15 Tweets About Animals That Might Put a Big Smile on Your Face

It’s not as if you weren’t probably already aware that animals are hilarious. Most of the time it’s unintentional, but sometimes you’d swear they know exactly what they’re doing and how much we’re going to love it.

Proof? These 15 tweets right here!

Enjoy these precious moments. Because they won’t be around for long…

1. You’ll get it!

2. Hi. Bye.

3. Yo yo homie

4. There’s so much that’s right about this… but those cat situps!

5. Cutest. Dog. Ever.

6. Alright, listen here you little butthead…

7. Wiggle wiggle wiggle

8. dat frosh lewk!

9. Donald!

10. Same

11. Fruit of his labor…


13. Da best!

14. This is perfect!

15. BFFS!

Are you still saying “awwwwwwwww”? Because I am.

Alright kids… favorite tweet? Let us know in the comments!

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This Map Shows the Cost of a Date Night in Every State

Maybe you can put a price on love…

Have you been on any dates lately? The money can really add up.

Recently, I took a girl out for a nice meal (Sonic Drive-In) and then to a free Bingo Extravaganza at the local Knights of Columbus Hall. I wonder why I haven’t heard back from her yet…

Anyway, the point is that dating in this day and age is EXPENSIVE. Obviously, taking a date out for a night on the town varies from state to state because of the cost of living, but across the board, it’s pretty pricey.

Match.com crunched the numbers, and in some places, a date is gonna hit you in the wallet harder than others.

A lot harder.

The top five most expensive states for a date night are:

New York, $297.27

New Jersey, $259.60

Hawaii, $239.95

Connecticut, $230.34

California, $226.35

It’s probably no surprise that the tri-state area around New York has three of the top-five most expensive entries. Although…$200??

The two least expensive states for date night? South Dakota and North Dakota, at $38.27 and $42.43, respectively. Those cold and snowy Dakotas aren’t looking that bad right now, are they?

Of course, the amount of money people spend on dates is going to vary wildly. Some folks prefer to be big spenders and wine and dine a guy or gal and drop hundreds of dollars. Others prefer to take a walk along the beach or go on a long bicycle ride together.

And, let’s face it: if you’re with the right person, getting stuck in an elevator can turn out to be a good time. Good luck out there in the dating world!

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Study Blames a Lack of ‘Economically-Attractive’ Men for Declining Marriage Rates

This sure doesn’t sound good. I know fewer people have been getting married, but I thought the cultural shift was due to other things.

Once again, I was wrong.

Researchers at Cornell University released a study with a pretty sobering conclusion: there aren’t as many “economically-attractive” men as there used to be for unmarried women to pick from.


The researchers looked at data from marriages between 2007-2013 and 2013-2017. They then looked at the financial and sociodemographic data of the potential husbands for unmarried women by creating economic profiles based on real husbands who had already married similar women. Then, the “potential husbands” were compared to real population data of men across the United States.

After they crunched the numbers, the researchers found some grim data: the “potential husbands,” aka the ones who don’t exist, had an average income 58% higher than the actual, real population of unmarried men currently on the market in the U.S. The “potential husbands” also were 19% more likely to have college degrees and 30% more likely to be employed.

In a media release, the study’s lead author Dr. Daniel T. Lichter said:

“Most American women hope to marry but current shortages of marriageable men–men with a stable job and a good income–make this increasingly difficult, especially in the current gig economy of unstable low-paying service jobs. Marriage is still based on love, but it also is fundamentally an economic transaction. Many young men today have little to bring to the marriage bargain, especially as young women’s educational levels on average now exceed their male suitors.”

Man, reality can be a real bummer sometimes…

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15 People Who Have Found Their Soulmates

Love can be really hard to find. And a true soulmate is even harder to uncover out there in this crazy world of ours. So when you find yours, you never, ever let go.

The people who put up these posts are lucky enough to have found their soulmates and I think you’ll see why they’re so in love with their significant others.

Awwwwww, I’m starting to get weepy.

1. You’re welcome to do as you please.

2. She nailed it!

3. What a guy.

4. You found The One.

5. He’s not wrong…

6. You did win!

7. This is true love.

8. In the slammer…at least for a minute.

9. He’s trying his best.

10. You’re going viral!

11. What you actually got…

12. He’s right, you know…

13. Wait, that’s not his last name?

14. Don’t cry, please.

15. Whatever you need.

Like I said, don’t ever let your soulmate go!

You have any funny stories or posts about your one and only true love? Share in the comments, you lovebirds!

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10 People Who Prove There Is No Act of Kindness Too Small

Acts of kindness can come in many shapes and forms: holding open a door, to saying good morning to a stranger, or leaving a huge tip for a waiter having a bad day. These folks have gone above and beyond in their quest to spread kindness, and let’s all just give them a hand.

It’s so nice to hear about people being nice, right?

10. This guy who changed a tire for a stranded woman.

9. This gal who left a $200 tip to support a waiter in time of need.

8. A stranger who paid for this lady’s breakfast to get her on her way.

7. Someone offered this man a new set of tennis shoes.

6. The substitute teacher who left a complimentary note to a principal.

5. This guy who used Venmo to send free coffee to a friend.

4. This cute note from a mom who made her daughter smile.

3. This guy who swapped airline seats with a first time flyer

2. The animal lover who helped pay for this dog’s surgery.

1. The apartment tenant who left little notes of inspiration and kindness all around the building.

Hope these made your day because they sure improved mine!

