People Talk About What “Good Guys” From History Were Actually Bad

History is written by the winners.

And, depending on where you grew up, you learn from a young age who are the “good guys” in history and who are the “bad guys.”

But sometimes those stories and legends don’t really jive with reality.

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say about historical figures who are not nearly as squeaky-clean as their reputations would have you believe.

1. Wow.

“Alexander Graham Bell pushed for the eugenics of deaf and hard of hearing people and was a major obstacle to fund schools for the deaf, which thankfully did persist despite this guy.”

2. Mr. Ford.

“Henry Ford was so anti-Semitic that Hitler considered him a hero.”

3. Cromwell.

“There’s a statue of Oliver Cromwell in London.

Loads of movies about him and how he was a brave revolutionary.

Nah. He was an evil sociopath who committed genocide on Irish Catholics and turned the UK into a Puritan dictatorship.”

4. Haven’t heard this before.

“Bob Marley.

And there’s a very good story to back this up that also explains how he grew to be no.1 reggae singer of Jamaica.

He had a posse of friends that would intimidate radio networks of Jamaica into playing his music, as well as destroying the alpha discs of other newer artists (idk wtf they’re called but the copy the radio networks were given in order to play on the air.)

He might have been trying to promote feel-good music and peace and all that but he was a thug when it came to getting that music out.”

5. AA.

“Bill Wilson, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.

The guy did great things, and created a program of recovery that has saved millions of lives since it’s inception 85 years ago.

He was also an arrogant *sshole that cheated on his wife even in sobriety.”

6. Imagine that.

“In some aspects to the 60’s and 70’s when the Beatles were icons, (I’m talking about John Lennon) people who use his image and face for “peace” sometimes forget important details.

  • He abused women
  • He was a cheater
  • He abused his children (made one go completely deaf in one ear)
  • Total hypocrite on the “no possessions” when he lived one of the most lavish lifestyles of his time
  • Compulsive liar
  • Had a *exual appetite for his own mother
  • Almost killed a few people (look up Bob Wooler, he was almost punched to death by John. There were others but their stories have either been disputed or unclaimed.)

So whenever I see a bunch of people sing imagine I just shake my head in shame cause so many people don’t even know how bad he was but act like he was a saint.”

7. Not great.

“Sir John A MacDonald.

First prime minister of Canada.

Did a lot for the country in its infancy but treated indigenous people like garbage.”

8. A royal family.

“Joseph P. Kennedy, dad of John, Bobby, and Teddy, had one of his daughters lobotomized.

She was likely autistic but was considered an “embarrassment to the family”.”

9. Napoleon.


I’m French and I don’t get why people like him so freaking much here. He re established slavery and tried to conquer a huge part of Europe, leaving literal bloodbaths behind him.

Gosh, even the painting of his coronation reeks of narcissism, he’s putting the crown on his own head for f*ck sake.”

10. An American legend.

“Teddy Roosevelt.

Interesting quote of his, “I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are the dead Indians, but I believe nine out of every 10 are””

11. The King.

“Elvis Presley.

He never wrote a song in his life, but his record label made any song writers hand over half of their writing fees, before Elvis would record their songs. He’s credited as a co-writer on the majority of his songs.

That’s why Dolly Parton refused to let him record I Will Always Love You.

She wouldn’t sign away any of the songwriting credit or future profits from her work. She’s a savvy business woman.”

12. Edison.

“Thomas Edison.

Biggest monopolist ever and took credit for other people’s work. He didn’t invent the lightbulb but bought the rights and advanced it. He monopolized the film-projector + most films at the time and it took a very long lawsuit to get that fixed.

He took many creations from his employees and put his name on it. This wasn’t illegal because of the contracts employees signed at the time but it’s not exactly a sign of good will.

I don’t hate the guy but his character is often completely exaggerated.”

13. A real showman.

“Not necessarily a “good guy”, but got lots of positive attention from the release of The Greatest Showman.

Apparently PT Barnum was a terrible person in real life.”

14. A great director, but…

“Hitchcock was SO f*cked up.

