If You Were Able to Stop Time for 20 Minutes a Day, What Would You Do With That Time? Here’s What People Said.

Let’s all be superheroes for a few minutes!

We’re going to play a fun game called “If You Could Stop Time for 20 Minutes a Day, What Would You Do With That Time?”

This is gonna be fun! And…it’s nice to dream about a little bit of extra time since most of us are so darn busy day in and day out.

People on AskReddit talked about what they’d do…let’s see what they had to say.

1. Good plan.

“Whenever I’m in a heated argument, I’ll stop time to think of a good comeback.

If I can’t, just put something in the other person’s mouth and restart time.

Walk away from the chaos.”

2. Take it down a notch.

“Honestly the mornings can be kinda hectic in our house so I’d stop time to enjoy a cup of coffee in peace and quiet.”

3. Take advantage of it!

“As a tennis player I would stop time for milliseconds at a time allowing me to hit perfect shots.

After a couple of years I would perfect this art, slowly establishing myself as a top tier player. This would allow me to dominate tournaments like the U.S. Open, winning me millions in sponsorships and tournament winnings.

Decades later, while going down as the best player of all time, I would cement myself in history. My remaining years would be spent relaxing in exotic places with my supermodel wife.”

4. A little time to relax.

“Exercise, read, cook.

Basically any activity that takes up a huge part of my daily activity so I have more time to relax.”

5. Do I know you?

“Go to an amusement park and swap out children from families in close proximity.

Not to the point where the child becomes lost, but to the point where like 5 or 6 groups of people are looking at each other funny.”

6. Don’t worry about what they think.

“I’d go for a 20 minute jog in the neighborhood without the fear of neighbors seeing fat me trying to run.

Plus I wouldn’t have to worry about cars too I guess.”

7. Mess with ’em a little bit.

“I’d just wander through my neighbors houses and adjust their settings, hide their keys/phones/etc, disconnect their router and leave a suction cup dildo on the bathroom mirror.”

8. Awwwwwww.

“I’d go hug my grandma without her knowing.

Then 20 minutes would be over and she’d be there on her couch playing animal crossing like “I feel so loved right now for some reason!””

9. Quality time.

“Every day at 5:30.

So I could pick up my kid at school without traffic and be able to spend more time with him.”

10. Use it however you want to.

“Does it have to be all at once? If I could split it up, I would walk around the city and apply karma to people.

Litter? I’ll freeze time and throw it back at you.

Refuse to wear a mask? I’ll freeze time and draw a mask on your face with a sharpie.

Being a jerk to the cashier? That $20 in your pocket will find it’s way into the tip jar.”

11. Let it out.

“Scream extremely loudly without worrying about alarming people.

Because the way this year has been…I need me a fat healthy scream to let it all out.”

12. Fix them teeth!

“Go into my dentist office and apply a huge credit to my account so I could finally go and get my teeth fixed!

I wouldn’t even need to do it everyday, just once so I could get them fixed, not have to hurt every time I eat, or worry about another piece of tooth just fracturing away and I could honestly live a happy life for the rest of my life!”

13. People are gonna lose it.

“I;d remove things from people’s hand and place it in their other hand.

I’d swap people’s drinks with ketchup.

I’d flip the tag of everyone’s shirt in the room out.

I’d place things into people’s pockets. Notes that say “meet me at the usual place” and stuff.”

14. The good and the bad.

“20 minutes would be an insane amount of time to do things.

Arrange to visit someone who needs to go away, pause, kidnap, escape, success!

Want a new car, find what you want at a dealer, pause, drive car away and hide it somewhere nearby, change number plates, done.

If you pre-plan 20 minutes is huge! You could over turn governments over a series of weeks, steal millions, own whatever you want, escape almost any situation where death wasn’t certain (e.g falling).

You could be a super hero or villain.”

15. What now?

“I’d pause time without planning ahead.

I’d probably end up spending the whole 20 minutes trying to figure out what to do.”

