Delicious New Tweets For You to Enjoy

Do you sou smell that?

We’ve got some fresh out of the oven tweets for you here today. Home made and hot on the plate, just like Grandma used to make.

Savor each bite and enjoy these 14 new(ish) tweetly treats.

14. Let’s get physical

I looked at it for a solid 8 seconds before it clicked and now I feel stupid.

13. Attitude

A picture is worth at least a thousand words.

12. City slickers

Cool, so you know your way back out then?

11. At least you tried

Here, have some gym shorts for your face.

10. Growing older

Where’s all the wisdom that was supposed to come with this age?

9. Bottomless regret

That face when it’s noon and you’re already spent for the day.

8. Milky white

What we will and won’t put in our bodies is basically a crapshoot.

7. False dichotomy

Negative, I am a meat popsicle.

6. Quit your sass

Squidward is bitter because he knows in his heart he should have a better life.

5. Shut it down

Um, you sure? Cause I don’t think most states actually got the memo.

4. No peeping

If I need to write, delete, and repeat nine times before sending that’s my business.

3. Cat’s out of the bag

If you’re not about those felines how are you even living?

2. Let me get this straight

Is it weird that this is making me hungry?

1. Poor coverage

Well, I’m definitely getting mixed signals.

Absolutely deliciously delicious! Finally some good freakin’ internet food.

What do you go to Twitter for?

Tell us in the comments.

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Glorious Memes That Are Just for You!

Glorious memes! We’re eager to try them!

Step right up and try some yourselves!

Here are fifteen wonderful memes for you! For me! For ALL!

15. By the book

When you can’t quite make it to the litter box in time.

14. Stalling for time

And this, folks, is why I cannot for the life of me get into role playing games.

13. Super powers

That cat is over 9000!

12. Mr. Snowflake

He’s going to kill you and everything that you love.

11. The final countdown

Hey dude, say it, don’t spray it.

10. That special crunch

You may call it “carbonation,” but I call you “a liar.”

9. Choking hazard

How do any of us survive past infancy, honestly?

8. Weeeeeet

This is the kind of weird that I’m in the market for.

7. Super duper!

Now this is a twist ending I could get behind.

6. Stealth mode activated

I had no idea these things had a name and now I’d like to unknow it.

5. Bend it

Have the animators ever actually been outside?

4. That bites

Maaaaan, maaaaan
Does whatever a maaan can
Goes to work, wears his ties
Jumps off things, then he dies
Oh no!
You are not Spider Man

3. Run

Like I said, it’s almost as though they’re determined not to make it.

2. Cross the streams

I feel so funky.

1. Word play

I see what you did there and I hate it.

Thanks for stopping by to celebrate these memes with us!

Be sure to stop back in soon for more!

What’s your favorite kind of meme?

Tell us in the comments.

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Weird Memes for Totally Weird People

We’ve got some weird memes in store for you, friends! The kind that will stick with you, like a good breakfast.

…if you ate memes for breakfast, I guess. Which, maybe you do. I don’t know your life.

Anyway, enjoy this strangeness.

15. Meet me in the middle

It looks like it was lit and I’d like to check it out.

14. Look at it!

Every time I do it makes me laugh.

13. The real thing

Would you like to set Introspect Exploder as your default browser?

12. Nice and long

When he failed to delete his browser history before passing.

11. Poetry in motion

Do I need to spell it all out for you?

10. All dogs go to Heaven

Ok, we’re stopping the game here, it can’t get any better than this.

9. You heard the man

How can he stay mad at that face?

8. Bird is the word

And the word is a lie.

7. Honk honk, buddy

You came to the wrong neighborhood if you’re not gonna make with the bread.

6. Squawk box 360

They crave. They scream. They on your team.

5. Make a move

I’ll catch you sooner or later.

4. Eat ’em up

Yup, that’s an anteater. No snout about it.

3. Lyin’ Lucas

Why? What did he tell you? Is he startin’ up drama again?

2. Hot tips

And just like that, I lost my appetite forever.

1. Parting words

Thanks for scrolling!

Have a good day, ya weirdo!

What’s your favorite flavor of meme?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes for People Who Enjoy Getting Lost in Their Feels

Are you feeling a little bit frustrated? Maybe a little down on yourself? Like you’re struggling, or not stacking up?

That’s ok. Really, it is. It’s normal. And it’s nice to recognize those feelings, name them, maybe meme them, have a laugh, and move on.

In the spirit of accomplishing that, here are some memes.

10. Feel it deep

Ok nevermind this isn’t super great anymore.

9. You’re a mean one

But whatever the reason, his heart or his shoes, he sat in his apartment, drinking the booze.

