A Widow Tried to Take Major Advantage of Her Best Friend. Is She the A-Hole?

Grief makes people do weird stuff, and everyone responds differently to a major loss in their life. If we’re friends with someone going through a hard time, most of us try our best to be empathetic and to be there for whatever they need, because we love them and also assume they have our best interests at heart.

What if they don’t, though? What if while we’re being good friends they’re trying to devise the best way to take advantage of us, or maybe they see the situation in a totally different light?

That’s what happened to this woman, who moved in with her best friend to help out after the friend’s husband passed away.

My friend is a recent widow. It’s been a long time coming but that hardly makes it easier, her husband passed away at the end of February and she has been understandably distraught since. I have tried my best to support her through this even though I can’t possibly understand what she’s going through.

At the beginning of the March she asked me if I’d stay over during the night because she couldn’t stand sleeping alone in an empty house. I obliged and temporarily moved in once I was sure my husband was okay with it.

Because the friend is struggling with her loss, the friend-turned-roommate is doing the cooking and cleaning, as well as encouraging her friend to take care of herself physically and mentally while she’s there.

She’s not been taking care of herself so I have been doing 100% of the household chores and taking care of her and all her responsibilities as well as working full time.

Then, the bereaved friend accused her bestie of taking advantage of her and trying to live in her house for free, and demanded that she pay rent for the two months she had been there and, of course, going forward.

What on earth? What is happening here?

Well last week she spring on me how much she’ll be expecting in rent from here on out. She heavily implied I was taking advantage of her in her grief trying to live in her house for free and that she expects me to backpay her rent for the two months I’d already been there.

OP was insulted (I should hope so) and told the friend she would pay the back rent (what? why?) but that she would be moving out.

She promised to still help with things like grocery shopping (what? why?) in the future but that she couldn’t stay there anymore, as she already pays rent on her own house with her own husband.

I was extremely insulted by this and told her I’d transfer her the money she wanted but I would be moving back to my own house (where I am also paying rent). I got my stuff and was out within a couple of hours.

She has since asked me to come back but I have refused, I told her I’d still do her shopping and I’ll come over to help her with a few bits but I’m not spending another night in that house.


The friend is asking her to come back, but OP is refusing and now wondering whether or not she’s being a jerk.

I think we all know the answer, but let’s see what Reddit had to say, too!

More than a bit, I say.

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This person thinks we should cut her some slack, because she’s grieving and probably not thinking straight.

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But that doesn’t mean OP can’t set some healthy boundaries.

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If she wants to try to get her to come around to how ridiculous she’s being in a more subtle way…

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Others definitely have a more cynical view of things.

Image Credit: Reddit

I guess you can probably tell that I think this woman, grieving or not, was totally out of line.

Do you agree with me? Have a different view? Tell me where you come down in the comments!

The post A Widow Tried to Take Major Advantage of Her Best Friend. Is She the A-Hole? appeared first on UberFacts.

People Confess the Things They Know They Should Understand, But They Don’t

I think every adult in the world has those things they know they should get by now, but since they don’t, they’re too embarrassed to ask because they feel like it’s too late.

Well, folks, listen up – it’s never too late. All you have to do is fine the courage to ask, like these 18 people did, and someone on the internet will be happy to explain it to you.

And since we’re online, you don’t even have to see them roll their eyes first.

18. How were you not prepared?

After waiting in a long line to check out, why is it that people don’t have their money ready?

They get to the register and have to search for a credit card or look for coupons. (All that time in line they could have had it organized and ready to go.)

17. You’re never going to stop thinking about it, now.

Why does the word “fridge” have the letter “d” in it, while “refrigerator” does not?

I only know it because I’ve typed “refridgerator” and gotten the squiggly red line about a million times lol

16. It really is baffling.

How these dogs that have these dense bangs hanging over their eyes can see a single goddamn thing.

I work with dogs, and there’s a family with two Maltese. One they keep very trim with no bangs around the eyes. The other one they keep with very long, dense bangs.

It took me awhile to realize that the one with bangs had no eyes. They keep the bangs long because it’s “less alarming” and people don’t ask as many questions lmao

15. We really can’t wrap our minds around it.

Space, it makes my brain hurt trying to figure out things like stars and black holes etc.

The size and distances with space are hard to fathom. The time it takes to get anywhere is depressing.

The sizes and distances of it all is absolutely mind-boggling. It’s so massive and far that it has to be measured in the amount of distance that light can travel in a year. And light travels 186,000 miles per second. I feel so insignificant just thinking about it.

But it can also be kind of comforting in a way, because that means that all my problems are also insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

14. Human brains are not the kindest.

Why do I trust myself to fail so much and like myself so little? Why do I hate “positive attitude” advice from people?

I hated almost everything about myself until a little over a year ago, now I mostly feel neutral about those things.

I realized that I know every weird quirk and flaw about me and that’s why I can’t see myself as beautiful or pleasant.

I decided to stop overthinking and just accept all my flaws and quirks as what they are. As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone and I’m comfortable, it shouldn’t matter.

13. You’ll never be able to find yourself.

That no concept of an absolute position in space exists.

If it helps, we have lots of guide posts. Pulsars spin VERY consistently and we have documented and mapped out a lot of them. We can use these as place markers to orient ourselves if we ever become a galaxy faring species (big ‘if’ there)

12. I honestly haven’t even tried.


I’ve it explained to me numerous times but it still goes right over my head.

11. I think it’s complicated.

Why do people who seem miserable as parents decide to have more kids…?

