Really Wonderful Cringey Looks Back in Time

As a kid I was kind of obsessed with recording things. I was into multimedia endeavors in a big way. I had my tape recorders, my family’s giant camcorder, and some fairly primitive software to play around with as well.

The upside of this is that I have a TON of preserved record of my childhood with all of my tastes and attempts at expression.

The downside of this is that I have a TON of preserved record of my childhood with all of my tastes and attempts at expression.

Most of it is, how do I put this, the cringiest cringe that ever cringed. And I’m genuinely torn between burning it all in a fire and backing it up forever because of my previously mentioned obsession with all things multimedia.

Maybe I should just dump it all on r/blunderyears like these Reddit people did.

14. Apology accepted

“My name is Kate and I’m here to say /
I’m unwittingly problematic in a major way…”

I’m sorry guys, I was like 9 and loved rap. I truly apologize. from blunderyears

13. Baby bat

Hey, at least it looks like you’re having fun.

Baby bat me was something else huh… from blunderyears

12. Mood swinging

What really sells this is the editing.

I have no words to explain my younger self from blunderyears

11. Ashlee Simpson phase

Yo, you had a blitz phone?

At a sleepover with my blitz phone during my Ashlee Simpson phase circa 2008 from blunderyears

10. The death of MySpace

Wait? What’s Stickam? [Googling intensifies.]

My last MySpace photo, probably getting ready to login into Stickam. The streaks are plastic hair clip ins. from blunderyears

9. Official Campion

You’re the real winner here, friend.

Feeling confident AF in my Reign Man sneakers, official Champion Charlotte Hornets game shorts, and a polo shirt for added grown-up sophistication from blunderyears

8. Grunge phase

“Yeah, I’ve seen some stuff. Like water. And rocks. And picturesque pastel riverlines.”

I went through my grunge phase when I was 7 from blunderyears

7. Absolutely br00tal

Stay away from this kid, he WILL hit you with that guitar.
Because he can’t see a f*ckin’ thing.

br00tal ’09 core kid reporting for duty from blunderyears

6. The whole package

Hollister at ya boy.

Circa 2006 – freshman year of high school. Hollister shirt, Hollister necklace, and I would straighten my hair. from blunderyears


5. Hottest cowgirl fashion

Yeehaw to you, young lady!

The year is 1993, I am fresh from the salon with the $50 perm I begged my mom for, and JCPennys hottest cowgirl fashion (look it up sweaty). from blunderyears

4. Ride it

They’re both just like “Who is this? Why is this happening?”

Me and flo rida. I did not listen to flo rida. from blunderyears

3. Embrace it

You look like a character in a Fry & Laurie sketch, my guy.

I had embraced my nerdy outcast status and went to school like this, sadly the trench coat was soon banned after ’99 from blunderyears

2. Recent developments

This kid crawled so that Insta selfies could run.

Got a disposable camera as a child and decided to take a selfie. I was very pleased with it after getting it developed. from blunderyears

1. Totally subline

Rock on!

Sublime shirt: check. Bandana: check. Self awareness: not found from blunderyears

In the end, the only thing we have to cringe is cringe itself.

What was your past self like?

Tell us about ’em in the comments.

The post Really Wonderful Cringey Looks Back in Time appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Photos From Their Very Awkward Pasts

For a generation that’s as nostalgic as mine is, we rarely actually wanna look at what we were like back in the day.

Because the past, by and large, is not pretty. Though it is frequently hilarious.

Enter a fascinating rabbit hole on Reddit called r/blunderyears, where people voluntarily post relics of their own cringey past that they may be mourned and celebrated communally.

Let us enter the zone now, and try to survive.

13. Guess who?

I’ll tell ya who still probably didn’t know: that boy.

Guess which boy I liked from blunderyears

12. Choice

Look,, we all make choices.

15yo me, I thought this outfit was choice. from blunderyears

11. Done

“I’m just old for my age, you wouldn’t understand.”

I was 100% done with life at the age of 4. from blunderyears

10. Phase out

Got some serious rawr XD energy going on here.

Thankfully, it WAS a phase mom. from blunderyears

9. Bang bang

Nevermind that, the rest of your hair is trying to escape.

1989… I cut my own bangs for picture day from blunderyears

8. What a performance!

Who doesn’t love the utility of a good fanny pack?

1992, the peak of my theatre kid years. from blunderyears

7. Beat that

If that kid wasn’t drowning in ladies I’d be shocked.

Every year my mom would photoshop my Valentine’s Day cards for me to hand out in school. (Circa 2006) from blunderyears

6. Sticking together

Ah yes, I remember these.

Duct tape prom, why did I think this was a good idea from blunderyears

5. Danger zone!

It’s hardly fair, there’s one of me, and yet only four of me.

Four times the danger…. from blunderyears

4. Taste the difference

Why does he look like he just caught those drums from horseback?