He was famous for pulling “pranks” like chaining a dude up over a long night and giving him a bottle of whiskey laced with serious laxatives, so he sh*t himself, painfully, in chains, for twelve hours or so.

He made the actress from Psycho, Janet Leigh, stand in the shower for almost a week; she only takes baths now. The degree to which he abused Tippi Hedrin during that scene from The Birds is… wow.

He literally threw birds at her for five days, eight hours a day, so that they were pissed off and actually attacked her, even after her doctor told him she couldn’t take any more. She still has scars. Not to mention the s*xual assaults and the threats to “ruin her career” if she didn’t comply.

He sent her daughter, Melanie Griffith, a really lifelike doll of her mother, dead in a coffin. She was eight.

Dude was f*cked. Behind the B*stards does a great couple episodes about him, those are just the ones I remember off the top of my head from 2+ hours of it.”

Okay, history buffs, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us who you think is regarded as a “good guy” in history but was actually pretty terrible.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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Classical Art Memes Everyone Can Enjoy

Hey, classical art isn’t just for the elite. Nor should it be reserved for museums and fancy homes. The best kind of art is accessible art.

And what’s more accessible than a meme?

You don’t need an art history degree to appreciate these 14 pieces of classical artwork, just a sense of humor!

1. To make a long story short…

…and then this man started painting my portrait.

Image Credit: electricmind

2. Welp.

At least she’ll never have to worry about STDs?

Image Credit: electricmind

3. “Pssst. Frank. Hey Frank…?”

“It’s ok everyone! He’s just super hungover.”

Image Credit: electricmind

4. I bet he has a great personality:

Or, you know…some other good quality…

Image Credit: electricmind

5. It was for the best:

She’s better off without him.

Image Credit: blackwolfrise

6. #YOLO

Especially if you’re THE EARTH.

Image Credit: renaissancerubbish

7. “Squirrel!”

At least he has a sheild?

Image Credit: u/29065035551704

8. “Here kitty, kitty, kitty…”

I genuinely want to know the actual context for this one.

Image Credit: u/Androman777

9. My old nemesis:

You’re late. Or am I early? I can never remember which way it goes.

Image Credit: u/joeychuckles

10. I got your nose!

Err, here, let me just…find some glue…

Image Credit: u/picatostas

11. At least He’s consistent:

Death actually looks pretty happy to be choosen!

Image Credit: electricmind

12. I knew it!

Excuse me while I set out some baskets…

Image Credit: electricmind

13. Hey now, let’s not be hasty…

You really want to walk around naked for the rest of your life?

Image Credit: electricmind


It’s called social distancing for a reason.

Image Credit: blackwolfrise

This is the type of artwork I’d love to see on display. I feel like I really get what the artists were going for. So modern. So old. So…art.

Haha, just kidding! Which one of these artistic memes amused you the most? Let us know in the comments!

The post Classical Art Memes Everyone Can Enjoy appeared first on UberFacts.

Although they aren’t consumed by Jewish people, giraffes…

Although they aren’t consumed by Jewish people, giraffes are Kosher. The giraffe does not have a masorah (tradition) for its consumption by any Jewish community. Though it is commonly believed that it is not known where on a giraffes neck shechita (ritual slaughter) can be performed, this is incorrect as the shechita can be performed […]

The post Although they aren’t consumed by Jewish people, giraffes… appeared first on Crazy Facts.

People Talk About What’s Common in Their Country but Rare in Other Parts of the World

Doesn’t traveling to a far and distant country sound incredible right about now?

Because of this seemingly never-ending pandemic we’re going through, it looks like it might be a while before we can venture to another part of the world…but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it happens sooner than later.

Because traveling exposes us to different cultures, languages, customs, foods, etc. And it’s great to get outside our comfort zones and to learn about different people. So let’s do some more of that!

AskReddit users talked about things that are common in their countries but rare in other parts of the world.

1. Sounds delightful.

“Such cheap olive oil.

And eating incredinly late.

Lunch is more or less at 1-3 pm, and dinner at 9-10 pm.

That is why in Spain we have snacks between foods.”

