A Man Built a Tiny Bookstore on Wheels to Deliver Books to Villages Without Bookstores

Books remain a very popular pastime, even in the age of social media. Unfortunately, with the advent of e-readers such as the Amazon Kindle, physical book stores are going out of business. But people remain passionate about the power of idly browsing through shelves of books.

That’s what motivated Jean-Jacques Megel-Nuber to create a tiny bookstore on wheels. Jean-Jacques of Alsace, France hired a tiny home maker to create the portable library in 2015. He calls it Au Vrai Chic Littérère.

Jean-Jacques drives the bookstore all around Alsace, bringing the magic of books to small villages in the area. He often shows up at festivals, events, or other public places where he’s been invited. His goal is to make books more accessible and affordable.

The cozy design of the bookstore was intended to make folks curious enough to go inside, Jean-Jacques says.


“I wanted a little feeling of a cabin and an aura of a small bookstore, which both evoke a lot of dreaming,” Jean-Jacques told Architectural Digest.

He added to Fortune that he needed “a place that makes people want to enter.”

That tiny space houses around 3000 books. In addition to the bookshelves, the structure contains a small place for Jean-Jacques to sleep while he travels. As you can imagine, it can get tricky to tow the bookstore — it’s a very heavy and delicate load! All those books weigh about 1,300 pounds.

But we’d guess that it’s totally worth the trouble, if only to see the reactions on people’s faces when they get to crawl inside this dreamy bookstore.

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Here Is Every Western Literary Movement in History Summed up with Single Sentences

Are you a history and literature buff?

Well, whether you do (and will know what we’re talking about here and probably feel a bit superior about the whole thing) or don’t (who has time for that stuff, anyway?) there’s a good chance you’ll get a chuckle out of these “layman’s” summaries of histories literary movements.

Courtesy of World Circus.

Please. Enjoy.

Old English

Image Credit: Facebook

Middle English

Image Credit: Facebook


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Late Renaissance

Image Credit: Facebook

Age of Enlightenment

Image Credit: Facebook

Sturm und Drang

Image Credit: Facebook


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Gothic Literature

Image Credit: Facebook


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Literature of the Absurd

Image Credit: Facebook


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The Beat Generation

Image Credit: Facebook

The Lost Generation

Image Credit: Facebook

The Harlem Renaissance

Image Credit: Facebook


Image Credit: Facebook


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Magical Realism

Image Credit: Facebook

There you have it – don’t you feel smarter now? I know I do!

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C.S. Lewis nominated J.R.R….

C.S. Lewis nominated J.R.R. Tolkien for the 1961 Nobel Prize for Literature. He was rejected on the grounds that his writing “has not in any way measured up to storytelling of the highest quality.”

A Bot Wrote a Hilarious ‘John Wick’ Script and People Are Loving It

What if a computer wrote a screenplay? Have you ever asked yourself that question?

More specifically though… have you ever asked: what if a bot wrote John Wick?

You haven’t asked yourself EITHER of those questions? Well, you’re in luck because somebody on the internet did and then made it happen.

Keaton Patti is the genius behind many “bot-written” scripts that he’s posted on Twitter, and to say he’s killing it at the bot-written script game is an understatement.

That title! I’m official in love with this bot.

Photo Credit: Twitter/KeatonPatti

“You are out of horse, Mr. Dog!” Classic Wick.

Photo Credit: Twitter/KeatonPatti

So… what do you think? Are we at the point where bots should replace humans?

The answer is a resounding yes! At least from Keaton.

He even has visuals!

What more could you ask for Keanu? Get on that shit!

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It took Ray Bradbury 9 days…

It took Ray Bradbury 9 days to write his novella, The Firemen, in the basement of a UCLA library on a typewriter rented for 10¢/30 minutes. After being urged by his publisher, he returned to the basement, got to work, and expanded his novella into Fahrenheit 451, which also took 9 days to write.

Here Are the Best Bookstores in All 50 States

There is nothing, NOTHING, better than a good bookstore, at least in my humble opinion. I’d rather spend hours in a bookstore than have a great meal or the perfect cup of coffee. That’s just me.

And I think a lot of you out there feel the same way.

In honor of Independent Bookstore Day (April 27, 2019), Mental Floss chose its favorite bookstores from every state in America.

Let’s see if some of yours made the list.

Alabama – Alabama Booksmith, Homewood, AL

Alaska – Title Wave Books, Anchorage, AK

Arizona – Changing Hands Bookstore, Phoenix & Tempe, AZ

Arkansas – Dickson St. Bookshop, Fayetteville, AR

California – Green Apple Books, San Francisco, CA

Colorado – Tattered Cover, Denver, CO

Connecticut – R.J. Julia Booksellers, Madison, CT

Delaware – Browseabout Books, Rehoboth Beach, DE

Happy snow day! We are OPEN this morning. We're keeping an eye on the weather as the day goes on… We'll let you know if we decide to close early.

Posted by Browseabout Books on Sunday, January 13, 2019

Florida – Books & Books at the Studios, Key West, FL

Georgia – Charis Books, Atlanta, GA

Hawaii – Talk Story Bookstore, Hanapepe, HI

Idaho – Rediscovered Books, Boise, ID

Illinois – Anderson’s Bookshop, Naperville, IL

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I spy @bailey_no_ordinary_cat. Do you?

