People Talk About the Reasons They Leave Their Engagement Rings at Home

Most of us have been there. Your ring is too loose, too tight, too… something. Or maybe it just doesn’t match your other jewelry.

Here are some of the ten crazy reasons why women choose to leave the bling behind.

1. Sometimes you just forget

But honestly, watch out if you do! You might start to regret it.

Image credit: Whisper

2. All that shine can be a little blinding

But that’s okay, because who doesn’t love shiny?
Just pair your ring with sunglasses, and you’ll be fine.

Image credit: Whisper

3. All dolled up with nowhere to go

Jewelry is like pants. If you’re not going out, who needs ’em?

Image credit: Whisper

4. It’s only a symbol

Isn’t it more evolved to be above all that?
The ring won’t get you through the tough times.

Image credit: Whisper

5. But it’s a symbol of him

In other words, he better be worth it.
Otherwise, it might be a symbol that you should give it back.

Image credit: Whisper

6. Cheap, or just hypersensitive?

But seriously though, if the ring gives you a rash, did it come from a vending machine?
Don’t get mad. Buy better jewelry!

Image credit: Whisper

7. Enough is enough

And two rings is just one too many sometimes.
After all, no one likes a showoff.

Image credit: Whisper

8. It’s not that weird

We all take things off in our sleep. Right?

Image credit: Whisper

9. Maybe she learned the hard way

Comfort is key.
Take it off while you’re awake… so that you don’t take it off when you’re not.

Image credit: Whisper

10. Ladies gotta do what we gotta do

When it’s ugly, and you just can’t tell him… maybe it’s time to “lose” it?

Image credit: Whisper

These are all completely understandable reasons to leave the rock at home.

Personally, I haven’t worn mine since the start of the pandemic. Too much hand-washing for that business.

What about you? Do you still wear your engagement ring? Be sure to share why or why not in the comments.

The post People Talk About the Reasons They Leave Their Engagement Rings at Home appeared first on UberFacts.

A Person Wants to Know if They’re a Jerk for Messing With Their Ex and His Assistant

It kind of blows my mind sometimes when people talk about how much time they have to mess with people…

Why aren’t you people working?!?!

But that’s another story…

This story comes to us from Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page and is pretty interesting…

Let’s take a look at what happened and how people on Reddit responded to this situation.

AITA for screwing with my ex and his assistant?

“My ex’s assistant has disliked me since she started working for him. I have to stay in touch with my ex because we have a 9-month-old together.

His schedule changes a lot so his assistant is supposed to let me know if there’s a change which will mean he can’t use his visitations and if he wants to reschedule the time.

She’s started “accidentally” sending me his personal things. If he’s making dinner arrangements with his current flavour of the week, she “accidentally” sends it to me asking to confirm when it’s meant for someone else. She “accidentally” got two gifts mixed up, so she ended up sending me/our baby lingerie. There have been other things, but you get the idea.

Last Tuesday, she “accidentally” called me whilst my ex was having a pretty sexual conversation with his best friend in which I came up an uncomfortable number of times. It was muffled but I heard way more than I wanted to.

In the past, I would complain to my ex, but he always laughs her mistakes off and promises he’ll have a word with her, but she keeps doing it.

I was supposed to see my ex last Friday, but I was kind of annoyed with him, so I decided to screw with his assistant and him. I called her and told her he couldn’t come on Friday because I had a date. On Friday, I called him when he didn’t show and asked him why he didn’t come.

He ended up coming over later than he was supposed to, and he was sulking the whole time and kept complaining that he thought I was going on a date and he’d need to have a word with his assistant about making mistakes because he had to cancel “important” plans to come over last minute.

I did end up telling him the truth after our son went to sleep and I confronted him about what he said. He denied it but then got angry at me for wasting his time and making him miss time with his son. He said I was being petty over small mistakes.

I told my best friend what I did, and she said I was an AH because his assistant could get fired over this and I shouldn’t have told him about hearing the call.

I do feel kind of bad now but I’m really sick of her making mistakes when it comes to me and getting away with it.

So, [am I the a-hole]?”

Here’s how people responded.

