What’s the Worst Example of Brown-Nosing You’ve Seen In Your Life?

Is there anything worse at work or school than a huge brown-noser?

It’s enough to drive me (and you too, hopefully) up the wall!

But, as you already know, these types of folks are lurking around everywhere…and I think we should all do our best to avoid them as much as possible.

So, what’s the worst example of brown-nosing you’ve ever seen.

AskReddit users shared their stories.

1. Trying to prove himself.

“The worst was a guy I worked with at my last job doing HVAC…because the boss was going to get a full report on whatever crew he worked with that day.

If you said something negative about the boss, he was going to tell. If you were a minute or two late coming back from lunch, he had a pic on his phone with the time stamp. If you didn’t hang something perfectly level or straight, he’d toss a level on it, snap a pic, send it to the boss. He also came in every Sunday and washed all the trucks (with no pay) to make sure we kept a good image,

Found out eventually it had nothing to do with the job…he was just dating the boss’s daughter and he was trying to “prove” himself.”

2. What a jerk.

“Had a coworker in my marketing team who was a lead designer.

He was often pretty dismissive of junior level employees, or would try and one-up everyone’s stories (you tell him you stayed at a hotel at the beach over the weekend, he tells you he stayed in a penthouse at the same beach for a whole week).

He also always tried to be in proximity of senior staff members and would brag loudly if they were within an earshot, hoping they would hear how awesome his life is, I would assume.

One day, a VP from our company had come up to talk to somebody in a pod close to ours. The pretentious designer loudly asked me about my weekend, I gave him an answer.

He responded loudly, one upping my answer, noticed the VP wasn’t paying attention to him at all, quickly got up, hovered behind the VP while he was talking to the other employee, eventually the VP cracked a joke and the designer let out the loudest, fakest laugh I’ve ever heard, startling the VP, who up until then was not aware that this guy was standing behind him. VP just got an awkward close lipped smile, quickly nodded his head, and walked away.

Designer came back to our pod, sat down, and started working as if he was never mid conversation with me.”

3. Embarrassing.

“Coworker would talk up the boss during meetings.

“Mrs. Boss, you’re the smartest person I’ve ever known! I wish I had some of your brains.”

4. A real a** kisser.

“Other receptionist at my work is a huge a** kisser.

Calls herself the head receptionist when she’s really just a part timer that doesn’t do her job right. Will constantly have “meetings” with the bosses and take credit for things other people do.

Most recent example is when a client brought us donuts and left them at the front desk. I was in a room but heard the convo between the client and her about the donuts being a gift.

Then heard her walk to the back and announce to our boss that she (receptionist) ordered them donuts because they work so hard.”

5. That’s enough.

“Fake laughter at the boss’s jokes.

Laughter that goes on for WAY TOO LONG so that even the boss notices and gets PO’d.”

6. Cringeworthy.

“This f**ker at my work was just promoted because he’s an a** kisser.

Constantly jumps over people to perform a task, but only when the manager is around, that kind of c**p. Recently, he wrote on our manager’s door (he has a dry erase board for messages) “(Managers name) is the GREATEST”.

F**king cringe. I h**e this dumba**, and I respect my manager less for falling for it.”

7. Weird.

“This was actually pre-work.

Canada’s largest airline had an unqualified secretary screening the applications for pilot positions. She would determine who got interviewed and who got put to he bottom of the pile.

Some guys would send her chocolates…literally….and get an interview two days later, where others had waited years. Others would send flowers.

It was close to criminal the way she got bribed, and there were a lot of examples. She was finally heavily demoted for her actions, but she should have been canned.”

8. Annoying.

“I called my boss by his first name and my coworker scolded me after he walked away saying, “No! You call him MR. so-and-so”.

She’d also always go out and buy him his lunch.

He cut your maternity leave short and he underpays you. What’s in it for you?”

9. You are The King.

“At my job there was this guy who kept buying his direct supervisor lunch every day.

One time the supervisor asked him why he kept doing it, he responded with “The king’s gotta eat”.

Everyone in the immediate area cringed super hard at that, including the supervisor.”

10. Incredibly annoying.

“One particular co-worker is almost insufferable with his behavior.

Constant trumpet blowing with his lackluster work, endless comments about how much money he has, degrading other team members to get some kind of moral high ground and get in good graces with management.

What’s more cringe is his posts and interactions on the team member WhatsApp group, really fake or cheesy c**p that definitely is not his character at all.

Basically everything that he does involves trying to s**t on someone to look better at his job.

Anyway, he thought he was top s**t after one of the managers recently left and applied to take the advertised Duty Manager role. He was shut down almost immediately and apparently one of the night managers straight up told him that they did not want him to work nights due to nobody wanting to work with him.”

11. No thanks.

“As a blackjack dealer in a casino I had a floor manager that h**ed me. The feeling was very mutual.

One day I was secret shopped and received a 100% with some outstanding personalized comments on it. The higher ups were so impressed that the head of Table Games came down from on high to give me 50.00 worth of cash gift cards (unheard of, we normally get 5.00 buffet vouchers).

This all took place in front of the floor who h**ed me. Then he reaches in his pocket and hands me a card for “an entry into a drawing for a 10.00 cafe credit” and tells me I did good. F**ker used my 15 seconds of fame to make himself look good to the dept head.

It kinda backfired when I handed it back and said “no thanks, I know you don’t mean it.” Dept head hauled my a** upstairs and asked what I meant. I didn’t need the job so I unloaded every single instance of harassment, s**ual harassment, hr investigations, and backed them all up.

Covid hit while he was suspended and he was not invited back when they reopened.”

12. Wow.

“I had a coworker that went to the boss’s apartment to massage his feet.

The boss was a power-mad tyrant with zero oversight.

The coworker was a complete sh**bag. I think he made it to work on time only 1 time in 2 years. And he was a compulsive liar. He lied about s**t that he didn’t even need to lie about.

Coworker was having car troubles so the boss let him borrow one of his cars. The coworker let slip that he had been at the boss’s place massaging his feet.

He said it absentmindedly, as if he wasn’t really paying attention to what he was saying. I was like, “Hold up!” He tried to claim he was just joking about it but I could tell the truth.”

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about the biggest b**t kissers you’ve ever met.

We can’t wait to hear from you.

The post What’s the Worst Example of Brown-Nosing You’ve Seen In Your Life? appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s Your “I’m Pretty Awesome” Moment? Here’s What People Said.

Have you ever had an experience where you said to yourself, man…I’m a bada**?

I personally have not, but I’m hoping that it happens sooner than later…

There’s still time, right?

These AskReddit users had totally bada** moments.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Like an action movie.

“I was running through a building, down a ramp with polished cement floors, and I somehow ended up falling down on one knee.

With my high momentum I managed to slide all the way down the ramp (it was very long) and then kick myself back up into running again.

It all happened completely smoothly and it felt like an action scene.”

2. Saved the day!

“I went on a snorkeling trip off the coast of Kauai.

There was a newlywed couple there that I could tell weren’t good in the water. We’re out in the water and they’re off by themselves and I can see that the wife is crying and the husband has a panicked look on his face.

Turns out they didn’t realize that skin contracts in water and he lost his wedding ring off his finger. I scan around for a while and find it 30 feet down or so. I run down and get it and give it back to them. They were thrilled.”

3. Oh yeah!

“Chucked a piece of cardboard at a recycling bin at work, it was about 30 feet from me.

A draft caught it and took it 40 feet up and it did a double loop before slamming directly into the bin. One old lady saw and went “wooow!”

Felt like a f**king champion all day”

4. The big play.

“Little League baseball. Late 80s, early 90s.

Our coach was fantastic. All of the team played and rotated through every position.

This one game it was my turn to be second base.

There’s runners on first and second. The score is tied for the moment, but the game’s close to over and we’re getting tired. Plus it’s mid-July and it was hot.