Okay, folks, now we’d like to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what YOU would do if you could stop time for 20 minutes every day.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

The post If You Were Able to Stop Time for 20 Minutes a Day, What Would You Do With That Time? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Tweets to Make Everything Better

I opened up Twitter for the express purpose of copying one (1) Tweet URL to place in this article, and I ended up spending no less than forty five minutes in an argument with a stranger about whether or not the week starts on Sunday or Monday.

Twitter is a darkly magical place like that, it’ll suck you in and rarely let you go. But there’s also plenty of funny to be found, and we love to see it. It’s what keeps us all coming back for more. Like these ten funny treats, for example.

10. Patience

This is all the financial planning I have in my life.

9. Water, water everywhere

My dehydrated body hates me so very much.

8. What’s in the box?

Yanno, the “special delivery” isn’t so special when it happens literally every day.

7. Corny thoughts

I for one could do without them for the rest of my life, thank you very much.

6. Snack attack

Please leave us be, we’re having a very intimate moment.

5. They’re listening

Turns out the tinfoil hat crowd were just head of their time.

4. It’s a gas

There’s simply no way he’ll be able to recover from this.

3. Cooking things up

I can’t make room for my milk jug and somehow I STILL can’t find anything to eat for lunch.

2. Extravagant lifestyles

You just gotta find your bliss where ya can, you know.

1. Whatever floats your boat

Just leave me here, I’m a rain person now.

Thanks for being you, Twitter. Don’t ever change.

Who are the funniest people to follow on the platform?

Give us your picks in the comments.

The post Funny Tweets to Make Everything Better appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes to Get You Hooked on the Good Stuff

Hey, kid. You like memes? You ever tried any? Here, I got some for ya.

First taste is free. And so are all subsequent tastes, because that’s how memes work.

12. Sacred things

I mustn’t lose any of these, my most prized possessions.

Via: Someecards

11. The great fall

Buddy if you could just give me a heads up instead of making me go through all this, it would be much appreciated.

Via: Someecards

10. Full gull

This bird has got what we call “beach cred.”

Via: Someecards

9. Nice post

This is either the beginning or the end of a very interesting story.

Via: Someecards

8. Cinematic realism

It’s a fun way to pass out so you don’t have to see the end.

Via: Someecards

7. Poopy puppy

Just wait ’till there’s a bathroom emergency and then we’ll see who’s laughing.

Via: Someecards

6. Totally exhausted

I don’t know who has ever been impressed by how loud someone’s vehicle is.

Via: Someecards

5. Groan adults

Please don’t make me do things, I didn’t sign up for that.

Via: Someecards

4. A long story

My story will go on and on…

Via: Someecards

3. Far too late

My head hits the pillow when the sun goes down, thank you very much.

Via: Someecards

2. Cowbird

The kind of breaking story that we can all get behind.

Via: Someecards

1. You got served

What kind of monster would use this and only this?

Via: Someecards

Now that you’re hooked on the good stuff, we’ll expect to see you back for more soon. Don’t worry, there’s plenty where that came from.

What are your favorite kinds of memes?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes to Get You Hooked on the Good Stuff appeared first on UberFacts.

What Myths Are Still Widely Circulated as Truth? Here’s What People Had to Say.

Have you ever tried to have a debate (or even a polite conversation) with someone who just can’t be talked to because they won’t listen to reason about a certain topic?

That can be frustrating. And it can be REALLY frustrating when that belief isn’t true and has been disproven over and over again.

But that’s the kind of world we live in because people are stubborn and they don’t like to accept new ideas…or facts.

Here are some myths that AskReddit users think are still widely circulated as truth. Let’s take a look.

1. Be careful out there.

“If an HIV positive person has s*x with another HIV positive person, they don’t have to worry about protection.

They do, because there are 140 different strains of the HIV/AIDS virus, and getting infected with another strain, especially a potentially-deadlier one, could be dangerous.

Also, pregnancy is still a very big risk for HIV positive women. If you are considering a s*xual relationship, get tested, and talk to your doctor about birth control.”

