What Totally Ruined Religion for You? Here’s How People Responded.

I grew up in a Catholic family. I had to go to church every weekend and did the whole First Communion and Confirmation things.

As I got into my teenage years, the whole thing just faded away for me…I don’t think anything necessarily “ruined” it for me, but I just realized that it wasn’t going to play a part in my life whatsoever.

But that’s just my story.

AskReddit users went on the record about what ruined religion for them.

1. Awful.

“Someone telling me that it was God’s plan for my unborn daughter to lose her life after her mother was pushed down stairs by an openly racist man.

If that’s what faith in a religion gets me, then I’m out.”

2. Yeah, okay…

“The arrogance in believing “god” works like Santa Claus just started sounding ridiculous to me around the age of 16. “I got a new job – THANK GOD”

“I almost got into a car accident – must have been god looking out for me.”

But this deity ignores genocide, starvation, and cancer in children but waves a wand to give you a .25 hourly raise. And this is allllll part of the plan too.

Yeah okay….”

3. Ruined itself.

“Religion ruined religion.

So many rules.

Like why can’t I just be a nice person and not do harm? Why do I have to go to a building every Sunday and listen someone drone on while surrounded by a bunch of fakes?

Why do we shun those that make mistakes? Or reject those that don’t believe exactly what we do? Why can’t we embrace the differences and just say “it’s ok we don’t believe the same, we both do good and don’t hurt others – team religion!”

But nooooo. We kill in the name of God, because of differences, enforce rules that are almost impossible to keep in modern society and then act like we are following those rules even when we aren’t.

It’s all just gross.”

4. Don’t believe anymore.

“I was fully committed Southern Baptist and filled in at times teaching my adult Sunday class.

I then read The End of Faith and The God Delusion. Then I had a realization that all of medicine and biology is based on evolution. I prayed for God to make himself real to me and really wanted to believe. Now I realize every evidence of God I saw in 40 years of church was just confirmation bias and placebo effect.

Can’t tell my family I’m atheist it would kill them. Still go to church to see and make friends.

Edit to follow up: I wouldn’t be ostracized. But I would cause them unnecessary pain since they would think I’m going to hell don’t feel like putting them through that. I’m not wanting to be on everyone’s prayer list.
Funny thing is I like the typical USA Christian way of life.

In my experience it works. In my extended family everyone is fairly happy and out of 10 marriages we have no divorces and my kids 20+ cousins are all doing great. I don’t think casual s*x, drugs, or excessive drinking is a good way to live.

I’m not sad, just not able to believe anymore.”

5. Hypocrisy.

“The hypocrisy, the hate, the shame that’s directed towards humanity.

My last experience was with a fairly middle-road church- I went to the high a school aged youth group service with some classmates. The services started with singing worship (cringe just saying that), and everyone around me was sobbing with their hands held in the air, swaying, singing to a song about how we are so unworthy of love.

And I was like… holy sh*t, what is WRONG with all of you?! I barely survived the rest of the evening.

Never went back.”

6. Time to question this.

“Learning about original sin in church school when I was 9.

I couldn’t get over the unfairness of it, and that started me questioning the whole religion thing.”

7. God’s plan?

“That God’s plan involved the trauma my family endured over the years.

It’s all part of God’s plan?

Well, that plan sucks, so I’m out!”

8. The depths of HELL.

“The idea of Hell.

I was brought up mainly in Asia. Most my friends and their parents were irreligious, some would go temple but no one took it seriously, it was more about respect for your elders. Learning that all the good people in my life who had heard the “gospel” but didn’t follow it were destined for an ENTIRETY of suffering was abhorrent to me.

It is inherently evil to think that most the world just because they do not believe what you believe is destined to an INFINITE amount of harm.

The logic of it never felt right to me. I had a mother who was sent to convent school in Ireland so Catholicism was rammed down my neck with an iron rod.

