Funny Memes You Can Look at for Free Right Now!

We have some good memes for you today!

Ordinarily, these memes would cost a pretty penny, but because we’re feeling generous, we’re going to pass them all along to you for absolutely free. Act now. This is a limited time offer. You can’t afford NOT to scroll, if you think about it.

Here are thirteen free and random memes that we’re sure you’ll agree are the deal of a lifetime.

13. Bear with me, now

Both of these absolutely rock.

Via: someecards

12. Brutal honesty

Sorry could you turn it down a bit? I’m trying to talk here.

Via: someecards

11. What it boils down to

Go ahead and feed what’s left to bills aaaaaand it’s gone.

Via: someecards

10. Wedded hiss

They look like some kind of cursed Victorian couple.

Via: someecards

9. Eat up

I’m not the boss of me.

Via: someecards

8. Decisions, decisions

It’s the perfect way to stave off execution indefinitely.

Via: someecards

7. Time to bite

When you’re getting ready for that succ.

Via: someecards

6. I swear it’s knot

Please stay back, my breath definitely bites.

Via: someecards

5. I suppose

Aaaaand we can no longer speak to each other.

Via: someecards

4. Coked up

You mean you don’t like our Caffeine Free Diet Vanilla Chocolate Cherry Pumpkin Gasoline Fusion Zero?

Via: someecards

3. Killer clowns

We all float down here…

Via: someecards

2. Get the message?

How can I be expected to work under…conditions.

Via: someecards

1. High hopes

There I go again, planting traps for myself.

Via: someecards

All that value at no cost. What can we say except you’re welcome. We’re true humanitarians.

What are your favorite kinds of memes?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Funny Memes You Can Look at for Free Right Now! appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes You Should Really Look at as Soon as Possible

Do you wanna see some memes? Well good news, we got some!

Of all the luck. Who would have thought that a meme-seeker like you and a meme-provider like me might meet up in such a serendipitous way?

Anyway, here they are!

14. Crushing it

I don’t even need to look at the menu, thanks.

13. Thor’s hammer

None of us are worthy.

12. Get gud

They don’t even understand the fine art of yo mama jokes.

11. Friends forever

Well, that went about as well as we could have expected.

10. Certainly uncertain

It’s a cliche at this point. Just swear about it like everybody else.

9. Welcome, friend

Don’t listen to his lies, this place is the worst.

8. Living on the edge

I don’t think even the programmers have ever voluntarily opened this browser.

7. Imposter syndrome

I swear, I’m better at thinking than I am at talking.

6. Heavy anticipation

It’s bad news but it’s so, so worth it.

5. The doom diagram

I know this isn’t gonna go well, but I gotta be me.

4. The third wheel

Why you gotta do Tigger dirty like that?

3. Get in the game

Even the Devil has had enough of this.

2. Nice


1. The chase is over

After decades of work and mockery, he gets his prize.

Thanks for joining us for this meme party! We hope to see you back again real soon!

What’s your favorite spot to find new memes?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes You Should Really Look at as Soon as Possible appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny, Special Memes Just for You

There are so many memes in this world. I’d go so far as to say there are at least like, 28 of them. But each meme is special to someone, and therefore special on its own.

Take this humble collection, for example. Just ten random memes, and yet, taken together, they form something truly meaningful. To you, to me, to all of us.

Let’s appreciate these ten memes together.

10. On a roll

This is cruel, but unfortunately not unusual.

9. Absolutely barbaric

Now that’s what I call teamwork.

8. Dust in the wind

Ladies love a man who’s clean.

7. Plan on it

Hey, at least I’m following through on my goals.

6. So dumb

I’m disappointed in you Spongebob. This clearly should have gone in the group chat.

5. Timing is everything

The pain of watching it float away, never to be relevant again. Much like you.

4. Living large

It’s called class, look it up sometime.

3. Tomato, tomato

I knew that these things were trying to kill me.

2. Not my type

Thomas had seen everything now, it was time for him to go.

1. Round and round we go

I feel seen, but in a way that I don’t like.

What a special experience we’ve just shared. Thank you for coming with us on this journey.

