A Man Found His Nursery School “Bride” 16 Years Later on Twitter

Remember your first love?

No, not the person you met in your teens that may have set you up for relationship success or failure down the road, your real first love. We’re talking about the person you met in kindergarten or grade school that you just couldn’t stay away from.

We’ve all had crushes since our schoolyard days, but rarely did we “marry” them and reconnect later in life. Unlike the rest of us, UK resident Jack Callow, 20, had quite a different experience.

Callow married his first love in what appears to be a full-blown “wedding” celebration with his nursery school friends in attendance. After he posted the photos of their special day to Twitter, he was able to track down his long lost love.

Jack came across the adorable pictures while visiting his grandfather and decided to post them, but never dreamed his “spouse” would be found. Twitter, however, had different ideas, and his post went viral.

It didn’t take too long for the former object of his affection, Rena Jutla, 21, to pop up. The student from Buckinghamshire had forgotten all about the blessed event and didn’t even know photos existed. They absolutely made her day.

Callow says he doesn’t remember much about the day other than the proposal, which prompted the school to take things to another level for the kids.

Their parents joined in, a priest officiated, and 16-years-later, Twitterers everywhere heaved a collective sigh of “awwww.”

Maybe it’s not too late?

Do you remember the very first person who stole your heart?

Share your sweet childhood love story in the comments below!

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These Juggalo Dating Profiles Will Make You Say “Whoop Whoop!”

Juggalos need love, too.

Also, they are very unique human beings.

For those of you who don’t know what a Juggalo is, here’s the definition:

“A Juggalo is a fan of the group Insane Clown Posse or any other Psychopathic Records hip hop group. Juggalos have developed their own idioms, slang, and characteristics.”

They’re a very interesting subculture and you better believe that they’re out there on dating sites looking to find a Juggalo partner for life.

Let’s dig in to these dating profiles and meet these colorful characters.

Whoop whoop!

1. Maybe he’s a catch?

You’ll never know until you give him a shot, ladies.

Photo Credit: OK Cupid

2. An open and honest man.

Deal with it.

Photo Credit: OK Cupid

3. That’s all you need to know about this guy.

Seems like a decent fella.

Photo Credit: OK Cupid

4. Grandma seems happy.

No diseases, please.

Photo Credit: OK Cupid

5. The total package.

Take it all in, people.

Photo Credit: OK Cupid

6. Trying to read his profile gave me a headache.

But his hair and face paint really seal the deal.

Photo Credit: OK Cupid

7. Okay, this one is a little bit…odd…

Any takers out there?

Photo Credit: OK Cupid

8. I get the feeling he enjoys sexual intercourse.

“I’m not currently doing anything with my life.” Amazing.

Photo Credit: OK Cupid

9. Read below to see her credentials.

I’d love to introduce her to Mother.

Photo Credit: OK Cupid

10. Short and sweet.

We’ve got a sensitive one, here.

Photo Credit: OK Cupid

11. He has lofty goals.

But he’s still livin’ that Juggalo life!

Photo Credit: OK Cupid

12. All dressed up.

Would you like to join him on his typical Friday night?

Photo Credit: OK Cupid

Whoop whoop!

So what did you think of those profiles? Hey, don’t hate the player, hate the game, okay?

Tell us what you think in the comments.

And if you’re a Juggalo, we’d REALLY love to hear from you!

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A Woman Unexpectedly Falls in Love When Her Pet Shrimp are in Peril

We all love our pets. But most of that love is directed at the bigger, fuzzier kind of companion that will show us affection, or in the case of cats, tolerance. But have you ever formed a bond with a pet a little smaller?

When I was a kid I had hermit crabs. “Hermit” is literally in the name. These creatures live to hide in their shell, and if you do actually touch them, they will pinch you. Nothing could be further from a good pet. And yet, they’re a popular choice. And I loved mine till the day they died. RIP, embarrassingly-named-pet-crabs.

