People Share Three Words of Advice They’d Give to Their 18-Year-Old Selves

To be young again…

When a lot of us are 18-years-old, we think we know everything and we believe we know how the future is going to work out for us.

Of course, the older you get, the more you realize you didn’t really have much of a clue at all. So what would you say to your 18-year-old self if you could go back in time and give three words of advice?

This is the tweet that got the ball rolling.

Let’s see how people responded!

1. Oh, Jason…

Young love…jeez…

2. You can do it!

This is coming from Bill James, a great writer!

3. It’s a good thing.

And everyone can use it at one point or another.

4. That would have been nice.

If you could just do it over again…

5. It’ll all work out the way it’s supposed to.

So don’t sweat the small stuff.

6. Put the bottle down.

It’ll catch up with you at some point.

7. Don’t EVER give up.

Always keep moving forward.

8. It’s not for everyone.

But it is a good idea for other people…

9. Get out of that house!

Sometimes, you just gotta go.

10. Just say NO.

It’s usually a pretty bad idea for most folks.

11. If it’s a bad situation, get out of it.

And don’t look back.

12. Don’t get involved in online drama.

It’s not worth it.

13. You have certain gifts for a reason.

Use them wisely!

Now we want to hear from you.

If you could go back in time and give your 18-year-old self only three words of advice, what would they be?

Tell us what you think in the comments. Thanks!

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What Three Words of Advice Would You Give to Your 18-Year-Old Self? Here’s How People Responded.

Do you remember what you were like when you were 18?

I was pretty sure things would flow very smoothly and I’d be well on my way to…well, I don’t know what exactly, but I was sure I’d be on the fast track to something.

But, as you know, life has a funny way of working out and, for me, it’s taken many turns and detours that I couldn’t have seen coming.

It’s all good, but I still wish I could go back in time and give my 18-year-old self some advice to make things a little bit easier, which I’m sure a lot of you do, too.

This tweet was thrown out to folks and it got them thinking…

So let’s see how they responded!

1. It doesn’t always work out.

Sad, but true.

2. This is great advice.

We could all use a little bit more cash in the bank.

3. You got this!

And don’t let anyone tell you any differently.

4. Get out of bad relationships as soon as possible.

They’ll just get worse.

5. Make the move.

It’ll be good for you.

6. Definitely not for everyone.

If you know it’s true for you, just don’t do it.

7. It ruins many lives.

And it costs a fortune.

8. Things will look up.

So keep moving forward.

9. Get that degree!

And get out into the world!

10. This is very important.

Help each other out.

11. Always trust your gut.

Believe in yourself.

12. You don’t always have to be in a huge hurry.

Good things come to those who wait.

How about you?

What would you tell your 18-year-old self if you could go back in time?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments. Thanks!

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Really Bad Real Estate Photos That Might Make You Cringe

I don’t work in real estate, but I would think that, at the very least, you would want really quality photos of the place you’re trying to sell so people would be interested.

What you’re about to see is the exact OPPOSITE of what homeowners and realtors should be doing…at least I think so…

These folks didn’t even bother to clean up their homes and, as you will see in a minute, some of the design choices are very…interesting…

And all of these places have been documented by an Instagram page called Terrible Real Estate Photos and we’d like to salute them for their important work.

Let’s take a look, shall we?

1. Ummmm, there’s a dog on the roof.

Just letting you know.

2. It’s a very festive room.

Get into the holiday spirit!

3. Watch your head on this thing.

This really does not seem safe.


Does that horrifying clown come with the house?

5. This is a nightmare.

Straight from HELL.

6. This place is move-in ready.

In case you’re interested…

7. Some very interesting choices here…

Do you have any thoughts about this place?

8. I fell in love with it immediately!

I mean, what’s not to like?

9. Go ahead and park that anywhere.

What happens when you need to go to the store?

10. That was nice of them to clean the place up.

It’s gorgeous! How much money are we talking here?

11. This is what luxury looks like.

Well, you sold me!

12. You can get a lot done in this space.

What else could you ask for?

13. I’m very confused by this room.

I’m gonna need to talk to the architect.

Oh boy…those are NOT GOOD.

Now we want to hear from you.

Tell us about your weird, terrible, and downright strange real estate experiences.

Talk to us in the comments! Thanks!

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People Share “What Happens If…” Posts About All Kinds of Random Stuff

Have you ever had something random happen to something in your life and it made you question just what the heck was going on in the universe?

Hey, guess what? It happens all the time!

