Is It Okay for a Parent to Kick Their Kid Out of the House?

When people get a positive pregnancy test or stare into their newborn‘s face, they imagine an entire life for that baby all at once. They make promises to that life and aim to keep them, though we all know deep down, I think, that life often won’t allow us the perfect path we’d like to travel.

This woman has two older children, and because of her own tough upbringing, had promised them and herself that they would never be out on their own with nowhere to go.

I’m 53F, son is 20M. Not trying to garner sympathy or anything here, but my life growing up wasn’t fun. Parents divorced when I was young, dad kicked me out when I was 18, I couch-surfed for years working a dead-end hotel job, and mom never did anything about it.

I promised I’d never put my own children through that. That they’d always be able to come home whenever they needed to.

Life, sadly, has reared its ugly head. Her son has drug problems, and even though she and her husband have tried everything at their disposal, he refuses to take them seriously or make a real effort to kick his troublesome habit.

At 20, he just doesn’t realize how this is terrifying his parents every day and night.

But my son’s been going down a dangerous path over the past two years or so. It started with weed, which I didn’t really mind much. But it progressed into more… illegal substances. He’s often driving under the influence and even though his father and I have put him through various therapies and rehabs, he claims that he’s fine and it’s just for fun.

They aren’t working, because he won’t take them seriously and thinks there isn’t anything wrong with what he’s doing. He doesn’t get that his father and I are terrified of him potentially overdosing or ruining his life.

After a recent DUI, she made the threat that if he didn’t make a serious effort to get clean, he wouldn’t be able to live there anymore.

He thought she was bluffing.

Well, it caught up to him and he was hit with a DUI charge last week. I told him he needed to get his act together or he would not be living here anymore. We’ve been more than generous with him and I hoped this whole situation would be the wake-up call he needed. He thought I was bluffing (he knows about my childhood and how I’d always said I’d never put my children through the same thing), but I was dead serious.

Every parent knows a threat is no good if you don’t follow it through, so when she caught him doing hard drugs in their house, she told him it was time to pack up and go.

She stuck to her guns, even though he said he would go to rehab one more time.

Last night I caught him in his room with more drugs I won’t specify here, but they were the harder stuff. I began packing up his stuff and told him he needed to find somewhere else to stay and would not be allowed back until he was clean.

He saw that I was serious, and said he’d go back to rehab for me, but I told him that every time he’d gone it didn’t do anything because he doesn’t think he has a problem.

He called me a b%*ch, so I told him to get out right now.

Her husband thought they should have given him another chance but their daughter, 16, is grateful to have him gone for the time being.

She’s feeling regrets and emotional and wonders whether she went too far.

Obviously it pains me that I had to break my promise to my kids, and obviously my son hates me right now.

My husband thinks I went too far and we could’ve gotten him more help, but my daughter (16F) says that I did the right thing.

So I’m conflicted. I may have acted in the heat of the moment, so help me look at this with clearer eyes.

Reddit’s about to weigh in, and hopefully make her feel better about drawing a line.

This wise person pointed out that sometimes knowing they have a safety net is exactly what keeps a person unafraid of falling.

Image Credit: Reddit

Several people pointed out that they have another child to consider, and that having the son there could put all of their safety in jeopardy.

Image Credit: Reddit

And this commenter really drove the point home.

Image Credit: Reddit

They have to consider both of their children’s best interests, which can be hard when they can seem to be at odds.

Image Credit: Reddit

It can be hard to know where to draw the line, but it’s important that the son know there IS one.

Image Credit: Reddit

I cannot even imagine being in this position as a parent and I truly hope that I never am.

I think this woman sadly did what she had to do – what do you say? Would you have given him one more chance? Sound off in the comments!

The post Is It Okay for a Parent to Kick Their Kid Out of the House? appeared first on UberFacts.

Wedding Guest Wonders If Being Honest About the Food Is Too Much

When it comes to weddings, most people go into the day realizing that it’s all about the bride and groom and what makes them happy. It’s literally one of the only times in your entire life that you get to choose everything you and your partner like – and sure, you hope that your guests will like it, too, but that’s really secondary, right?

Some guests, apparently, don’t realize that it’s not the day to complain.

Like this woman, for example, who has been dating the son of the bride for a couple of years before attending the small but elegantly planned second wedding ceremony and reception.

