People Share The Wedding Moments That Made Them Think The Marriage Would Never Last

Weddings are meant to be a time of great joy and profound happiness.

Two souls converging and becoming one for all of eternity.

Love is abound like a free wheeling pixie. It’s a glorious sight to behold.

Until it’s not.

Sadly too many people jump into marriage for all the wrong reasons.

They try to fool the world, and themselves, that this is the right thing to do.

But more often than not, the world can see right through you.

Redditor Olya_roo wanted to hear about the red flags and flat out obvious signs they witnessed at a wedding that didn’t give them hope for the couple’s happily ever after…

They asked:

“What wedding moment made you think: ‘They are not going to last long?’”

Let’s talk about love, while it lasts…

Next time skip the Speeches?

“Not the couple getting married but the Best Man and Maid of Honor who were married to each other.”

“Best Man’s speech was all about how hard it was to be married.”

“‘I’ve been married for a year and it feels like 100 years.’”

“Maid of Honor stands up to give a speech and just says ‘Ditto.’”

“It was so awkward and really brought the whole room down.”

“Brother of the bride stood up and gave a nice impromptu speech about teamwork and having a partner to go through life with.”

“How happy the family was to have the groom join their family.”

“Best Man and Maid of Honor were divorced within a year.”

“Couple who got married are still married 30+ years later.”

“I sometimes wonder if the speeches actually were helpful in how not to act as a couple.”

“For me the complex backstory.”

“Bride’s brother is gay and has been in a longterm relationship for 40+ years.”

“At the time he gave his speech about marriage he couldn’t marry the man he loved and I think his passioned defense of marriage was born from that.”

“When people would say they were against gay marriage because it makes a mockery of marriage I’d think of that night.”

“The married couple who had no respect for marriage could easily marry (and did over and over again) and the man who stood up and defended marriage could not.”

“He’s married now and lovingly takes care of his husband as he battles health issues.”  ~ designgoddess


“When they were doing the vows and the priest got to the ‘for richer or poorer’ part and she said ‘for richer or richer and maybe for poorer.’”

“The officiant was not pleased. I think they made it a year.” ~ crm115

How much is this costing?


“My wife’s brother just got married this past May.”

“Bride’s mother is a big DO IT YOURSELF person and went a little nuts with extra flowers, table pieces, decorations, etc…”

“Note I said extra, it was already decorated by the venue, she just took it upon herself to buy and add way more stuff.”

“Anyway, a few weeks ago she sends my MIL (groom’s mom) and email with receipts of all the extra stuff she bought ($7,000 worth!!!).”

“And asked that she pay half since it was technically set up in time for the rehearsal dinner for guests to enjoy.”

“It’s causing a huge rift between the newlyweds since the bride is taking her moms side.”  ~ WanderingRaindog

Clothes Speak

“The groom showed up to his own reception wearing a t-shirt with restroom-sign style stick figures depicting a bride and groom captioned ‘Game Over.’” ~ Reddit

Best Ensemble Performance! 

“My wife got invited to a client’s daughter’s wedding.”

“The couple were both drama students. Many of the bridal party were drama students.”

“The maid-of-honour’s toast consisted of tearful declarations of unrequited love to the groom, along the lines of ‘if it couldn’t be me, I’m glad it’s my best friend that’s marrying you.’”

“The best-man’s speech was a lusty declaration of ‘if it doesn’t work out, call me, babe… like the previous time you called me.’”

“Other toasts were similarly weird.”

“A guy at the table I was seated at was a friend of the bride and said to me that he was ‘this close’ to standing up during the ‘speak now or forever hold your peace’ thing.”

“I’m still not sure if the whole thing was a bunch of emotionally f**ked-up 20-year-olds, or one big piece of performance art.”  ~ sharplescorner

Be Sure to Eat Out

“I was maid of honor.”

“Me, best man and the couple went into a separate little room to do the signing stuff.”

“Bride excused herself to go the bathroom and the groom started making pretty mean remarks about her cooking (something she’s passionate about) to the officiant.”

“She came back, heard they were talking about cooking family meals together and gave him the warmest smile, thinking he had praised her.”

“He scoffed awkwardly and changed the topic.”

“That always stuck with me. He wasn’t laughing WITH her but AT her, behind her back.”

“They lasted 7 months.” ~ Kraken_of_BeverlyRd


“When my sister married her first husband she mouthed to my father walking her down the aisle ‘I can make this work, right?’”

“They were divorced 6 months later.”

“My whole family knew it wasn’t a good idea since the original engagement a year prior.”  ~ IMgonnaDIE

Bodily Harm

“He ended up at the emergency room between the ceremony and the reception.”

“He went out out the night night before with his sister and friends and got plastered.”

“They had to hold a cold pack to the back of his neck to keep him vertical during the wedding photos.”

“Marriage lasted 30 days until they had a fight, she left the house and he filled the U-Haul truck with everything but her clothes.”  ~ blackhart452

The Family Brawl…

“Well here it goes…”

“My cousin got married probably a decade ago and during the wedding it came out that groom was not the best to my cousin while dating.”

“The bride’s brother did not take this well and during the after party a shouting match became a brawl between the two families.”