2. History lesson.

“That people in general though the world was flat until Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

No, the Ancient World figured that out a long time before.

People just thought that it wasn’t possible to sail across the ocean to Asia because sailors would run out of food by then, while Columbus thought that wasn’t case because he thought Asia was bigger than contemporary estimates.”

3. What does that logo mean?

“The white on blue roundel in the BMW logo represents the white blades of a propeller against the blue sky, alluding to BMW’s history as a manufacturer of aircraft engines.

This myth was popularized in BMW’s advertising for aircraft engines. (And perpetuated by the movie Finding Forrester.)

In truth, the blue and white come from the Bavarian flag, presented as a circular coat of arms in reverse order to avoid a trademark law prohibiting the use of symbols of state sovereignty in a commercial trademark.

It was only in later marketing for aircraft engines they overlaid the logo over spinning propellers, as coincidentally it could be taken to look like a propeller against the sky. They made all sorts of engines for land vehicles as well.”

4. Fact or fiction?

“That one I’ve heard repeatedly is “shaving makes your hair grow back thicker.”

I have had lengthy arguments with more than one person about this.”

5. Space race.

“That the US spent over a million dollars and two years to develop a pen that could work in space…whereas the Soviets decided to just use a pencil.

In the early days, both used pencils, but since pencils are made out of graphite, and graphite is conductive, snapped graphite particles are dangerous in a pressurized space capsule….to put it lightly.

Fisher, the owner of the pen company, spent his own money to develop a pressurized ball point pen. And cost only about $3.00 per pen.”

6. Snake stuff.

“The Myth: You can tell if a snake is venomous or not by the shape of its pupil (slit for venomous, round for nonvenomous).

The Truth: Pupil shape has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not a snake has venom, and, if you’re close enough to get a good look at a snake’s pupils, you’re probably close enough to get bit.

The Advice: If you cannot, from a safe distance, immediately identify a snake beyond a reasonable doubt, assume it’s dangerous and behave accordingly; keep your distance, stay out of its direct path, and keep your eyes on it until one or the other of you leaves the area.”

7. Hmmmm…

“That urine neutralizes jelly fish stings.

Use vinegar instead.

That stuff will actually save you, at least long enough for an ambulance to arrive.”

8. That old story…

“That Marylin Manson removed 2 of his ribs to blow himself.

I will never understand how this one traveled around the world before widespread use of the Internet for stuff like this. Some of the other ones, sure, they were stuff that sounded medical or scientific were circulated by papers or magazines.

But this one somehow circulated in places that may have never even known who Marilyn Manson was.”

9. Those poor fish.

“That goldfish have a 6 second memory.

I mean it’s still not great, I think like a couple months. But still….

Get your fish a bigger d*mn tank”

10. They don’t?

“Undercover police have to tell you they are policemen when you ask them.”

11. Not true.

“Catherine the Great died after attempting to have s*x with a horse.

This myth was started by the French.

And then they ask why everyone believes Napoleon was a tiny, tiny man.”

12. Brainpower.

“That we only use 10% of our brain.

I legit read something that said “Normal people use only 8% of their brains; Einstein was able to achieve what he did because he used 11%. Imagine if we unlocked all of our brain.”

It’s scary how misinformation can be so prevalent.”

13. I remember this one.

“Something about touching baby birds and their parents abandoning them due to the smell of human touch.”

14. I wish it was true.

“That Mr. Rogers was a sniper and/or had tattoos covering his arms.

Both untrue.

Fred Rogers lived a pretty mundane live and dedicated considerable time to creating television programming that didn’t rot kids brains.”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what myths you think people out there still think are true.

Please and thank you!

The post What Myths Are Still Widely Circulated as Truth? Here’s What People Had to Say. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Myths That a Lot of Folks Still Believe Are True

This is gonna be interesting!

The world is flat. Climate change is a hoax.

These are all examples of myths that are not true that people believed (and some still believe) for years and years.

We live in a superstitious world where people cling to their beliefs and ideas, no matter what kind of evidence is presented to them.