8. All day every day

Are you ready for the first day of the rest of your life?

7. Social cues

I’m not super sure I’m compatible with you. Or anyone.

6. No offense

Not to hurt my feelings but why I am such a waste of everything?

5. Best laid plans

That’s the stark reality of things for ya.

4. Nothin’ but a number

In my mind I’m still like three feet tall.

3. Pain and gain

Leave Grandpa alone, he’s trying to watch his stories.

2. The philosopher

You wanna get in on this? It’s a wild time.

1. Glow up

What was I thinking? This is all kid me’s fault.

There, feel better now? Remember, you’re not alone in any of this. We’re all here together. And we all brought memes.

What flavor of meme is your favorite when you’re feelin’ down?

Tell us in the comments.

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Darkish Memes for the Folks Out There

Don’t keep scrolling if you’re easily offended.

The memes we’ve got today definitely aren’t the worst out there, but like, you probably don’t wanna show ’em to grandma.

Still game? Cool. Here are ten darkish memes for your enjoyment.

1. Fierce!


2. Pug toofs

She’s beautiful no matter what.

3. Price check


4. The ultimate sticker

“This will be funny” I think again, ready to be let down.

5. All aboard!

Hey man, we’ve got places to be, hold onto stuff. What is this, your first day?

6. Micro machines!

If I’m as rich as Tony Stark, does it matter?

7. Morning glory

Welp, at least I’ll get to look at some memes today.

8. The awakening

Come forth, wretched creature, and pour thyself another bowl of flakes most frosted, returning once more to your pitch dark chamber.

9. Yeet!

I shouldn’t be laughing but I’m laughing so much.

10. Mary me

“You think you can just call me up three times and I’m yours?”

11. Test screening

It’s the only way I can afford to take it out of the store.

12. The dank dark

You don’t even know how to party until you’ve looked your own meaningless mortality in the eye.

13. The ultimate defense

Don’t mess with me, man! I’ve got the power of memes AND anime!

Alright now get outta here, ya meme creep.

What’s your favorite flavor of meme?

Tell us in the comments.

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Weird Memes to Make Your Day Even Weirder

I want my memes a little weird, personally. The kind that if you show them to someone, they’re either gonna laugh really hard or just kinda furrow their brow. Nothing in between.

No polite chuckle memes over here. Just the kind of stuff that either makes you angry or puts you in hysterics.

Join me on this tour and celebration of weird memes, won’t you?

10. Spoiler alert

It’s all about the context; context is key.

9. Music is my language

You gotta listen to the notes he’s NOT playing.

8. Put it bluntly

Why don’t we just call them what they are: squiggle wiggle danger shockies.

7. Linked up

God bless video game glitches and all that they do for us.

6. Dabbing through the ages

He tried to go back in time to prevent WWII and ended up making memes instead.

5. On the net

Aye, three thousand holes and none of them worth watchin’.

4. Origin stories

If they made Mike Myers’ Cat in the Hat a Marvel villain it would probably be the best one yet.

3. Fitting in

Try to look intimidated, I’m the hero of this story.

2. Bless you

Hail block, full of coins.

1. Cock of the block

“I guess I’ll have the chicken then.”

You’re either laughing or staring blankly now. Either way, I have won.

What are your favorite kinds of memes?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Weird Memes to Make Your Day Even Weirder appeared first on UberFacts.

The Best Part of Waking Up Is These Hilarious Tweets

Rise and shine! It’s time to get your dose of funny tweets! The best part of the morning!

Or maybe it’s afternoon or night where you are. In which case ignore that very first part. But don’t ignore these tweets, because you’ll regret it!

15. Et tu?

The revolution WILL be televised, apparently.

14. Spell it out

He learned to speak just for this moment.

13. Copy that

It’s like they prayed for a child and God was like “you suuuuure about that?”

12. That’s amore

This is the definition of non-hostile architecture.

11. Clear the fog

I had to explain how the defroster works to a friend of mine who’d been driving her entire adulthood.
She was 37.

10. Pick a lane

Don’t mind me, I’ve never been on the road before.

9. Hit it

“I see it’s still in a warehouse four states over. Good. Everything is going according to plan.”

8. Wriggle in

You’re not gonna worm your way out of this one.

7. The waiting game

It’s that special look that gets the whole thing going.

6. Personal attention

Just wait till you see my bedside manner.

5. You’re so vague…

…you probably think this song is about stuff.

4. Carry that load

I’ve never thought about this before and now it’s all I can picture.

3. Two wolves

Things are about to get ugly.

