If You’ve Ever Dealt With a Scorpio, These 15 Tweets Are for You

Scorpios are a unique breed, aren’t they? They’re known to be dramatic, intense, unpredictable, and emotional.

And the people who have dated them, been married to them, or had to deal with them a lot on a daily basis know all of these things to be very true.

So what to do? Put them on blast on Twitter, of course! Here are some funny and accurate tweets about all those Scorpio folks out there.

1. Two sides of the coin.

2. Not even gonna try.

3. Split personality.

4. Build up those life points.

5. Hmmm. Is this a good thing?


7. Is this true?

8. Shock and awe.

9. She really wants to know what they’re gonna do…

10. That’s kind of crazy.

11. Shouldn’t joke about that.

12. Now you’re being ignored.

13. Jekyll and Hyde.

14. Taking it to the extreme.

15. Bit of a control freak…

I’m sorry, Scorpios…but it had to be done.

Everybody out there, we want your feedback!

If you are a Scorpio or maybe if you’ve just had to deal with them in your life, tell us what you think about them. Don’t hold back, now!

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Adorable Photos Of Taller Women Dating Shorter Men

There are a lot of people in the world – men, women, and everyone in between – who think that the man in a relationship should be bigger and/or taller than the woman he falls in love with.

Which is silly, when you think about it, because if you’re a woman of above-average height you’re crossing off a good portion of the dating population – probably full of some mighty fine men!

And, in order to crush the idea that shorter men aren’t sexy or that couples where the woman is taller look weird or out of place, these 13 couples are sharing their too-adorable pics together.


13. Those are some pretty people.

12. And stylish, too!

11. Nowhere to go from there but up!

10. So many good looking people out there!

9. They’re definitely doing something right!

8. The woman who kicked off the thread bringing the truth.

7. He’s certainly learned how to smolder at the camera.

6. Hubba hubba I can see why!

5. Happiness like this is where it’s at.

4. Love is all you need.

3. When you’re a match, you’re a match.

2. They’re in for the long haul!

1. Think of all of the costume opportunties!


My husband is taller than I am, but I’ve definitely dated men who were my height or just barely taller – and honestly, not having to wear heels is kind of a blessing!

Is your significant other shorter than you? Taller?

We’re taking an informal poll in the comments!

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A Woman’s Story About Her Boyfriend Sharing Her Nudes With Family Sparked a Big Conversation

Issues around sharing intimate photos in the age of the smart phone have left a lot of people – and governments – flailing to catch up with new questions.

Almost everyone either has a story about trouble they’ve run into with nude photos, or knows someone who does. The most frequent version of this story is “I sent someone I trusted pictures and they ended up somewhere I didn’t want them to be.”

One reddit user on r/TwoXChromosomes had a variation on this story that left a lot of people shocked, and sparked over 1,000 replies in a giant conversation about toxic masculinity, shame, privacy, and the law.

I ( 24F) found out that my ( 25M) boyfriend has been sharing my nudes with his father.

…I found out only because I was scrolling through his phone and he shared them over text message.

His dad made disgusting sick comments like “that’s my boy” and “ dan [sic] she’s hot and wet, she’s a keeper”.

Never ever in my life have I ever trusted anyone as much as I trusted my boyfriend. I had never sent nudes to anyone before in my life because I was terrified something like this would happen.

– findmyiPad-

Things like this don’t just ruin someone’s day, or end a relationship, they can warp how a person sees themselves, and how they interact with the world, maybe permanently.

I ended up cutting off all contact with him and I am completely disgusted and so ashamed and embarrassed. I have not been able to leave my house in 2 days because I feel so objectified, used and I feel like complete trash.

I am not sure if I am going to take any steps against him legally because we were together for 3 years and I really don’t want to destroy the rest of his life with criminal charges. I am just really sick and confused right now.

I need some advice.

Thank you.

– findmyiPad-

It obviously wasn’t long before the replies started rolling in. First, we’ll get the obvious out of the way.