2. This has to be in Scandinavia.

“Saunas in most apartments or at least apartment buildings, haven’t lived in a building that doesn’t have one.

A lot of great well known (and underground) metal bands.

And a nuclear power plant that is at this point 11 years behind schedule and according to Wikipedia the 3rd most expensive building in the world.”

3. Paradise.

“Bagged milk, legal weed and fermented maple syrup.”

4. Free drinks.

“Milk dispensers at school cafeterias (or restaurants but it’s not as common).

I live in Sweden where food and drinks such as water and milk is provided free for students.

Whenever I tell someone outside of Scandinavia that we have milk dispensers they’re always very surprised.”

5. USA!

“Root beer.

In America this is widely available and basically universally liked, but give it to someone from another country, especially a European country, and they will hate it.”

6. India.

“Cheap Streaming subscriptions.

In my country a pack for Disney+, HBO, Showtime, ABC, Live Sports and a lot more, costs less than 2 dollars a month.

Yes 2 dollars TOTAL.”

7. I need this in my life.

“They look like snowballs in size and shape, but they’re made of potatoes and boiled, with a piece of meat inside for flavoring. You eat it with sausage, fat’n’bacon and kohlrabi/carrot puree.

It’s not as common as it used to be because it’s mainly grandmas that used to make it.

Also known as “komle”. In some places they simply refer to them as “potato balls.””

8. The paranormal.

“In Mexico we experience paranormal stuff very close. Even people like me, who doesn’t believe in it, have parents, siblings, children or grandparents who have experienced ghosts or other entities very close.

Not in the “friend of my friend” kind of way. It is really really common to be in the same room, and someone just says: “I saw my great-grandfather coming out from the well” or stuff like that.

And nobody makes a fuss about it. We just process it and move on. But really, I don’t know anybody who hasn’t experienced a close encounter with something paranormal in one way or another.

And again, I’m an atheist and a skeptic. I haven’t experienced something at first hand. And that makes me an exception. Not the average.”

9. Probably not these days.

“Drinking a hot drink from an hollowed pumpkin through a metal straw and sharing it with others all drinking from the same straw.”

10. Interesting.

“The Swastika.

Although a banned Nazi symbol as assumed by others, a swastika is actually a symbol of divinity and purity so you will see that alot in my country.”

11. Drink up!

“Underage drinking.

I live in Belgium and everyone does it from the moment they’re 14.”

12. Not cheap.

“Expensive fuel.

A liter of gasoline costs like €1.

It might not sound much, but look at the average wage of a working class Romanian.”

13. Corruption.

“Drinking at the age of 12.

And bribing police, politicians, and basically everyone.

Welcome to Greece.”

Do you have any insights about things that are common in your country but not in other parts of the world?

If so, please talk to us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Talk About What’s Common in Their Country but Rare in Other Parts of the World appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Weirdest Bible Verses You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

It should come as no surprise that some folks know the Bible like the back of their hand.

They grew up in religious households, went to church regularly, and pored over the Bible over and over again.

I am not one of those people, but I do find the Bible interesting and I wish I knew more about it.

And, apparently, there are some pretty strange verses in there that a lot of folks don’t know about.

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this.

1. Judges 19.

“Judges 19

22 They were inside enjoying themselves. But some of the evil men who lived in the city surrounded the house. They pounded on the door. They shouted to the old man who owned the house. They said, “Bring out the man who came to your house. We want to have s*x with him.”

23 The owner of the house went outside. He said to them, “No, my friends. Don’t do such an evil thing. This man is my guest. So don’t do this terrible thing. 24 Look, here is my virgin daughter. And here’s the Levite’s concubine. I’ll bring them out to you now. You can have them. Do to them what you want to. But don’t do such a terrible thing to this man.”

2. Okay…

““Thus shall you say to David,

‘The king desires no bride-price except a hundred foreskins of the Philistines, that he may be avenged of the king’s enemies.’”

3. Care to explain?

“NUMBERS 31:17

Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.


But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.”

4. It’s up to you, now.

“Then Judah said to Onan,

“Lie with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to produce offspring for your brother.” –

Genesis 38:8-10.”