“Next thing you know the police show up and literally pepper spray everyone.”

“Including my grandma, kids and anyone near the area.”

“I don’t remember if anyone got arrested but the story got on CBS the early show for the international news.”

“Lol they did not last long to say the least.” ~ mendoza327


“When the bride drank vodka out of a pint glass and spent a significant amount of time making out with another guy on the dance floor.”  ~ csdirty

Some of us are just going to die alone, or with a parrot.

And that is ok.

It is better to be alone than unhappy.

Besides if you wait just a little longer, the right one may not be far off.

Don’t say “I DO” until you’re 100% sure!!

People Explain Which Dating ‘Red Flags’ Actually Don’t Bother Them At All

Relationships are complicated, and dating even moreso.

People are often told to look out for “red flags” when dating, but what really constitutes a red flag?

Redditor TaxiDriverThankGod asked:

“What is seen as a red flag in dating which you believe is actually a ‘green flag’?”

It’s Not Always An Overshare

“Depending on the situation, oversharing. Some times you just gotta put it all out there right away and if they don’t like it, you’re not wasting your time.” -Cyndas-quil

“I’m lucky enough to be married to the love of my life and together for 15+ years since we were teenagers so don’t need to worry about dating but I have ADHD and am the absolute worst for over sharing, I’ll tell you my life story and all my deepest darkest secrets if you so much as hint that you might give a sh*t.” -InncnceDstryr

“I have very severe anxiety and I tend to get a lot of panic attacks so that’s something I like to make known right away because I’ve had too many experiences with guys dumping me and blaming my anxiety for it.”

“Mental illness can really complicate things when it comes to dating because it’s different for everyone so you can’t expect everyone to understand and want to stick around. You’re so lucky to have found someone who has been with you every step of the way no matter what. It’s not easy to find people like that.” -Cyndas-quil

“I overshare because I’m way past the point of giving f*ck about keeping up with false appearances or trying to seem like my life is more perfect than it is. These days I’d rather both sides lay it out straight, let’s not waste my time or theirs playing that stupid back and forth footsie game only for one of us to back out once all the information becomes clear. F*ck that, I’ve wasted far too much time due to that exact thing.” -Captain_Aizen

Excitement Is A Good Thing

“Being excited to go on another date, immediately.”

“Could be codependency, or it could be that you’re genuinely that interesting to her. Why wouldn’t I want to spend a lot of time with someone I like?” -uselessthrowawaydude

“Yeah it’s weird that society expects people to act like they don’t care that much when dating.” -vercetti87

“It’s really weird when it contradicts how you’d treat a friend. Like, it makes sense to not jump the gun and make grand statements of love and affection and so on right off the bat, but for schedules to really work and all that, any friend group knows that it helps to set up the next meetup, get an idea of work schedules, etc.”

“Yet with dating, it often seems the opposite and you get people trying to get the romance and the affection while limiting the discussion of logistics.”

“Ftr, it’s understandable why this springs up in context, but it just… seems like a miracle that anybody actually gets it to work this way.” -country2poplarbeef

Different Skills Entirely

“Being bad at dating in general. Dating and relationships have completely different skill sets. One requires timing and guarding your information and trying to show your best self and not being too weird and handling these various interested people while the other requires opening up and sharing your true self with just one person. Totally different skill sets. People who are terrible at dating might be just great at being in a relationship, ya know?” -TommyTuttle

“100% me. I absolutely LOATHED dating. HAAAAAAAAAATED it. I wasn’t good at the trade craft of it all.”

“I think I am a pretty darn good partner though. Now that all that BS is behind is, we can just get down to the business of being together.” -LifeOpEd

“Agreed. Awkward people can make the best friends and soulmates. I’m outgoing and my SO was always awkward and bad at flirting but we get along like nothing else.” -Helicocccter

Shouldn’t Wanting To Communicate Be A Good Thing?

“Being open. Texting multiple times. Not caring to much about social dating rules.” -goudendonut

“This. If a guy I’m interested in answers my text soon, not wait a day or a week later, it shows he’s interested and prioritizes me.” -PuzzledInside123

“It also makes it more authentic instead of going to that overthinking mode for cool responses.” -goudendonut

Why Make Them Wait?

“The three day rule is just plain stupid. I can’t count the number of times I’ve assumed someone wasn’t interested because after a first date they didn’t text for days. And have had several who thought I was weird for texting within that time. How is showing interest a bad thing? If it’s a bad date sure, but I don’t see any reason for this social norms bs of ‘don’t seem too eager or they’ll think you’re weak.’” -EvieJC

Find Out If You Want The Same Things

“Discussing life goals and future desires such as kids, marriage, work or education within the first few dates. Some people think it’s to heavy for getting to know someone, but to me nothing is more freeing than knowing the expectations and goals the other person has set so we can both make an informed decision.” -4Gotten1

“Yeah I’ve had friends who got engaged really quickly and I’ve asked them about things like if they’re gonna have kids, where do they want to live other things like that and they admit that they haven’t talked about it at all. Like you need to know about those things before you marry someone.” -Mangobunny98

“How do you make a commitment to a life with someone when you don’t even know if they want the same kind of life you do?? That’s wild to me.” -Proud_Hedgehog_6767