The other team had a kid who was older than should have been on (but his dad was the coach, so…) and he had a mean swing.

He belts a line drive over the pitcher – I just start running. I snag the ball from the air a few steps into the grass towards center field, then make a u-turn and run back, tag second base (second base runner is out) and tag-out the runner who was trying to get back to first.

The adrenaline surge was enough to get us the win in the next inning.

We ended up being undefeated that season.”

5. Nice work!

“I saved my husband’s life using the Heimlich maneuver, on the first try, never having done it before.”

6. Boom!

“Start of UK lockdown my dishwasher broke down and since shops were closed, I was looking at minimum three months of doing the dishes by hand.

F**k that.

Went to YouTube, watched a bunch of videos, took the pump apart and found a piece of broken glass which was f**king it up.

Put it back together, worked perfect, f**k you entropy and washing dishes.”

7. A helping hand.

“I share mine with my dog. Did the adrenaline pumping, car lift thing.

My idiot neighbor was trying to change his own oil, and didn’t have the jack in the proper place. Whatever metal it was on, bent, and the car lowered onto him. Him which had his body positioned perfectly so the front tire would crush his dumb a**. My dog was out back and started going insane barking, so I bolted outside, wondering what could be wrong (he only barks when something’s wrong, like my kid left the yard or something).

I see my neighbor’s legs sticking out from his freaking tire, race inside screaming for my brother, then bolt back out and try to lift the car. My brother comes out and as I somehow manage to lift the car just enough, he pulls the neighbor out. I was expecting him to be dead, but he stood up, coughed a few times, and said thanks.

We called EMS to get him checked and they took him to the hospital. He had some internal injuries, but survived and recovered fully. What I remember most is flopping to my butt in the driveway, thinking, “S**t. That guy is an IDIOT!”

It was my brother that said I’m a bada**. And as the real hero, yes, doggo got all the pats and scritches and treats.”

8. Survivor.

“I got lost alone in Yellowstone, after sunset.

But I’d come prepared with a headlamp, kept my cool & found my way back to my car alive. My detour added several miles to the route, and it was & still is the most I’ve hiked in a single day, probably just under 14 miles.

I could barely move when I got back to my car. I had to just sit for about 20 minutes before I was able to drive. But I got the most amazing view of the Milky Way of my entire life along the way. Totally worth it for that alone.

Any mishap you survive becomes an adventure.”

9. Backed down.

“I was at a party and apparently some guy had a problem with me (I didn’t even know him).

I was sitting with friends and from across the room he yelled something to me, but with the music I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

So I said “What??” And he yelled it again. But again, I couldn’t hear him. So I stood up and said (more forcefully) “WHAT?!” His face dropped, he shrunk back a little, said “never mind” and sat down.

My friends laughed their a**es off. I genuinely thought this dude had a question. But I had inadvertently backed him down. My bada** moment was an accident.”

10. Take your best shot.

“Back in the day, I trained a few years in judo. A few regional tournaments convinced me that I am a fairly mediocre martial artist.

Ten years later a big, athletic guy (outweighed me by probably 80 pounds) took a swing at me outside of a bar, and I threw him with a massive shoulder throw with basically zero effort or thought. I started to lock his elbow on the ground, but realized he was mostly knocked out, so I just stood up.

I left as quickly as I could, but I saw like a dozen guys with open mouths saying things like, “Did you see that s**t?”

I pulled over to throw up on the way home.

A few years later, I related this story to a friend who works in military special operations, including the embarrassing part where I barfed. He said something that I’ve never forgotten: “That’s not a big deal man, a lot of guys get sick before every big mission. Bada** motherf**kers are guys who do bada** things. Sometimes, you are terrified, and you push through it to do bada** things anyway.”

I am in no way, shape, or form anything resembling a bada**. But I like my friend’s definition of courage. Who cares if you are the cool guy in the movies who walks away from explosions? What matters is if you pulled the girl out of the car before it blew up.

Doing what is necessary even if you are scared (especially when done for the benefit of other people), is the real definition of bada**ery.”

11. Just like Pee-Wee Herman!

“I went to a shop to buy a new bike… and I went there on my old bike.

I came back home riding my new bike and by holding the old one with one hand. Everything was going fine, until the bikes abruptly turned sideway and sent me flying over the handle bars.

I ducked forward, landed on my shoulder and in a continuous roll, I got back on my feet and did a thumbs up to appease a startled passer by.”

12. The accident.

“Watched a late 1990s Ford Explorer (I thought) over correct and roll off the interstate. The vehicle had rolled and came to a stop about 100 feet away and down a hill near the underpass.

I was in a work truck with 2 of my co-workers, followed by another work truck with 4 workers. We sprang to action like some sort of emergency team. Numerous vehicles were pulling over and 3 of my co-workers stayed behind to call 911 and prevent people from getting too close. The wrecked vehicle was 2 adults, a toddler, and an infant. The infant was completely fine and still in a carrier, so one co-worker unclipped it and took it closer to the road to be safe and await medical

. The woman was thrown from the vehicle one of my co-workers was keeping her still and watching for breathing as she was in and out of consciousness. My “task” with my other co-worker, was to attend to the man and the toddler still in the vehicle. The man was pinned by his door and the steering wheel, and was pouring blood and screaming “my baby, my baby”.

I sent the co-worker to help him after we disconnected the car battery. I pulled the toddler out of the vehicle, the little boy was completely unconscious, bleeding from his mouth, nose, and maybe eyes, and not breathing. I made sure the mouth was clear and started compressions, compressions for 5ish minutes until help arrived.

Everyone lived, I still have nightmares, but “d**n, I’m a bada**.””

A note: a little blood is a lot of blood, and an actual lot of blood is terrifying.

Have you ever had any moments like this?

If so, share them with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What’s Your “I’m Pretty Awesome” Moment? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s Your “I’m Pretty Awesome” Moment? Here’s What People Said.

Have you ever had an experience where you said to yourself, man…I’m a bada**?

I personally have not, but I’m hoping that it happens sooner than later…

There’s still time, right?

These AskReddit users had totally bada** moments.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Like an action movie.

“I was running through a building, down a ramp with polished cement floors, and I somehow ended up falling down on one knee.

With my high momentum I managed to slide all the way down the ramp (it was very long) and then kick myself back up into running again.

It all happened completely smoothly and it felt like an action scene.”

2. Saved the day!

“I went on a snorkeling trip off the coast of Kauai.

There was a newlywed couple there that I could tell weren’t good in the water. We’re out in the water and they’re off by themselves and I can see that the wife is crying and the husband has a panicked look on his face.

Turns out they didn’t realize that skin contracts in water and he lost his wedding ring off his finger. I scan around for a while and find it 30 feet down or so. I run down and get it and give it back to them. They were thrilled.”

3. Oh yeah!

“Chucked a piece of cardboard at a recycling bin at work, it was about 30 feet from me.

A draft caught it and took it 40 feet up and it did a double loop before slamming directly into the bin. One old lady saw and went “wooow!”

Felt like a f**king champion all day”

4. The big play.

“Little League baseball. Late 80s, early 90s.

Our coach was fantastic. All of the team played and rotated through every position.

This one game it was my turn to be second base.

There’s runners on first and second. The score is tied for the moment, but the game’s close to over and we’re getting tired. Plus it’s mid-July and it was hot.

The other team had a kid who was older than should have been on (but his dad was the coach, so…) and he had a mean swing.

He belts a line drive over the pitcher – I just start running. I snag the ball from the air a few steps into the grass towards center field, then make a u-turn and run back, tag second base (second base runner is out) and tag-out the runner who was trying to get back to first.

The adrenaline surge was enough to get us the win in the next inning.

We ended up being undefeated that season.”

5. Nice work!

“I saved my husband’s life using the Heimlich maneuver, on the first try, never having done it before.”