This person said that she is not in the wrong in this situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person thought the whole thing stunk of immaturity and pettiness.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person also argued that she was not the *sshole in this situation and that she needs to be very deliberate with keeping records about this whole situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, this person said (and I agree) that everyone involved in this situation kind of sucks and they’re all playing immature games.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Do you think this person is a jerk?

Or is this whole thing really no big deal?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post A Person Wants to Know if They’re a Jerk for Messing With Their Ex and His Assistant appeared first on UberFacts.

Person Asks if Their Joke About Only Eating Apples Went Too Far

Apples are my favorite fruit and I really like the idea of making a joke about it, but I would never pull the kind of prank I’m about to tell you about.

Judging by the comments, a lot of other people are also not fans of what this person did to their friends, but a lot of people also found it really funny.

This person wrote about the incident in the the “Ask the ***hole” Reddit page and asked people if this prank crossed a line.

AITA for pretending to be an “Appletarian” (eating only apple derived foods/drinks) for 3 weeks as a prank, causing my friends to have an intervention for me?

I got the idea a few weeks ago to prank my friends my pretending to be an “Appletarian”, meaning somebody who only eats food products that are derived from apples and would only drink apple juice or apple cider.

I told them them all that I had read on the internet that eating only apples was the healthiest thing for you. When I first told them they thought I was joking, but they underestimated how committed I would be to a joke. So, whenever in the presence of one of my friends (or friend-of-friends/coworkers/etc who knew them) I was very careful to only be seen eating apples or drinking apple juice/cider.

Apples whole, apples diced, apple sauce, the inside of an apple pie, baked apples, candy apples with the chocolate shaved off, etc.

Finally after about a week they bought that I had become an Appletarian. They started giving me information about how unhealthy it was to only eat apples, and growing increasingly exasperated by it. Some of them even got angry.

But I wanted to stick with the joke. Finally, after the end of 3 weeks, I walked into what I was told was a movie night but was actually an intervention for me.

They were all super concerned about my well being and had all sorts of information or whatever. Finally I started laughing hysterically. They were confused as hell so I told them I had been faking it the whole time and had been eating real meals outside their knowledge. I even took out some beef jerky from my pant pocket to prove it and munched it.

I thought they’d appreciate the joke but they were actually really annoyed. My girlfriend even broke up with me over this because a few days ago I had ruined our date night when I told the waiter I only wanted apples because I was an Appletarian and had “embarrassed her for a dumb joke”.

In my opinion the joke was solid and they should appreciate my commitment to the prank.

But, did I go too far?

This person didn’t feel he went too far at all.

Image Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user understands the value of pranks, but is not happy with the pain the OP caused.

Image Credit: Reddit

Read your audience — that’s this user’s message.

Image Credit: Reddit

This person tells the OP to think about how worried his loved ones must have been for his mental health.

Image Credit: Reddit

However, at least one more person didn’t think this guy was an a-hole.

Image Credit: Reddit

It was nice to see so many people in the comments advocating sympathy for friends instead of disregard for their feelings. I would have liked to see ideas in the comments for harmless alternative pranks.

Share a time with us when you pulled a prank and it failed.

The post Person Asks if Their Joke About Only Eating Apples Went Too Far appeared first on UberFacts.

Girl Asks if She’s an A-Hole for Resisting Adoption

Family dynamics are strange, especially when you’re a teenager.

But when you’ve lost someone close to you, or you live in a blended family, there really are no clear cut answers in life, as shown in this recent AITA conversation.

AITA for not going along with being adopted to make everyone happy?

I hate to post here because I know there are so many of these but I really need to hear what you all think.

I (16f) lost my mom when I was 7. My sister was 2 at the time and my brother was a a few months old. Our dad met my stepmom about a year later, started dating her six months after they met (it was a thing for single parents). She had two kids who were close in age to my siblings. After they got married things were fine at first and then they wanted to adopt each others kids. Her kids were excited as were my siblings but I did not want to be adopted. This wasn’t made into a huge deal but they really quizzed me on why and tried to figure out if they could change my mind. They weren’t able to and I know this really hurt her feelings. Over the years it was let go. They adopted the other kids and everyone was happy. Or so I thought. It seems like it made them unhappy I said no to the adoption and my siblings have wondered why I didn’t want to be adopted too.