The universe works in very mysterious ways and, while we might think that we’re in charge as humans, nothing could be further from the truth. All kinds of crazy things happen, forces collide in strange ways, and we end up with countless examples of how amazing the world is on a daily basis!

Let’s take a look at these cool instances that people shared online of “what happens if…”

They’re a lot of fun to look at!

1. A perfectly formed hair.

Don’t see that every day.

One of my hairs got caught in a zipper. Came out looking like this from mildlyinteresting

2. Wow. Good thing no one was around.

That’s scary stuff.

Last night, lightning struck Dornoch beach in Scotland, and that’s how the scene looks like after it. from interestingasfuck

3. I remember this well from my teenage years.

Who would do such a thing?!?!

This is what happens when you put dish soap in a fountain from mildlyinteresting

4. Wow. That’s really cool.

Offshore wind farms are pretty wild.

Horns Rev 1 wake effects — stunning image of the first large scale offshore wind farm in the world (photo credit Christian Steiness) [3072 x 2304] from pics


No matter what.

What happens if you leave an apple and a banana for 6 months in an office locker because covid… from interestingasfuck

6. Stay in the water as long as you want.

Don’t worry about pruning.

Severed a nerve in my index finger… Half my finger can no longer prune. from mildlyinteresting

7. Dig in to some tiny popcorn!

Did you know you could do this?

My mom microwaved some birdseed to disinfect it before putting it in a beanbag and accidentally made tiny popcorn from mildlyinteresting

8. There will be no games today.

This is kind of crazy.

This is what happens to a basketball court when the pipes burst from pics

9. A beautiful mistake.

Well, that turned out pretty well!

I put blue food coloring in my white roses water from mildlyinteresting

10. The square spoon.

Grandma was a little rough with this thing, huh?

My grandma has used the same spoon in her coffee for about 45 years and it’s gone square from mildlyinteresting

11. Reminds me of Caddyshack.

Don’t golf during storms, people!

Lightning strikes a golf practice green in Iowa from mildlyinteresting

12. Your own laser light show.

You don’t even have to leave home!

When the bathroom door is closed almost all the way, each of the 4 bulbs in the bathroom emits its own distinct beam of light into the room. from mildlyinteresting

13. That’s really cool.

Check out what’s underneath the surface.

The way the water wore away the cement top layer… from mildlyinteresting

Those are so cool!

Do you have any interesting examples of “What happens if…” that you’d like to share?

If so, please do it in the comments. Thanks a lot!

The post People Share “What Happens If…” Posts About All Kinds of Random Stuff appeared first on UberFacts.

Great Memes to Give You Strength

If I’m picking my phone up, it’s for a few different reasons.

I’m either A) switching to a new podcast episode, B) reluctantly opening my email and not answering any of it, or C) fixin’ to look at some memes.

If I were to form that into some sort of pie chart, C would account for the biggest slice by far. Memes are the lifeblood of the internet, and in turn, sort of the heart of us all.

Here are twelve memes to give you strength.

12. The cool parents

That’s the highest I’d ever seen Brad Pitt and it’s messing with me a little.

Via: someecards

11. Pure enjoyment

Doesn’t even care that she’s wearing white after Labor Day.

Via: someecards

10. Killer time

And then the next week…and the next…and the next…and the next…

Via: someecards

9. The hydration pause

Thanks for interrupting my dreams, ya stupid thirst.

Via: someecards

8. Something’s cooking

Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask.

Via: someecards

7. Signed, sealed, delivered

I don’t care how good the tip is, I would nope outta there real fast.

Via: someecards

6. Stacking up

Am I a joke to you?

Via: someecards

5. Quite a reach

Please just let me keep ignoring all this adult stuff.

Via: someecards

4. Thrill rides

No thanks, I’d like to get off please.

Via: someecards

3. Just hangin’

Call it a gut feeling but I think we’re gonna have a great time.

Via: someecards

2. Wash over me

Surprise! It’s worry time!

Via: someecards

1. Just kidding

And that’s the LEAST of the damage.

Via: someecards

Remember, for every meme you take, you should plant at least two more. That’s what’s going to keep memes sustainable for our children.

What are your favorite kinds of memes?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Great Memes to Give You Strength appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Tweets That Should Make You LOL

Who is ready to LOL?!?!

I mean, are you REALLY ready to LOL.

I sincerely hope that the answer to this important question is a big YES because we put a lot of hard work into finding you funny tweets that we think are going to make you laugh in a big way.