Being Able To Talk About Emotions Is A Good Thing

“Oversharing their emotions. I am too weak in understanding people. So if someone is very expressive about how they feel… I’m all in.” -friday_panda

“My girlfriend was like this when we first started to date. Wasn’t a red flag. More like a yellow flag at that time. But it’s turned out well because she’s always open to communicating and sharing her feelings whenever something is bothering her in life or in our relationship. We rarely ever get into arguments because she chooses to share and communicate and encourages me to before it gets to the point of it causing a fight.” -texxmix

Companionable Silence Rocks

“Running out of things to say. It’s a good sign that the person you are with is comfortable not jabbering” -SlapDickery

“If you can feel comfortable with them in silence, that’s a green flag. You don’t necessarily want the silence to be due to lack of mutual interest, but it is important that not every moment needs to be filled with speaking.” -omgtater

“Agreed! I’m generally the person in a conversation who likes to facilitate what others are saying and play more of a supportive role, but the people who will monologue at others like a steamroller on meth just drive me insane. Being talkative =/= social skills.” -MyGreatBurner5198

Weirdness Makes Things Interesting

“Honestly weirdness, I need someone interesting. Mutual weirdness is the way to go.” -Firm_Egg2505

“Weird can mean many things, good and bad. But I think I know where you’re coming from. I’m down for weird as in forgetful, goofy and funny way.” -DyingOfExcitement

Nerds Unite!

“Hardcore hobbies. Nerds make great lovers.” -RedneckNomad

“I’ve met my favorite lovers through medieval reenactment.” -Kataphractoi

Not everyone communicates the same ways, or looks for the same things in relationships.

People Break Down The Job Interview Red Flags That Scream ‘Toxic Workplace’

The drama surrounding the job search is real.

Everyone wants to work, but not in an environment of crazy.

We all deserve a peaceful, well-run place to make a living. Is that too much to ask?

But sometimes, no matter how desperate you are for a job, the indicators of an unhealthy workplace are right there in front of you even at the interview stage.

Redditor RexJgeh wanted to discuss all of the best reasons to run as fast as you can from a job interview…

They asked:

“What are some red flags during job interviews that scream ‘toxic workplace?’”

Chat about the worst you’ve seen when job hunting. Go.

I owe you nothing! 

“The family one is a huge red flag for me. I worked at a place that always talked about the team members being like a family.”

“It meant you felt horrible about calling in sick, they’d guilt you into working over time because of the culture, and when you finally put in your leave or told them you where leaving you where treated like nothing.”

“Bosses use the family thing to guilt you into being a slave!! My boss even tried to guilt us into coming in on the weekend and working for free!!!”  ~ Turtbergs

So happy to be gone! 

“I was trying to find a better advertising job and during an interview I asked about how much overtime I could expect.”

“Owner of the company goes ‘Well, you know, we try to get home on time, we do try. But, hey, this is the life we chose.’”

“Dude, you make billboards for restaurants… you’re not saving lives here.”

“The most frustrating part about working in advertising is that so many of the late nights could be avoided with slightly better management and less over-promising to the client.”

“Glad I’m out of it, now.”  ~ SeaTie

Too Many Hats

“’Fast-paced, dynamic environment’ can be code for ‘look, we don’t have our crap together.’” ~KinkMountainMoney

“I had a boss one time that was on that crap.”

“He’d always say ‘I have to wear two hats’ because he’d write us up and then show up at the disciplinary meetings and defend us as our union rep.”

“I was always like ‘you know YOU’RE the reason we’re here, right?’”

“And he’d act all innocent and say he had to wear two hats. Dude! Just pick a hat!”  ~KinkMountainMoney

It all begins NOW…

“No interview, just ‘can you start tomorrow?’”  ~ Reddit

“Lol the only time I’ve heard this was when I was applying to summer jobs in high school and one place I applied to was Vector marketing (a pyramid scheme company).”

“Luckily, someone told me it was a pyramid scheme before I actually started ‘working’ there.”  ~Think_Tie8025

Nobody stays…

“For an hourly job as a cashier or a server or something like that I don’t think that would be that big of a red flag, to be honest.”

“There is high turnover even in well-run places in those industries, and if a good candidate is in front of you sometimes it’s best to offer a job before someone else can get them.”  ~ sofingclever

Meeting the Owner! 

“I interviewed for an administrative management position with a smaller magazine publisher. There were rumors about the owner of the publication (not an easy person to work for).”

“I sit with an interview panel first for thirty minutes – Shipping Manager, Accountant, Legal, Layout Editor.”

“Each of them introduces themselves in a very clipped manner. Each asked one question, read from a piece of paper.”

“As I answered the question, no one took notes, no one asked any backup questions.”

“Then I met with the CFO. The receptionist had to go back to her desk to get the office keys because the CFO’s office door was locked.”

“It was always locked. Meet with the CFO, and he asks the exact same four questions the panelists asked.”

“He, too – no notes, no follow up questions.”

“The I met with the owner.”

“His office looked like it was meant to be a training room. Huge amounts of space, and lots of dead-animal themes art-ing up the place.”