Let’s see what myths folks on AskReddit still think a lot of people out there believe are true.

1. Eat up!

“Carrots being good for your eyes.

It was a myth created in WWII by the Allies to explain how their pilots got so good at shooting down enemy planes all of a sudden.

The real reason was radar technology.”

2. False!

“That Lucky Strike is named such because it used to be that one cigarette in every 20 packs is a joint.

And if you found that joint, you were the lucky one.

In reality, the name comes from striking it lucky as a gold prospector. This joint claim has been disproved.”

3. That’s a tough one.

“The myth that if you work your *ss off during your college days, its gonna be smooth sailing in your adult years.


4. These people…

“That masks are ineffective.

Masks are incredibly effective, for both the wearer and those around them. Mask fibers are woven close enough to block the droplets that carry the coronavirus.

People say it’s like using a chain link fence to stop a fly, but it’s more like using a chain link fence to stop a fly that’s hitching a ride on a baseball. It reduces transmission drastically. It is proven science. I mean, for god’s sake, no one questions surgeons and nurses who wears them.

They do not block your breathing. And yes, they trap your coronavirus particles, but if they’re trapping your coronavirus particles then you already have coronavirus. It won’t make you more sick.

Masks are simple, easy. Put it over you face, and you’re doing your part to bring an end to this pandemic. All you people out there who are refusing for “my freedumbz” are making this thing last longer than it should and kill more people than it should.

You want things to go back to normal? You want the economy to come back? You want business to stop shutting down? You want children to actually go to school in person? THEN WEAR A MASK.”

5. Trippy!

“That LSD, Psilocybin and Cannabis are drugs that are highly addictive and have no medicinal value.

The literal reason for them being schedule 1 drugs and considered extremely criminal.

Its all bullsh*t and not true at all, Nixon made this up to harass and arrest his political opposition in the antiwar left and pro-rights blacks. They even admitted doing this and knowing well that the war on drugs would neither work nor had any sound reasoning behind it, yet 5 decades later we still kill thousands worldwide every year because of Nixon.

Most of the myths in reddit pages like this are silly or benign, while this myth is among the most deadly misconceptions that is only recently being very slowly reversed in younger generations.”

6. Oh, boy…

“The Earth is flat.

I went on a date with a guy that believed this. I laughed because I thought he was joking. He was not.

It was our only date.”

7. The old days.

“That cars were built better back in the day.

No, they weren’t.

Those old cars barely made it to 100k miles before sh*tting out.

Cars these days can go on for 500k+ miles if you do preventive maintenance on them throughout the years.”

8. Don’t wait!

“That you have to wait 24 hours before you can report a missing person.

If someone is missing, go get help!”

9. The numbers.

“10% of people are gay. This is taken from the Kinsey reports, and out of thousands of statistics, 10% appears only once.

It’s actually much more accurate to say (according to Kinsey) 4% are gay, 50% are straight, and 46-48% are somewhere on the bis*xual spectrum.”

10. Nope.

“That tax cuts for the rich result in job creation and a wealthier middle class.”

11. Old George.

“The myth that George Washington’s false teeth were made of wood should be put to rest.

The teeth in the contraption that he wore at times were teeth of different animals like elk, for one. The teeth were held in with wooden pegs.

Hence the myth.”

12. Gross.

“Margarine is healthier than butter.

It’s not, not even close it causes heart disease faster and your body doesn’t even recognize it as food.

Flies won’t even touch it.”

13. All kinds of stuff!

“Lightning round:

That Galileo was the first person to come up with a heliocentric model.

That Copernicus was the first person to come up with a heliocentric model.

That everyone believed the world was flat until Columbus.

That Columbus’ ships were named Niña, Pinta and Santa María.

That Columbus was the first European to discover America.

That tetanus is caused by rusty metal.

That Napoleon was comically short.

That the Great Wall of China is ‘the only manmade structure visible from space’.

That there is a rule in English that you aren’t supposed to boldly split infinitives.

That there is a rule in English that says ‘I before E except after C’.