WTF? This is so sick

– Texcoco95

There was, naturally, every variation of “get tf out of there.”

As a guy, get out!

– jimmy-cell

A ton of people sympathized, with sometimes shockingly similar experiences.

I was not in the same situation as you exactly, but I will say I had some similar and didn’t want to ruin their lives with charges. The man in my case went on to ruin the lives of other women. I regret every day not pressing charges

– claireupvotes

Many offered words of encouragement and reminders that – even though this feels like it shouldn’t need to be said – people who find themselves in this situation aren’t the ones at fault. You feel bad, but that doesn’t mean you did wrong.

I’m sorry you feel embarrassed, but for heaven’s sake don’t be ashamed. No one who has been assaulted (and yes, ask any therapist on the planet – this is a form of assault, whether it’s against a woman OR a man) should feel ashamed. YOU did nothing wrong.

– remberzz

The thread contains a lot of pondering on how elements of male culture can encourage this type of thing.

I don’t understand the mentality, but I’ve sadly seen it before. My ex’s dad would commend him on getting hot girls etc. It was disgusting, and led to our breakup.


This typifies many of the responses:

I think its most likely a weird insecurity thing. They do it to confirm that other males approve of their choice and that others will see them as sexually successful.

– bikesexually

Overall, the thread was 100% supportive, which was refreshing to see.

Allow yourself time to process this betrayal of trust and then when you feel like you’ve found your feet, you can start making decisions on how to move forward.

– WadesUnbridledAnger

A few users attempted to dive into the legal options.

Unfortunately a good amount of US states only class sharing nudes without consent as a misdemeanor. I know because someone threatened me with that and in my state it’s only a misdemeanor.

– anti_citizen

But it quickly became clear that if you want to truly weigh your legal options, talk to a lawyer. Laws on these things still vary a lot from state to state.

In Illinois it’s a felony.

Edit: Also in Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Texas for the first offense, according to cybercivilrights.org. Plus in Missouri, merely threatening to distribute images is a felony in itself.

In New Jersey a first offense is a “third degree crime” with the possibility of 3-5 years in prison and a $15,000 fine, which sounds pretty felonious to me.

Oh and shoutout to Massachusetts, Mississippi, South Carolina and Wyoming, where it’s still not a punishable offense on any level.

– dangerouslyloose

Reading through this thread hit close to home for me because I recently tried to help a loved one navigate the same types of questions, and it’s never easy.

But it is encouraging to see culture shift toward a more supportive attitude to victims of this breeches of trust.

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A Woman Wants to Know If She Was Wrong for Leaving a Baby Shower Thrown by Her Creepy In-Laws

The time you spend pregnant and postpartum are some of the most vulnerable of our lives. We’re trying to care for ourselves, to care for another human being that depends solely on us, and the hormones swirling around combine with other physical changes to make our emotional states understandably fragile.

It can be a trying (but joyous!) time if you’ve got a great support system around you, so I can’t imagine what this woman has gone through with her husband and in-laws bizarre behavior.

She tells the Reddit forum Am I The A**hole that since she got pregnant her husband has been a bit too excited, and has all but stopped calling her by her name in favor of using “Mommy,” even though she’s asked him to stop.

His family, bizarrely, calls her by the baby’s name.

Even though she expressly asked her mother-in-law to not throw her a party, she did it anyway, using a “gift” from her son to trick the woman into showing up. They groped her belly, ordered a distasteful cake that she couldn’t eat (because her husband wasn’t “allowing” her to eat dairy or processed sugar “for the baby”) and when she said she wanted to leave, he said she was acting crazy.

She left anyway, calling a cab and going home before letting him know she was fine, and even though only 30 minutes had passed, he had called the police.

Now, he’s angry and the in-laws want him to divorce her and sue for full custody and she’s not sure if she overreacted.

No one – no one – thinks she’s the a**hole here.

Largely because she’s being mentally and emotionally abused by an entire family.

I mean, who does this kind of thing to somebody who’s pregnant?!?

