paralysis with auditory hallucinations.

Scariest ones:

-A conversation between two inhuman sounding men about how they want to kill me. It was hard to wake up from this one.

-An excruciatingly loud scream. It sounds like a mix between a person and some type of animal. Repeating over and over.

-A man laughing, but it’s really loud and starts becoming distorted.”

11. Yikes

“The sound of a person hitting the pavement after falling 11 stories.”

12. Frightening!

“Hedgehogs mating outside my window, ran out with a knife thinking my cat was being murdered.”

13. Dead quiet

“My neighbor has a horse which I fully am ignorant of the existence of 99% of the time. One night it’s dark, I’m walking to my truck. Turn to the door….

And let me elaborate. It’s one of those just dead quiet nights, no noise.

Then the horse did one of those lip flappy exhales.

I’m like oh, yeah, so this is the end of Jake.

Just like that gypsy woman said.”

14. Terrifying

“Sounds outside our bedroom window, like someone muttering to themselves. I convinced my husband it was nothing. We kept hearing it at night. It was terrifying.

Turned out it was a severely mentally ill man squatting on the property adjacent to us. When we called the police to ask what to do, they said, “Oh, yeah, that’s so-and-so. Whatever you do, don’t confront him, he’s very violent. It took six officers to bring him down last time he had an episode!” Then they stood on our porch and yelled at him that ‘these people here are complaining about how loud you are, so keep it down!’ “

15. No thanks!

“Hearing a mountain lion scream/roar in the White Mountains of New Mexico while camping when I was like 13. No thank you!”

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10+ Magical Facts You Might Not Know About Hocus Pocus

For 25 years, kids, and many of their parents, have made watching Hocus Pocus a part of their Halloween tradition. When it burst onto the movie scene in 1993, it was the culmination of almost a decade of work, but what fans probably remember best are the fabulous performances of Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy, and Sarah Jessica Parker as the Sanderson sisters. It might not have made a killing at first, but Hocus Pocus went on to become a cult classic that is sure to last for many more generations.

There are, however, some fun Easter eggs that even big fans of the movie may not be aware of. If you think you’re one of them, keep reading and see if any of the below surprise you!

1. The fountain Dani and Allison celebrate the witches’ death around is the fountain from Friends.

Photo Credit: NBC

Hey, both groups are still having a great time, right?

2. Each of the little witches who takes the sister’s brooms, look just like little versions of the grownup sisters.

Photo Credit: Disney

Okay, this one’s a little obvious, but still cute, right?

3. They made 7 statues for the scene where Bette Midler’s character turns to dust in the sunlight.

Photo Credit: Laughing Place

That’s a lot of creepy Bette Midler face.

4. How did Winifred know to ask Max about his driver’s license, as cars didn’t exist when she died?

Photo Credit: Disney

She JUST learned what asphalt was, for Pete’s sake!

5. Kathy Najimy watches the movie every year, and Midler said it’s one of her favorite films she’s ever worked on.

Photo Credit: Disney

Can you blame them? Look at those costumes!

6. Leonardo DiCaprio was almost Max, but he chose to do What’s Eating Gilbert Grape instead.

Photo Credit: US Magazine

I mean, the latter did get him an Oscar nomination, so I think it was a good decision.

7. Rosie O’Donnell was set to play Mary Sanderson, but she was worried the role would be bad for her image, so Kathy Najimy got the gig.

Photo Credit: factinate

Bet she’s kicking herself now!

8. The film was set in 1993, and while there is a full moon in the movie, there wasn’t one in real life. The next Halloween full moon isn’t until 2020!

Photo Credit: The Witch Next Door

You gotta have a full moon when creepy witches are involved, though.

9. Jason Marsden voiced Binx the cat, not Sean Murray. Producers thought Murray sounded too modern.

Photo Credit: Disney

I guess his costume and boyish good looks were distracting enough to make him believable while he was in human form.

10. Binx was portrayed by 9 different cats.

Photo Credit: Disney

You know, because cats have nine lives…I’ll see myself out.