That pot is a “gateway drug”.

That Einstein flunked math as a child.

That Mrs. O’Leary’s cow started the Great Chicago Fire.”

14. History lesson.

“The European “Dark Ages”

People seem to love the idea that, between the fall of Rome and, like, DaVinci or something, everyone in Europe was just blowing spit bubbles and looking at the funny pictures in the Bible.

Not only was there not a complete absence of classical learning in Europe during the dark ages, but throughout the dark ages and mediaeval period, there actually was a fair amount of progress in fields like architecture, engineering, metallurgy, philosophy, theology and yes, even science.

But then again, I suppose it all ties back to the notion that people in the past were somehow far stupider than we are.”

Now it’s your turn.

In the comments, share some more myths that are still widely believed to be true.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post People Share Myths That a Lot of Folks Still Believe Are True appeared first on UberFacts.

A Guy Wondered Why We Say Things Like “Last Night” But Not “Last Morning.”

No one would argue that English is a rough language to learn and to speak, and even those of us who grew up speaking it often have questions about why things are the way that they are.

For instance, why do we say “last night” but not “last morning?”

Why do we say “yesterday morning” but not “yesterday night?”

Why do we say "last night," but not "last morning," and "yesterday morning," but not "yesterday night?" from NoStupidQuestions

If you’re curious, well, read on – these 13 people have some thoughts.

13. Are you time traveling.

I absolutely say Yesternight.

12. That makes sense.

Night would be the last part of the day, so you could say it any time today and it would be correct in its meaning of yesterday night.

Last morning would only be able to be said in the morning, because if you said last morning in the evening, it’d be today’s morning.

11. We like it that way.

Collocations. Basically, those words are just usually grouped together that way and anything else sounds weird.

10. To get specific.

Yesterday is a specific day you’re referencing. Last is just referencing the most recently past, which could be today.

Also, I’ve said yesterday night before. It’s not that weird.

Thinking about it, I tend to use yesterday night when speaking about yesterday night while it is currently night, but if it’s morning or day time, I’ll say last night.

9. As long as you’re consistent.

I’ve met a few Indian folks who say: “yesterday morning”, “tomorrow morning”, and “today morning”, which just sounds weird, but is perfectly consistent.

8. Some people just love to complicate things.

To add to this… yesterday night just sounds awkward. If anything, it should be yesternight.

7. It won’t work every day.

Yester-day ie the day before, therefore last night makes sense.

6. Also a rough one.

How about “this weekend?” I always feel the need to specify past or coming.

5. There’s always gotta be one.

From now on, I’m adding the following words to my vocabulary: “yesternight,” “yestermorn,” “yesterforenoon,” “yesterafternoon,” and “yesterevening.”

4. Maybe we should say it?

Yesterday night doesn’t really sound that incorrect to me??

3. We’re lazy.

“Yesterday night” I suspect isn’t common because it’s a mouthful and has the words “day” and “night” together which is confusing as you have to work out for a moment if it’s day or night you’re talking about.

We tend to use “yesterday morning” because if it’s the afternoon then “last morning” could be confused with THAT morning (as it’s technically the last morning) rather than the morning before which was “yesterday” and therefore “yesterday morning”.

2. Strictly speaking.

It’s weird, some people think it’s normal English and wouldn’t notice if someone else used it, but to others, it sounds totally foreign.

Per Wiktionary:

Last night occurs about 1,000 times more often than yesterday night in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia, Last night occurs about 100 times more often than yesterday night in Singapore, India, and South Africa.
Strictly speaking, it is grammatically correct. And it is used throughout the English speaking world, just much less than “last night”. So technically, it is correct English.

Anecdotally, I think people who are either not native speakers of English, or are native speakers but grew up around people who did not speak English, are more likely to use “yesterday night”. I definitely hear white Americans use it sometimes, though.

1. It’s confusing.

When you use last morning does the last reference the morning of the same day or the morning of the last day?