I love my stepmom. I get along with her really well. I think she’s great. But I don’t love her the same as I love my mom or dad. It’s different with her. Not bad just not as close. And that for me was reason enough to not be adopted. But there’s also the fact I don’t want my mom’s name erased from everything. I know they’re not trying to replace her but if I’m adopted her name is no longer the legal name I put down, it doesn’t change biology but it does make my stepmom my mom and no matter how much I care about her I just don’t want her to be my mom in all official senses of the word.

It has come up again because they offered the adoption again and my answer was the same. My dad decided we needed to go to therapy (the three of us) and the therapist told them they couldn’t therapy me into agreeing. My stepmom said it’s not about that for her, she just wants to know what she did wrong, and why I’m opposed. My dad said he feels like I’m holding back and he said there is an unhappiness with the fact I have kept myself on the outside by not becoming a more official part of the family unit.

It bothers me. But part of me feels bad that this is something that makes them so unhappy.


So many feels on every side of this one. The original poster went on to add:

I feel like I could be the asshole because I know how much this means to them and I know it might make some things easier for them if we were all legally the kids of both my dad and stepmom.

Readers, however, felt differently, and the consensus was strongly in favor of the teen.

Many reacted negatively towards the parents, labeling them as the real problems in the situation, such as this respondent who felt the parents should back off:

Image credit: Reddit

And this one, who agreed that the parents were drifting towards AH territory themselves.

Image credit: Reddit

Others pointed out that everyone’s heart was in the right place, and the family just needed to continue working to understand each others’ points of view:

Image credit: Reddit

Many shared their own similar experiences, including a widow who sided with the teen:

Image credit: Reddit

An adult chimed in with a story about their friend, who chose to be adopted later:

Image credit: Reddit

And another shared her painful story of giving into the parental pressure:

Image credit: Reddit

But while many expressed their dismay at the parents’ insistence, a few readers offered a potential explanation for their behavior:

Image credit: Reddit

There’s no right or wrong answer here, but two things are clear. Adoption is a very personal matter for both the parent and the child, and people can’t just change their feelings to suit others.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

The post Girl Asks if She’s an A-Hole for Resisting Adoption appeared first on UberFacts.

People Think Things Are Romantic Dealbreakers

When you go through a breakup and you tell your friends and family about it, the first question is usually, “what happened?”

But often, there’s no big specific thing that “happened” just a trait that made one or both of you realize you just couldn’t be together. Traits like the ones discussed here:

What opinion or behaviour would stop you being romantically interested in someone even if they ticked every other box? from AskReddit

Let’s see what some of the big turn offs are for the people of Reddit.

1. Mind your manners.

Someone who is a bad guest at someone else’s house.

– Cyllev

2. Things happen.

A girl told me she had been engaged six times. She was 29.

I know things happen. But that’s a lot of things.

– J*ckingOffToTragedy

3.  A matter of expression.

“How come you don’t express yourself?”

*proceeds to express myself*

“You’re being too emotional!”.

F*ck outta here with that sh*t.

– Some_Hot_Garbage

4. A little bit.

If the person you are dating makes you feel small. Not in a physical sense but like you’re less than them.

I’ve learned thats my first sign to book it out of there.

– abbyfromhr

5. Don’t look down.

Being condescending. I hate it. It makes me angry.

Be nice to people. Accept they may not be as knowledgeable as you on a subject. Don’t condescend.

– Crazyboutdogs

6. Prized possessions.

Hoarding – I made this mistake once, I got into a relationship with a hoarder.

I eventually realized that her deeply dysfunctional relationship to objects extended to the people around her.

I was not an actual person, I was just another acquisition that was acquired and subsequently treated shabbily.

I’m not sure if this is common but I won’t take the chance again.

– nibo001

7. So shallow.

Extreme materialism.

– ace985

8. Going deep.

He told me he would much rather make small talk with a stranger then have a deep conversation with good friends.

I don’t know why I didn’t see it before but that described perfectly why we never connected on a deeper level after being together for two years.

