Married Folks… these Memes Are for You

Do you happen to be married?

If so, how’s that treating you?

Is your spouse fulfilling all your wildest dreams? Or are they driving you up the wall with their antics?

Well, whatever the case, we think that you’re gonna love these memes about the realities of married life.

Let’s get started!

1. This might be the last straw.

Or at least give counseling a chance?

Photo Credit: someecards

2. Please leave me alone!

Can’t you see this is very important business?

Photo Credit: someecards

3. I know what you did!

The man has no defense…ever.

Photo Credit: someecards

4. I just care too much!

Does this look familiar to anyone?

Photo Credit: someecards

5. That’s nice of you to say, but…

Let’s be honest, okay?

Photo Credit: someecards

6. No! Don’t do that!

Now he’s gonna be in trouble…

Photo Credit: someecards

7. I think I see a ghost.

You’re scaring him! Not turning him on!

Photo Credit: someecards

8. To the rescue once again.

She owes you big time.

Photo Credit: someecards

9. We’ll talk later.

For now: coffee, TV, no talking.

Photo Credit: someecards

10. He’ll love that!

That was really nice of you.

Photo Credit: someecards

11. Sounds like a deal.

You’re gonna make a lot of money this way!

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Like two peas in a pod!

Time to get married!

Photo Credit: someecards

13. Guys…pay attention.

It works every time!

Photo Credit: someecards

Okay, it’s time to spill your guts…

How’s your marriage doing during these tough times?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know. Thanks!

The post Married Folks… these Memes Are for You appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious and Accurate Memes About Married Life

Here’s how this whole thing is gonna work. Listen and try to keep up, okay?

Ladies, you go ahead and laugh your face off as much as you want at these marriage memes.

Men, you may look at the memes but you must GET PERMISSION from your wives to laugh at each specific meme.

Does that sound fun?

Well then, go ahead and enjoy yourselves!

1. Is this even worth it anymore?

It might be time to cut your losses.

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. You’re not gonna get away with this.

Be very, very careful…

Photo Credit: The Chive

3. What a cruel world we live in.

She was way out of line on this one.

Photo Credit: The Chive

4. Well, let me check the file.

It says here that on March 20, 2013….

Photo Credit: The Chive

5. This will never, ever work out.

So don’t even try it.

Photo Credit: The Chive

6. Be careful with what you say.

You never know when it will come back to haunt you…

Photo Credit: The Chive

7. That didn’t take very long.

What did you do this time?

Photo Credit: The Chive

8. She’s out the door!

Well, at least now you have the whole bed to yourself.

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. Gee, thanks a lot.

Is that plastic I taste?

Photo Credit: The Chive

10. Let’s start from the beginning again…

This never ends well.

Photo Credit: The Chive

11. No, look over here!

Do you think it’s gonna work?

Photo Credit: The Chive

12. Might be time for separate bedrooms.

Just something to think about…

Photo Credit: The Chive

Okay, now it’s time for you to spill your guts to us.

Is your spouse driving you up the wall right now, or are you making it work?

Give us all the dirt in the comments!

The post Hilarious and Accurate Memes About Married Life appeared first on UberFacts.

These Memes Sum Up the Hilarious Reality of Being Married

Agony and ecstasy.

I guess you can use that term for a lot of different things in life, but today we’re specifically talking about being married.

And we’re going to explore marriage in the form of memes.

Does that sound agreeable to you? Well then, go ahead and proceed!

1. Trying to pull off the old switcheroo.

This is a tough one…good luck, sir.

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. This was the compromise.

You never had a chance…

Photo Credit: The Chive

3. What did you do?!?!

They can’t leave the house like that!

Photo Credit: The Chive

4. Oh, it’s you guys again…

Great to see you!

Photo Credit: The Chive

5. Have you ever actually put gas in this car?

It might be time for an intervention.

Photo Credit: The Chive

6. Can you keep it down?

Maybe just a little bit?

Photo Credit: The Chive

7. Just stay outside!

Trust us on this one.

Photo Credit: The Chive

8. Oh, really? That’s interesting.

Do you think he knows how much milk costs?

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. I heard that!

He can’t get away with this. Or anything, really…

Photo Credit: The Chive

10. It’s (probably) not gonna work this time.

The success rate isn’t great with this move.

Photo Credit: The Chive

11. He’s nervous, isn’t he?

There are some movies that couples just shouldn’t watch together.