5. That’s odd.

“II Kings 2: 23-24:

“From there Elisha went up to Bethel.

As he was walking up the path, some small boys came out of the city and harassed him, chanting, ‘Go up, baldy! Go up, baldy!’

He turned around, looked at them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two female bears came out of the woods and mauled 42 of the children.”

6. Talking donkey?

“Talking Donkey in Numbers 22:28-30

28 Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?”

29 Balaam answered the donkey, “You have made a fool of me! If only I had a sword in my hand, I would kill you right now.”

30 The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your own donkey, which you have always ridden, to this day? Have I been in the habit of doing this to you?”

“No,” he said.”

7. Words of wisdom.

“Proverbs has some good advice:

Better to live on a corner of the roof, than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.

-Proverbs Chapter 21, Verse 9 New International Version.”

8. A little harsh…

“Deuteronomy 25:11-12

If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand.

Show her no pity.”

9. Why’d she do that?

““But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her son’s foreskin and touched Moses’ feet with it.”

Exodus 4:25.”

10. Wow!

“She lusted after lovers with g*nitals as large as a donkey’s and emissions like those of a horse.”

Ezekiel 23:20″

11. Mildew.

“Leviticus 14

The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, 34 “When you enter the land of Canaan, which I am giving you as your possession, and I put a spreading mildew in a house in that land, 35 the owner of the house must go and tell the priest, ‘I have seen something that looks like mildew in my house.”

12. Weird.

“Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.”

-Psalm 137:9.”

13. Boiled your son?

“So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son.

2. Kings Chapter 6, Verse 29 King James version.”

14. The one about…

“There’s the one about golden d*ldos:

“You also took your beautiful jewels of my gold and of my silver, which I had given you, and made for yourself images of men, and with them played the wh*re.” -Ezekiel 16:17 Honestly, the entire book of Ezekiel is an erotic ecstasy and LSD trip.

The Apostle Paul mockingly saying the Pharisees should cut their d*cks off:

“I wish those who unsettle you would emasculate themselves!” -Galatians 5:12 I thought this part was hilarious when reading it. Paul is a pretty funny guy.

Hosea was a minor priest who, by God’s command, married a pr*stitute.

“That way, whenever she rented out her body, Hosea could feel and describe the anger and betrayal that God felt from the Israelites. Book of Hosea. I always felt sorry for Hosea. He was ordered by God to be a cockold.”

The inc*st when Lot’s daughters got him drunk so they could have s*x with him, thus creating two new repugnant nations (Ammonites and Moabites). This was just after their mother died. Genesis 19:30-38

When Jesus says in his Sermon on the Mount than many people will say they cast out demons, performed miracles, and prophesied in his name. Jesus will say, “Away from me. I never knew you.” Matthew 7:21-23 Kind of sad that even many people who think they are serving God will be condemned according to the Bible.

As people were crying out and cutting themselves with swords for their god, Elijah mocked them saying that their god is probably taking a sh*t.

1 Kings 18:27 Always cracked me up.”

Now it’s your turn!

If you know of more strange Bible verses that you can lay on us, please do it in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

The post People Share the Weirdest Bible Verses You’ve Probably Never Heard Of appeared first on UberFacts.

“What Do You Know Is True, Even Without Evidence?” Here’s What People Said.

Sometimes in life, you have just have a feeling about something and you KNOW it’s true, even though you have absolutely no evidence or facts to back it up.

I guess some call it faith and others would call it ignorance, but each person is definitely different in this respect.

And I think it’s safe to say that some of these beliefs are harmless and some can be extremely dangerous, especially when it comes to conspiracy theories and politics…

AskReddit users sounded off about what they believe to be true even though they have nothing to back it up.

1. A famous true crime case.

“Casey Anthony killed her daughter and her parents know it too!

The justice system failed that poor baby.

And to me, what’s worse is last year she apparently said she wants another child/children.”

2. Very confusing.

“That my last boss secretly hated me even though we had, on the surface, a very positive relationship.”

