This Kid Went Viral After Walking in on His Dad and It Reminds Us of All the Hilarious Zoom Mishaps

Where were you on November 6, 2020?

If you were like a lot of Americans, you may have been glued to the news.

Together as a country, many of us witnessed a funny moment when the Attorney General of Pennsylvania, Josh Shaprio, was interrupted during an MSNBC interview by an unwitting family member. It was a moment of levity that we all needed. I personally LOL’d.

The past year has definitely been a time for video call mishaps. Remember the boss who turned himself into a potato?

Or the defendant who was definitely not a cat?

Well it was a similar story last November, when Attorney General Shapiro was speaking to MSNBC about serious election issues, when his teenage son wandered into the shot.

The poor kid was frozen for about a second in horror, before slipping away.

One user responded that it was the 2020 version of another popular meme:

That was a tense week, and the laugh couldn’t have come at a better time.

Delighted by the break from serious news, Twitter went wild, with many users comparing the teen’s hasty retreat to Homer Simpson.

A lot of users were also reminded of a similar funny interruption of “BBC Dad” in 2017:

For his part, Shapiro took the whole thing in stride, joking about it with people on Twitter:

Every parent who tried to work from home last year or helped their child with remote schooling has some kind of story like this.

They just didn’t all happen on national news.

What about you? Did you have any funny Zoom mishaps? Share them in the comments.

The post This Kid Went Viral After Walking in on His Dad and It Reminds Us of All the Hilarious Zoom Mishaps appeared first on UberFacts.

Amazon Reviews That Got Very Personal

Most of us have used Amazon at some point, and that’s because  Jeff Bezos knows exactly how to take our money.

But we can fight back against the always-grinning, cash-devouring capitalist cardboard monster known as Jeffy with some snappy, and delightful, personal reviews on the products we purchase from his behemoth of a website.

Let’s check out some of the best examples…

1. Morgan Freeman narrates…

“Ahhh, yes, the mighty man-wolves of Wall street. Fueled on designer drugs and delicious penny stocks. Very beautiful, very powerful.”

So like, where are the wolves? from amazonreviews

2. Math is hard, dude.

2(b) or not 2(b)=?

Graphing calculator from amazonreviews

3. Dammit, Janet.

I can still hear you in my soul.

The earplugs work from amazonreviews

4. That art degree, tho.

Currently cutting it as a sandwich artist. And blog writer. You want that toasted?

That cuts deep from amazonreviews

5. A barrel of fun.

Shove that in your Keystone pipeline.

55 Gallons of Lubricant from amazonreviews

6. Shoulda’ bought the Dutch oven.

But I’m fine with the bag of precooked beans.

It’s a trap! from amazonreviews

7. There’s a joke here.

I’m not the one to make it.

I love when reviewers post photos from amazonreviews

8. One-ply is just as bad.

Whoa, ah hot! Hot, hot, hot. Hothothothot.

Too much pain and agony from amazonreviews

9. The geese are dead, Karen.


On a review for down pillows….thanks for the clarification from amazonreviews

10. 10/10 would roll down this hill again.

Only in these pants–and only in every other color.

Ok, I’m sold! from amazonreviews

11. “When was the last time we played Nightcrawlers?”

Only with the good lube, Charlie.

“It’s lube, not much more to say” from amazonreviews

12. Hey, girl.

Nice leg…gings

"I should have picked a different color" from amazonreviews

13. I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready.

Catching some DoodleBob vibes here. Me hoy minoy, amma’ right?

Not sure if this has ever been posted, just found this sub from amazonreviews

14. Certified rotten.

As a friend and influencer.

Dammit Chapman from amazonreviews

15. Swing away.

I know a fairy that would pay for a swing or two with that for a handful of change.

Review on fake teeth from amazonreviews

Reviews are important because they give a company or service an accurate and firsthand account of their product or service, so don’t ever stop with the accurate accounts of such things. If you know what I mean.

