People Share What They Think Are the Worst Legal Things You Can Do

You can do a lot of terrible things in this world that are totally legal.

Things that most of us would never dream of doing. And they might infuriate you…

AskReddit users shared their thoughts on the subject.

1. That’s pretty infuriating.

“You can leak the names, addresses, email addresses, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, and payment card details of nearly half of all Americans (and more than half of all American adults) and then settle for about $5/person.”

2. Makes my blood boil.

“Permanently destroying huge swaths of land.

There’s a development corporation in my hometown that has bought up virtually all of the remaining woods, meadows and wetlands in the area, paved them, and built retail spaces that go vacant just a few months later.

Businesses aren’t even moving into these “office parks”, but the group just keeps spreading out and “developing”. It seems like every month, I drive past another leveled tract of land.”

3. Whoa, that’s kind of intense.

“Groom your stepdaughter for over a decade, then when she’s 18, divorce her mom and hook up with your stepdaughter.”

4. It is pretty bad.

“I think it’s pretty shitty to claim bodily harm from a very minor car accident just to get 10k, and make the other person pay more for their car insurance. I’m looking at you, lady I hit going 3 mph.

Probably not the worst thing, but it’s pretty bad.”

5. Who the hell does this?

“Take custody of a pet in a divorce and the. Put the pet down out of spite.”

6. Ouch…

“Recruit people to join Scientology.”

7. If not…that…

“Is it illegal to leave your shopping cart in the parking lot instead of returning it to the corral? If not, that.”

8. People are pretty sh*tty.

“Sue your poorer ex spouse for child custody so repeatedly that you drain their finances and can’t fight it anymore.”

9. A lot of this out there.

“Steal people’s money through fine print conditions.”

10. Not a good idea.

“Ruin the world economy by handing out subprime loans.”

11. That’s not cool.

“Nestle claiming rights to water and then selling it back to the public at exorbitant prices all while polluting the earth with the production of single-use plastic bottles.”

12. Sign of the times.

“Fire all your employees and move your business to East Asia so you can essentially use slave labor.”

13. Does this sound familiar?

“Start a pharmaceutical company.

Develop a drug that people need to live.

Raise the price just because you know they’ll pay for it if they don’t want to die.”

14. Bullying and abusing.

“Bully someone. Mentally abuse someone. Making them feel bad about themselves their whole life.”

15. Vaccines do not cause autism.

“Not vaccinating your kids.”

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A Mom Wrote an Open Letter to the Man Who Shamed Her for Looking at Her Phone Instead of Her Kids

Parenting is tough, and most of us are genuinely doing our best. If you see people out and about with their kids, the truth is that you’re only getting a snapshot of their day – and their lives – so if you have an opinion about what you glimpse in that moment, you’re probably better off keeping it to yourself.

Cell phones make life both easier and harder, and while sometimes we are looking at our phones while with the kids, it’s really none of your business why.

Maybe we need a mental break. Or, like Tracy Bennett, we could be using our phones in an attempt to thwart the very outcome you’re so concerned with happening.


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She was standing in a customer service line because she’d forgotten her Costco card, and as it was taking forever, she decided to grab her phone and see if she could use the app to check out.

Which is when some random stranger decided to inform her that she should be paying attention to her fidgety kids instead.

Excuse me. What?

Her post, shared in the group Breastfeeding Mama Talk, is getting plenty of well-deserved attention.

"To the man at Costco today who glanced over at me on my phone while my babies were fussing and felt the need to say,…

Posted by Breastfeeding Mama Talk on Sunday, September 29, 2019

“To the man at Costco today who glanced over at me on my phone while my babies were fussing and felt the need to say, ‘You see these babies? They fuss like that because they want your attention. Maybe you should get off of your phone and give them your attention.’

First of all, I had no idea the toddler saying, “Mama, pizza, mama, pizza” over and over and the baby making pre-cry warnings to alert me that if we don’t move soon he’s going to lose it wanted my attention. Thank you for that brilliant analysis of the situation.