We tried but I couldn’t make it work after that realization

– yuffieisathief

9. The company you keep.

If they have toxic friends. For a lot of reasons.

– Insane_Membranes

10. Phoning it in.

The need to constantly be on your phone.

Totally fine with spending a lot of time on it, but if you can’t put it down to watch a movie or have a conversation then it’s a problem.

– Fisherman_Gabe

11. Lies.


If you notice the person you’re interested in tells fibs or little white lies early on, it’s only going to be catastrophic once you clear the honeymoon phase

– drknockb00ts

12. You stink.

Bad hygiene

– _Yanu_

13. So full of yourself.

Entitled behavior.

People who act like the world owes them everything when they were raised with more than most people.

People who demand respect but treat others poorly.

– bangcamaroxx

14. Talk talk talk.

Someone who always talks but never really says anything.

Say what you mean, mean what you say

– reddicyoulous

15. Going clear.


– CandyRepresentative4

Yeah, I can see pretty much any of those ending an otherwise good thing.

What would you add to this list?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Think Things Are Romantic Dealbreakers appeared first on UberFacts.

These Women Realized Right Away Their Weddings Were a Mistake

There are a ton of romantic comedies out there. Rom coms, if you like. Or if you feel like being a reductive, vaguely chauvinist dude bro, “chick flicks.” They’re a pretty big cultural force and they have been for decades, and so many of them have one central trope in common: the wedding reveal.

You know the kind of scene that I mean. It’s the day of the wedding, she’s going to marry the handsome jerk who doesn’t really care about her, but instead the actually more handsome but nominally less wealthy true love shows up, or maybe she just runs off, or a couple stands up and proposes in the middle of another marriage, etc.

Setting a major plot point in the midst of a wedding is a great way to make the thing feel big and high stakes. It’s fun! But what about when those kinds of doubts and twists and shifts in perspectives occur in real-life weddings?

The results are…not as spectacular.

10. “I took a chance on love.”

When someone shows you who they are, best not to argue with it.

Source: Whisper

9. “The biggest mistake of my life.”

Love isn’t magic.

Source: Whisper

8. “I’m more miserable.”

Shotgun weddings have always been a bad call.

Source: Whisper

7. “I do”

“Er…I guess maybe I don’t.”

Source: Whisper

6. “His ex’s name”

Woof, that is a big ol’ yikes.

Source: Whisper

5. “Too deep in”

That’s called sunk cost thinking.

Source: Whisper

4. “I was a coward”

Trust yourself.

Source: Whisper

3. “I left the mistake”

That’s a lot quicker than a lot of people manage to do it.

Source: Whisper

2. “A mistake I needed to make”

It’s good to be able to recognize the silver linings where they shine.

Source: Whisper

1. “A do over button”

The stuff of movies eludes us again.

Source: Whisper

It’s scary stuff. All the more reason to really make sure you’re ready before you tie the knot.

Do you have experiences with this sort of thing?

Tell us about them in the comments.

The post These Women Realized Right Away Their Weddings Were a Mistake appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share What It’s Like to Actually Get With Your Crush

What’s it like when you actually crush it with your crush?

That’s what Reddit user ExtraCirpyTater wanted too know, and so do most of us:

What is it like to successfully get with your crush? from AskReddit

So what’s it like, this mythic experience? Let’s find out from those who have been there.

1. “Changes a lot.”

In 4 words: Not how you Imagine.

Look, the magic of crushes lays on the image you have of them (doesn’t matter if you are friends or not) cause even if you are, relationship changes a lot when you actually get together.

But it also feels pretty f*cking awesome the first moments cause, I mean, you got your crush!!

– phxnticsanders

2. “Somewhat false.”


Because you find out how the image of then you built up is somewhat false.

– Gopnik_Luigi

3. “Wanting feels better than having.”

If it’s someone you also view as a bestie, you might be pretty lucky.

Otherwise, sometimes wanting feels better than having.

– dynamicDiscovery

4. “Amazing.”

It’s d*mn amazing as long as you remember they have flaws just like you do.

If you made a perfect image of them it’s about to crumble and you’re gonna be disappointed.