I’d like to direct this question towards the parents I currently nanny for. The father clearly doesn’t like his kids, has said before he never even wanted kids, and yet they have three.

Three children that are quite honestly some of the worst behaved kids I’ve ever worked with, and I’ve been working with kids in and out of a school setting going on 15 years now.

Why didn’t you stop after the first one???

10. Being more aware doesn’t usually lead to happiness.

Existence and self aware, the more you think the more the concept of “I” is creepy

My consciousness was ripped from the void and shoved into this body. Does it go back when I die? Is it nothingness, or something more?

9. Does anyone really get it, though?

Quantum physics.

But mostly how there could ever be a smallest thing. Like everything is made up of something else. Zooming down how could there be something that’s not made up of smaller parts?

Like string theory right, smallest thing is supposed to be vibrating strings of energy? Like what is that energy made of? I don’t get it.

8. But I mean…does it matter?

Where we are, all of us, right now.

Like, where are we?

What is this..?

You know?

7. Science isn’t for everyone. To understand, at least.

Chemistry. I only passed because my professor curved every F to a C.

My best friend has her PhD in organic chemistry and she gave me her dissertation in a bound book. Made the mistake of opening it once and was like, what the heck, this is all gibberish.

6. Not so simple.

How to socialize.

How the heck do I start and keep a conversation going? Or talk to people that I don’t know?

I’ve been thinking about this for a while and have slightly improved imo, but still can’t figure it out lol. I feel like at some point I just run out of things to talk about. I guess that can be attributed to the fact that I only have a few hobbies though.

Hanging around my friends who are around their friends that I don’t know just makes me feel like a third wheel because they’re all pretty different from me, and talking to people I don’t know is just uncomfortable.

5. Money is confusing.

The stock market.

My understanding of it is it works because everyone says it does. In fact, all money works that way.

4. Mind over matter?

Why I continue to procrastinate and self sabotage.

I started noticing this happened during job applications and university study.

The common denominator? Perfectionism. I wanted my resume to be perfect before submitting it to a potential employer and I wanted my assignments to be perfect before submitting them for grading.

As a result the process for both was extremely stressful and I would go out of my way to avoid that stress.

3. Don’t strain yourself trying to figure it out.

How light is both a particle and a wave.

Or maybe it’s neither. It’s something that we don’t have a word for and that doesn’t exist in a way that we can sense directly. But this unnamed thing happens to act in a way similar to a wave in some situations and like a particle in others.

A cylinder will roll like a sphere in one direction but not roll like a cube in the other. That doesn’t make it a sphere and a cube at the same time. It makes it something different.

2. Do we really need to understand it, though?

Computers, even though I own one I literally don’t know how to build one or fix one when needed.

1. Can they really not see it?

People that treat everybody around them terribly then complain that nobody likes them.

Honestly I vastly prefer when people wave red flags in your face like that. Saves me a lot of time, energy, and hurt.

I’ll go ahead and admit that I’ve just learned a thing or two, how about you?

Tell us in the comments what question you’ve been too afraid to ask, and maybe we can get it answered!

The post People Confess the Things They Know They Should Understand, But They Don’t appeared first on UberFacts.

Was This Daughter Wrong to Call Out Her Father’s Fragile Masculinity?

The world was a certain way for many years, at least when it comes to the idea of “respecting our elders” and keeping our mouths shut in order to keep the peace, even if we really, really don’t agree with the rude and harmful things they say.

This woman grew up with a homophobic father, one who would make snide comments that everyone just ignored because they were “respecting their father.”

So my whole life I’ve known that my dad was a homophobe. No one else in my immediate family is, and no one really talks about any kind of lbgtq+ topic around him so it doesn’t really come up a lot with him. But whenever anything “gay” happens around him he starts on a small rant.

Now that she’s older and has a daughter of her own, she can see how harmful that can be, and is less willing to let things slide for a second generation.

When her father made a comment about The Wiggles.

So anyway. After living with this my whole life, I am now 24(F) and I have a one year old little girl who LOVES the Wiggles (a kids show). Sometimes when I’m visiting my parents we’ll (me and my mom) turn on Wiggles for her on Netflix and it keeps her entertained while we visit.

Her father made a few snide comments about how they were “gay” and it wasn’t “normal” and those were the “kind of people” who should be influencing kids, etc.

She’d had enough, and snapped that maybe their “masculinity isn’t as fragile as yours.”

My dad is always commenting on how he doesnt like the wiggles and its creepy. I usually ignore him but yesterday I decided to ask why. And he said “Because, to sing and dance and smile like that as a full grown man, you have to be gay.

That’s not the kind of people you want around kids.” I was kind of in shock at what he said and I was like “its just something funny and colorful for the kids.” I dont even remember what he said afterwards but it was another gay comment and I said “well maybe their masculinity isn’t as fragile as yours.”

Dad was upset, and though her mother laughed initially, she later said her daughter shouldn’t have said it. Her sister agrees she should have stayed quiet, too, because of “respect.”

My mom laughed at my comment but my dad was less than amused and was in a really bad mood and snapping at everyone so I decided to leave early. My mom told me he’s still mad this morning and that I really shouldn’t have said anything because “I know how he is.”

She also told my sister about it who texted me to tell me I should be more respectful to our dad (she’s always been a daddy’s girl) and basically that I was being an AH.


Now OP is wondering if she should have continued to just let her dad be a jerk unchecked, and Reddit has some really great thoughts on the matter (as usual!).

It’s been coming for awhile, honestly. Maybe he should get used to it.

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Seriously, stop letting people off the hook this way.

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It might be time to get into some good trouble.