11. The Zippo Max grabbed from the gift store to bring down the “burning rain of death” would not have had fuel in it. Just something to ponder.

Photo Credit: factinate

No matter how well you think you know a movie, there are always surprises!

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The Story Behind Bloody Mary and Why We Think We See Stuff in Mirrors

Bloody Mary is more than a character. She’s a Halloween (or anytime) tradition amongst young people. You dare each other and egg your friends on until one of you is brave enough to hit the lights, stand in front of a mirror and chant “Bloody Mary” 13 times…

Photo Credit: iStock

Then you wait for the inevitable: for the spirit of the Bloody Mary to appear out of nowhere, kill you and your friends, and ruin your sleepover!

Okay, the murder part doesn’t actually happen, but you know you thought it might when you were a kid (as did I). The ritual is so impactful that different versions of the legend exist across the globe — sometimes centered around a woman named Mary Worth, sometimes involving the devil himself appearing.

It turns out that seeing things in the mirror really isn’t that strange after all. The longer you stare in the mirror, the more likely you are to see stuff that isn’t really there. This phenomenon can be blamed, in part, on what’s known as the Troxler effect. If you stare at the same object for a long time, your brain gets used to the image and the unchanging stimuli. What happens next is pretty incredible: your neurons cancel the information out, and whatever you’re staring at can start to appear blurry or distorted. Until you blink and look around, you’ll continue to see these unusual visions.

Photo Credit: Deviant Art,Skyberry-13

What’s more, if you stare into your own eyes in a mirror long enough, your face will begin to change shape.

Here’s a test for you. Stare at the plus sign in the center of the image below for 8 seconds.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Your brain probably tricked you and distorted your vision in a number of ways, possibly by making the colors in the image fade to gray. Live Science points out that this is actually a coping mechanism. “If you couldn’t ignore the steady hum of your computer monitor, the constant smell of your own body odor or the nose jutting out in front of your face, you’d never be able to focus on the important things — like whether your boss is standing right behind you,” the article explains.

The “strange face in the mirror” phenomenon, like Bloody Mary, is part of this as well. A 2010 experiment conducted by an Italian psychologist had people stare into a mirror for 10 minutes. 66% of the subjects reported seeing “huge deformations” of their face, and 48 % saw “fantastical and monstrous beings.”

Photo Credit: Unsplash,Taylor Smith

So maybe this is why so many people claim to have seen Bloody Mary in the mirror, and why the legend continues to frighten kids to this day. However, while origin of Bloody Mary is debated, but some believe it dates back to a real person — Queen Mary I from the 16th century, who was called Bloody Mary by her protestant enemies.

Others think the legend may be based on a different real person named Mary because varying legends give different versions of her name (Mary Worth, Mary Worthington, Mary Lou). Either way, one thing is for sure — kids will continue to play this spooky game forever, so let’s just hope Bloody Mary doesn’t get angry enough to come bursting through the mirror.

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The Exact Scariest Moment of These 15 People’s Lives

Some of these people have had some seriously terrifying, rough days. And to you, my friends, I offer a trigger warning – beware going forward if you’ve experienced any serious trauma (like suicide or other violent death) in your own life.

#15. It’s a void.

“An accident in which I lost 2 full weeks of memory. I have seen pictures where I’m in a wheelchair being pushed around the hospital by my parents and brother, I have my eyes open, I’m laughing, but I remember literally zero of it. Nothing. It’s a void.”

#14. They still scare me.

“I was at an airport and a woman’s leg got stuck in the escalator. I remember a lot of blood and her screaming and watching her pray to god as the paramedics wheeled her away.

Escalators still scare me.

Edit: I also just remembered another detail, people were pressing the stop button and it didn’t stop.”

#13. Glad to this day.

“As a child, around 12, I was walking back to school, from a tennis lesson. The route was around a km and some.

I just started on my way back, and this car soon comes by and pulls over. A senior, possibly in his late 60s is the only occupant.

He asks where I’m going, and if I need a lift. I politely decline, then he started asking other questions. Being oblivious, I answer him, discussing my father’s work, what my mother did with her time, and how many siblings I had. Didn’t think anything of it for so many years, till around 2 years ago, the memory popped up in my head.