The advice to get out of there, live with her family and talk to her doctor, seem very valid to me, a woman who has been there (not pregnant, thank goodness).

She hasn’t posted any updates, and I join everyone else on Reddit hoping that she and the baby are okay.

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A Woman Asked If She’s Wrong for Wanting Her Infertile Sister to Host Her Baby Shower and People Had Some Thoughts

The subreddit Am I The A**hole has grown in popularity over the past several years, and is a home for every potential jerk out there wanting to know if they done a friend or family member wrong.

In this case, I give you a woman who started casually dating her sister’s ex-fiancee, proceeded to get knocked up, and wants her infertile sister to host the shower.

The sister, for some context, had to go on antidepressants after finding out she would likely never have children, and it’s unclear whether the news precipitated the breakup.

Here’s the original post…

AITA for asking my sister to throw my baby shower party when she is suffering from infertility from AmItheAsshole

Yikes. That’s a lot to unpack.

There’s pretty much nothing redeemable about her entire story, and when her sister told her to go to hell… I just about cheered.

Guess who else did?

Image Credit: Reddit

The entire damn internet! That’s who!

Image Credit: Reddit

Many people on the thread suspect the post is fake.

Image Credit: Reddit

honestly, I really hope they’re right because… yeah. Wow.

Image Credit: Reddit

Everyone, though – EVERYONE – thinks she’s the a**hole.

Image Credit: Reddit

I mean, you think she’s the asshole too, right?

Image Credit: Reddit

Yeah you do.

Image Credit: Reddit

But hey… if you don’t, please elaborate in the comments. I want to understand. I really do.

Because this woman is about to have one heck of a hard few years, and she’s got nobody to blame for that but herself.


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Here’s Your Ultimate Guide to Loading a Dishwasher Correctly

Did you know nine out of ten marriages end because SOMEONE feels the need to unload and reload the dishwasher after someone else already loaded it?

I exaggerate only because I’m defensive.

The fact is, fights between couples over loading the dishwasher the correct way are fairly common.

Photo Credit: Pixnio

As someone who is unfairly accused of being a dishwasher loading dud, I’ve found an expert guide on how to do this stupid chore the right way.

It turns out everyone’s wrong. Even you. So read this, get on the same page with your honey, load the dishes, then you can both go see a movie.

First, cups and small bowls should be placed on the top rack upside down. Lean them if water tends to collect on the bottoms.

Photo Credit: Pxhere

Chef and blogger at Home Kitchen Land, Heloise Blaure, says, “All plastic items should go on the top rack, too, because the heat comes from the bottom and can warp plastics.” Large utensils like spatulas and ladles should lie flat on the top rack to get properly cleaned as well.

The bottom rack gets all the plates, large bowls, pots and pans, with the biggest pieces along the sides.

Spoons and forks go in the utensil holder handle end down. Knives go in blade down (but it’s much better to hand-wash kitchen knives).

Photo Credit: PublicDomainPictures.net

That’s all sort of common sense, but there are also important ways to load dishes that do prevent everything from getting properly cleaned.

Avoid overloading. According to Whirlpool, anything nesting will not get clean.

Do not put large flat items against the door. Baking sheets and platters should be in the rack so that detergent can get out of the door and reach the rest of the washer.

Photo Credit: Flickr

Don’t lay pans face down on the bottom rack if your machine doesn’t have an upper spray arm. Items placed like this and not on their side in the rack blocks water from getting up top.

Before closing the door and starting the dishwasher, give the upper rack spray arm a spin to see if it hits anything. Rearrange your items until the arm spins freely.

Also – and this is key – water comes from the center of the sprayer, so point your dirty dishes toward the center instead of placing them all facing the same way.

Photo Credit: Flickr

Melissa Maker, host of the YouTube channel Clean My Space, says to go ahead and remove bits of food from your dishes before loading, since etoo much food waste can sit in your washer and mold. But don’t go crazy on pre-rinsing. That just wastes water.