I’ve been with my BF “alex” for two years. I get along ok with his mom “Jane” sometimes she is a bit of a JustNoMIL. Anyway she got married recently and they wanted a smaller more laid back wedding, because she did the traditional wedding the first time. They got married at a vineyard and it was really nice.

The menu was dairy heavy, but sounded delicious – and you know. Some people love cheese!

For dinner there was fancy brick oven pizza and salad and later there was a mac and cheese bar. Dessert was caramel brownie cheesecake or berry cobblers (I hate cobbler) You probably caught on that there was a lot of cheese. There were also charcuterie boards, so a whole f**k ton of cheese.

OP ended up on the toilet and, to make matters worse, encountered the groom’s two daughters there talking crap about the bride and generally being awful and rude.

Don’t get me wrong, I like non-traditional weddings and the food was out of this world, but after dessert I was on the verge of shitting myself. I went to the bathroom, feeling like I was going to die, and it wasn’t pretty.

The grooms two daughter (late teens and early twenties) were in there. They are both horrible, they have talked so much shit about Jane, and are just mean girls.

When i came out they were both snickering and looking at me. I was mortified.

Instead of keeping the  bathroom incident (in it’s entirety) to herself, she decided to answer the bride’s polite “are you enjoying the wedding” question with a full accounting of what went down (in the toilet and with the daughters).

I ended up in there again, because holy heck that woman likes cheese.

Later I went over to where she was sitting with her new husband and Jane asked if I was having fun. i said it was beautiful, but admitted I’d been in agony because of her menu, and she really should have had some more balanced options, because a lot of people are dairy sensitive.

I then told the groom about what happened with his daughters. He just looked at me weird and then said it was his wedding night and he doesn’t want to hear an account of anyone sh%*ting.

Her boyfriend thinks she should have kept her troubles to herself because it was their wedding day and they wanted to have a nice time (obviously).

OP thinks she did them a favor by letting them known her complaints “for future parties.”

My BF got annoyed and said I should have just lied, because you don’t complain to the couple at the wedding, but I feel like she should know for future parties, and he should know so he can talk to his daughters.

Jane is on her honeymoon, so I don’t know if she is mad. She didn’t seem it, but a couple of y friends said I am the asshole and it isn’t Jane’s problem.

What does Reddit think of her behavior? They’re about to let it fly!

Short and sweet answer? Yes, you’re a jerk to bring that up on her wedding day.

Image Credit: Reddit

Unless you have an actual allergy, you can’t expect anyone at a large event not FOR YOU to care about your diet.

And even then, they’ll just provide an ingredient warning.

Image Credit: Reddit

She’s a guest, not a paying customer.

Image Credit: Reddit

Also, yeah…no one FORCED her to keep eating something that would upset her stomach.

Image Credit: Reddit

See? If you have an intolerance, you’ve got to look out for yourself.

Image Credit: Reddit

I definitely agree with Reddit on this one – you can’t go to a wedding expecting anyone to be thinking about you if you’re not the bride or the groom.

What say you? Was she out of line? Not? Share with us in the comments!

The post Wedding Guest Wonders If Being Honest About the Food Is Too Much appeared first on UberFacts.

This Person Got Into an Argument With a Mother Whose Child Went Missing. Were They Wrong?

If you ever give someone parenting advice, you know there’s gonna be some conflict.

And I get it! Because no one wants to be told that they’re doing a bad job being a mom or a dad.

This person shared a story about some harsh words they had for a mother and now they want to know if they acted like an a**hole.

Check it out.

AITA for getting harsh with a mother whose child had gone missing?

“Got home from work last night, threw some food on and went to take my dog out.

Its somewhere between 7pm-8pm (not yet dark but will be in about an hour). While I’m standing out there I see this kid walking by barefoot, completely sobbing and calling out the name “Susan” over and over. He couldn’t have been more than 8 years old.

Instantly I’m worried and go over and ask him if he’s okay, if he’s lost or trying to find someone (I live in an apartment complex). This kid then breaks my heart. Between desperate sobs he tells me his two year old sister Susan is missing.

That he didn’t mean it, they were playing on the stairs and he had thought his mom was watching her when he went over to say hi to a friend that was walking by. Apparently she wasnt and his sister had wandered off.

I spring into action right away and tell this poor to let’s go find her. I ask if anyone has called the authorities or if he wants me to make a phone call for some help. The kid looks scared and says no, his mom is also looking. It was almost like he was afraid to get in trouble. So I spend the next hour with this kid looking high and low for his sister.

