15 People Share Troublesome Trends They’re Beginning to Notice

Society is changing before our very eyes, and sometimes what we see is pretty scary. We are living in strange times, people.

Folks on AskReddit weighed in on what trends they see that are disturbing and worrisome.

1. Take some responsibility

“Parents putting the blame of their child failing classes on the teacher entirely, as if their child could do no wrong in any capacity.

There are a lot of little fart knockers out there who need the parents to be parents and not a friend.”

2. Give me simple

“Seems like you can’t find any simple flavors anymore. Everything has to be fancy. You can’t buy a blueberry muffin, it has to be wild field berries and rolled oat muffin. You can’t by BBQ chips, it has to be Salsa and Roasted Peanut butter chips. Or whatever.

7-Eleven Slurpees used to be available in regular flavors, such as orange, lime, and cherry. I used to love the orange flavor. Now there are no more regular flavors anymore, just things with names like Honey Bubble Gum Sriracha Blast.

There’s rarely any solo caramel flavor anymore. Everything is salted caramel. Just give me regular caramel. What happened?”

3. Get your shots

“Anti-vax. We’re going to have smallpox again if they don’t get their kids fully vaccinated on the recommended schedule.”

4. I agree

“How deeply advertising is penetrating our everyday lives.

Here in Australia a big story at the moment is how a horse race was permitted to advertise via projection on the sails of the Sydney Opera House. Our most recognizable landmark was used as a billboard. It’s embarrassing.”

5. Listen up

“Adults with poor listening skills. Often when talking to a person my age or older they interrupt, talk over me or don’t listen beyond the first few words and I have to repeat myself until they comprehend.

I work with several people like this. And what’s even worse is it translates to email as well. I’ll send them a detailed email going over everything they need to know and then over the next few days I’ll get back multiple emails with questions that I already went over in detail in my initial email.”

6. This is a big problem

“I’m nearly 30, but it seems like teenagers/young people in their early 20s are developing serious mental issues like depression and anxiety earlier and earlier. It almost seems as if it’s normal for a teenager to be depressed and semi-suicidal, and social media isn’t helping.

The amount of pressure put on these kids at a younger and younger age to get into a good school, get a good job, succeed is more in-their-faces than ever, and being constantly connected means that it’s inescapable. When these young people reach adulthood in the next decade or so, and these deeply ingrained issues start to reallycome to fruition, I think we’re going to have a massive mental health tidal wave on our hands that the current professional medical field isn’t prepared to handle.”

7. Class problems

“Rising housing costs and increased homelessness. Seeing much more in the streets and can see why. Rents are so high that anyone struggling with a minimum wage job would be on the streets. Dual income properties are paying more than 60% of their income just for rent alone.

It isn’t long before the lower class isn’t a class anymore and the middle and upper classes will be the poor. The gap between the elite 1 % is growing far too big. Banks own the country and drive prices up. It is a shame.”

8. Let kids be kids

“This is something I’ve noticed change drastically (IMO) during my lifetime (and I’m only 33).

When I was preteen/”tween”, clothing in the girl’s section was clearly meant for children whereas these days most of it could be put in the Junior’s section and I wouldn’t even notice.

There’s also quite a difference in bras- none of the ones available in the girls section when I started wearing one had any padding. There was thicker lining so nipples didn’t show through, but not padded like push-up bras. Now, there are padded bras aimed at little girls just starting to wear bras- I saw them once at Kohls out of the corner of my eye and mistook them for women’s sports bras- it made me feel uncomfortable (and sad) when I went to browse and realized they were actually being aimed at little girls in the 7ish-14ish age range.

My husband held one up once and said, “Babe, you should get one like this! It’s really cute!” He was so embarrassed.”

9. Call out culture

“Maybe I’m just being paranoid but the rise of social media combined the current popularity of outrage-bait and “call-out culture” makes me feel like lynch mobs are about to come back in a big way.

I feel like we’re already entering a new “Salem Witch trials” era if the recent news is anything to be believed.”

10. Help me, Mother

“Can anyone else who works in retail, customer service, basically any public facing job confirm my hunch that over the last ten years there has been a sharp rise in the amount of grown adult men with so few social skills there mother has to come and order those turtle Beach headphones for them? Like they’ll pay with there own money, out of there own Metallica chain wallet but there mom does all the talking. Seems like a lot more grown adult men with the social skills of a shy child.”

11. Ghosted

“Ghosting. And I’m not just talking about millennials on dating apps, I’m talking middle aged hiring managers not bothering to let you know after an interview that they’ve selected another candidate. The more people I talk to the more common this seems to be nowadays.”

12. Annoying

“People blasting their music in enclosed spaces when there’s others around.Parents just handing their phones/tablets to their kids in restaurants and letting them just play shit at full volume. Like I get it, parents sometimes need to distract kids from acting up but if you’re going to do that give those kids some god damn headphones at least. Or you know…raise your kids like everybody else has been raised for generations?

Phone conversations on speakerphone.”

13. Proud to be dumb

“Willful ignorance. People who are proud not to have any knowledge about a given subject, but still have very strong opinions about it. I just had a conversation with a friend of mine on Facebook and her willful ignorance made me want to reach through the screen and strangle her.

She posted this fake news story about a “Pro-Choice Activist Proudly Having Her 27th Abortion.” It took me all of 2 seconds to Google it and find that it was fake. So I told her that it was fake and provided her with links to prove that it was and explained how and why I looked it up. She said: “I ain’t got no time for all that lol i just know it’s disgusting and anyone who does that is a mass murderer in my eyes.”

Okaaaaaaaay nevermind that literally nobody does that and I just showed her that. But whatever. I went on to explain to her about fake news and why it’s being spread and even pointed out that her sharing it is contributing to the problem. She still didn’t seem to care that it was fake.

So I reported the post to FB as fake news and just left it alone.”

14. Big Brother

“Increased government/corporate surveillance and law enforcement presence in every day American life.

There have been important conversations about privacy, NSA abuses, Facebook fuckery, etc in the past few years, but I don’t think much has changed. In the meantime kids graduating college this year do not remember a time before the Patriot Act and imo are way less offended/concerned with the myriad ways our privacy is violated on a daily basis.

Being constantly under surveillance is so normalized I feel like some kind of conspiracy freak when I talk about it. Weirdly, it’s also been politicized so that people assume I’m a right-wing extremist when I talk about it. We should all be concerned about it, tho.”

15. Idiocracy

“Ok, it’s been happening forever – but the dumbing down of pretty much every aspect of society to meet the lowest common denominator.”

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Help Yourself Drink More Water on a Daily Basis With These 10 Useful Tricks

Staying hydrated comes with so many benefits, but it can be tough to keep up with between our busy schedules, bad habits, and, you know…not running to the bathroom every ten minutes.