Basically what I’m trying to say is that if you don’t laugh out loud, we’re going to be very disappointed in you…and nobody wants that…

So prepare to laugh. Let’s take a look!

1. Yeah, adult twins are kind of weird.

I just can’t stop thinking about it turning into a horror movie…

2. Officer, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

My dogs don’t even know how to ride bikes.

3. A gift from the gods.

Well, you have a lot of eating to do!

4. This is very true.

You need to let the government know about this.

5. They’re not judging you at all.

You do you!

6. Pretty close!

I walked 2 miles today. That’s like a 5-mile jog, right?

7. Oh…this is considered retro now?

Now I feel very old and sad…

8. Smoking for evil.

Well, that’s one way to do it.

9. The evil eyes.

Just staring right into your soul.

10. Time has no meaning anymore.

We’re all going through this.

11. Yeah, no problem with that one.

I got it covered!

12. Not the worst idea I’ve ever heard.

Get the natural stuff!

13. Just get it over with!

I like people who can get things done!

Have you seen anything really funny on social media lately?

I’m talking about memes, tweets, photos, jokes, etc.?

If so, please share them with us in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

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Things That Millennials Did for the Last Time

Where are all the Millennials at? Gen Y (as in “Why were we dealt this crappy hand?”) is in the house.

Only true Millennials can appreciate these 11 things Millennials did, that we will never do again. In some cases, for the better, in others…well, let’s just say kids today can’t appreciate how much simpler things were back in the day.

1. Take the packaging off of a brand new CD:

Such a satisfying feeling. That plastic was slippery.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Play outside with friends:

A little part of me just died inside.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

3. Replace dead batteries w/ partially used batteries:

You want to get your moneys worth!

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Log into AIM:

*sound of a door opening*

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

5. Log into Myspace:

Who’s in your top 8?

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Use T9 to send a text:

I don’t miss this.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

7. Find a toy in your box of cereal:

When did plastic spoons that change color in milk stop being cool?!

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

8. Burn a Mix CD:

Mix CDs were the best gifts.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Print out your MapQuest directions:

Mom wouldn’t let me leave home without this.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Watch a VHS tape:

Jokes on you! I still have all of my bootleg VHS tapes!

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

11. REWIND that VHS tape:

True dat.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

Now I’m feeling all the feels.

You whipper snappers may have Disney+ but I had an entire collection of bootleg VHS tapes. Pus Myspace wasn’t nearly as addictive as social media is today, and you certainly didn’t want your parents getting one. Ah, oh well. At least we have the memories.

My fellow Millennials, which one of these do you relate to most?

Let us know in the comments!

The post Things That Millennials Did for the Last Time appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets That Might Heal All Your Sadness…But Probably Not

Are you having a weird day? Yeah, aren’t we all. But don’t sweat it, because we’ve got funny tweets, and four out of five doctors who I’m imagining in my mind recommend funny tweets as a stress reliever, anti-depressant, mood stabilizer, and growth hormone. They are truly a panacea.

Enjoy these ten random Twitter funnies that will heal you of all your woes, maybe.

10. It’s nacho business

Now I want these more than life itself, thanks a lot.

9. Killing it

No innocent person runs that much.

8. Lend a hand

Yeah man, I can dig it.

7. Law and coffee orders

I’d be great at this job as long as we were guaranteed to catch the killer in 42 minutes or less.

6. The Disney princess effect

Them trash bandits are at it again.

5. Armed and dangerous

Why can’t I hold all this life?

4. One track mind

Did you just pull up a pro/con list on your phone?

3. A slice of life

“Have you seen our BLT? It was shaped like this.”

2. Different time zone

I think it’s safe to say that my mind is more or less in a constant state of buffering.

1. Suspiciously tranquil

This tweet was written mid-2020, it can’t possibly be accurate.

Ah, the miraculous power of the internet. If those tweets didn’t completely cure you of all your troubles, we’ll give you a full refund of what you paid for them, guaranteed.

If Twitter was limited to discussing one topic and one topic only, what would/should it be?

Tell us your opinion in the comments.

The post Tweets That Might Heal All Your Sadness…But Probably Not appeared first on UberFacts.

A TikTok User Filmed Her Ride of Space Mountain With the Lights on and People Are Freaked Out

Roller coasters provide park-goers with a rush of adrenaline that keeps them coming back for more. Match that with the magical production value of Disney Parks and you have yourself the vacation of a lifetime.

