Check Out These Absolutely Baffling Design Choices

Are you aware of the Watchmaker argument?

Basically it goes like this: if you were walking along the beach and you found an intricate pocket watch, you wouldn’t assume it had just been formed randomly out of waves and sand or whatever, you’d know that a person had to have designed it. When you look around at the world it looks pretty complicated too, so someone must have designed that as well.

It’s a kind of philosophical argument that can lead to endless debate, but the reason I bring it up here is that while scrolling the cursed images on @uglydesign on Instagram, I see things that clearly had to have been designed by humans, and yet are so baffling that it’s more tempting to believing they WERE some kind of accident?

I don’t know. Scroll on, you’ll see what I mean.

10. The measuring stick

For when you done got tired a’her always claimin’ youse exageratin’.

9. This terrifying bathroom floor

You were probably going for whimsical, but it looks like there’s someone dying in here.

8. This coffin door

“How are the neighbors?”
“Oh, they’re dead quiet.”

7. The whicker toilet

I feel like if I don’t scroll past this fast enough I might see a disaster.

6. This three wheel circus

I don’t know if you’ve got the mechanics of this quite right, friend.

5. This couch with toes

I’m the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been.

4. This sleeping bag sock

And why are you on the kitchen floor? I have so many questions.

3. This seal table

It does not get my seal of approval.

2. This torture bike

Reminds me of that thing from South Park.

1. These extreme steak knives

My god man, how tough are you cooking those things?

I just. I can’t. I won’t. I don’t understand.

Would you actually consider buying any of these? Which ones and why?

Tell us in the comments.

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These People All Failed at Their ONE JOB

I’m not here to judge anyone doing their job.

I’m bad at everything. Seriously, name a thing, I’ll tell you exactly why I’m bad at it. For instance, I just told you to name something even though I can’t hear you at all, so I’m bad at having conversations. It just goes on and on like that.

I say all this so you understand I’m not throwing shade at the people behind the mistakes in these photos. I couldn’t possibly. I’m so bad at throwing. And I wouldn’t even know how to pick shade up in the first place.

Consider this, rather, a celebration of failing at one’s job. Let’s see who’s feeling kinda dumb right now.

15. Whoever set this up for display

Maybe they were just trying to avoid copyright infringement at the last minute?

14. The programmer behind this

All movies are bad movies. Flee, child, for this world is not for you.

13. Whomever coordinated with the graphic designer on this bus

And kids everywhere rejoiced and bought a pack of Camels to celebrate.

12. Whoever labeled these guns

I’m sorry – I believe you mean “freedom boom booms.”

11. The person who forgot to set the date

It’s best before a template. I don’t even know what that means.

10. The designer who stitched together this photo

I think the more relevant question is “do you need a ride to the hospital?”

9. The employee who set up this display

You’re not you when you’re hungry. Have a pills.

8. The assembler of these bracelets

Ooooo, so close!

7. Whoever made this label

You keep using that word, I’m not sure it means what you think it means.

6. These hatless men

Come on dude, we came here for ONE thing!

5. Whoever iced this cake

Halpy Birtlry calen to you as well.

4. The maker of these cards


3. This roofer

An attempt was made.

2. This tiler

Either a huge mistake or an evil troll.

1. THIS tiler

It’s subtle, but once you see it.

We all fail sometimes. Let’s fail together.

What’s been your biggest fail lately?

Tell us in the comments.

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These Fails Are So Wonderful, They’re Actually Wins

We all like to laugh at a good fail – we enjoy seeing people screw up their jobs when the results aren’t that harmful.

But honestly? There’s more to it than that. There’s an inherent joke in a fail. There’s a new perspective. There’s something unexpected. And that, really, is a win.

Take a look at these beauties. They should really be in a museum.

15. This troubling sign

Is that what we’re calling it now?

14. This burgerless burger

Yeah can I get uuuuuuuuuhhhhhh bread.

13. This Brid bucket

I’d buy this up so fast they’d have to restock a misprint.