If you you want to drink more water but are having trouble remembering or finding the time, these 10 tricks can help you change your habits and retain that hydrated glow.

#10. Invest in a smart device.

Image Credit: Pixabay

An Apple watch, Fitbit, or a smart water bottle can not only help you track how much you’ve drunk, it can remind you when it’s time to drink more, too.

#9. Use water to bookend your day.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you make drinking a couple glasses of water part of your morning and evening ritual then you’ll know you’re getting a decent amount, even if you forget during the day.

#8. Spice up your food.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If drinking water doesn’t come naturally to you, try eating spicier food so you don’t have a choice.

#7. Every time you drink coffee, drink water.

Image Credit: Pixabay

This is a good trick for those of us who fuel our days with caffeine!

#6. Use an app.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Gulps and PlantNanny are just two of many apps that can help you track your water drinking habits and encourage you to up your intake.

#5. Add ice.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you add some ice to your smoothie, your coffee, and your tea, you’ll be sneaking in some extra hydration.

#4. Refill your glass as soon as its empty.

Image Credit: Pixabay

This will ensure that when you’re thirsty again, you can drink. If you leave it empty, you’ll find excuses to wait “another minute” to go get that drink.

#3. Drink from a straw.

Image Credit: Pixabay

For some reason, we take bigger swallows when using a straw than sipping from a bottle.

#2. Measure your water ahead of time.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Whatever your daily intake goal is, try filling up a gallon jug or measuring the amount at the beginning of the day. That way, you can see how much you have left, and won’t feel good going to sleep until you’ve accomplished your goal.

#1. If you take vitamins or supplements, don’t just take a swallow.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Downing a whole glass of water will not only boost your water intake, it also helps dissolve your meds.


I hope one or two of these will make a difference in your life!

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You Don’t Need Medical Insurance to Enjoy These 12+ Therapy Tweets

Therapy is expensive, and unless you have insureance, there’s no way to get around that fact. Fortunately for you, reading tweets about therapy doesn’t cost a thing at all!

What a deal!

1. Good to know.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @pants_leg

2. Sharing is caring.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @topaz_kell

3. Tune me up!

Photo Credit: Twitter: @primawesome

4. It’s a lot to unpack…

Photo Credit: Twitter: @MikeIsaac

5. “NO!”

Photo Credit: Twitter: @nosleepenergy

6. Good idea.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @aparnapkin

7. Too spot on.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @AllieGoertz

8. Dang, doc.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @TimFederle

9. Next best thing.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @meganamram

10. *drops mic*

11. Profound.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @MorganJerkins

12. Touché

Photo Credit: Twitter: @iatemuggles

13. That’s just good time management.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @shutupmay

14. “You’re doing great, I swear!”

Photo Credit: Twitter: @sosadtoday

15. “I’m a therapist, not a wizard.”

Photo Credit: Twitter: @LurkAtHomeMom

And I’m afraid that’s all the time we have. See you next week!

The post You Don’t Need Medical Insurance to Enjoy These 12+ Therapy Tweets appeared first on UberFacts.

This Twitter Thread Unpacks Mental Health Stigmas Related to Work and Success

Although people don’t hesitate to get treatment for physical health issues, many people still feel a sense of shame or embarrassment if they need to take medications to manage their mental health. The conversation around mental health issues is improving but there’s still a stigma surrounding it.

Blair Imani, author of Modern HERstory and founder of Equality for Her, tweeted this thread on the stigma associated with mental health. She takes on the misconception that people who are “successful” don’t struggle with mental health.

Photo Credit: Twitter

She discloses some of her own challenges to make her point.

Photo Credit: Twitter

This doesn’t mean that you need to be “productive” to be worthwhile, though. She goes on to address the ideas of mental “strength” and mental “weakness.”

Photo Credit: Twitter

The thread hit home for a lot of people. Many responded to the Twitter thread with their own experiences with mental health in solidarity.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Our worth isn’t based on our productivity. What’s more, just because you appear productive and successful on the outside doesn’t mean you’re not also grappling with mental illness. Regardless of our ability to be “productive,” though, we all deserve to receive the treatment we need without judgement.

If you need help, just remember – there are people who love you, and places you can go where you will not be judged.

The post This Twitter Thread Unpacks Mental Health Stigmas Related to Work and Success appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Times People’s Creepy Feelings Of A Situation Were Absolutely Right

Our guts never lie. Sometimes we get a bad feeling about something and decide to follow that instinct. These people certainly have, and their intuitions turned out to be right.

Read on as their share 15 stories of times when their gut was totally spot on at detecting a creepy situation.

1. Something was off

“My sister was going to visit her friend out of state, so her friend’s friend offered to drive her there. He drove a few hours to get to our house and was noticeably tired when he arrived, so my sister suggested that he just sleep on our couch and they’ll go in the morning.

The entire night, my mom was going in and out of our rooms saying that there was something off about the guy; that she didn’t really like him but couldn’t figure out why. She actually quietly went out the side door and wrote down his license plate at one point.

The next morning, my sister was in the guy’s car for maybe 30 minutes before she felt sick and asked him to just take her home. Which he does, much to my mother’s delight.

About six months later, my mom was looking at her news feed when she saw a familiar face and called my sister and me over and yelled, ‘I told you something was off about him!’ It turns out that about a year earlier, he murdered his ex-girlfriend and that his friend, who helped him bury her body, finally decided to tell the cops not because he developed a conscience, but because he was mad at him for stealing his toaster.”

2. Controlling

“My mom and I were in a café and she had her handbag down by her feet. This couple comes in and sits at the table behind us, and he attracted my attention because he kept poking his girlfriend and telling her how to sit and stuff.

The hairs on my neck went up, I hate that controlling type of behavior. He was in my periphery and this guy wouldn’t sit still when my mom asked: ‘Hey, where’s my bag?’

She found it a second later, moved and open – she reached in to get her purse and said: ‘My card is missing!’

So the couple behind had stood and were quickly walking towards the door, and I didn’t even hesitate to say: ‘STOP THAT MAN!’ because I figured I could apologize later if I was wrong. One of the waitresses was right by the door and she followed him out the door, at which point, the guy dropped my mom’s card, mumbled something about having found it, and then ran for it.

I guess if he hadn’t been such a jerk to his girlfriend, I probably wouldn’t have noticed.”

3. The new guy

“In college, I worked at a bar and they brought in this new bouncer. From the second I met him, I immediately felt like there was something seriously wrong with him. His smile and eye contact were too intense. I told a coworker that the guy gave me the creeps and she told me she thought he was ‘cute and nice,’ and didn’t get where I was coming from.

A quick Google search pulled up his mug shot and articles about how he was watching his college roommate’s dog one weekend and horribly attacked and abused it.