“I sat with the owner for about an hour. It seemed a pretty reasonable discussion. Then the final couple of questions.”

“Him: ‘You’ve met most of my primary managers. What do you think?’”

“Me: ‘To be honest, they all seemed disinterested in the interview.’”

“Him: ‘I know they are. I’ll make the decision on who to hire. I just want them to have a favorite.’”


“Effing creeepy vibes. Lock-down environment. Managers dealing with a psycho boss. And the money person’s office always locked? Nope.”  ~ Yabloski

We’ll take anybody! 

“The shorter the interview, the more desperate the company is to just hire someone.”

“Bonus points if the person currently in the position you’re interviewing for has worked there for less than a year.”  ~ EfficientAnteater995

Work to the bone…

“If you hear ‘We work hard, but we also play hard’ pull the EJECT! handle.”

“The translation of that phrase is ‘We’ll work you like a dog, then insist you attend ‘team building’ activities w/o pay.’”  ~ LilShaver

Management Issues

“The important duties are super concentrated on that one person that is super close to the ‘Boss,’ that one pretentious person will reap all the bonuses and benefits, while the ones that do the heavy lifting will just form new health and mental issues down the road.”  ~ Longpenn

Am I ALL the staff?

“I had the entire job change in an interview once! I came into a first interview for selling IT solutions to companies who’d signed up through a webform.”

“We did most of the interview and the hiring manager said ‘You sound great for this! Just a few details! It’s not actually a IT solution, it’s fire alarms. It’s not to companies, it’s to regular customers. Oh and they haven’t signed up anywhere, it’s cold calling. If you’ll just follow me we’ll get you set up at a work station!’”

“I noped out of there immediately.”  ~ EchoingEchoes

Now you know the signs of whether to run or stay.

Don’t settle for anything. If it feels off… it’s off. Bring track shoes to get away faster.

They’ll be other jobs, sanity first,

People Talk About Subtle Things People Say That Are Red Flags

You have to pay attention or you might miss something…

I’m talking about when you have conversations with people and they drop little hints that should make you say, “uh oh…I’m not sure if I want to have anything to do with this person.”

People on AskReddit shared subtle things people say that they think are red flags.

Here’s what they had to say.

1. A terrible thing to say.

““Yeah, but YOU don’t act black.”

Literally heard this s**t my entire childhood. I got told I act “too white” because I enjoyed reading books.


2. Totally lame.

“When people say things like “I can say and do whatever I want” “it’s a free country. Ever hear of freedom of speech?” in order to justify s**tty things they say or do.

Like sure, you have the right to speak your mind, but people also have the right to judge you for what you say.”

3. Shows a lot.

“S**t talking other people (who aren’t there). Sometimes it’s fair.

But it does tell me there’s a lack of respect, and if they’re s**t talking a lot of people, I’m pretty sure I’ll be next on the list.”

4. Get ready for a lecture.

“”I’m always open to debate.”

I find most people that say that are open to lecture you, and closed to debate.”

5. An ugly way to look at things.

“When they disagree with someone, they default to attacking the person’s character instead of their actions. We all do this from time to time, but with some people it’s every time.

The guy who messed up their order is “an idiot”. Their boss is “an evil sociopath”. The person on Facebook who expressed a political view that opposes theirs is “a degenerate”. That new intern at work is “hopeless”.

In the end, the final result is that anyone they disagree with for any reason is either an inherently bad person who doesn’t really merit listening to.”

6. Yikes.

“When I started my new job the bubbliest girl who was loved by most of the staff and was also a HR manager would act like this when me and her were totally alone.

She would whisper ever so softly (to herself but to me) “you get no thanks around here, no one cares. You just wait and watch the knives stabbing when you least expect it”.

This is something she did on my first DAY!! I said to her everyone seems lovely and accepting and she said “well wait until you get to know them”.

This was the HR MANAGER!!”

7. Really weird.

“When someone says “they’re my karma child” and implies their child makes their life so hard it must be payback for a mistake they made in the past.

I usually discover this person has intense mental health or substance use history. It’s a s**tty way of mentioning their disdain for their kid.”

8. It’s who I am.

““I’m an empath” makes me want to get in my car and drive ten hours in the opposite direction while shoving wool in my ears.”

9. Here we go again.

“”With all due respect.”

I know a guy who says this so frequently that when he says it, I brace myself for the s**t to follow.”

10. Classy!

“When you (female) find a Tinder notification on your partner’s (male) phone while they’re in a near 6 year relationship with you and you ask them why they’re on tinder

“Doesn’t hurt to see what’s out there”.”

11. Messed up.

“I live in Canada.

My husband is a white immigrant with a charming accent.

I instantly h**e anyone who makes a comment about how they don’t mean “immigrants like him” when complaining about immigrants.”

12. That ain’t right.

““I know what I’m worth.”

Especially in a romantic setting, OLD or first date type stuff.

It’s good to have a strong sense of self but I’ve found when this exact phrase is stated/listed something ain’t right.”

13. Get out while you can.

“When you’re on a date/dating someone, and they incessantly bring up their ex.

This means two things: they’re still stuck on their ex, and they will always compare you to their ex.”

14. The worst.

“Not having basic manners as in please and thank you to service persons.