Don’t use your dishwasher to clean cast iron pans, non-stick pans, fine china, metal finishes, wood utensils and cutting boards, or your cooking knives. All the water running through the machine will ruin these items. Also, check other items for labels that show they are hand wash only.

To keep your dishwasher running properly, keep it clean by checking for left-over food bits and by running a cycle with vinegar once a month.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Pre-heat the water by running your hot water faucet so your washer doesn’t start with cold. And you can save energy by not using the heated dryer cycle.

This isn’t just a guide for cleaner dishes, folks. This is a guide for happier, healthier marriages.

Also good for roommate and parenting situations.

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A Mom’s Video About her Bullied Son Went Viral. The Internet Shows Their Support and Will Send Him To Disneyland.

Social media gets a bad rap sometimes, but sometimes it can help create some truly life-changing moments.

Take the story of young Quaden Bayles, for example. The 9-year-old boy was born with a form of Dwarfism called Achondroplasia and his mother, Yarraka Bayles, recently shared a distressing video of her unconsolable son reacting to being bullied at his school in Australia.  In it, the young boy talks about killing himself because he is so upset.

This is the impacts of bullying! I seriously don’t know what else to do! 😭

Posted by Yarraka Bayles on Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The video went viral in a massive way and has touched people around the globe.

Quaden said about his story,

“The parents should make them be nicer to kids with disabilities.

If you get bullied stand up for yourself and don’t listen to what they say.”

His mother wrote in a statement,

“Quaden Bayles’ family would like to take this time firstly to thank everyone for the overwhelming show of love and support from so many people from all around the world.”

A comedian with Dwarfism named Brad Williams was so touched by the video that he set up a GoFundMe page to raise $10,000 to send Quaden to Disneyland.

As of today, he’s raised almost $275,000!

The money that isn’t spent on flying Quaden and his mother to the U.S. will be donated to anti-bullying and anti-abuse charities.

A bunch of other celebrities have stepped up to support Quaden as well on social media, including one of Australia’s most famous sons, Mr. Hugh Jackman.

Actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan of ‘The Walking Dead’ also showed his support.

Boston Celtics player Enes Kanter tweeted his love too!

And the National Rugby League Indigenous All Stars asked Quaden to lead them out onto the field for their match this weekend.


Don’t you love it when social media is used for good?

Keep your head up Quaden, and don’t ever let anyone out there make you feel like you don’t deserve the absolute best in life!

And kudos to all the celebrities (especially Brad Williams) who brought attention to this important story. Good work all around, humans!

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A Mom’s Video About her Bullied Son Went Viral. The Internet Shows Their Support and Will Send Him To Disneyland.

Social media gets a bad rap sometimes, but sometimes it can help create some truly life-changing moments.

Take the story of young Quaden Bayles, for example. The 9-year-old boy was born with a form of Dwarfism called Achondroplasia and his mother, Yarraka Bayles, recently shared a distressing video of her unconsolable son reacting to being bullied at his school in Australia.  In it, the young boy talks about killing himself because he is so upset.

This is the impacts of bullying! I seriously don’t know what else to do! 😭

Posted by Yarraka Bayles on Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The video went viral in a massive way and has touched people around the globe.

Quaden said about his story,

“The parents should make them be nicer to kids with disabilities.

If you get bullied stand up for yourself and don’t listen to what they say.”

His mother wrote in a statement,

“Quaden Bayles’ family would like to take this time firstly to thank everyone for the overwhelming show of love and support from so many people from all around the world.”

A comedian with Dwarfism named Brad Williams was so touched by the video that he set up a GoFundMe page to raise $10,000 to send Quaden to Disneyland.

As of today, he’s raised almost $275,000!

The money that isn’t spent on flying Quaden and his mother to the U.S. will be donated to anti-bullying and anti-abuse charities.

A bunch of other celebrities have stepped up to support Quaden as well on social media, including one of Australia’s most famous sons, Mr. Hugh Jackman.

Actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan of ‘The Walking Dead’ also showed his support.

