15 Funny Tweets About Couples Therapy

Going to therapy is nothing to joke about…oh wait, yes it is!

At least it is according to these folks who decided to tweet about couples therapy.

Let’s dive right into the pain…and the laughs!

1. Who’s ahead?

2. I’ve heard enough out of you.

3. Hahahaha.

4. Maybe you are…

5. Doesn’t look good…

6. That’s a tragedy.

7. You’re not a doctor!

8. That is crucial.

9. I see…

10. You moron!

11. That’s great!

12. I’m gonna need to pat you down.

13. Uh oh…

14. Never a good sign.

15. He just can’t bring himself to do it.

Have you ever given couples therapy a whirl?

If so, let us know how it went in the comments! We’re here to listen!

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Enjoy These Funny Tweets About the Wonderful World of Marriage

Marriage is an eternal union where two people are bonded together forever – wait a second, what am I talking about?

People these days get married so they can tweet about it and the rest of us can enjoy it.

At least, that’s my understanding of the institution of marriage. I might be a bit off, though…

But let’s not choose sides here, let’s just all agree that marriage can equal comedy gold. Just like these tweets!

1. It’s not going very well. 

2. Having some dark thoughts?

3. He needed to see the ending.

4. How romantic…

5. A new family member.

6. She always comes through.

7. Thanks a lot!

8. Still have some things to work on.

9. A nice little Friday night.

10. I’m sure she doesn’t find this annoying at all.

11. That has ended many relationships.

12. Things are getting a little testy.

13. Get into the corners really well.

14. His biggest achievement.

15. Them’s the rules.

Ladies and gents, share a funny marriage story with us.

And be sure to tell us how long you’ve been hitched so we can compare tales!

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Parents Tweeted the Truth About Sex After Kids and It Is Pretty Funny

Hang on tight for this one.

I’m not married and I don’t have kids, but I have ears, people. I listen to the conversations of my married friends, and I know what’s going on (sort of).

And I know that the nookie takes a nosedive after those adorable little angels become a part of the family.

Which is why these texts from parents are hilarious and right on the money.


1. Please don’t come in here.

2. You’re DEFINITELY a parent.

3. No winners here.

4. See you later.

5. That’s very hot.

6. Makes it kinda fun? Maybe?

7. That’s the way it goes.

8. Fast! No, faster!

9. That should do the trick.

10. You just have to deal with it.

11. It’s totally worth it.

12. Might not be a great idea.

13. What are you doing with your time?

14. Should we just go to bed?

15. It’s over. Forever.

Hey, it’s not all bad, is it?

Parents, weigh in on this matter and give the folks who wrote these tweets (and other parents out there) some good advice about gettin’ it on!

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15 Photos and Memes About Really Great Wives

Any of us would be very lucky to be married to any of these ladies. You know why? Because they go above and beyond the call of duty.

And that’s all we’re looking for. A little something extra.

Take a look at what these ladies are up to, and tip your cap to them while you’re at it.

1. She got to the coffee machine

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Doing her part

Photo Credit: Instagram

3. I’m unclear

Photo Credit: Instagram

4. I like this

Photo Credit: Instagram

5. Stirrin’ up the drama!

Photo Credit: Instagram

6. Great gal

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Life is good

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Hahaha

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Now are you paying attention?

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Thanks for the help

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. The future looks bright

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. A real keeper

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. That’s me!

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. She nailed it

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Can we talk about this tomorrow?

Photo Credit: Twitter


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17 Marriage Tweets You’ll Be Able to Relate To

Ahhhh, the good old days.

Remember those crazy, love-drunk early days of marriage? When you were sure your marriage would be one weird, fun, cute AF ride through life?

Yeah, that didn’t last long. Because reality sets in and we just want to eat cheese and go to sleep early.

1. They’re a keeper!

2. Pro tip!

3. This doesn’t stop…

4. Well… yeah! You didn’t know that already?!

5. How romantic!

6. Please… close your mouth you fucking cow!

7. Yeah. I do too. Don’t judge me!

8. Time to get a CPAP machine!

9. Can’t we have TWO sets of furniture?

10. Two versions of the truth…

11. This is gonna be a short marriage…

12. No, not there! Over there!

13. Get up Kate!

14. I just want to sleep and sleep.

15. Oversharing on Facebook = love… right?

16. **SLURP**

17. “This is an important part!”

You know it’s true. It’s all true!

And that’s why you’re still in love… awwwww!

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15 Marriage Counselors Reveal the Most Common Mistakes That Couples Make

Marriage is really hard work. Just ask anyone who’s been there, and they’ll tell you all about the trials and tribulations, the ups and downs.

If you’re married and you want some good (FREE) advice, you’re in luck!

These AskReddit users who work as marriage counselors share the biggest, most common mistakes that couples make.