“That’s their job, I don’t have to be polite.”


Are there certain things that people say that you think are red flags?

Tell us what you think in the comments.

We look forward to it!

The post People Talk About Subtle Things People Say That Are Red Flags appeared first on UberFacts.

What Red Flag Do You Regret Ignoring Early in a Relationship? Women Shared Their Stories.

When you’re falling for someone or starting a new relationship, sometimes you ignore stuff.

You ignore things that you wouldn’t necessarily tolerate because you want it to work out so much…and sometimes that can come back to bite you in a major way.

Women, what red flags do you regret overlooking in the early days of a relationship?

AskReddit users shared their thoughts.

1. Not good.

“The terrible s**.

Obviously in the beginning you’re still working things out but if it’s still terrible after a few months despite trying your hardest to show them what you enjoy then don’t pretend it’s not a big deal when s** is a very important aspect of a healthy relationship.

I pretended it was no biggie, because hey its just s** and now I’m married and our bedroom is completely dead.”

2. Can’t have that.

“He made me feel self conscious about silly things like singing badly in the car.

We were married for 16 years before I realized I’d changed too much for him and had lost who I really am as a person. I couldn’t be silly or goofy, and he thought I was stupid for liking to get little gifts for people when I’d see something that made me think of them.

After our divorce, I moved halfway across the country (TX to CA) to work on myself away from the same places I’ve always lived. I feel like me again and felt good about moving back to TX because of the healthier place I’m in now.

Along the way, I realized I was too young and inexperienced in the realm of relationships when I got married and gave up too much of myself. Never again.”

3. Foreshadowing.

“Him saying I was a “real woman” and “different/better than his exes”.

Those comments made me feel good at the time, but then I realized it was his way of saying that actually no woman was good enough for him.”

4. Messed up.

“Unable to deal with negative emotions, being desperate to avoid them at all cost.

This led to me neglecting my own needs, because he’d take it as personal criticism if I told him I needed something he didn’t already give me.

Equating s** with love.”

5. Sketchy.

“He didn’t like me telling mutual friends about our relationship because he was a private person.

Lots of other red flags but this was a big one.

Turned out he was living a double life but it took me 2 years and a mental breakdown to figure that out.”

6. Never a good thing.

“Anger issues/”having a temper”/explosive outbursts of anger when things didn’t go his way/lashing out physically and verbally when upset.

Just because it hasn’t been directed at you yet, doesn’t mean you are actually safe.”

7. Sums it up.

“If the friends he hangs out with the most are a**holes, he’s an a**hole too.

He’s just acting differently because you’re around.”

8. Disaster area.

“The absolute state of his house.

He blamed it on his ex and being too small and swore it wouldn’t be the same once we moved in together.

Guess what?”

9. Only got worse.

“In my abusive relationship: when he yelled at me when he found out I was a feminist.

He accused me about lying about who I was by not telling him.

I thought it was pretty obvious from having even one conversation with me and didn’t feel the need to say “I’m a feminist”. It only got worse from there.”

10. Boozin’.

“The amount of alcohol.

We were young, so everyone was still in that stage of going out and partying a lot, me included, so I didn’t think much of it.

But he seemed to do it just a little more than everyone else.”

11. All about image.

“He was an appearance guy. He wanted to appear so perfect in his social circle.

In fact, our first fight was because he invited his 2 friends to our night out without my consent (no problem) but those guys acted as if I did not exist. Then I got bored and I wanted to leave after like an hour, he took me home but he sulked like a baby!

Months to come, he would take me out and treat me like a queen in front of his friends while at home we were fighting almost every week. I got tired of the duplicity and had to finally leave him.

But if I had known, I would have left after that first fight.”

12. Groomed.

“He was 12 years older than me and we began talking as “friends” when I was 15 years old.

Looking back i think i was groomed but hey, he’s not in my life anymore so what does it matter?”

13. The jealous type.

“Extreme jealousy.

He was very romantic and charming at first, then started accusing me of infidelity and flirting with other man. Once he accompanied me to the vet because my dog was in an accident and needed surgery.

He accused me of flirting with the vet, even though the vet and I were discussing my dog’s care. He has a meltdown over it later in the evening. That is only one example. Fast forward a couple of months…I find out he was still married and I was “the other woman”. Ew.”

Do you remember some red flags you overlooked in relationships?

If so, tell us about them in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What Red Flag Do You Regret Ignoring Early in a Relationship? Women Shared Their Stories. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Red Flags to Look Out for That Signal You Should Drop a Class

I remember I tried to take Biology 101 not once, but twice, and about two weeks in BOTH TIMES I realized it seemed like I was taking a foreign language class and I decided to drop them.

I don’t know why I bothered the second time…maybe I’m not too bright…

Anyway, you gotta keep your eyes and ears open when you start a class so you can be aware of the warning signs that you should probably get the hell out of there.

What are some red flags that should make you want to drop a class ASAP?

Here’s what people on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. Nope.

“Assigning an unreasonable amount of classwork because, “you should treat my class like your only class.”

That is the only time I ever dropped a class, and after talking to my classmates who stayed in.

I made the right call.”