It starts getting dark so I tell the boy I should take him home and his mom needs to call the proper authorities if she hasn’t, but her 8 year old son should not be wandering around alone in the dark. We dont want people hunting for 2 missing kids.

So as were heading back to his apartment and he’s still sobbing and calling her name, this guy sitting out on his patio goes “Oh, if you’re still looking for that girl, they found almost an hour ago. She’s home safe.”

While there was relief, there was also fury in me. This mother had left her 8 year old son wandering around alone is desperation for the last hour. Almost the whole time I was with him, so I know there was no attempt to find him.

I get him to his apartment and knock and the mother answers the door. She goes “Oh there you are Joey. I was waiting for you to come back. Susan is fine, no need to worry. It was just a mistake. I know you wont make it again.” The boy is still sobbing.

Unable to help myself I look straight at the lady and say (in front of the boy). “Its a mistake you wont make again. This was your fault, not his. You didn’t even bother to come find him while he was out there trying to clean up your mess and your lucky you didn’t end up with two missing kids. I’m glad your daughter is home and safe, and now your son as well.”

Of course she’s start yelling at me, telling me I’m q horrible person to say that, and in front of her child and that I have no idea how scary and stressful it is to loose a child and that I have no idea what she went through after her son had told her Susan was missing. I just shrugged and said “It was a bad mistake, dont worry, I’m sure it wont happen again.” And walked off.

I feel like i might have been to harsh on a woman that obviously had a rough night and put her down in front of her child. I was just so angry at what she put that boy through.


And here’s what people had to say about it.

This reader said that this person was not an a**hole at all and that the mom in question acted inappropriately.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said that young kids should not have this kind of responsibility and this is actually dangerous.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person argued that the mom’s expectations from this young boy were way over the top.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said that young kids don’t have the wherewithal to be taking care of another child…especially one that young.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And lastly, another person said that the individual who wrote the post shouldn’t hesitate to call Child Protective Services in the future.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about what went down here?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post This Person Got Into an Argument With a Mother Whose Child Went Missing. Were They Wrong? appeared first on UberFacts.

This Husband Set the Record Straight Because His Wife Complains About Their Finances. Was He Wrong?

This certainly is a weird story

I guess every person thinks about their finances differently and some also like to portray a certain image about their money to the outside world.

Check out this story from Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” and stick around to see how readers reacted.

Start now!

AITA for revealing our net worth when my wife constantly says we are broke and making me look bad with money?

“I (31M) have been with my wife (30F) for 10 years now and she always has had this habit of making me look bad with our finances.

Whenever anything regarding spending money comes up she will always say how broke we are and she doesn’t have the money to do this or buy that. The thing is we are doing well financially. We have decent jobs and combine our salary is roughly $125k/yr.

As of today our net worth is more than $1 million but less than 2. I had saved/invested a lot before getting married so I gave us a good head start. I control the finances/take the lead but we both agreed to living a very modest life. We both have our cars from college for example (Honda & Toyota). She knows everything about our finances because at least once a month I go over it with her every time I deposit money in our investment accounts or our kids college funds.

For banking we have an emergency fund and I budget everything else to go straight into investments. We basically stay right at $10k in our banks savings account and $500 in our checking account after bills. EDIT: Most of the time there is more than $500 in our checkings but once I pay our CC each month I then move anything extra. We always use the CC so its not like we only have $500 to spend. Our CC limit is $25,000.

A few months ago we had dinner with her friends and they talked buying a new car. My wife said something like, ‘I wish I could get a new car but I’m always broke after paying the bills. We still have our college cars!’ (EDIT: Wife does not want a new car). She will go on to talk about if she had money what she would want to buy and it always makes me feel ashamed.

This ‘I’m broke story’ has been happening for years. When we were driving home I asked her about. She understood we have the money but its how she feels because her bank account is always low. I said I can increase our budget or keep more money in our bank if she wants. Since we are doing well I’m okay with spending more. She said no and again was happy with our finances. I explained that when she says we are broke it makes me look bad and I feel ashamed. Its as though I can’t provide for the family and/or I am bad with money. She doesn’t see it that way.

The same conversation has come up numerous times about us being broke. Recently, I reminded her numerous tikes it makes me feel and look bad infront of friends and family. I told her if she keeps saying stuff like that I will reveal that we are doing well with money. I gave her a few reminders I’d eventually do this but she kept going with the I’m broke story.

