Millennial dads are spending 3 times…

Millennial dads are spending 3 times as much times with their kids than their fathers spent with them. Back in 1982, 43% of fathers admitted they’d never changed a diaper. Today, that number is down to about 3%.

13 Things Millennials Grew up with That Today’s Kids Have No Idea About

It’s time for some Millennials to feel old for once…

Because these young kids today have NO CLUE about the technology that Millennials grew up with.

To them, the gadgets look like alien objects sent from another planet in a galaxy far away. Or something like that.

Enjoy these tweets and just remember. WE’RE ALL GETTING OLD.

1. A record player?

2. All the way back during the Civil War…

3. What is this foreign object?

4. Hmmmmm.

5. That makes me sad.

6. Wow. That is kind of insane.

7. Could be used for many things…

8. Did you make up something cool?

9. Fix it!

10. Close, but no cigar.

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. How did this activity work?

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. A forgotten relic.

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. He never forgave her…

Photo Credit: Twitter

Back in my day…

Man, that makes me sound really old…

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Milkmen Are on Their Way Back, Thanks to Millennials

Ahhhhh, the good old days.

Milkmen delivering the milk, cream and butter for the household early each morning was one of the more charming features of the 1950s.

Photo Credit: Max Pixel

Then, like all cool things, milkmen fell out of favor. It somehow became more convenient and less expensive to buy our dairy at the grocery store.

But here’s something else you can blame on – or credit to – millennials. They don’t want to go to the store and buy big plastic jugs of milk.

They are bringing back the milkman.

Photo Credit: Max Pixel

Millennials are always looking at ways to live with less waste and plastic, even if it costs a little more.

Companies in London, in particular, are seeing a big uptick in customers signing up each month to have fresh milk and other dairy delivered, and most new customers request glass bottles.

Glass can be reused up to 25 times, and it’s completely recyclable. Plus, cold milk belongs in glass, don’t you think?

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The London milkman are also learning more about what their customers need and want. They’re starting to deliver artisanal food items too, like bread and local honey, all before breakfast. Milkmen are iconic but they also want to be relevant to their communities and of service to the modern family.

Most of these new customers are young families with children. To them, the milkman provides the experience of delivered, fresh, cold milk in a bottle, while reducing plastic waste.

Sometimes, the old-fashioned ways really are butter…better.

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A Text Exchange Between a Mom and Son Shows That Kids Will Never Understand Life Before the Internet

Remember what it was like…?

Even those of us who did grow up without the internet stop and marvel from time to time about how easy everything is now and wonder aloud how we managed before things became so convenient.

That said, we do remember what it was like – and we know that everything worked just fine. We all survived, and we’re (somewhat) functional adults.

I have permission from the mom in the texts to repost this with her son's name blacked out. One of the funniest things I…

Posted by Barbara Noble Sobel on Friday, September 20, 2019

It can be striking to realize that there are now whole generations behind us who literally have zero concept of how they would accomplish everyday things without the help of email, texts, Blackboard, and the like.

Which is exactly how I felt reading this conversation between a woman and her college-aged son, who struggles to compute how on earth anyone navigated higher education twenty years ago.

The woman who posted the text conversation is a family friend, Barbara Noble Sobel, who called the screenshots “one of the funniest things I’ve read in a while.”

Posted by Barbara Noble Sobel on Friday, September 20, 2019

Posted by Barbara Noble Sobel on Friday, September 20, 2019

It started with the question “how did any of college work before email?” and snowballed from there.

They eventually got to discussing how she landed her first job, and he wanted to know how they “linked” to more information.

Posted by Barbara Noble Sobel on Friday, September 20, 2019

Posted by Barbara Noble Sobel on Friday, September 20, 2019

And also lamented having to actually speak to someone to get a job.

Bless his heart.

But also, word.

There are definitely some things that are better about the way things work now. Especially for introverts.

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These Funny Millennial Tweets That Are Pretty Darn Accurate

Millennials just can’t catch a break, can they?

