Kids can crack these riddles faster than adults can, so if you’re fast on the draw, consider yourself young at heart!
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Riddles are so much fun. Did you know that our brains actually reward us for solving riddles? Your brain craves new exeriences and challenges (it’s what helped our ancestors get us to where we are). That’s why it’s so vital to stimulate your mind whenever possible. The 4 riddles below were designed for kids, but they’re actually tough enough to stump a lot of adults too. Think you’ve got the smarts to solve these?
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Looking for something to do with your kids? Well, what could be more fun and wholesome than putting your heads together and solving a few fun and simple riddles? It’s pretty much the best, and here are 6 good ones!
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We could all use a little push to get us thinking about things differently – and these 6 riddles will do exactly that if you let them! Remember, think about the question, but not too hard…otherwise, you may miss the answer that’s right in front of you!
Good luck!
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In this day and age, paying attention is harder than ever. A million things seem to be vying for our attention at any moment of any given day, so that makes these puzzles just perfect.
Close out the world for a bit and see if you can make your brain focus. Practice makes perfect!
Photo Credit: Brightside
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