Technically last should be in reference to only the morning part so as long as it is afternoon the last should 100% reference the same day. However a lot of times when talking about something that modifies days we let the time modify day as well. For instance I might say “this morning” even though it is 2 pm. I think we recognize the ambiguity naturally and instead use yesterday since that tells us what day we are talking about out right and we have this for today anyway.

Last night doesn’t have this problem however since the last night always crosses the day time frame.

I will add one other thing as an aside, yesterday will reference day + night if there isn’t a time frame but most people don’t generally picture night time as an option. Which is why I don’t think you hear yesterday night, though yesternight sounds fine but old timey.

I really loved delving into this one!

What are your thoughts? What are the language things that stump you?

Share in the comments!

The post A Guy Wondered Why We Say Things Like “Last Night” But Not “Last Morning.” appeared first on UberFacts.

Wholesome Tweets That We Think Are Gonna Make You Happy

It’s been a long day, a long week, and a verrrrrryyyyy long year.

And we think it’s important to bring you some wholesome content from time to time so we can all remember that human beings are usually pretty solid individuals that care about each other and try to make the world a better place.

So sit back, take a load off, forget about the pressing things you have to do today, and enjoy these wholesome tweets that we think will make you happy today.

1. These are all good things.

And I’m behind you, sir!

2. This is pretty wholesome.

Dogs will never turn their backs on you!

3. I think you’re hot.

True love is still alive!

4. I love this so much.

Look how proud he is.

5. It’s gonna be okay.

We really don’t deserve dogs, do we?

6. The type of inclusion we need.

Way to go, Ellie!

7. We all are! Don’t worry about it!

This kid speaks the truth.

8. This woman is a trailblazer.

And we salute her!

9. Moms are the best.

And this kid is one of the smart ones!

10. Nice work!

Well, isn’t that nice?

11. It’s a perfect fit.

And the pooch seems to like it.

12. Help out your neighbors.

And learn a lesson from this guy!

13. Words of wisdom.

All you need is pancakes.

Now we want you to help us keep smiling!

In the comments, share something you’ve seen on social media lately that really put you in a good mood.

Thanks in advance!

The post Wholesome Tweets That We Think Are Gonna Make You Happy appeared first on UberFacts.

You Don’t Have to Be Inked to Appreciate These Tattoo Memes

Tattoos are a fun outlet for self-expression.

Some people get tattoos to honor a loved one or a life-changing experience. Some people want to cover themselves in beautiful works of art that reflect their personality or values.

And some people just like putting cool and/or stupid sh^t on their bodies, cause they can. To each their own.

But wether you’re inked or not, everyone can appreciate these 14 tattoo memes.

1. Ok, so I get it

But we need some commas.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

2. Parting is such sweet sorrow

One day I’ll get a REAL Spiderman tattoo.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

3. Hmmm

That’s a choice.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

4. Oh hello there

What a pwetty wittle kitty.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

5. You gotta read between the lines

Sometimes the truth hurts.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

6. You can either deny who you truly are

Or embrace it, baby.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

7. Ok, I’m imagining

I’m ok with what I’m seeing.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

8. Ah, I see what you did there.

Do I still have to do dishes?

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

9. This is a dad joke if I ever saw one

Is the “ney” on the other knee???

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

10. This cannot be real

Even so…it’s making me hungry.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

11. My body is a temple, and a canvas

My body is whatever the hell I want it to be, bit*h.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

12. 5th time’s a charm…

Maybe this is a learning moment.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

13. Awwww:

So cute!

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

14. Baby Posh, and Scary Spice!

Oh wait, no. That’s not it.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

If these memes have inspired you to get a tattoo, just keep in mind, this will be a part of your body for the rest of your life.

So maybe skip the “Dis” knee. The cat looking through a champagne class is much classier.

Do you have a tattoo? Tell us about it in the comments!

The post You Don’t Have to Be Inked to Appreciate These Tattoo Memes appeared first on UberFacts.

Two-Sentence Horror Stories That Are Legit Scary

You don’t need many words to make a big impact on a story – you just need the right words. 500 pages or, in these 13 cases, just a few sentences, it doesn’t matter.