1. Very important…

“Expecting one person to be everything for them. You need friends, coworkers, a support system, and hobbies.

Keeping secrets or lies.

Failure to communicate effectively – this can be taught.

2. Don’t keep score

“Keeping score. A partnership is a team, not a competition. Whether a person keeps score of everything they have done, or everything their partner has done, it is a death knell for the relationship. This is one of the most common causes of resentment in a relationship, and you see it often when people use absolute terms to describe themselves or their partners (I.e: I always…, she never…). Remembering that each person has his/her own needs, abilities, skills, and boundaries is essential to a healthy couple.

Expecting that because your significant other knows you better than others and is around you most, that they are aware of all of your thoughts and feelings. Your partner is not psychic, and no matter how often they are around you or how well they know you, they cannot pick up on every nuance to determine how you are feeling and how they should respond. That is called emotional babysitting, and it cascades into a host of problems and unnecessary hurt.”

3. Listen up

“Not listening, most people listen to respond and don’t listen to hear. This is what I spend the most time teaching couples how to do!”

4. Some good points

“I have provided couples counseling at different points in my career. Some of the common mistakes I will often see are:

Expecting partners to be able to read their mind and anticipate needs and wants

Goes with the first one, lack of communication/comfort with discussing difficult topics. Or one partner being uncomfortable with discussion a topic which leaves both partners feeling frustrated or dissatisfied

Blaming their partner for all issues in the relationship and not taking ownership of their own role in dysfunction/issues

Not expressing gratitude towards your partner on a regular basis. Experiences and expressions of gratitude can have a really positive effect on psychological well being as well as relational strength.

Not giving intimacy in their relationship enough attention. This includes but is not limited to sex. Many relationships start with the “hot and heavy” phase where intimacy can come naturally. As this phase diminishes many couples do not spend the time and energy to consider how to maintain a healthy level of intimacy now that it doesn’t just come naturally.”

5. A bit of a different view

“Divorce lawyer here.

Talk. About. Money.

Talk. About. Sex.

If you’re marrying someone with a shitty credit score, you should know how and why they ended up with it, lest you find yourself in their shoes very quickly. A credit score can cost thousands and take Y E A R S to rebuild. Know if they have any tax liens or liability. Are they paying child support and do they have any kind of garnishment?

Who is going to be responsible for managing the finances? How many credit cards does the other person have and what are their balances? I’ve seen money kill a lot of marriages.

Another one a lot of people don’t think of is actually talking about sex, not just having it. Do you enjoy the sex you have? Would you like to have more of it? Less? Would you like to se it change? Do you or the other person have any weird kinks? Just have the talk. Different sexual wavelengths can be difficult to reconcile.”

6. Business talk

“Not a lawyer but a paralegal. I always tell people to never marry someone you wouldn’t go into business with.

Because marriage is a legal business. It is a marriage contract. Not like a contract you sign for internet service or to buy a car. But a legal contract nevertheless. One that creates a business relationship with the other person. And one that requires going to court and paying financial settlements to extricate yourself from. You have to get the court’s permission to dissolve the legal contract.

If you can’t imagine yourselves, I don’t know, opening a dry cleaning business together. Or starting the next great start up. Or running a B&B. Or opening a tire shop. Or running a multi million dollar media empire. Whatever it is.

If you think of that and think things like, “Oh god no, they’d drive me crazy. They’d have wacky ideas. We’d never agree. I’d have to make all the decisions and not tell them.” Or anything else that indicates fear and loathing of the idea of going into business together then DO NOT, I repeat in bold flashing lights DO NOT MARRY THIS PERSON. Because to marry them is to open a business enterprise with them.

People in the past knew that marriage was a business arrangement. They set people up with eligible singles from other families. They knew that it creates a legal and financial contract. And that people are more likely to be happy with other people who share their values around money and major life decisions. Yes sometimes people married for convenience or expectation rather than for love. But now we have people marrying for love in irresponsible ways. Not every love marriage is irresponsible, but enough of them are.

They say people divorce over money, but they don’t, they divorce over values. Because nothing brings out someone’s values like money, or lack thereof.

The decisions a person makes around money tell you more about who they are and what they value than anything else.

If you can’t agree with the person your partner is when it comes to money, if you can’t understand their priorities, their fears, their hopes, their dreams, their goals, and what drives them financially, or if you look down on them for any of that or think you can fix them, or if they hide any of it from you, then don’t marry them.”

7. Don’t lose sight

“Therapist here, have served couples.

Number one problem I see is overactive threat response creating anger and rigidity. People don’t stop to turn down their defense mode, and lose sight of love because all their energy is going towards being right or controlling the outcome. Of course that control comes from a place of fear, but fear and vulnerability feels too dangerous, so it typically gets expressed as anger, frustration, or rigidity.