He burned this poor dog and poured bleach on her. The dog survived and he was arrested. The article talked about how he was laughing at the police arresting him, saying he knew he wouldn’t get in any trouble.

He was fired and told to never come back once management found out.”

4. In on it?

“My mother, who was extremely emotionally and physically abusive, raised four kids by herself. Although she had many siblings and lots of other relatives, no one helped us.

When I was around 12, my mom had a female cousin who started coming around, out of the blue, trying to get my mom to attend church with her. Then, all of a sudden, this same cousin wanted to become my kid sister’s godparent. Okay, whatever.

But I certainly resented the fact that we were all of a sudden being forced to go to church almost every Sunday. I saw it as nothing more than a form of brainwashing.

I always had a sick feeling about her, especially when I had to sit near her in a room. A couple of years later, she started insisting I come along on weekend getaways she would have with my sister at her house. I had absolutely no interest in going.

Not only was I older, but I was thinking, ‘Why do I have to come? She’s not my godmother.’ But, my mom was so weak-minded, psychotic, or just plain evil that she always forced me to go.

When I was around 14 years old, I was still being forced by my own mother to go somewhere that wasn’t necessary, with someone who made me physically sick. I still hadn’t figured out exactly what it was about her that made me so sick.

She was a nurse and had access to certain medications. It turns out that she was medicating me with sedatives when I was at her house, then violating me with her fingers and who knows what else. It really started to bother me how sore and painful I was down below, knowing that I was still pure, or so I thought, and I NEVER felt like that until after I had left her house.

I don’t think she did this to my sister because she was always so fixated on me.

She just used my sister to get to me. It also turns out that pills lose their full effect on you after you’ve been taking them for a while. That is how I found out. I eventually woke up in the middle of being assaulted by her.”

5. Across the street

“I got a bad vibe from the dad across the street when I was a kid. He was a military guy who always seemed to be on a power trip. His oldest son and I went to the same school, and would occasionally carpool.

One day, it was his dad’s turn to drive us. His son stayed home sick, but he offered to drive me all the same.

Thankfully, it wasn’t a long ride, but the entire time he talked about his beat-up Camero. It definitely creeped me out.

A couple of years later, his wife threw him out one morning. It turns out he had been beating the crap out of her for a while. One morning, while hitting her again, he stepped on their 1-year-old baby who was crawling on the floor and broke the kid’s arm.

We never saw him again after that.”

6. Just a phase

“A neighborhood kid I grew up with liked to play with matches and was fascinated with fires of any kind. It made me nervous because a sort of ‘wild look’ came over his eyes when he’d stare at the fire he created.

I even told my parents, who mentioned it to his parents, who thought it was ‘just a phase’ he was going through.

Then, a few years later, it was reported that he burned his parents’ garage down and was being charged with arson and clinically treated for pyromania.”

7. New to the area

“I met a random guy when I was out one night. He was new to the area and was friends with my friend’s brother. He came across as nice and friendly, but then he started being a bit strange, like he kept rubbing my back and touching my legs.

We all went back to my friend’s house, and I was pretty wasted, but this guy kept trying to get me to leave with him without anyone seeing.

I told everyone something was weird about him. It turned out he had been charged with violating a 10-year-old, and that’s why he had left his previous city. He also assaulted a 13-year-old a few weeks before he met me, and the police found he was in possession of a lot of child smut.

My friends had no idea about this guy’s past.

He lived near my friend’s brother, and he had him over at his house in the summer when his kids were running around in swimming suits prior to the discovery. He was devastated and full of guilt when he found out.”

8. Thank goodness they didn’t let her go

“A tennis coach at my kid’s club called to ask me if he could take my 10-year-old daughter with the other five players on road trips to play other clubs. I didn’t like it, she was tiny and just 10 years old. He wasn’t even her coach but another coach at the club. We thought he was creepy and to call like that…so I said no.

The coach ended up going to prison for being a creep and violating several girls older than my kid. His son was also 10, and the poor kid was also a victim of the scum bag. He got 15 years in 2009, and will probably be out soon.

He was convicted of three crimes, but the prosecution dropped an additional 22.

It still blows my mind.”

9. A sixth sense

“My parents tell me that when I was around 4 years old, I was the most extroverted kid. I LOVED going out and about with my parents so I could wave hello to every single person I saw. I never met a stranger.

Little old ladies LOVED me. I would let anyone hold me if they wanted. To the point that my parents were alarmed at how I didn’t mind people I had never met before holding me and bouncing me on their lap.

We had some elderly neighbors who were nice as could be.

One day, their 30-something son came to live with them. The old couple had told my parents about him moving in and how excited they were. Well, they came to our house to introduce him to us since we were in the driveway.

Apparently, I got really quiet when they were walking toward me and when the guy spoke to me, I screamed and hid behind my dad’s legs. My parents thought it was out of character so they actively avoided allowing me to be near him in the weeks that followed.

A few months later, he was arrested for child trafficking and possession of hundreds of pictures and videos of child smut.”

10. Watch out

“I worked for a call center a few years ago and there was a guy that sat at the desk across from me. He was about 50 years old and was not married. I’m young enough to be his daughter.

He would do anything to talk to me.

Come by my desk, run into me in the break room, get in the elevator with me, and what not. It was excessive, but never threatening. At least not at first.

He started to say inappropriate things about my outfits, but I figured he was an awkward dude that did not know how to flirt.

I just brushed him off time and time again, but something was definitely off about him.

At one point, the secretary came up to me and asked if he was bothering me, and I told her what had been happening.

He only did this with the blonde women at the office. He was notorious for harassing them. It started small, but then he would slowly transition into asking them to hook up, even offering to pay for it.

Knowing this, I avoided him altogether. I would pretend he was not there, even if he was talking to me directly. I would catch him staring at me, but he backed down a lot after he realized that I wouldn’t give in.

One day, I came into work and he was gone.

His desk was cleared off. Totally empty. He apparently had sent another blonde woman a bunch of flowers and followed her out to the parking lot when she got off work. He had parked his car right next to hers and tried to force her into his car to go home with him, but she got away.

He was fired and escorted off the property THE NEXT DAY by police.

I’m not sure why he decided to come back, or why he wasn’t arrested sooner, but he was caught at work and removed.”

11. Knives

“When I used to work at a deli, we hired a 20-something kid that looked like the serial killer, Ed Kemper sans the mustache.

At first, he would amuse us by telling us stories about how he had fought off eight guys carrying weapons, or how his girlfriend was a model who traveled all the time (and that is why we never saw her).

Then things started getting bad, especially when someone angered him. I would catch him talking to himself, saying things like, ‘If I see her again, I am going to stick this in both her eyes.’

Management caught wind of this and canned him almost immediately.

Ten months later, we found out he actually went to prison for attempting to assault someone with a knife.”