Boston Celtics player Enes Kanter tweeted his love too!

And the National Rugby League Indigenous All Stars asked Quaden to lead them out onto the field for their match this weekend.


Don’t you love it when social media is used for good?

Keep your head up Quaden, and don’t ever let anyone out there make you feel like you don’t deserve the absolute best in life!

And kudos to all the celebrities (especially Brad Williams) who brought attention to this important story. Good work all around, humans!

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13 Times Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively Made Us Believe in Love

If you pay attention to the tabloids at all, you’re well aware that a lot of celebrity couples just don’t quite work out.

But Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively sure do seem like they are in love for the long haul. They constantly give each other a hard time on social media and the public just eats it up because it’s rare and genuine.

Here are 14 examples of when these two lovebirds made us believe in love again.

Ahhhhhh, that’s refreshing.

1. She picked a winner.

2. Who is funnier here?

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Dibs on Gordon. #CommentsByCelebs

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3. Giving each other the business!

4. Her clutch had the initials I, J, R, and B on it, her two kids at the time — Inez and James — Ryan, and for herself.

5. Hearing their daughter’s voice in a Taylor Swift song.

6. Wait a second…

7. He tried to embarrass her with not-super-flattering photos.

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Happy Birthday, @blakelively.

A post shared by Ryan Reynolds (@vancityreynolds) on

8. Some true love right there.

9. Goofing off and having a blast.

10. He loves his mom! And his wife!

11. Encouraging people to vote!

12. She gifted him an awesome painting that depicted him at his first job.

13. He’s working on the baking!

They sure are adorable, huh?

Who are some of your favorite Hollywood couples, past and present?

Let us know in the comments!

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People Who Left in the Middle of a Date Share What Happened

Have you ever been on a date that was so bad that you just got up and left in the middle of it? Or maybe you were on the receiving end of such a situation?

Either way, it’s awkward and uncomfortable for everyone involved.

AskReddit users shared their stories where this took place.

1. Do you have the plague?

“I told her I was color blind, she recoiled and said it was “gross” and sat there looking at me like I had the plague or something.

I just sort of got up and left.

It was really odd.”

2. A little too pushy.

“She started talking about ‘our wedding’ and ‘our future kids’ on our first date. She wasn’t joking around, and when I told her that it was way too sudden to be talking about that, she looked at me quizically and said “Don’t you want to get married?”

First online date I’d ever gone on. Plenty of awkward ones after that (including the girl who got drunk then admitted she had an infant son and lived with her ex-husband), but that one took the cake.”

3. That’s very awkward.

“He brought another girl with him.

We had agreed to go for dinner, then see a movie together, not with anyone else, as a date. We had definitely agreed it was, in fact, a date. I would’ve understood if we hadn’t made it clear if it was a date, but we both knew it was.

Anyways, he shows up with another girl. He pretty much ignores me the entire time, the bitch is sneering at me when he isn’t looking. Why agree to a date when you’re going to bring another girl? He didn’t even tell me he was going to bring someone. He just did.

When we get to the movies, we take our seats, and I said ‘I’m going to the washroom’ and grabbed my stuff and left.”

4. By the way…

“Guy from OkCupid a few years back.

Takes me to a 5 star restaurant, I try to stick to the middle of the road drinks/food as it’s a first date. Dinner went really well so we decide to go for post-dinner drinks. I get to the point where I feel I should stop drinking since it’s a first date and I wasn’t really ready for him to see me trashed. He orders me another drink and then invites me over to his house because his wife is out of town.

Date over.”

5. What are your intentions?

“We met online.

She brought her sister on our first date. She never spoke and all her sister did was drill me about “my plans” and “my intentions.” After ordering she said “I hope you’re planning on paying. That’s what a real man would do on a first date.”

So I said “true but this wasn’t a date, it was a job interview” I dropped my half in cash and walked out. Btw I drove us there.

Never heard from them again.”

6. I’m very important.

“Blind date, Indian restaurant. First thing he does is produce a folder of photos of him and various celebrities. Shows me them, one by one. He keeps…clutching at me.

