World War III Memes have Arrived and We’re Here for Them

You probably know by now that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, and dealings in the Middle East seem poised, once again, to send the entire planet up in flames. There seems to be little hope, or peace, or solace of any kind…except for the internet.

For once, social media is riding in on a white horse to save us – or at least, to bring the dark humor to get us through darker days.

17. If there’s one thing everyone is sure will happen…

16. Basically me.

15. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long decade.

14. Some things definitely only seem funny.

13. Happy Birthday, son.

12. We’re re-thinking a lot of things.

11. It’s good to have a plan.

10. Just a little bit of real talk.

9. Some people are just not in the mood.

8. At least you don’t live in a country where you were already signed up.

7. At least let them get their coffee first, damn.

6. Okay but all of this talk kind of makes me sick to my stomach.

5. Just another day in paradise.

4. Crap, not again. We just fixed this place up!

3. Bottom line.

2. There is a long list of people before you who have tried it.

1. Do you think you’ll be able to pull up YouTube over there?

At least we’re all laughing while we’re crying, right? Right, guys?

Are you worried about the state of the world? Can you still laugh about it? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!

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If Kids Aren’t Your Thing, These Memes Are For You

Are you the type of person who does NOT want to have kids? Hey! Me too!!

We hate the idea that our independence will be threatened by bedtimes, diaper changes, responsibilities, crying, and snot leakage.

Yeah… completely understandable reasons, fam!

If you’re one of those people, these memes pretty much sum up your outlook on life and kids, so let’s go!

1. Seriously the worst!

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

2. This won’t end well…

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

3. Stop looking at me!

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

4. Too late… already do this…

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

5. The right response…

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

6. Get away from me, you devil child!

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

7. Wut sup!?

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

8. Get it away!

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

9. Move away from the child…

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

10. OMG… YES!

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

11. Yes? No? Hmmm, better take all of the birth control then!

Photo Credit: Pizzabottle

So, you’re going out to the store right now to gets some condoms, right? Because there’s NO way you want to have a little you running around. That would be horrible.

What do you think? One of these speak to you in a special way?

Let us know in the comments!

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11 Funny Memes for People Who Can’t Stand Their Exes

We understand. You got burned by your ex and you still can’t bring yourself to forgive that person. We’re all different so we have to get over bad breakups at our own pace.

But the people behind these memes clearly still have some major issues with their ex-boyfriends and girlfriends…

You can practically feel the anger deep down in your soul…

Let’s take a look.

1. They seem a little small.

Photo Credit: someecards

2. You sure about that?

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Not gonna happen.

Photo Credit: someecards

4. Don’t do it!

Photo Credit: someecards

5. Time to leave.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Who’s it gonna be…?

Photo Credit: someecards

7. Who needs men, anyway?

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Used to it.

Photo Credit: someecards

9. Can we all start using this, please?

Photo Credit: someecards

10. That’s the best part about that one.

Photo Credit: someecards

11. You still need to know…

Photo Credit: someecards

We know a lot of you have been burned out there in that rough world of love and dating.

Tell us a little bit about that terrible ex of yours in the comments.

Go ahead, get it off your chest!

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These Husbands Are Really Starting to Annoy Their Wives

Guys sure are good at annoying their ladies, aren’t they?

All the ladies out there, I’m sure you’ve experienced situations like this…and I’m sure you’re a little fed up as well…

Let’s dive in, shall we?

1. Marriage at its finest.

2. Not gonna happen.

3. Classy fella.

4. Thanks for the info.

5. The ultimate throne.

6. That’s all you’re gonna get.

7. Just go along with it.

8. Need more updates.

9. Please don’t do that.

10. That is kind of savage.

11. I really hope your husband sent you this and not some random guy.

12. Hangry. Basic. Saucy.

13. Having a hard time.

Marriage sure is beautiful, isn’t it?

Share some of the things your man does to get on your nerves in the comments below.

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15 of the Best “Ok, Boomer” Jokes Around

Prepare to laugh…

Ok, Boomer is one of the newest (and arguably greatest) memes to take the internet by storm in 2019, which means there’s a lot of content out there – a lot of people looking for their 10 seconds of Twitter fame and the like.

So we went through a bunch (and I mean a bunch) of them for you, and came up with these 15 (so far) that we don’t think you should miss.


15. The suspense must be killing you.

14. I’m assuming they’ve got all of their signatures.

13. No one needs this meme more than Peter Parker.

12. But show some respect Harry or you’ll be stuck with the Dursleys forever.

11. What do you think?

10. It’s nicer than what I would say to Elsa, tbh.

9. This is so perfect it’s meant to be.

8. Meme mashup for the win!

7. Yeah, take THAT.

Image Credit: Tumblr

6. Hard to argue with that!

5. Princess Bride references are always okay.

4. When you know you’re raising them right.

3. Hollywood doesn’t even need writers anymore.

2. And it all comes full circle.

1. That awkward moment when…

I just love these tweets and this meme, mostly because as a Xennial (GenX-ish) I can just eat my popcorn and enjoy.

