A Dad Wanted to Know If He’s Wrong for Not Wanting to Share His Daughter With Her Stepdad on Her Wedding Day

What do you think about this story?

The way families look has changed for many people over the years, which means that, in the best of cases, the involved kids have more people to love and care for them as they grow up.

Mature adults are able to put the kids first, and realize that anyone willing to love a child is worth respecting (even if you like having to do it), but others struggle with this concept years after the fact.

Which is what’s happened here.

The original poster (OP) is a dad who split from the mother of his daughter two decades ago. His ex remarried to a man she’s still with, a man who was a stay-at-home dad and quickly bonded with OPs daughter – a fact her biological dad always hated.

AITA for telling my daughter [26F] that I [55M] will not walk down the aisle with her stepdad [50M]. from AmItheAsshole

Now, she wants both of them to walk her down the aisle at her wedding but OP is refusing to the point of claiming he won’t go to the wedding at all if she insists on her stepdad being part of the process.

It probably comes as no surprise to you (or it shouldn’t) that the majority of people on the Am I The A**hole Reddit thread that most people agree he’s the jerk, here (YTA – You’re The A**hole, in Reddit language).

Maybe this dad needs to know how to dad better… like a lot better…

This makes some people remember their own shitty fathers…

It’s one after another.

In fact…I couldn’t find anyone who disagreed. Rightfully so.

Yeah, it’s pretty much unanimous.

I hope this man took everyone’s comments to heart, apologized to his daughter, and plans to do whatever she wants on her big day, but based on most of his replies, I doubt it.

And I hope the daughter has a wonderful day, regardless of a father who can’t grow up enough to put her first.

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A Study Showed That Older Parents Still Lose Sleep over Their Adult Children

I’ve wondered if my parents still do this, even though all five of the kids they raised are grown up and out of the house.

And now I have an answer.

A study published in The Gerontologist Journal shows many older parents worry about their adult children as much as they did when they were raising them as youngsters.

It also found that there was a correlation between sleep quality and parents worrying about their adult children.

It makes sense when you think about it: when kids are raised by their parents, mom and dad are always home and around the children. It’s when the kids leave the house to go out into the world for college or a job that mothers and fathers begin to experience more worry and stress due to uncertainty and not being in close proximity to their sons and daughters at all times.

Amber J. Seidel of Penn State York, the leader of the study, said:

“I feel that many share this value, yet I think much of the socialization in our culture focuses on the family when children are younger. I seek to study topics that help us understand how family continues to be a central part of our lives throughout adulthood, and I encourage considering family-level influences in all situations.”

The study is obviously more reflective of parents in the West and in Europe, as it is more common for children to live with their parents longer in the East. In the U.S. and Europe, children are pushed toward independence at a younger age.

Seidel ended the study by encouraging parents to consider the type of relationships they have with their adult children because the level of involvement they have with their kids and how much support they offer them affects parents’ sleep cycles. The questions Seidel thinks parents should ask themselves include, ‘Are you enabling your child by rewarding lazy or destructive behaviors?’, ‘Are you trying to control your child in any way?’, ‘Or are you simply letting your adult child live their life while providing unconditional support?’

Asking and contemplating these questions can lead to a more transparent relationship between parents and adult children.

Hey, adults who are out of the house, your parents are most likely worried about you and wondering what you’re up to, so check in once in a while.

Call your mother.

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You Can Spend 30 Hours in a Coffin with Your Partner and Win $600, Courtesy of Six Flags

Amusement park Six Flags has celebrated Halloween by daring their guests to spend 30 hours trapped alone in a coffin for the last couple years. People surprisingly jumped at the chance (and some of them actually made it!), so this year, they’re upping the ante and offering the challenge for couples.

That’s right – it’s a chance to test your relationship by spending the night trapped in a 6-foot by 5.4-foot space together!

Or, you know, if you’re up for a super adventure, you could also do it with a perfect stranger.