At school when we had to write our own accounts what happened to Jesus in Religious Education about when Jesus was resurrected, at the age of 12 I already knew that wasn’t possible so I wrote a story about a big con Jesus had with the women who opened his tomb. My school teacher called my mother and told her.

When I got home she screamed like a banshee at me for hours saying I was ungrateful for what Jesus had sacrificed for us but I was thinking well he was God, he knew everything and is all powerful so actually his sacrifice is meaningless.

One life as a human doesn’t make you great, we have billions of humans life. All human life has more meaning than an infinitely powerful eternal being pretending to be a human for one life. It’s like an instagram influencer showing up for good pics at a BLM march.”

9. Hmmmm…

“That my church kicked out someone gay.

That my church was so racist that they campaigned to get a black African priest removed, and when Jesus get removed, half the church left in protest.”

10. That’s bad.

“When I was 5 years years old, after we walked out of a prayer, a beggar approached my mom asking for $5 for food.

As my mom reached into her purse and about to hand him the money, she asked the man if he was muslim, he said yes.

She asked him if he was Sunni or Shia, he answered wrong and she put away the money.”

11. Non-believer.

“Raised Catholic.

The idea that one religion is right and all others are wrong, the idea that so many people suffer on a daily basis but “God loves us”, the idea that we must love each other but religion teaches you to hate those who aren’t like you.

And above all else, the idea that some invisible, all powerful being exist somewhere in the sky. I stopped believing when I was 13.”

12. A lot to deal with.

“Overbearing people while I was exploring.

I have a Jehovah’s Witness grandma, Wiccan mom, atheist dad, and a solid set of gay Christian friends. Everyone stuck their noses in and I just said “f*ck it, there’s something out there and as long as it doesn’t kill me, I’m chill.”

Just… kinda respect the world and go with the flow.”

13. Saw it in a new light.

“I think it was probably reading the Epic of Gilgamesh in a high school literature class.

It showed me the Bible was qualitatively no different from other ancient writings.

The alleged sacredness was not in the text itself.”

14. See you in Hell.

“Being told that every good non-christian person will go to hell.

I decided then and there that I’ll happily burn next to Gandhi and buddhist monks.”

15. Scientology.

“Scientology ruined my religion for me.

I’m an actor, and they hired me to do some instructional/education video for them and paid decent. I know they’re kinda kooky, but I thought “Hey, I’ve worked for crazier people in this industry” so I met with them on their super secret ‘Gold Base’ in Southern California.

I shot there for several days, and got to know the staff/volunteers who have dedicated their entire life to serving Scientology. I learned a lot about their religion, as I’ve been genuinely curious about all faiths.

I remember driving home after my final day on set, and thinking to myself “How can such normal, nice people believe in something so obviously false? I mean, their founder, who has been historically documented as a scoundrel and a crook, literally wrote a book, got a huge influence of people, and then convinced them that it was the one true way to live!”

Being a fully practicing Mormon at the time, you can imagine my shock when I immediately realized that’s the exact same thing people say about my religion.

EDIT: Some people are asking, so I’ll give an update. This happened about a year ago, and I haven’t been practicing since then.

I still firmly believe the heart of the Mormon church is to make someone better through weekly introspection and selfless service to others. 90% of the people are honestly working to become their best self on a weekly basis by focusing on its teachings. However, as for the one true faith?

There’s too much dissonance, particularly when it comes to LGBT+ policies, for me to believe that’s true.”

How do you feel about this?

Does religion play a role in your life?

Or maybe it used to but not anymore?

Talk to us in the comments and tell us what you think.

The post What Totally Ruined Religion for You? Here’s How People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Broke Free From Cults Share Their Stories

I can’t even begin to imagine what people who get involved in cults or were even raised in cults have gone through.

And the ones who have managed to escape definitely have some very interesting stories to tell. So let’s take a peek into a world that most of us will never experience in our entire lives.

