15 People Reveal What They Believe Society Takes Way Too Seriously

It’s 2018 and I think it’s safe to say we could all take a deep breath, swallow a chill pill, and relax a little bit. That isn’t to say that there aren’t serious things happening in the world, but some people take things way too seriously that maybe aren’t that big of a deal.

AskReddit users went on the record and shared the things they think everyone takes WAY too seriously in life. Do you agree with them?

1. Sports!

“Youth sports. I went and saw a co-workers kid play hockey. He’s 9. Adults were screaming, a fight broke out between parents, swearing at the refs, the whole 9 yards. My co-worker didn’t participate, but wasn’t fazed. I asked him what the deal was and he just said “this is the norm”.

Sorry Susan, little Johnny isn’t going to be the next Patrick Kane. He very well could be eventually, but it’s not like the draft is next week.”

2. Brands

“Brands that they use. For example, some car guys are either all BMW or all Benz and act like their car brand is inherently superior to others. Same with snowmobiles, dirt bikes, trucks etc…

All the different varieties lead to innovation and have their own pluses and minuses.”

3. I can’t…

“Can’t speak for everyone, but I can tell you I took my fears way too seriously in high school. Can’t ask her out, she might say no. Can’t make that joke, they might think I’m awkward. Can’t go to that party, wear that shirt, can’t can’t can’t.

I was so afraid of failing I guaranteed that I would fail. I never risked anything, never reached for anything. And when I finally realized what I’d done, I just made the same painful, awkward mistakes I’d feared later in life, in college, in young adulthood.

Experience is a long string of failures. Hopefully, you reflect on them and learn from them. Avoiding experience does not avoid failure. It delays it.”

4. Ignore it

“The opinions and actions of very, very small groups of people. You always see it reported in the more sensationalist media outlets: ‘People outraged about…’, followed by whatever decision a company has made this week. If you read the article, it’s pretty much always a scant handful of people — two at most — who have managed to whip up a storm in a teacup, usually about nothing at all. The best advice I every heard when it comes to keeping things like this in perspective is to imagine that the plural noun in phrases like this — you know, ‘Scientists now think that…’ or ‘People are claiming that…’ or ‘Mothers all around the country are outraged by…’ — can be replaced by ‘Two dudes in Iowa’.

‘Two dudes in Iowa now think that global warming might be overblown’ is not a news story.” “

5. Lighten up

“As a former Special Educator: teachers, many teachers, take “disrespectful behavior” too seriously.

I dealt with quite a few authoritarian teachers myself when I was young.

I don’t think it’s OK for children to be rude or cruel to their teachers or elders. I put “disrespectful behavior” in scare quotes because I was referring to those situations when the child (keep in mind these are children) means no harm and/or is unaware of or can’t control his/her behavior.
I have immense respect for teachers and the profession of teaching. In my 6 years as a Special Education teacher working with students who have autism or emotional disabilities, I met dozens of teachers and almost all of them were wonderful people. Better than me, in fact, because I got emotionally and psychologically exhausted and couldn’t hack it anymore.
The person I described in subsequent posts is a cruel tyrant. She consistently uses fear to keep her students “in line (i.e. silent)”. All teachers lose their temper sometimes. That’s human.
I think an adult should not take the things a 5th grader says/does personally. Even if you do have to discipline them, keep some perspective. We all made our share of dumb decisions as kids. That’s what kids do.
Thank you to all the parents of children with disabilities who support the work of special educators and work with them. You are the real MVPs.”

6. Back off a little

“Honestly children’s safety. Helicopter parents who don’t let their kids go outside with friends or freak out at every scrape or bruise are not helping their kids. Now that doesn’t mean you should neglect children, just don’t suffocate them. I’ve seen small children with machetes and they were well behaved, probably because of trust and social expectations.”

7. Embrace your feminine side

“Knocks to their “masculinity”. I know far too many people that are missing out on great movies like Paddington 2 or Spirited Away because they’re not traditionally masculine movies. And that’s just a tiny little example, some folk get WAY overboard about stuff like that.”