Photo Credit: The Chive

12. Let’s check the vertical files.

Actually, you did say that back in 2015!

Photo Credit: The Chive

Are you married?

If so, give us an update about how it’s going in the comments!

Don’t worry, we won’t judge you…much…

The post These Memes Sum Up the Hilarious Reality of Being Married appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Memes About Marriage That Don’t Lie

You’ve been waiting for us…

Waiting for us to unload a new batch of hilarious marriage memes so you and your partner can sit back and have some laughs…

Well, we got you covered, amigos!

We got the goods! Go ahead and get started!

1. What did I get myself into?

Well, now you’re stuck.

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. Don’t even say that to me!

He should have known better.

Photo Credit: The Chive

3. This should be good.

Sit back and enjoy the show.

Photo Credit: The Chive

4. Uhhhh, I don’t know, actually.

That’s never a good answer.

Photo Credit: The Chive

5. Can’t we ever have any privacy?

The answer is NO.

Photo Credit: The Chive

6. He’s still into it!

Well, that’s a relief.

Photo Credit: The Chive

7. He clearly wasn’t listening.

I’m sure she was REALLY happy about this.

Photo Credit: The Chive

8. That’s your problem now.

I’ll be home in six hours.

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. Well, is that so…?

You can tell she’s loving this.

Photo Credit: The Chive

10. Get out of here!

I got it under control…

Photo Credit: The Chive

11. Just like a meat locker.

That’s the way I like it, too!

Photo Credit: The Chive

12. Five what? Years? Decades?

You might be waiting around for a while…

Photo Credit: The Chive

13. Those are what we call “crazy eyes.”

And that means you’re in trouble.

Photo Credit: The Chive

Doesn’t marriage just look delightful…?

By the way, how is yours going?

Is your husband or wife driving you nuts or are things hunky-dory for now?

Talk to us in the comments! Thanks!

The post Funny Memes About Marriage That Don’t Lie appeared first on UberFacts.

Person Asks if They’re Wrong for Not Giving Their Brother and His Wife Any Privacy

People sure can be pushy,  huh?

You give someone an inch and they take a mile, right?

Well, you just might feel that way after reading this person’s account of what’s going in with his brother and his wife in a place that seems a little bit too close for comfort.

Read on, friends, and we’ll see how Reddit users reacted to this story.

AITA for not giving my brother and his wife any privacy?

“My brother lost his job along with all his savings several months ago, and soon after he asked me if it would be okay if he (28M) and his wife (30F) stayed with me until they could afford their own place again.

I hesitated at first, considering I only have a 1 bedroom apartment, but according to them they had ‘no other options’ so of course I invited them over and bought a blow-up mattress for the living room.

For the first month things were manageable, although admittedly cramped. Then my brother told me that sleeping on the mattress was giving him back pains, so he asked if he could buy a small double bed for the living room.

The living room is by far the biggest room I have, so I told him that would be fine as long as there was still room for my couch/TV/bookshelves. The living room is also connected to my kitchen in an open plan style, so I reminded my brother to leave walking space around the bed.

It’s now been 2+ months and things have gotten a lot worse. When they first moved in, I would still use the living room every day to unwind on the couch after work. Now whenever I go in, there’s a strange vibe like I’m intruding.

My brother and his wife are often sitting in bed together when I go in (I always knock) and stare at me pointedly until I leave. Sometimes when I sit down they will directly ask me for some ‘alone time’ and say they would like the room to themselves.

This came to a head yesterday when my sister-in-law messaged me with a ‘timetable’ she’d made of when it would be ‘a good time’ for me to use the living room. The timetable basically says that they will allow me into the room for an hour each evening, plus 20 minutes around mealtimes.

I basically shut her down instantly and told her there was no WAY I’d be following the timetable since in the end it’s my apartment. She sent me back a HUGE message with a dozen paragraphs about how my constant presence was ‘ruining’ her marriage with my brother and they feel like they have no privacy.

I tried to talk this over with my brother that night, but when I got home neither my brother/SIL were talking to me, so he’s clearly just as p*ssed.

Today an Amazon parcel arrived for my brother with a lock for the living room door, which I told him there’s ‘absolutely no way’ I will allow him to install. My brother says I’m ‘creepy’ for wanting constant access to where they sleep and he’s insisting on installing the lock anyway.

AITA for not giving my brother and his wife their privacy?”

Hmmmm…let’s see what people had to say about this.