What are your favorite kinds of memes?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Funny, Special Memes Just for You appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes For You Because It’s Meme Time

Would you look at the clock? It’s time for memes!

I know that because it’s ALWAYS time for memes. So no matter at what point you’re looking at this, I’m correct.

It’s like a really lame magic trick. But enough about that. ON WITH THE MEMES!

12. Time to pounce

It’s his favorite sport but I’m not a big fan.

11. The song of my people

You’d better change your tune, mister.

10. Talk about endless

Let’s go out there and really get this bread.

9. Horsin’ around

Where do you get off, being?

8. The war zone

How any of us have survived those things is beyond me.

7. The paradox

Yup that’s it that’s the book.

6. Mind your P’s and Q’s

English is the most ridiculous language on Earth and it should be retired.

5. Remain calm

There’s always that one kid who won’t just get in line, screwing it up for the rest of us.

4. Going down easy

Maybe this time it will be different…

3. Tell me more!

I don’t like it. I LOVE it.

2. Sparks fly

Because that’s what heroes do.

1. Take a tip from me

Back in my day, a dime only cost a nickel!

Sadly, meme time has now ended. SO THAT A NEW MEME TIME CAN BEGIN!

What’s your favorite time to look at memes?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes For You Because It’s Meme Time appeared first on UberFacts.

13 Memes for You to Laugh At

Do you have some time to talk about our Lord and Savior Memes?

I promise it won’t take long. We just want to share the good news with you. And the good news is that we’ve got a bunch of memes.

We’ll just leave some of this literature with you to look over.

13. To the wind

If you’ve gotta compare yourself to somebody, maybe start here.

12. The orange glow

Aaaand now I have to buy new ones again.

11. Bad news

So I guess the security cameras WERE working.

10. Pressing issues

Without it, how can I confirm that I was actually born?

9. Cut me to the quick

You were supposed to protect me, not attack.

8. Clownin’ around

You know dang well there’s no excuse you can offer, might as well own it.

7. In the bag

This is the origin story we all need.

6. Classical burns

The music industry is cut throat, I know because I watched Whiplash.

5. Ghosts of hydration past

What’s even scarier is how long it’s actually been since I had any water.

4. I win

This game tears families apart and doesn’t even apologize.

3. Top surveillance

But my ‘grams are so cute now!

2. Taking a stand

Welp, guess I’m never gonna try that again.

1. Speed racer

He’s a demon on wheels!

Have we converted you to our meme religion yet?

If so, what should we call it?

Tell us in the comments.

The post 13 Memes for You to Laugh At appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes for the Game-Obsessed Folks Out There

There are a lot of great mental benefits to playing games. They increase your reflexes, enhance your strategic thinking, engage your memory, encourage cooperation, etc. At least that’s what I kept telling my mom when she would come into my room all “concerned” that I “hadn’t left it” in “several weeks.”

Playing games is a big part of our lives. And unsurprisingly, it’s also a big part of meme culture.

Let’s check out ten memes for the game addicted right now.

10. MY craft?

But I was so young and foolish back then, you can’t hold that against me.

9. Plot twists

Aw come on man, that was half the reason I was even playing this thing.

8. Running on steam

Sleep is for the weak, I answer to a higher calling.

7. Pause for reflection

This is gonna be bricked pretty soon.

6. Game on

When you gotta gamify everything, including your snacks.

5. Everything in balance

Some god you turned out to be.

4. Later, gator

Well, you’ve got a vivid imagination, I’ll give you that.

3. Pass/fail

I don’t like this test.

2. You wood

Oh the sheer indignity of it all.

1. Flatline

But how am I to check in on my various leagues?

And now that that’s done, I gotta get back to Hyrule. This Kingdom ain’t gonna save itself.

What’s your favorite game pastime?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes for the Game-Obsessed Folks Out There appeared first on UberFacts.

Totally Random Treasures From the Big Ol’ Internet

The Internet is truly filled with all kinds of wonders. As far as the eye can see, there are posts of all sorts, waiting to delight us, like small treasures found along a path we didn’t even know we’d be traveling today. Plus, unlike most paths traveled, I don’t even have to actually stand up, so that’s a bonus.