Take a look at these disturbing stories from AskReddit users who escaped cults.

1. Doomsday.

“I was in a doomsday cult for 23 years from my age 13 to 36 (1995-2018). Based on its “knowledge” , this world should have “transformed” by now, into the so called “heaven”, and only a bunch of the cult followers should have remained in harmony.

I totally believed everything I heard without questioning ( probably because I was young and naive) and followed their ” Rules and regulations ” to the dot. Like celibacy, food habits, keeping a distance from everyone outside the cult ( even close family members) .. etc.

Finally, when some obvious questions started arising in my mind I felt like fool, and totally lost and betrayed. It took a lot to break free and am still in the process.”

2. Only notice when you’re out.

“I think the funniest thing about living in a cult isn’t what you notice living in it. It’s what you notice once you’re out.

There were some pretty strange things that when you’re long removed from it all you’re like, “Holy sh*t that IS messed up.” When you’re in it it just seems normal. That’s the weirdest part. When you ask what it was like, my first response is to go, “Like any other childhood really…”

And then I think about it and go…hmmmm okay, not quite. It’s funny how accepting minds can be when it’s all you know.”

3. Sucked in.

“I broke away from a cult. I had gotten sucked in during college.

They prey on college kids who are away from home, searching for an identity and desperate for a sense of belonging. At first it was fun. Nonstop activities. People who genuinely wanted me around. Help. Support. It felt good. But it quickly took over. Then the pressure started. Subtle at first.

Give up all other people and activities because they weren’t good for me. Spend all my time and energy with the church. They assigned someone to watch me. To report to. To confess to. At the same time I befriended the cult leader’s wife and spent a lot of time with her. I felt privileged. But I started to see things.

I went to catholic school 13 years and I think that was the best inoculation! Then the whole women’s role thing really got me steamed. I started arguing with the cult leader’s wife about women being equal and I suspect something I said got to her.

Because the cult leader hauled me in to a meeting and talked to me for an hour and by the end he could see I wasn’t going to fall in line and I could finally see him for what he was – a fraud. So he kicked me out. I was banned hard! He was afraid I would infect others.

My good friend had to flee in the dead of night and hide in another state. They hunted him. But me- they never even spoke to me again!”

4. Hard to process.

“It was difficult. 25 years of not knowing how to think for yourself and suddenly having to, is hard to process. Everything was very routine and once I got out of that routine, I didn’t know what to do.

Forced myself to meet new people and figure out what “truth” is. Very happy with who I am now after three years but still learning more about being independent and being open to new ideas and beliefs.

Plus, holidays are AMAZING! I love Halloween and Christmas.”

5. A very hard thing.

“Leaving was one of the hardest things I have done in my life. It took me years to realize the pain I caused my family was actually not my fault.

Also, I felt so alien in the world. I missed the general background that people have, because the world I had lived in was so different. I was trying to fit in, without knowing how to set boundaries to protect myself.”

6. A different perspective.

“I left AA in 2011, after ten years of lies, coercive deception, and being intimidated by extreme fear.

Although many may laugh at AA being considered a cult, It has all ten of the ‘Sam & Tanner’ indicators, that would describe it as such. As Scientology hides behind it being a religion, AA hides behind its structure of anonymity (at all levels).

I was pursued and threatened if I didn’t go back, and other members visited my family, at home, and at their places of work, to tell them I was going to drink, and soon die if I didn’t resume meetings. As AA promotes the image of an ‘altruistic fellowship’ the Police are very wary of getting involved.

It took me over six years to de-program, and even today, I have troubling thoughts from the incidents I witnessed while a member.”

7. Relearning the basics.

“Having to re-learn basic words, definitions, and thought processes.

Oh, Practical Prayer doesn’t take up hours of your time? Circular logic is bullsh*t? Idle hands are NOT the Devil’s playground?