– LittleTomori

5. “Until…”

Amazing, until he breaks up with you months later out of the blue, and because you’ve invested so much emotional energy into this relationship, you fall into a deep depression that you can’t get out of until you’ve physically moved away two years later

– jolygoestoschool

6. “So far it’s been great.”

I married mine 14 years later.

In high school I always thought he was sooo hot and sweet (and apparently he was attracted to me too) but I didn’t think I stood a chance so I never spoke up.

We drifted apart after graduation but after a really bad break up 14 years later, drunk me thought it’d be a good idea to get back in touch with him.

I still can’t believe we’re married (3 years now!). I still look at him and think “F*ck he’s hot.” We are basically the same person so he’s really easy to get along with but I’m glad we didn’t date in high school because I was really stupid and insecure and I would have f*cked it all up.

There were definitely moments where I became a high school girl again saying “OMMGG!” when I’d tell my friends about us dating, getting engaged, etc.

So far it’s been great but I got lucky my crush was actually a good person and not a handsome *sshole.

– MacNPickles

7. “It’s like my brain knew!”

Moved to college and the next morning I had to go to a required group-orientation/tour with people in my department. I happen to stand next to this cute girl who I decide to say hi to and we chat for the next 20 min. She was the first person I met on campus I hadn’t met in my residence hall. We say bye and I don’t see her for the rest of the day.

Somehow, I instantly knew I liked her and wanted to be more than friends, even though I only met her once. However, it turned out she had a boyfriend who went to school nearby. We ended up being classmates every semester and going into the same major.

After 3 years of school, some drama and way too many coincidences for our relationship to be considered normal, we got together and discovered how crazy compatible we were.

It’s honestly like my brain knew the whole time!

– EggsAisle27

8. “Lucky.”

Well, not really me but my brother, lucky man.

He had a crush on a girl that had an old crush on him too, so it was only natural they’d get together.

Well, this girl is like a younger sister I’ve never had, and even though she’s my brother’s girlfriend now, we spend more time in sleepovers and talking about him than he does with her. (I’m a girl) Basically, she’s my bff now.

– Aaruni_2008

9. “It certainly worked for me.”

I had a huge crush on a guy in my friends group who was married.

We became very good friends but always appropriate because he was married. He confessed he was unhappy in his marriage. I suggested they go to therapy because he would regret it if he didn’t give his marriage every chance.

He told his wife he wanted to go to counseling. She said she didn’t care that much and they should probably just break up and moved out.

The next week I swooped in and told him how I felt. Terrible idea. Rebound, all that.

We’ve been married 11 years now.

I’d never tell someone to confess their love to a friend going through a divorce but it certainly worked for me.

– WaffleFoxes

10. “I dodged a bullet.”

I crushed on a man for 3 years. This man was my manager.

Eventually, he moved to a different department and he and his long-term girlfriend broke up. We began dating. Holy crap… BEST FEELING EVER. I was head over heels for him and it felt like I was constantly on cloud 9, especially when he introduced me to his daughter and family. I felt like… life could not get any better. The man I was pining for, for so many years finally wanted me too, plus I was persistent and that is what drew him to me. It felt so good to do all the things I wanted to do with him, like kissing and being intimate… going for long drives and cuddling.

BUT, yes, as someone mentioned below, it can be bittersweet too. The image you have built up is false and you find out about other things about them that are… major red flags. Sadly, we rushed into living together, and we fell apart so quickly. He brought out the worst in me and took advantage of me – I thought because he loved me and treated me nicely that we would last while he treated other people really badly. Eventually, I became someone he could treat badly, and this was all within one month of moving in together, I knew by the second weekend I had made a mistake.

It hurts if there is incompatibility, but can be bliss if you are both compatible. Sometimes it’s not worth it to get your crush. Now not only have I lost someone who was my friend, but I also lost my love. But he constantly brings me down and I feel like sh*t every time we speak so I guess I dodged a bullet.

– Whisky-Baby15

11. “Sweet victory.”