8. Mind your own business


I was on travel for work last week and my hotel was across the street from a park with a Frisbee golf course (excuse me, a “disc golf course”). Since I had some free time one afternoon, I bought a six dollar Wham-O Frisbee and went over to enjoy a beautiful sunny day and play a few holes. Multiple, multiple people felt compelled to tell me that my discs were not regulation. Who the f-ck cares? I’m not competing for prize money. My cheap Frisbee wasn’t damaging the course. Go away and mind your own damn business!”

9. It’s a game

“First Person Shooters and Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas. I have a couple friends that are great to hang out with in person but they are so toxic the minute anything goes wrong in a game. Yelling, blaming, rage quitting, bossing others around, etc. Its just a game guys, winning is fun but id rather lose with fun people than win with certain people at this point.”

10. You’re wrong!

“On reddit? Everything.

Reddit has an obsession with snarky responses and a “Actually…” mentality.

Hell, even if your comment supports their opinion, they’ll dig and search for grammar mistakes just for the sake of proving you wrong about something.”

11. Not your problem(s)…

“Celebrities and their problems.”

12. Preach!

“The opinions of other people on the internet.”

13. Good point

“Attaching themselves weird but popular sources for their outward identity. Liking The Office is not a personality type.”

14. Sounds a little extreme

“I’ve seen kids try and murder each other over Pokemon…”

15. Amen!

“Nobody actually gives a f*ck about Starbucks holiday cups. Nobody.

Maybe four people on Twitter, but that’s effectively nobody.

Edit: replace “Starbucks cups” with literally anything else the news tells us people are OUTRAGED about. Nobody cares about any of this sh*t.”

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Woman on Twitter Points Out the Difference Between Abusive Relationships and Healthy Ones

Love is one of the greatest human experiences, but sometimes it can be pretty confusing. A natural part of any relationship is feeling a tinge of jealousy and protectiveness towards your significant other. And while a little bit of jealousy is okay, it can easily spiral out of control and turn into emotional abuse if you aren’t careful.

Sadly, not everyone is that great at figuring out where the line is. Some people think that a partner being controlling and abusive is a demonstration of love. Thankfully, a Twitter user recently posted a set of text messages that perfectly encapsulates the difference between a healthy relationship and an abusive one.

@MayLarsen14 put up two different text message threads between a girlfriend and boyfriend with the girlfriends letting her guy know that she’s out with some friends at a party. While one boyfriend uses it as an excuse to make the girl feel guilty for going out, the other simply tells her to have fun and call him later.

Photo Credit: twitter, @MayLarsen14

Photo Credit: twitter, @MayLarsen14

The difference is huge. If your relationship resembles the first text, that’s a major red flag. The first guy is gaslighting his girlfriend, making her think she’s inherently untrustworthy and deflecting from his own abusive behavior by making her feel bad about going out without him.

The second guy shows that he’s content with the relationship as it is and trusts his girlfriend. More importantly, he gets that she needs to have a life outside of him. He finishes off by showing her he cares about her well-being by requesting she let him know when she’s safely back home.

Other Twitter users – many of whom had personally experienced the emotional abuse shown in the first text – had a lot of feelings to share about this thread.

Photo Credit: @Lick_mykixx

Photo Credit: @stephaknee

Photo Credit: @karlibunch

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19 Tumblr Posts That Got Surprisingly Deep

If you’re looking to get deep, you came to the right place. If you’re looking to laugh out loud…you also came to the right place.

This is truly what the Internet was made for.


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This Woman Tweeted About Her Male Stalker and the Replies She Received Are Frightening

For women out in public, there is always a risk of being harassed, yelled at, or worse. Recently, a woman in New Jersey shared this tweet and it opened the door for other women to share their disturbing stories of being stalked. These are important stories and it’s vital that they are heard. This is the tweet that started the discussion.

Photo Credit: Twitter

And the responses poured in.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Be careful out there, ladies. And remember to always look out for each other. That goes for the good men out there, too.

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12+ People Reveal the Best Advice They Ever Received

A good piece of advice can completely change the trajectory of your life. We often find ourselves at crossroads, unsure of what to do or where to go next. But when someone steps in, whether they’re a trusted friend, family member, or stranger, and offers us words of wisdom, we can’t wait to share them with others. Just like these folks did on AskReddit.