This Reddit user said that the man’s brother and wife might be gaslighting him and that they should probably get their own place ASAP.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person made a very good point: this guy is doing them A FAVOR. And this is how he gets repaid…?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person pointed out that they’re staying for free in a tight space, so what the hell is this guy supposed to do about it?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person on Reddit pointed out that this guy has gone above and beyond the call of duty in this situation. And they said the couple should probably vacate the premises sooner than later.

Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you feel about this situation?

Is this guy being a total weirdo or is he not doing anything wrong?

Tell us what you think in the comments. Thanks in advance!

The post Person Asks if They’re Wrong for Not Giving Their Brother and His Wife Any Privacy appeared first on UberFacts.

Am I Wrong for Banning My Husband From the Bedroom?

Pal, it looks like you’ll be spending some time on Sofa City.

Hey, it happens sometimes, right?

And a woman wants to know if she’s wrong for making her husband sleep elsewhere on Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page.

Let’s take a look at her story and see how people responded to it.

AITA For Barring My Husband From The Bedroom Tonight?

“So here is the situation.

Me: nurse. Working 50ish hours a week in pediatric ICU. Cry at least once a week because that sh*t is hard. My salary pays our bills. All of them.

Husband: 25M. Has a degree but isn’t looking for a job. Works 2 days a week at the grocery store. Spends most of his time playing LoL.

Btw all events here are in accordance with Covid Legislation.

Today was supposed to be A Good Day. I had been begging my husband to swap his Saturday shift to literally anything else so that we could have days off together. We haven’t had a weekend together since our wedding, 18mo ago.

Today was supposed to be our first Saturday off together. We were going to go to an animal sanctuary.

He starts the day by going to breakfast. With his best mate. Leaving before I even wake up. I wake up around 9 and realize he is not home. Call. He says he’s helping his mate set up some lights and that the weather is too rainy for the animal sanctuary anyway.

He gets home at 1 ish. Lies around. Plays some video games, promising we would cook dinner together tonight.

Leaves again at 5 to help the same mate with something else.

I go grocery shopping. I don’t drive because of medical issues, but I walk there and back in the rain. I get home, realize I’ve left my keys inside. Call husband, knowing he’s 5min away.

He says he will leave in a minute. I sit in the rain and the cold (southern hemisphere). 45 min later, I call again. He hasn’t left yet. He finally agrees to come and let me in the house, so he drives up, presses the clicker to let me in the garage and leaves again.

At 10, I I called to see where he is. His friend answers. Says he is driving out to do something an hour away.

It’s 10.30. I am going to bed. I have sent him a txt that I am upset and don’t want to speak to him tonight and would rather he left me alone.

As far as I am concerned, if he can’t value me more than his best mate on the first day off he and I have shared in a year and a half, he can go sleep in his bed instead. (Btw, his friend doesn’t work, so they hang out all the time when I am at work).

He is going to be upset. And he is gonna tell his mate and his mate is going to tell him I’m being a b*tch.


Here’s what Reddit users had to say about this.

One person said she should ban him for longer than one night for his behavior.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user thinks that she might want to think about getting rid of the guy altogether…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said that she thinks the husband might have a side piece…something to think about…

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person said the guy is really nothing more than a big kid that the woman has to take care of.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Do you think this woman stepped over the line or was this an acceptable response?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

We really appreciate it!

The post Am I Wrong for Banning My Husband From the Bedroom? appeared first on UberFacts.

Woman Asks if It’s Disrespectful for Not Wanting the Ring Her Fiancé Previously Gave to Someone Else

Let me say right off the bat that giving a woman an engagement ring that you already gave to someone else is not a great move.

I have a hard time believing that any woman out there would be really psyched about that…and that brings us to today’s story!

A woman shared her story on Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole” page about an incident that set her off.

Here’s what she had to say.

AITA for not wanting a ring my fiancé already gave to another girl

“My now fiancé was engaged a couple years before we got together, and they broke up and she gave the ring back.

We’ve been together a few years and a few days ago, he proposed and I was super excited. The ring looked kinda familiar and when I asked him where it was from, he said it was the ring he gave to ex fiancé.

I immediately took it off and was like “I don’t want a ring you bought for someone else, it wasn’t meant for me.” He got upset and said it didn’t matter, because it’s not hers anymore it’s mine.

My family and friends are split in saying I’m the *sshole and I’m justified.