2. Biased.

“When the lecturer constantly tries to find ways to plug their ideology when it’s tangentially related, at best.”

3. William who?

“I signed up for a Shakespeare course.

In the first class, the professor talked about himself the entire time and didn’t utter the name Shakespeare once.

I dropped it that night and signed up for Chaucer instead.”

4. Oh, great…

“At the end of the semester, I’ll grade all your work and then you’ll see your grade.”

5. Enough of that!

“In art and design classes, if the teacher focuses more on what you write about your art than developing your skills, they have no clue what they’re talking about.

Unless your work ends up in displays and museums (unlikely) then nobody is going to care about the 3 page essay of bullsh*t you made up about metaphors.

Your teacher is just a pretentious *sshole who doesn’t actually know what they’re doing.”

6. Bored to tears.

“When the teacher is really, really f*cking boring and clearly doesn’t give a sh*t.

It’s hard to learn well if you don’t have a teacher that tries to do their job well. Here, it’s not so much about the lesson, more about a teacher who cannot do their job.

It’s good to know things, but in order to teach them well you need more than that.”

7. A real charmer.

“I had a low level math class as a Freshman in college where the professor said we were “retarded” for not being able to get in to a higher level math course, and that he would learn us real good

. Yeah, I knew I was going to major in History, this was just a gen ed requirement.

Dropped that class after a week.”

8. Okay, I’ll leave.

“I had an intro to chemistry teacher write some equation on the board and say, “if you don’t understand what that means, you should leave this class now.”

I thought for a minute, then grabbed my things and left. On the way out he said, “Wow, no one has every actually left.”

My friend who stayed in the class studied his tail off and got a C. He now has a degree in chemical engineering, and still says that particular chemistry class was one of the hardest he’s ever had.”

9. That’s not good.

“The professor starts making v*gina jokes and professing the moral superiority of a specific race.”

10. That sucks.

“Professors that have a clear bias. I had one that wanted to know everyone’s political affiliations. Who they voted for, if they supported a party, etc. That was the first day.

After that she spent the rest of the semester looking at anyone that didn’t tell her who they voted for that they better vote a certain way. Grades reflected this.

My Bio teacher spent a good portion of lecture on tangents about her personal life, her kid, her business. It was pointless to go but attendance counted. Some questions on her exams included her personal sh*t. It was my final semester so I didn’t give a sh*t at that point.

11. Treat me like an adult.

“If the professor has a policy that you automatically fail if you show up late or miss too many classes.

I’m an adult. Sometime stuff comes up with work or my wife. No college class is that important.

Ironically, the professor with that policy was always showing up late and canceling class.”

12. Cashing in.

“”The book is required. I wrote it. It is spectacularly expensive. I update it a little every year, so a used copy will not be adaquate.”

F*cker is getting paid at both ends.”

Okay, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us about the fastest you ever dropped a class.

Let’s see what you got!

The post People Talk About Red Flags to Look Out for That Signal You Should Drop a Class appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Biggest Red Flags About Women They Ignored

Since the 16th century red flags have been used as an indication of danger – a warning that something bad is about to go down.

I live in Chicago just a couple of blocks from the beaches of Lake Michigan, and when I see a red flag on one of my walks, I know that means “Stay away from the water, it’s not gonna go well for you.”

Sometimes the signals we encounter in our relationships are just about as clear – and yet we might be tempted to just keep swimming anyway. Take for instance the thousands of stories that came flooding in based on this prompt from silver_foks on r/AskReddit:

What’s the biggest red flag you’ve ignored because the sex was good? from AskReddit

Here’s what just a few of the top comments had to say about red flags they’d encountered with women in particular. (A lot of this is NSFW.)

1. Fourth time’s the charm?

She was married and divorced 3 times by 27.

– Screamin_STEMI

2. You’re not always the protagonist of the story.

Probably the plethora of empty wine bottles around the apartment, and the knowledge that she’d just gotten out of a long term relationship.

Somehow it never dawned on me that I was the rebound guy.

– the5thbeagle

3. It doesn’t get much more direct…

She basically told me she might cheat on me if she had the opportunity with her ex.

It was my first relationship and I was as stupid as can be.

– Genocide_Fan

4. You can read it loud and clear.

We were in a hotel and she would just keep screaming at the top of her lungs.

I kept telling her to quiet down, but instead that only turned her on more.

Only continued because she was my girlfriend at the time and it was pretty good sex for me as well.

– StaticSh0T

5. I need a diagram for this one, please.

She was my ex-wife’s, husband’s ex-wife…

– mroozienelson

6. If they’ll cheat with you…

Had an affair with a married woman, she left her husband for me, married me, then cheated on me.

If that isn’t karma idk what is.

– G4V_Zero

7. Simple things can be very telling.

She got annoyed because I told her about a coworker who felt bad about cheating on her bf.

She said “just keep sh*t on the DL… Nobody has to know if you keep your f*cking mouth shut.”

Immediately knew someone else was deep in her guts.

– ItsJustRedditRelax

8. Narcissism?

She stared at herself in the mirror during sex.

Fully moaning, and cumming, but would never break eye contact with herself,

– ask-me-about-my-toe

9. After 5 whole months, my dude?

She cried when I just wanted to make out after our first date. She said I wasn’t serious if I didn’t want to f*ck her.