Sweet Victory

…she was different (and more fun and passionate) than what I perceived her to be. I wasn’t expecting her to be it for me… didn’t even consider it. We both still shake our heads wondering why the hell we were never together sooner. And why we wasted time on loser relationships lol Yet maybe it wasn’t the right time for us earlier. I dunno

My approach:

I figured a lot of guys were hitting on her. I didn’t. I just got to know her better over messaging (we used to work together 5 years ago but she moved away). Finally we met for drinks and sparks flew. Then I came to visit her and I never left and she asked me to move in with her.

– blue1k

12. “The worst.”

I had a huge crush on this guy – we ended up hooking up – and he was the WORST kisser.

I didn’t even think being “bad at kissing” was really a thing because it’s not rocket science really.

But it was the worst.

– Pleasant-Flamingo344

13. “Too married.”

I fell in love with someone who was married … Too fast, too much, too, well … married.

But things changed, life moved on and now we’re two weeks away from celebrating our 15th anniversary.

I definitely had them built up in my mind, we have certainly been through ups and downs, but I know how lucky I am every d*mn day to have found them.

Sometimes it’s so much more than you even dreamed it could be.

– the_0zz

14. “Feelings evaporated.”

I crushed on a gorgeous South African blonde for a few months.

We made out and it was great.

Then I got to know the person better and turns out, my crush was not very intelligent.

Feelings evaporated like that *snap.

– whynotaskwhynotask

15. “It’s like…”

Its like putting the USB in perfectly the first time

– AmbitiousJellyTube

Maybe it’s because I’m just not a hopeless romantic, but I seriously doubt anything can feel as good as that last one.

Have you gotten with your crush? What was it like?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Share What It’s Like to Actually Get With Your Crush appeared first on UberFacts.

Reasons Why People Still Hold Onto the Label of “Virgin”

When you think about it, what does virginity really mean, and why do we make such a huge deal out of it?

On the most basic level it’s a term to demarcate the time before you first had sex and after, but sex is a pretty normal part of life for most people. We don’t have a glossary of terms and labels for people who have or have not yet done other ordinary things, like ride a bike or swim in a pool or watch Die Hard.

Virginity is different though, at least in our heads, which is why some people would really rather hold onto the label.

13. Third time’s the charm

*Shrugs* you do you, I guess.

Source: Whisper

12. What’s old is new again

It’s about how it strikes ya.

Source: Whisper

11. What’s up with that?

Sounds like you’ve got a few hangups you need to explore.

Source: Whisper

10. I want it

This sort of pressure makes me feel sad for people.

Source: Whisper

9. Religious experience

Empowering act of faith or damaging artifact of cultural stigma?

Source: Whisper

8. Against my will

I think that’s completely understandable.

Source: Whisper

7. Take me back

I’d like to call a do-over, please.

Source: Whisper

6. Reset the clock

Not sure that’s how time works but whatever.

Source: Whisper

5. Revirginizing

That’s fine, but why does the wording even matter at this point?

Source: Whisper

4. Crank it up

Gonna need a little more.

Source: Whisper

3. True love waits

It’s everyone’s personal choice.

Source: Whisper

2. New again

That’s an incredible gift.

Source: Whisper

1. Real sex

Intimate, respectful, and loving.

Source: Whisper

At the end of the day, call yourself what you want. It’s all a construct anyway.

Do you consider yourself a virgin? Why or why not?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Reasons Why People Still Hold Onto the Label of “Virgin” appeared first on UberFacts.

Person Calls Off Wedding After His Partner Nearly Gets His Pooch Killed

This is one of those posts where just reading the headline seems like it’s enough information to make a decision. Anyone who isn’t responsible for a beloved pet – or careful with the life of any animal, to be honest – isn’t the kind of person I’d want to spend my life with.

Sometimes the devil is in the details, though, so let’s hear these before we make a final call.

It began when OP (original poster) left his dog home with his fiancee during her bachelorette party.

He says he specifically told her to put the dog away in the bedroom once the party got going.

Me (28M) and fiancee (27F) have been together for 4 years, engaged for 6 months. I also have a 7 year-old lab mix who is the greatest dog in existence.

On Saturday, fiancee had a bachelorette party at home. I stayed with my parents but I left the dog with her because she likes having him there. However, I made sure to tell her to put the dog in our bedroom once the party gets going.