They get ridiculed by everyone who isn’t part of their generation and they seem to be the butt of endless jokes. But it seems like they (usually) take the harassment in stride.

Let’s give these young people a break…after we laugh at these tweets making fun of them.

1. Ugggghhhh

2. Let’s not get together

3. Check all the boxes

4. That’s not depressing at all

5. Oh God, no!

6. Hang on tight

7. He has a point…

8. Ouch

9. Quite a difference

10. Well, good to see ya

11. The nerve of these people

12. Hmmmmm

13. So true

14. I don’t hear anything

15. The wonders of time

Now, get back to eating your avocado toast!

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Millennials Pretend to Be Baby Boomers on Facebook and It Is Very Amusing

Millennials and Baby Boomers don’t really get each other, do they? Boomers think Millennials are entitled brats and Millennials think Boomers can’t keep up with the modern world.

Twitter user Anna (@manhattanna) recently stumbled on a Facebook group in which Millennial users pretend to be Boomers in order to make fun of the way they use social media, and shared some of her screenshots on Twitter.

People love. So will you.

14. I mean why waste time with a second post?

13. “Is he a predator?”

12. Not good with the photos

Image Credit: Twitter

Image Credit: Twitter

Image Credit: Twitter


10. Please enjoy the incongruous backgrounds in the next several posts

Image Credit: Twitter

9. Balloons for days

Image Credit: Twitter

8. That is not a crying emoji…

Image Credit: Twitter

7. Neither is this

Image Credit: Twitter

6. Who among us does not miss a good cheddar biscuit?

5. God bless


3. So polite

2. These posts kill me

1. Ummmm…

Image Credit: Twitter

Stay funny out there, friends.

It’s the only reason to keep the internet alive.

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15+ Hidden Tattoos You Should Take a Look at

Did you know that 29% of Americans have tattoos? It’s pretty common these days to see people all around us with visible tats, even big pieces like full sleeves.

The artistry on display can be pretty amazing, but not all tattoos are for the public to enjoy – many private people prefer to keep their ink to themselves.

So if you’ve ever been interested in see what’s lying underneath, this is the post for you. Because we’re going to take a look at 19 perfectly hidden tattoos that you might want to try on for yourself sometime.

19. Heard of Project Semicolon? It’s a suicide awareness organization. The tattoo represents a pause to a sentence, but not the end. This is a powerful statement for many who have faced thoughts of suicide before. Learn more about the organization here.

Photo Credit: instagram/emm_godin

18. Inner lip tattoo? Or Wakandan tattoo? Hmmmm…

Photo Credit: instagram/jktat2

17. Armpit area code, so you’ll never forget where you’re from!

Photo Credit: instagram/tattoovasquez

16. Mandalas are so hip these days… especially on yours!

15. PAC-MAN and pizza on your posterior? Perfect!

Photo Credit: instagram/swingneedles

14. A perfectly placed pendant on your breastbone!

13. Love your life with this skull and hearts at the base of your own skull!

12. Paw on the toe because you love your fur baby!

11. The very popular inner-finger mustache!

10. Flock of birds for your upper back!

Photo Credit: instagram/dl_silva_rv_

9. Interactive stick figure tattoos!

8. Cosmic orbs in the mid back will keep your love for the stars safe and sound!

7. A trio of celestial bodies are A-OK with us!

Photo Credit: instagram/ast.beautyyy

6. Always have France on your mind with this Eiffel Tower in the ear!

5. Never grow up – get this Peter Pan shadow on your heel!

Photo Credit: cocollins1994

4. A beautiful bouquet below the collar!

Photo Credit: instagram/kikinoland

3. Always have a floral secret whispering in your ear!

Photo Credit: instagram/kikinoland

2. Make waves! Rock the boat with this tasteful, tiny tat!

Photo Credit: POPSUGAR

1. An Inguz! It’s a rune symbol that represents new beginnings!

Photo Credit: Gothic Life

Alright, which one are you getting?

Inner lip tattoos for everyone?