Surrender to not having control, accept what’s in front of you, and cultivate compassion. Please. Because y’all rigid couples who just can’t prioritize empathizing with each other over your fear response are driving me nuts!”

8. Teammates

“As soon as couple stops being on the same team, fighting all the bullshit of life together, things fall apart. Get on the same team. Get behind each other’s goals. If you’re not on the same team, you’re just going to wind up annoying the fuck out of each other. All that bullshit of life is going to be beating you down and your life partner is just going to be part of it instead of a refuge.”

9. Don’t be harsh

“When your significant other brings something to your attention, that they need/want, don’t react harshly if it’s something they’ve refused to bring up sooner. Getting loud or defensive “Why didn’t you bring this up sooner!” will make them shy away from bringing things up again due to negative reinforcement/backlash.

This is especially true if they’ve been victims of any kind of abusive relationships.

Literally killed my marriage because I was an idiot and didn’t respond in an open, non-positive way.”

10. A unit

“One of the most toxic things I have found in doing marriage counseling is when couples think of themselves as individuals who happen to be together and not as a couple. (Not that I’m advocating enmeshment.)

That’s not really marriage. That’s having a roommate, or perhaps less than that even.

Marriage is a union of two people. That’s what the unity candle and sand and knots are all about. There is a bringing together of two lives that is inseparable.

If either member still conceptualizes themself as a solely autonomous individual whose actions and dispositions impact only themselves, things will go bad eventually.

They go bad because it results in a person caring more for themselves than their spouse. This is seen where couples spend money behind each other’s backs because “it’s my money, why does it matter?” When couples keep secrets from each other, which inevitably results in pain. This is seen when couples don’t stop to consider their spouse’s thoughts, feelings, desires, dreams, abilities, and strengths alongside their weaknesses.

The remedy to this is behaving as a unit in small ways and in large. If you’re getting something from the fridge, see if your spouse wants something. It even helps in arguments; no longer is it spouse against spouse but it’s the married couple against the issue causing stress to the unit.

When one person considers a course of action, their thoughts ought to be about how it impacts the unit.”

11. Challenges and speed bumps

“I work with couples and their relationships a lot, in my line of work, and do some forms of counselling though it is not my job or training.

But one of the common threads I see running in the midst of relationships/marriages that fall apart is a kind of selfishness.

People that don’t quite realize that marriage works best when you are both acting in the others’ best interest and seeking their happiness more than your own.

It crops up a lot, but not exclusively, in sex/intimacy: if your primary concern in sex is you, you are not going to build any kind of bond or intimate connection, and nor is it going to be much fun for your partner.

Marriage is a lot about sacrifice and the couples I see thriving are the ones who are each willing to make sacrifices for the other and for their family.

Couples who get married thinking that the coming decades of marriage are going to be exactly like the dating or the honeymoon phase, when they face major challenges or speed bumps in their life together, have a real hard time dealing with it, “But I thought I was supposed to be happy.” “

12. Unspoken rules

“Current Marriage, Couple and Family master’s counseling student here.

Unspoken family rules that you bring into relationship are HUGE.

Obviously you didn’t grow up together and depending on how you did you grow up you may have had completely different family of origin (FOO) experiences. It can be as simple as your FOO separated out laundry by color and your SO’s just threw everything in together so you have different family rules regarding laundry, to your FOO had the rule of “family problems stay in the family” and your SO’s family talked to people outside the family about all the problems freely.

Everybody has these rules, talking about them and uncovering them (without judgement) will go a very long way in maintaining and deepening connection. If you don’t talk about them it is easy to get into negative interactional patterns that are just rehearsals of how your FOO did things and not creating healthy, mutually safe patterns.”

13. Not just a utility

“Sexual incompatibility. Misunderstanding sex as a bonding activity. When one or the other believes sex is something one does to another as if it was just a utility.”

14. That’s not good

“Treating their pets better than their partners.”

15. Be mindful of the baggage

“Marriage counselor in TX:

Probably one of the biggest mistakes that couples make is forgetting that they’re on the same team, and they fight to win instead of fighting to resolve.

Focus on hearing and understanding each other, and engage in disagreements with an eye on coming together, and compromise will follow easily.

Also: sex is good, important, and okay to talk about. Couples make the mistake of thinking that sex is one of those things that they should just intuitively understand, but life doesn’t work like that.

Quick edit to add:

If you aren’t mindful of the baggage that you bring into a relationship, that baggage will make more decisions for you than you will probably realize. Talk about the skeletons in your closet!”

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Some of Our Most Beloved Wedding Traditions Have Really Weird Origins

Once you’ve been to enough weddings, you just take all the traditions in stride and don’t even give them a second thought.

But where do these time-honored traditions come from? Why do women have bridesmaids? Why is there a best man?