6. Boom!

“Start of UK lockdown my dishwasher broke down and since shops were closed, I was looking at minimum three months of doing the dishes by hand.

F**k that.

Went to YouTube, watched a bunch of videos, took the pump apart and found a piece of broken glass which was f**king it up.

Put it back together, worked perfect, f**k you entropy and washing dishes.”

7. A helping hand.

“I share mine with my dog. Did the adrenaline pumping, car lift thing.

My idiot neighbor was trying to change his own oil, and didn’t have the jack in the proper place. Whatever metal it was on, bent, and the car lowered onto him. Him which had his body positioned perfectly so the front tire would crush his dumb a**. My dog was out back and started going insane barking, so I bolted outside, wondering what could be wrong (he only barks when something’s wrong, like my kid left the yard or something).

I see my neighbor’s legs sticking out from his freaking tire, race inside screaming for my brother, then bolt back out and try to lift the car. My brother comes out and as I somehow manage to lift the car just enough, he pulls the neighbor out. I was expecting him to be dead, but he stood up, coughed a few times, and said thanks.

We called EMS to get him checked and they took him to the hospital. He had some internal injuries, but survived and recovered fully. What I remember most is flopping to my butt in the driveway, thinking, “S**t. That guy is an IDIOT!”

It was my brother that said I’m a bada**. And as the real hero, yes, doggo got all the pats and scritches and treats.”

8. Survivor.

“I got lost alone in Yellowstone, after sunset.

But I’d come prepared with a headlamp, kept my cool & found my way back to my car alive. My detour added several miles to the route, and it was & still is the most I’ve hiked in a single day, probably just under 14 miles.

I could barely move when I got back to my car. I had to just sit for about 20 minutes before I was able to drive. But I got the most amazing view of the Milky Way of my entire life along the way. Totally worth it for that alone.

Any mishap you survive becomes an adventure.”

9. Backed down.

“I was at a party and apparently some guy had a problem with me (I didn’t even know him).

I was sitting with friends and from across the room he yelled something to me, but with the music I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

So I said “What??” And he yelled it again. But again, I couldn’t hear him. So I stood up and said (more forcefully) “WHAT?!” His face dropped, he shrunk back a little, said “never mind” and sat down.

My friends laughed their a**es off. I genuinely thought this dude had a question. But I had inadvertently backed him down. My bada** moment was an accident.”

10. Take your best shot.

“Back in the day, I trained a few years in judo. A few regional tournaments convinced me that I am a fairly mediocre martial artist.

Ten years later a big, athletic guy (outweighed me by probably 80 pounds) took a swing at me outside of a bar, and I threw him with a massive shoulder throw with basically zero effort or thought. I started to lock his elbow on the ground, but realized he was mostly knocked out, so I just stood up.

I left as quickly as I could, but I saw like a dozen guys with open mouths saying things like, “Did you see that s**t?”

I pulled over to throw up on the way home.

A few years later, I related this story to a friend who works in military special operations, including the embarrassing part where I barfed. He said something that I’ve never forgotten: “That’s not a big deal man, a lot of guys get sick before every big mission. Bada** motherf**kers are guys who do bada** things. Sometimes, you are terrified, and you push through it to do bada** things anyway.”

I am in no way, shape, or form anything resembling a bada**. But I like my friend’s definition of courage. Who cares if you are the cool guy in the movies who walks away from explosions? What matters is if you pulled the girl out of the car before it blew up.

Doing what is necessary even if you are scared (especially when done for the benefit of other people), is the real definition of bada**ery.”

11. Just like Pee-Wee Herman!

“I went to a shop to buy a new bike… and I went there on my old bike.

I came back home riding my new bike and by holding the old one with one hand. Everything was going fine, until the bikes abruptly turned sideway and sent me flying over the handle bars.

I ducked forward, landed on my shoulder and in a continuous roll, I got back on my feet and did a thumbs up to appease a startled passer by.”

12. The accident.

“Watched a late 1990s Ford Explorer (I thought) over correct and roll off the interstate. The vehicle had rolled and came to a stop about 100 feet away and down a hill near the underpass.

I was in a work truck with 2 of my co-workers, followed by another work truck with 4 workers. We sprang to action like some sort of emergency team. Numerous vehicles were pulling over and 3 of my co-workers stayed behind to call 911 and prevent people from getting too close. The wrecked vehicle was 2 adults, a toddler, and an infant. The infant was completely fine and still in a carrier, so one co-worker unclipped it and took it closer to the road to be safe and await medical

. The woman was thrown from the vehicle one of my co-workers was keeping her still and watching for breathing as she was in and out of consciousness. My “task” with my other co-worker, was to attend to the man and the toddler still in the vehicle. The man was pinned by his door and the steering wheel, and was pouring blood and screaming “my baby, my baby”.

I sent the co-worker to help him after we disconnected the car battery. I pulled the toddler out of the vehicle, the little boy was completely unconscious, bleeding from his mouth, nose, and maybe eyes, and not breathing. I made sure the mouth was clear and started compressions, compressions for 5ish minutes until help arrived.

Everyone lived, I still have nightmares, but “d**n, I’m a bada**.””

A note: a little blood is a lot of blood, and an actual lot of blood is terrifying.

Have you ever had any moments like this?

If so, share them with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What’s Your “I’m Pretty Awesome” Moment? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Worst Examples of Brown-Nosing They’ve Ever Seen

I used to work at a place when I was younger and I had a co-worker that we’ll call Tim.

Tim was the biggest a** kisser I’ve ever met in my life and all of us there couldn’t stand the way he used to suck up to the bosses and make the rest of us look like losers (which we kinda were…).

Eventually, Tim got on everyone’s nerves and then one day he left and never came back. And we all jumped for joy!

Folks on AskReddit shared stories about the worst brown-nosers they’ve ever seen.


1. Jeez…

“My immediate supervisor and I were doing a job offsite at a partner company’s lab, like an hour’s drive from our company, and we finished our task at like 4:30, and I was like, f**k it, lets end the workday.

He insisted on calling the director and inform him we were done working offsite, and ask him to officially give us permission to go home a half hour early.

The director was like, “You called and bothered me to ask this? JUST GO HOME, seriously, you two are out in the field because you’re supposed to be able to make decisions like this on your own.””

2. Just got right in there.

“The girl my boss hired to help me and I trained started having an affair with the second in command.

For the next year I got to watch her, feed him fruit with her mouth while doing almost nothing all day. She would go on 2 hour lunches.

Got promoted, a raise and I had to continue to take the load of the work she was initially hired for.”

3. Fakin’ it.

“I used to work with a girl who would always change her voice whenever she would interact with our boss to try and seem s**y.

Her voice would literally go up several octaves in tone and she would adopt this Valley Girl type of inflection.

If he wasn’t around she talked completely different.”

4. What a tool.

“One of my co-workers is the biggest tooI have ever met.

I have worked part-time for the company for 7 years and met hundreds of people none of which I disliked. Sure there were people I would not hang out or even talk with outside of work, but at work I got along. This kid (m21) is on another f**king level and I can actually say I h**e him.

First day on the job he comes in and acts like he owns the place. Two guys were working on this project and he comes over and says “Yea, good job on this part. This is how I want this done around here” both these guys are in there 30s, been with the company for years and just stand there looking at him like he is stupid.

He always called himself the smartest person in the department, and how he is going to run this place. And because he finished his bachelor’s a year early he is a genius. Also because of his degree he thinks he understands the inner workings of running a business perfectly. This kid letures on about efficiency all the time, yet he is on his phone 80% of his shift or talking.

Everyone h**es this kid. Department managers, full timers, and even vendors from outside the company can’t stand him and talk nasty behind his back. He is clueless. 6 people reported him to HR, which our rep doesn’t like him either lol. They had a meeting with him and changed nothing.