Only then did the gravity of what was happening at the time come home. He was trying to familiarize himself with me, and in some way grooming me to see him as a friend.

I’m still glad to this day that I never got into that car.”

#12. It haunts and horrifies me.

“Watching my 7 y.o niece have her arm mauled by an 80 lb dog. Desperately smashing its head with a broken shovel to get it to release her. Having to use my hand to hold her upper arm to stop the loss of blood looking ar yee mutilated flesh. It haunts and horrifies me. Everytime I hear a child yell or scream I have a moment panic that goes core. Every time I look at her arm I feel deeply saddened and sickened.”

#11. As dumb as I was.

“When I was 10 or 11, I was at the mall with my mom. We were in Venture, near the entrance to the mall. Some guy in his early 20s or late teens was standing there at the entrance, my mom a few aisles over. He started talking to me, asking if I wanted to go to the arcade with him. He claimed to know my brother, that he went to school with him. Me, being young and stupid, pipes up with “oh, you know _______ (my brothers name)”. He’s like yeah I know _______!

As dumb as I was, I was thankfully at least smart enough to go and ask my mom if it was okay. She freaked and went over to where he was, and of course he was gone.”

#10. Always wear a helmet.

“About two years back, I saw a live road accident involving a bike and a truck. The biker’s head was squished like a water melon. This was too disturbing to see. A human body in a shape like that. I will never forget that sight.


#9. The sound.

“A man jumped/fell from a building in New York and landed about three metres behind me. The sound when he hit, and the way he hit half on the sidewalk, half on the road, and his body had moulded to the kerb and just..spread out.

This happened in 1998 and I can still remember every detail..”

#8. Every time I think about it.

“Directly behind my house is a huge recreation area with miles and miles of hiking trails. People have gone missing there in recent years and they’ve found bodies there too. One day about two years ago I fell asleep on the couch accidentally and at like two AM, my dogs went absolutely crazy barking at the front door and they wouldn’t shut up so I got up to see what it was. There was a man standing in my doorway with the screen door already opened in his hand- like I caught him the second between opening my screen door and opening the door to my house, which I had accidentally left unlocked because like I said, I accidentally fell asleep. I was totally out of it and still half asleep so the situation didn’t really dawn on me and the first thing out of my mouth was “Oh, hey. What do you need?” Then I woke up and realized what the hell was going on and slammed my door shut in his face and locked it and called 911. The dude left and the police never found anyone. I obviously don’t know why that man was on my doorstep but the fact that he could have taken me into that park very easily and no one would have known until it was too late shakes me up every time I think about it.”

#7. So dang creepy.

“I was going through a hard time and needed money. I saw an ad in a local paper that said “buying musical instruments. Any condition. Call ####.” So, I called to sell my guitar. I talked to a man on the phone, and he seemed nice enough. He asked about the condition and what model it was and what not. He said he wanted to buy it and agreed to meet me at a guitar center near by.

So, I meet this guy in the parking lot and I show him my guitar. He asks, “why are you trying to sell your guitar?” I tell him that I am going through a hard time. He then says, “well, you could stay with me if you want.” I say, “um, no sir. Are you still going to buy my guitar?” He ignores me and says, “How about you jack me off and I’ll give you $50.” I calmly reply, “No. Are you going to buy this or not?” So he asks, “How about you watch me jack off in my car and I’ll give you $50.” To which I replied, “No! What the FUCK?!” I grabbed my guitar, went into the store and waited inside until he left.

He stayed in that parking lot for a bit too. So dang creepy. I called that paper and got his ad removed.”

#6. Life is a funny thing.

“When I was 22, just graduated college, I began my job search. Within the first 3 weeks out of college, I was lucky to find a job relatively close to where my family lived. I still lived at home to help pay off my loans, and as a recent grad, I was more concerned with getting a job than getting my own place.

My older brother and I are both very close, basically best friends. We decided to celebrate with a long night of gaming 3 nights before my “big boy job” started. He doesn’t live at home with us, so it was going to be some good ol’ online gaming.