Read on to find out the strange, but very true, origins of these wedding customs.

1. The bouquet

Have you ever caught one?

Brides in ancient Greece wore wreaths made out of mint and marigold as an aphrodisiac. Brides would also have clusters of herbs to ward off evils.

2. The honeymoon

Photo Credit: Pexels

While it’s not totally clear, i’s rumored that the honeymoon was born out of necessity, back when kidnapping a bride was a thing. The husband would hide out for about a month after the kidnapping so the bride’s family would not be able to find her.

3. The first look

In the days of arranged marriages, it was believed that if the bride and groom had the opportunity to see each other before the wedding, they would have enough time to cancel the nuptials if they didn’t like what they saw.

4. Carrying the bride across the threshold

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Supposedly, a bride needed to show that she was displeased about having to leave her father’s home, so she was carried – ie forced – across the threshold.

Another idea is that the bride was carried so evil spirits couldn’t enter her body through her feet.

Evil spirits galore, back in the day.

5. The first kiss

It old days, the priest kissed the groom, who passed on this “kiss of peace” to the bride. The priest would also kiss all the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Sounds like a party!

6. Wedding rings

It’s believed the fourth finger is used for the ring because it was thought to contain a vein that leads directly to the heart.

The bride’s ring was also meant to symbolize ownership: Rings were often given to the fathers of brides as payment or collateral in ancient Roman, Greek, and Jewish cultures.

7. Bridesmaids

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Back in the day, bridesmaids were asked to wear dresses similar to the bride’s to confuse and ward off exes and evil spirits.

8. The best man

Men would sometimes steal or kidnap a bride for themselves, particularly if her family did not approve of them. The best man was originally chosen for his strength and fighting prowess to help the groom fight anyone who opposed the bride being kidnapped. And then the best man would stand next to the groom during the marriage so the bride wouldn’t run away during the ceremony.

Think about that one for a minute…

9. The white dress

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If you thought brides always wore white, you’re wrong. Before the mid-1850s, brides typically wore red on their wedding day.

Queen Victoria wore white on her wedding day because she simply liked the color. It was shocking at first but the trend caught on – and never went away.

10. The father of the bride

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The father “giving away the bride” dates back to when women were thought of as property and the marriage was thought of as a transfer.

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20 Absolutely Shocking Confessions About Bridal Showers

Being a bride and planning your wedding is stressful AF, so you want everything that leads up to your wedding to be easy, and the bridal shower is key in that “less stress” equation.

But yeah, shit goes sideways a lot more often than you’d think and even the best planning can’t stop unforeseen problems.

These 20 people open up about the craziest stuff that took place at their bridal showers.

1. You spent an entire MONTH there?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Yeah, she definitely should have waited.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Whoa! That’s cold.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yeah, that makes no sense. Fuck her.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Come on grandma…

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. No, they didn’t.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Priorities…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. That’s petty.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. It doesn’t always have to be bad…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Well, that’s a weird turn of events.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. You probably could have, but don’t look a gift horse in the mouth!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Ugh. Fuck that job.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Some problems are tougher than others…

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Hey niece! Be nice!

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Sad panda is sad…

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. Uh oh…

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. That is a weird look for a bridal shower…

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. **sniff**

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. Everybody’s relationships are different. Don’t assume anything.

Photo Credit: Whisper

20. Starting farting now!

Photo Credit: Whisper

So not all of them were complete nightmares, but how about that MIL throwing the SIL an entire bridal shower and then showing up with a $5 gift to anonymous’ shower?

That’s some gutsy shit right there!

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These Memes About Marriage Will Make You Laugh and Cry

Marriage is one of those things that you’ve gotta laugh through, or else it’ll never survive. It’s a (hopefully) lifelong journey with plenty of ups and downs, so having a sense of humor is pretty essential.

These memes perfectly capture the hilarious (and at times terrible) realities of marriage. Even if you’re not married, you’ll totally sympathize (and giggle).

1. Quit cleaning the weird shit

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. You have 30 minutes

Photo Credit: someecards

3. That is terrifying

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. The answer is ‘no’

Photo Credit: someecards

5. That’s my spot

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Not very long

Photo Credit: someecards

7. You ready?

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Forever nachos

Photo Credit: someecards

9. May I ask why?

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Just don’t

Photo Credit: someecards

11. A bit of a difference

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Prepare

Photo Credit: someecards

13. Proof

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Not so hard

Photo Credit: someecards

15. Ah, Sundays

Photo Credit: someecards

16. Life revolves around food

Photo Credit: someecards

17. This is gonna be close

Photo Credit: someecards

18. I’ve never heard that

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Too real

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. That’s what it’s all about

Photo Credit: Twitter

Ahhhhh, married life. Isn’t it glorious?

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