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Perhaps they should stop being that way?

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Stop making excuses for poor behavior!

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It’s about time we all start putting our feet down and stop letting people like this get away with their bs.

I’m just saying.

Was she disrespectful? Firm? Right? Wrong? Sound off in the comments!

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Is It Wrong For a Mechanic To Wear Makeup?

As a female, I will be the first person to say how far we have come when it comes to empowering girls and women. We can be what we want, do what we want, say what we want, and wear what we want, and no one is allowed to say anything.

Of course, people still do say things, but we’ve been taught (and sometimes we even believe) that we shouldn’t listen to any criticism.

That said, boys and men don’t often have this luxury. There are still ways a boy is supposed to act, things he’s supposed to wear, and things he’s definitely not allowed – and sadly, wearing makeup is one of those things men are made to feel badly for enjoying.

This man, a mechanic, started wearing makeup to cover the bags under his eyes and then added some mascara. He feels more confident wearing it, and none of the other mechanics (or anyone else) at work have mentioned it.

I am a mechanic at a fairly large workshop and recently I started to use makeup as I found it was boosting my confidence.

I started with something to cover my eye bags but later on also tried mascara and a few other subtle things. Surprisingly I didn’t get any comments from the other mechanics and everything seemed fine, my confidence was skyrocketing.

He doesn’t regularly have contact with customers, and has rare contact with the two women who work at the desk and do most of the interacting with the public.

Because of how large the workshop is, we mechanics have little to no contact with customers. Customers are handled by two ladies working the front desk and we just go out to pick up the cars. Very rarely we have to talk to customers to figure out the problem.

I also have not much contact to the front desk ladies as we have different break times and our system is automated so we don’t have to talk in person.

Then one day both of the front desk ladies ambushed him, saying that his wearing makeup was unprofessional and causing them trouble at work.

Yesterday I was approached by both of them which is very unusual and they both laid into me, that my makeup is highly unprofessional. Seems like a customer who had seen me had made a comment abouth me.

They were both quite rude, telling me I needed to skip out on the makeup as it was so unprofessional and they had to deal with the customers all the time so they were affected by it. I was stunned as we are usually on friendly terms and them going off at me left me speechless.

Initially he was so shocked that he apologized, but in the aftermath, he realized the request wasn’t fair and doesn’t want to stop. He also doesn’t want to cause them trouble, though, so he’s asking Reddit if he’s the a-hole here.

I apologized in the moment but later on I thought about it and I don’t want to stop wearing makeup. I feel confident with it and I feel like I should be able to put it on. On the other hand they are right that they have to deal with the customers and I don’t want to make it harder for them.

Yes, I’m a guy.

Let’s see what Reddit had to say in response!

This person has probably hit it close to home, saying they’re jealous he looks so nice.

Image Credit: Reddit

Some people figured it should be NAH (No A$$holes Here), but this person thought the front desk ladies were definitely in the wrong.

Image Credit: Reddit

There are always better ways to handle delicate subjects.

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Others agree that the women probably made up the customer complaint altogether.

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The women were wrong in so many ways.

Image Credit: Reddit

The world would be much better off, in my opinion, if everyone would just mind their own business unless someone is being hurt.

What do you think? How would you have handled this? Tell us in the comments!

The post Is It Wrong For a Mechanic To Wear Makeup? appeared first on UberFacts.

Woman Asks If She’s Wrong For Refusing To Feed Her Sister’s Eating Disorder

Living with family members who have mental health issues can be extremely challenging. We want the best for the people we love, but sometimes it can be hard to know what that is – and when different family members have different takes on how best to help, things can get complicated fast.

In this poor woman’s case, she’s living in her childhood home with her sister, who has a significant eating disorder that’s affecting everyone in her life.

OP has managed the situation by keeping a small fridge and snacks in her locked bedroom and eating meals at work or with her boyfriend. Their parents bring her sister (and sometimes her) meals, and those are all gone within minutes.

I love my sister, but she eats everything in sight the moment she finds it. I have a lock on my door and have gotten a small fridge. I keep fruit and water in there, some snacks, and then I will go to my boyfriend’s to eat. My sister is unemployed at the moment and my parents bring her meals (about 1200 calories per meal) and she will scarf it down. If they leave something for me, she eats that as well.

She’s tried talking to her sister, begging her to get help, keeping groceries in the fridge, etc, and nothing has worked. Her sister is caught in a binge/purge cycle that never ends, and all their parents do is enable her.

She once got so hungry she ate parmesan cheese from a shake bottle. As much as I love my sister, she has eaten about $400 in groceries this month alone. I tried so hard to refill it, talk it out with her, and she just binges, purges, binges more. She couldn’t even be measured on my scale, which goes up to 450 pounds.

OP says she’s done buying food for her sister, who obviously has a problem.

Their parents are going out of town, and everyone is wondering what the sister is going to eat after she inevitably eats everything her parents leave in the first couple of days.

I told her that I was done feeding her. She can talk to our parents and figure it out. I was done. I have the lock-in in my bedroom, which has always been there, and I eat with my boyfriend. I eat at work. But there is nothing but bottled water in the fridge for her right now.

My parents are going out of town next week and have agreed to buy her food for the week. I told them that if she eats it all, she is going to be hungry the rest of the days.

OP is the only one pushing for treatment, and is about at the end of her rope. She’s going to kill herself without help, and OP is ready to move out and in with her boyfriend to remove herself from having to watch it all go down.