The while reason he can act like this is because he is friends with our corporate district managers son. And he snitches to this guy about stuff going on. It’s bad enough he is a tool and a snitch, but it’s even worse that this DM listens to him, even though he does nothing.

Thank God I am leaving that job soon.”

5. Bride-to-be.

“This coworker was getting married and she talked a lot about her wedding at work.

There was another coworker very close in age she bounced ideas off of and they became really close over the course of wedding planning and the bride used to call the coworker her work bestie and make all sorts of references to her coming to the wedding.

Bride-to-be eventually told coworker that she would have loooooved to have her at the wedding but there just wasn’t room for her, the amount of people had been settled on much earlier etc etc. Coworker understood and took it pretty well.

Turns out coworker is very well connected to some higher ups in the office and was later talking to someone who revealed that she had met Bride-to-be twice and immediately gotten an invite to the wedding. When they found out the lowly coworker hadn’t been invited the higher up didn’t want to go and convinced a whole bunch of other higher ups, who also barely knew the bride and had gotten invites, not to go either because Bride was clearly using her wedding for networking.

The bride to be got a pretty s**tty reputation as a suck up after that.

Also it was extra weird because we work in a pretty tame white collar office where you don’t need to be a crazy networker to have a successful career or rise in the ranks. Like I know in some industries you kind of have to invite your boss, but this isn’t one of them.

Plenty of people don’t invite anyone from their work to their wedding and no one really cares.”

6. Yes, boss.

“I had a boss who was into “finer” things of life. Good quality clothes, expensive wine, exotic food, cigars from all over the planet, heaps of watches and expensive cars type thing.

So a co worker of mine, within two weeks of beginning bought my boss some cufflinks worth in the hundreds. Over the course of two year this co worker became known as a yes man. Never disagreed with the boss at all.

He also self appointed himself as his right hand man always telling other people how to do things because that’s how the boss would want it. (Kinda like a less aggressive version of Dwight from the office)

Any way a position officially opens up to become supervisor (second highest rank) of the department. Naturally my coworker went for it, telling everywhere would listen he would get it because the boss promised it. What he didn’t know is that the boss was leaving, named the then supervisor as his successor, who then picked some one who had been working there for about 9 months.

Need less to say my co worker has been acting very distant to the new manager and supervisor.”

7. Group interviews sound horrible.

“I was in a group interview once where I was one of probably 12-15 people.

Group interviews are pure gold for a** kissing. In that interview, we had a guy that tripped over a table and knocked it over because he wanted to be the first one to shake the interviewers’ hands.

Also a lot of, “and if you pick me then I will bring this talent to the company…” bulls**t.”

8. This is amazing.

“During a meeting with about 6 people around a table, the male boss spilled his drink on his own lap and ruined his trousers.

As he got up to leave, this male co-worker took his shirt off, kneeled, and proceeded to try and dry the boss’ trousers with his own shirt, in a position that everyone immediately understood as totally akin to a bl**job about to happen. To make matters worse, after two or three strokes, we all could see through the trousers that the boss had an instant massive hard on that he couldn’t hide even if he wanted to. So there we were, watching bad quality amateur p**n live in the office.

After about 30/40 seconds of this, the boss looked around and must have seen our faces so he left immediately. And the co-worker just went back to his chair and sat there, shirtless, like nothing happened. We’re all like ‘ok, this meeting is over’ and start to collect our belongings to leave as the boss comes back with a fresh pair of trousers in full business mode so we conclude another 20 minutes of the meeting with a shirtless boss-masturbating dude sitting at the table.

The se**ual tension between them was so palpable that I really hope they had a go at each other afterwards.”

9. Trying to look good.

“I know a guy who basically just summarizes group meetings at the end and then asks people if they have questions or if he left anything out just to make it look like he has leadership potential and is contributing.

Horrible, incompetent worker but sure knows how to make himself look good.”

10. I stayed late!

“I worked at a digital marketing startup for about a year. Most of the employees were in their early to mid-20s (so was I at the time), and management absolutely played favorites.

Working late hours was a solid way to get management to notice you, even if your work didn’t necessitate staying late. I once got s**t for leaving at 5:30, even after working a full 8 hours and getting all my work done.

One morning we were all having a company meeting and one guy mentioned how tired he was since he stayed in the office until 10pm the previous night.

Immediately, this other guy loudly says “Well, I was here until 11!” Then he literally looked around to make sure management heard him.”

11. Follow the rules.

“I wasn’t there to see it, but have been told it many times.

During Christmas we have a secret Santa with the rule it can only be worth $20 or less. One woman ended up getting our big boss as her secret Santa, and instead of sticking to the $20 rule, she brought an expensive handbag and wine for our boss.

Our boss, seeing how it definitely wasn’t $20 or less, had to find out who it was, and tell her to return it as it would be seen as a form of bribery in the workplace and well, obviously did not follow the secret Santa rule.”

12. Gross.

“I had a co-worker who literally recorded a conversation between two of his colleagues on his phone who were discussing the boss’s recent decisions.

He then took said conversation to the boss. Nothing happened except nobody trusted him from then on. He was an unpleasant, aggressive twat also.

It’s funny because throughout his entire employment with us he accused everyone around him of being snakes. Where in reality he was the biggest snake of all.

He got fired after he got into a shouting match with one of the cleaning staff. And he even expected me to stick up for him because I helped him out when he first joined. I did not and recommended termination.

Absolute scumbag. Never ever want to see that piece of s**t human being ever again.”

How about you?

What’s the worst example of brown-nosing that you’ve ever seen?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

The post People Discuss the Worst Examples of Brown-Nosing They’ve Ever Seen appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Worst Examples of Brown-Nosing They’ve Ever Seen

I used to work at a place when I was younger and I had a co-worker that we’ll call Tim.

Tim was the biggest a** kisser I’ve ever met in my life and all of us there couldn’t stand the way he used to suck up to the bosses and make the rest of us look like losers (which we kinda were…).

Eventually, Tim got on everyone’s nerves and then one day he left and never came back. And we all jumped for joy!

Folks on AskReddit shared stories about the worst brown-nosers they’ve ever seen.


1. Jeez…

“My immediate supervisor and I were doing a job offsite at a partner company’s lab, like an hour’s drive from our company, and we finished our task at like 4:30, and I was like, f**k it, lets end the workday.

He insisted on calling the director and inform him we were done working offsite, and ask him to officially give us permission to go home a half hour early.

The director was like, “You called and bothered me to ask this? JUST GO HOME, seriously, you two are out in the field because you’re supposed to be able to make decisions like this on your own.””

2. Just got right in there.

“The girl my boss hired to help me and I trained started having an affair with the second in command.

For the next year I got to watch her, feed him fruit with her mouth while doing almost nothing all day. She would go on 2 hour lunches.

Got promoted, a raise and I had to continue to take the load of the work she was initially hired for.”

3. Fakin’ it.

“I used to work with a girl who would always change her voice whenever she would interact with our boss to try and seem s**y.

Her voice would literally go up several octaves in tone and she would adopt this Valley Girl type of inflection.

If he wasn’t around she talked completely different.”

4. What a tool.

“One of my co-workers is the biggest tooI have ever met.

I have worked part-time for the company for 7 years and met hundreds of people none of which I disliked. Sure there were people I would not hang out or even talk with outside of work, but at work I got along. This kid (m21) is on another f**king level and I can actually say I h**e him.

First day on the job he comes in and acts like he owns the place. Two guys were working on this project and he comes over and says “Yea, good job on this part. This is how I want this done around here” both these guys are in there 30s, been with the company for years and just stand there looking at him like he is stupid.

He always called himself the smartest person in the department, and how he is going to run this place. And because he finished his bachelor’s a year early he is a genius. Also because of his degree he thinks he understands the inner workings of running a business perfectly. This kid letures on about efficiency all the time, yet he is on his phone 80% of his shift or talking.