But this story is some next level unexpected pet love. A teacher who goes by @thebugchicks on Twitter shares a tale of freshwater shrimp, and near disaster. Read on.

They are strangely cute. Maybe it’s those big ol’ eyes?

I don’t know if freshwater shrimp literally have the capacity to care how big their house is, but, if they do, she’s cognizant of that need.

These two are clearly in very good hands.

Trips to the pet store are often dangerous for me, as well.

At this point in the story, I’m feeling a little bit bad that the last time I impulse bought shrimp was at a Red Lobster.

Despite what the internet may imply, it’s OK to not have strong feelings about absolutely everything.

Here’s where the story ramps up.

I can hear the tense string soundtrack in the back of my mind.

Dun dun DUUUN!

It’s never until we face the possibility of losing everything that we realize what we truly have.

Eat your heart out, Speilberg.

Just a second, adding the word “manpanion” to my lexicon forever.

Maybe this is exactly why he fell in love with you?

*munches popcorn with wide-eyes*

The DOG is the antagonist of this story? But he looks like such a good boy! I don’t know if I can deal with this new twist.

All moments of panic need a factoid or two to settle the mood.


I’m not crying about some lady’s shrimp. Nope. Not me.

Marty & Sal have no idea how good they’ve got it.

We should probably all be tracking our emotions a little more closely these days.

And that is the tale of crustacean-fascination-turned-infatuation that took the internet by moderate storm. You’re welcome.

What’s the pet you’ve bonded with the most?

Tell us about them in the comments.

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True Stories About Some Very Bad Dates

You’ve had bad dates. We all have. There are more bad date stories in this world than there are people. The stories range from the truly abhorrent to the charmingly embarrassing to the downright bizarre, and we can’t seem to get enough of them.

Which is why I’d like to turn your attention to this gift of a thread kicked off by Twitter user @millercycle:

I’ve been combing through these replies for a while now and they’re incredible. Here are just a few of the highlights for your love-hate enjoyment.

13. I’m lovin’ it

To be fair, who has money in high school?

12. Breakdown breakup

Why do people just refuse to fix their cars sometimes?

11. Stuffed

That’s a swing and a miss for hoping she’ll have the same weird sensibilities as you, my dude.

10. Double date

This is literally a sitcom cliche, I refuse to believe this happened in real life.

9. Ex machina

There were soooo many stories like this in the thread.

8. Get out

I literally cannot think of a worse question to start a date with.

7. Wipeout

I…I just…what?

6. Pole position

That’s gonna be a yikes from me.

5. Making the cut

There’s a sentence in here which, I swear to you, you will not see coming.

4. Dine & dash

There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

3. Bee careful

That’s Barry B. Benson! You monster!

2. The grapes of wrath

Has this human ever humaned before?

1. The kiss

Maybe stop adopting such attractive dogs.

Welp, that was horrifying. There are so many of these stories I desperately want more information on but I’m simultaneously afraid to ask.

What was YOUR worst date story?

Tell us in the comments.

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This Instagram Account Specializes in Inspirational Signage

Everyone needs a little affirmation sometimes. Or a lot. If you’re looking for a sign, this Instagram account has got what you need. Literally. They post artfully manipulated photos of signage to read as affirmations and reminders for their 1.6 million followers.

The account (run primarily by an artist named Koreen Odiney) is called @werenotreallystrangers – which is also the name of the card game they produce. We’re Not Really Strangers, the game, is described as “a purpose driven card game and movement all about empowering meaningful connections” on their website. It’s clear this company is focused on connection and insight, and they make some pretty compelling art in that realm.

10. The cards

The game itself seems really interesting, and might be good stuff for a date if you want to seriously get to know somebody.

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Vulnerable Sunday

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9. Open and shut

Love these jagged, broken lines.

8. Observe and report

I’d definitely stop if I saw this.