Do you have a funny review story, tell us about it in the comments!

The post Amazon Reviews That Got Very Personal appeared first on UberFacts.

Seriously Dumb Moments That Might End in Epic Fails

I’m not sure how to say this without shocking you, but people are kinda dumb. They do really dumb stuff. And not just at ballot boxes. Also around heavy machinery and vehicles and sharp things.

Here, let me show you what I’m talking about with these memes.

15. Who saw that coming?

Sure hope you live in a universe with Looney Tunes physics, my guy.

14. Too cool

When your boss finds your usual napping spot and you gotta up your game.

13. Safety first

I can see a few warning signs here for sure.

12. What a vision

Maybe just order it online?

11. The pipes, the pipes are calling

Not sure if this is a real photo or a shot from a Christopher Nolan movie.

10. Whatever floats your boat

If it’s stupid and it works, it’s not stupid.
This, however, also won’t work.

9. Need a lift?

Now THAT is what I call teamwork. And an OSHA violation.

8. Take a seat

Having moved all my furniture up a winding staircase to a third story apartment, I get it.

7. Snow no

These imprints tell quite a compelling story.

6. Screw you

He’s really trying to get a leg up on the competition.

5. Outside the box

No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.

4. Head protection

Can’t tell if safety precaution or just a fashion statement.

3. Advanced tag

“Hold still, Kevin! Everyone has to know that I was here!”

2. Split the difference

My entire body is recoiling just looking at this.

1. From the jump


Never go this-level dumb. Whatever you do. Unless you want to live in infamy.

What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Seriously Dumb Moments That Might End in Epic Fails appeared first on UberFacts.

Men Share Their Worst First Date Stories…and It Was All Their Fault

I’m not sure whether humans engage in dating in order to find partners or just so they have wild stories to tell, like this one on Reddit:

Whats the worst thing you have done/said on a first date? from AskReddit

Of course, he’s not alone.

Many, MANY other dudes chimed in with their own tales of woe:

1. Welcome to the slammer.

First real date ever: I am extremely nervous, dry mouth, sweaty palms, the whole 9 yards.

I washed and cleaned my car. I took a shower with fancy soaps, trimmed my nest of pubes, powdered my b*lls and shaved my face. I was ready!

I drove up to her house, shook hands with her mother, met the family, made jokes and broke the ice. I was still nervous, but it was subsiding, and I was on my way to victory.

I remembered to open the car door for her and proceeded to slam the door on her leg as she was getting situated.

Date over. 🙁

– usedbooks

2. Gettin’ smoked.

My neighbor used to be my pot dealer so he’d constantly front me stuff when either he didn’t have change or i didn’t feel like walking to an A.T.M. etc.

We hung out all the time, this was never a problem, i always paid and i’d thrown him a bunch of clients so sometimes he just didn’t care about a g. I also didn’t smoke enough for this to be a problematic arrangement.

One day he moves out, only a few blocks away, but I owed him 40 dollars.

We’re both really busy, he’s a musician i’m a photographer, so i’d try to get ahold of him to get him the money and it would never match up, and when we’d hang out we’d usually forget. Again, we’re friends, not an issue.

So i’m on a first date about a block from my house at a bar and i see him sitting with his girlfriend a few booths away, i text him saying i’m watching him and i have his money if he wants it/to come join our table. no response.

thirty minutes later we’re outside having a cigarette and he comes outside, grabs me by the throat and demands his money because “no one f*cks with him and his drugs”. immediately i knew he was kidding…my date didn’t. she freaked out and maced both of us.

we’re all still friends and i still got laid.

– [user deleted]

3. Ya boring.

Taken her as a newcomer to a screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, with a live shadow cast and virgin tribulation and everything.

First and only date; I worried about it for a long time, but then realized, f*ck it, she’s boring.

– TheAustinKnight

4. Do the math.

“I failed grade nine applied math twice. But I’m not really a thinker, I’m a doer. Sometimes I actually need a calculator to count to ten.”