#15. Short and simple will do.

“One of my favourite teachers in Highschool told us:” If you need five pages to talk about 20 lines of poetry, you are obviously bullshitting me. State three well constructed arguments for your point of view and I’ll be happy to reward you for that. Claim. Reason. Proof. Nothing more.” He repeated that before every exam and it really helped me to boil my rather confused teenager thoughts into clear statements. I still think of him today while writing reports for work.

TLDR: Keep it short and simple.”

#14. Check your shoes.

“Probably “If it smells like shit everywhere you go, check your shoes.”

I’m much less of a miserable asshole these days.”

#13. Your younger self.

“Be the person you needed when you were young.”

#12. You’re not supposed to be sure.

“This was specifically when looking to transition to a significantly higher responsibility role, but I have found to be applicable to any time I’m facing a new challenge. “Don’t be worried if you’re not sure you can do it. You’re not supposed to be sure. If you were already sure you could do the job, you’d be bored within a month.”

#11. Change.

“Life doesn’t change, unless you change it.

You can’t sedate your way out of a crappy life, you have to get up and make changes.”

#10. With friends or family.

“Years of love have been forgotten in the hatred of a minute”

Really helps whenever I get into an argument with my friends or family.”

#9. Uncomfortable conversations.

“Your success will be largely dependent on the number of uncomfortable conversations you are willing to have – Reddit”

#8. Make it worth something.

“There will come a time in your life where you’ll have nothing to offer someone but your word. Make it worth something.”

Edit: Oh shit my first gold?! Thank you kind stranger! I really do feel like I’m internet famous.”

#7. Money well spent.

“If you lend someone some money and never see them again, it was probably money well spent.

Got told this after I lent a friend $100 and the fucker dropped off the face of the planet.”

#6. A great boss.

“My first great boss told me “never make yourself indispensable or you’ll never get promoted”.

It’s worked for me.”

#5. Get off the fence.

“Sometimes the worst decision is no decision. Sometimes you just have to make a decision, any decision, then make that be the right one.”

#4. Pay now.

“You can pay now, or you can pay later, but it’s almost always cheaper to pay now.”

It seems like a lot of people think this is only referring to money, it’s not.”

#3. Priorities and options.

“Don’t make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option”.

#2. Morning and night.

“Do something that makes you want to get up in the morning. Find someone that makes you want to go home in the evening.”

#1. Respect yourself.

“Respect yourself enough to walk away anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy.”

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Homeless People Share What They Mean By “Anything Helps”

Seeing homeless people on the street is hard. They have different signs-some are funny, others are sad, but it’s hard to know what to give when you see that very common sign: anything helps.

So here’s some advice from people who have been there.

#15. When you have nothing.

“Anything to help get clean when showering is not available, like cleansing wipes and deodorant especially. Chapstick, especially in the winter. Women usually need pads or tampons, they are so expensive when you have nothing.”

#14. My last handout.

“Deodorant, water, healthy snacks, razor/shaving cream, couple bucks for food/gift card to taco Bell… I was once given a gift card to the Dollar store that I felt changed my life. They had given me $20 and I was able to buy toiletries, laundry detergent and food. It was my last handout before I got my life together.”

#13. A few impractical things.

“When I was homeless food was the least of my problems. ANyone can afford a couple Mcdick Mcdoubles to keep themselves alive. You know what woulda helped? Loonies for laundry and detergant to keep my clothes from smelling like piss, Batteries for my cd walkman so i could listen to Watch out by Alexisonfire (some of the tracks helped me turn sadness into anger, which helped motivate me to get my shit together), A bible (if your not religious i get it, but motivational reading material for lonely nights is what im getting at here), a monthly bus pass, day passes to the YMCA so i can take a shower and maybe use their plus rooms for a good steam room sesh, Let me put your phone number on my resume (I didnt have a home or a phone so when i applied places i had nothing for them to get ahold of me so i had to tell them i could be found on the waterfront by the picnic tables). Maybe none of this is practical, but i needed a few impractical things to get my foot in the door….which i did…and im fine now.”