Secondly, I had been in the Membership line for 15 minutes already. I pulled out books, snacks, patty cake, and even took to creepily pointing out items in buggies as customers left the store to entertain them.

Thirdly, you had been in the Refunds line next to me for a total of two minutes or else you would have seen the smiles and laughs and interaction.

Lastly, after 15 minutes, these babies got a bit fussy. And on the meltdown scale, they were barely even at a 1. Sensing the meltdown brewing, I took out my phone, downloaded the Costco app and texted my husband to ask what our log in is in an attempt to just get my membership card on my phone. Because I ran out of tricks and my kids ran out of patience and now my goal was to just get us out of this line as quickly as possible before they released the kraken.

But thank you for your parenting advice. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to shame a young mother with two tiny children. Thank you for seeing a stressful moment and deciding, ‘I think I’ll make this worse for her.’

Everyone, if you see a mother (or father) with young children out in public ANYWHERE, assume she is stressed out. Assume she is trying her damndest to get through the situation. Assume this is the very last place she wants to be. Assume she’d rather be home cuddling, playing, running around with her babies. Assume she probably has had no sleep since her first child was born. Assume she is hungry because her toddler decided he wanted extra eggs this morning so she gave him her breakfast in addition to his own. And if you have nothing kind or supportive to offer her, please mind your own business.

Our babies are healthy, our babies are happy (despite the fact that they are not currently pleased with standing in line at Costco), and our babies are loved fiercely by us. And for the love of God, our babies can wait 2 minutes while we try to solve a problem on your phone.”

Take our advice – the next time you want to make a face or a judgement when you spot a parent doing something you would “never” do, remember this article.

And definitely, do not, ever be this guy.

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This Is Why ‘Walt Disney World’ Got Walt’s Name and Disneyland Didn’t

There are a lot of differences between Disney World and Disneyland. One small difference that you may not even be aware of is in their names. Disney World’s full name is Walt Disney World, while Disneyland is just Disneyland. What’s up with that?

Let’s start at the beginning: Disneyland came first. It opened in 1955 in California. The name, Disneyland, was likely chosen because it was a natural choice for a theme park at the time. Other contemporary parks bear names like “Fairyland” or “Playland,” so “Disneyland” just makes sense.

Over a decade later in 1966, Walt Disney released a promotional video to announce that there would be a second Disney theme park in Florida. This one would be called Disney World, likely because it was on a much bigger plot of land than Disneyland.

It’s not clear why he went with two words for Disney World, while Disneyland is just one word, other than the fact that “Disneyworld” doesn’t look quite right.

Disney World wasn’t originally going to have Walt’s first name attached, but he passed away in December 1966, before the park even got into the construction phase. His brother, Roy Disney, postponed his  own retirement to help out with the Disney World project, and he decided to add Walt’s name to the park as a tribute.

And that, folks, is the only reason that one of the parks’ names has Walt in the title – as a tribute from a sibling to his recently deceased brother.

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U-Haul Posted an Eye-Opening Demonstration on How to Properly Load a Trailer

This is important: pay attention.

If you regularly pull a boat, camper, livestock or something similar, then you can probably skip this video on how to properly load a trailer you’re attaching to your vehicle.

For the rest of us, though, the information could turn out to be lifesaving.

It comes to us courtesy of U-Haul, a company founded in 1945 by Sam Shoen and his wife, Mary, after they were unable to find a trailer to rent for their interstate move.

The demonstration uses a treadmill and a model mustang pulling a trailer with a movable axle and weights, and aims to help renters understand why weight placement is so important. The key is to maintain the correct ratio of tongue weight to gross trailer weight – and doing it wrong can have dangerous (or even deadly) consequences.

U-Haul recommends that 60% of the weight be loaded in the front of the trailer, ahead of the axle. If you put any of the weight back further you run the risk of fishtailing with what amounts to a pendulum swinging behind you.

Too much tongue weight will cause the rear end to be lower than the front end, which can result in traction issues, so make sure to take gross weight as well as proportion into account.