I don’t want him to spend a whole other thousand dollars on a ring for me, but I want a ring that was meant for me, not for someone else.


And the people of Reddit, as they like to do, weighed in with their thoughts.

This person got right to the point.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that she knew her husband would never do something like that and she let that fact be known loud and clear.

It’s bad juju!

Photo Credit: Reddit

But this person came to the man’s defense and said he just made a mistake and that this incident is not worth breaking up over.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person made a great point: rings don’t have to be pricey, but they have to be personal.


Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person called the guy’s move “tacky as hell.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

But then another reader weighed in and said that the guy was not in the wrong and that both of them need to reevaluate the whole situation and not let a ring get in the way of their relationship.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Okay, now we want to hear what YOU think about this situation.

In the comments, share your thoughts with us?

Is this woman an *sshole, or is she right on with her feelings?

Thanks in advance!

The post Woman Asks if It’s Disrespectful for Not Wanting the Ring Her Fiancé Previously Gave to Someone Else appeared first on UberFacts.

Was It Bad to Tell My Wife Not to Encourage Our Teenage Daughter to Expect Her Boyfriend to Pay for Everything? People Responded.

Do you think chivalry is dead?

Well, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but based on what you’re about to read, chivalry could be on the ropes.

Or at least what some folks think of as chivalry, aka “the guy always pays for everything.”

Hey, to each their own, I guess…

But this father clearly has some issues with the whole thing.

Here’s what the guy shared on Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole” page.

AITA for telling my wife it’s not ‘cute’ for her to encourage our teenage daughter to expect her boyfriend to pay for EVERYTHING in their relationship?

“Wife and I have been married 18 years, we have our 16 year old daughter who has been dating a slightly shy/ awkward young man for around 3-4 months now.

He seems very nervous around my daughter and has admitted in a passing comment here and there to my wife and I that he can’t believe she agreed to date him and he thinks she’s way out of his league. He seems very respectful, just shy.

My wife is usually an independent, awesome woman and her ideals align closely with mine particularly in term of feminism and equality. We have both striven to raise our daughter to be as independent and capable as possible.

Since my daughter has been dating this kid my wife has changed considerably and has given our daughter advice that has left me with raised brows more than once.

Some of the advice I’ve heard my wife give is ‘oh it’s cute for boys to pay for everything, especially in your first relationship!’ Or ‘oh honey don’t worry about that, he can pay for you, if he really liked you he would’ and similar.

I’ve tried to balance this out by telling my daughter straight away ‘two people in a partnership should be contributing equally’ and my personal favorite ‘if someone asks if they can take you out to dinner, it’s reasonable to expect them to pay, but if someone asks you to grab dinner with them, it’s reasonable to split the payment’. I figured that would be an easy way for a young person to understand the difference.

However I’ve noticed my daughter becoming more and more entitled with her boyfriends money. They haven’t been anywhere obviously since we’re home but the way she talks about him ‘oh I’ll just ask him to pay for x’ etc leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

She has also flippantly bragged/ mentioned that she gets him to buy gift cards for her etc by mentioning her mother’s advice, i.e. ‘if you really liked me you’d pay for x’

I spoke to my wife privately and told her my concerns, she insists it’s a rite of passage for girls and it’s cute that she should feel a guy is completely spoiling her.

I told her that it’s not cute for her to be thinking it’s acceptable to view relationships as personal ATMS, and my wife became very angry with me and is now calling me an *sshole with a lot of hostility.”

Here’s how people on Reddit responded to his story.

This person was as clear as day: it’s not cute and the man’s wife is to blame.

Photo Credit: Reddit

A woman weighed in with her own opinion and she made a very good point about the overall attitude toward paying for dates.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And then another person made a good point about thinking about if the shoe was on the other foot.

Maybe this whole thing is a little bit outdated…?

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person was short and blunt with their thoughts.

Photo Credit: Reddit

But another Reddit user made a good point about how times have changed and maybe the mother in this story is just feeling nostalgic for the old days.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And, finally, someone talked about how the mentality that men should spoil women all the time is still out there and that a big part of it comes from immaturity.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Okay, readers, now we want to get your opinion?

What do you think of this situation?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments. We look forward to hearing from you!

The post Was It Bad to Tell My Wife Not to Encourage Our Teenage Daughter to Expect Her Boyfriend to Pay for Everything? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

Guy Asks if He’s Wrong for Not Telling His Wife Her Underage Daughter Got Drunk

I always find it to be so interesting to see how moms and dads react so differently to underage drinking.