#12. That personal touch.

“I used to work with homeless people. For women, you can do up little hygiene packs with pads, tampons, feminine wipes and a little roll-on deodorant. Pads are expensive as fuck and pretty much all women need them.

For a more generic approach, little care packs are doable too. A bottle of water, a snack, a pair of clean socks, bars of soap, a toothbrush and a little toothpaste will go a long way. Grocery gift cards are better than money too. A handwritten note slipped inside the pack too can give it that personal touch.”

#11. Quite cold.

“Not homeless, but a great idea I thought worth sharing: A young kid and his parent in my area recently started a charity drive that’s become quite popular. Donors and volunteers wrap warm winter coats around trees with “Take me, I’m free!” signs. It gets quite cold here and it’s a way to get coats to homeless people on their own terms. It’s been pretty successful from what I’ve heard.”

#10. My wife and kids.

“Homeless guy approached my uncle 15 years back asking for food outside a hotel. Uncle offered to pay his bill.

He said “Can I pack it and take it home, my wife and kids are hungry too?”

Uncle asked the cashier to pack 4 plates of Biryani (costly food with meat), the homeless guy said, “buy me rice and curry for the same amount we’ll get more food for the same price”

He was genuinely homeless.

And also, the amount of money my uncle spent for buying him food was like almost half the price, he and his friends had spent there before the homeless guy came.

We eat junk food and drink coffees throughout the day without giving it a thought. When in the same amount of money these homeless guys can spend almost a week with food.

#9. During the cold nights.

“I’ve never been homeless nor personally known anyone who was homeless. But one time I passed blankets around downtown Chicago and the most common requests were gloves and hand warmers, ESPECIALLY hand warmers. They may be temporary, but they really help out during the cold nights.”

#8. When you’re still stuck in it.

“Being talked to like a normal person is really, really awesome.

Money is good. But it only goes so far. And some people are scammers or after drugs. And even if not money just buys you some food and supplies you need.

What you really need is an address. And clean clothes. And a way to put together a resume and clean clothes to wear to interviews. And work to do in the meantime.

If there are good services in your area helping someone to them can help them. Resistance doesn’t mean they are one of the bad ones either. It could also mean they have been burned enough that they don’t really trust people anymore.

In the end I say support housing first policies and then point homeless people to where they can get involved in it. If you want to spend money then donate to organizations that help homeless people get in to a home and then help them get back in to the workforce. Or a meal. There are homeless that will take the meal. Food and things like tampons help when you’re still stuck in it.”

#7. Much-needed.

“For a female homeless person, I suggest tampons or pads, and feminine wipes. Having her period, living on the streets with no means to take care of herself or keep clean, is difficult and humiliating. It’s a basic human requirement, and those items are kind of expensive, but very much-needed.”

#6. Clean off.

“I was homeless for about 2 years. The most helpful is food. Next is clean clothing of any kind. When you’re homeless you don’t get to wash clothes or have clean ones to put on. Shoes! I’d walk the soles clean off in several months.”

#5. A genuine smile and…

“A genuine smile and food. If you have the time take them to a McDonald’s and talk to them. It was about 6 years ago someone did that for me and it helped me out so much more than I can express.”

#4. Hygiene.

“Probably a small hygiene pack, water and a snack.”

#3. The basics.

“Not homeless but as someone who has made kits the last 4 years to hand out (I keep a stack of totes in my car at all times) I give these things:

Each package has:

BPA free reusable water bottle

Peanut butter crackers

Cheese crackers
Lemon cookies
Dried fruit (Bananas, blueberries, cranberries)

Almonds and Cashews
Wet wipes

Sport Deodorant

SPF 30 sport sunscreen

Toothbrush & holder
Pack of tissues

Sewing kit
First Aid kit

Lip balm

LED light w/batteries (120 hour tealight)
Ink pen
Stamped envelope
Blank card

Personal note from my family

Winter gets socks, hand warmers, gloves, hats, and those little silver space blankets

I never know everyone’s circumstances so I try to cover the basics and figure they can hopefully trade if they don’t need something.”