You’ll also want to consider the trailer’s height and center of gravity, make sure your load is evenly distributed inside the trailer, and ensure that you’re able to see clearly around what you’re towing.

You can read more tips on U-Haul’s website.

And now you know – it’s almost enough to make you dread your next move even more, am I right?

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10 Interesting Facts for You to Take a Look At

This is a fast-paced world where it can be hard to get any free time and learn new information.

But you should always make time for our fact sets! They’re filled with fascinating information that will stick in your head long after you’re done reading them.

Here are 10 such facts for you!

1. That’s a relief.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

2. Women are strong.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. What a great idea.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. That’s the backstory.

Photo Credit: did you know?


5. Time for a name change.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. Take me down to Octopus City.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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7. Ugh, that’s not good.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. Another reason not to like Mondays.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. Get to the Hummer!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. Everybody needs to take notice of this.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

We hope you enjoyed those 10 facts!

Follow THIS LINK to explore a whole lot more.

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This Is Why Your Sandwich Is Served with a Pickle

If you’re like this guy, you’re not complaining that a delicious dill pickle comes automatically with your deli sandwich.

If you’re like other people, you slide it quickly off your plate and lament all of the places where the vinegar-y juice touched the rest of your food.

No matter how you feel about pickles, you probably don’t know why, exactly, they’ve found their way onto deli plates everywhere – but you’re about to find out.

Pickles themselves have be around (and adored by many) since as far back as 2400 B.C.E. They gained popularity in the States after the first Jewish immigrants found their way to New York from eastern Europe, and as those immigrants opened delis, they offered the pickle as a palate cleanser.

The acidity of the pickle is meant to let you experience the sharp contrast in meat flavors more fully.

As more and more Jewish delis adopted the practice, the pickle’s popularity soared in New York City. By the 1930s, pickle vendors were popping up all over the Lower East Side, inciting “Pickle Wars” among competing vendors.

Once it had taken NYC by storm, the pickle made its way across the States, until now, it’s more common to see a pickle on you deli plate than not. Most delis don’t even list it as a side; people just assume it will be included.

And if it’s not there?

Well, I guess some people will be upset, and others will breathe a sigh of relief. To each his own.

This is still America, after all.

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Meet the Guy Who Made the First-Ever Pair of Edible Underwear

You may be wondering: how the heck did edible underwear become a thing? Luckily for you, we’ve got a history lesson on the topic.

It all started with the phrase, “Eat my shorts.”

Edible underwear was invented in the early 1970s by a man named David Sanderson. He was smoking marijuana and drinking wine when he randomly remembered that his older brother used to tell him to “Eat my shorts” when he was being annoying.

David had a lightbulb moment. What if there were shorts that you could actually eat? His partner, Lee Brady, thought it was a great idea, and the rest was history. Candypants, as they called it, was born.

Unlike many other drunk ideas that seem “brilliant” at the time, Candypants was a smashing success. People bought them in droves, and the media buzzed about the risque new item.

This original edible underwear was constructed from a sheet of edible candy, made from sugar, food starch, glycerin and other ingredients. One pair retailed for $4.95.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia Commons

At this time, they were considered a novelty gift item — not an adult sex toy item, as they are today. Even nunneries and nursing homes ordered Candypants from David and Lee’s new factory!

As business grew, they eventually filled $150,000 of orders every month. They became so wealthy that they bought a mansion and installed a disco.

But people at adult sex stores wanted a piece of that pie, too. Knockoff versions of Candypants became common, and now you can find all manner of edible undergarments at sex stores.

Photo Credit: Amazon

Meanwhile, you can still buy the original version of Candypants on Amazon.

In case you were curious, they reportedly don’t taste very good.

The post Meet the Guy Who Made the First-Ever Pair of Edible Underwear appeared first on UberFacts.

Meet the Guy Who Made the First-Ever Pair of Edible Underwear

You may be wondering: how the heck did edible underwear become a thing? Luckily for you, we’ve got a history lesson on the topic.