🙌 👏 🤝

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15 Older People Confess What They like About Millennials and It’ll Warm Your Cold Heart

You can’t turn around these days without seeing Baby Boomers insulting millennials for literally every little thing they do. But while this is definitely a popular narrative that a lot of places have tried to push, the fact is that there are plenty of elderly people who sympathize with the problem young people today are facing.

Heck, a lot of them even admire the way millennials are handling things, as this Reddit thread will show you.

1. Smashing gender divides

I’m 62, and I’m impressed that boys and girls in junior high and high school actually are friends with each other. I even saw the kids playing a quick pickup game of touch football – boys and girls – at the middle school while waiting for the bus to come over from the elementary school. Never would have happened in my generation.

2. Fun music

My kids laugh because I like rap as much as they do.

They do get tired of me telling them the original sampled sources and musical roots.

3. Video games are awesome now

61 years old here, and I love my video games as much as younger people.

4. No worries

The phrase “No Worries” after you apologize for a delay holding someone up. Has a much warmer feel than any other equivalent.

5. Hilarious slang terms

Yeet. I don’t know what it is, but that word just makes me laugh. I’ll be 48 this year, and hopefully still have many years before I yeet the f**k off this mortal coil.

6. Changing priorities

Putting more of a priority on personal life and goals than on “career”. The realization that devotion to employer is a dead-end is one that not so many of my fellow Gen-Xers have cottoned to.

7. Memes!

I’m 48 and I love memes. I’m facebook friends with many of my college students and I’m sometimes in tears laughing over the memes they post. I love the levels of cultural knowledge required to “get” them. Even at 48, I still feel rebelliously like I’m getting something that my parents don’t get.

8. Kindness rules

How kind and understanding they are to kids who are different.

My first grader just went to a party for a kid with Downs this last weekend. He invited his whole class and at least 2/3 of them showed up to celebrate with him. Warmed my heart.

9. Adopt don’t shop

They adopt pets rather than buying the designer ones.

10. Keepin’ it casual

Casual dress codes!

Some of the managers are younger than me now and they do not care what anyone wears to work.

Die, high heels!

11. Tolerance

You guys are tolerant as hell. I work in a school and kids can wear nerdy shit and not wonder who they’re gonna have to fight first.

Back in the 90’s I smuggled my Star Wars books into the cafeteria like I was carrying enigma machine codes.

12. Advanced technology

I am amazed that you all can play game consoles with what seems like twenty different god damned buttons on the controller. And use them all almost simultaneously!

13. More living

I like that they are less into stuff and more into experiences.

14. Acceptance

I was a teen when “gay” was still an insult.

Kids these days are so friggen cool.

15. Dabbing

Dabbing. I dab the f**k out of my wife and kids. I open my arms and walk to them like I’m going to hug them, then I dab away.

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This Avocado Stick Got the Internet VERY Excited… Even Though It’s Not Real

Have you ever been frustrated that your favorite foods aren’t available in the form of a stick that looks like deodorant? Well, turn that frown upside-down!

These days, it seems everyone is a devotee at the Altar of the Avocado, but could this particular idea be just a tad on the extreme side?

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you “Avocado on a Stick.”

Some of the responses on Facebook:

“I love avocado, however this is repulsive.”

“If only Mother Nature gave avocado it’s own packaging. Oh wait she does and it takes like five seconds to open it this takes laziness to another level.”

“I ain’t eating this. It probably taste like Degree.”

One side note: Avocado on a Stick ISN’T REAL. In fact, none of the hilarious and ridiculous products featured by Unnecessary Inventions are real. Which makes the fact that people got grossed out and totally annoyed that much better.

No matter how you slice it, I don’t think having any kind of food come out of a receptacle like this is a good idea. Do you agree?

But for a fun time, let’s see this baby in action.

I’m pretty open-minded, but I just don’t think I can get past this…and I’m willing to bet someone will actually make this product sooner or later.

Pass the deodorant! I mean, the avocado stick…

Feeling hungry now?