She was 46. And hot as f*ck. I was 31. Cougar time!

So I f*cked her. And the sex was great, but she was f*cking crazy and I bailed after about 5 months.

– Birdamus

10. What can we say but yikes…

She called me the n word all the time. We are not black.

– Arctic_Snowfox

11. Bragging is never a good sign.

All of the lying and bragging about how good she was at it, manipulations, caught her in a lie then caught her cheating and I still didn’t wanna let go.

That sh*t hurt deep for a long time.

– TerminalCrowbar

12. Old problems require old solutions.

I used to have a subscription to Playboy before I met this girlfriend and I’d leave them on top of the toilet for reading material

(before cell phones)

One day after getting situated on the throne I opened an issue and discovered my sweetie had taken a permanent marker…

and covered all the naughty bits on EVERY nude picture (even the tiny ads in the back)

It must of taken her hours to do all the issues

– smilingonion

13. When does a joke stop being a joke?

She was a racist f*ck.

Always said she was joking but I later found out she was entirely serious.

– kalanawi

14. Let me count the ways…

Oh god, so much.

Obsessiveness, narcissism, codependency, overt stupidity, laziness, lack of ambition, all kinds of stuff.

– inomenata

15. And then there’s this simple entry:

She kept f*cking my friends

– mochalatteicecream

Remember to listen to your common sense. And let that voice be louder than…yanno…others.

Do you have a story like this?

Share it with us in the comments.

The post People Share the Biggest Red Flags About Women They Ignored appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Red Flags That Are Warning Signs in Friendships

Paying attention to red flags is not just limited to romance.

You need to look for them in your regular friendships as well. Trust me on this one, a terrible friend can make your life just as miserable as someone you’re sleeping with.

So remember to keep your eyes open with your friends as well because a bad friend can be a major bummer and they can be really hard to get rid of.

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. Don’t bring the bad vibes.

““Good vibes only” friends. That mentality is fine to have with yourself. But you can’t force that on others.

My best friend adopted this attitude and from then on, whenever I would come to her for support or advice on an issue I was having, she’d cut me off and say, “Ah ah ah! Good vibes only, remember?” Because I was bringing her down.

I put up with it for a long time because I thought she was right, that I was burdening her. But then I finally realized that that’s not how real friends act. They’re supposed to support and help each other.”

2. I’m over here!

“Having their damn phone in their face the whole time. If they do that, they don’t want a friend, they want company. It’s not the same.”

3. This drives me insane.

“Friends who constantly call you for advice but, never take it and continue to involve you in their drama.

If you’re not going to make moves to improve your situation stop asking me for help.”

4. Pay attention to these.

“When they pressure you to do things for them (or a certain way) and act like you were on board the whole time. (coercion)

They say they are “holding you accountable” to something you never wanted in the first place. (gaslighting)

They take the “high road” when you get angry because they won’t respect your boundaries. (play the victim).”

5. Insensitive.

“They never say anything supportive of you. But they will point of your flaws, and can’t wait to burn you, because its funny, to them.

And then the follow up of “you’re too sensitive” “It’s just joking”.”

6. This is frustrating.

“Friends that are a one way street. I was always the one to message, call, or make plans with them. I was always the one to check up on them to see if they were okay. I always offered a helping hand and be there for them.

I decided to stop to see if they would reach out to me, but we never spoke to me again. Oh, well.”

7. “Emotional vampires.”

“Friends that aren’t happy for your success and happiness, but are very close when you’re sad.”

8. Look out for this one.

“This is subtle and a bit counterintuitive but beware of the rescuer-martyr. The person that’s always rushing out to help and give everyone else their all whether or not it’s needed or whether the recipient is comfortable with it. They are good people, very well intentioned and saintly in their generosity with their time and energy.

However, sometimes it goes to the extreme and then it’s more a symptom of a toxic cycle where they only get meaning and self-worth when they are saving someone; or maybe they keep swooping into other people’s lives to fix things in hopes that someone will do the same for them.

They may have good intentions but they tend not to have good boundaries; they get overinvolved in your life; take on way too much and make everyone’s problems their own. They end up overwhelmed, mired in drama, and resentful. And then they become the martyr.

The problem with being friends with this type of person is that you’re not in an equal friendship where you like each other, enjoy spending time with each other; and when there happen to be downs, you support each other through them.

It’s more like you’re a project, everyone’s a project; and once you stop being a project you’re now support – not just for them and their own problems, but part of the fire brigade for their other projects (which they’ve internalized as their own problems and drama).”

9. That gets pretty old.

“If you have had a friend for a long time, but you only seem to be able to talk about memories in the past.

Each time you get together or exchange messages, it’s “Remember in high school….” or “Remember that time when….”

Could be a sign that you both have grown apart and do not have much in common today that you can connect on.”

10. All about them.

“Friends who are always happy to talk about themselves but never once ask you how you’re doing or anything engaging you to talk about yourself.”

11. Best friends!

“Personally I’ve always had bad experiences with people who say everyone is their “best friend.”

When my best friend in high school started calling 10 different people including me her best friend, that was when I knew I was just an accessory, and she was trying to surround herself with people to love her.”