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You’re allowed to bring pillows, sleeping bags, or whatever else you’d like, as long as everything fits inside and allows the lid to be closed. You’re also allowed to leave for designated bathroom breaks, to eat meals, and to use your phone (that last one is crap, if you asl me).

Each contestant is also issued a “Get Out of the Coffin Free Card” to use in exchange for a 6-minute breather.

There are mini-challenges throughout the main event, like fishing a mystery item out of a bucket, lying still while covered in worms, or other Fear Factor Lite experiences.

Both participants must complete these challenges together, though everyone does get one “Skip the Challenge Card” at the outside of the event.

The reward for surviving all of this intact – and hopefully still in a relationship – is $600 (to split), two 2020 season passes, and a Fright Fest prize pack.

There’s an online application if you’re interested, and if this year’s deadline is passed, well…there’s always next year.

Maybe you and your partner can spend the intervening months trying to survive hours on end pressed together in a tight space.

Remember, though, for the real challenge, you’ll have an audience.

So no funny business to pass the time.

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10 Mothers Explain Why They’d Never Circumcise Their Sons

You probably know that there’s a polarizing debate on whether or not to circumcise newborn infants.

These women are against circumcising and have strong opinions supporting their cases.

Their reasoning may make you think twice about the topic.

1. Yeah, is there REALLY a reason for this??

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. More nerves than the what???

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Yeah, circumcision is COSMETIC. For real!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Mom knows best!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Well, who cares what she thinks? Really…

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Who gives you hate??

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. No regrets!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. This. Right. Here!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Agreed!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. It shouldn’t be a big deal at all.

Photo Credit: Whisper

What do you think? Still believe in circumcision? Think it’s horrible?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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11 People Share How Their Weddings Were Ruined

Buckle up, these are pretty wild.

So here’s the scenario… you put your heart, soul and wallet into planning the PERFECT wedding… and then life happens.

These 11 confessions share some of the craziest/saddest moments anybody has ever experienced on their special day… ever!

1. Yikes! Forever memories aren’t forever??

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Ruined!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Or… you could have just gotten past it?

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. What’s with these mother in laws?

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. So… that’s a bad thing?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Jeezus… that’s nuts!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Alright people… y’all need to STFU when the wedding is going on…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Sisters can’t be cool sometimes…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Well, that COULD have been fun…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Bad tears are bad!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Oh these god damn mother in laws!! UGH!

Photo Credit: Whisper

So, what did you think? Can you believe these family members? I mean… WTF?!?

Got a moment you want to share? Let us know in the comments!

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People Share Secret Things That Their Parents Don’t Know About Them

Do you keep things from your parents? Stuff that you just think they’re better off not knowing?

Maybe they’re little white lies or maybe they’re big, explosive, dark secrets that would shatter their world.

AskReddit users went on the record and revealed what dear old mom and dad don’t know about them.

1. We’re married!

“I’ve been married for 6 years. My husband and I have been together almost 40 years but we were crazy kids who didn’t need a piece of paper to prove our love. After a health scare my husband’s sister made a comment that implied she had a closer legal relationship than I did. It was offhanded but it made us think.

We already had wills, medical power of attorney, etc., paperwork done but we decided to get married just to make it more cut and dry. Only a few people know we’re married. Our kids and a couple of close friends. And now some people on Reddit.”

2. A terrible secret

“They accused me of coming home ‘strung out.’ I was actually sexually assaulted and just looked like sh*t.”

3. Parents don’t need to hear some things

“I was raped nearly ten years ago. I have PTSD but told them it’s just a panic disorder. Theres a running joke in our family about how I’m so jumpy, they don’t know it’s a startle response. Some things, a parent just doesn’t need to hear about their child.”

4. Sad

“I still have cancer — my mom thinks I’m “cured” (she has Alzheimer’s so we’re not correcting her).”

5. Keep it covered

“That I have a tattoo. It’s been 4.5 years and they have never seen it.”

6. In the dark

“I’m glad my grandfather is dead. He was abusive, but I don’t think my parents realized the extent of it.”