But what if that magical production value were to disappear? Have you ever considered what it would feel like to ride an indoor roller coater ride without the lights and the music?

This is exactly what happened to TikTok user @ashleyofpeeee when she rode Space Mountain.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Space Mountain is a staple of the Disney World experience.

Having first opened in 1975, Space Mountain is the oldest operating roller coaster in the state of Florida.

You’ll find it located in Tomorrowland, within the Magic Kingdom.

Those who’ve ridden Space Mountain before will know it is an entirely indoor roller coaster, usually experienced in space-like darkness with flashing lights for effect. See the video below for the full ride, lights off.

I’ve ridden Space Mountain once in my life, as a little kid. All I remember is closing my eyes tight the entire time and praying for it to be over as soon as possible.

But riding it with the lights on would be a completely different experience…

Image Credit: TikTok

@ashleyhopeeeeI FREAKED OUT. The lights were on when we went to space mountain!! 😮 ##MagicMoment ##disneyworld ##spacemountain♬ original sound – disney aesthetic

From her video, we see the tail-end of her Space Mountain experience, with the lights on.

This reveals a web of tracks and scaffolding.

To me, riding Space Mountain with the lights on would be preferable. It would be a lot less scary to know what’s coming, I think, but it looks like I’m in the minority.

Image Credit: TikTok

But isn’t it interesting to see how the roller coaster is put together?

Isn’t this a treat? Peeking behind the curtain to see the inner workings?

Apparently not.

Image Credit: TikTok

All the commenters agree that this ride is scarier with the lights ON, but I still think it would be really cool to ride Space Mountain this way.

A few years back, Theme Park University released a video of the full Space Mountain with the lights on.

Can you handle this, or is it too creepy?

Watching this video of Space Mountain with the lights on actually has me itching to ride a roller coaster, and I don’t even really like them.

Getting to see the inner workings of this ride has helped me better appreciate all the hard work that went into creating it. Plus, with the lights on you know when to duck!

Could you handle Space Mountain with the lights on, or is it took unnerving? Let us know in the comments!

The post A TikTok User Filmed Her Ride of Space Mountain With the Lights on and People Are Freaked Out appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes that Will Teach You Something New

I love learning new stuff. Especially tidbits of information that aren’t necessary to know, but once you learn them you feel cool for being in the know. You know?

Knowledge is power. It’s always impressive when people can rattle off obscure facts and trivia. So check out these 14 informative memes and you too can impress your friends with your newfound knowledge.

1. Try turning this into a song:

Who knew “D” was the evolution of “fish”?

Image Credit: The Chive

2. The original “All My Children”:

“Burst full-formed from forehead…”

Image Credit: The Chive

3. Batman

Behind every great Batman is another Batman.

Image Credit: The Chive

4. Someone got REAL serious about finding this guy…

Oh, I know! He’s inside one of the lions!

Image Credit: The Chive

5. The next time you want to pass a note in class…

Try these hand signals instead! The teacher will just think you’re raising you hand to get a bathroom pass.

Image Credit: The Chive

6. This is actually useful information:

Ron Swanson would approve this message.

Image Credit: The Chive

7. Now that’s a horse of a different color:

Have horses been the most beautiful creatures on the planet this whole time? Why am I just learning this?

Image Credit: The Chive

8. If you’re riding horses, you’ll need one of these…

If each of these hats were one of the Seven Dwarves, “Gus” would be “Dopey.”

Image Credit: The Chive

9. It’s like the state flower, but with teeth and claws:

Gotta catch ’em all?

Image Credit: The Chive

10. This is kind of creepy:

But it’s striking how similar the human and chimpanzee brains are to one another.

Image Credit: The Chive

11. Keep this in your pocket for the next 4th of July:

Image Credit: The Chive

“That one? That’s a brocade crown. And see that babe? That’s what we in the industry call a silver dragon.”

12. That’s pretty impressive:

Can you imagine flying one of these bad boys?

Image Credit: The Chive

13. You can’t have success without failure:

Sometimes you have to take it one small step at a time.

Image Credit: The Chive

Isn’t learning fun? I never knew there were so many different types of cryptids in North America!

Now that you’ve accumulated all this new-found knowledge, it’s time to show it off to your friends and family. I’m sure they’ll be quite impressed with your thorough knowledge of horse breeds and your special strategy for finding Waldo.

Which one of these informative memes taught you something new today? Let us know in the comments!

The post Memes that Will Teach You Something New appeared first on UberFacts.