It all started with the phrase, “Eat my shorts.”

Edible underwear was invented in the early 1970s by a man named David Sanderson. He was smoking marijuana and drinking wine when he randomly remembered that his older brother used to tell him to “Eat my shorts” when he was being annoying.

David had a lightbulb moment. What if there were shorts that you could actually eat? His partner, Lee Brady, thought it was a great idea, and the rest was history. Candypants, as they called it, was born.

Unlike many other drunk ideas that seem “brilliant” at the time, Candypants was a smashing success. People bought them in droves, and the media buzzed about the risque new item.

This original edible underwear was constructed from a sheet of edible candy, made from sugar, food starch, glycerin and other ingredients. One pair retailed for $4.95.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia Commons

At this time, they were considered a novelty gift item — not an adult sex toy item, as they are today. Even nunneries and nursing homes ordered Candypants from David and Lee’s new factory!

As business grew, they eventually filled $150,000 of orders every month. They became so wealthy that they bought a mansion and installed a disco.

But people at adult sex stores wanted a piece of that pie, too. Knockoff versions of Candypants became common, and now you can find all manner of edible undergarments at sex stores.

Photo Credit: Amazon

Meanwhile, you can still buy the original version of Candypants on Amazon.

In case you were curious, they reportedly don’t taste very good.

The post Meet the Guy Who Made the First-Ever Pair of Edible Underwear appeared first on UberFacts.

A Mom’s Story About Poop on a Playground Slide Might Make You Reconsider Having Kids

This is one parenting story that you hopefully won’t relate to too much…

Brittany Berry, mother of three, shared this viral story on Facebook. It’s a disgusting one, but she decided to tell it anyway — “if only to serve as birth control for the younger generation.”

It all started when Brittany went for a run and took her children to the playground one weekend. She was sitting at a picnic table and catching her breath after her run when her daughter Sadie approaches her with wet shorts. Brittany assumed that Sadie had peed her pants, and thought, “No big deal.”

Upon a closer look, she realized — nope, that was poop, not pee. Still, NBD, poopy diapers are standard mom stuff.

“Then I start to change her and realize it’s a poop-trophe,” she wrote. “I’m talking on of them poops you usually see in a newborn, where it’s all up then back and down their legs and you contemplate just throwing the whole baby away.”

Posted by Brittany Nichole Berry on Monday, September 30, 2019

STILL, that wasn’t the horrible part. The horrible part came when Brittany realized that she didn’t have nearly enough baby wipes to deal with the situation.

“This isn’t a four wipe kind of poop it’s pressure washer or open fire hydrant kind of poop,” she wrote.

She went to her van to search for more, and that’s when it happened.

Posted by Brittany Nichole Berry on Monday, September 30, 2019

Brittany heard “that painful SQQQUUUEEEAAAKKKKK of skin getting stuck to a plastic slide on the way down. I look up and yes, of course, it’s Sadie. She’s going down the slide, butt naked, COVERED in poop, leaving a long skid mark of poop allllllll the way down on her way.”

Posted by Brittany Nichole Berry on Monday, September 30, 2019

Brittany had to rush home to grab a mountain of Clorox wipes to clean what she called her kid’s “slug trail” of poop off of the slide. Cleaning a slide without actually sliding down it is very difficult. Brittany eventually opted to just slide down and clean as she went.

“This was not easy. I did not look elegant or attractive, I’m sure. I’m 254lbs of sweaty fat flopping around this children’s slide like a fish out of water.”

Finally, Brittany was satisfied with her cleaning job and turned to go home — only to realize that her shirt was absolutely covered in poop. She threw the shirt away and drove home in her bra.

Posted by Brittany Nichole Berry on Monday, September 30, 2019

Her moral of the story?

“Always bring extra wipes, extra clothes, extra blankets, extra everything! Don’t clean out your car, ever. And if you aren’t mentally, emotionally, and physically prepared to roll around in another person’s feces… use a condom.”