After about 15 minutes of this, I say “this isn’t really – I don’t think we’re compatible. I think I should go” and get up to leave. He stood up too, and shouted at me as I left. No, I did not look back.

This happened in the mid-1980s, so unless the guy you’re thinking of is now in his 70s, it’s not him.

Yes, a real manila folder, with 8×10 glossies, in a real manila enevelope. Mid 1980s. No Photoshop, no iphone.

The two celebs I remember seeing are Jimmy Carter and the Dalai Lama. Remember, this was 30 years ago.

No, I don’t remember what he was shouting. I was focused on GTFO of there, and as I said, 30 years ago.

No, I don’t remember which Indian restaurant, but it was in Cambridge MA. Yellow walls.

Yes, he was a Harvard man. No, he was not blind. A “blind date” is when somebody fixes you up with somebody you don’t know, or when you go out with somebody you’ve met via a dating service or ad. (No photos back then; just descriptions.)

Also, I am so glad this entertained you all. My operating principle re: nightmare experiences is “This is God’s way of giving us drinking stories.” You’ve proved me right.”

7. The baby was sober…

“Met girl online.

She shows up for our first date drunk, with her drunk friend… and one month old son that she had forgot to mention (baby was sober I think).

I excused myself to the restroom and ran like my ass was on fire.”

8. Sounds like a keeper.

“He was 45 minutes late, got mad that another guy had started chatting me up at the bar while I waited.

Then proceeded to tell me about the hidden satanic messages in the opening ceremony of the Olympics.”

9. Creeper City.

“I was in my late teens and went on a date with a friend of a friend. He seemed nice, and I got the OK from my bff, so I anticipated a pleasant, quiet evening – we were just going for frozen yogurt and TV at his house, after all. Well everything’s going smooth and he seems really sweet. He tells me he likes to write poetry and my teenage girl brain is thinking, “Wow! A sensitive guy! How refreshing.” Then he tells me that he wants to show me something. I assumed it was a poem he wrote because we had just talked about it.

ME: “Ok! What is it?”
HIM: “Well, it’s not ready yet, but it will be in a couple minutes.” As he leans over on his side, away from me. ME: Confused, because I’m expecting a poem… is he going to write a poem in a couple minutes? This is going to be awkward.

Then he starts making all these innuendos about what it is. I get annoyed because he sounds like he’s describing his penis, and the joke is dying fast. Finally, just to shut him up, I say, “If it’s your DICK then NO I DON’T want to see it!”

HIM: “Oh… okay then.” And he sits back normally on the couch. I’m super confused and think he’s pulling my leg. I ask if he’s kidding and says no. He seriously wanted to whip out his junk and show me.
ME: “What the hell am I supposed to say to you while your dick is out?!”
HIM: “Well, my last girlfriend told me she’d been waiting to see it all night.” ME: Stunned silence. Then, “Ohh…kay…”

Being the awkward teen I was, I sat back into the couch, not touching him (we had been cuddling up until that conversation) and uncomfortably waited out the remainder of whatever show was on TV – and then bolted.

After I got home, I called my BFF and frantically told her what had happened. Her response? “Ohhh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. He likes to do that.””

10. I’m a professional.

“OKcupid date – emailed back and forth, had some common interests, seemed like we would get along. We met up and got food, a couple drinks, seemed to be getting along well. Then he starts talking about how good he is at Karaoke.

He’s been in contests and won first place, he and his friends go all the time, etc. I tell him I’ve only done karaoke a few times, when very drunk and with a big group of friends. I also mention that I’m pretty sure I’m tone deaf. He tells me there is a Karaoke place only one block away!!!

I tell him I’m not interested. He tells me you get your own little booth. No one else will even hear you. You can pick whatever songs you want!!! No waiting while other people sing!!! It’s clear he’s not giving up, so I grab two shots of vodka and say fine, I’ll try it. We go to the karaoke lounge and get our booth and he does three or four songs perfectly. I start my first song and he starts criticizing me, and pointing out what i’m doing wrong WHILE I’m trying to sing.