2. Trigger happy

“Any problem that can’t be solved with a gun is not worth solving.” – America, probably

1. Morning rush hour

Not sure what good that does me but thanks anyway.

Don’t you feel refreshed? I certainly do. As refreshed as my browser is as I check for new tweets on my feed every ten seconds.

Who are your top people to follow on Twitter?

Tell us in the comments.

The post The Best Part of Waking Up Is These Hilarious Tweets appeared first on UberFacts.

Amusing Memes That Will Make You Breathe Harder Through Your Nose

We use a lot of superlatives. But let’s be real, not everything can really be “the best” or “hilarious” or “giving me life right now.”

Most things are just, yanno, fine. And that’s a wonderful comfort. These memes, for instance. They won’t change your life. They won’t make you die laughing. They will cause you to forcibly exhale through your nose.

And that’s enough. Memes are enough.

14. Quiet riot

I gotta say, wearing a mask has done wonders for me in this department.

13. On my way

This is the most compelling short story I’ve read in years.

12. Language barriers

You know that place is delicious.

11. Cradle robbers

Ugh, so tired of getting hit on like this.

10. The nose knows

Up, up, and away.

9. Coming apart

I’m losing my shirt over this.

8. Oh, rapture!

See ya kid, you’re Jesus’ problem now.

7. My philosophy

The expression on his face is like he knew all along he’d be a meme.

6. So fancy

This is the height of sophistication.

5. The great trip

Stop number one is actually number two.

4. Twist endings

This is a religion I can get behind.

3. Water type

I’m killing the environment because thorsty.

2. Undercover

He’s making a list, he’s checking it twice.

1. Top that

You gotta be the silliest goose in the lake.

And with that, we all breathe easier. Having had our burdens lightened, by these perfectly adequate memes.

What’s your favorite place to find new memes?

Tell us in the comments.

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Funny Memes to Take a Break With and Relax for a Bit

It’s time for you to take a break from working so you can finally just focus on some memes.

That’s important. You gotta do it at least a few times a day.

Let’s get started, shall we?

15. Scale of the problem

Yeah, we’re definitely all going to Hell.

14. The dichotomy

How does this song even exist?

13. Party time

It’s a’me, disenfranchised voter!

12. On a roll

I sure hope you’re all happy with yourselves.

11. An arresting look

It’s no surprise to me I am my own worst enemy.

10. Do your job

But…but…it’s snack time.

9. The life aquatic

It’s the true heroes who always go unappreciated.

8. Under the sea

The dolphins were way ahead of us with this particular meme.

7. The dialectic

It might help if you don’t send it at 11:59PM the day before the test.

6. Hostile work environment

They don’t look comfortable but they do look awesome.

5. Morning glory

Today is going to be another awfully big adventure.

4. What a steal

Are you under the impression that they let you KEEP that money, bro?

3. Somebody once told me

Your love was gonna roll me.

2. Dino-sore

Is this that scene from the original Jurassic Park?

1. Clever girl

Joke’s on you, I’m into that.

What a refreshing break! Can’t wait ’till the next one!

What are your favorite kinds of memes?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Funny Memes to Take a Break With and Relax for a Bit appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes That Will Be Especially Funny if You’re a Woman

We’ve got some memes that will be funny to anybody but might be especially funny if you happen to be a lady.

Or a fire-type. Or a water-type.

Wait, I’m thinking of Pokémon again. Look, nevermind, let’s just get to the memes.

Here are ten bits of fun for girls who just wanna have it.

10. Heart shattering truths

Our actions are like a window into our souls.

Via: someecards

9. You say that now

Beauty is in the eyeliner of the beholder, I guess.

Via: someecards

8. Don’t sweat it

I’m comfortable as all get out and that’s really all that matters.

Via: someecards

7. Reunited and it feels so good

This is why you gotta keep ten or twenty spares on ya, just in case.

Via: someecards

6. Get mad, stay mad

It’s just the worst. Period.

Via: someecards

5. High and mighty

But if ya’ll could go ahead and never say anything bad about me that would be great, thanks.

Via: someecards

4. The breast of times

Just point the way.

Via: someecards

3. She bangs, she bangs

Is this what everybody in that movie was supposed to be screaming about?

Via: someecards

2. Crushing it

Surely the planets have something to say about this.

Via: someecards

1. Change the channel

Which one you find more relaxing says a lot about you and your relationship status.

Via: someecards

For a balanced media diet, I recommend reading up on lots and lots of memes and then flipping back and forth between Hallmark and Lifetime. Just keep everybody in your life on their toes. It’s an exciting way to live.

What are your favorite kind of memes?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes That Will Be Especially Funny if You’re a Woman appeared first on UberFacts.