And if you ever met someone who did something kind for you that you’d like to share, put it in the comments!

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We Can Safely Assume 13 Exes Who Are Not Friends Anymore

Relationships can be tough stuff – it’s not all honeymooning around. If you’ve ever experienced a bad breakup, you know what I’m talking about. Fighting, pettiness, non-stop arguing.

It’s no fun at all.

And I think it’s safe to assume that all of these people are no longer friends anymore. Not by a long shot.

1. Wow! That is brutal!

2. He just wants his MF’n shirt back.

3. Don’t mess with Mom.

4. At least you’re admitting it.

5. What’s a drummer supposed to do?

6. It was totally your friend’s fault.

7. Who are you again?

8. This could be it!

9. That’ll show her!

10. That’s kind of amazing.

11. No rest for you.

12. Sick burn, am I right?

13. She’s not messing around.

Isn’t being in a relationship a TOTAL BLAST?!?! Well, sometimes it is, and then sometimes you have situations where you never, EVER, want to see the person again for as long as you live.

Let’s hope those experiences are few and far between.

Share your own ex-related horror stories in the comments, por favor!

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A Woman with a Head Injury Forgot Her Husband, Then Fell in Love with Him All over Again

This sounds like a soap opera plot, but it is the true life and love story of Laura and Brayden Faganello—a couple fated for each other.

Recently, Laura posted her engagement announcement on Facebook. What was unusual about her post was that it was about her engagement to her current husband, Braydon.

9 months after I married Brayden I sustained a brain injury that completely changed our lives. While setting up for an…

Posted by Laura Hart Faganello on Monday, August 19, 2019

The couple met and married in 2016, but 9 months later Laura suffered a brain injury leaving her with no memory of Braydon.

She was setting up an event when a large tent pole collapsed and struck her on the head. When she woke, her most recent memories were from when she was 17 years old.

She spent the next two years in near constant pain and needing to relearn everything. And since she didn’t remember anything from after she was 17, the man whom she fell in love with and married had become a stranger. She couldn’t even watch her own wedding video or look at the photographs of what should have been remembered as the best day in her life without crumbling.

Posted by Laura Hart Faganello on Friday, April 22, 2016

Instead, she woke every morning to a man she didn’t know sharing her bed. She had no emotional attachment to Braydon, and every day with him in her home felt like torture, particularly because he held such intimate memories of her. Her misery in their marriage devastated Braydon, who loved Laura so much.

But Lauren was determined to overcome her injuries, especially the damage to her marriage. After a year of anguish, she made one of the most important decisions of her life. She stopped crying herself to sleep and invested herself into getting to know Braydon. When he realized her level of commitment to their marriage–one she didn’t even remember choosing–he softened his heart and began courting her all over again.

They took long drives, watched their favorite TV shows together and found themselves laughing at the same things as they used to. They decided to start dating again.

Posted by Laura Hart Faganello on Saturday, November 17, 2018

Over the next eight months, Laura fell in love with Braydon again, more intensely than ever. And even though her earlier memories of her life with Braydon will likely never return, she’s cherishing the new ones they’re making now together.

Their wedding is planned for next year, on what would have been their fourth wedding anniversary, to seal what Laura and Braydon already know. They were meant to be–forever.

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In the Middle Ages, being lovesick…

In the Middle Ages, being lovesick was a considered real disease, caused by humoral imbalance, and treated by exposure to light, gardens, calm and rest, inhalations, and warm baths, as well as with a diet of lamb, lettuce, eggs, fish, and ripe fruit.

If You’ve Ever Had a Boyfriend, These Tweets Might Make You Laugh

As a man, I can confidently say that we can be incredibly childish, we’re not too bright, and, on occasion, we can be pretty funny.

Even if it’s not intentional.

Here are 15 tweets that should look familiar to you (maybe painfully familiar) if you have, or have ever had, a male companion.

1. LOL

2. Noodes

3. I’m right here

4. Not bad…

5. He nailed it

6. He seems excited


8. What a guy

9. Robotic

10. Spill it

11. Here you go!

12. Time to yodel

13. Lost child

14. Hahahaha

15. Not again!

Guys, get your sh*t together!

The post If You’ve Ever Had a Boyfriend, These Tweets Might Make You Laugh appeared first on UberFacts.

If You’ve Ever Had a Boyfriend, These Tweets Might Make You Laugh

As a man, I can confidently say that we can be incredibly childish, we’re not too bright, and, on occasion, we can be pretty funny.

Even if it’s not intentional.

Here are 15 tweets that should look familiar to you (maybe painfully familiar) if you have, or have ever had, a male companion.

1. LOL

2. Noodes

3. I’m right here

4. Not bad…

5. He nailed it

6. He seems excited


8. What a guy

9. Robotic

10. Spill it

11. Here you go!

12. Time to yodel

13. Lost child

14. Hahahaha

15. Not again!

Guys, get your sh*t together!

The post If You’ve Ever Had a Boyfriend, These Tweets Might Make You Laugh appeared first on UberFacts.