12. The stepdad

“I always had a weird feeling about my stepdad.

He always made me uncomfortable and I always felt like he was watching me. He would make comments about my body and wardrobe, causing me to feel insecure and watch what I wore around him.

When I told my mom, she would say things like ‘he’s old-fashioned’ or ‘he’s just looking out for you.’

My mom had gone out of the country to visit family leaving my stepdad, myself and my older brother to take care of the house.

One night, my brother went to a party and I stayed home because I worked early the next morning, but left my bedroom door open so I could hear my brother come home and make sure he made it safe. Instead, my stepdad decided to crawl into my bed and try to assault me.

It was one of the scariest moments of my life.

I pushed him off and ran to the bathroom. I was so freaked out I just grabbed my work clothes and went to my car and drove off to a random neighborhood and slept in my car.

My mom found out a year later because I told my older brother, but she’s never talked to me about it.

She’s still with him too. As for me, I am in therapy to deal with my trauma and I feel like I’m getting better.

When I told my brother, we gathered all the money we had been saving up and moved out a month later.

I am blessed to have a brother who loves me and took me out of a bad place. He’s been one of my support systems through all of this.”

13. Jokes

“I used to work at a local restaurant when I was 19 years old. I loved working there, but I ended up quitting because of some jerk that was hired. He was in his mid-30s and gave every girl in the restaurant the absolute creepiest vibes.

He was constantly saying inappropriate stuff about his past and was just a jerk to people in general.

I hated working with him because he creeped me out and was also just mean. I started trading shifts to get away from him.

One day, a night shift manager was fired, and our boss put the creepy guy in a temporary managerial position. I immediately went to our boss and told him I was uncomfortable with the idea and explained how creepy he was.

My boss leveled with me and said that the guy had no actual manager power and was just temporary until he found someone else. He was just there to run shifts. My boss arranged it so my schedule never crossed over with the creep.

One day, a coworker of mine got sick and I was asked to cover her shift.

I got there and the creep was managing. I thought I could deal with one night, but a friend of mine called the store sobbing. She had tried to call my cell around a hundred times but it was in my purse.

She was crying hysterically and told me she had been assaulted and didn’t know what to do or where to go but that she was horrified and too scared to leave.

I told my friend I would be right there and told the manager I had an emergency and would be leaving.

It was a slow night and I wasn’t needed anyway but he freaked out and tried to physically stop me, demanding to know my emergency. I tried to sidestep it, but I eventually told him my friend had been assaulted.

He burst out laughing in my face and told me that was hilarious and not an excuse to leave. I told him to get lost and shoved past him. He told me I couldn’t leave and I said watch me. I went outside and burst into tears and called my boss and told him I quit after explaining what happened.

A few months later, I was working at my new job and a former coworker came in and said they had some news for me.

Apparently, two police officers showed up at my old workplace and served papers to the guy. He had been stalking a girl for the last five years and it started when she was 14 years old. He had also assaulted her.”

14. He loved to chat

“There’s an older guy who visits my workplace a lot just to chat with our staff. He never buys anything – he just really loves talking to us. The first time I met him, we wound up chatting for a solid 15 minutes.

It was ALMOST a pleasant experience (I love chatting with friendly customers), but for some reason, he put me on edge. He spent the whole 15 minutes telling me about his life’s adventures – starring in a Smashing Pumpkins tribute band, getting detained at the airport for having a weapon (he said he was in the military and was flying overseas to do some training exercises in America or something and there was a misunderstanding about his paperwork), and he told me about his work as a guidance counselor.

He flowed from one story to the next without any discernible link connecting them but he was charismatic enough to keep the conversation flowing smoothly anyway. I felt lost at sea.

On the surface, he seemed like a well-traveled, genuinely friendly guy.

But he still set off a bunch of alarm bells in my head.

My general rule with chatty people is: ‘Friendly is good unless you are AGGRESSIVELY excited to be talking to me.’ He definitely fell into the aggressive category.

Later I mentioned the guy to a coworker. He said he thought the guy was creepy too.

Apparently, during one of this guy’s visits, he held my coworker hostage and told him (very cheerily) all about the time he got in a bar fight and he murdered a guy with his three buddies.”

15. A new priest

“This is creepy in a different way than most, but I think it’s relevant. Twenty years ago, when I was a practicing Christian, my church got a new priest. He may as well have been God himself the way people fawned over him.

I liked him at first, too. Then, after a few brief conversations, I got this feeling that his entire life was a major power trip, and he was in no way cut out to lead a congregation of actual human beings.

After he made an off-the-cuff remark to me about being divorced (the shock!), I was like, ‘Later dude’ and transferred to another church.

People thought I was nuts, because how could I not adore Father Perfect the way they did?

After a few months, I noticed a trickle of people from my former parish in my new church, and that trickle eventually became more like a flood.

‘Father Perfect’ had formerly been a highly respected surgeon with a God complex, and he was quite used to giving orders and having them carried out without question (as I would imagine is necessary for a surgical suite).

Not the best quality for a man of the cloth.

Eventually, he drove out several deacons, the choir leader, the sexton, and about half the congregation. He put a message on the church answering machine about what types of messages could and couldn’t be left.

He was a total control freak who apparently mistook himself for God. He finally left after the parish completely fell apart.”

The post 15 Times People’s Creepy Feelings Of A Situation Were Absolutely Right appeared first on UberFacts.

12+ Middle-Aged Women Reveal What They Wished They’d Known In Their 20’s

It takes time, failure, and persistence to learn new lessons. Just ask anyone in their 40s or 50s and they’ll tell you that there are things they would have done differently had they known then what they know now.

Photo Credit: Twitter

And while there’s not a darn thing we can do about our own choices, writer and university professor Nyasha Junior thought that maybe if women in their 40s could give advice to their 20-something selves, there might be some actual 20-somethings out there who would read it and take advantage. You never know!

#15. A pile of solid advice.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#14. Magical exhaustion.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#13. Both true.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#12. Be okay with what you can’t change.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#11. There’s more up ahead.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#10. Better with age.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#9. Never mind what the romance novels say.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#8. Just because.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#7. Abstract but true.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#6. Look to the future.

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#5. Some people don’t deserve a second chance.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#4. No more holding back.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#3. Listen to them.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#2. You’re own biggest fan.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#1. Never settle.

Photo Credit: Twitter

What would you tell your younger self? I would tell mine to not waste another minute giving a crap what other people think!

The post 12+ Middle-Aged Women Reveal What They Wished They’d Known In Their 20’s appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Share the Worst Day of Their Entire Life

No one likes to remember the worst day of their life – but these 13+ people are baring their souls for us. The least we can do is read their stories with empathy and compassion.

Listen up.

#15. A few feet short.