After this I was like ‘Omg time to go water my cat’ and drove her home, skipping every stop sign on the way.

Twenty five minute date, my fastest yet!

– JupiterDeusMaximus

5. Hit and run.

Took a girl out to dinner

During dinner, I notice a scar on her arm

I ask about it

“I got hit by a car while I was crossing the street a few years ago”

Go for a walk after dinner to get some coffee across the street

By now, completely forgot about the got-hit-by-a-car story

Crosswalk light is about to turn red

I say “We can make it” and we start rushing across the street

We almost get hit by a car.

Yeah, no second date.

– Piratiko

6. Punch drunk love.

ended up in bed with her, when we turned off the lights and i lifted my t-shirt i accidentally punched her on her nose-piercing with my elbow.

that was not the night i got laid

– mousestar

7. Sweet dreams!

I took a girl to see requiem for a dream.

Yeah that was uncomfortable.

– stringrbelloftheball

8. Cool it.

Not me, but my best friend. He was on a date with some dumb girl once and they were having a good time, sitting in his room listening to music and talking.

She picked up a heating pad and said, “This would be so nice on me right now,” and he jokingly said, “Yeah. I wonder if it will work on my cold, lonely heart.” She promptly left.

I thought it was funny.

– ilestledisko

9. Yikes.

I am 25 and went on a date with an 18 year old.

Over the course of coffee she told me her entire sexual history, including abortions and the baby she gave up for adoption.

Her friend happened to walk by and they chatted for a moment.

She (the friend) was worried she might be pregnant and my date suggested she keep the baby just to anger the man’s wife.

We did not have a second date.

– WallyIsHiding

10. Curb your enthusiasm.

Left a girl at the curb because she refused to open the car door for herself, and resorted to insults to express her indignation that I had not automatically done so for her.

This was at her house so its not like I abandoned her, but she did have to walk back and explain to her parents why she was back early after I had just met them.

– ItGotRidiculous

11. Nerding out.

I went to pick her up and her brother answered the door.

He was holding a DS playing Pokemon. As I waited for her to come down, I proceeded to talk to him about it in depth.

She heard everything…

– RingAnswerHello

12. Warming up.

The conversation was getting a bit sexy, things were definitely warming up. Our hands were exploring some.

She asked me about past conquests, girls I’d been with, things we’d done, etc.

So since she prompted me, I told her this story about this girl I’d had sex with a few times, just as a hook-up, no dating.

Turns out, even though I didn’t mention names, there were enough details for her to figure it out, because she knew the girl…her cousin.

Also, as it happens, the cousin not only thought that were dating, but had thought we were dating exclusively until I dumped her for no reason.

That realization and the conversation that came from it was a bit awkward…

– ronearc

13. Take a bow.

Not me but my friend, took a girl to see the play I was in on a first date so I got to witness it.

While getting ready to leave, he puts on his coat and BAM punches her straight in the nose. Broke it nicely.

I have never had to stop from laughing so much while taking a bow.

– AdmanUK

14. Just a poke.

I was fresh out of a horrific mentally abusive relationship when I started to date again, so needless to say, I was a bit of a SAP around girls this time around.

I was on a date with this girl, we were hanging out at my house, watching a movie, having dinner, very casual.

At the end of the night, I walk her outside and to her car in the driveway and we’re just standing there. She says she had a good time and she’ll come to have a drink with me on the weekend blah blah blah, that old song and dance. She was getting ready to hug me goodbye, and my mind went BLANK and I just kind of poked her. Yes, poked her, with my finger… on her side, like “heh, thanks for coming over…” Her face was priceless. Then she said, “Ok… welp, see ya.”

Dumbest thing I’ve ever done.

– Bad_assness

15. It’s a sign!

I’m really not a fan of astrology, but I don’t really care if someone likes it.

Anyway, this girl said she was good at guessing signs.