The next morning, OP got a frantic call that something was wrong with the dog. They both raced to the emergency vet, where she was clearly upset and her friends told him the dog was alive but sick.

5am on Sunday I get a frantic call that something’s wrong with the dog. She was drunk, so I told her to get a taxi and go to the emergency vet clinic. When I got there, she looked like she hadn’t stopped crying for hours and she couldn’t even speak.

Two of her friends were there so they told me my dog is alive but not well. I felt sorry for her for an entire 10 minutes while waiting for the doctor.

Then the doctor informed them the dog was sick because it had gotten into substantial amounts of both edibles and alcohol – they had failed to lock him up or watch him after they’d started drinking.

But then, the doctor told me my dog ingested large amounts of alcohol and chocolate edibles. The girls apparently thought it would be cool to leave everything out on short coffee tables, leave the dog to wander around instead of putting him in our bedroom, and then get wasted and not notice he was going to town with the booze and edibles.

At home, he told her to get out and that it was over, which she did.

Her friends and family think he’s nuts to end a 4-year relationship over a mistake, but also, they weren’t very nice about it.

When we got home, I told my fiancee to pack and get out of my house and my life. I told her to tell her guests the wedding is off, and I’ll tell mine. She was shocked, but she took her things and left.

2 hours later, I get bombarded by messages on Messenger, Whatsapp, by her sisters, brother, brother’s wife, her mom, her friends, telling me that I am insane to do this to her after 4 years. They started off defending her, but it quickly turned into insulting me.

And get this – his family agrees.

The dog is fine, so everyone thinks he should just forgive and forget, and his best man admitted that OP might have overreacted.

The logical thing for me to do was look for comfort in my friends and family. Nope. They all fucking agree. My mom said: “Well, it was a mistake, she didn’t do it on purpose, besides – the dog didn’t die!” Lucky me, eh? My dog didn’t fucking die!

My sister was appalled that I cancelled the wedding “over that?!” and even my best man said I might have overreacted. Yes, our relationship has had ups and downs, but it’s mostly worked fine. But I am so disgusted at my fiancee that I can’t even imagine looking her in the eye, let alone spending my whole life with her. She isn’t fucking 17, she is 27!

The thing is, this isn’t the first time he’s thought her actions were immature, and he worries that someone will eventually get hurt for real.

By the way, this is not the first dumb thing she has done. She likes to text while driving, she always leaves stuff on the electric stove (like kitchen towels, the cutting board etc.) even though she has turned on the wrong burner and burnt whatever was on it several times in the past, and similar DANGEROUS things. It’s not something I hold against her in the sense that I would ever mention in a fight, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried that she might end up killing herself or someone else. For example, my dog.

I’m 99% sure I will stand by my decision. But am I really an asshole? Literally nobody is on my side and I have no idea what to think.

He edited the post to add that he’s realized maybe it’s not about the dog at all, or at least, not just about the dog.

Posting here kind of triggered me to conclude this isn’t about the dog at all. She is negligent and irresponsible and I don’t want to stick around and possibly see our child die in a car accident some day because she was texting or she forgot to put his seat belt on. I’d rather be an asshole now than spend years of my life worrying every time our child is left alone with her.

If she’d accidentally killed a person while texting and driving, I would also leave her. I guess I realized I don’t want to spend my life with someone who has such blatant disregard for human (or animal) life.

But what did the general public have to say about his hardline approach?

Here we go!

This person pointed out that if you’re in a relationship with someone who means less to you than your pet, it’s probably not the right person for you.

Image Credit: Reddit

Plenty of people think Everyone Sucks Here because OP isn’t taking responsibility for his own poor decision to leave the dog there in the first place.

Image Credit: Reddit

They really don’t seem well-suited.

Image Credit: Reddit

They also suggested that if OP wants to avoid judgement, perhaps he shouldn’t divulge the details of their breakup.

Image Credit: Reddit

And yeah, a few people thought OP was way harsh, Tai.

Image Credit: Reddit

I’m still on the side of OP, because he has very good reasons for ending it, but I do think he probably could have been more considerate about it.