Then he picks up the other mic and starts singing over me. I say fuck this and just get up to leave. He chases after me and tells me -” I need you to pay for half of this”. It’s $60. I look in my wallet, take out the only cash I had and said “here’s $20, and you can go fuck yourself”. Then he follows me to the bus stop and tried to make idle chit chat while I wait to get the fuck away from him.”

11. Show and tell.

“Had joined a new sports club and there was one guy who was quiet and kind of just hung around the periphery of the group. I felt kind of bad for him so was always trying to bring him into conversations and talk to him. One night we all went out for drinks after the game and I talked to him for awhile.

Conversation was hard work but he seemed like a nice guy. He texted and asked me if I wanted to go out for coffee. I wasn’t really interested but knew given how quiet he was that it probably took a ton of nerve to text me that and I thought maybe in a 1:1 environment he would be more comfortable and I could get to know him a little more.

We met at the coffee shop and he had a big backpack with him. We ordered drinks then chatted, with me again doing most of the talking – he rarely initiated but would answer questions. About 1/2 hour in he said he had a few things to show me to let me get to know him better. He then did a show and tell from his backpack pulling out various items and pictures and telling me about them.

Some were kind of interesting (a family trip) and some I had no idea how to respond to (here is a picture of how I had my hair cut in grade 8). He had stuffed animals and lots of items from his childhood. I kept trying to bring the conversation to the present to find out if the item linked to a current interest or hobby but he kind of had the story about each item rehearsed and he would go right back to the show and tell.

Eventually the table was full of stuff and I tried to politely say that I had seen enough and change the topic. He told me had still had more to show me. I ended up saying I felt sick and left. I felt kind of bad but it was just getting too weird.”

12. Blame it on the pot pie.

“I left in the middle of a movie once. The date was going great but I forgot that I had left a pot pie in the oven in my apartment (only broke college guys and old people eat pot pies). I remembered a few minutes in and whispered something along the lines of “gotta get my pot pie out of the oven so I don’t burn down my apartment I’ll be right back.”

I did return but she was pissed. Thought we could go see the pot pie and have a laugh. Arrived at my previously empty apartment to find my brother and the neighbor girls drunk and naked in my living room. Showed her the pot pie and she said something along the lines of “you’re an asshole take me home”.”

13. Two-timing.

“I’ve had a girl walk out on me, took me weeks to realise why.

This was date 3. We’d met initially at a nightclub randomly, kinda just said hi and our groups merged (the boys and her girls), met up a week later at a carnival and ha a great time.

This day in particular, we met up for a basic lunch at a nice little spot near my place and just had nothing to talk about (which was odd, she seemed semi vacant). Lunch goes by with small talk, we pay separately and she asks to come back to my place – no problems there, she’s an attractive girl and I have a penis. Anyhow, we get back to my place, she throws on a dvd while I snack up the coffee table and we start talking about pet peeves with the opposite sex.

Usual things come up first, like toilet seat positioning and ‘get ready time’ for outings. Somehow it leads on to a story about this girl I knew who was ‘dating’ me whilst having an actual boyfriend on the side, and how disrespectful it was in the end. She just goes pale white, grabs her stuff and makes some excuse about forgetting something at home.

I thought I’d maybe sounded a bit cocky or come across like a douchebag, kinda felt like an ass for a day or so and moved on. My housemate ran into her and her boyfriend shopping a week later. That was awkward.”

14. Well, that’s a little forward.

“Went to get coffee to test the waters with someone new.

First thing he did was ask me to turn around and lift my shirt so he can see my ass.

I got up, turned around and walked out the door.”

I can honestly say that I’ve never walked out of a date…even though I wanted to sometimes…

Has this ever happened to you? Or maybe you were the one who walked out?

Tell us about your bad date experiences in the comments!

The post People Who Left in the Middle of a Date Share What Happened appeared first on UberFacts.