I have been very clear with them that she needs to go to some kind of therapy/clinic. There has to be something to be done for someone with her issues. But she ignores it. It is at the point where she cannot get into my Corolla to drive anywhere because she is too big.

The house we live in is my childhood home and I lived there with Ashley because she is my sister. But now it’s to the point where my boyfriend has said to just move in with him. Which would mean my parents would have to watch her because her health is so bad she can’t do a lot of things without help.

I didn’t sign up to be her saviour.


She’s wondering if she’s wrong to walk out, or to stop feeding her sister in the first place, so let’s see what sort of advice Reddit has, hmm?

I really don’t think there’s any arguing against this point.

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It’s sad, but you can’t help people who aren’t willing to help themselves.

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Everyone needs to be on board, otherwise nothing is going to change.

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Therapy sounds like the obvious answer, and I really hope for this family’s sake that the sister makes her way there, and soon.

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Maybe the parents should stay out of town a bit longer.

Image Credit: Reddit

I feel for the sisters here, and want to smack the parents up the head. I hope the story has a happy ending, but it’s not looking like it right now.

What do you think OP should do? Is it her responsibility? Let’s hash it out in the comments!

The post Woman Asks If She’s Wrong For Refusing To Feed Her Sister’s Eating Disorder appeared first on UberFacts.

A Cop Learned the Hard Way That Sometimes Asking for Proof Backfires

I don’t know anything about the world of over-the-road trucking, but apparently there are pretty strict rules for how to log your time, when and how often you have to stop, and the like. This guy doesn’t like having to pull off the highway every time he has to use the restroom, so he’s devised a different sort of ritual that works.

A little bit of background for anyone, like me, who needs it.

This malicious compliance has brought to you by my trip from Chicago, IL to Los Angeles, CA.

Background: I’m an over the road truck driver and most of the time, it’s more convenient for me to do my “business” on the highway shoulder. I don’t have to drive around & around just to park to use the restroom. Just a quick 30 second emergency stop, do my business (either on the side of the road or empty bottles that I’m saving up [gotta do what you gotta do when you’re on the road]), then off driving again. I’m sure I’m not the only over the road truck driver who have done these, it’s very common.

Side note: According to FMCSA, by law, we have to carry log books to calculate our driving & on duty time. This is relevant to the story.

He either pees on the side of the road (if no one is about) or pees in an empty bottle and stores it to throw away later. Every time he stops he logs his time off the road, as required, but the quick stops don’t add up to as much down time, allowing him to travel further without a break.

On to the story:

This happened just a few hours ago somewhere in I-40 WB in New Mexico. I was suddenly in need to relieve myself badly, so as usual, I pulled over to a clean, wide highway shoulder, then I put my log book to “Off Duty”.

Note: this isn’t my first time today doing my business.

I have a habit of being very meticulous with my driving time. Which means, when I’m not doing anything, even for 30 seconds, I put my time in off duty. I tried to save as much driving time as possible, those multiple 30 seconds can add up to a lot to avoid doing 34 hours reset too soon.

I looked at the passenger side window & sees multiple cars passing by. Turns out, there’s a road where cars drive by on the side of the highway. Doing my business on the highway shoulder, nope! Instead, I did the alternate route, do it in a bottle, seal it, and stow it for trash later.

On one of these stops, an officer pulled him over and asked to see his log book, so the trucker, of course, complied.

Just as I finish doing my business, I heard a knock on my passenger door. Very weird, because this is at the highway shoulder, where no one should randomly be walking around. I stow away the bottle and go look who it is and it’s a cop. I was thinking, crap, this isn’t happening.

I switched my log book to “On Duty – Inspection” and go answer the cop. Before I could say anything, the cop asked me to see my log book (it’s part of their job to check whether we comply to the rules or not) so I show it to him. The graph looks like a heart monitor, as I was relieving myself probably 4 or 5 times per day (tiny bladder problem).

The officer had some questions, namely that the trucker was stopping for 30 seconds to a minute every hour. He was suspicious that he was falsifying his records.

The trucker explained that he had a small bladder that required more pit stops, but the officer wasn’t buying it, and asked for proof if the trucker wanted to avoid a ticket.

The cop questioned why I was off duty for 30 seconds to 1 minute every 2-3 hours almost everyday (electronic log book can be backtracked up to 14 days). I explained to him that I have to relieve myself every 2-3 hours, give or take. The cop didn’t believe me and assume that my truck had a problem, that’s why I have to stop every 2-3 hours. I repeated myself about my bladder issue but the cop still didn’t believe me. Instead, he said:

-Cop: Unless you have proof that you’re actually relieving yourself, I’m afraid I have to give you a ticket for false usage of log book.

Cue malicious compliance.

Proof, the trucker had, though the cop wasn’t expecting the exact form it would take.

I told the cop to wait a moment and went back inside my cabin. I grabbed every single bottle of urine that I’ve been collecting today and the previous day (I haven’t had the chance to throw it away), put it in a plastic bag, and for extra measure, grabbed the newest one out of the plastic bag (it was still warm). I showed the whole bag to the cop, plus the warm bottle, told him it’s the newest one I just did a few seconds ago, and asked if he would like to hold it for further inspection.

The cop had the mixed look of disgust & horror. He was literally gagging, so I put back the evidence back inside my truck so he can recover.

The rest of the conversation went about as well as expected, since the guy didn’t end up getting a ticket (and he got a laugh, instead).

Then the cop says:

“I was expecting doctor’s note or something like that. What you showed me was disgusting!”

-Me: But you asked for proof that I was, in fact, relieving myself.