“Finding my father face down on the kitchen floor dead. As best we can tell he’d been in the middle of a very serious heart attack and was trying to get to the phone but was a few feet short of making it.”

#14. I’d probably lose it mentally.

“Really more like a month but it was earlier this year when I was passing a 10 millimeter kidney stone. After a couple days of writhing in pain I went to the ER only to find out it was too big to pass naturally. So I had to wait a couple of days in sheer pain before having a surgery that involved a tube with a small saw on the end going up into me (through the urethra) and breaking up the stone. Luckily I was passed out for the surgery, but after I woke I was in even more pain than before. Peed blood for two weeks straight, and it hurt like you couldn’t believe to go to the bathroom as well. Had to pass around 20 kidney stone fragments over the next few weeks that each hurt on their own. I then had to go back to get the stent they put in me removed, and that involved the doctor sticking another tube in me (also through the urethra) and grabbing a foot-long tube and pulling it out, however I was not put under for that procedure. That was easily the most uncomfortable and painful experience I’ve ever had. To summarize, if someone told me I’d have to go through that again I’d probably lose it mentally. I wouldn’t wish that experience on my worst enemy.”

#13. Just up and left.

“My partner left me after 9 years of living together and 17 years of friendship. Just upped and left in the night, and I later discovered that plans had been in the works for several months. I awoke to the house and car keys and a letter saying “I hated you the entire time.” I try very hard never to think of it.”

#12. She was there and we needed it.

“The night of september 14th and morning of the 15th, 2012.

I remember it quite vividly. I was making tomato soup. One of my favorite things to do is dip toast into soup. Try it.

Anyways my soup was almost ready. I was house sitting my parents house while my dad was in the hospital for surgery. He had ALS and was getting a feeding tube installed because he couldn’t eat anymore.

I’d talked to my mom earlier that day and dad had been doing well. They were talking about discharge.

It was 9:34 according to the stove. I answered the phone and my mother was in tears. She wanted us to say goodbye to dad. The surgery had gone fine, but the ALS had reached his lungs. This was it.

After the phone call we frantically called all of our childhood friends. My dad had always been a mentor for many of them as well and they needed a chance to say goodbye as well. One of them was even there the next morning despite living on the opposite end of the country.

One of them had the brilliant idea of asking someone from the church to aee if we could get a ride to Kingston to see dad. They “happily” obliged.

We got to kingston just before midnight. 11:57. I brought my guitar along to sing to dad as he went. I figured if he sang to us bringing us in to the world, I would do him the same honour.

And so we got to the hospital and they took him off life support. He had requested a do not recessitate order. The hospital ignored that for long enough for us to get there. Thank you Kingston General.

And for the next seven hours I watched my father die. Slowly suffocating as his lungs failed to function. I remember feeling so guilty because I wanted him to just die quickly. But we were afforded no such luxury. His skin got more and more pale, and his breaths weaker.

Worst day of my life. I was 20. He was 52.

In some kind of divine sendoff he died at 6:54. Just as the sun was coming over the horizon. The flag of the hospital was also at half-mast.

Afterwards we dropped by a gas station to pick up a pack of cigarettes. I walked into the store and the clerk made a friendly offhanded comment. “You look like you had a rough night” assuming I had been out drinking or something. Me, my mother, and my brother all broke down and told her what had just happened. That cashier just hugged us as we cried into her shoulder for like 30 minutes.

It’s not normal to cry on the shoulder of a cashier you’ve never met. But she was there and we needed it.”

#11. We knew he was gone.

“August 2nd 2018

The day my dad passed away suddenly and completely unexpectedly. My dad was just about the healthiest he’s ever been, except when he was in his 20’s. He was 69 years old.

My mother called me and said something was wrong around 11pm, I was out of bed and at their house in less than 5min.

He was laying in bed, he wasn’t breathing, his heart wasn’t beating. My mom was on the phone with 911, crying. I was doing CPR, the woman from 911 was counting out the beats. I switched over places and my mom took over, I ran to make sure the front door was open and look for the ambulance or anyone. I ran back inside and continued CPR. Then a police officer was there. She took over the compressions, I ran back outside to flag down the ambulance. They arrived and started working on him. I had to keep my mom out of the way, keep her sane, I had to stay strong, not break.

He was gone when I got there. They worked on him at their house, in the ambulance, and at the hospital. We knew he was gone. Telling them to stop was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. My mom was… no words can describe her. I had to be strong, make the calls, talk to people.”

#10. The worst 24 hour day.

“The worst 24 hour day was when I was in New York while my husband was in Florida – he was misdiagnosed and died of internal bleeding. I was getting updates from the hospital all day while I was trying to get a flight and he died that evening. When I got to the house in Florida, I found out it had been robbed.”

#9. A year later…

“Sept 11 2017. I got fired, someone hit my car, and I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. A year later I got the all clear tho and a better job with a 30% raise.”

#8. She never came back.

“I’ve had some extremely bad times in my life but the first of them was 31/12 1969. My mum was sewing and said she was going to her friend’s house to borrow her sewing machine. She never came back. She just abandoned 3 young children to be with another man with 5 children.”

#7. The day my son was born.

“20th August 2014, the day after my first son was born (which incidentally was the very best day of my life)

Out of nowhere we were told he has a critical heart condition, would be transferred by ambulance to a children’s hospital and require surgery to save his life.

The bottom fell out of my world with no warning or expectation. Fucking sucked. The difference between the extreme high of the day before (plus hormones, first time mum nerves and post labour exhaustion) made the drop that much harder to bare.

Fortunately the surgery went very well, his doctors are fantastic and 4 years later he is doing great. Although he will require further open heart surgery one day.”

#6. Weird out of body experience.

“4th January, 2018.

The timing could not have been worse. Within literally 60 seconds of one another, I discovered that:

– The only person I have ever loved, my long-term partner, had cheated on me with one of his friends who I had met before, including other inappropriate things that they were sending/receiving – particularly pictures of me.

– My 29 year old sister had stage 3 breast cancer.

I was on his phone and saw the evidence to which my heart just sank and I was trying my best not to show any feelings. I didn’t want to over-react and wanted to think clearly in the moment, so I waited around 30 seconds trying to process what I had just seen and how I am about to go about this. As I am about to call him over to come and sit with me whilst I tell him what I’ve just found, I receive a phone call from my mother telling me that my sister has cancer. I was staying at my partner’s home at the time after spending a few days away at New Year. I’ve never felt such a clusterf**k of emotions. I needed someone to lean on and talk to about the news I just got about my sister, but the only person I could do that with, and the only person I have ever done that with, is now sat next to me, not knowing what I’ve just found on his phone and realising that my trust and love has been betrayed. I felt like I had no control over my life for that moment and when I recall on it, all I can see is me having this weird out-of-body experience, looking at myself from the other side of the room whilst I try and cope with the news.”