Here’s the whole thing for you…

I’ve debated on sharing this, just because it’s so embarrassing and I failed as a mother on so many different levels….

Posted by Brittany Nichole Berry on Monday, September 30, 2019


Yes. Definitely yes.

The post A Mom’s Story About Poop on a Playground Slide Might Make You Reconsider Having Kids appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Hotel Housekeepers That Have Seen Some, Um, Interesting Things

Anyone who has worked or does work in the service industry has some pretty amazing stories to tell. Working with the public is just that way, because people are people and some days, dealing with them is really a lot.

So, if you dare, scroll through the self-confessed weirdest discoveries of these 15 hotel staff members.

15. The motor. Was burned. Out.

OH I GOT one. I was a night auditor though.

This one starts out benign enough, my NA shift starts, and I have a small line. It’s Saturday and we’re near a couple of casinos, not unusual. A very polite man checks in, and rents a top level suite for him and his wife. I get him in and start checking in the next couple. Being distracted, I barely noticed the previous couple come back in, only that the wife was partially obscured by the luggage cart and I remember thinking to myself, “that’s an ugly woman.” The night is quiet and I leave. I come in the next night to hear what unfolded after I left. The couple never came back down to check out, and have not been seen since. When housekeeping entered the room they immediately alert the FDM. Every surface of the room is covered in lube, the bed, the couch, the jacuzzi, even the minifridge is covered in bottles and bottle of lube and baby oil. We know for sure it’s lube, because a dozen bottles are left in the tub. But wait, there’s more! In addition to the lube, there is a rather large horse dildo left behind with thick black scuff marks, and cracked down the center. My FDM, in her infinite wisdom, decides that they must have been junkies and this dildo is where they are hiding their needles. She decides to pick it up to open it “safety” reasons, but when she does, all that falls out is a rather impressive motor that has been burned out.

The icing on this cake comes when they review the security tape. The “wife” is clearly a man in a wig. It’s a big burly dude wearing a cheap wig.

14. I’m going to go ahead and blame it on the booze.

I walked in on a couple sleeping on the bathroom floor of a hotel room in the hotel I work for. The bed was untouched and everything was normal with that one exception.

13. I bet you didn’t feel like you had to leave a tip.

We had a hotel room one time and checked in around 3-4 ish (can’t remember what hotel it was). When we walked in one of the housekeepers was asleep in the chair, apparently had taken a rest and checked out, for who knows how long. We woke her up when we came in the room. She was very apologetic and took her cart and stuff with her right away. We never said anything to the staff or saw her again, the room was all clean and set up so nothing to complain about.

12. This is very curious.

Cleaned a room that contained both a deck of Uno cards and a knock-off deck of Ono cards

11. That IS a hasty retreat.

This couple made a hasty retreat from a five star hotel I was working for. They left an entire brick of cocaine on the bathroom counter.

10. When you gotta go, you gotta go.

I worked as a Concierge for an upscale hotel so, naturally, because there wasn’t a line for my desk, I fielded complaints regularly. One day a woman, very nice and patient (rare) calmly explained to me that her five year old opened the door to their bathroom and there was a housekeeper pooping in there. The housekeeper and the boy screamed so loudly that I had already gotten noise complaints from the adjacent rooms. Needless to say, that family got a free night and an upgrade.

(Edit: GOLD??? You all made my day!)

9. What on earth was he DOING in there?

Hotel worker.

Had an American guy come into our hotel, meant to be staying for 3 days. Went into his room and never left the room in over 2 weeks (he kept phoning down to extend his stay).

The strange thing was, he had the same routine every day. Around 8am, he would order 8 bottles of beer and 20 cigarettes to be sent up to his room. He’d sign the cheque off to his room for the beers but had to pay cash for the cigarettes as they came from the hotel shop, which wasn’t owned by the hotel therefore wasn’t able to charge to the room. The cigarettes came to around £11, and he would always give us a £20 note and told us to keep the change.

