Let’s Take a Look at the Existential Crisis of Being a Millennial 29 Year Old

For anyone who hasn’t experienced it in life yet, it’s hard to convey just how weird it is being 29. You know that you’re at the end of your 20’s, and thus coming to the close of the part of your life where anyone is likely to refer to you as “young.”

This makes you start reevaluating absolutely everything, including just how different your life is from that which your parents had when they were at this juncture.

As always, memes express it best. Here are the questions you may find yourself asking…

10. What’s for dinner?

I feel called out as I specifically wrote a review about this recently.

9. Is it the right time?

These things are sensitive and need to be handled correctly.

8. Can I go out?

Why would you even want to, though?

7. Why tho?

Maybe some things are better left in the past.

6. Will I be next?

It’s the closest thing to a vacation many of us could even hope for.

5. Can we chat?

An example of a positive generational shift.

4. Who’s a good kitty?

I don’t care what they say, he’s my baby.

3. Have I watered them today?

It’s especially devastating when you fail even at this.

2. Can I afford it?

I guess I could have done this at home, but my wood isn’t as nice.

1. Can we hang?

Oh boy oh gee I hope he lets me live slightly.

Best of luck to all my fellow millennials out there. You’re gonna need it.

What’s the biggest difference between you and your parents?

Tell us in the comments.

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Millennials Will Definitely Remember These Things

Millennials are defined as anyone born between 1981 and 1996. We get a lot of heat for ruining basically everything but really all we want to do is escape from the pressures of adulting by seeking comfort in the memories of our childhood.

If you’re a Millennial looking for a moment of escape, see if you remember these 13 things that contributed to Millennial childhood experience.

1. So satisfying:

Like returning a library book.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Ah, youth:

Field trips = school sanctioned adventures.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

3. I’m parched:

These will go great with our Hercules plates.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Idk about this one:

I remember the texture of these being…weird.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

5. I still miss this:

The best phones have physical keyboards.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

6. The good old days:

Back when the playground equipment could give you splinters for days…

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

7. Simpler times:

…and building with these bricks made you feel super strong.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

8. Try blowing on it:

Do you see a scratch?

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Why don’t we still have this?

Forget ball pits! I want to race Mario carts!

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Ice, ice baby:

Stay frosty.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

11. The evolution of the mixtape:

And the best gift for your current crush.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

12. Let there be light:

There once was a time where not every device was backlit.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

13. I can’t explain it:

But I remember.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed

Ah, that’s better. As Millennials we get a bad rap, but honestly, I think we’re lucky. We were lucky to grow up when we did. We got to experience the world before and after the turn of the millennium, and the rise of social media. And no matter how stressful life gets, we’ll always have those memories to keep us going.

Which one of these memories gives you the warm fuzzies? Let us know in the comments!

The post Millennials Will Definitely Remember These Things appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets for People Who’d Like to Stop Aging NOW

Were you aware that the longer you live, the older you get? I know. It’s weird.

And unwelcome. I didn’t sign up for aging, or having responsibilities, or being a sentient life form of any kind, really. If I had my druthers, I’d probably have chosen to be a nice tree. Something chill and low maintenance. But noooo. I had to become a being of inexplicable consciousness formed within the miracle that is the human brain. Plus I have to pay bills and stuff. Lame.

Here are fifteen tweets about getting older to help soothe the joint pain.

15. We all scream

That’s a cold, hard fact.

14. Loosen up

The only thing I’m chugging now is Metamucil.

13. Poetry in Motrin

You can never be too careful.

12. Take a hit

You’re officially an adult when you stop being surprised by the presence of a dinner table.

11. Taking inventory

This is why digital assistants need to step up their game.

10. Pride of ownership

See it’s funny because the economy that enriched our parents was stolen out from under us by greed.

9. Real cool

Sitcoms are people in their 30’s playing people in their 20’s with no jobs and a $3,000/month apartment.

8. Wine about it

The date stamp on this tweet is ironic. Little did they know this would be the legal limit for all of us pretty soon after.

7. Bring the noise

It’s called the old man creak and I’ve made peace with it.

6. Plot holes

What are friends for?

5. Cut to the chase

Let it grow, let it grooooow, can’t hold it back anymore…

4. Consequences

Thanks a lot, biology.

