15 Tweets That Are Just So “Mom”

Is your mom a funny mom? I know mine definitely is – both intentionally and unintentionally (like moms are supposed to be, in my humblest opinion).

1. Listen up, Mama

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Guilt trip to the max

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Babied

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. That’s the cause

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Viruses everywhere

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Not going anywhere

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. #3 is intense

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. NO

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Not what that means

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Don’t let it out!

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Better start defrosting that

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. They’re closed!

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Hmmmm

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Just LOL

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Double-edged sword

Photo Credit: Twitter

Mom…she’s at it again!

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15+ Absolutely Hilarious Things Kids Said to Their Parents

I’ll say it: Kids are weird. I don’t even feel bad saying it because ou know I’m right.

And thankfully we have parents who are willing to share their kids’ weird sayings with all of us so we can enjoy their weirdness!

1. Not what I meant

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. That’s all for today

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. That’s a lot

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Not me

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Hmmm…

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Feet traps

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Good question

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

10. That sounds good to me

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. I kind of like that

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Who knows?

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Not real

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Questioning life now

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Not entirely wrong

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. What a coincidence

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. That’s all it takes

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. Don’t worry about it

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Thanks for ruining it

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. Hahaha

Photo Credit: Twitter

But weird in a good way!

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Son Posts Mom’s Painting Online, Sets off a Chain Reaction of Creativity

Having your work critiqued is always difficult. It’s a very vulnerable position to put yourself in, because you never know how someone will react to your work.  Particularly for beginners, it can be a disheartening process.

A Reddit user wanted to encourage his mother, Cindi Decker, to stick with her artwork, so he decided to post a photo of her holding one of her first paintings.

Here is the photo of Decker and her painting with the caption, “My mom painted this and said no one would like it. It’s her 2nd painting.”

Photo Credit: Imgur

Little did mother and son know that the online floodgates were going to open, in a good way. A Reddit user suggested “Someone paint the photo of his mom holding her painting and repost it with the same title for extra extra karma.” And what do you know…

Photo Credit: Facebook

And then, well…the Internet spiraled into a vortex of fun creativity.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

And we continue further…

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Cindi Decker said of all the hoopla, “Even though people say, ‘You inspired me to paint,’ I don’t know that it was so much me. I really give credit to the first artist who painted. You know, I’m not a painter. I’m just somebody who went out and did a little painting thing, so I got lucky to get caught up in all this fun craziness.”

I love when the Internet comes together for good instead of evil! Let’s see more of this!

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This Guy’s Duck Story on Tinder Is Easily the Greatest Way to Score a Girl’s Number

Dating these days is… well, let’s just say it’s not like it used to be. Thanks to Tinder, manners and charm have seemingly gone out the window. Welcome to the world of the insta-date. Swipe right, swipe left, match, get the number, set up a date, sleep together…then what? Lather, rinse, repeat, I suppose.

Well, this guy has all the other Tinder men beat with his funny and intriguing story about a duck – all to get the girl’s number. His creativity charmed her, and I bet he actually made her laugh enough to hand over the digits.

Photo Credit: Reddit, u/mattythegee

Photo Credit: Reddit, u/mattythegee

Photo Credit: Reddit, u/mattythegee

Many people applauded his creativity and are thinking of trying it out for themselves.

Photo Credit: Reddit, u/LUCIEN

Photo Credit: Reddit, u/drkrogue

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

Take note gentleman (and ladies)! This is a game changer.

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These Paternity Test Results from a Zoo in Switzerland Are Straight out of “Jerry Springer”

When we think of paternity tests, particularly ones that cause drama and scandal, we tend it to think of them as a uniquely human problem. It turns out, however, that we aren’t the only species to wind up with some truly surprising paternity test results. This time, it was the orangutans in the hot seat.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Padma was born about five months ago. Her parents were thought to be Maja and Budi, a male and female who were matched specifically because of how little overlapping DNA they shared. Orangutans are part of the Endangered Species Program, so, when they are bred at zoos, increasing genetic diversity is a top priority.

But when the results of the paternity test came back…it turned out Budi was not the father.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Instead, the zoo’s dominant male Vendel was the other half of the parental equation – even though he lived in an entirely different enclosure. One that had an open border somewhere, since that was where Maja went to get what she needed from the male orangutan of her choice.

Apparently, Vendel has something that Budi does not: cheek pads. The fabulously extravagant face flaps, also known as flanges, are to female orangutans like dimples or cleft chins are to human females.

Which is to say, irresistible.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The paternity testing is standard procedure, even though this is the first time a test has come back with unexpected results – at least in Basel. The Loveland Living Planet Aquarium in Utah can sympathize, though, since they recently had some test results reveal that their usually-monogamous Gentoo penguins were sharing partners for funsies.

Which just goes to show, once again, that humans aren’t as removed from the animal world as we would like to think.

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Dad Melts Hearts with His Wheelchair-Accessible Snow Fort

Parenting is a hard job, and I’m literally only saying that with the experience of being a puppy parent! Whether you have a fur baby or a real baby, it’s hard to always find the energy to play with them – especially when it’s cold outside.