I was holding back my laughter so hard that my cheeks started to hurt. Then he gave me back my log book and told me to have a good day, then drives off. Have a good day, indeed!

I took an extra 1 minute on the shoulder to laugh until I’m satisfied, then I’m off to drive again.

File this one under: be careful what you ask for.

Or maybe: always remember to think ahead and keep a little proof on hand, just in case.

Either way, thanks for the giggles, good sir! Safe driving!

The post A Cop Learned the Hard Way That Sometimes Asking for Proof Backfires appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Weird Food Combinations They Enjoy

You know what I grew up eating that some folks think is weird?

Well, I’ll tell ya…salami wraps with cream cheese in the middle.

I know it might sound weird, but trust me, they are delicious!

Do you have any weird food combos that other people think are strange?

These folks on AskReddit sure do! Let’s take a look.

1. All about the textures.

“Mac and cheese, then mixed with apple sauce.

I mean, apples and cheese are a very classic mix, so this just works.

I like to mix at the last minute so the hot and cold texture stays too.”

2. Sounds kinda gross.

“Ranch on spaghetti.

It’s really no different than dipping pizza into ranch, but people get grossed out when I do it.”

3. Do your own thing.

“I like mayo on steak and cheese hoagies.

Apparently a lot of people think that is disgusting, but I love it.

I also love putting habanero flakes on steamed vegetables, and horseradish on pierogies and kielbasa.”

4. Your favorite.

“Cinnamon on microwaved grilled cheese was my favorite as a young kid with far too much responsibility over what I ate.

Instant mashed potatoes with American cheese and honey was another big one. (I stopped eating meat at a young age and my mother wouldn’t make separate non meat meals).

In college a friend made me try her nasty looking breakfast and it was fantastic. Egg and cheese on a bagel with cream cheese.”

5. No thanks.

“Dipping raw pasta (usually spaghetti) into butter and eating it.

Crunchy and smooth at the same time.”

6. What?!?!

“Chocolate milk in chili.

Was dared to mix the two when I was in first grade, and I’ve been doing it ever since.”

7. A gift from God.

“But some people I’ve told about it think applesauce and pretzels sounds gross.

I think it’s a gift from God!”

8. For hot summer days.

“Crisp , cold watermelon and feta cheese, especially on hot summer days.

Picked that up on a vacation to Egypt once and fell in love.

But anyone I recommend it to looks at me with disgust.”

9. A strange combo.

“Scrambled eggs with chocolate added.

The chocolate goes great in Coca-Cola too.”


“I always get s**t for eating chips (fries) with baked beans and beef gravy.

It’s delicious but people can’t get their head around it.

Also baked beans straight from the can. That’s another I get b**ched at for. They are already cooked and actually taste better cold.

It’s not weird.”

11. Better than it sounds.

“Salted cantaloupe, bacon, and cheddar cheese in a tortilla wrap.

It is better than it sounds.”

12. Don’t get upset, people.

“Cheese Burger with sauerkraut, no bun.

Just beef patty, melted cheese on top, and sauerkraut on top of that. I might be inclined to add some mustard, but otherwise it’s fine as it is.

Most people don’t like sauerkraut to begin with, but using it as a topping for a burger seems to really make people upset.”

13. Sorry, New Jersey.

“Ketchup on pizza don’t ask but depending on the pizza it tastes like heaven.

Distant screaming can be heard from the direction of New Jersey.”

14. Uh uh.

“I put ketchup on my macaroni and cheese. Or barbecue sauce.

Adds a little tang because macaroni can be a tad boring.

Everyone I know is disgusted by this. I don’t care because it’s f**king fantastic.”

15. An acquired taste.

“I don’t normally tell people about my sardine salad sandwiches because sardines are an acquired taste that most don’t want to acquire.

Sardines, chopped green olives, chopped celery, mayo, hot sauce.

Stir it up until its uniform, then put it between two slices of toast.”

16. Not sure about this one…

“I love to put applesauce on my pizza.

The few people that I’ve convinced to try it love it, but it’s a huge hurdle to get over.”

Okay, it’s time for you to spill your guts…

Tell us about the weird food combinations that you like.

Do it in the comments, por favor!

The post People Talk About the Weird Food Combinations They Enjoy appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s the Craziest Thing Your Ex Did After Your Divorce? Here’s What People Had to Say.

We’ve all had one. And some people have had quite a few…

I’m talking about crazy exes who go off the deep end after a breakup and make your life a living hell.

You just gotta ride it out and hope that things don’t spin off into Fatal Attraction territory, you know what I’m saying?

What’s the craziest thing an ex did after a divorce?

AskReddit users shared their stories.

1. Thief!

“My ex stole a car and did 18 months in state prison.

Based on what I was able to find online at the time, he approached a car dealership and showed interest in buying a vehicle. They allowed him to take it home for a 24 hour demo. He never returned it.

They reported it stolen after they attempted multiple times to contact him to return it. They then contacted the state police who put a BOLO out. They found him driving the vehicle on the other side of the state where he thought he wouldn’t be found.

I found out when I got an unexpected phone call from the sheriff’s office. I asked why they were calling me about this. They said my ex I told them I would vouch for him as a “character witness”.

I told the officer over the phone that my ex was a lying sack of s**t and shouldn’t be trusted. The officer laughed, thanked me for my time and hung up.”

2. A real jerk.

“Completely ignored our three children for the last ten years while living with a woman and her three children.

Did I mention, our oldest is HIS from a previous relationship, who I was awarded custody of, and he is her only living biological parent?!”

3. That’s weird.

“My favorite was his sister sent a Facebook message to all of his contacts the day of our separation (including my family).