Being a passive-minded, obsessively-clean, hardworking, frugal SHEEP that gives your blood, sweat, tears, time, and MONEY all to the Church DOESN’T make you a contributing member of society?”

8. Mennonite.

“Ex-Mennonite here, from a rather extreme branch of it.

I hate how people idolize Amish and Mennonites and have no idea how f*cked up it all is. The physical, s*xual, and spiritual abuse that is carried out behind walls. The sickening way they treat animals. How they force victims to forgive, and cover up the crimes of their own.

People were so surprised and admiring when those Amish whose school had been shot up “forgave” the sicko who did it. Missing from the commentary was that we are told from when we are very young that the only way to enter heaven is to forgive everyone everything.

And to be doormats for all the violent men in our lives. Whether in or outside the community.”

9. In a bubble.

“Being so completely ignorant of how the world really works was the worst for me.

I lived in a bubble just thinking everything outside the religion didn’t matter, because soon everything will be destroyed and almost everyone would be dead because they were not Jehova’s Witnesses. I had to educate myself when I finally woke up. I read more than 20 books in one year.

Trying to comprehend how the outside world really works. But my life has been full of failures because is not the same in theory than in practice. Maybe one day I’ll get the hang of it and start succeeding.”

10. Eye-opening.

“It was pretty bad. I was 7 when we left, and my childhood was filled with terror, daily beatings, hunger and exhaustion.

When we re-entered the real world, I was like a fish out of water. Straight from a cult into the projects, that was an eye opener.”

11. Was in multiple ones.

“I was in multiple different cults growing up. Evangelical brand, doomsday cults, all extorting money from their members.

One kept me socially isolated for years, exorcised me, designated me to be a surrogate mother to carry the children of everyone in the church who was infertile, despite the fact that pregnancy would kill me, said I was unfit to be married because I’d been r*ped as a child but I still had to give birth as that’s what God demands of women to free them of their sin.

The town I lived in was controlled by the main cult I was in- I couldn’t escape it. Everyone everywhere knew that I wasn’t a good enough believer. They were always feeding information back to my parents and the cult leaders to use against me. Everyone knew everything about me at all times.

In another, I was psychologically tortured, forced to consume rotten food and if I threw up I had to eat the vomit, forced to commit racist acts, and allow the leaders of the cult to s*xually harass me, a child. In the last one, I thought, finally this one is normal, until they tried to kill me.

I’ve been “out” for a year and moved hours away, but one of them managed to find me again. Periodically, they’ll send people I used to know to my town who are just “happening to run into me” when they’re “on outreach”, just so they know I know they’ve still got an iron grip on me.

My older brother used to be being groomed to be a leader in one of them and responsible for facilitating a lot of the abuse because he didn’t have a choice, and me and him are struggling to reconcile and be civil due to this fact.

The trauma is intense and I can barely leave my house a lot of the time, and my memories of my entire life are fragmented because I can’t handle them. The worst part is trying to function.”

12. Had to get away.

“I accepted a job as a traveling salesman once upon a time when I was desperate for income. Had no idea that it was a front for a cult.

We sold waterbeds. But anytime someone would tried to leave the company, management would gaslight you, become mentally abusive and manipulative, and try to use your personal life against you. All the other coworkers were honestly like creepy as f*ck. They all behaved like subservient loyal robots literally.

The cult itself, was centered around the owner. They had subtle wording in their company core values and policies that basically referenced that they were a God, if not the God of humanity. It was weird as f*ck. I was subjected to some really sh*tty situations, and trying to tell my family and friends about it they wouldn’t believe me.

Thought I was a lunatic, it was just a sh*tty job etc. But no, there were death threats, other forms of threats, all sorts of just mind-blowing crap from management, including attempted blackmailing, framing etc. Company meetings consisted of people getting hazed, but they called it “trust building exercises”.