#5. Lying next to me in bed.

“Sept 6 2013, I woke to find my 47 year old wife, dead of a heart attack, lying next to me in bed.”

#4. I missed reading the message.

“I woke up to the news of the terrible tsunami in Japan on March 14 2011. An hour later I was told that my best friend committed suicide in another country.

I found out that she actually messaged me on MSN(back in the day when WhatsApp was still new), asking when am I going to visit her. I missed reading the message until the day I found out she committed suicide.

I have a hole in my heart ever since and still have days when I’ll break down. We were like sisters.”

#3. Trifecta.

“My car got stolen and my grandpa died on the same day. When I got back from the funeral my apartment had been robbed.”

#2. He didn’t give any sign at all.

“Today. I just found my room mate who had hung himself in the garage. The house is full of cops & EMTs. He didn’t give any sign at all.”

#1. The same thing.

“When I was 17 my sister died of cardiac failure on her 20th birthday. When I was 28 my best friend died on father’s day of the same thing, he had a 1 month old.”

I don’t even want to think too hard about the question because the answer would be too tough!

The post 15 People Share the Worst Day of Their Entire Life appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Share Advice from Their Therapists That Is Too True

For those of us who appreciate the value of weekly therapy sessions but don’t exactly have the money in the bank to make them happen, this list is for you.

These 15 people have taken to websites like Twitter and Tumblr to share little nuggets of wisdom from their therapists. Read on and who knows…you may just find a few words that change your day.



Photo Credit: Tumblr: petalya




Photo Credit: Twitter: @iSmashFizzle


Photo Credit: Twitter: @MorganJerkins



Photo Credit: Tumblr: the-bi-writer


Photo Credit: Tumblr: antiandrogen


Photo Credit: Twitter: @__BHB__




Photo Credit: Twitter: @itsonlyaubrey


Photo Credit: Twitter: @pants_leg


Photo Credit: Twitter: @DeeRene_

The post 15 People Share Advice from Their Therapists That Is Too True appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ People Reveal Dark Secrets They Want To Confess Before They Die

Whether it was a little white lie you told when you were young or a life-altering event you swore never to speak of again, we all have our secrets. And it almost always feels better to get these things off our chests…even if it’s just in an anonymous forum.

That’s why these Reddit users took the opportunity to reveal some of the deepest secrets they want to get off their chests before they die. Perhaps in reading through these you will find a secret similar to one of your own that will help you realize you are not alone.

1. Almost Never Existed

“I know a guy who was going to break up with his girlfriend one night after a date. He was dropping her off at home and they walked in to find her dad dead on the floor. He didn’t break it off. Thirty-five years later, they are still married.

That’s the story of how I almost never existed.”

2. In The Wolf’s Den

“I’m a total fraud. I did not have a proper education. I did not go to college. After years of working in customer service and two failed start-up businesses, I faked my resume, glorified everything I did and was hired as a manager.

I have a lot to learn, but I do what I can to survive the wolf’s den.

So far, everything is going pretty well. Two things I have learned is that ‘confidence’ can make a big difference and that there is a gaping hole in the system of companies doing background investigation.”

3. One Last Look

“When I was 15, I was lying in bed one morning and I heard my dad coming up the stairs. Being a typical teenager, a conversation with my dad first thing in the morning was not something I could be arsed with so I pretended to be asleep.

I heard my dad come in my room and he stood at the end of my bed in silence. I waited. He continued to stand at the end of my bed in silence. This went on for an oddly long time. After five or six minutes, he left.

Thank God he’s gone, I thought. What’s he doing staring at me? Weirdo.

My dad walked downstairs out of the house and drove off. They found his body three days later. Those five or six minutes in my bedroom was him taking a last look at his son before he killed himself and all I could do was lie there thinking, Back off, weirdo.

He left no note so we can never be sure why he did it, but he had been off work with a bad back, my parents were struggling to keep up with the bills and he was about to have his wages halved because he had been off work for so long.

It was probably this that sent him over the edge. When he died his employer paid off our mortgage and my mum got some life insurance money giving us the financial security he was struggling to provide. I like to think that he gave his life to give us this. I just wish he knew we’d rather live in a tent with him by our side than in a house without him there.”

4. Filled With Rage

“My dad used to go to a bar near our house every night about an hour after he put us to bed. It was not until I was around 12 or 13 when I realized where he was going. I was fine with it. We lived in a good neighborhood, he would lock the doors, and I knew where his .44 was, just in case. Not that at the age of 12 I would have had half the balls it would take to actually pull the trigger on someone.

However, one night, my dad was gone a while and came home COMPLETELY sloshed and parked sideways in the driveway.

He stumbled in and noisily went to his room, which was across from mine. I was awake for all of this because I had a lot of stress with puberty and girls so I did not sleep too well regularly. I heard my dad take a leak, stumble around, and then leave his room. Then, I heard my sister’s door open. She was 13 or 14 at the time. I thought it was her seeing what all the noise was. But sadly no. It was my dad.

He went into my sister’s room at 2 am and attempted to assault her.

This was the first and only time this had happened. My father had never been violent or inappropriate toward us in any way. But, the moment I heard my sister wake up and ask him what he was doing, I was up, put pants on, and stood in the doorway. I became so filled with rage that someone who I was supposed to love and look up to could ever do something like this.

I, a kid who was pretty well sized for my age, pushed my dad up against the wall and started shouting at him. He clumsily threw me aside. Then, I picked up a lamp from my sister’s nightstand and beat my dad’s head, face, and stomach with it.

He has a pretty big scar on the top of his head – a semi-circle about as big around as a soda can. To this day, he thinks he got in a bar fight and got kicked out of his favorite pub.

I told him that the next day.”

5. Toxic

“I met a guy online just after I had turned 18. I was extremely naive and far too trusting. He said all the right things and I thought I was in love. We Skyped and I trusted him completely. I trusted him to the point at which if he wanted nudes, I would send nudes. If he wanted a strip while Skyping, I would strip.

He could be the sweetest, most loving person I had ever known if I did everything right. If I did something wrong, I was a ‘a worthless, ugly human being who would never find happiness with anyone because I was pathetic.’

I didn’t realize it at the time, but it was a toxic relationship. I was so dependent on his approval that I didn’t notice how it was affecting me.

I got sick. I became anorexic because I couldn’t keep food down. I’m naturally skinny and have always been teased about being anorexic but this time it was no joke. I was so scared and didn’t realize he was the reason this was happening until about a month later.

So, I left him. I said I couldn’t do it anymore, said goodbye, and walked away.

Best. Decision. Ever. My parents didn’t find out about this until about six months later when I broke down crying because he was messaging me on Facebook calling we a worthless floozy, among other things.

A year and a half after this happened, my Facebook started getting a bunch of random messages from guys I had never seen before.