At a dinner with her sister and parents the same I’m broke story came up. I piped in and said, ‘It’s weird to hear a millionaire say they are broke.’ My wife said, ‘Haha, I’m not though.’ And I quickly say, ‘We are millionaires and you know that. We go over our finances every month.’ Well the I’m broke story stopped after that and the night went on as usual. A little later the same thing happens with her friends and I use the same line.

Now my wife is mad at me for using that line and revealing roughly how much money we have. She said it seems like I’m gloating. I say its better than making me look like I’m running us into the ground fincially.

So AITA for revealing our net worth when my wife says we are broke?”

Well, that was interesting…

Let’s see how Reddit users responded to this story.

A person said they think the wife behaving this way without being prompted is pretty strange.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said they think everyone sucks in this situation. Read on to see what exactly what they think.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said it’s just odd that someone with this much wealth and assets is complaining about being “broke.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person said that it’s a good thing the husband called his wife out on it because it’s offensive to people who are actually struggling with finances.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what you think about this story.

Please and thank you!

The post This Husband Set the Record Straight Because His Wife Complains About Their Finances. Was He Wrong? appeared first on UberFacts.

This Woman Won’t Have Anything to Do With Her Grandparents. Is She Wrong?

Family squabbles can sure turn ugly in a hurry.

We all do our best to avoid these kinds of situations, but sometimes things just spiral out of control.

And a teenage girl decided to share a painful story on the “Am I The A**hole?” page on Reddit and she wants to know if she’s out of line.

Take a look.

AITA For Pretending To Not Know My Grandparents?

“Just for background information, when I (19f) was 4 years old my dad d**d. At his funeral his parents told me, my mom (28yo at the time) and my sister (6yo at the time) that we are the reasons he d**d.

They also kept his life insurance money, that was supposed to go to my sister and I.

Since then, my grandparents have refused contact with all three of us and the only form of contact I have with them is them sending me and my sister a $50 gift card to Walmart twice a year (birthday’s and Christmas). The last time I received a gift card from them was on my 10th birthday and it was for Baby’sRUs. I haven’t heard from them since.

They live in Florida and I live in New York so I have no chance of seeing them either, at least I thought.

Flash forward to present day, 3 days ago now, I was in Walmart near my house to get a few things for my mom. When I walked past the pharmacy I saw my dads parents. I tried to hide in the isles because I didn’t want confrontation, but they saw me anyway.

They started asking me a bunch of questions about my families financial situations and college and if I’m married yet, stuff like that. I responded by saying “I have no idea who you are.” They looked angry and shocked by this but told me who they were and after that I told them I had no desire to talk to them and I didn’t have anything to say to them anyway.

I started walking away and was just going to leave it alone, but then they said “you’re so disrespectful. we are your grandparents and you need to treat us better than that. your mom did a terrible job with you.” After that comment I turned around and went off on them.

I said something along the lines of “you are not my grandparents because you abandoned my sister and I after telling us we are the reasons for our dads d**th and you stole his money from us. Don’t you dare talk about my mother either because she did an amazing job with us without any help from you two. I’d be happy with never seeing your sorry faces again.” I started to walk away again and heard my grandmother start to cry, but I kept walking.

AITA? The are technically my grandparents, but they did so many things that are unforgivable.”

Now it’s time to check out how people responded to this post.

This reader said that the grandparents deserve this kind of treatment and that they’re pretty much strangers to this young woman.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person said that it sounds like the grandparents are asking her about money because they might be in financial trouble.

I think they might be on to something…

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual pointed out the obvious: if the grandparents were so concerned, why haven’t they been in her life before?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, this Reddit user said that the grandparents should have expected this treatment because of the way they’ve acted in the past.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, let us know what you think about this story.

Thanks in advance!

The post This Woman Won’t Have Anything to Do With Her Grandparents. Is She Wrong? appeared first on UberFacts.

This Woman Refuses to Go to a Wedding Because Her Husband Isn’t Welcome. Is She Wrong?

This sounds like a pretty sticky situation, if you ask me…

What happens when you invite someone but don’t invite their spouse?

A woman shared her story on Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” to see if she overreacted about her husband not getting invited to a wedding.

Let’s take a look.

AITA for refusing to attend a wedding when my husband is not welcome there?

“My (30f) friend (31f) is getting married in August. She invited me and my husband to the wedding already in October when she got engaged. I was asked to be her maid of honor.