#2. Ibuprofen.

“a pass to a $10 gym so they have access to a hot shower everyday, socks, a bottle of ibuprofen…”

#1. Socks.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Socks. SOCKS SOCKS SOCKS. I didn’t care if they were too big, at least they were on and protecting my feet. Women, give hygiene products. Those never get donated unless it’s small bursts during awareness things.

If you want to take it a step further, make little packs with underwear/boxers (again, best to be too big than too small), socks, toothbrushes and paste (my teeth are permanently damaged and I’m looking at implants/dentures at 24), small snacks, a reusable water bottle, and little Mio water squirts, just because sometimes I liked being able to slap a few drops in my water and “treat myself”.

If you live in a bus-laden city, bus passes are good, too! Bus passes were always a pain! If a shelter had them, they metered them and only gave you one use only tickets.. once got stranded on the edge of town that way.”

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15 Men Reveal the Reason Why They Didn’t Ask Women on a Second Date

Dating is a strange thing. You don’t want to come on too strong if you are interested, but you also don’t want to offend the other person if you aren’t. The time between the first and second date has to be the most stressful, for sure.

Men on AskReddit shared why decided NOT to ask women out for a second time after that very important first date.

1. That’s odd

“I drove her home because she didn’t have a car at that time, and she asked we stop for an errand… to pickup matching T-Shirts she had designed for her and her ex.”

2. She was right

“I once went to a movie as a first date with a girl. She got there late and the movie had already started. She then wanted to talk during the movie in the middle of the crowded theater. I didn’t shush her or anything, but everything was a one-word answer, trying to end the conversation. She got up halfway through and said I was obviously not interested in her. She was right.”

3. Snoozefest

“I went on a date with a lady I met online. She talked about three things on this date and little else.

Her pets.

Her ex.

The last time she had gastro.

There was no second date.”

4. The worst

“Went to dinner; she was on her phone the entire time texting. Even when we were talking. Figured she was just in it for a free dinner cause really what’s the point of agreeing to date if you’re not going to try to get to know the person.”

5. Red flag

“She had a 1 yr old and told me about a recent nasty divorce, No problem until she told me that the divorce was due to the baby not being his…”

6. That’s not happening

” “You’d have to get rid of your cat”

And that was the end of that. Actually had 2 women tell me I’d have to get rid of my cat, pretty much immediately. F*** you, a cat is a life commitment.”

7. Complainer

“She rolled her eyes when I said she looked nice. Criticized where I chose to eat. Complained about the music we went to see. I spent the whole date anxious, assuming that she was hating every moment – because, you know, she didn’t have anything positive to say about anything. Then I get:

“I had a good time! Let’s do this again.”

Nah I’m good. I’ve got enough negativity and mixed signals coming from my own brain. I don’t need that coming from the outside too.”

8. Reading along

“When we saw “Fury” in theater she read the subtitles out loud. I’m not sure if she thought I couldn’t read them or if she needed to sound them out, but I knew at that moment no follow up was necessary.”

9. Get me outta here

“I arrived at her place and she told me to hop in her car as she just needed to drop something off at a friends house real quick. It wasn’t a friend, it was someone she had an appointment to sell those hot oil infusers and their millions of scented inserts to. I sat in a stranger’s home for 90 minutes while they smelled them all. She wanted to go to dinner afterwards and I asked her to please drop me off at the car so I could go home.

“She had a business to run.” Guess it didn’t even make it a whole first date.”

10. Family tree

“She said “Haha can’t wait for you to meet my older brother, he just got out of jail for selling heroin. ” Me: “didn’t you tell me your younger brother was addicted to heroin?” Her: “oh ya, wonder how that happened” “

11. And stuck her with the bill

“When she said “I’m so glad my fiance is still deployed…”

Nope out and left her with the bill for that dinner.”

12. Super taster

“I met a girl from my university for dinner one time and she started the date off by saying she only ate with her hands and didn’t use utensils because she’s a “super taster” and can taste the metals they’re made of. This wouldn’t have been a problem if we were eating finger foods of course, but it was a problem as I watched her eat a salmon filet.”