Before we announced anything, her message stated everyone should immediately delete me and if I said anything about why we separated I was lying and not to listen.

Basically this created a lot of curious questions and a lot of laughs.”

4. Ouch.

“My ex-wife told me I could leave my stuff in our house while I found somewhere else to stay.

I assumed this was a good-will effort to keep things as amicable as possible between us. When I went to get my stuff she had burned all of it.

So that was rough.”

5. Dangerous.

“She removed the retaining clips for my windshield wipers, but put the wipers back on the arms.

First storm after I got my car back from her, driver side wiper flew off the car on Interstate 40.

Good times.”

6. Oh, boy…

“She called my company, talked her way up the chain to the president of the company (still don’t know how she managed that, but she’s smart) and told him I was suicidal and had threatened to “do something drastic” at work…

Later I learned that she thought this would be a roundabout way of getting my address which I didn’t share with her after I moved out because she’s bats**t crazy.”

7. Petty.

“When I told my ex-husband I wanted a divorce, the next day after I went to work he packed our entire house into a uHaul and put it in storage. Even with a court order he refused to give my stuff back. I left my marriage with the clothes on my back.

Years later he decided he was above the courts because he got away with that and took our son across country telling me he was moving with one day notice and told me I couldn’t do anything about it. Of course I promptly hired a lawyer and we went back to court and he lost joint custody but it took a year of fighting, chasing him down, and not seeing my son.

There are more stories but those are probably the worst.”

8. Horrible.

“Ki**ed or Euthanize our dog, then lied about that he d**d of natural causes.

Given the dog was old and blind, but she pleaded that she wanted a weekend with him, and then the next night sent me a fake text that he passed away during the night at like 3 am because he coughed and then just stopped breathing.

That s**t wasn’t true, I found out later after finding and calling the vet she brought him to, that she bad mouthed me about and that he was suffering and needed to be put to sleep because he was in agony and I was supposedly letting him suffer.

She had him out to sleep like the day she took him home, like 3 hours afterwards. Never got to say goodbye due to that b**ch.”

9. Jeez.

“Called me and pretended he had been hit by a car while we were talking.

He even tried to voice the crowd that had gathered around his “body.” God-awful acting, but pretty funny listening to him try to mimic a woman’s voice. Points for trying to be inclusive, I guess.

I think he was trying to get me to re-live my trauma of being on the phone with a friend who actually HAD been hit by a car while we were talking. Too bad he didn’t realize that hearing the real thing is worlds different than hearing a dumb**s try to act it out.”

10. Put it in writing.

“After he realized I was never going back, he told his mom that I had been stealing from the family the whole time we were together.

Then he literally put it in writing that I had a key to his parents’ home and would sneak in and take his dad’s guns and his grandmother’s jewelry, and that he had been powerless to stop me.

It was always his druggie sister. Always. Anyone with eyes could see it, but no one in the family wanted to believe it.”

11. That’s weird.

“My ex husband started dating his step mom who has been in his life since he was 11 years old.

His step mom and him are still together almost 5 years later. His step mom confessed her love of my ex to his dad a few years ago and they have since divorced. The dad is now dating a 21 year old.

I know all of this because I’m still close friends with my ex husbands sister.

It’s so messed up and I’m so grateful I left him when I did.”

12. Wow.

“Kidnapped the kids during their weekend visit and moved to a small town in the next state over. It took me 2 years to get them back.

She eventually burned all her bridges in the town she moved to and went home to her parents house. Since her parents were not pleased with her choices and were on my side during the whole deal they called me to let me know where she was. I went and got them.

This was over 20 years ago and they have both grown up just fine. I’ve since remarried and my 2nd wife has been a wonderful mother to them.

It took a lot of work to fix all the damage but it’s mostly ok. The biggest scars that lasted was that my son has a distrust of women with authority (that he has worked really hard to get over) and my daughter was afraid to start her own family because she worries she would turn out just like her mom.

She finally got over that and is expecting our first grand baby this fall.”

Did you ever have an ex go bananas on you?

Please tell us all about it in the comments!

And don’t mention any names, of course…

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What is the Scariest True Story You Know? People Responded.

I’m a true crime fanatic and I genuinely enjoy reading and hearing about true stories that are disturbing and scary.

Does that make me a weirdo?

Perhaps, but at least now I know I’m not alone, judging by how many people out there are obviously into the same kind of stuff.

Folks on AskReddit shared the scariest true stories they know.

Prepare to get creeped out.

1. Creepy.

“I grew up in a funeral home. I helped out in the office.

When I was about 15, we got a call from a man whose wife and infant baby had been m**dered in cold blood.

There were very few clues. It made headlines. Cops set up surveillance at the viewing. It was heartbreaking, as the mother was holding the baby in her arms.

I was asked to take the flower cards and periodically get the husband and ask if he recognized the names. I then photocopied them and put them back. I did it because I was a “kid,” people knew me, and I was unobtrusive.

I talked to the husband quite a bit. He seemed devastated and shaken.

The cops told me they had an eyewitness to someone leaving the house the day of the m**der.

The witness was a three year old girl. She recognized the man leaving. It was the husbands best friend.

Turns out that the friend and the husband had made a pact to k**l each other’s families and run off with their secretaries. The little girl identified the friend, and I guess one of them cracked.

They both went to jail on multiple counts, all on the testimony of a three year old.

I still cannot believe to this day that that man stood right beside me, multiple times, and I had NO CLUE.”

2. Awful.

“James Bulger.