3. Hmmmm. Maybe?

“The Truman show was made to make me think the entire world watching my every move was a ridiculous notion.

But I know better…”

4. Might be true.

“That the key to happiness is low expectations.”

5. Mob front.

“There’s a travel agency that’s been around in my town for as long as I can remember.

I wholeheartedly believe it’s a front for the mob.”

6. Hollywood legacy.

“That a LOT more famous actors than we realize are secretly the children of other famous actors from the previous generation.

I call it the Hollywood B*stard Theory.”

7. A lot of people will be mad.

“George R R Martin will never finish the last Game of Thrones book.”

8. Interesting…

“I’m convinced I watched Flight 93 go down.

I would never share that in real life because it’s grim and no one would believe me (the geography of the reports are off ). I saw it clear as day from Kent State’s main campus in Ohio.

I didn’t know what I was seeing other than I remember thinking “that plane is way way too low (we had a aviation college so planes were common) and too big and it’s jerking around like how a toddler drives a power wheels truck….”.

Continued on to class. You don’t wanna be late even at a liberal college.”

9. Could be…

“Flat Earthers are just doing it for attention.

They really don’t think the Earth is flat.”

10. Guts.

“Gut bacterial imbalance can change a person fundamentally — physically, mentally, emotionally.

One day they’re going to cure some impossibly vexing diseases and conditions when they figure out that it’s all connected to what lives in your guts.”

11. A scary thought.

“That actual, proper snuff films exist.

There’s too much depravity and perversion in the world for that not to be the case.”

12. Guilty!

“That Andy Dufresne was guilty in the Shawshank Redemption.

It’s never actually proven that he didn’t kill his wife and her lover. We just have his word and a story made up by an inmate that wanted to be liked by Andy and his friends.

Also what are the chances that his wife and lover were murdered the same night that Andy was going to kill them himself, before he changed his mind?”

13. From the deep…

“There is some Godzilla sh*t at the bottom of our oceans.

Deep sea gigantism will not fail me.”

14. I started it.

“Back when I was 18 I got my first tattoo, the Squaresoft logo on my upper arm. It was 2001 and I was also on my own in a new state.

I was and still am a huge RPG fan and it’s the height of my geekdom. Well, I sent in a picture of me and my tattoo with a short letter about me and my favorite games to Official PlayStation Magazine.

They published my letter and photo along with the caption “We don’t know whether to be impressed or frightened.”

The very next month they started a “Tattoo of the Month” section and I am absolutely sure 100% that I either started that or was the story that proved the concept, the test.

Unless someone can come from that team’s time and tell me I’m not, I’ll always believe I was the start of that.”

Do you have any extremely strong beliefs like this?

If so, please share them in the comments.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post “What Do You Know Is True, Even Without Evidence?” Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Terrifying Facts That Keep Them up at Night

I was a total worrywart when I was younger.

I’d lay in my bed at night and just think of all of the terrifying things that might happen: World War III, an asteroid hitting our house, packs of wild dogs roaming the neighborhood. Basically anything that could potentially cause me harm.

Now, I guess I’m just too tired to stay up past 11 p.m. most nights…hooray for getting old!

But some people are like that their whole lives! Always terrified of what’s around the next corner, what could go wrong, and, most importantly, of ACTUAL, scary FACTS that worry them to no end.

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about the terrifying facts that keep them up at night. Let’s take a look.

1. On the edge.

“If I lose my job or he loses his job, we have some savings but capitalism will eat us alive and leave us no quarter.

If one of us gets injured or gets cancer, same thing.”

2. Irreversible.

“Humanity is well on the way to destroying itself, it’s now irreversible, but everyone is ignoring the glaring evidence and continuing on business as usual.

We’re going to see worldwide famine within the next few years but people will ignore this warning too.”

3. A reckoning.

“The dollar is worthless.

The treasury is not just empty, it owes the rest of the world trillions, and the government somehow owes itself more trillions. Despite this, or more probably because of this, we continue to spend more than the rest of the world combined on the deadliest military in history.

There will be a reckoning, and I don’t think it will be gentle or pretty.”