7. Emotional abuse

“My mom doesn’t know that the mental/emotion abuse she inflicted on me as a child almost made me kill myself at thirteen/fourteen. She is a very big denier of these actions and manipulations during my childhood but I’ve gone through therapy and have made my peace. We have a decent relationship now but it will never be what I have with my father.

He’s the reason I stayed on this earth and even then I don’t even think he realizes that he literally saved my life when I asked him to fight for my custody at fifteen. I think he knows to some extent but I don’t want to ever ask if he knew bc I know how painful it is for him, he already struggles with the fact that he didn’t fight for me when they split (I was three). He chose to let me decide for myself and didn’t want me to resent him for taking me away from her without my own decision. I

hit my breaking point and he jumped into action with a lawyer and saved my life. I try my hardest to reassure him that he was trying his best and regardless I still turned out okay but I know he still beats himself up over it.”

8. Worried

“How I constantly worry about them dying.”

9. You don’t know me

“Everything, they never took the time to get to know me.”

10. This is scary

“My parents don’t know that I’ve “awakened” to the fact that we are in a cult and that they are blind devotees. 🙁

I wanted to leave but I don’t them to disown me. They are lovely people but they have devoted themselves to this stupid cult that they turn into monsters whenever someone criticizes the religion.

They think I’m “fortunate” because I was born “saved” into this stupid cult but in reality they’re being controlled by the cult’s narcissist leader and siphons their money twice a week.”

11. Not just roommates

“That I share a bed (and more) with my “roommate.” “

12. Hiding it well

“My dad always comments on how confident and chill I seem. I’m usually experiencing a lot of anxiety, mostly about money and my future. Hard to let those feelings show, though.”

13. That’s depressing

“That I regularly search the obituaries for their names. I don’t want to have anything to do with them, but I’d like to know when they are dead.”

14. Affected

“That they didn’t provide me with nearly enough emotional connection growing up. Sure I was provided for, but I was never really connected with on an emotional level. I wish they knew how much that affects me.”

15. Scandalous!

“That I failed out of college and have been pretending to go to classes.”

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13 Times People Without Kids Posted Hilarious Memes

Hang on…this is sure to spark some debate.

Are you a person without ANY children? Well then… hello. You must be well rested and have plenty of money.

For those who DO have kids and are here to relive those glory days of not being responsible for another human being who clings to you until they don’t need you… HEY! Remember all these things and how awesome they were?

Okay, we kid… kind of. But here are 13 times when the childless among us won big time.

1. Ahhhhh… sleep, glorious sleep!

Photo Credit: Someecards

2. I am responsible for MYSELF, thank you very much!

Photo Credit: Someecards

3. Yeah, and baby otters grow up to be adult otters, which are almost as cute.

Photo Credit: Someecards

4. This is what vacation is for… and grandparents…

Photo Credit: Someecards

5.  You tell ’em Sarah!

Photo Credit: Someecards

6. These are legit kids. Don’t @ me!

Photo Credit: Someecards

7. Responsibility tsunami!

Photo Credit: Someecards

8. Oh yes… this is me. Always. And forever.

Photo Credit: Someecards

9. Yeah, who cares about a pic of a kid? Let’s see those doggos!

Photo Credit: Someecards

10. You know, he’s got a point!

Photo Credit: Someecards

11. Morgan, you’re my new hero. Thank you for this insight!

Photo Credit: Someecards

12. Cats are kids. Don’t @ me.

Photo Credit: Someecards

13. Ahhhh… sweet, delicious, peaceful, serene silence!

Photo Credit: Someecards

So, how do you feel now? Want kids? No???? That’s crazy. I would have thought you’d want them after all!

Well, I guess we can always share our thoughts in the comments, yeah? So do that!

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This Father and Artist Shares Images of His Life With Five Girls

James Breakwell (Xploding Unicorn on social media) is a pretty big name online, known for being the hilarious father to four young girls. His life is obviously pretty chaotic, and, aside from his famous twitter account, he has a little extra fun with it creating a webcomic titled “Unbelievably Bad Webcomic.”