He was just 2 years old and with his mom running errands. She let go of his hand to pay the cashier, and he wandered away. Two ten year old boys spotted him, lured him toward them, took him by the hands and led him away. They took him to a remote location, pushing and kicking at him the whole time.

Some people questioned the two kids with the crying toddler, but they lied saying he was their brother and nobody intervened further. They took him to a secluded spot and t**tured him. I don’t want to recount the t**ture details, it’s just too gruesome. They left his body on some railroad tracks hoping that being run over by a train would make it look like an accident. He was found days later, his body severed in half by a train.

The boys were caught and became the youngest convicted m**derers in British history. Security footage from the day they took James shows them watching children, picking out a target. And they were just kids themselves. They were released at 18. One of them is back in jail for possessing child abuse photos on his computer.

The most terrifying thing about this for me is that my own son is only 2 now, and James’s m**derers were just children, too. It was premeditated and intentional and entirely random. Just a momentary lapse in attention and he became a target of two m**derous children. Children.

To think that children younger than my step son are capable of such a thing… ugh. Everything about this case is just horrifying.”

3. The more you know…

“My dad worked in a morgue in during college in the 60’s.

One time on the night shift he was training a recent hire who was wheeling a body down the hallway. The body was under a sheet but all of a sudden started to sit up. The guy immediately freaked out, ran out the doors and quit.

Apparently a d**d body can have muscle contractions in the abs causing it to start sitting up. The more you know I guess.”

4. Terrible.

“During college, I lived in an apartment with a community pool. There were a bunch of us having beers at the pool one night over summer term, and one of my friends ran to jump in the pool but changed his mind at the last second.

His feet slipped out from under him on the wet concrete and he went down. He broke his neck in the edge of the pool…never walked again and had extremely limited upper body function.

I watched someone’s life be ruined and it was terrifying. Listen to the lifeguard and walk.”

5. This is terrifying.

“I had a guy tell me a story a couple decades ago about how he was hiking in an area in South America and wandered away from other hikers in the area.

The ground was wet and without warning it gave away and he got sucked into a fast moving underground river- pitch black, completely submerged, and at the mercy of the current as it buffeted him against the sides of the tunnel. After some time the current subsided and he realized he was in a larger pocket, still pitch black and submerged.

He said that even as he struggled to hold his breath, he didn’t panic and realized that the water had to keep moving somewhere, so he moved around until he found another tunnel that sucked him in.

At one point he began to see light so he punched upwards, broke through the ground and pulled himself out, soaking wet, gasping for air, and a bit of a distance from the other dry hikers, who were somewhat bewildered when they saw him straggling up to them.”

6. Explosion.

“The New London school explosion.

A school in Texas in 1937 tried to tap into natural gas on their own and it ended up leaking and blowing up the school. It’s the reason they make natural gas scented in Texas and probably the US now. I’m amazed I never heard of this in school because it seems like something that should be taught.

I read some survivor stories and I had f**king nightmares. It was horrible. Three in particular stuck with me. One was a 7 or 8 year old girl, she saw her best friend and playmate with her entire body crushed by concrete with only her shoulders and head above it, and she still had a lollipop in her mouth like she didn’t know what happened.

Another was a guy I think a 16-17 year old, helping un-dig people and bring them out of the wreckage. He saw a dad holding his daughter crying his eyes out while the back of the girls head was broken open with her brain on the ground next to her.

The last was a 9ish year old girl who went to find her mom after it happened (there was a PTA meeting going on at the time so there was a lot of parents at the scene) her mom was freaking out trying to find her but didn’t even recognize her. She went upto her mom and called out to her but she just kept saying ‘you’re not my daughter.” She was so covered in blood and ash and tears that her own mother couldn’t recognize her.

It was a truly horrifying thing.”

7. Right next door.

“I lived next to a m**derer.

Faye Swetlik was 6 years old when she was kidnapped out of her front yard. It was all over the news. I had news crews, cops, even the FBI all over my townhouse complex. My fiancée and I met with the FBI 3 times. They searched our home and everything. I remember clear as day, my fiancée FaceTimed me as the cops were digging through the trash cans directly in front of my townhouse.

They pulled out her boot and a bloody knife. Then they found her body, dumped maybe 300 feet from my house. He had watched them find the m**der weapon. Dumbass put it in a trash bag along with his other mail. He went to his back porch and opened his own throat.

It’s crazy. I had conversations with the guy. I never knew he was a psycho. This all happened a year ago.”

8. Middle of the night.

“My great aunt woke up in the middle of the night, she heard her dog making these low growls.

She was single at the time and living alone in her ranch-style home. She walked out to her living room to check things out. She didn’t see or hear anything out of the ordinary, so she decided to make sure her door and front windows were locked. Door was locked, first window she checked was locked.

When she lifted the mini blind on the second window, it was wide open and a guy in a ski mask was standing there. She said he laughed this evil laugh and said “party time” then he started to climb in. She screamed that she had a g**, her dog started barking his head off. The would be r**ist decided to bolt. My aunt did get a g** after that and learned how to use it.

I can’t even think about what would’ve happened to her if she didn’t have her dog to warn her.”

9. The Girl in the Box.

“The kidnapping of Colleen Stan. She was hitchhiking in the 70s, and turned down rides because they didn’t seem safe.

A van with a young couple and a baby offered her a ride, and because it was a family, she accepted. They held her at gun point, put a giant box on her head that blocked out noise and sound, and later, kept her in box the size of a coffin underneath their bed. She was brutally beaten and r**ed daily for 7 years. They also brainwashed her to believe that they were part of a mafia called “The Company” that would k**l her family if she tried to escape.