I was planning on playing his voice audio over the speakers in my room, but it wasn’t working. My younger brother (16 at the time) was in the room with me and wanted to hear my older brothers voice. For whatever reason, we couldn’t get it to work because he would hear himself through my microphone. So instead, we were going to use a headphone method instead, both wearing headsets. We were seconds from putting those headsets on when we heard a faint scream. It was a strange sound, and we were unsure what was going on.

When we ran down the stairs (we were on the second floor of the house) we searched frantically for what that noise was. My parents were on the front porch with friends, so we knew it wasn’t them. The only other person who was home was my younger sister (~20 years old) who at the time was going through A LOT of dark times.

We both ran down into the basement, turned the corner, and saw my sister hanging 2 feet above the ground with an electrical extension cord around her neck. Chair was knocked over, and she was frantically clawing at her neck. Her face was swollen purple, it was a horrific thing to see. My brother FROZE, and I ran up and grabbed her, lifted her up on my tippy toes to give some slack to the cord, and yelled for him to get my parents. I had to yell a few times for him to finally go and get my mom and dad. She ended up surviving. When emergency personnel came to assess the situation, and take her to the hospital to check for brain damage and injuries, the first officer on the scene pulled me aside, shook my hand, and said she could have been dead in seconds. He said he was happy to finally come to one of these scenes where the person survived.

The story goes on from there. Had we not had audio issues in my room, I wonder how this situation would have been different. I mean it, we were seconds from putting on the headsets.

Life is a funny thing.”

#5. When I was thirteen…

“When I was thirteen I found my best friend hanging from a belt in my closet. I thought it was a joke at first until I pushed him and he started swinging. He had just knelt down and let it happen. I got him down and pulled the belt loose and there was a nasty mark and I think that was when I realised how serious it was. Ran and told parents to call 911. Ran back upstairs and could hear some gurgling noises coming from him. He was in a coma for a week but he lived thank God. To top it off a lot of people including his parents blamed me.”


“Not as morbid as some of the others in this thread but probably getting stuck in the shower ( technically a wet room) with a black mamba while on holiday aged 8. That was pretty terrifying.”

#3. Four years later.

“When I was crossing a road and a car came screaming around the corner didn’t see me and hit me. This happened right outside my sons school. He saw the accident but didn’t know it was me ( I was in all black gym clothes ). Concision, head trauma, obliterated my left shoulder ACL and tore my ACL in my left knee. Huge bruise from hip to lower calf.

Hospital said they only thing that saved me was I didn’t see it coming so was not expecting it and was basically a rag doll. Turns out the driver was not insured, suspended license and the car wasn’t his.

I still shit myself 4 years later when crossing the road.”

#2. The last time.

“Finding my six week old baby deceased. Trying to do cpr on his obviously lifeless little body while on the phone with 911 while I listened to my husband and kids screaming in agony. Holding him against me trying to warm him and knowing this was the last time I would ever have him in my arms.”

#1. Never knowing.

“I was a freshman in college when I received a series of mysterious/threatening phone calls. At the time, I was pledging my fraternity and assumed that some of the brothers were pranking me. The calls always came from a restricted number. The calls were innocuous enough at first – asking me how I was enjoying the pledging experience, etc. Over time, they got more and more threatening, telling me that I was going to be murdered/threatening to hurt me. The actual weirdest part, though, was that the mysterious caller started calling random people in my life and telling them that I was in love with them (there was no pattern to who these people were and I was certainly not in love with these people). A lot of these people were men (I am queer but was deeply in the closet at the time and definitely no brothers knew that). I only found out because these people, many of whom I hadn’t spoken to in awhile, independently called me asking me why they were receiving these weird calls/voicemails.

Eventually, I confronted the fraternity’s president telling him to let the brothers know to knock it off. He was genuinely confused and assured me that no one was pranking me. Eventually, the calls stopped, but to this day, I wonder how the caller (A) knew so much about my personal life and (B) why he would invest so much time and energy into something so pointless. I genuinely hope I figure out who it is one day but have resigned myself to never knowing.”