12. This school map listing

I’m not sure you can be confident your child is getting the best education there.

11. This misfiring sink

Don’t look, I can’t go while you’re looking.

10. These exit signs

Of course, some people do go both ways!

9. This vague message

I’m not sure what thems is, but I sure am happy that you them.

8. This confused sign

You dang kids and those skateboards you put on your shoes!

7. This wobbly line

Isn’t this just how they do everything in London because they’re weird like that?

6. This mermaid donk

I…I’d never thought of it this way.

5. This misaligned burner

Or it’s just the eye of Sauron, honestly not sure.

4. This pregnancy test

Congrats on your triplets, maybe?

3. This ominous chyron

Um…are you from the future?

2. This weelcome message

Well, at least it’s not set in stone.

1. This dog gromming equipment

My dog is already plenty grom, thank you.

Oh what glorious fails. We must protect them. We must treasure them.

What’s your biggest fail lately?

Tell us in the comments.

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Failure Tweets Brought to Us By Funny People

If you think you’ve been failing lately, chances are you’re right. Because a lot of us fail in little ways all the time. It’s just part of life. Make peace with it. Find your zen.

One way to help you make peace with it might just be realizing how much worse other people fail and create facepalm inducing scenarios on a day to day basis.

And if you need examples of just that, look no further than the friendly folks of Twitter. They’ve got the fail you need to succeed. Or something.

12. I’m a weirdo

Radiohead is one of those things I absolutely love and am simultaneously embarrassed to be a fan of, because of stuff like this.


11. Ur cute

It’s like Schrodinger’s gay over here.

10. Thank you very much

Hey, some of us still like to show some manners in this society.

9. Charcuterie

I get it man, it really is quite a big commitment.

8. Welcome to the show

Definitely crossing a line there, but how were you to know?

7. They sucks

I mean, is this the singular they though?

6. Punch it up

How people manage to put this much work in for free I’ll never understand.

5. Out with the girls

You really need to be a kept man, don’t you?

4. That bites

Ma’am I don’t want to alarm you but I think you’re raising a vampire.

3. Carpe diem

And some denim, too, while we’re out here.

2. Look at this photograph

I feel like this might just be the worst picture of an elephant possible.

1. I no it

You no it, we all no it.

If looking at those facepalms doesn’t make you feel better about your own life, then I can only assume that you’re one of these people. In which case, I apologize.

What’s the worst fail you’ve had lately?

Tell us about it in the comments.

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Fails That Will Probably Leave You Scratching Your Head

Whenever you head off to work, or sit down to work at home, what kind of goal do you have in mind?

Do you feel inspired to make something exceptional? Are you racing the clock? Or are you looking to put in literally the smallest amount of effort possible without getting fired?

It seems like a lot of folks who are aligned largely with that last mentality end up with their work proudly displayed on r/OneJob, a place on Reddit where we can marvel at failure.

So without further ado, let’s get to marveling.

13. Tile style

This would drive me so insane if I had to see it on a regular basis.

12. Red and black

And just where do you think you’re going, little guy?

11. Sotp


10. Warning signs

“Should we move this?”
“Not my job, not my problem.”

9. Slice of life

This is chaotic evil right here.

8. Free samples

This place clearly spares no expense.

7. Un-bear-able

What hath God wrought?

6. Peek-a-boo

I think accessibility is kind of the entire point of these but ok.

5. Another brick in the wall

Whatever, good enough, it’s Miller time.

4. The scramble

Imagine riding your bike through here and suddenly just panicking.

3. Salt of the earth

“Did you refill the shakers?”

2. Out of line

He’s making a break 4 it!

1. Life’s a bench

He’s communing with nature.

Eh, we’ve all been there.

What’s a time you failed at your one job?

Tell us in the comments.

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These People All Somehow Failed At Their Jobs

I’ve had a lot of jobs over the years. Some long term, some short. All sorts of disciplines and areas of expertise, or a complete lack thereof.