Lunchtime rolls around, and again, 8 bottles of beer, and 20 cigarettes.

Come dinner time, again, another 8 beers, but 40 cigarettes this time (assuming to keep a stock of when the shop closed at night time).

This happened every day he was staying with us. No one ever saw him leave the hotel, so assumed he had a stack of £20 notes to pay for his cigarettes. He also instructed housekeeping not to clean his room.

When he eventually left, the maid was greeted with hundreds of empty beer bottles, the bin was half full with cigarette ends and ash, and the room was left remarkably clean, albeit smelling awful.

We tried to research the guy, but could only find he was part of an American broadcasting company (it was a long time ago and can’t remember), so assumed he was over here to lie low.

He checked out, paid off his bill (didn’t even bother to check the bill), into a taxi and never to be seen again.

8. You may never know why exactly people do the things that they do.

I stayed at a hotel that hosted a Magic The Gathering tournament (was visiting Atlantic City, only realized what it was as I played magic a decade ago). In the morning as I was leaving a housekeeper had a room opening and cleaning; he stops me and says “wtf is this? Is it worth money?” I look in and someone has filled the bathtub nearly to the brim with lands/commons.

7. He REALLY didn’t want to leave the machine.

I worked in a casino where I watched a middle aged man literally shake a solid turd down his pant leg, sit back down and continued on his machine. I turned around with backpack vacuum on and went to my lunch break. I didn’t get paid enough to pick up stranger’s shit.

6. Are you sure that wasn’t part of their sales pitch?

This is related but not exactly the question. When my wife and I were looking at wedding venues, one we went to was a hotel. The event manager wanted to take us up and show us the “honeymoon” suite.

She opened the door, and there were two, old men (like 60s-70s), shirtless drinking vodka in the room. She was so extremely embarrassed and apologetic. She was very sweet too, but you could tell she was so mad at whoever screwed that up for her.

We didn’t choose the place (wasn’t why), but I hadn’t thought about that in awhile, and figured someone else may get a kick out of it.

5. That’s a lot of vitamin C.

I worked for a hotel chain in Colorado and one day my coworker and I went to strip a bed and the bed was full of oranges. The dresser oranges. Side table, cans of mandarin oranges. Not exactly shocking or disgusting, but it was weird.

4. He had to know that you noticed.

Not a housekeeper but I was a bartender at a Marriot hotel years ago. Along with regular bartending duties, I also delivered bar orders as part of room service. One night I received a typical order (Wine, beer) from a room that called down to the bar. I brought the drinks to the room and was greeted by an early 50’s man wearing a white robe. He greeted me and asked me to place the drinks on a dresser fairly close to door. As I went to place the drinks down I noticed the bed had between 10-13 dildos laid out neatly along the foot of the bed. The sizes ranged from normal to horse. They were evenly spaced and all facing towards the headboard.

While he was signing I made my way to the door and as soon as he handed me the book I smiled and said “thank you, have a great night! He just smiled and that was it, 0% acknowledgement on his end.

3. I mean why didn’t they take it with them, though?

Worked housekeeping for a few weeks, guess the weirdest shit was a 70 ish couple left their room so I went to clean it. Big bottle of ky and a dildo so big even Ron Jeremy would have been jealous left out on the bed.

2. Yeah that is never okay.

Someone I know worked housekeeping at a casino. He walked in on a guy smearing shit over the walls with his bare hands. He was pissed that he lost money and thought he was justified to do it. Housekeeping called security, he was charged and banned.

1. Yes, I’m sure they “disposed of it” alright.

In the late 90’s I had a roommate who managed a hotel in Manhattan. He came home one night and told me they found a 3 foot Nitrous tank in one of the rooms. They disposed of it personally. These days they would probably call the bomb squad.

Kind of makes you want to bring your own tiny house everywhere you go, doesn’t it?

Have you got a great customer service story? Share it with us in the comments!

The post 15 Hotel Housekeepers That Have Seen Some, Um, Interesting Things appeared first on UberFacts.