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15 Photos That Will Scare Even the Toughest People out There

Whether you’re a scaredy-cat or not, there are some things that are just plain scary. I’d put myself somewhere firmly in the middle of freak-out-ability, and at least some of these pictures freaked me the eff out.

So. Fair warning if you’re on the low end of that scale. If you’re at the high end, let me know what you think!

#15. I squeaked

Photo Credit: Pikabu

#14. Fry ’em up!

Photo Credit: Reddit

#13. This “abandoned” building

Photo Credit: Imgur

#12. Yikes

Photo Credit: Reddit

#11. Who knows how many more are inside?

Photo Credit: Reddit

#10. Heebie-jeebies

Photo Credit: Reddit

#9. That’s a whole lotta nope right there

Photo Credit: Reddit

#8. Last photograph?

Photo Credit: Imgur

#7. Clowns *shudder*

Photo Credit: Reddit

#6. It’s not a tornado…

Photo Credit: Reddit

#5. Never leave

Photo Credit: Reddit

#4. The machines are coming for us all

Photo Credit: Reddit

#3. Eep!

Photo Credit: Reddit

#2. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

Photo Credit: Reddit

#1. Stick your fingers riiiiiight here

Photo Credit: Reddit

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This Woman’s Savvy Husband Saved Them Both from Moving into a Haunted House

You know the scene, and it’s straight out of a horror movie – a clueless white woman is wandering around a house exclaiming over cute built-ins and clawfoot tubs while ignoring the obvious signs of a demon infestation that will later ruin her life (and possibly steal her soul).

Well, it turns out in can happen in real life, too. At least, that’s the experience Louisville, KY author Olivia A. Cole had when she and her husband went to check out a house to rent.

While she was enamored with the “cute little bungalow,” her husband was properly suspicious and asking all the right questions…and getting none of the right answers.

Please, enjoy the entire thread below, and arm yourself with the truth.

Image Credit: Twitter


And in case you’re wondering…so was someone else.

Photo Credit: Twitter,CarrieCnh12

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10+ People Reveal the Scariest Thing to Happen to Them as Children

Hold onto your hats and make sure the lights are on, because some of these will give you the straight-up willies.

12. Close call

“Someone once tried to kidnap me and a friend at our brother’s baseball game. We wandered off on our own for a while, when this guy came out of nowhere and tried to get us to come with him, and after multiple refusals from us, lunged at us and tried to grab us.”

11. So many creeps

“When I was 10 or 11, a guy came up to me and my friend in a park and said he was a gymnastics coach. We were sitting on the monkey bars, and he offered to “help” us flip up onto the top via grabbing our butts. He told us to meet him the next day and he’d take us to the Y on the other side of the city. We didn’t go, thankfully. A girl the same age as us was kidnapped from the same area shortly after, and her body was found near that Y. Was it the same guy? Can’t say for sure, but he was never caught, and the location similarities have creeped me out for decades. (And yes, I reported what happened to me and my friend)”

10. Psychotic stepfather

“My stepfather drove me into some secluded woods with a chain saw, ax, trash bags, and gloves in the trunk and told me the only reason he wasn’t killing me then and there was because my mom asked him to wait two weeks.

Then he essentially said if my dad got custody he would kill us all, took me to McDonald’s then took me to school late. Told the counselor I had been making good grades so he rewarded me by letting me sleep in.

Dad definitely got custody.”

9. Thought it was popsicles

“Saw red popsicles in the road at the bus stop. When I got closer I realized it was a freshly run over cat with it’s bones sticking out.”

8. Domestic abuse leaves scars

“My dad tried to throw my mum down the stairs. She was screaming at him, it was terrifying.”

7. Boys should definitely not be boys

“The hillbilly neighbors tried to run me over with a truck. They thought it would be funny to hear me scream. I was 4 years old. Their dad was cop so nothing was done. “boys just having a lil fun” F*ckers. it’s been 40 years and i still see that Orange pickup in my nightmares.”