Everyone h**es this kid. Department managers, full timers, and even vendors from outside the company can’t stand him and talk nasty behind his back. He is clueless. 6 people reported him to HR, which our rep doesn’t like him either lol. They had a meeting with him and changed nothing.

The while reason he can act like this is because he is friends with our corporate district managers son. And he snitches to this guy about stuff going on. It’s bad enough he is a tool and a snitch, but it’s even worse that this DM listens to him, even though he does nothing.

Thank God I am leaving that job soon.”

5. Bride-to-be.

“This coworker was getting married and she talked a lot about her wedding at work.

There was another coworker very close in age she bounced ideas off of and they became really close over the course of wedding planning and the bride used to call the coworker her work bestie and make all sorts of references to her coming to the wedding.

Bride-to-be eventually told coworker that she would have loooooved to have her at the wedding but there just wasn’t room for her, the amount of people had been settled on much earlier etc etc. Coworker understood and took it pretty well.

Turns out coworker is very well connected to some higher ups in the office and was later talking to someone who revealed that she had met Bride-to-be twice and immediately gotten an invite to the wedding. When they found out the lowly coworker hadn’t been invited the higher up didn’t want to go and convinced a whole bunch of other higher ups, who also barely knew the bride and had gotten invites, not to go either because Bride was clearly using her wedding for networking.

The bride to be got a pretty s**tty reputation as a suck up after that.

Also it was extra weird because we work in a pretty tame white collar office where you don’t need to be a crazy networker to have a successful career or rise in the ranks. Like I know in some industries you kind of have to invite your boss, but this isn’t one of them.

Plenty of people don’t invite anyone from their work to their wedding and no one really cares.”

6. Yes, boss.

“I had a boss who was into “finer” things of life. Good quality clothes, expensive wine, exotic food, cigars from all over the planet, heaps of watches and expensive cars type thing.

So a co worker of mine, within two weeks of beginning bought my boss some cufflinks worth in the hundreds. Over the course of two year this co worker became known as a yes man. Never disagreed with the boss at all.

He also self appointed himself as his right hand man always telling other people how to do things because that’s how the boss would want it. (Kinda like a less aggressive version of Dwight from the office)

Any way a position officially opens up to become supervisor (second highest rank) of the department. Naturally my coworker went for it, telling everywhere would listen he would get it because the boss promised it. What he didn’t know is that the boss was leaving, named the then supervisor as his successor, who then picked some one who had been working there for about 9 months.

Need less to say my co worker has been acting very distant to the new manager and supervisor.”

7. Group interviews sound horrible.

“I was in a group interview once where I was one of probably 12-15 people.

Group interviews are pure gold for a** kissing. In that interview, we had a guy that tripped over a table and knocked it over because he wanted to be the first one to shake the interviewers’ hands.

Also a lot of, “and if you pick me then I will bring this talent to the company…” bulls**t.”

8. This is amazing.

“During a meeting with about 6 people around a table, the male boss spilled his drink on his own lap and ruined his trousers.

As he got up to leave, this male co-worker took his shirt off, kneeled, and proceeded to try and dry the boss’ trousers with his own shirt, in a position that everyone immediately understood as totally akin to a bl**job about to happen. To make matters worse, after two or three strokes, we all could see through the trousers that the boss had an instant massive hard on that he couldn’t hide even if he wanted to. So there we were, watching bad quality amateur p**n live in the office.

After about 30/40 seconds of this, the boss looked around and must have seen our faces so he left immediately. And the co-worker just went back to his chair and sat there, shirtless, like nothing happened. We’re all like ‘ok, this meeting is over’ and start to collect our belongings to leave as the boss comes back with a fresh pair of trousers in full business mode so we conclude another 20 minutes of the meeting with a shirtless boss-masturbating dude sitting at the table.

The se**ual tension between them was so palpable that I really hope they had a go at each other afterwards.”

9. Trying to look good.

“I know a guy who basically just summarizes group meetings at the end and then asks people if they have questions or if he left anything out just to make it look like he has leadership potential and is contributing.

Horrible, incompetent worker but sure knows how to make himself look good.”

10. I stayed late!

“I worked at a digital marketing startup for about a year. Most of the employees were in their early to mid-20s (so was I at the time), and management absolutely played favorites.

Working late hours was a solid way to get management to notice you, even if your work didn’t necessitate staying late. I once got s**t for leaving at 5:30, even after working a full 8 hours and getting all my work done.

One morning we were all having a company meeting and one guy mentioned how tired he was since he stayed in the office until 10pm the previous night.

Immediately, this other guy loudly says “Well, I was here until 11!” Then he literally looked around to make sure management heard him.”

11. Follow the rules.

“I wasn’t there to see it, but have been told it many times.

During Christmas we have a secret Santa with the rule it can only be worth $20 or less. One woman ended up getting our big boss as her secret Santa, and instead of sticking to the $20 rule, she brought an expensive handbag and wine for our boss.

Our boss, seeing how it definitely wasn’t $20 or less, had to find out who it was, and tell her to return it as it would be seen as a form of bribery in the workplace and well, obviously did not follow the secret Santa rule.”

12. Gross.

“I had a co-worker who literally recorded a conversation between two of his colleagues on his phone who were discussing the boss’s recent decisions.

He then took said conversation to the boss. Nothing happened except nobody trusted him from then on. He was an unpleasant, aggressive twat also.

It’s funny because throughout his entire employment with us he accused everyone around him of being snakes. Where in reality he was the biggest snake of all.

He got fired after he got into a shouting match with one of the cleaning staff. And he even expected me to stick up for him because I helped him out when he first joined. I did not and recommended termination.

Absolute scumbag. Never ever want to see that piece of s**t human being ever again.”

How about you?

What’s the worst example of brown-nosing that you’ve ever seen?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

The post People Discuss the Worst Examples of Brown-Nosing They’ve Ever Seen appeared first on UberFacts.

People Shared Their “Wow, I’m Pretty Awesome” Stories

You’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and doggone it, people really like you!

Now, before we proceed, I want you to go say that to yourself in the mirror a few times…I’ll wait…

Okay, great, you’re back!

Now we can move on.

People took to AskReddit to share stories of when they thought they were pretty awesome.

1. Congrats!

“Obese most of my life. Worked really hard, lost 100lbs. Took up running, and decided to run a marathon. I’ve never felt more like a bada** than when I crossed that finish line.

The training and the race itself were the hardest things I’ve done in my life, and there were many times throughout where I really wasn’t sure I was going to make it.”

2. WWE-style.

“When I was like 9 years old, I choke-slammed the neighborhood bully, full WWE-style.

It was directly under a streetlight, and there were people all around to witness it, because I think someone was having a party. I ran away because I thought I would get in trouble, but the adults (actually teenagers, but being 9 I thought of them as “adults”) just wanted to give me high-fives.

And don’t worry, the kid was totally fine other than being shaken up.”

3. Not a joke.

“Leaving work at a big box store a little after 1am and I’m next to my car in the parking lot and changing out of my work shirt into a t-shirt.

There’s a couple benches outside a few random people around. I see a car swerve toward one woman and then brake hard and knowing a couple people out there I figured it was just a very bad joke.

But then I see the car lurch forward and brake hard again and can see a woman in the headlights with a terrified look on her face so I start running as fast as I can toward them. A ridiculously muscled guy gets out of the car and starts moving toward her.

I wasn’t the first person there. The first was a 14-year old kid who was very short and skinny. The kid shoves the guy and then the guy knocks him down and gets right on top of him. The guy hits him three times before I get there and hit him in the back of the head.

This dude was hella dr**k and got off the kid to take a couple swings at me that I was able to avoid. One of the others in the crowd yells that the cops have been called and he books it out of there.