Some are completely mortified by it and act like the world might be ending, and others just seem to take it in stride and not let it ruin their day…or their year…

This story comes to us from Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole” page and it involves underage drinking and some secrets…

Let’s see what this guy had to say.

AITA for not telling my wife that I picked her daughter up drunk from a house party?

“I’m going to try to keep this short and simple.

I always tell my daughter and my stepdaughter if they’re ever in a situation that they need to get out of, just call me and I’ll drop whatever I’m doing and I will pick them up no questions asked no judgments made.

I let them know that I used to be a teenager once before, I told them everyone is entitled to make bad decisions every now and then. We’re only human and it’s a part of life.

Last weekend I got a call from my stepdaughter (17), she told me she snuck out of the house and went to a party and had too much to drink. She was scared of passing out at the party because there was people there she didn’t know.

I got there just in time, she was so drunk she couldn’t even walk. I had to pick her up and carry her to the car. I told her I was disappointed that she snuck out, but I also told her I was glad she made the right choice, the safe choice to have me pick her up.

I haven’t told my wife about it, because I don’t want to violate the deal I made with her. I want her to know that she can trust me. I just hope I’m making the right choice.”

Uh oh…sounds like a pretty sticky situation to me. Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about this.

One person argued that the trust between the man and his stepdaughter should not be broken.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader responded with some very good advice about what the man should do next regarding his stepdaughter.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And a woman who is also a mom offered up her thoughts about how she would have handled the situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user talked about how keeping secrets is not a good thing…and it could lead to trouble.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, this person did not agree with the others who responded and thinks that the man did indeed act like an *sshole in this situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you feel about this situation?

Should he have filled his wife in about this situation, or kept her in the dark?

Sound off in the comments and let us know what you think!

The post Guy Asks if He’s Wrong for Not Telling His Wife Her Underage Daughter Got Drunk appeared first on UberFacts.

Guy Asks if He’s a Jerk for Yelling at His Wife Over Two Dollars

I want my two dollars!

Sorry, I had to do it.

But let’s move on.

This story appeared on Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole” forum. A man asked folks if he overreacted and if he should feel bad about blowing up at his wife over what on the surface was a measly two dollars, but was actually the culmination of a lot of issues.

Let’s see what happened.

AITA for yelling at my wife over $2?

“My wife (38F) and I (33M) have been married for 8 years. We have one child together (5M).

Some background that might be relevant: I work full time. She works about 15 hours a week. Our finances have always been separate. However, I pay all the bills and for all our “fun stuff,” as well as give her an allowance of $1,000 per month. In fact, she currently has almost three times as much money saved as I do.

The fight: We were out for a walk and I wanted to get a holiday drink from a coffee shop for us to share. My wife told me not to get it. She said she had a gift card, but only for a certain location. So I waited until we walked past that location. My wife then said she would go in to get it and we would meet at home. I left with our son.

When my wife got home I noticed she was drinking a plain coffee. I asked her where my drink was and she said there wasn’t enough money left on her card to get me the kind that I wanted. I admit I kind of blew up at her.

I asked her why she didn’t just let me buy the drink myself then? Or why not use some of the money I gave her. Or even just let me know she couldn’t get it. Honestly, it’s like a $2 difference.

I was actually so mad I had to leave the house. I’m currently at my sister’s place, just hanging out in the front yard (because COVID). I don’t know if I should go home and apologize for yelling or stay until I’ve truly calmed down

My wife always makes me feel like I’m overreacting but I feel genuinely hurt.”

Hmmmm, this sure is a tricky situation….

Let’s see what other folks on Reddit had to say about this.

This person said that the man was not wrong and that he’s clearly been giving and giving and not getting much back in return.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person went so far as to even call his situation “financial abuse”.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user brought up a very good point: who would actually do what the man’s wife did to someone they love? It sure struck me as odd.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This reader didn’t beat around the bush AT ALL.

Take a look.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual stated the obvious: that the incident with the coffee triggered the emotional reaction that had been a long time coming.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Here’s another person who laid out the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

And I agree, a $1,000 monthly allowance is pretty wild.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think?

Is this guy a jerk or was he justified in the way he acted?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments. Thanks a lot!

The post Guy Asks if He’s a Jerk for Yelling at His Wife Over Two Dollars appeared first on UberFacts.