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Today’s feelings

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7. Got a handle on it

This is a-door-able.

6. One thing at a time

And some things never.

5. Embrace imperfection

This looks like a Dairy Queen sign and now I want ice cream.

4. Keep perspective

You’re only one piece of this.

3. Heavy load inside

Don’t carry that around.

2. The circles of life

Break ’em.

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What do you keep doing that keeps hurting?

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1. Cleverly obscured

We’re never fully visible.

Pretty cool, huh? Be sure to give ’em a follow if you want more. At the time of writing they’ve got nearly 500 posts so if you’re looking for a little boost, that oughta cover you for a while.

Which one is your favorite and why?

Tell us in the comments.

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People Open Up About Why They Have More Random Sex

People have very strong feelings about casual sex and casual hook-ups, so it’s interesting to get some perspective from the men and women who are actually doing it, instead of only hearing from those who want to offer up opinions about other people.

Here are quotes from 12 people who offered honest answers about why they choose to have casual sex.

These answers are certainly eye-opening. Let’s take a look.

1. Likes a little variety.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Need some physical contact.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. A little (temporary) confidence.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. For the thrill of it.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. That’s a new one.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Do what you want.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Not very satisfying.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Maybe a little cold-blooded?

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. For one reason only.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Some human contact.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Need to feel validated.

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Paying the bills.

Photo Credit: Whisper

There is some pretty fascinating insight into that mindset from those answers, don’t you think?

Do you have any opinions on casual sex?

Let us know what you think in the comments, please. We’d love to hear from you!

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Adorable Photos Of Taller Women Dating Shorter Men

There are a lot of people in the world – men, women, and everyone in between – who think that the man in a relationship should be bigger and/or taller than the woman he falls in love with.

Which is silly, when you think about it, because if you’re a woman of above-average height you’re crossing off a good portion of the dating population – probably full of some mighty fine men!

And, in order to crush the idea that shorter men aren’t sexy or that couples where the woman is taller look weird or out of place, these 13 couples are sharing their too-adorable pics together.


13. Those are some pretty people.

12. And stylish, too!

11. Nowhere to go from there but up!

10. So many good looking people out there!

9. They’re definitely doing something right!

8. The woman who kicked off the thread bringing the truth.

7. He’s certainly learned how to smolder at the camera.

6. Hubba hubba I can see why!

5. Happiness like this is where it’s at.

4. Love is all you need.

3. When you’re a match, you’re a match.

2. They’re in for the long haul!

1. Think of all of the costume opportunties!


My husband is taller than I am, but I’ve definitely dated men who were my height or just barely taller – and honestly, not having to wear heels is kind of a blessing!

Is your significant other shorter than you? Taller?

We’re taking an informal poll in the comments!

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13 Times Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively Made Us Believe in Love

If you pay attention to the tabloids at all, you’re well aware that a lot of celebrity couples just don’t quite work out.

But Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively sure do seem like they are in love for the long haul. They constantly give each other a hard time on social media and the public just eats it up because it’s rare and genuine.

Here are 14 examples of when these two lovebirds made us believe in love again.

Ahhhhhh, that’s refreshing.

1. She picked a winner.

2. Who is funnier here?

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Dibs on Gordon. #CommentsByCelebs

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3. Giving each other the business!

4. Her clutch had the initials I, J, R, and B on it, her two kids at the time — Inez and James — Ryan, and for herself.

5. Hearing their daughter’s voice in a Taylor Swift song.

6. Wait a second…

7. He tried to embarrass her with not-super-flattering photos.

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Happy Birthday, @blakelively.

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8. Some true love right there.

9. Goofing off and having a blast.

10. He loves his mom! And his wife!

11. Encouraging people to vote!

12. She gifted him an awesome painting that depicted him at his first job.

13. He’s working on the baking!

They sure are adorable, huh?

Who are some of your favorite Hollywood couples, past and present?

Let us know in the comments!

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