Thankfully the cops got him before any more damage happened. He pled guilty and went to jail for a bunch of charges. I don’t think I was the most bada** because the kid took those hits like a champ and saved the girl, but I still felt pretty awesome.”

4. Accident.

“Possibly saving a life. I saw a motorcycle crash in a parking lot late at night. No one but me went to check on the guy, everyone else was just standing around looking.

Dude had a compound fracture on his leg and blood was pouring through his jeans onto the ground. I used my belt to tourniquet the leg. The ambulance didn’t arrive for another 2 minutes so I might have saved him from bleeding out.”

5. At the concert.

“At a concert in between sets, saw this lady go down. I had just found a seat along the barrier between pit and general seating.

I went up to the girl and her boyfriend and told them I had a seat in the wall if she needed to sit down a minute. She was pretty out of it but the boyfriend said thatd be a good idea. We walked her over and flagged down one of the vendors to get her some water since she was really dehydrated.

Right about now the headliner (Rob Zombie) came out on stage and then a huge mosh pit started right in front of us. Myself, the boyfriend, and another guy formed a protective wall around her, myself at the very front cause I’m the biggest. Most of the people were respectful and following mosh etiquette, but there was this one dr**k dude who I guess saw what we were doing and decided itd be fun to try and knock me down onto her.

He came at me a little harder than everyone else, I just pushed him back in, then he came at me a little harder and I started to get a little angry. The third time he was almost rushing me, I gave him a decent shove and told him “come at me like that one more time motherf**ker”.

He did, I saw him coming and this time I stepped forward into him and shoved my palms into his chest. He stumbled backwards clear across the other side of the pit and looked terrified.

I shouted “try again and I’ll knock you the f**k out, a**hole”. He didnt come in our direction again after that. Felt pretty cool protecting that girl and checking that a**hole.”

6. Way too forward.

“My brother and I had some friends over at my parents’ house while we were home for a visit. We were hanging out in the backyard and at the end of the night I was alone with one of brother’s friends.

He started coming on to me, grabbing me, being way too forward and gross. I told him repeatedly to stop and to leave but that just made him more aggressive. He eventually knocked me down and had me pinned on the ground, broke my glasses and was laughing in my face about what he was going to do to me while I screamed for help but no one could hear me. I eventually managed to choke him out just enough that he fell over then kicked him a bunch of times.

He got up and came at me again. I shoved him back over and over til we reached the end of the driveway, the whole time he is still trying to grab at me and laughing at me. Eventually I just swung at his face and ended up breaking his nose, I felt it crack on my hand and blood went everywhere.

It was sickening but also kinda euphoric. He ended up running away after that.”

7. Jeez…

“So I was in high school, got a pass to go to the restroom.

On the way there one of my friends sisters is being held against the locker by a couple of dudes and being groped by another couple. I was a 6 foot 400lb teen, I just ran as fast as my fat legs could take me and barreled into a few of them. Screamed at her to go get her brother.

I proceeded to get the ever living s**t kicked out of me. I had bruised/broken ribs, a broken hand, fingers, nose, concussion. But I consider it to be one of the most bada** things I’ve done.”

8. You should be proud.

“I’m a relatively petite woman and I changed my flat tire without any help in a snowstorm.

It was a struggle, and my hands were scraped and bleeding by the end, but I felt really proud of myself.”

9. A happy ending.

“My girlfriend took me.over to.meet her grandmother one day.

She was a super nice lady and while we were talking she said something about how she wishes her record player still worked because she just missed listening to her old albums so much. I’d always been a big audio guy so I asked if I could take a look at it for her.

I spent about five minutes working my magic and was able to make an old woman cry because she was so happy to hear the music she and her husband used to dance to again for the first time in years.

I ended up marrying that girl and when grandmother passed away she had made sure that I got her old record player.”

10. Legend.

“Being an untouchable and unbeatable b**tard at dodgeball.

If it was an Olympic discipline you would all know my name by now.”

11. Ha!

“Someone pulled a g** on me but the shop was shutting in 5 minutes and I really wanted beer so I told the guy to f**k off and kept walking.”

12. Lifesaver.

“I saved a life as a 911 dispatcher.

“My address is [address], my name is [Ms. Patient], and I think I’ve just developed a penicillin allergy.”

The call started off normal enough, 50s female took penicillin and was now breaking out in hives. As the call went on, she got harder and harder to understand, both because her tongue was swelling, and because she was getting more and more confused.

“I’m in the basement. Will they be able to find me? I don’t know if my door is unlocked. I’m gonna go unlock it.”

“NO. Stay in the basement. I’ll tell the paramedics you’re down there. They’ll find a way to get in.” I wrote a note to my partner, who was dispatching the ambulances: Patient in basement, door may be locked

“Why did you call me? Can I hang up?”

“You called me, Ms. Patient. You’re allergic to penicillin. You called 911, the ambulance is on the way.”

As the paramedics called on scene, I heard a clunk and the tone of a button being pressed. That’s not good.

About one very long minute later, the paramedic picked up the phone. “It’s me, we’re here.”

The crew transported to the hospital, no lights or sirens. Interesting! I was expecting an emergent return. When they got done, the paramedic called me.

“If we hadn’t have known where the patient was, if we would have been one minute later, there’s a good chance she would have d**d. Thanks for telling us where to go.”

Yep. My bada** call taking skills saved a life.”

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us when you really felt you were awesome.

We can’t wait!

The post People Shared Their “Wow, I’m Pretty Awesome” Stories appeared first on UberFacts.

These Fathers-in-Law Are Really Pushing It

I don’t know why we use the terms “father in law” or “mother in law” when referring to the parents of our spouses, but if I had to guess, we call them Father in Laws because, by and large, it takes the full force of the law and government for us to begrudgingly admit that we are sort of family.

At least, I think that’s how the people who made these Reddit posts feel. They say you can’t choose your family, but they rarely get into the headache of choosing someone you SUPER love and then having to deal with dummies like this as a bonus.

Prepare the FIL cringe.

14. Getting warmer

“The planet isn’t warming because it’s currently cold where I live. Also, I’m not ageing because my foot doesn’t hurt right now.”

My father in law. I’m mortified. from facepalm

13. The dad test

Oh man, are those grass-stained sneakers and everything?

Got a new couch delivered today. Father-in-law decided to test it out. from mildlyinfuriating

12. Never go away

Weird how many people with absolutely no medical training became the world’s foremost disease experts in 2020.

My FIL response to me and my pregnant Fiancée decisions to not see them due to Corona. from insaneparents

11. Baby doll

In all seriousness dude, what are you afraid is going to happen?
He might build empathy skills and learn how to care for a child?

My sister’s father-in-law, who is a very conservative trump supporter, was not happy that she bought her son a baby doll for Christmas. from insaneparents

10. “The Park”

Let’s play touch the bench!

My father in law said there is a park on the apartment complex for the kids to play. This is the park. from pics

9. Stay safe

Screen protectors I would highly recommend, but not like this. Never like this.

My father-in-law’s adamant refusal to remove the protective film from the tablet he received last Christmas. from mildlyinfuriating

8. Raw chicken

Hey there, salmonella.

My FIL thinks it’s a good idea to soak raw chicken in my wooden salad bowl from facepalm

7. Making the cut

How is he not in prison?

The way my father in law cuts his sandwiches. from mildlyinfuriating

6. Dig in

Did he use the knife or just bite it?

This is how my father-in-law gets butter for his toast from mildlyinfuriating

5. Got milk?

Cause you’re not gonna for long.

How my soon-to-be father in-law opens the milk carton. from mildlyinfuriating

4. Biohazard

Dang, son.

Cleaned my FIL’s biohazard while hes in hospital from trashy

3. An insult and a challenge!

When your religion reaches “yelling about dinosaurs” levels, it’s time to turn back.