There was also some kind of weird double love triangle going on between some of the coworkers and management. Im pretty sure the coworkers all f*cked each other too. Like you know the movie, whats it called…West World or something, where all the cyborg robot humans were obviously preprogrammed to act and behave a certain way without fault? Thats exactly how my coworkers were.

In the end I realized I had to move across country without warning to get away from them.”

13. Creepy stuff.

“Long long ago when I was a preteen I had to stay with some relatives for a while. These relatives were in a ‘church’ that was run by an openly admitted, formerly imprisoned con man.

I was told I had to go to this ‘church’ too, 3 times a week, or be thrown out of the house with nowhere else to go. Things started off more or less normal-ish and only gradually did it become a fanatical cult.

For the time I was there, I was as sucked in as everyone else and couldn’t see that things were messed up. One Wednesday evening I had a bad tummy flu and was left with the neighbors while everyone else went to the church. Friday night rolls around and I’m still too sick and weak to go.

Sunday morning comes and I’m perfectly healthy, but no longer want to go. Once again I was left at the house, but with instructions to be gone before they returned. I left and have never regretted it.

What made this ‘church’ a cult:

I know of at least one young woman in the congregation that had quietly asked around for help because the ‘leader’ was hitting on her and not taking no for an answer. She soon disappeared and was never heard from or mentioned again. I have no idea if something happened to her, or she just ran but either way it was bad.

At any given time in the last year I was there, at least 3 of the most attractive mid-teen girls lived with the ‘leader’, an unmarried man, with no supervision, and their parents seemed to think this was wonderful.

The ‘leader’ would frequently say one thing and then contradict himself in the next sentence, and no one ever noticed or commented on it.

The ‘leader’ put a great deal of effort into separating his ‘flock’ from friends, family and the community at large. All holidays became ‘satanic’ and the congregation was forbidden to practice anything considered normal for holidays.

Years later when I was grown and married, a friend from childhood contacted me to tell me the cult was being investigated by, I don’t remember now which alphabet agency. I immediately called the number for that agency that was in the phone book, and told them everything I knew. I never heard anything after that, and have no idea what happened.”

How about you?

Have you ever had any experiences with a cult or any kind of extreme religious organization?

If so, please share your stories with us in the comments.

The post People Who Broke Free From Cults Share Their Stories appeared first on UberFacts.

Older People Talk About Which Year Felt Worse Than 2020 and They Explain Why

I’ve read quite a bit about the year 1968 and I’ve always said to myself, “wow, that must have been so exciting and interesting to live through such a tumultuous year.”

Now that we’re living through an awful year, my mind has definitely been changed. This is not fun, it’s not exciting, and it’s honestly pretty terrifying. But I guess that we should all appreciate that we’re living through some very interesting times that will be studied and written about forever.

What are some other years that felt worse than 2020?

Let’s get some history lessons from folks on AskReddit.

1. Crash in Finland.

“My parents still think the economic crash of the 1990s that happened in Finland was worse, and in Finland it killed more people in the form of suicides than Corona has thus far.

I was just born around that time. And lots of people just lost everything. Companies folded left and right. Loan intrests were crushing people.

Then right after that we got dot com bubble.”

2. The burst bubble.

“Personally speaking:

2002 the dot-com bubble burst and I lost a cushy job, that was pretty bad.
2008 great recession happened, again was laid off, that was pretty bad too.

2019 was awful. I found out my recently deceased father had an entire other family. I guess technically, we were his other family.

Met the ones he abandoned (my new older half siblings) last summer and it was incredibly awkward and for some reason left me hollow and extremely full of guilt.”

3. A personal story.

“I’m 42. I’ve had years that were personally pretty bad, but this is super weird times.

Like, late 1997, the day before my 20th birthday, my mom was diagnosed with cancer and the first 6 months of 1998 were especially very, very stressful and scary, but at least I could go out with friends, I threw myself in to school, I worked, I tried to be useful or out of the way at home. I didn’t have to think about it 24/7.