She didn’t have the date immediately as she wasn’t sure how it will be with COVID and now she has the date and she told me she thinks it would be better if my husband didn’t come.

I asked her why and she didn’t want to tell me at first but then she said it is because he is shorten then me and it would look weird on pictures. He has around 165 cm (5 feet 4.961 inches) while I have 166cm (5 feet 5.354 inches). I think the difference is not that big and I offered I wouldn’t wear heels but she said I must wear them cause I am the maid of honor and bridesmaid will wear heels as well.

I said that if my husband is not invited because of his hight I am not coming to her wedding. She said that the day is about her and not about me and my husband and I should respect her wishes about her day. She said that she counts with me as with the maid of honor and I can’t do this to her. I told her she is being shallow and that it is either me and my husband or none of us.

I talk about it with my husband and he think I am not the a**hole and actually would think it would be bad of me to agree with my friend, however he doesn’t like her that much (she doesn’t know that so it couldn’t play a role in it). So I am not sure if his opinion is really objective.

I asked my friend and she said I am the as**hole cause it is just one day and it is about the bride so I shouldn’t make a drama out of it. So perhaps I am the a**hole because I am focusing on me being there with my husband and not at what the bride wants?”

Now it’s time to see how folks on Reddit responded.

This person said that the woman is not a jerk and that she and her husband are in the right in this situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user made it plain and simple: this woman needs to get some new friends.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual remarked that it’s not like the man can control his height and that he (and his wife) should be livid.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, this reader said that, at the end of the day, this woman is not acting like a jerk and she’s actually standing up to a bully. I agree!

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about how this woman behaved?

Was she out of line or justified in her actions?

Let us know in the comments!

The post This Woman Refuses to Go to a Wedding Because Her Husband Isn’t Welcome. Is She Wrong? appeared first on UberFacts.

A Guy Reported His Own Mother for Identity Fraud. Was He Wrong?

It’s gotta be bad when you report someone in your own family for any kind of crime…

But it happens, folks!

And that’s what happened here in a story about a young man reporting his own mother for identity fraud.

Let’s see what went down and how readers reacted on Reddit.

AITA for reporting my mom for identity fraud?

“I (24M) and my gf put in an application to rent a condo and found out my mom borrowed ~$43,000 with my social insurance.

I talk with a lawyer and he tells me I can either report my mom for identity fraud or pay it off(or declare bankruptcy). I confront my mom and she begs me not to do it and just pay off the debt. I don’t have anywhere near that money and decide to do what the lawyer recommended. The lawyer told me filling out the police report is not the same as pressing charges but I’m still scared what might happen to her.

We use to be very poor and she used my social insurance to pay the bills and provide for me and my brother. This feels like I’m betraying her and her and my brother refuse to speak to me. My relatives all stopped talking to me.

Am I the a**hole here?”

And here’s how people responded on Reddit.

This person stated the obvious: $43,000 is a lot of money, no doubt about it.

And it sounds like his mom isn’t the kind of person to actually pay a debt off.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that this man is now A LOT of money in the hole and that this illegal.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that they know someone who had a similar experience and it caused a lot of havoc.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person thinks that the man needs to report his mom and they’re speaking from experience.

Check out what they had to say.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Okay, now it’s your turn to sound off.

In the comments, tell us what you think about this story and if you agree with how this person handled it.

We’d love to hear from you. Thanks!

The post A Guy Reported His Own Mother for Identity Fraud. Was He Wrong? appeared first on UberFacts.

She Had the Police Go to Her Stepsister’s Wedding. Is She a Jerk?

It’s the cops! Everybody run!

Okay, I guess the people involved in this story couldn’t really run for it because they were at a wedding…which makes this story so strange.

Read on to see what happened in this entry from the “Am I The A**hole?” page on Reddit.

AITA For sending the police to my stepsister’s wedding?

“I (f32) lost my mom when I was 23.

It was by far the most traumatic loss I had experienced. I just couldn’t and didn’t want to accept her death. It was unfair, untimely, and preventable. I got in therapy and was doing better but I had issues with my dad’s new wife and her daughter who’s 25 and just got married weeks ago.

We do not have a close relationship but we were cordial enough to sit at dinner tables. My stepsister treats me as a relative and was as much distant from me. But after my father got sick we had to see each other a lot. I’m handling his care while stepmom works full time and stepsister doesn’t do much though she’s always visiting when I moved in to help my dad.