13. No time

“Teeth as black as the night. She didn’t have any diseases or syndromes but simply no “time” to brush her teeth.

For the record. Her photos didn’t show her teeth.”

14. Fiancé?!?

“Met her at a hospital (I was an ER patient for a hand wound, she was a phlebotomist). Asked her out to a movie and then dinner, had a really excellent talk about comics and movies. We were getting to know each other and flirting, it was clearly a date. At the end when I told her I’d like to do it again she said her fiancé probably wouldn’t be cool with it a second time.”

15. Insane in the brain

“She asked if I had any love interests still in existence. When I said no she didn’t believe me. She told me she wanted to travel the world and see old friends (who were guys) and thought that I, as a lawyer should work and pay for her travels. She was insane. She also offered to screw in her car in the first five minutes of meeting. No second date for you!”

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15 People Reveal the Last Straw That Ended Their Relationship After Moving in Together

Moving in with your significant other is a major milestone. So, it only makes sense that it would be a crossroads for many couples. Some find out that they are meant to spend the rest of their lives with this person, while others decide to pack up and part ways.

AskReddit users went on the record and shared the dealbreakers that ended their relationships after they moved in with someone.

1. Not sorry

“She couldn’t say “sorry.” Dated for years and she could never admit she made a mistake. Like one time she got something out of my car at night and somehow left the passenger door open. It rained and the passenger seat got soaked; car smelled like mildew after that for as long as I owned it. I was really upset when it happened because the car was literally a week old, but the best she could do was make a joke about how a deer must have broken into my car and then not talk to me for a whole day.”

2. Dirty dirty

“He doesn’t mind dirt. I’m not obsessed with a spotless house, but poo on the toilet bowl? Dust so thick you can’t read the buttons on the TV? He was fine with that. He couldn’t stand a single messy pile of clutter but didn’t care much about filth. It was so odd for me, his house was always spotless when I came to visit. When we moved in together I realized he only bothered with that if someone he wasn’t comfortable with was coming over.

I knew it was probably bad when I picked up one of his two pairs of work pants and made a comment about how I was washing them because they were rather rank, to which he replied “oh. That’s because I haven’t washed them since I bought them”

He gets uniform allowance in July. It was December.”

3. This guy sounds like a keeper

“A female friend of mine moved in with a guy who seemed totally normal. Then a large delivery of adult sized nappies/ diapers arrived. She stuck with it. Then he insisted on wearing them, and she stuck with it. He insisted on pissing in them and getting her to change it. Dear readers, she stuck with it. She had a hip operation and couldn’t get upstairs quickly enough to meet his demands and the whole thing fell down. What some people will put up with.”

4. Alone time

“I kinda knew it beforehand, as he needed time to himself all the time and we only saw each other on weekends. But only after we moved in together I realized how much time he really needed to himself. I basically never saw him and it felt more like we were roommates.

I get how you need alone-time and time to unwind after work (I mean, so do I), but never really seeing your partner wasn’t the kind of relationship I wanted.”

5. Weirdo

“We dated for a year before moving in together but I didn’t know just how weird this guy was until I was with him 24/7. He was always doing really strange things, rearranging furniture while I was out, moving my stuff and not telling me where he put it, pissing in beer bottles and leaving them by the TV… one time he used foam sealant to seal the front door shut and we could only use the back door until we finally got it back open.

He never made an effort to get to know my family and lied about his own father dying. I eventually was like, okay, I’m outtie and moved back home and the next day he totaled the car that was in my name and immediately went out and bought a new one. When I was living with him he said he was broke and living off of credit cards, but he had apparently had a stash of money he didn’t want to tell me about. Weird dude.”

6. Attention

“She NEEDS male attention at all time which means whenever I leave the apartment she is flirting with some guy online.”

7. Definitely a dealbreaker

“He was seeing someone else at the same time as me.”

8. Crack?!?

“He used to be into drugs. No big deal, I can’t smoke because of my job, but it’s not my place to judge if someone else does.