He had uploaded every single photo I had sent him to multiple websites. He had included very personal information in the description boxes – my full name, age, which city I lived in etc. I went to the cops and got told ‘Well you shouldn’t have done that.’ I fell into a massive spiral of self-blame and self-hate.

The cop, who basically said it was my fault, made me feel worthless. The strangers I had never met who were commenting on my body made me feel worthless. I stopped attending my university classes. I failed half my papers and I never told a soul why I went from A- to C’s.

My parents don’t know he uploaded them all.

They just know he has them. I will never tell them this and I’ve mostly managed to get them all off the internet. But I’m not stupid, I know they can easily be uploaded again. My boyfriend knows they’re on there because we were dating when they were uploaded. I broke down and told him why there was such a sudden change in my mood.

He cried. I had never felt so much anger for someone before. To see him crying broke my heart more and made me sadder and angrier than the photos themselves being uploaded.

If I ever get to meet that guy in person, I will freaking kill him. I have so much rage, so much self-blame and hate and it stemmed from insecurities (high school bullying) that he preyed on.

He played me for the fool I was and destroyed me emotionally, mentally, and physically. I’m not the same person I was. I’m meaner, I’m more emotionless and I can’t seem to change it. I’ve never fully recovered. I take anti-nausea pills two and a half years later because some days I can’t take it. I have a smaller appetite and food was one of my biggest loves.

I can’t stand strangers looking at me in the street because I immediately assume they’ve seen me naked. I hate my body because it’s a constant reminder of my mistakes.

Two and a half years later and I’m still a freaking mess and I hate him deeply for that. I hate him with a passion I never knew I had.

When I need motivation, I use that hatred. I use it to make me do better at university – now studying law. I used it just to get out of bed every day and let him know he didn’t win. I didn’t kill myself. I survived my own nightmare and I’m getting better every day.

I won.”

6. On The Run

“A very well-known and well-liked guy pulled into my yard at 4 a.m. Then, he backed his truck up behind some trees so it could not be seen from the road.

‘You have to help me,’ he said, after we asked what was going on. ‘I killed a guy and the cops are looking for me.’

Apparently, he was in a bathroom at a truck stop and a really big guy kicked in the stall door and said, ‘You are gonna suck me off.’ My friend hit him in the face with the ceramic toilet tank lid. Blood went everywhere. Assuming he had killed him, he drove off.

We talked him into turning himself in. When the cops arrived, they said that the guy had assaulted several people in this fashion, until my friend knocked him out, but didn’t kill him.

Now, they finally caught the guy. He swore me to secrecy since he wants to run for office.”

7. The Vaseline Experiment

“I was in the 11th grade and was having stomach issues that persisted for weeks. Luckily, I had never poo’d myself at that point, but I was very gassy. I mean it was awful. The worst farts ever. Greasy farts that smelled like rotting trash would blow out of me a couple times per hour, clearing out the entire classroom at one point.

No one ever figured out who it was, so I had to take action before I embarrassed myself into a new high school.

I come across the idea after seeing my grandpa use Vaseline to temporarily stop water from leaking in the garage so figured I could try it out and see how it worked on my bum.

I grabbed a handful of Vaseline and stuffed my rear with it, creating an airtight seal.

The first day went well. No farts, no smells and by lunch, I had forgotten I even had a glob of Vaseline up my butt.

It was a major relief for my classmates and I. I would pull the Vaseline out, take my daily dump and hop in the shower cleaning myself real good. This went on for a while, even after my stomach was feeling better.

I didn’t want to risk it and have the nasty farts come back. So, I kept my routine for the time being.

I got home from school one day and, without having a chance to poop and clean myself up, I had to go to one of my mom’s work events.

There was food and games so I didn’t care. We were there very late and I remember falling asleep on the way home. I don’t remember anything else until I woke up to my mom yelling that I was going to be late for school.

I hopped out of bed with cramps and my stomach was looking bloated with 24 hours of farts just begging to be released.

I went to school, not having any time to take care of myself and feeling awful, but I survived until third period. Toward the end of third period, I decided to skip lunch and try to empty my insides of farts, Vaseline, and poop.

Unfortunately, my body could not handle it anymore. My stomach was hurting and I felt a release coming at any moment.

The bell rang for lunch, but I could not make it to the bathroom without crapping myself.

I moved very slowly, gathering my things at a snails pace. Once everyone left the room, I shut the door about half way, pulled down my pants, and blew an explosion of greasy Vaseline and crap onto the wall behind the door.

The sight was awful. The smell was even worse. I rushed to the bathroom to clean myself up real fast and make it to lunch without anyone noticing.

The next day, they had the room taped off. People were asking questions, but the administration said nothing to the students.

I assumed no one suspected me because I was not questioned and no one acted weird around me. The room was reopened the next week with a new paint color and tile replacing the carpet. I never used Vaseline again and I never spoke a word to anyone.

Twenty-five years later, I still think about it on occasion. A few years after the incident, I found out I was lactose intolerant. I cut out dairy and I have not had issues since.”

8. Damaged

“My mother and I have a very damaged relationship. We don’t really talk at all. I know that she doesn’t like me and that she is waiting for me to finish school and move out. I am her youngest child and the only one who seems to be successful in school and building up a life.

My brother is 22 and dropped out of school.

He smokes green all the time and pretty much does nothing. My sister is 20 and dropped out of school because of her boyfriend and religion. I am sure that my mother would prefer them to be more successful than I because I know that I am her least favorite son, but that is just the way it is.

She does not feel like a person I can rely on. If she was not my mother, we would probably just hate each other. Our personalities and interests do not match.

I have no father either. He died when I was 10.

When my mother and I start arguing, sometimes it gets really loud and emotional. If it gets really bad, my mother reminds me of that one day. September 2, 2011, and that she has been scared of me ever since.

Before that day, my mother would physically abuse us when we didn’t obey.

It was her way of raising us up. It was annoying. Home felt like a prison with way too many restrictions quite often, especially when I saw how my friends didn’t have to cope with those things. As I’ve started growing bigger, I have had enough.

One day, my 13-year-old self was sitting at home and watching TV.

My mother told me to take out the dog. I asked her to wait 15 minutes so that I could finish the match and she slapped me in the face. In our house, this was absolutely normal and expected. Usually, I would apologize and take the dog out immediately, but this day was not usual.

On this day, I hit back. Imagine a 13 year old hitting his mother. I had planned it. I wanted to show her that she could not do this to her kids and wanted her to show how I had felt every time she hit me.

I did not realize what this would mean to her and to me later. My mom was completely shocked and hit me a lot that evening. Really, a lot. My cheeks glowed and I was too afraid to sleep in my own bed that night.

The abuse would continue until I was around 15 when my mother stopped and changed.