Before that I was living with my ex so returing home was just in time. I brought with me all of my mom’s belongings and my stepsister showed interest in my mom’s necklace and asked if she could borrow it to wear it at her wedding. I refused and she tried every method to convince me i had to put it in a place where I thought it’d be safe after my stepmother got involved.

As the wedding approached they both kept convincing me to let my stepsister have it (she bragged about affording a better one but it was a matter of showing who’s in control) I stood my ground and told them how serious I was so they backed off.

I didn’t attend the wedding to stay with my dad. I remember wanting to change where I was hiding the necklace while the house was empty but I found it was gone. After searching for hours, I called my stepmom and she said not to worry my stepsister took it and will return it when the wedding is over but it was clear that I won’t see it til after the honeymoon since she said her daughter was staying at a hotel.

I screamed at her to return it but she argued about not wanting to leave the guests and the wedding already started. I told her I’d get it myself but she forbid me from coming saying she’d have to keep me out for wanting to make a scene. I called the Police and explained to them what was happening. I informed them my stepsister intended to leave for her honeymoon with my property.

The Police were sent to where the wedding was being held and they were able to retrieve the necklace from my stepsister. She and my stepmom were in shock and livid. She (stepmom) returned home and kept shouting at me calling me petty and crazy to send the police to my stepsister’s wedding. ruining it and humiliating them over a piece of jewelry.

She was screaming at my sick dad telling him to handle me after the stunt that I pulled at the wedding. I defended myself saying I only wanted an item that belonged to me THAT THEY TOOK WITHOUT PERMISSION returned. She argued further that I could’ve waited to get it back but I chose to burn the bridge with my stepsister and said that she considers me dead after this. She said stuff I can’t mention here but all I can say is it was a bad night.

I might have overreacted by getting the police involved but I had no gaurantee of getting the necklace back since I have experience with them in the past.


Now let’s check out how Reddit users responded to this story.

This person said that this woman is not the a**hole here and that her step-family most definitely is.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said that the stepdaughter is acting this way because she most likely learned it from her own mother.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said that this was indeed the worst kind of humiliation…and that’s some pretty good revenge, don’t you think?

Photo Credit: Reddit

And lastly, this person argued that the stepsister only did this because SHE is the a**hole and wanted to upset the woman who wrote the post.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Okay, now it’s your turn to sound off.

In the comments, tell us what you think about this story.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post She Had the Police Go to Her Stepsister’s Wedding. Is She a Jerk? appeared first on UberFacts.

Does Going to a Classmate’s Parents About Bullying Make This Person Evil?

Family dynamics are complicated in the best of times, and when we’re talking about blended families, things can be downright awkward and unbearable when growing pains – and opposite personalities – rear their heads.

These stepsisters don’t usually get along, but when OP found out that her stepsister was bullying a girl in their grade, Mia, she felt as if she had to do something.

She says she never thought her stepsister was a bully but she had the proof in her hands.

The situation at hand: My stepsister (17f) has been bullying this girl in our grade, Mia. Mia is a very shy person. We were never friends but were friendly until the bullying started and then Mia withdrew from everyone. I found out about the bullying over a month ago.

People described it as “not real bullying” but my stepsister has called her names and told her she doesn’t deserve friends. I found a note telling Mia this. I was pissed. My stepsister and I never had a good relationship (always fighting) but I never figured she was an actual bully, just someone who got on my freaking nerves.

OP went to Mia’s parents with the proof and the accusations, and they went to the school demanding serious consequences for her stepsister.

Her father is angry with her and believe the entire incident was motivated by her dislike for her stepsister (or maybe acting out against his remarriage, etc).

I ended up going to Mia’s parents with what I knew and the evidence of the bullying and now it has been brought up with the school and Mia’s parents want my stepsister expelled. My dad is pissed. He said it was so unbelievably petty and mean spirited to go to the girls parents over “sibling issues”. I told my dad nothing between us would ever be sibling issues, because we’re not siblings and my siblings (younger brother and sister) would never do that to another person.

My stepsister has been suspended right now but it looks like she’ll be expelled Thursday when the big meeting happens. My dad’s wife is freaking out and so are my stepbrothers.

It’s not only her siblings and parents who think she was wrong not to talk to her family or her stepsister directly first, leaving OP to wonder whether or not she really did the right thing.