6. Lessons about bull riding

“I saw a man die during rodeo while bull riding when I was 8. My parents were real big into bull riding and the dude just got thrown off and rag dolled when he hit the ground. The clowns scared off the bull and he just wouldn’t move, the EMS dudes came along and put him on a stretcher and carted him away, and as he was being carted we could see his head was turned the wrong way and everyone knew then he was dead.”

5. Beware the cyclists

“I mean, I was a pretty ballsy child and I was not easily scared, but one thing has stuck with me even over the years: I saw a young man on a bicycle being hit by a car, when I was maybe 7 or so.

It really sort of happened almost in slow motion, or at least in my memory. he smashed against the wind shield, then kind of…slid off, and collapsed as a rag doll.

I never knew if he survived.

To this day, as an adult who drives, I’m really, really careful about watching cyclists.”

4. Witness to a tragic accident

“I was about 7. I was waiting for the school bus one morning and about 50 yards away a mother was riding her bike with her child strapped in a bike seat behind her. She cycled in between the curb and a speed bump and fell. Her baby’s head hit a peice of rebar that was sticking out of the speedbump. She got up and ran with the child screaming, “MY BABY!!” a few houses down where cops and an ambulance were handling another situation.

Don’t know what happened to the child. The mothers screams were the most haunting thing I’ve ever heard to this day.”

3. Superhero mama

“We were moving, had our house packed up and we were driving cross country. We pulled into a gas station and I decided to stay in the truck because we hadn’t been on the road long and I had video game magazines to read.

Someone else pulled into the gas station, pumped his gas and ran into the store and tossed money on the counter for the cashier. He came back out, in a bit of a rush, and left the hose in his truck when he drove off. This caused a phenomena known as “Holy sh*t everything is on fire.”

My mom started trying to rip me out of the seat, but I was buckled in and then she also realized “F*ck a lot of our stuff is in this truck.” so she changed strategies. She jumped into the car so fast that she had a bruise on her knee for the next week from the shifter, and took us off down the road, somewhat ironically leaving my brother at the now-really-super-on-fire gas station. But she got me to safety while my aunts got my brother out of there.

From my perspective I finally got a minute to myself, heard a KTCH-TUNK FLOOM and then a 100 pound woman was screaming at me and trying to dislocate my shoulder, and then we were doing 60 miles an hour with a much ghostier version of that same woman driving the vehicle.

Never got my soda though so 4/10 experience.”

2. Sleepover fears

“When I was a smallish, awkward kid (6-7, also only child at the time), I went to my first sleepover with my “friend” and her older and younger sister. It was alright until the mom told us to go to sleep/lights-out. Then my “friend” and her older sister punched me in the ribs/stomach a few times and told me repeatedly that my parents were never going to come back for me, that they didn’t love me, and that they probably died on the way to the restaurant they were planning on going to that night.

I kept trying to be strong but after probably 30 minutes I started crying/probably full-on anxiety attack. Their mom came and took me to the couch and tried to “calm me down” by yelling at me to stop or else I would throw up on her carpet/furniture. I remember crying more and getting confused, do people actually throw up when they’re freaked out and crying? Then at some point I fell asleep (I think), and I woke up in my parent’s apartments.

My mom said my “friend’s” mom was so nice for carrying me home, but took my side after I told her what happened.

It was the most traumatizing thing of my childhood, and it messed me up for quite a while. I never really made friends after that, and had a rough time ever going to a sleepover again.”

1. Near drowning

“I nearly drowned in a recreational swimming pool. Think I was around 6 years old and not much of a swimming talent. My parents had my older sisters look after me while they were swimming around with my uncle and aunt.

At some point I went under and swallowed some water which made me cough badly. I couldn’t stay afloat anymore and was waving my arms all over the place trying to get someone’s attention to help me.My sister saw me and she did something I still give her a hard time over. She.. waved back at me. That’s all she did, she waved back. I thought to myself “I’m dying”.

Luckily a lifeguard saw me and pulled me out in time. Still not comfortable whenever I go swimming now.”

h/t: Reddit

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