In that spirit, won’t you journey with me now through the fields of funny posts? That we may revel in them together? Amen?

Here are ten great funny things you didn’t know you’d be seeing today.

10. Drop it like it’s hot

These Tony Hawk Pro Skater mods are getting out of control.

9. Pour it over

“Need to” and “going to” are two very different things.

8. The horror

And they don’t wanna be there any more than you do.

7. Dark times

That’s what you get for being lame.

6. Ultimate power

You know he’s got this tech in his garage already.

5. Romaine calm

It knows when to strike and when to hold back.

4. Goblin’ it up

Hey, we all gotta play the hand we’re dealt.

3. Get off my lawn

Turn it down!

2. You know too much

Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink.

1. A balanced diet

I see nothing wrong here.

What a wonderful little journey through the internet. Join me on the next one, how about? We’ll stroll again together and discover more treasures then.

What’s your favorite place to find the internet’s gems?

Tell us all about it in the comments, won’t you?

The post Totally Random Treasures From the Big Ol’ Internet appeared first on UberFacts.

What Scares You as an Adult That Didn’t Bother You as a Youngster? Here’s What People Said.

It’s pretty interesting how our fears and worries change as we get older.

When you’re young and you think you’re invincible, all the scary stuff out there just seems to roll off your back. And then you get a little bit older and you get a little more worried about, well…everything.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Folks on AskReddit talked about the things that scare them as adults that didn’t bother them much when they were young. Let’s take a look.

1. Not as much fun anymore.

“Signs of aging.

When you’re a kid, getting older means new and exciting changes.

When you’re in your 30s and older, it means far less fun things.”

2. Life is hard.

“Needing help or advice. I’m a grown adult now, 34, and my mom and dad have since passed on.

When I run into a problem with an appliance or a home repair or need help with a recipe, it always takes me a minute to remember they aren’t here anymore.

Really sucks having no one to lean on when things get hard. My mom used to just give me $100 without question when I’d be hard up for money. No more bank-of-mom. if I run out of money now I’m just f*cked until payday.”

3. Slow down!

“Traveling in a car, especially if I’m not the one driving.

7 year old me: Man it’s amazing how many adults are smart enough to run hundreds of cars around the city going super fast and not hit each other!

Adult me: uhhhhhhh….”

4. Be careful.

“Jumping down from a height greater than a few feet.

As a kid I could jump off a roof and roll with it, nowadays if I land funny I fear I’ll be paralyzed for life.”

5. Oh God, no!

“A tooth falling out. As a kid it was gross, funny and painful all at once. As an adult, horrifying.

My dentist said that a couple of my teeth are “a little mobile.” Then he said it’s nothing to really worry about, as if hearing “teeth” and “mobile” in the same sentence is ever good.”

6. A fact of life.

“When you are a child, you see for parents mortality as something so far away and that eventually you will be prepared

But it’s never the case, recently my grandmother died after a long disease and what it strike me the most was the reaction from my mom, she said “no somos nada”, “we are nothing”, she was devastated and then it comes to my mind, one day I would be the one on her shoes and she will be on the coffin.

The hard part is that, that is the best result, that you bury your parents not the other way around.”

7. Protect your noggin.

“Head injuries.

As a kid, I thought broken bones were the big thing to worry about, because I could visualize what that was; I had no sense for the severity of brain injuries.

As an adult, protecting my noggin is my number one injury concern, because the human machine don’t work with a damaged processor.”

8. Time is precious.

“Lack of time.

As a kid, felt like I had all the time in the world.

As an adult, I feel like I have no time to do anything other than work.”


“I bought a house a couple years ago. Literally everything scares me now.

It’s raining? Probably gonna flood the basement.

Windy? Tree’s gonna fall on the house.

Weird smell? Probably an electrical fire.

Leave the house for literally 5 minutes? Obviously going to explode due to a gas leak.”

10. Not a thrillseeker anymore.

“Roller coasters.

I used to ride them all summer long because I had a six flags summer pass. I went a few years ago with my younger sister. It wasn’t fun anymore. I just kept feeling like I was going to die.