Eventually, the wife helped her escape and received immunity for testifying against her husband at trial. The case is known as “The Girl in the Box.””

10. Chilling.

“Germanwings Flight 9525.

The copilot locked himself in the cockpit and set the airplane for a slow descent into the French Alps.

For 10 minutes, the crew desperately tried to get back into the cockpit, but in this post 9/11 world, the door was design to withstand assault did not fail.

This is was a daytime flight. Passengers knew what was happening. They could see the mountains getting closer out the windows. This wasn’t a quick, “what’s that… omg… out”… this was a long, drawn out realization of what was coming and the end was inevitable.


11. The doctor.

“The story of Christopher Duntsch aka Doctor D**th who operated out of the Plano and Dallas area.

He maimed 33 people and ki**ed 2. He was an alleged neurosurgeon that didn’t actually receive a proper medical education to operate, but still did so despite not fully being trained. No hospital would report him or take his license away. They would just pass him off to another hospital to continue injuring or ki**ing people.

He was the first doctor to be formally indicated with m**der, and sentenced to life imprisonment.”

12. Wow.

“My brother was a police officer.

He had a call to check on the welfare of a mother who had not showed up for work. She had d**d on the sofa and her little toddler brought the little diaper pad and laid down next to her, and d**d of dehydration.

The little kid had opened the lower cabinets and drawers in the kitchen looking for food. He still cries about it. And he’s not the crying kind”

Okay, you’re up!

In the comments, tell us about the scariest true story you know.

Thanks in advance!

The post What is the Scariest True Story You Know? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s the Oddest Food Combination You Enjoy? Here’s What People Had to Say.

We live in a free country, am I right?

Darn right!

And that means (among other things) that you can eat whatever you please, whenever you please.

And sometimes people like to get a little bit freaky-deaky.

AskReddit users talked about the weird food combinations they like to chow down on. Let’s take a look.

1. Sounds decent.

“Instant Ramen, cooked without flavor, but then you drain and fry it, adding the flavor during the pan-fry, then slap that b**ch in a quesadilla.

It’s crunchy, crispy, cheesy, noodley, and you can eat it like a taco.”

2. Wasn’t stoned.

“I put red wine vinegar in a lot of food, and people make such a face when I do it.

Like if I CHEF MIKE a bowl of leftover spaghetti, I’ll put like a tablespoon of vinegar over it pre-heating. I like it.

I got the habit from my dad. He put it on canned spinach, and I liked it. So it’s a little flavor enhancer on my meals for one.

I’d say the STUPIDEST food combo I did was when I tried to make a peanut butter and jelly burrito in the microwave.

(I was out of bread, and figured, why not, it’s good on bagels)

Do not microwave a peanut butter and jelly burrito, you will have a bad time.

Also I was six, not stoned.”

3. Hmmm…

“Red wine and black licorice.

I say them in that order because if I start with ‘black licorice and…’

I am usually shunned before I can finish the statement.”

4. Thanks, Grandma.

“My grandma taught me to eat fried egg on toast with grape jelly.

Perfect combo of savory/sweet.”

5. You gotta do it the right way.

“Dipping my ham and cheese toastie into a mug of hot chocolate.

Heavenly, the trick is a very quick dip, the bread will absorb it either way and you want to avoid total sogginess at all costs.”

6. Delicious!

“Feta cheese on a regular hot dog.

I had no idea other people would even consider it gross, it’s delicious.”

7. Interesting…

“Make some spicy ramen noodles, but add the flavor pack in after you cook and drain the noodles.

Add a bit of peanut butter, a dash of lemon juice and sugar to taste.

Throw in some tofu. Gourmet ramen!”

8. Not for everyone.

“My favorite sub is tuna with pickles, black olives, and cheddar cheese, and I don’t think it’s weird at all.

But I’ve literally had the sandwich shop say “gross” after I ordered it so it’s definitely not everyone’s cup of tea haha.”

9. Just walk away.

“My husband has some interesting combinations but his favorite is ramen cup of noodles with popcorn.

He will eat all the noodles and then dump popcorn into the broth. It gets all shriveled and that’s how he likes it.

I have to walk away.”

10. LOL.

“I used to get peperoni with tuna salad and cheddar w/ banana peppers.

One time the woman asked me if I was pregnant.”

11. Yowza!

“Peanut butter, honey, pickle and goldfish cracker sandwich.

It was something random my son asked for once when he was like 3 and I’ve been eating them ever since.

You can also use Doritos instead of goldfish crackers.”

12. Getting funny looks.

“Strawberry jam and cheese on a sandwich.

I really don’t think it’s that weird but people look at me funny when I say I like it.”

13. Give it a shot.

“Slow-cooked pinto (or black) beans, hot, with some of the liquid, poured over vanilla ice cream. The liquid acts as a sauce, and cuts the sweetness while satisfying like a chocolate sauce might. The beans start hot and soft on cold, firm ice cream.

Slowly the ice cream softens, and the beans freeze, so it offers contrast of texture different in the first bite than it does in the last. There’s a lot going on, but if you try it with beans from a can, you’re wasting your time on disappointment.”

14. Okay!

“BBQ sauce on mashed potatoes.

I don’t do it every time but whenever I have like BBQ chicken with mashed potatoes, I’ll dip them in the sauce.”

Are there any weird food combinations that you like?

Tell us all about them in the comments!

We look forward to it!

The post What’s the Oddest Food Combination You Enjoy? Here’s What People Had to Say. appeared first on UberFacts.