My FIL is a non-denominational Christian preacher. He mails us his self-made religious flyers every couple of weeks. He really outdid himself this time. from religiousfruitcake

2. Safety first

What an adorable way to needlessly endanger yourself and your spouse.

In my FIL’s car so he and his partner can drive without seatbelts and the car wont make the alarm sounds from IdiotsInCars

1. Smart for one day

This isn’t even wrong.

My poor FIL never saw it coming. RIP. from MurderedByWords

Father in laws. Can’t live with ’em, can’t legally get rid of them.

But what about your FIL? How do you feel about him?

Tell us in the comments.

The post These Fathers-in-Law Are Really Pushing It appeared first on UberFacts.

What Makes You Nervous No Matter How Many Times You’ve Done It?

There are some things that certain folks can just never get comfortable doing.

Maybe it’s public speaking or doing some kind of physical activity or talking to someone you want to ask out on a date.

Whatever the case, we all have those things…

What makes you nervous no matter how many times you do it?

AskReddit users stepped up and answered that question.

1. Better be careful…

“Sticking my hand inside the disposal when I drop a fork In it.

I’ve seen people telling me to unplug the disposal, how does one do that?”

2. A lot of folks do this.

“Approaching a green light that has been green too long but you are getting to the distance where you don’t know whether or not you should stop or if you can stop.”

3. Time to fake it.

“The CEO at my company used to occasionally take employees out to lunch.

He’s a really cool guy but I am really introverted and it was excruciating trying to act like I have a great personality and have ambitions and drive.”

4. Be cool.

“Driving in front of a police officer when I have no reason to be nervous.

Every single time.”

5. Be careful!

“Tuning my violin.

Ugh, when that E string snaps and whips you in the face…”

6. Who are you?

“Going to local bars when I’m not a local.

Those motherf**kers can like smell you’re not from there even if you live the town over.

They all stare at you like you’re an outsider who needs to leave. So strange.”

7. Nervewracking.

“Handling an angle grinder makes me nervous.

I have to use it frequently because of my job, but it never gets easier.”

8. Me, too!

“Putting my luggage in the overhead storage on a plane.

Major anxiety like “what if I’m the last person on the plane and have to run around and look for a place to put my luggage?””

9. Gotta find a good mechanic!

“Anything that has to do with my car. I have been scammed even over a simple oil change.

Even if I try to be confident, it’s very clear once I start talking that I have no clue about cars. Literally had someone quote $400 to change an air filter.

I said no because I could not afford it…. found out later how insane that quote was. Sadly that just fueled my fear.”

10. Pure dread.

“When my boss goes “can we just have a quick chat?”

My boss did that to me when I took a day off last year. Was very nervous as I knew it was important if he was asking me to chat on my personal day, and sat there nervous about it for three hours leading up to our meeting.

Turns out I was getting a promotion to manager with a nice pay raise – that day was a whirlwind of anxiety and emotions”

11. Where’s my anchor?

“Trying to mingle/start conversations in social settings where I don’t know anybody.

I always need an “anchor” at social events. Then everything is fine, I’ll talk to anyone. I need someone to go back to.”

12. Never fun.

“Job interviews.

They suck most when you need the d**n job.

And in many cases, you can expect a high rejection rate. I have had way more then I ever wanted to.”

13. White knuckling it.

“Driving in between two semi trucks on the freeway.

Bonus points if one or both is carrying a bunch of logs.”

14. Slow and steady.


Climbing up, I’m good.

Climbing down?

My leg muscles will have none of that. I get all wobbly and it takes me forever to awkwardly get my ordinarily functional body down even just a couple rungs.”

How about you?

What makes you nervous no matter how many times you do it?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

The post What Makes You Nervous No Matter How Many Times You’ve Done It? appeared first on UberFacts.

What Are You Good at But You Don’t Like To Brag About?

Some folks just don’t like to toot their own horn.

And I get it!

But still…it’s nice for people to brag every once in a while so we can get to know them better, don’t you think?

What are you good at but you don’t brag about very often?

AskReddit users spoke up.

1. Nice work!

“I got substitute teacher of the month out of the whole county.

Does that count?”

2. Southern cooking.

“I make a mean pot of beans, melt in your mouth greens, and kick-a** cornbread.

Bring your sweets, Supper and heart-blessing at my house, 6 PM, Southern standard time. “

3. I’m impressed.

“A game called Geometry Dash.

Second best in my country although that is not really impressive, which is why I don’t brag about it that much.”

4. Workin’ hard!

“I am consistently one of the two top loaders in the warehouse I currently work at.

I would also scan 10 percent of the daily volume at the last place I worked, and also won employee of the month in the first month of the first facility I worked for.

I like boxes.”

5. Good memory.

“It’s really stupid, but if you ever want anyone to remember your birthday, I’m your girl.

I get such a joy from wishing people a happy birthday. It’s like crack to me. I dunno.”

6. Good ear.

“I have a very well-developed musical ear.

I can point out just about any detail you can ask about if I hear it, and I can replicate most songs I hear on the piano.

Can’t really brag about it since I feel like it just comes out sounding pretentious.”

7. Baby whisperer.

“I’m really really good at soothing babies.

Getting them to calm down. Most of my friends don’t have kids.

But my wife remarks on it any time I get the chance. “

8. Wow.

“I am blind, and I’ve gotten really good at faking like I can see.

My eyes don’t look blind, and I can make eye contact and have great spacial orientation.

Can’t brag about it, because a lot of people think I’m faking.”

9. You’re a genius.

“I never have a watch on me and don’t really look at my phone much… but I can always tell the exact time of day within about five minutes every single time.

In all my years of people asking what time it is not even my close friends have noticed that I can do it without looking at a phone/clock/watch, I just know it in my head.

Other than that I’m helplessly stupid.”

10. Yes!

“I’ve vomited (from sickness) in 5 out of the 7 continents.

It’s my proudest achievement.

I’m not sure if that makes my life uneventful or my accomplishment is amazing… Probably the former”

11. Hero.

“Saved an old lady’s life who was standing at the train tracks paralysed like a deer in headlights. Threw my bag off, ran across the bridge and pulled her off.

Felt pretty good that entire week and my friends were super proud of me, even though a few family members (whom I later narrated the incident to) felt I risked my life for it.

Can promise this never comes up in conversations.”

12. Just like Steve McQueen.

“I’m a really skilled driver, of pretty much anything on four wheels.

Race track, drifting, snow, mud, quads, race cars, trucks, buggies, jeeps, I’m just good at it.

None of my friends like cars or spirited driving, so it doesn’t come up.”

13. Multi-talented.

“I’m pretty good at making random edible things such as mozzarella cheese, apple butter, and chive blossom vinegar.

I have some other kinda notable achievements so if I’m ever introduced to others it’s always about how I cycled across Canada or a few other things like that. I’m equally proud of my apple butter making though!

Also my sense of direction, I can’t remember ever being truly lost.”

How about you?

What are you good at but you don’t like to brag about?

Tell us all about it in the comments, please!

The post What Are You Good at But You Don’t Like To Brag About? appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Rumors at Their Schools That Turned Out to Be 100% True

I’m having a hard time pinpointing a huge rumor that captured everyone’s attention when I was in school, but I think it had something to do with a girl in my class getting pregnant and having to leave school due to her parents’ shame.

And I honestly can’t remember if that was true or maybe that poor girl just moved schools for another reason and had to deal with all that gossip.

Schools are total rumor mills, in case you forgot.

Folks on AskReddit shared stories about big rumors at their schools that turned out to be true.

22. Pregnant.

“That a 12-year-old 6th grader had gotten pregnant over summer break.

Our Los Angeles county suburb (it was a small and far-separated from LA itself, see how large that county actually is on Google if you are unawares) was so scandalized by this “rumor” that a newspaper article came out with a cartoon drawing of a pregnant girl in a pretty little girl dress and ribbon in her hair — playing with dolls and kneeling next to a doll-house — accompanied the story about the “little girl who got pregnant and planned to keep the baby.”