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10+ Millennials Remember the Things They Miss Most About the 90s

Nostalgia is a pretty universal aspect of the human condition. Every generation has looked back at their own childhood and thought “Ahhh, those were the days!”

Well, millennials who grew up during the 90s are no different. If you’re one of them (or just love the 90s) then these 15 memories are probably going to spark more than a few of your own.

#1. Basic necessities

“Honestly, I miss life before the internet and cell phones/texting became basic necessities.”

#2. A bit carried away

“Climbing trees, making dens in the woods, knocking on your friends door on a Saturday morning without phoning first, ‘are you playing out?’ Summer holidays spent in the half sunny alleys and fields behind the cul de sac. Asking my dad to record my tv shows onto vcr and him always getting the audio wrong from not turning the volume up on the cable box. Those little blue chocolate wafers my Nan had and the way she made toast. My parents watching Inspector Morse after I went to bed and how the radio was always on in the kitchen. The plum tree outside my bedroom window when it blossomed. School mornings getting colder and how my Mum got the car warmed up in the winter before we left. Our dog. My home. My self when I was young and the world was still magical.

Sorry I got a bit carried away.”

#3. Most of all

“8bit graphics, rainbow windbreakers, roller rinks still being cool, AOL, Nickelodeon. But most of all, just being a carefree kid.”

#4. A sense of innocence

“Amazing music, comfy clothes, cheap gasoline and a sense of innocence and optimism about the future.

Also being around my high school classmates seven hours a day, five days a week September through June could be a mixed blessing then, but I sure miss them now.”

#5. The good stuff

90s cartoons!

#6. When you got home

“I miss being safe from bullies when you got home. Like when I was in school I would get shit from someone, but once I got home that stopped. With the way we are all connected now through the internet and social media, I probably wouldn’t have escaped it like I used to be able to. I feel bad for kids that are bullied in school nowadays because they can’t escape the bullying by going home if they have any sort of presence on the internet.”

#7. The highest virtue

“Vintage clothes were the epitome of cool. It’s still weird to me that now it’s cool to wear expensive clothes, much less ones with obvious labels.

Also related, the idea of “not selling out” as the highest virtue. The idea that the coolest people of the 2010s are influencers with sponsored posts couldn’t be more anti-90s.”

#8. I didn’t appreciate it enough

“I spent the 90s on college and grad school, mostly. I miss having a life where my job was just to think, learn and mature. I didn’t appreciate it enough.”

#9. Some sort of game

“Starting high school in 1990. Good music. Rap rock and even pop. Getting outside. Calling people on an actual house phone to set up the weekend. Meeting girls by actually meeting and talking to them in person. You actually had to have some sort of game to even get a number. We worked hard and played hard. People weren’t so sensitive.”

#10. The news wasn’t 24/7

“Stop watching the news. I stopped a couple of years ago and I’m happier. Most of it is irrelevant anyway. Think about it this way. What have you learned from the news in the past year that has directly affected your life? Of those things, what’s the likelyhood of you finding out about it through other means. If the answer is high, just stop watching.”

#11. Instant win

“Instant win contests.

You could buy a bottle of Coke, win another bottle of Coke and immediately turn around to get another one for free.

Now you have to go online, enter some code somewhere and it sucks.”

#12. Like I was at an Irish funeral

“When I would be sitting in my living room apartment and looking at my CD shelf and seeing my Pink Floyd Pulse disk blinking that beautiful red blink. I always wondered when the exact time and date it stopped was because I would have popped that disc in and proceed to drink like I was at an Irish funeral.”

#13. All you had to do

“All you had to do was just go outside. We always found something to do and had a blast. My kids never go outside unless they have a specific activity planned ahead.”


#14. Improvised WWF

“Improvised WWF (it was still the WWF back then) matches on my trampoline with buddies.

Also NOT having the internet for every little thing made stuff like Pokemon game glitches the stuff of legend.”

#15. Having all my hair

“The music. The sense the world was improving. Having all my hair.”

Let me know when they invent a time machine, okay?!

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