That’s why I gotta give mad props to Greg Eichhorn of Ohio, who is a father to 9 adopted, special needs children. Although two of those kids are wheelchair-bound, Greg figured that shouldn’t stop them from enjoying a snow fort like every other kid on the block.

Photo Credit: Reddit

“We built a bigger igloo – one that had a handicap-accessible hole so Elijah and Zahara could experience it, because I did when I was a kid,” he explained.

The adorable, thoughtful act garnered attention on social media when a friend of Eichhorn shared a picture of the fort and his buddy’s ingenuity on Reddit.

Comments poured in and were, true to Reddit form, all over the board. That said, the majority of people thought he was a pretty awesome dad for not only getting out there, but going above and beyond to ensure that all of his children were able to enjoy the day.

Photo Credit: Facebook

As far as Eichhorn himself, he doesn’t think he did anything special. But he is using his moment in the spotlight to advocate for adoption.

“Our family is getting kind of full and it would be great if people stepped up, took on the same roles and enjoyed the kind of joy that we do. Because yeah, we get a lot of joy out of life.”

What’s more, when people reached out with offers to donate money to Eichhorn and his family, he declined, suggesting they donate the money to their local adoption agencies instead.

He sounds like a stand-up guy – and one with some pretty serious snow fort building skills. I’m not sure what else you need to be voted Dad of the Year.

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These Memes About Marriage Will Make You Laugh and Cry

Marriage is one of those things that you’ve gotta laugh through, or else it’ll never survive. It’s a (hopefully) lifelong journey with plenty of ups and downs, so having a sense of humor is pretty essential.

These memes perfectly capture the hilarious (and at times terrible) realities of marriage. Even if you’re not married, you’ll totally sympathize (and giggle).

1. Quit cleaning the weird shit

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. You have 30 minutes

Photo Credit: someecards

3. That is terrifying

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. The answer is ‘no’

Photo Credit: someecards

5. That’s my spot

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Not very long

Photo Credit: someecards

7. You ready?

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Forever nachos

Photo Credit: someecards

9. May I ask why?

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Just don’t

Photo Credit: someecards

11. A bit of a difference

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Prepare

Photo Credit: someecards

13. Proof

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Not so hard

Photo Credit: someecards

15. Ah, Sundays

Photo Credit: someecards

16. Life revolves around food

Photo Credit: someecards

17. This is gonna be close

Photo Credit: someecards

18. I’ve never heard that

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Too real

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. That’s what it’s all about

Photo Credit: Twitter

Ahhhhh, married life. Isn’t it glorious?

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Tumblr Provides Definitive Proof That Humans Are Adorable

In this world of crazy, bad news all the time, it’s nice to have the occasional reminder that most people are good and decent. Thankully, this Tumblr thread is here to remind us of the adorable things that humans do. For example:

Photo Credit: Imgur

Ow? Ow!


Photo Credit: Imgur

Well, yeah. Shiny things are great! And who doesn’t love the beach?

Photo Credit: Imgur

Soft, fluffy bedding sounds amazing.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Sneezes are kind of amazing. And frustrating.

Photo Credit: Imgur

I do love my reassurance treats. This note sums things up nicely.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Humans – we’re delightful (sometimes)!

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20 Comics That Perfectly Sum Up Sharing a Bed with Your Partner

A major part of learning to be in a long-term relationship is learning how to share a bed with your partner. It’s one of those things that you can simultaneously love and also be driven insane by.

Maybe you go back and forth a little bit, alternating between being really annoyed and extremely content and comfortable.

Whatever your feelings are on the subject, these comics will look very familiar to you…

1. No escape

2. World’s tiniest bladder

3. So HOT in here

4. Blinded by the light

Photo Credit: Facebook,Hedger Humor

5. You’re on my side

Photo Credit: Dina Odess

6. Keeping the other person up

Photo Credit: Yehuda and Maya Devir

7. Split personality

Photo Credit: Facebook,Six Pack Mom

8. Ahhhhhhh

Photo Credit: Our Super Adventure

9. That awful morning breath

10. You’re on my hair!

Photo Credit: Yehuda and Maya Devir

11. Claws

12. Uh oh

Photo Credit: Our Super Adventure

13. Still need a little touch

Photo Credit: Yehuda and Maya Devir

14. Different methods

Photo Credit: Facebook,Hedger Humor

15. Too much sun…don’t touch me

16. No eating in bed!

Photo Credit: Our Super Adventure

17. Isn’t it always this way?

Photo Credit: Facebook,Hedger Humor

18. Too tired to shower

Photo Credit: Yehuda and Maya Devir

19. Stare into my eyes

20. No sex, sorry

I bet a lot of these hit close to home, didn’t they?

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According to a study…

According to a study from UC Berkeley, the most successful marriages were those where the wife was able to calm down quickly after arguments – The husbands’ emotional regulation had little to no bearing on long-term satisfaction.