She was interviewed. I remember her name but it’s unnecessary— the whole town knew who it was.

What’s wild is that the kids in Jr. High actually had a baby shower for this 7th grader as she got close to full-term, and all brought in packs of diapers and formula for her on a designated day. With the teachers, principal, and probably the school district in support of this.

The year was 1984-1985.”

21. It’s all true.

“In high school: that the biology teacher was growing weed in the environmental lab. Supposedly he did it for 30 years without anyone noticing. No one could ever prove it though.

Later on, I was assigned to be the agent taking care of some of his financial matters, so I went to his house to have him sign some paperwork. He had a hydroponic setup there, so I asked him about the environmental lab. It was like Han Solo in The Force Awakens.

“It’s true. All of it.” Then he offered me a brownie.”

20. Whoa.

“There was a rumor that a teacher had s** with whole basketball team.

Well, turns out it was half of the team.

Worst part is her son was on the team.

Her husband ended up divorcing her and her son left with his dad.”

19. Scandalous!

“Our science teacher was having an affair with our science technician and regularly left class to do his thing with her in the technician’s room.

That rumor started on Day 1.

Four years, two divorces, and two very quick departures later it was confirmed and what was left behind was a technicians daughter in my year whose life had fallen apart.”

18. The cool teacher.

“In middle school, we had a “cool” Social Studies teacher. He loved the popular boys, especially the athletes, and not only ignored bullying in his classes of unpopular kids, he often took part in it.

He also offered up his services for tutoring to these boys. Everyone always thought he was a kiddie toucher, except the popular boys who would threaten you if they heard you talk bad about him. When we came back to school at the beginning of 8th grade, he was gone. As was one of the more popular boys in school. He transferred to an insanely expensive private school.

Turns out, sure enough, he was assaulted by the teacher several times during tutoring sessions at the teacher’s house. The school district agreed to pay to send the kid to private school as part of a settlement.”

17. Better be careful.

“That this girl at my school who was maybe 16 was banging all the older kids who never left for college.

Well she definitely was and everyone found out when she banged one of the cooler guys still in high school and there ended up being a herpes outbreak at my school.

Nearly 40 people got herpes.”

16. Acting!

“There was a family in my town that foster-to-adopted all their kids. They had a daughter of their own and then they adopted another girl her age when we were in 8th grade. They did NOT get along.

When the original girl developed epilepsy a few years later, her new sister claimed she was faking and everyone thought she was so mean and ostracized her.

Eventually, she had to fess up to faking the seizures all along when she signed up for basic training, which she never even completed. Unfortunately this was after we all graduated, so we never got to apologize to her sister.”

15. Undercover.

“That one of the students was actually a cop.

Turns out he was a cop and busted one of the actual students for selling handg**s in school.

If you thought 21 Jump Street was unrealistic, think again. The cop was a 33 year old male and undercover for like half the semester.”

14. Sad.

“In Elementary (about 15 years ago), our favorite school teacher didn’t come back after a summer break. He was awesome: funny, sporty, cool, down to earth, never shouted. Just a great role model to have around when you are a kid.

Rumors went round that his wife and daughter d**d in a car accident. No one believed it. It was just what kids said on the playground. Somebody heard it from somebody who heard it from somebody.

Then I went to the local grocery store with my Mom a little while after school had started again. I saw my old teacher. He was a shell, a wreck. I was only 8 but even then you can tell when someone isn’t there anymore. I asked parents of my friends, and they confirmed the rumors.

I felt so bad that something as awful as that could happen to one of the best guys I ever knew and always looked up to. Turns out he committed suicide a couple of years ago. Same bridge that his wife and daughter d**d on all those years ago.”

13. He’s cool, man!

“There was always a rumor that the head janitor was a huge pothead and would smoke with students in one of the storage sheds away from the main building.

I always figured it was bulls**t until my friend CJ sent me a pic of him and the janitor smoking weed while surrounded by folding chairs.”

12. Tunnel of love.

“In my Catholic (Jesuit) high school, one of the priests and one of the nuns were very close friends.

We all loved them, and we could see that they were quite fond of one another (and they made a really nice looking couple). We used to affectionately kid them about “meeting in the tunnel” between the convent and the rectory.

A few years after my class graduated, they both left their Orders, got married, and had kids. We’re all happy for them.”

11. Seemed like a nice guy…

“We had a dean who “retired” one summer.

Turns out, he was busted in a huge sting by cops. He had 2 ladies of the night and coke in his apartment when he got rolled up; ended up pleading guilty to felony drug possession (a few others I can’t remember), and sentenced to 5 years of probation.

He was an advisor for the school’s Drug/Alcohol Task Force.

Nice enough guy. Really cool with all of his students, maybe too cool.

Always seemed to have super red eyes.”

10. Crazy.

“That one of the kids hung himself on a swing set in a local park.

They didn’t say who it was, and just thought it was a vicious rumor about the same guy.

Then four girls who were close to him came down the stairwell crying and ran out the front door and started heading in the direction of the park.

It was confirmed around noon, we were sent home after lunch.”

9. Uh oh…

“Our freshman science teacher was a massive jerk to any girl, and would frequently throw the dress code book at girls for the slightest issue.

Everyone said it was because he was p**sed his daughter became a str**per… that ended up being true.”

8. Yikes.

“Some girl had s** with her half brother.

We all thought it was rumor until she got drunk at a party and told everyone.”

7. Put that thing away!

“I had a science teacher that was rumored to get a bo**r whenever he started shouting.

We thought it was a myth until we noticed it for real, he would always try put one leg up on a chair to hide it”

6. Learned a lesson.

“At our school this one kid was rumored to be a son of one of the local gyms amateur boxer teacher.

None of us had no real reason to think twice about it. Once we got to high school this kid started teasing that kid. I had a couple of mutal friends with the bully so I warned the guy he might want to let up on teasing him. A couple days go by the dude didn’t stop. And the boxer’s kid proceeded to give this guy one of the worst one sided fights I have ever seen.

The bully learned his lesson and never bullied anyone else for the rest of our high school years. So it turned out to be true.”

5. Okay…

“In middle school, there was a rumor my 7th-8th grade Social Studies teacher owned a pet donkey.

Turned out to be true.

The donkey’s name was Pedro the Donkey.”

4. Pregnant.

“Paige WAS pregnant….none of us believed her.

We were 13 and we were just about to start S** Ed classes in a few weeks to learn about s** so we all thought she was making it up. Then she started to gain weight but she had always been kind of overweight and so no one really believed her then either.

Then she brought sonogram pictures in because she was sick of people not believing her. Most people believed her after that. Then she got taken out of school and this was back when FB was super popular and everyone was talking about her baby a few months later she had posted all these pictures.

Sorry I didn’t believe you Paige….I looked her back up when I was 15. She had a second kid.”

3. Sounds fun!

“There were rumors that there was a network of underground tunnels that connected every building on my college campus.

Didn’t believe it til I walked through them myself.”

2. That’s crazy.

“We had heard an underclassman (she was 15-ish) was sleeping with a local army guy, but nobody really believed it until the day our school got locked down bc her boyfriend showed up with a knife.

The boyfriend (in his thirties) was intending to force her go get an D&E, but our principal was a bada** who locked her in his office, then took the boyfriend DOWN and held him in a headlock until the cops arrived.”

1. An odd duck.

“That the Biology teacher decided to use the scientific method to personally prove or disprove to himself that humans could photosynthesize.

He did this by laying bare a** nak** on his front lawn, landing him a public indecency charge.”

Were there any big rumors in your school that turned out to be true?

If so, please tell us about them in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post People Share the Rumors at Their Schools That Turned Out to Be 100% True appeared first on UberFacts.