I deactivated my FB, Insta, and Twitter October 1 and I’m planning to keep them like that at least through the election, maybe longer. Can’t change what’s going on, but I can’t have all of this crap living rent-free in my head all the time.”

4. JFK.

“1963 because President Kennedy was shot.

My teacher cried and my father left home.”

5. Interesting perspective.

“The last quarter of 2001 was more intensely miserable.

2020 misery is more spread out and not quite as terrifying.”

6. Serbia.

“Bombing of Serbia in 1999.

NATO was only supposed to bomb military objects, but they bombed hospitals, markets, random populated areas. I was in the hospital with my dad when the sirens came on the whole hospital went to the basement, lucky the hospital wasn’t hit, after the danger my dad drove us back he told me not to look out the window, being a kid I did look only to see innocent people dead along the whole street as the flea market was hit on a weekend…

I am 25 y/o now I still have nightmares about it occasionally. Also NATO used prohibited weapons with uranium which also caused a lot of people to get cancer from the radiation years after…”

7. History in the making.

“The year 1970.

People dying or being maimed for life (both mentally and physically) in a stupid, nonsensical war. Richard Nixon was President. The government refusing to listen to hundreds of thousands of people protesting the war, and people of all sorts not just college kids and hippies.

I participated in a HUGE protest in DC and walked down Pennsylvania Avenue with a lot of other people, holding the hands of my two kids. “We are speaking to our government. Never forget.””

8. It was bad.

“2008 was a really bad year.

Big financial crash, lots of people lost a lot of money, especially from their savings and retirements. Lots of layoffs, including me, and really high unemployment and few jobs to move to.”

9. The Eighties.

“1983 was probably the year we came closest to global nuclear war. Even worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis.

There was a large confluence of circumstances and events (some related, some not) that could have spelled doom.”

10. Bad years.


I spent a good bit of time homeless or living in a tent. I was in the US illegally and couldn’t get any form of assistance without being deported, and I was too small for most places to even consider employing me under the table.

Also, honorable mentions to 2016-17 for my divorce year and pretty much the entire period of 1992-1997 for me. 2020 doesn’t crack my top ten worst years, aside from the collapse of western civilization it really hasn’t been too bad on me.”

11. Way back when.

“It’s has to be 1947 when India got independence from britishers and then divided into Pakistan(Islamic country), India (republic nation).

People were forced to leave according to their religion. They were burnt alive and r*ped. Around 2 million people died, 14 million misplaced.

And my father told me that my grandfather who used to work as a ticket checker in railway had seen trains full of dead bodies.”

12. This is maybe as bad…

“Late 1960s and early 70s, we had the Vietnam war body count nightly on the news, for years. Everyone was worried about being drafted. I was too young.

There was plenty of angst to go around then. But I feel this year has probably been as bad or worse.”

13. Chaotic times.


Started with the Tet Offensive in Vietnam. It was a military disaster for the North Vietnamese, but a big surprise to the American public – they had been told the war was effectively won. And from there it just got worse.

Student riots. City riots. MLK was assassinated in early April and the ghettos exploded. Then in early June, I was on a South Vietnamese hilltop firebase. One of our less English-proficient officers came up to the American advisers in the afternoon. “You know Kennedy, ya? They shoot him!” The three of us looked at him. I said, “Yeah Đại Úy (Captain), back in 1963. So?”

“NO!” he said, “They shoot him now!” Then he got frustrated with us and stomped off. Weird. What’s up with the Đại Úy? We couldn’t get American radio (AFVN) in the daytime, but later that night we found out what he was talking about. Another Kennedy? WTF is going on back home?

I got back on leave in December. America was nuts. I couldn’t walk through the airport without starting a fight. I wasn’t fighting. Someone would want to yell at me, and someone else would start yelling at him, and eventually they’d forget I was there – because I wasn’t. My instructions were to keep walking. The war had come home. Racial justice had graduated to racial war.