If you’ve got something scary, bring the goods and the goosebumps will find your readers.

13. I screamed a little.

It sat on my shelf, with thoughtless porcelain eyes and the prettiest pink doll dress I could find.

Why did she have to be born still?

12. Parents have nightmares, too.

I begin tucking him into bed and he tells me, “Daddy check for monsters under my bed.”

I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, “Daddy there’s somebody on my bed.”

11. It’s always a face.

The grinning face stared at me from the darkness beyond my bedroom window.

I live on the 14th floor.

10. There’s a whole story here.

The doctors told the amputee he might experience a phantom limb from time to time.

Nobody prepared him for the moments though, when he felt cold fingers brush across his phantom hand.

9. Definitely a ghost.

There was a picture in my phone of me sleeping.

I live alone.

8. Speaks to a primal fear.

I can’t move, breathe, speak or hear and it’s so dark all the time.

If I knew it would be this lonely, I would have been cremated instead.

7. Only one sentence. Boom.

I just saw my reflection blink.

6. Never look up.

Don’t be scared of the monsters, just look for them.

Look to your left, to your right, under your bed, behind your dresser, in your closet but never look up, she hates being seen.

5. Ghost stories, man.

Working the night shift alone tonight.

There is a face in the cellar staring at the security camera.

4. It’s the “again” that does it.

I woke up to hear knocking on glass.

At first, I though it was the window until I heard it come from the mirror again.

3. 80s kids everywhere know a party is about to start.

They delivered the mannequins in bubble wrap.

From the main room I begin to hear popping.

2. I don’t like that at all.

They celebrated the first successful cryogenic freezing.

He had no way of letting them know he was still conscious.

1. It wasn’t me.

She asked why I was breathing so heavily.

I wasn’t.

Some of these sent a shiver straight down my spine!

Which one got to you the most? Tell us in the comments.

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Two-Sentence Stories That Will Send Chills Down Your Spine

Some authors, such as Stephen King, use a whole lot of words to scare the pants off their readers.

To be fair, sometimes Stephen King writes short stories that are just as scary, but no matter how brief those tales turn out to be, they’re all shorter than two sentences.

Which is what makes these 11 spine-tingling stories all the more special, if you ask me – read through and see whether or not you agree!

11. I want to read more.

The funeral attendees never came out of the catacombs.

Something locked the crypt door from the inside.

10. Alone in the dark.

You get home, tired after a long day’s work and ready for a relaxing night alone.

You reach for the light switch, but another hand is already there.

9. It’s happening again…

My wife woke me up last night to tell me there was an intruder in our house.

She was murdered by an intruder 2 years ago.

8. That second sentence catches your breath.

My daughter won’t stop crying and screaming in the middle of the night.

I visit her grave and ask her to stop, but it doesn’t help.

7. Everyone’s scared of being buried alive.

I was having a pleasant dream when what sounded like hammering woke me.

After that, I could barely hear the muffled sound of dirt covering the coffin over my own screams.

6. Scary enough.

Day 312.

Internet still not working.

5. Run!

You hear your mom calling you into the kitchen.

As you are heading down the stairs you hear a whisper from the closet saying “Don’t go down there honey, I heard it too.”

4. Like…how far back?

I kiss my wife and daughter goodnight before I go to sleep.

When I wake up, I’m in a padded room and the nurses tell me it was just a dream.

3. Every parent’s nightmare. One of them, anyway.

She went upstairs to check on her sleeping toddler.

The window was open and the bed was empty.

2. Never dangle your feet off!

You’re laying in bed and with your feet dangling out of the covers.

You feel a hand grab your feet.

1. Very well done.

“I can’t sleep” she whispered, crawling into bed with me.

I woke up cold, clutching the dress she was buried in.

Eep! I shouldn’t have read through these in the dark.

Did any of these really make your stomach drop? Tell us which in the comments!

The post Two-Sentence Stories That Will Send Chills Down Your Spine appeared first on UberFacts.