I ended up holding purses, and keeping my feet on the ground. I never understood why my mom would just wait for me, but I get it now.”

11. Yeah, pretty scary.

“I had no fear of U-Hauls until I rented a U-Haul.

I filled out all of my information online and they gave me the keys to a 27 foot box truck. No training. No anything. They’ll just let anyone take these massive vehicles and drive them off the lot.

Give them a wide berth.”

12. Aging.

“Honestly, just getting older. I’m only 36 but I just don’t want to be an “old person.” I fear my daughter is already starting to see me that way, but I do everything I can to fight it.

One disc in my back is permanently injured from a car wreck 12 years ago, one knee is bad from playing with a nephew 14 years ago.

I want to be the strong hero my daughter needs as she grows up but I fear these will really catch up to me in the coming years.”

13. Under the knife.


As a kid, I was led to believe that it was something magical that happened to you when you got your tonsils out, and then afterwards, you could eat all the ice cream you wanted!

Now that I’ve had it as an adult and know that there’s always a possibility it could go horribly wrong, I get really antsy and scared just thinking about it.”

14. Avoid it if possible.

“Anything related to going to the hospital.

When I was a kid, I was always in the emergency room with a deep cut or broken bone. Now that I realize it isn’t as “free” as I thought it was when I was a kid, I’ll make any excuse to not go to the hospital.

Case in point, my wife (before we were married) went to the ER with severe abdominal pains and found out she had an infection in her gallbladder. So they removed it.

Her hospital bill, because she went “out of network” and had an ER visit, was over $80,000. Meanwhile, I probably would have just died because I would have crunched down a hundred Immodium before visiting the hospital.”

Now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us what scares you as an adult that didn’t scare you as a youngster.

We can’t wait to hear your stories. Thanks!

The post What Scares You as an Adult That Didn’t Bother You as a Youngster? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Admit What Didn’t Bother Them as Kids but Scares Them as Adults

When you’re young, you really don’t think a whole lot about your safety and things that might potentially harm you.

And I have a pretty embarrassing example of something that I’m super cautious about now that I wouldn’t have given a second thought to when I was younger: driving at night.

I used to not even consider what could be around the next bend in the road when I was 18 or so, but now that I’m older, I find myself driving like a 90-year-old when I have to venture out after dusk. What happened to me?!?!

AskReddit users admitted what scares them as adults that didn’t bother them when they were young.

1. Old bones.

“I miss feeling like a human rubber band when I do active things.

I’m still pretty athletic and I stay in good shape, but after one or two sports knee injuries in high school I could no longer fall on my body any way I wanted.”

2. What’s gonna go wrong today?

“Owning a home.

I am only slightly exaggerating when I say that I wake up every day fully expecting some new and expensive catastrophe to unfold.”

3. The deep.

“Deep water.

I learnt to swim in it by essentially jumping into a pool on holiday as all the other kids were in the pool and didn’t want to be left out.

Now for some reason, if I’m in water and it reaches my chest I’m struck by an absolute rising sense of dread, my breathing gets shallow and I feel so uneasy and upset I have to get into shallower water to be calm again.”

4. Time flies by.

“The reality of how fleeting life is.

And I don’t mean in the cliché “live life to the fullest!”

I mean in the way that life really does pass quickly. I’m 3 years into college and I still feel like I graduated high school last year. Every now and then someone will mention the new class graduating and I have no idea who they are. Or when people I graduated with come into my work and it hits me: I haven’t seen them in three years.

When I was younger, I couldn’t wait to grow up, to live on my own, travel, see the world, have a bunch of friends, have a real job.

Now life is real. And it’s passing quick. And realities are starting to set in that in order to do all the things I want to do while I’m young, I better have an excellent paying job. Because time is passing and it isn’t waiting for me.”

5. Very true.

“The older I get the more I realize that very few people have a clue of how to actually do their job, raise a family, or simply being a good member of society.

I’m in my mid twenties, almost done with medical school, and I don’t think I will be mentally or finanically ready to raise kids until I’m in my thirties. My parents had us when they just turned 20. Like wtf, they had no idea how to raise kids, they probably just winged that sh*t and I’m just thankful they didn’t irreversibly f*ck me up.