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Indiana – Hyde Brothers, Ft. Wayne, IN

Iowa – The Haunted Bookshop, Iowa City, IA

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You want me to hide them. The little colorful things that make big human cubs squeak? and not the heavy ones that make no sound but make humans act like they are having fun and bad dreams and stomachaches all at once? Because they are the same colors but one looks more like eggs ??? What kind of eggs do you EAT?! Now what are you – what are the white fuzzy – oh no, nope, nu, hm-mm, rrrrrrooooooowwwwwww ? you put those on yourself or they don't get put. Rattling shiny things and… hare ears. You guys got a religion that just maybe serves more food? . . . . . . . #bookstore #bookshop #bookstorecats #catthoughts #rabbitears #easterbunny #hidingeggs #dice #shiny #bizarre #ritual #commercialcandyday #thingswedoforkids #lostintranslation #chocolateappropriation #goodjewishboy #passtheplate #firsteatthenwetalk #happyeasterfriends

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Kansas – Rainy Day Books, Fairway, KS

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@rainydaybooks could also be called Arctic Day Books, as it was one of two stops on our day out on the town during subzero temperatures. Because, let’s be honest, I’m terrible at entertaining my kids at home. We only bought a picture book for a friend’s birthday gift, but I’m already planning my birthday trip back here in a few weeks… What would you do if you had an unexpected day off school with the kids? Cozy up at home with a book, or venture out to find a new read? Be honest – there are no wrong answers. ?. . . . . . #kcbookstagram #bookstagram #rainydaybooks #indiebookstore #independentbookstore #indiebooks #kansascity #bookstorebrowsing #bookstoresofinstagram #bookstorelover #books #booklover #shelfie

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Kentucky – Joseph-Beth Booksellers, Lexington, KY

Louisiana – Faulkner House Books, New Orleans, LA

Posted by Faulkner House Books on Thursday, June 12, 2014

Maine – Longfellow Books, Portland, ME

Maryland – Second Story Books, Rockville, MD

Posted by Second Story Books & Antiques – Rockville on Sunday, May 5, 2019

Massachusetts – Trident Booksellers & Cafe, Boston, MA

Michigan – John K. King Used and Rare Books, Detroit, MI

Posted by John King Used & Rare Books on Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Minnesota – Wild Rumpus, Minneapolis, MN

Mississippi – Square Books, Oxford, MS

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Happy selfie day, y’all. #tbt

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Missouri – Left Bank Books, St. Louis, MO

Montana – Country Bookshelf, Bozeman, MT

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We've been feeling the love lately ?Thanks @claratreckrealtor! #Repost @claratreckrealtor (@get_repost) ・・・ Our very own @countrybookshelf was voted one of the best bookstores in the 50 states! This bookstore never fails to please and has its own events monthly. Follow my Facebook page for their April calendar to start planning your month. They have an exciting line up! #downtownbozeman #bozemanmontana #bozemanmt #bozeman #realestate #realestateagent #realtor #bozemanmontana #bozeman #montana #belgrade #bozemanmontanarealestate #montanarealestate #bozemanrealestate #buyhomes #sellhomes #dreamhome #househunting #househunt #realestatelife #realty #realestatebozeman #realestatemontana #homesweethome #property #home #housing

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Nebraska – Indigo Bridge Books, Lincoln, NE

Nevada – Sundance Books and Music, Reno, NV

New Hampshire – Gibson’s Bookstore, Concord, NH

New Jersey – Montclair Book Center, Montclair, NJ

New Mexico – Collected Works Bookstore and Coffeehouse, Santa Fe, NM

New York – Strand Book Store, New York, NY

North Carolina – Main Street Books, Davidson, NC

North Dakota – Zandbroz Variety, Fargo, ND

Oklahoma – Gypsysnark Books, Stillwater, OK

Oregon – Bloomsbury Books – Ashland, OR

Pennsylvania – Farley’s Bookshop, New Hope, PA

Rhode Island – Cellar Stories, Providence, RI

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Some small visitors today

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South Carolina – Blue Bicycle Books, Charleston, SC

South Dakota – Mitzi’s Books, Rapid City, SD

Posted by Mitzi's Books on Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tennessee – Parnassus Books, Nashville, TN

Texas – Bookpeople, Austin, TX

Utah – King’s English, Salt Lake City, UT

Posted by The King's English Bookshop on Friday, June 29, 2018

Vermont – Northshire Bookstore, Manchester Center, VT

Posted by Northshire Bookstore on Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Virginia – Chop Suey Books, Richmond, VA

Posted by Chop Suey Books on Saturday, December 30, 2017

Washington –Elliott Bay Book Company, Seattle, WA

The comfort of a bookstore is like no other.

Posted by Elliott Bay Book Company on Saturday, July 7, 2018

West Virginia – Taylor Books, Charleston, WV

Wisconsin – Dotters Books, Eau Claire, WI

Wyoming – Sidekicks Bookbar, Rock Springs, WY

Posted by Sidekicks Book and Wine bar on Thursday, October 11, 2018

Did your favorite store make the list?

The post Here Are the Best Bookstores in All 50 States appeared first on UberFacts.

There is a scifi short story…

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When Roald Dahl attended school…

When Roald Dahl attended school, the nearby Cadbury chocolate factory would occasionally send boxes of new chocolates to the school to be tested by students. It is believed that this likely inspired him in writing his third children’s book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

In 1969 an experimental book…

In 1969 an experimental book named The Unfortunates was published. It shipped as a ‘book in a box’ consisting of 27 unbound sections with the first and last chapter specified. The remaining sections range from a single paragraph to 12 pages in length and are designed to be read in any order.

Douglas Adams came up with the…

Douglas Adams came up with the title for The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy while lying drunk in a field near Innsbruck with a copy of The Hitch-Hikers Guide to Europe. Looking up at the stars, he thought it would be a good idea for someone to write a hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy as […]