12. This happens ALL THE TIME.

“When they ditch you the moment they start dating someone.”

13. Bullying is bad.

“They try to correct your personal preferences for you. Bully you out of liking certain clothing/music/foods/art, etc. They’ll often frame it as if they’re doing you a favor.

It’s a sign of emotional immaturity when people treat others like play objects rather than human beings.”

14. Don’t be a flake.

“Being flaky.

Nobody is that busy for a 2 second text to cancel plans or to not even agree to them at all.”

Beware of these kinds of people!

It’ll probably help you out a lot in the long run.

What are the red flags you look for in your friendships?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

The post People Talk About Red Flags That Are Warning Signs in Friendships appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Share the Red Flags to Watch out for When Meeting New People

Meeting new people can be strange, but when you’re in the market for new friend or a relationship, it can be extra rough. But thanks to Reddit, here are some tips and tricks for determining whether or not you should be running in the other direction, post haste.

15. Waiting to talk.

They don’t listen to what you say and respond accordingly, they only wait for you to stop talking so they can talk about whatever they want to talk about.

14. Not funny.

Belittling their SO in front of people but insisting its a joke every time! Sadly in this situation I used to be the belittled SO.

13. It goes both ways.

They don’t really listen to you or pay attention to what you’re talking about, but expect you to be totally engaged with whatever they say and act put out if you aren’t.

12. That would do it.

Everyone here talking about slightly negative people, but OP asked for the BIGGEST red flag, so I’m gonna go with having a swastika scar on their forehead.

11. Tuned out.

When they start talking about the tons of money I am going to be making with their new business venture in selling knives door to door

10. How to find the problem child.

One of my bosses once told me that whenever you start a new job/position uts usually the first person who tries really hard to be your friend is the problem child of the office. They’ll usually start telling you of people to avoid as well. I’ve found this very very useful.

9. They hog the spotlight.

I’ve seen a lot of answers along the lines of “when they say negative things about others” (which I agree with btw) but for me a huge red flag is when someone can’t let someone else receive praise or be the centre of attention.

I’ve met people in the past who have shown small signs of jealousy when I’ve praised mutual friends, siblings, strangers etc. and in each case it was indicative of bigger jealousy and self-esteem issues that led to some messed up stuff.

8. I’m broke, so joke’s on you.

When you barely know them and they act like your best friend….then later ask to borrow money.

7. This.

When they only talk about themselves.

6. So uncomfortable.

If they can’t take no for an answer.

5. Okay fine goodbye.

When you mention something you enjoy and they immediately put it down

“I enjoy going on photography walks around citys”

“That sounds really s**t”

Ok well kindly get lost Mr/ Mrs Stranger.

4. One thing in common.

usually when people speak of having a lot of people in their life that somehow turned on them and now they don’t speak anymore.

i remember one old coworker would become super fast friends with someone, then within weeks “yeah we dont really talk anymore” once, ill accept, hell even twice, but when its 4-5 times over…. guess what, its not everyone else

3. Not an obligation.

Subtle signs that they aren’t remotely interested in you, and the only way you two are together is maybe because an obligation / favor. People change their tune often when they have to conceal their feelings of disdain for someone.

2. Look in a mirror.

When they’re judgmental and critical of others, but never of themselves.

1. That’ll do it.

“HI, my name is ‘____’, and I’m an asshole.” Literally how the shop manager introduced himself to everyone. Like it’s an excuse.

Now you know!

The post 15 People Share the Red Flags to Watch out for When Meeting New People appeared first on UberFacts.

This Simple Dating Test Helps You Identify Potentially Abusive Partners

Here’s a shocking stat: intimate partner violence affects nearly 20 people around the U.S. every single minute. That’s over 10 million victims every year! It’s clearly a problem that needs to be tackled head-on, and we simply can’t afford to keep it hidden behind closed doors any longer.

Abusive relationships are notoriously difficult (and dangerous) to escape, so naturally, the best solution would be to never enter one in the first place. But with abuse so common, and abusers so sneaky, how can people possibly avoid them all?

One domestic violence counselor has a test to help out. The “No Test,” as he calls it, can help identify potential abusers early in a relationship.

Photo Credit: Pexels

“The No Test is basically to watch out for the way your partner responds the first time you change your mind or say no,” Rob explained on ABC News.

“While expressing disappointment is OK, it’s not the same as annoyed. Annoyed is ‘how dare you,’ a sign of ownership or entitlement.”

Rob points out that this test isn’t new knowledge for most women. Instead, the test helps validate that gut feeling that abusers are so good at manipulating you to ignore. It’s okay to say no to people. It never warrants anger.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

An important thing to remember, too, is that people don’t enter relationships with abusers on purpose. Abusers are quite good at charming people, and ending up in a relationship with an abuser is never your fault. Some abusers would pass the No Test with flying colors!

But if a partner fails this test? It’s a bright red flag that they’re a dangerous person, and you should trust your instinct.

As Rob said: “The only person who can stop the abuse is the person who is doing the abusing.”

The post This Simple Dating Test Helps You Identify Potentially Abusive Partners appeared first on UberFacts.