4. The world is crazy right now.

“The great depression is now almost certain to repeat itself since economic relief was killed by greedy republicans who were angry they didn’t get to give the lion’s share of 1 trillion dollars to their corporate pimps.

Along with the expiring legislation goes COVID-specific unemployment benefits, individual and family relief checks, EVICTION MORATORIUMS! That last one…

This nation just straight slept through the pure hatred and violence of the republicans’ actions yesterday. People don’t get what’s about to happen here. We’re going to have 15-20% homelessness by the end of the year if relief packages are not put in place.

You think the George Floyd protests have been rough? Most of the BLM protestors have something to lose. Maybe not much for some of them, but probably SOMETHING.

These newly minted homeless will have N O T H I N G to lose by going absolutely apesh*t in the streets. And I won’t have a godd*mn thing to say against them when they do. Maybe it’s about time for some of that good guillotine action…

Keep your non-perishables up to date and well stocked. Get a back log of water.

Things are about to get weird.”

5. Excessive.

“Humans kill roughly 60 billion land animals per year for unnecessary food while at the same time deforesting rainforests, polluting the atmosphere, consuming large amounts of water, creating breeding grounds for infectious diseases, using antibiotics unsustainably, and contributing to heart disease and obesity, but no one seems to care because “bacon tastes good.””

6. Saddens the heart.

“That we as a human race, decided on which race dependent on color of skin was inferior to the rest.

Saddens the heart to think older generations who suffered won’t know whether their efforts worked. (also includes genders).”

7. I feel this one.

“My dogs will pass away someday.

It’s kept me up at night multiple times.”

8. Truth.

“Humans are more disgusting and selfish than we ever admit.”

9. The Big Bang.

“The big bang could’ve been caused by a civilization that developed weapons of mass destruction and were just in a loop of evolution until eventually we become advanced enough to create an explosion so big we destroy and recreate everything from scratch.

Yeah, thank about that!”

10. A rough time.

“I’m about to be 30 in 2 years.

I’m still single and haven’t had as much s*x in life as my peers. I fear that I’ll be this awkward undesirable old dude that’s bad at s*x that’s just wandering the earth only working, doing chores and sleeping for the most part.

A lot of my peers are living in houses with furniture while I live in an apartment with little furniture. I’m working at a call center that I hate.

I am seeking another job preferably in programming since I have a bachelor’s, but due to lack of experience in that field, no one is hiring.”

11. Every day is important.

“That you have absolutely no idea if the next day will be your last. You could be with your SO having the time of your lives, picking up some food, watching a movie at your place, drinking.

Then next day comes, you get hit by a drunk driver while out on the road.”

12. Hard to think about.

“That my parents are aging and will eventually die.

I’m an only child and feel like when they die my connection to my childhood and the people that understand me and love me unconditionally will be gone.

The link to me will be gone and I’ll essentially be alone in the world.”

13. Nuclear war.

“At anytime the US wants we could start a nuclear war and the person who has control over that is umm…. underprepared for the job.

Or that at anytime Russia wants or North Korea wants or basically any other country with access to nuclear power could decide that they want to nuke us and do it.”

14. Collapse.

“The Earth’s ecosystems are collapsing, and with it our ability to collect food and water.

Billions are going to die due to hunger and violence in the coming decades.”

15. THIS.

“The fact that human beings don’t understand the concept of putting a d*mn face mask on and saving thousands of lives when they go to their local grocery store.”

16. The end.

“The end of the universe.

Not the last star, or the last neutron star that glows.

All matter has decayed as protons have half-lives.

Black holes will decay, and moments of brief light in millennia of pure darkness come as black holes collide.

After a very certain point, time becomes meaningless as whatever remains will be so stationary, you cannot observe it.

The universe achieves true equilibrium as the universe in one time point in the far future is indistinguishable from the next second, next month, next year, next millennia, next googleplex years later.”

What do you worry about at night?

What causes you to lose sleep?

Talk to us in the comments and spill your guts out!

The post People Share the Terrifying Facts That Keep Them up at Night appeared first on UberFacts.