It was almost a relief to get back to Vietnam. Seemed saner.

Bad year for the USA. 1969 was only better because some of the things people were expecting to happen, didn’t. But it wasn’t much better.”

Now we want to hear from even more older folks.

In the comments, please tell us what years you think were worse than 2020.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Older People Talk About Which Year Felt Worse Than 2020 and They Explain Why appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss What They’ve Learned From Living Through 2020

I know I’m probably preaching to the choir, but I’m ready to get this awful year over with already.

The scary thing is that we still have to live through the 2020 election and its aftermath, so who really knows what’s lurking right around the corner? Let’s hope things go relatively smoothly and we can go into 2021 in a somewhat calm manner.

But one thing’s for sure: this year has taught all of us a whole lot.

Let’s get real about 2020 with AskReddit users.

1. What to do with the time?

“There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want.

I thought that with all the extra time I had I would get so much more done.

Turns out I just need to get a lot better at time management.”

2. It gets worse.

“Your day can feel bad but it can get worse.

Bart: This is the worst day of my life

Homer: This is the worst day of your life…so far.”

3. It’s important.

“How important saving money is.

We had a 6 month emergency fund saved up, and the peace of mind was priceless.

We’ve made sure we stay out of debt as well.”

4. Works for you.

“That I love isolation.

It’s so good for reducing my anxiety.

I would like it if everything was virtual for the rest of my life.”

5. Let’s get back to reason, people.

“People will decide their position on major political issues based simply on which cult they follow rather than any reasoning or logic even in the face of clear evidence.”

6. The way it is.

“I think 2020 shows us the great divide of the haves and have nots.

Some people are really hurting right now. Others are totally fine or are thriving.

You’ll see more of one group than the other depending on your socioeconomic class.”

7. Not a great time.

“Life kinda sucks.

We go to work, half of us hate our jobs, we go home, we do normal, mundane things, to go bed, and repeat. Covid has definitely made me realize there’s a lot more to life than just being a work drone.

And it also taught me that I don’t have many close friends. Quarantine has been very lonely, but it’s forcing me to make more connections with people, which I have needed to do for a while.”

8. It’s up to you.

“The person who will take the best care of me, is me.

People will come to you and you will have a social life without bending over backwards to try to make friends.

And also that some people will only live their own version of the truth even if reality it’s biting them in the *ss.”

9. This is unfortunate.

“That no matter how dangerous something is and how obvious the evidence is, there will be some people who just won’t listen.

Honestly we expect adults to listen to an end of the world scenario when they can’t even do the simple fact of putting on a mask and staying home?

10. Good advice.

“Future is unpredictable so build the skillsets, build hobbies that you can keep for longterm, and work on mental health.

Create a good schedule so you can always create time for things you want to do.”

11. Very true.

“Life is always subject to change.

Get out there and do the things you want to do because one day you may not be able to.”

12. Don’t know a thing.

“That I really don’t understand things as well as I thought.

I really thought I knew what to expect from pretty much everything around me but I was wrong so many times over this year. I thought my marriage was solid- it wasn’t.

I thought that people would come together in times of crisis- they don’t. I thought my family would stick by me- they didn’t.

I’ve realized I don’t know a thing.”

13. Ouch.

“That spending 24/7 with a romantic partner isn’t a good idea.

So many quarantine break ups and I just honestly wonder if my ex was the right woman at the wrong time.”

14. Life can be cruel.

“Life doesn’t care about your plans.

In short, this year would be huge for me, last year i dropped out of college because i hated it, decided to study home for the last 6 months left of 2019, then applied to the course i wanted in university, failed…

2020 starts i am going to a course to prepare for new university exams, basically high school but better in my case, and most important i had to physically take the bus and go there, which was so much better than staying at home and be extra depressed and bored… and then COVID came along.”

Now we’d like to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what you think you’ve learned from 2020.