Or the George Carlin quote about thinking how stupid the average person is. And then realizing that half of the population is even dumber than that. How it’s baffling that our unemployment rate is <5% and that somehow almost all of those people have jobs and that someone somewhere thought “yeah, I’ll hire this person, they seem like they’re more qualified than everyone else.”

The implication being that more than half of the workforce isn’t as good at their job as they could be, and that a huge portion of the world is ran by complete idiots.

Not to mention how uneducated the average person is when it comes to civic duties like voting. Compared to the average joe, I think I probably read way more news articles, history books, and discuss things with my best friend who is a US politics professor; and I still feel like I’m uneducated when it comes to voting for the right candidate.”

6. Frayed nerves.

“Performance anxiety!

I was in theatre as a kid/teen, was in sports tournaments, enjoyed class presentations, and even did some public speaking, and never had any issue getting up in front of people. Even when I would mess up occasionally in front of an audience it didn’t bother me.

Then in college a switch flipped. I did a handful of variety shows in college, and used to perform the national anthem in college at our university sports games. I still remember the first time I ever experienced performance anxiety–I was about 21, and going to perform the national anthem at a volleyball game and I felt it, but it didn’t impact my performance.

Later that year, I was singing a solo tune in a variety show and my music cut out and it flipped me out so bad that I had to stop the performance, which was a gamechanger–I’d never had an issue adhering to “the show must go on” even when things go wrong.

And for the first time in my life, my final presentation of university racked my nerves so bad that it impacted my ability to speak and concentrate so bad that I thought I’d fail the presentation, especially because that professor had seen successful presentations from me before.

Nowadays I get flipped out even giving casual presentations in front of my (small) company. I’d do variety show performance again though!”

7. Bad drivers everywhere.


Each time I go out onto the road I get more and more scared to go back. I’m only 19. How is 90% of this species so reckless that they can manage to scare a 19 year old off the road?

The reason I pay so much extra for insurance is because I’m supposed to be the one doing that, but all middle aged-senior citizens that think they own every inch of the road are beating me to it.”

8. Losing it.

“Losing my mind.

My grandfather had dementia and my grandmother had Alzheimers, they both went through their respective illnesses at the exact same time and to watch them slowly lose themselves was so depressing.

I’m not too worried about what happens to my body, I just dont want to lose my mind, I dont want to forget.”

9. Way up high.


When I was a kid I could run along the edges of tall wharfs and the sides of cliffs without a second thought. Even when I was in my early twenties my friends and I used to hang out on the roof of a 30 story building and pretend push each other off for laughs.

Now even thinking about it gives me anxiety. Even worse thinking that my kid might do the same.”

10. Twisters.


I got stuck driving in a tornadic storm in 1996 (I think it was later determined to be a… down draft maybe it’s called?) in New Hampshire of all places.

Started a thunderstorm phobia that was getting better until I was 22 and ran into (in a car again) what was called the Worst Thunderstorm in New Brunswick History. 2 am outside a closed gas station on an open highway, in a small ford escort which rumbled and shook as lightning was striking right beside us.”

11. A scary thought.

“Home invasions.

It’s my worst nightmare… as a Brit I respect all you Americans who don’t f*ck about when it comes to protecting your families if anyone dares step foot in your house.”

12. No more bills!


As a kid it was always pleasant, a comic, a letter from grandma, you get the idea.

Now everything in the mail is either a bill or taxes.”

13. You’re not alone on that one.


They’re my absolute worst fear and I didn’t used to be scared of them, but when I got to be a teenager suddenly I was TERRIFIED of them.

It’s so bad sometimes that I physically cannot go places if I know a clown will be there.”

14. Beware of the deep.

“The ocean!

I LOVED swimming in the beach, jumping off big boats into the unknown and just water overall but now that I know what could be lurking in the water I’m terrified!”

How about you?

What are you scared of now that didn’t bother you when you were a kid?

Talk to us in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Admit What Didn’t Bother Them as Kids but Scares Them as Adults appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s Your Favorite Paradox? Here’s What People Said.