He conveniently left out the part where he lost custody of his kids (less than a week before we started dating) for smoking crack.”

9. Classy

“That he was a totally self-absorbed. Oh, and that he peed in bottles when be was too lazy to go pee and then left them around the bedroom. F*cking heinous.”

10. Liar!

“He lied about everything. We started out long distance as pen pals (mid 90s before everyone was online). After a lot of phone calls, letters, etc. We finally met IRL when he came to visit me.

First lie, he looked nothing like he described. Fine I can forgive that. We ended up getting our own place and he just kept piling up lies. He talked me into going out to CA where his family was from. Here are some things he lied about.

His real name. His brother being a half brother. His past relationships. His family’s living conditions.

And he got away with all this lying because English was his families 2nd language and they never spoke it at home. I was always in the dark. Even if one of them wanted to say something to me, they’d say it to him and he’d tell me. They could all speak English, but they wouldn’t talk to me. It was a hard lesson. But luckily I learned it as a teenager and it taught me a lot about what red flags to look watch out for.”

11. Leave the tuna out of this

“His penchant for throwing tuna cans when angry.

Had to pay for the dent he left in the metal closet door when our lease was up. Was happy to pay, though, because that can missed my head by millimeters.”

12. You didn’t stick around?

“Gay and wanted to regularly have sex with my father. This one was held in till we got married. Noped the f*ck out.”

13. GTFO

“I didn’t know he was moving in. He was a friend’s roommate when we met but one night he came over and just didn’t leave. I asked my friend about it and they had kicked him out for being an alcoholic, screaming at like 2 a.m. and urinating in the neighbors yard. When he came back from work, I had his bag packed and told him to GTFO.”

14. Sounds like a blast

“We dated off and on for 5 months. We spent most of the time out, home time was Netflix tv series we both liked. Great times and thought I found the one.

Once she moved in it was 14 hours a day of political “news” and opinion shows which would leak into every conversation we had about any subject. The entire DVR was filled within 2 weeks with the CNN and MSNBC 6 hours of evening politics shows. Delete one to make room for something and she knew within a few hours. It was creepy obsessive, she kept a notebook with tv schedules of those shows, with tightly planned viewing times and recordings to maximize being able to watch and record it all.

There was no hint of this when I asked her to move in. We agreed on most political issues to, but it’s not something I want to discuss often. So glad when she moved out. It was so frustrating to have to cringe every time you speak a sentence because you know her next words are, “I know you don’t like politics but…” “

15. Clean it up

“Never putting clothes away. Clean, dirty, it all goes on the floor!”

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15 Employees Reveal Why Corporate Culture Made Them Leave Their Jobs

Corporate work environments can be their own little world. There’s a different language and attitude that just isn’t the right fit for some people.

These people shared their personal stories about when they decided to quit a job because the corporate culture became too much for them to deal with.

1. Okay….

“Lush, when we couldn’t say “bathroom” on the shop floor and instead had to ask a manager for “serenity.” “

2. Wall of crazy

“Had a “wall of crazy” where the CEO wanted to spend 20k on cool and edgy stuff for the office. Staff could make suggestions (Slides, beanbags, napping pods, etc)

Project was scrapped when the top suggestions ended up being:

Working Heating
Working WiFi
Health Insurance”

3. Time to leave

“I’m in management and we just got the message that bonuses for the last financial year were severely cut across the business, probably going to receive 30% of our usual – at best. Then I attended our financial end of year results meeting the next day to be told that net profits were 18% up (nearly 1 billion total) and the best performance in years, all thanks to us.

So even though our profits were way up, the bonuses were cut? Employees who were not upper management would never have that information. Planning on leaving now.”

4. Then why are they there?

“Not my company but a company from a neighboring building. They had an entire area devoted to foosball, pinball, billiards, console gaming, and videoke booths on the ground floor and it was clearly visible because of the glass windows on street level. Oddly enough, nobody ever used them, and the place was almost always empty save for a few people who use the internet kiosks.

When I learned a friend worked there, I asked why nobody would want to take the opportunity to use the awesome-looking recreational facility, he told me that people who do use the facility often found it used against them during performance evaluations, even when their use wasn’t excessive at all. After a while word got around and they started avoiding the place altogether.