Please and thank you!

The post People Discuss What They’ve Learned From Living Through 2020 appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What the Crazy Year of 2020 Has Taught Them

What else could possibly happen in 2020?

Actually, I don’t even want to say that out loud because if we’ve learned one thing this year, it’s to expect the unexpected…and that’s a pretty scary thought, considering all the things we’ve gone through so far since January 1.

We’ve all learned a lot about ourselves this year, every single one of us.

What has this year taught you?

Here’s what people had to say on AskReddit.

1. Not so much.

“That I’m nowhere as much of a loner as I thought I was.

I may not be the most sociable person of the universe, but spending months holed up in my room with basically no IRL human contact got old fast.”

2. This is huge.

“Not to take travel for granted.

I am trying to learn French as something to keep distracted with, and to feel like I am doing something which will pay off when traveling in the future, but would give anything for a worry-free week abroad right now.

Getting very sick of the inside of my flat.”

3. All of it.

“That there are so many horrible people in the world, oblivious to everything around them and only concerned with themselves.

And also that there are so many kind and loving people in the world that are willing to help anyone.”

4. Hugs.

“Hug your spouse more.

Man on man woman on woman man on woman whatever hug those who are there for you. Wife’s an ER nurse I’m a firefighter working through covid non sense. The forced quarantine after contact with a positive pt has ripped us apart.

It’s hard to cope when your coping mechanism is behind glass out of reach. Hug your peeps.”

5. Keep your fingers crossed.

“That people will genuinely believe bad events will end just because the year is over.

Its overwhelming how many times I hear things like: “omg I cant wait for 2021, everything will be a fresh start” or “2020 can just leave”

Like, what do you really expect? All issues reset every January the 1st? Wtf.”

6. Keep your head up.

“That I can be a lot stronger and confident than I give myself credit for…

Gotta look for the positives, right?!”

7. Not prepared at all.

“That the United States is really REALLY not prepared for real sh*t to happen.

Most of the world is not.

We are held together by threads of a stretched out cloth ready to tear.”

8. Even worse now.

“The rich get richer while the poor get poorer.

It’s already bad enough under normal circumstances but in global crisis situations this applies even more.”

9. The process of weeding out.

“It showed me who my real friends are.

And some stuff about how stupid some people are, even if it is to protect the people who are at risk due to coronavirus.”

10. That is very true!

“People don’t know what Socialism really means.”

11. Hard knock life.

“That life is tragic, cruel, and absurd, to the point where it can completely break you.

But also that no matter how bad it all gets, there is genuine peace and comfort in real, platonic love and my friends are the light of my life. We have each other’s backs and we adore each other.

So in a way, despite having lost nearly everything, I am incredibly lucky. I’m never really alone.”

12. Sad.

“A common hardship won’t bring people together, like in Independence Day or Watchmen.

Rather, it’ll drive them to care only about their own interests.”

13. Big money.

“That big corporations that say they care about their customers don’t give a sh*t. All they care about is money.

When small businesses went bankrupt during the pandemic the big corporations amassed billions in wealth.”

14. Not much different.

“That my family would be fine on a confined spaceship traveling to Mars or somewhere else distant.

The lockdown has had little effect on us.”

15. Here’s the deal.

“Life is short.

There are too many things in this world that are out of your control that can punch you in the guts. So live your life, enjoy your family and friends, enjoy good food, focus on what’s important.

Save for the future but not at the expense of living a meaningful and rewarding life now. Money is a means to an end, not an end in itself.

Also, on the flip side from a cynical point of view, this past year has reaffirmed that the world is full of stupid people.

Opinions do not override scientific facts and the anti science agenda of those in power today takes advantage of the uneducated and those who give into fear mongering too easily.”

Now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us what this crazy year has taught YOU.

Please and thank you!

The post People Talk About What the Crazy Year of 2020 Has Taught Them appeared first on UberFacts.