3. Diminishing returns

For most of us $1,000 just means “you’re allowed to keep living in your home for another few weeks.”

2. Key phrases

Should probably keep it in a drawer for the rest of my life just in case.

1. High standards

Smokin’ hot takes over here.

That’s it, I refuse to age. Somebody get me Benjamin Button on the line, I need to learn his weird secrets.

What’s the weirdest thing about getting older to you?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Tweets for People Who’d Like to Stop Aging NOW appeared first on UberFacts.

Times When People Had Serious Questions About Millennials That Turned Out to Be Jokes in Disguise

Millennials…prepare to get dragged all over the place, because 12 people decided that today was the day to ask you serious questions that weren’t so serious.

You know the drill. They tweet. They funny. You don’t respond. We all laugh. Repeat.

Thank you to this site for bringing all these together, and thanks to us for going through them and finding the best.

You’re welcome, internet

1. Eggplants just doing eggplants things

I’m endlessly amused by what emojis mean.

2. Because they can!

It’s all meta, all the time!

3. Chef’s kiss!

You can eat it AND drink it. Win win!

4. A true rite of passage.

I deleted it, btw. Because reasons.

5. Is it their 6th or 16th?

Seems like MOST of the people on TikTok are drunk.

6. I can’t even with this

I use adjectives in place of verbs. So there!

7. Yes, it looks distressed! It doesn’t want to be that way!

Shabby indeed!

8. 80s kids and 70s kids are so much cooler.

We’re colder because we’re older and old people get colder faster.

9. Why do so many of them have back problems?

Maybe because they have drinking problems? Hmmm…

10. This tweet is wrong.

GIFs are hilarious and DO NOT pronounce that word with a J.

11. Well, I don’t blame them.

This is their fight son.

12. Isn’t it?

Buzzfeed, you keep on feeding us that buzz.

In all the history of all the tweets… these were among the finest. Don’t you agree?

I’m really asking a rhetorical question there, but you can feel free to respond if you want. I won’t judge. Much.

See ya soon!

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Gen Z-ers Are Making Fun of Millennials on TikTok

It just seems to be a fact of life: There will always be feuds between different generations.

Typically, those fights are between older generations, who look down upon or criticize younger generations (see also: Baby Boomers and literally every other younger generation).

But now, Gen Z-ers are getting in on the action and throwing some major shade at Millennials. And of course they’re doing it on TikTok, the most Gen Z platform ever made.

According to researchers, Millennials are people who were born between the years 1981 and 1996. Gen Z, on the other hand, are people born between 1997 and 2012. They grew up in very, very different times, especially as it relates to technology.

It all started with this video from user @wholesam:


Stop bullying millennials! They’re pretty cool

♬ original sound – undergroundish

He made fun of Millennials for using the word “adulting” and for taking coffee breaks. Other people quickly piled on, however.

They took serious issue with Millennial’s love of “Harry Potter:”


inspired by @wholesam

♬ original sound – mayalepa

They also apparently think Millennials use the word “doggo” too much:


finally able to jump on the #millennial hate trend 😍 so happy to be here #fyp @wholesam

♬ Miley acting up – illumitatiana

However, at least one person pointed out that Gen Z threw a hissy fit when Millennials started using TikTok — so I guess this feud goes both ways after all!


The circle of life #millennial #over30 #millennials

♬ Majesty – Instrumental Mix – Apashe

Dang, what else will Gen Z-ers take issue with next? Avocado toast? Student loan debt? Living with your parents? Lack of work ethic? Now they’re starting to sound just like the Boomers. You can hardly tell them apart!

Do you agree with the Gen Z assessment of Millennials? Will we ever live to see a time when generations don’t fight with each other?

We’d love to hear your opinions!

Let us know in the comments!

The post Gen Z-ers Are Making Fun of Millennials on TikTok appeared first on UberFacts.

Check out This Facebook Group Where Millennials Pretend to Be Boomers

A lot of hay has been made about the “war” between Millennials and Boomers. But in the end, it’s really all about the memes. At least that seems to be the philosophy of a private group on Facebook called a group where we all pretend to be boomers.

It’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like, and it’s rapidly gaining popularity, with nearly 15k members at the time of writing and likely far more by the time you see this. The bit is simple: a bunch of people young to youngish people do an impression of the online habits and styles of their older counterparts. That’s it. That’s all. And it’s kind of hilarious.