The irony is that their recruitment ads always touts a culture of “work hard play hard”.”

5. Like a criminal

“A co-worker was forced to work while her mother was dying in hospice. Mom dies, she quits, they escort her off the premises like a criminal.”

6. Cultish

“When I went to firm drinks in a public bar and the firm’s “fun committee” handed out song sheets and a choir of employees lead by a bad guitarist sang a song about how great the firm was to the tune of ‘Cause I’m Happy. We were expected to sing along. It was at that moment I realized I was in a cult.”


“We (management team) spent months working with a business coach trying to collectively come up with meaningful core values. We devoted a ton of time to it and really tried to decide which direction we wanted to take the company culture. Everybody agreed on teamwork, reliability, a couple others that I can’t remember now, and then one day the owner came in and called a meeting.

He sat us down in the boardroom and told us he spent all weekend brainstorming and had decided on the core values. They were:

Meaningful Ownership Neighbourhood Engagement You

Does anybody see what that spells? He literally wanted it to be money and just came up with words that sort of worked the way you do in elementary school writing your name poem.

He rebranded the entire company from t shirts with giant first letters and smaller letters for the rest of the word straight down the arms, to plagues, wraps on the cars, everyfuckinthing.

And that’s when we all knew it was going to get bad.

Money is great, but it was mortifying walking/driving around with that plastered everywhere.”

8. That’s a little fishy

“They changed the title of the receptionist to “Director of First Impressions.””

9. Not an upgrade

“When I took a 40% pay cut (with no change in workload) by being moved to salary.”

10. Tears

“I worked for Apple back in their heyday and it was always constant and terrible. But one guy who was an assistant manager (or something like that) took time out during a store meeting to evangelize to us (his words) about how Apple was going to change each of our lives so drastically that we wouldn’t recognize ourselves any more. About five minutes in to his proselytizing, the tears began to flow and he openly sobbed about how Apple was the greatest thing on the planet.

He was ultimately let go for being late too many times and had to be escorted from the store out the back door because he was crying and refused to leave his “home.” “

11. The blame game

“We had a problem with the client and the boss dumped all of the blame on a 24 year old woman who was basically his most loyal employee. He made her cry in front of the client, as if that would somehow help save the relationship.”

12. Time to cheer!

“When I went to my first corporate managers rally, I thought this will be cool, free catered lunch and it counted as a work day. Then they started the rally with the company cheer. I’m like wtf, we’re adults, why are we cheering? Looked around and way too many people were into this cheer. I realized that job wasn’t going to be for me. EDIT: for all those asking I was working as a GM for Dominos pizza at the time. I believe they have a few videos on youtube of the cheer but I’m on mobile and can’t every get links to work.”

13. Priorities

“Not me, but my husband worked for two weeks for a “family owned and operated” business that touted how important “family” was and that they were all one happy “family.” My husband was on his way to drop our at the time 2 year old son off at daycare before work when son threw up all over himself. Husband called his employer to tell them what happened and that he needed to take son home and clean him up but he’d be in asap.

His manager told him he needed to get his priorities straight. He responded with “You know what? You’re right, I won’t be back in at all.” He was still working part time at his previous job where they had been sad that he was leaving, so he called them and told them to put him back on the schedule full-time. The “family” business is currently in the process of liquidating assets before going out of business and I cackle every time I drive past it.”

14. Just like family

“”We treat our employees like family!”

Ignores harassment claims, hires from outside the company, refuses to give out decent pay, will write you up for doing overtime, but the CEO just bought himself a new BMW.

I hate that place.”

15. Union busters

“When i was told that if i heard any talk about unionizing i was to report it immediately. <– G.E. “

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These Infographics Reveal How Many Years of Your Life Different Addictions Cost

A series of infographics was recently released by an online recovery resource directory called Treatment 4 Addiction. They show how many years of a person’s life addictions to various substances can cost.

These are extremely eye-opening and even terrifying charts filled with important information. Take a look for yourself.


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction

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