With the exception of my siblings everyone seems to think I’m wrong for doing what I did, for not at least talking to my stepsister first. I feel like going to Mia’s parents was the right call because of how serious bullying can be for the person being bullied and even calling someone names can cut a person really deep.

But I never expected this kind of reaction. Life at home is very awkward right now.


Bullying is bad, but it can be tough to know what is right when family is involved.

What does Reddit think? Keep reading!

This person makes a good point, that if the school believes it’s serious enough to expel the stepsister perhaps her parents should be more focused on their daughter’s actions than the reason for the consequences.

Image Credit: Reddit

There is a general sense that OP had a lot of courage, and no one is really telling her that.

Image Credit: Reddit

At least the internet people are here to give her a virtual pat on the back.

Image Credit: Reddit

People who have been there can vouch for the fact that any kind of bullying can have serious consequences.

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s very often a big deal to the person on the receiving end, after all.

Image Credit: Reddit

I have to say, I agree with OP taking decisive action, though if she had a better relationship with her stepsister, chances are she would have at least given her a head’s up first.

Either way, this Mia is lucky to have a good friend.

What are your thoughts? Do you think she was just trying to get back at her family?

Sound off in the comments!

The post Does Going to a Classmate’s Parents About Bullying Make This Person Evil? appeared first on UberFacts.

Does Going to a Classmate’s Parents About Bullying Make This Person Evil?

Family dynamics are complicated in the best of times, and when we’re talking about blended families, things can be downright awkward and unbearable when growing pains – and opposite personalities – rear their heads.

These stepsisters don’t usually get along, but when OP found out that her stepsister was bullying a girl in their grade, Mia, she felt as if she had to do something.

She says she never thought her stepsister was a bully but she had the proof in her hands.

The situation at hand: My stepsister (17f) has been bullying this girl in our grade, Mia. Mia is a very shy person. We were never friends but were friendly until the bullying started and then Mia withdrew from everyone. I found out about the bullying over a month ago.

People described it as “not real bullying” but my stepsister has called her names and told her she doesn’t deserve friends. I found a note telling Mia this. I was pissed. My stepsister and I never had a good relationship (always fighting) but I never figured she was an actual bully, just someone who got on my freaking nerves.

OP went to Mia’s parents with the proof and the accusations, and they went to the school demanding serious consequences for her stepsister.

Her father is angry with her and believe the entire incident was motivated by her dislike for her stepsister (or maybe acting out against his remarriage, etc).

I ended up going to Mia’s parents with what I knew and the evidence of the bullying and now it has been brought up with the school and Mia’s parents want my stepsister expelled. My dad is pissed. He said it was so unbelievably petty and mean spirited to go to the girls parents over “sibling issues”. I told my dad nothing between us would ever be sibling issues, because we’re not siblings and my siblings (younger brother and sister) would never do that to another person.

My stepsister has been suspended right now but it looks like she’ll be expelled Thursday when the big meeting happens. My dad’s wife is freaking out and so are my stepbrothers.

It’s not only her siblings and parents who think she was wrong not to talk to her family or her stepsister directly first, leaving OP to wonder whether or not she really did the right thing.

With the exception of my siblings everyone seems to think I’m wrong for doing what I did, for not at least talking to my stepsister first. I feel like going to Mia’s parents was the right call because of how serious bullying can be for the person being bullied and even calling someone names can cut a person really deep.

But I never expected this kind of reaction. Life at home is very awkward right now.


Bullying is bad, but it can be tough to know what is right when family is involved.

What does Reddit think? Keep reading!

This person makes a good point, that if the school believes it’s serious enough to expel the stepsister perhaps her parents should be more focused on their daughter’s actions than the reason for the consequences.

Image Credit: Reddit

There is a general sense that OP had a lot of courage, and no one is really telling her that.

Image Credit: Reddit

At least the internet people are here to give her a virtual pat on the back.

Image Credit: Reddit

People who have been there can vouch for the fact that any kind of bullying can have serious consequences.

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s very often a big deal to the person on the receiving end, after all.

Image Credit: Reddit

I have to say, I agree with OP taking decisive action, though if she had a better relationship with her stepsister, chances are she would have at least given her a head’s up first.

Either way, this Mia is lucky to have a good friend.

What are your thoughts? Do you think she was just trying to get back at her family?

Sound off in the comments!

The post Does Going to a Classmate’s Parents About Bullying Make This Person Evil? appeared first on UberFacts.