What do you think? Let’s hash it out in the comments!

The post Person Calls Off Wedding After His Partner Nearly Gets His Pooch Killed appeared first on UberFacts.

A Dad Asked if He’s Wrong to Still Cook Bacon in the House With His Vegan Daughter

More and more people are making different dietary choices lately – whether it’s for health reasons, because of a concern for the environment, or over moral objections – and many of those changes mean no longer eating meat (or any animal byproducts, in the case of vegans).

If you know a passionate vegan, there’s a good chance you also know many of them are not quiet about their choices, or about trying to convince you to make the same ones. Everyone has to decide for themselves, though, and what’s the best course of action when people who take different paths still live together under one roof?

That’s the question this bacon-loving father is asking now that his daughter is a practicing vegan.

Dad here, old fart, loves his daughter to pieces but I’m struggling to see eye to eye with my teenager and wife on this one.

As a Midwestern family, their meals have always revolved around meat and potatoes, but when his daughter decided to become a vegan, he jumped on board to help her make the switch.

We’ve always been a meat eating family, we live in the rural Midwest and bacon for breakfast is pretty much a given. This year my 14 y/o daughter decided to go vegan, and I jumped onto her support team with enthusiasm. We learned how to substitute ingredients, cook new things, try new things, I adjusted our budget to include more expensive vegan substitutes for her, etc.

Then, there was an incident with a pan.

None of this has been a problem for me until recently. She saw me cook bacon in a pan, and then I rinsed it out to load in the dishwasher. She exploded in anger (teen years, I’m not too fussed about the anger explosion, I know she doesn’t mean it) and said that that was HER pan for vegan food. I was completely floored and said, kiddo this here is a family pan, older than you, it’s not YOUR pan.

She asked for pans to be specifically designated for cooking vegan, and he agreed.

She asked me to purchase her a pan that she can solely use for vegan food. I didn’t want her to feel weird about food, so I said sure, and ordered her a few colored ones that are only for her. The reason they’re colored is so it helps me remember that I’m not to touch them unless I’m cooking vegan.

That wasn’t enough, though, and then she asked that they all stop eating meat at home to stop the cross-contamination.

That wasn’t good enough. Now apparently the dishwasher is ‘contaminated’ with animal product, and the fridge has ‘bacon grease fingers’ on it (because I eat bacon and then touch the fridge) and she’s asked me and her mom to completely stop eating meat at home. I don’t mean I literally touch the fridge with greasy bacon hands, because I wash my hands, but it’s clearly enough that it upsets my daughter.

He and his wife disagree on how to handle it – she thinks that they should make their daughter comfortable in her own kitchen while he says he’s not going to stop enjoying the things he loves in his own house.

frankly I’m on team hell no, her mom is much more amenable and strongly wants me to consider taking our daughter up on the request. My wife’s reasoning is that both our parents live close so we can eat meat products there, and that she doesn’t want our daughter to feel uncomfortable in the kitchen.

My daughter says she is fine with cheese and butter in the fridge, but it’s specifically meat products that make her feel sick. Now I’m sorry for her, but I feel like she just needs to adapt and live side by side, because I’m not going to stop eating bacon in my own house.

Look out, folks – here come the comments.

Mostly, people believe more compromises can be made so that everyone can continue to eat what they want.

image Credit: Reddit

Others suggested the daughter needs a (kind) reality check about all of the ways the world is not going to change to accommodate her.

Image Credit: Reddit

And yeah, learning to cohabitate with people who don’t share each and every one of your beliefs is one of life’s necessary lessons.

Image Credit: Reddit

Other vegans weighed in, and they were surprisingly on the father’s side on this one.

Image Credit: Reddit

“Feeling sick” is something she’s definitely just going to have to get over.

Image Credit: Reddit

I’m definitely with the dad here – it’s his house, he pays the bills, he eats what he likes. Sure, it’s great that he’s willing to support his daughter, but he also needs to teach her that living with other people will always involve compromise.

What do you think? Let’s hash it out in the comments!

The post A Dad Asked if He’s Wrong to Still Cook Bacon in the House With His Vegan Daughter appeared first on UberFacts.