It’s no museum-worthy art, but other parents will find truth and hilarity in the 15 comics below (and probably all of the rest, too).

15. I mean at least it’s going in the toilet.

14. Their prices are going to go up as they get older.

13. This is not her first rodeo.

12. Silly kids. They’ll learn one day.

11. Kids know how to latch onto an argument when they hear a good one.

10. That’s what’s known as derailing the progress.

9. Who says boys are the only ones hard to keep alive?

8. Brutally honest is the only way to stay married.

7. The accuracy of this is stunning.

6. Definitely not how this generation works, Dad.

5. When you’ve taught them well, it might come back to bite you.

4. And we all know what maybe means.

3. Your wife knows best.

2. It’s amazing how many men think “doing the laundry” means “I put it in the machine and turned it on.”

1. The sass is strong with the eldest.

Breakwell has also published two books – Only Dead on the Inside: A Parent’s Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse and Bare Minimum Parenting: The Ultimate Guide to Not Quite Ruining Your Child – and has published two other webcomics, Unfridgeworthy and Wombat Dojo

If you enjoy his style, make sure you’re following him on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

He’s a funny guy, so definitely worth the click!

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This Guy’s Wife Was Furious After He Let Their Kid Name His Stuffed Animal “Tig Bitties”

If you’re married or in a relationship with a male, you’re likely aware that they’re overgrown children and still find jokes that have to do with the female body and bodily functions hilarious.

My own grandmother stopped me from naming a Cabbage Patch doll “Beth Mindy” because her initials would have been BM. I had no idea what that meant, but took her advice and christened the doll “Mindy Beth” instead. I think it had a nice ring to it. But I digress.

The original poster (OP) in this case says there’s no harm, no foul, in suggesting his son give his stuffed tiger “Tig” the surname (middle name) of “Bitties.”

AITA for suggesting my 7yo name his new stuffed tiger "Tig Bitties"? from AmItheAsshole

His wife, though, thinks it’s terrible and could cause trouble down the road, should the tiger become a beloved toy that leaves their house for sleepovers and the like.

While most people feel like the guy is NTA (not the a**hole) or that there are NAH (no a**holes here), a few take issue with his immaturity.

And some… well, they’re completely on his side.

Because that’s how this world works.

And this complicated response…

But seriously guys… why is this funny? I mean… come on.

He should probably think things through a bit better, say those who claim he’s TA (the a**hole) in this scenario.

As a married woman with two little boys, I expect my own sense of humor when it comes to things like this will have to find a way to grow – or at least tolerate – jokes that aren’t at all funny. And this woman is going to have to do the same, because it’s too late to turn back now – Tig Bitties is here to stay.

So… idea… how about she suggest the name Call Smock for her son’s next stuff animal?

Because, ya know…

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10 Memes About People Who Are Struggling With ‘Adulting’

Hello! How are you doing today?

Honestly, it doesn’t really matter. And it’s probably better if you’re not doing that great, because these memes will make you laugh. And if you laugh, you’ll feel better.

Is it a bad thing that we hope you’re not having the best day? Is that mean of us?

1. It. Never. Stops.

Photo Credit: Someecards

2. Well, that’s enough for today!

Photo Credit: Someecards

3. Gotta get small. In a ball. In my bed. Dead.

Photo Credit: Someecards

4. Those fucking group chats tho…

Photo Credit: Someecards

5. Anxiety likes to get me anxious about anxiety

Photo Credit: Someecards

6. Night!

Photo Credit: Someecards

7. Well, that’s one way to find out!

Photo Credit: Someecards

8. Oh… this made me snort!

Photo Credit: Someecards

9. Huh? Come again? What’s that? Nothing to see here…

Photo Credit: Someecards

10. That just means I’m into comfort. That’s all. Nothing more.

Photo Credit: Someecards

So fam… what did you think? We want to hear your opinion.

Let us know about the best memes in the comments! Don’t let us down!

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