A thread on this latest lob in the generational war picked up a lot of attention when Twitter user @manhattanna posted a series of screenshots from within the group alongside commentary explaining that she might actually die from laughter.

Here are some examples of the kinds of things she unearthed. (All screenshots are from @manhattanna’s thread here and were presumably taken within the Facebook group. Names and faces have been removed to protect the innocent.)

10. Dinner With Tom

The vicious face at the end of the comment thread is what kills me here.

9. A Trip to the Mall

I know it’s a joke but I genuinely feel sorry for the pretend person that posted this.

8. Off Color

WHY oh WHY do Boomers love minions so damn much?

7. Twinkie Time

The classic “Boomer shares a dirty meme without realizing it” bit.

6. Red Lobster Dates

So many of these are about death and loss and I shouldn’t be laughing but dammit I kinda am.

5. Engojis


4. Ant Man Returns

The way this person never uses a period correctly is just masterful.

3. Custody Battle

This was one of a series of “really tragic post on inappropriately lighthearted background.”

2. Ghost Phone

I have seen legitimate listings like this I swear to God.

1. My Dinner with Bob

Just type that text into whatever box, I’m sure it’ll get where it’s going.

If I’m being honest this sort of stuff fills me with a mix of unbridled joy and deep guilt. I know full well that, if I’m lucky to live long enough, I will eventually be totally baffled by whatever new thing society throws at me. And when that day comes, a group of kids will get together and make memes about it which I will also not understand. And then I’ll just get in my rocket powered recliner and go to my moon retirement estate, I don’t need this mess.

Which of the posts is your favorite?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Check out This Facebook Group Where Millennials Pretend to Be Boomers appeared first on UberFacts.

Millennials Tweeted About All the Disasters They’ve Lived Through So Far

As much as everyone loves to make fun of Millennials and say that they’re lazy and soft, they’ve been through a lot of stuff in their lives.

I’m talking about big, major, life-changing events.

And just in case any of you out there forgot about any of those things, Millennials are taking to Twitter to remind everyone about all the awful stuff they’ve had to deal with.

Let’s take a look at what these folks had to say…

1. Think about it…

They’ve been through quite a bit.

2. The last one on that list is pretty rough.

At least we can all unite around not liking Carole Baskin.

3. You’re not a kid anymore…

A lot of sh*t to put up with.

4. Numbed to catastrophe.

This person is right on target.

5. That Cubs world series was a doozy.

I bet you never thought you’d see that one.

6. An unraveled world.

Let’s hope things start looking up!

7. What’s next?

We can only hope that things improve.

8. Back in my day…

You’ll have a lot of good stories.

9. Stop giving us crap!

A lot of big historical events have already gone down in their lives.

10. Think we can afford that?

Just waiting to see what happens next…

11. That old one-liner…

Doesn’t really ring true, now does it?

12. Why me, God?

That’s a good question…

Well, there you have it…

So what do you think?

Do Millennials have legitimate gripes or are they just whining?

Tell us what you think in the comments.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post Millennials Tweeted About All the Disasters They’ve Lived Through So Far appeared first on UberFacts.

67% of millennials see their pet…

67% of millennials see their pet as part of the family and refer to them as a “fur baby.” They would like to take leave from work to care for a new pet if their employer offered it. Millennial dog owners spend an average of $1,285 per year on their pet.

Enjoy These Funny Tweets About Triggered Boomers

Okay, Boomer

Have you heard that phrase a lot lately? If you’ve been paying attention (and I’m sure you have), you know that all the kids are saying it these days.

You have to admit, this whole generational clash is pretty hilarious.

Let’s take a look at a bunch of times when Baby Boomers got triggered…

1. Fix this!

2. Here we go again…

3. Good one!

4. Yes!

5. Isn’t that something…

6. A lot of work went into this one.

7. Yeah that happened…

8. Think about that one.

9. This pretty much sums it up.

10. I’m being abused!

11. Totally normal.

12. Not those kind of jokes.

13. LOL.

14. It was cheap back then.

15. Gotta go back in time!

Have you had any hilarious interactions with Boomers lately?

If so, tell us all about it in the comments!

The post Enjoy These Funny Tweets About Triggered Boomers appeared first on UberFacts.