But whatever I do, I strive for excellence. I just wanna do it right, if only to prove that I can. I think most of us feel this way, which is why it can be so jarring to watch someone with a single job to do completely biff it somehow.

That’s the entire gist behind r/OneJob, where we collectively memorialize the job that was supposed to be done, and the thing that now stands in its place.

10. PlayBox

Meanwhile Nintendo doesn’t even have a seat at the table.

9. In memory

Whoa whoa spoilers, I haven’t even seen three through ten yet.

8. Reduce, reuse, recycle

The most vital step toward a more sustainable future is clear communication.

7. In case of emergency

I feel like this is the beginning of a Saw movie and it’s just Jigsaw taunting everybody.

6. The key

What if I don’t wanna be fri? You can’t tell me what to do.

5. Sly like a fox

He’s in disguise. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

4. New paint job

Can we like coordinate on our stencils or whatever?

3. You put the lime in the box, you nut

And shake it all up.

2. The Liren Kring

Scar! Brother! Save me!

1. Cheese on the side

Lactose intolerant people be like.

Here’s hoping they all found jobs they could do a little bit better.

Have you ever failed big at your one job?

Tell us about it in the comments.

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On-the-Job Fails That Remind Us We’re All Just Doing Our Best

We all have a ton of things going on in our lives.

Working a job you don’t love day in and day out can be challenging.

And sometimes, people just don’t quite bring their A-game.

But that’s why subreddits like r/NotMyJob exist, right?

Here are 15 absolute job fails, to make you feel a little better about whatever you did this week that wasn’t quite perfect.

1. When Poorly Drawn Lines isn’t just a fun cartoon

I mean. They tried. Right?

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

2. Sometimes you need coffee more than you even know

OR maybe it’s some secret code, a silent scream for help.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

3. The ramp to nowhere

I feel like someone could’ve used context with their work order.

I made the wheelchair ramp, boss from NotMyJob

4. The gate to nowhere

Where to begin. I guess it’s a beginning.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

5. It’s only nonstick until it isn’t

But was the pan at fault? Or the sticker?

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

6. They came, they saw, they painted

It just looks prettier that way, TBH.

It’s part of the bench now. from NotMyJob

7. Taking the term soccer “pitch” literally

Defined as: the steepness of a slope.

Builded boss from NotMyJob

8. The Elsa you need as a conscience

She will silently judge everything you do.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

9. Close enough

Directions are for tools.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

10. May have followed the directions too closely

Not their job to question the directions.

Put the wall in, Boss! from NotMyJob

11. Tired Man

It’s the Diet Barbie version of Iron Man.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

12. Plumbing is not my strong suit

Creative but lazy solutions to mistakes, that’s my bag.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

13. Job title is pipe-layer

No one said anything about moving boulders.

Ah, good enough from NotMyJob

14. It’s a new way of cutting pizza

Winner gets the little piece in the middle.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

15. Do you want light, or do you want safety?

You obviously can’t have both.

Installed the railing boss from NotMyJob

The point is, we all have bad days. I’ve certainly had my fair share of doozies.

These definitely made me feel better about the times I didn’t quite measure up.

What about you? Did we leave out any impressive job fails? Drop them in the comments!

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Check Out These Orders That Went Hilariously Wrong

I used to interpret most things literally when I was younger. Fortunately for me, it was always charming and harmless.

But if a misinterpretation is significant enough or delivered in a certain context, it can seem like you’re being condescending or snobby.

Twitter user lilyanna started off this discussion with a revelation about her boyfriend… that she’s never been able to forget.

Here are 11 times simple orders went brutally wrong.

1. Nice ego

You could read the menu for clarification, but okay.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

2. Stingy on lemon

Not what he meant, but at least you saved some lemon.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

3. Not that pudding

If you hadn’t butt in to this father-child conversation, you wouldn’t be in this mess.