It’s a funny thing how often paradoxes seem to pop up in our lives, don’t you think?

The universe works in very mysterious ways, my friends…and we’re about to see a bunch of examples of exactly what I’m talking about.

AskReddit users talked about their favorite paradoxes.

Let’s dig into their responses!

1. A good one.

“Actually, there are two kinds of people in this world: those who believe there are two kinds of people in this world and those who are smart enough to know better.”

Tom Robbins”

2. Caught by surprise.

“The surprise hanging – a prisoner was sentenced to death by hanging, but as an additional punishment he was told he’d be hung sometime in the next week, but he’d not be told until the morning of.

He reasons that it can’t be friday, because that’s the last possible day, and so it wouldn’t be a surprise, which means it also can’t be thursday, because it can’t be friday and so if he’s alive by thursday then he needs to hang that day, apply same reasoning to the other days of the week…

He died wednesday, caught by surprise.”

3. Open your mind.

“The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know.

Every time you gain a greater understanding about something, it creates even more questions than it answers.”

4. Fun with numbers.

“Statistical paradoxes are cool. For example, Simpson’s Paradox where a statistical trend is reversed when the population is partitioned into groups:

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by 61% of Democrats and 80% of Republicans. However, both Southern and Northern Democrats were more likely to support the Act than their Republican colleagues.

White murderers in Florida are more likely to receive the death penalty than African-Americans. However, African-Americans whose victims were white are more likely to be executed than whites, as are African-Americans whose victims were black.

Median wages in the US rose by 1% between 2000 and 2013, yet wages of every educational subgroup (school dropouts, school graduates, college graduates and higher degrees) fell during the same period.

The overall survival rates for third class passengers on the Titanic were higher than those for the crew, yet those for both men and women were lower.

The batting averages of baseball player David Justice were higher than those of Derek Jeter in both 1995 and 1996, but not in the two years combined.”

5. I’m still holding out hope.

“If time travel was invented in the future, we would have it now.”

6. Ponder this.

“Pilots can get out of combat duty if they are psychologically unfit, but anyone who tries to get out of combat duty proves he is sane.”

7. So true.

“The paradox of being a parent: the days & nights are long & hard, yet the years fly by.”

8. You’ve heard this before.

“I don’t like that place.

No one goes there anymore because it’s always too crowded.”

9. Sad, but true.

“You need job experience to get a job, but to have the experience you must get a job.”

10. Motion.

“Zeno’s paradox of motion.

If you shoot an arrow at a target, at some point it’s halfway there, then halfway of the remaining half, etc.

Since no remaining distance cut in half can ever equal zero, the arrow never reaches the target.”

11. The wormhole.

“Polchinski’s Paradox.

Polchinski raised a potentially paradoxical situation involving a billiard ball sent through a wormhole which sends it back in time.

In this scenario, the ball is fired into a wormhole at an angle such that, if it continues along that path, it will exit the wormhole in the past at just the right angle to collide with its earlier self, thereby knocking it off course and preventing it from entering the wormhole in the first place.”

12. We’re living in one.

“The one we are currently living in; where the ‘Information Age’ has somehow ushered in the ‘Age of Morons’

If you would have told me 25 years ago that giving people near limitless access to almost any data from almost anywhere on the planet in the palm of their hands would make people dumber than they already were I would have called bullsh*t till I was blue in the face.”

13. The poison well.

“The poison well paradox

A town is worried that their well is poisoned by chemical X, so they hire three scientists to test it. They ask each scientist two questions “is chemical X above level Y in our water?” and “if chemical X is above level Y, should we stop using our water supply”, the answers were as follows:

Scientist 1 answered yes to both questions.

Scientist 2 answered yes to the first and no to the second

Scientist 3 answered no to the first and yes to the second

The paradox: If you take each scientist’s final conclusion, you’ll have a majority of scientists saying that you don’t need to close the well; but if you combine all the scientists responses to individual questions, you’ll have a majority of responses telling you to close the well.”

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us about YOUR favorite paradox.

Please and thank you!

The post What’s Your Favorite Paradox? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.