I don’t know if it was because she wanted to treat us better, or because she was scared of me. It was probably something in between.

But, these days, she shows a very caring side, and tries to treat me good. I appreciate it and love her for all the sacrifices she has made for her kids. But, I cannot have a normal conversation with her.

I want to avoid her in every way possible and only seek conversation if necessary. Sometimes, I try to push myself and talk to her but it’s hard. It’s very hard. I don’t know if this relationship is ever going to be fixed but I pray that I will have a better one with my kids.”

9. Buried In The Backyard

“When I was in 5th or 6th grade, I was best friends with a girl whose high school aged brother was in a local gang. One night, her brother threw a party. One of his friends ended up violating my friend.

I wasn’t there, but she told me all about it the next day. He came into her room completely wasted and they did the deed. Weeks later, my friend and I were at her house and she admitted to me that she thought she might be pregnant.

I did not really know what to tell her.

Being so young, I didn’t even know where to begin. A week or two more passed and she called me crying, saying that she needed me to come over and help her.

My mom dropped me off. I headed up to her room only to find her curled up in the fetal position in her bed, crying.

After she calmed down, she told me that she forced herself to have a miscarriage by punching herself in the stomach repeatedly. She had the fetus in a mouth rinsing size dixi cup. It was super small and did not really even look like a full baby yet.

My stomach was churning at this point.

She said that she wanted help burying it in the backyard. We headed outside, dug a hole by the fence, and buried the baby. She swore me to secrecy after that. Our relationship soon fell apart and we fell out of touch.

This was probably, at least, 20 years ago.”

10. An Uncomfortable Honor

“Two of my good friends, one guy and one girl, were both repeatedly assaulted as children by the pastors of their churches. Same state, different churches. The girl’s pastor was her father. No one else knows.

A former co-worker I had known for about half an hour told me about an inoperable tumor on her spine that keeps her in constant pain so she’s always doped up on pain meds.

It also causes incontinence, so she wets the bed almost every night.

I was born with one of those faces that says, ‘Please, tell me something incredibly personal I have no idea how to appropriately respond to.’

It’s an uncomfortable honor.”

11. Still Denies It

“I met this guy at a party on New Year’s, and I thought he was really attractive. Well, lucky me got a midnight kiss from him, and then I went home since I was only 15. A few days later I got a friend request from him and I was overjoyed.

He asked if I wanted to go to a party with him and, of course, I said yes.

For a few months, we partied almost every weekend. I turned 16, he turned 19, and everything was great. Then, one night after we went out, he asked if I wanted to stay the night with him and a friend.

I did. That night, I wasn’t me.

Normally, I have morals. I’m a nice girl. But, with the combination of drinking and hanging out with a guy I wanted to be with, I was willing to do anything. He asked me if we could have a threesome and I was really hesitant.

They just kept asking and asking so I said, ‘Fine.’ He started touching me as the friend watched and it wasn’t so bad. But, then, his friend unbuttoned his pants and got on top of me. Once that was over with, the guy I liked decided he didn’t want seconds and that was it.

I asked him if I could leave so he just said yeah. I walked myself to the car and went home.

After that, the only times I would really talk to him was when I bought weed. One night, I went to a party and I saw him there.

We only said hi and he asked for my pipe, so I let him use it. The next day I asked if I could go by and pick it up and he said yeah. I went to his house and we started talking. I ended up telling him how much I liked him.

I was just telling him everything about myself.

We ended up hooking up, but after that was when I really got betrayed. Afterward, he told me that he didn’t want a relationship but we could be friends with benefits.

Nope. I just said ‘Bye,’ and left.

I didn’t talk to him until a month later when I told him I was pregnant. He denied it was his, but we had a paternity test after my son was born and he is. He has never seen him, even when we did the paternity test.

They were in the same room, but he didn’t attempt to even look in the car seat. I know he didn’t tell his family, and I’m sure he still denies it if anyone asks. We don’t talk. He blocked me on Facebook and changed his number.

My son is turning 1 soon, and he has never met his dad. He probably never will. I feel sad for my son, but seeing how he reacted, I’m glad that kind of guy isn’t in my son’s life.

The secret part: when I was around 20 weeks pregnant, he asked me if I could keep quiet about it because he didn’t want his girlfriend of two years finding out.

As far as I know, they’re still together and she has no idea.”

12. Paranoia

“I’m 33 years old and dealing with some mental health stuff right now and all that fun business. So, who knows? This could just be paranoia, but I have this sneaking suspicion my dad is a child predator.

It is just little works here and there, such as the shows he watches.

He watches a lot of kid shows, anything that involves children dancing in skimpy clothing. Sometimes I catch him standing in front of the TV with his hands in his pants.

He hasn’t done anything, that I know of, but it just makes me highly uncomfortable at times.

I think back to things when I was younger. I would take baths with him. A lot. I never thought anything ill of it. He also helped my grandmother with Sunday school a lot. He loves younger women. He is about 67 right now.

I mean, I have zero proof, besides, maybe the bathtub stuff well over two and a half decades ago.

It just irks me. Even now, when I am far too old for him to be… yeah. Sometimes, he just makes me very uncomfortable.

But, hey, mental health issues. It could just be paranoia.”

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Writer Posts Ignorant Tweet About Depression, Gets Hit With a Dose of Reality

Mental health is still not treated with the same level of importance as other ailments in this country. Of course, those of us who suffer from mental health disorders understand how serious they can be and show empathy towards others with similar conditions. After all, over 40 million adults suffer from depression in the U.S. each year. But to an outsider looking in, depression might be easy to mislabel as plain old sadness.

Just look at best-selling author Reno Omokri. He has practiced law, hosted his own television show, and travels the world preaching the gospel. Still, he doesn’t quite understand what it means to be depressed, which he demonstrated in a recent tweet.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @renoomokri

This led to a deluge of replies from Twitter users who struggle with depression and want to make sure they set the record straight.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @jj_chidozie

Photo Credit: Twitter: @spookperson

Photo Credit: Twitter: @imteddybless

Photo Credit: Twitter: @CaraidArt

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Music_Man_Mike

Photo Credit: Twitter: @hanactive

Photo Credit: Twitter: @KylePlantEmoji

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Chibusomaa

We’re sure Omokri had good intentions when he posted the tweet. Perhaps he was attempting to address people who complain about things without realizing that they have it better than most of the world. If that’s who he was talking about, fine…but that is not depression.

As long as people think depression is something that makes people sad and complain, and not a debilitating mental health issue, then we won’t see any major changes in how people are treated and cared for. So, the next time you hear someone miscategorize depression, make an effort to talk to them and help them understand that it’s not an attitude issue, but a serious health issue.

The post Writer Posts Ignorant Tweet About Depression, Gets Hit With a Dose of Reality appeared first on UberFacts.