Image Caption: Pleated Jeans

4. Snark

We’re not talking about drinking just anything here, but sure go off, kid.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

5. No connoisseur

If interpreted literally, what could dry wine possibly be?

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

6. As if

Who puts parmesan on calamari? She must think we don’t understand how to dine properly

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

7. As if, Mom

Haha he thought it was a snooty food, but he actually just looked snooty for turning it down.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

8. Lesson learned

That’s what you get for asking for fancy condiments in a dive bar!

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

9. Misplaced pun

Inflicting your absurd puns on seniors who just want to have their tea in peace… Shame on you.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

10. Crickets

You’re too fancy to serve drinks that have names, eh?

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

11. Really

He can open the window himself you know! He means the drink. Yeesh.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

Did you ever anger someone after misunderstanding them?

Let us know in the comments.

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Check Out These Embarrassing Order Mistakes That Made Us LOL

I don’t consider myself the most cultured person, but I’m very careful to clarify terms I’m unfamiliar with to avoid embarrassing mishaps.

The results can be disgusting or just plain embarrassing for the people who made the mistakes.

First the thread starter…

Now, here are 11 times misinterpreted food orders led to unfortunate results.

1. Proud indeed

So what did they do for tacos, then? At least you know their supplies are fresh.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

2. A different dish

(Cough) Scalloped potatoes (Cough). Who’s going to tell her?

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

3. Awkward…

I want to know how the customers reacted! Let’s hope they were understanding.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

4. Spicy

Think: country, not meal! That must have been so gross.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

5. Different meaning

This probably made them laugh instead of get angry and it doesn’t sound like such a bad snack!

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

6. Slight difference

Not in the right part of the store, but at least they were helpful.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

7. Compound word drama

I know the word hamburger comes from a German town, but it’s a pretty common American dish, so what gives?

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

8. Uh oh

I want to know how the server figured out her mistake. Did she get fired?

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

9. No dessert

Maybe not everyone eats fancy dessert, Kevin. Make it yourself.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

10. Nauseating

I hate beer, but I think I’d hate that concoction even more. I wonder if the guy got angry.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

11. Sweet tea

This mistake sounds quite nice actually. Not really a relaxing drink, though.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

Now those are some hilarious and embarrassing orders, right?

But we want to hear from you! Share your most embarrassing moments in the comments.

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Nostalgic Things You’ll Remember if You Grew Up in the 1990s

Oh, the 1990s. It was a great time to be a pre-teen and teenager. I thought I was so cool and loved expressing myself with the trends of that time.

Here are 10 images that will take you right back to the ’90s.

1. Elephant pants

Why oh why was this a thing? They were cool at the time, though, I swear!

Image Credit: Someecards

2. More elephant pants

I didn’t have a pair of these, but my friend did and the bottoms were always filthy and ripped from dragging on the floor!

Image Credit: Someecards

I remember this catalogue and was convinced I needed a bunch of the items in it (I didn’t).

Image Credit: Someecards

4. Fashion forward

I remember in ballet my classmate always had the coolest bobbles on her bun just like these! And I had about four of those chokers.

Image Credit: Someecards

5. Bath beads

I used to play with these in the store while my mom shopped. They looked and felt so cool!

Image Credit: Someecards

6. Coolest pencil case

Back to School shopping required a new Spacemaker pencil case every year.

Image Credit: Someecards

7. UGH!

It’s a wonder my eyebrows grew back, to be honest. I seldom plucked them, but when I did I went really overboard!

Image Credit: Someecards

8. Dial up…

I can still see each part of the image slowly coming down as I waited patiently. Now I can wait for anything!

Image Credit: Someecards

9. Butterfly clips

Don’t forget to keep two pieces of your hair hanging down on the side of your face.

Image Credit: Someecards

10. Vests, vests, vests

To be fair, these were at least better than the applique vests. Remember those?

Image Credit: Someecards

Sometimes thinking back on the ’90s makes me cringe, but I usually just smile.

What object screams ’90s to you when you see an image of it? Tell us in the comments.

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