I must admit, i was impressed when she got it right in only 10 guesses.

– Fearlessleader85

I can feel that last one pretty hard. You can watch my smile die in real time as anyone anywhere tells me about “my sign.” *shudders*

What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Men Share Their Worst First Date Stories…and It Was All Their Fault appeared first on UberFacts.

Weird Ways That Your Day Could Be Worse

It’s a cliche we’ve all seen a million times. The characters find themselves in some awful spot and one of them moans “How could this get any worse?” or “At least things can’t get any worse.” Then BOOM, it starts pouring rain, or a siren goes off, or shots start firing through the air.

The lesson this trope has taught us is that no matter how bad things are, we should never assume they can’t drop yet another level.

Check out these ten examples of how a normal-to-bad day can suddenly get worse in the most unexpected of ways.

10. All natural

The machines have already begun to mock us. Their takeover is imminent.

View post on

9. Hush puppy

From puzzled to muzzled in a single snap.

aww snap from Wellthatsucks

8. Wash it out

Plumbers be like “Well there’s your problem right there.”

So, how’s your day going? from Wellthatsucks

7. Testing my patience

Well, at least you learned how to drive yourself up a wall.

Waited 5 hours in line for my drivers test, got to the front only to tell me that they’ve reached the maximum amount of tests for the day. 16. from Wellthatsucks

6. See food

Oh come on, that’s just cruel.

Kid thought he was getting a new pet from Wellthatsucks

5. Bespectacled spectacle

It’s just a prank, bro.

So… My brother made a "pRanK" and did this…we dont have a key. from Wellthatsucks

4. Wide open spaces

I guess at least you don’t have to worry about social distancing.

My college labs have been canceled until further notice… and I was not included on the mass text. No wonder there’s no one here from Wellthatsucks

3. For the record

Getting a vinyl delivered by postal service to some kind of farm. What year do you live in?

A vinyl record. Thanks USPS! from Wellthatsucks

2. Why so salty?

She’s either having a very bad day or a very good one.

Does she know? It’s funny AF from Wellthatsucks

1. Like tears in rain

I’ll have what he’s having?

Great hangover from Wellthatsucks

So before you go asking “How could things get worse?” use your imagination a bit. Odds are, there are lots of ways. Lots. And you probably don’t want to invite them.

What’s been your big fail moment recently?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Weird Ways That Your Day Could Be Worse appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Who Are About To Be in a World of Trouble

Let’s face it: sometimes life just doesn’t go our way. When things start going wrong, though, one way to handle it is to lean into it until you can find a way out. These people are about to have some troubles of their own, but I’m sure they’ll make it.

1. Just trying to catch some Zs. Heck, they’d even settle for one Z.

Photo Credit: Twitter: desiraeexo

2. Short and simple.

Photo Credit: Reddit: hobbit890

3. Someone woke up on the wrong side of life.

Photo Credit: Reddit: drshaba7

4. This father kept track of how many times his three-year-old asked “Why?” in one day.

Photo Credit: Reddit: 2legitportu

5. No, thanks.

Photo Credit: Reddit: shanadar

6. “My nephew wrecked his ‘girlfriend’s’ car.”

Photo Credit: Twitter: radricadavis

7. “No idea how to fix it.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: McCDaddy

8. Eat up.

Photo Credit: Reddit: parmaqqay

9. Ah, to be a middle child.

Photo Credit: Imgur: LeButtman

10. “We threw a gender reveal party for my brother and SIL. My niece really wanted a little sister.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: themissnguyen

11. Hope they aren’t in a hurry.

Photo Credit: Reddit: xumix

12. “A family member uploaded this Easter picture of my cousin.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: imnotfunnyAMA

13. You do you.

14. “Please be a boy, please be a boy…”

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. Don’t put all your eggs in one egg machine.

Photo Credit: Imgur: ShadesOfBlue3836

The post 15 People Who Are About To Be in a World of Trouble appeared first on UberFacts.