Do you love it? Hate it? Tell us why in the comments!

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Enjoy These Anxiety Memes About Anxiety That Won’t Make You More Anxious

It’s time to just calm down already, put that anxiety aside and just BREATHE.

Phew… that was nice. Because that’s all it takes. Thinking about it.


No… just a long, cleansing breath in… and then out. Let that anxiety just melt away.

Okay, now on to these memes. Those should help too!

1. All day. All night.

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

2. What even is reality anymore?!

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

3. Agreed.

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

4. Oh! That’s all I had to do?!?

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

5. Do that thing!

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

6. Yes, that’ll do it!

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

7. OMFG…

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

8. What happened?!?

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

9. Not so fast…

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

10. Never go to sleep right away. Ever.

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

11. Oh, I’m you alright…

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

Well, how do you feel? Anxious as always. I knew it!

Okay, share how you feel in the comments anyway. Anxious or otherwise. Because we actually DO care about you. For reals.

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15 Funny Random Tweets That Should Make You LOL

Twitter is great for a whole lotta random laughs.

You scroll through the feed, you have a few chuckles, and then you get back to your regularly scheduled day.

It’s a nice way to take a break!

So let’s all do that together right now. 3…2…1…GO.

1. That is pretty accurate.

2. A real cut-up.

3. The horror!

4. You’re making the right choice.

5. Sorry, not gonna happen.

6. You’re surprised?

7. The sequel!

8. Hahahaha. Not bad.

9. This one took me a minute…

10. They always get screwed over in car chase scenes.

11. I hear you on this one.

12. A history buff.

13. What’s updog?

14. Not down with the lingo yet.

15. What a hedge…oh wait…

Are you laughing?

I know I’m laughing!

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Gen X’ers Will Appreciate These Memes More Than Napster

ALL of the talk right now is about boomers and millennials because they’re fighting. Which is fine. You all do your thing and we’ll just sticking around, minding our own business, making fat stacks and reading memes.

I mean… remember when music and movies were free on the internet because we were LITERALLY stealing them? And we thought that would keep going?

Yeah, you remember… and these memes will bring all those good times flooding back.

1. Wait… WUT?!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Them were them dayz

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. And were they even taken out of class??

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Good lord…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. Sleeves = Class

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. It’s on!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. That Atari life!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. OMFG!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Oh yes.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Oh… am I interrupting the class with my FRIES?!?!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. You’ll never know…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

How much did you relate to these memes? If you said, “A LOT!” then you are definitely Generation X. Like, full on Gen Xer.

Got any awesome memes you want to share with us? Leave them in the comments!

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20 Funny Memes That Might Put a Smile on Your Face

We’re giving you all dem memes, yo! And there’s nothing you can do to stop it!

So, in the interest of time and getting to the fucking point already… we present 20 memes that are memeing so hard you won’t even know how to meme after you meme these memes.


1. High. Class.

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

2. Look! We found some pussy!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

3. Come on y’all…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

4. WUT!??

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

5. Sit. On. Dat. Couch!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

6. Turn stick?

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

7. We found a “never nude” in the wild!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

8. Shitting in high carpet

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

9. The only way to drink Miller Lite…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

10. Data… you bad…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans


Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

12. O.M.G.

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

13. This is true!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

14. It’s about damn time!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

15. Hey, the world wanted it!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

16. Wait… how did that happen??

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

17. Don’t we all…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

18. Yeah, and Hermoine married him, so….

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

19. They can earn money, though…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

20. POO: “Did somebody say coffee?”

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans

And there you have it! Memes so memeing good, you’ll never meme that hard again. Possibly. We don’t know. We’re just making this shit up as we go along.

Alright, time for you to sound off! Let us know which memes did it for you in the comments!

The post 20 Funny Memes That Might Put a Smile on Your Face appeared first on UberFacts.

These ‘Woman Yelling at a Cat’ Memes Should Tickle Your Funny Bone

Sometimes, a meme grabs the public the throat and refuses to let go. Kind of like the guy ignoring his girlfriend meme, or the girl grinning in front of the fire. Remember those?

Well, here’s another one that people are fascinated by for one reason or another. Heck, one guy even pulled it off for Halloween.

So enjoy the “woman yelling at a cat” meme because you never know when it made fade away forever…

1. Please don’t eat it like that.

2. Hahahaha.

3. Which one do you prefer?

4. Which will come out on top?

5. Doing good work.

6. Is Google listening?

“Woman yelling at cat eating food” from dankmemes

7. It’s pronounced “zink”.

8. Grammar wars.

9. This one is good.

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#lmao #thatsagoodone #womanyellingatcat #meme #?

A post shared by Sherie ( on

10. See, it’s totally harmless!

I usually don’t get too interested in trendy memes, but this one is hilarious to me, for some reason.

What do you think? Share your favorite one that you’ve seen in the comments!

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