The days when I was a performing Pepsi can. from blunderyears

3. Blunderbuss

Hanson in a very alternate reality.

My three brothers. Three times the blunder. from blunderyears

2. Eye see you

“Nice try God, I’ll take it from here.”

At 15, I thought if I shaved my eyebrows off it would be easier to make them symmetrical. For this heinous act, I am sorry. from blunderyears


1. Oh brother

I…kind of need to hear this immediately.

Found this at a friends house. Her little brothers made a rap album when they were younger from blunderyears

If heartwarming cringe could be converted to electricity, this page could power a city.

What were your blunder years like? What did you wear? What did you do for fun?

Tell us all about them in the comments.

The post People Share Photos From Their Very Awkward Pasts appeared first on UberFacts.

Great Tweets to Relax and Kick Back With

Had a bad day?

No worries. Kick back, relax, and enjoy some Tweets.

That is, if you’re physically in a position which allows for back-kicking. Otherwise this could be a disaster involving some sort of fall and a lot of pain and maybe medical bills and arguments in which case the need for relaxation will have only been exacerbated and we won’t have helped at all.

So, I don’t know, consult with a doctor before kicking back I guess, but prepare yourself to enjoy these random tweets from any available posture.

12. Busy busy business woman

“And what is it you do around here?”

11. A whole new year

Yeah, we’re all REALLY enjoying the marking of this milestone.

10. Zack attack

I know both an “h” guy and a “k” guy and I can confirm this is accurate.

9. Going on and on

I had to check to see if this is true, but it definitely is.

8. Cancel culture

It’s like he didn’t even want to save the whales in the first place.

7. Quality control

This should be a full time job for a lot of people.

6. Follow the path

They’re polite but creative with their vulgarity across the pond.

5. Make pretend

When life imitates art imitating life.

4. Egg-cellent

Good luck with your boring, well-adjusted child.

3. Spinny rainbow and die

I mean if you think about it it’s your fault for expecting a $2,000 machine to keep working for longer than a year.

2. Higher standards

I actually have no earthly idea what I’m doing.


I hope you managed to enjoy all of those uninjured, as God intended.

Who are your favorite people to follow on Twitter?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Great Tweets to Relax and Kick Back With appeared first on UberFacts.

Questions That Women Were Too Afraid to Ask Men

As an unexceptional white dude, there’s not a lot of times I feel like my answers or input is truly needed lately.

But then I came across this prompt on Ask Reddit:

“Girls, what inappropriate questions about guys have you always wanted answered?”

My time has come. I will try to answer these apparently burning questions, most of which are about genitals.

1. Float unless it’s cold and compact.

Does your dong float or sink in water?

– asawee

2. Yes, it can cause trouble.

Do you feel weird when someone sits on your lap because of uh…you know :0

– Kitty-Bloom

3. Everybody loves a pretty face!

How much does having a nice face matter?

Especially in a long-term partner?

– xatetas277

4. Orgasmic.

how the f*ck does it feel to c*m out semen

– xXChocoboXx

5. Before? No. After? Yes.

When you go to the bathroom, do you wash your hands before taking your d*ck out to pee?

– Hissingbunny

6. Nah, go for it.

Is it weird to grab your *ss during sex? I just want to help… guide it?? Lol

– wowgamesarefun

7. There’s really no need.

Why don’t you have to wipe when you pee??

There’s absolutely NO need at all??

Not even a little dab??

– Pleasant-Flamingo344

8. I think if it were that cold you’d be dead from exposure.

If you nut in the freezing cold, does your c*m freeze mid-shot?

– Veravu

9. I have mixed feelings about it.

For the guys who didn’t get to choose to have a circumcision, are you mad at the people who chose for you when you were a baby?

– MissCheyenne14

10. It’s a bit like stopping a sneeze, but far more within one’s control.

When we ask you to stop, for whatever reason, how much effort does it take?

– takecourage18

11. About the sex that I’m having.

what do you actually think during sex?

– Vegetable_Amount4812

12. Random thoughts come and go, they don’t mean anything.

Do you fantasize about other women when in a relationship?

– Trowaway_29

13. On rare occasion a little something might spark.

Being totally straight, do you ever feel slightest attraction towards other guys sometimes?

– Rooodra9

14. The look is an impulse, the stare is just being rude.

Why do you stare at boobs? Like I get looking at something you think is attractive, but why STARE, it makes women uncomfortable.

– HavePlushieWillTalk

15. …yes.

Has every guy at some point in time tried to suck their own dong or is this just fiction.

– IronDominion

Well, I hope that cleared up a few things.

What questions do you have for people?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Questions That Women Were Too Afraid to Ask Men appeared first on UberFacts.

Questions That Women Were Too Afraid to Ask Men

As an unexceptional white dude, there’s not a lot of times I feel like my answers or input is truly needed lately.

But then I came across this prompt on Ask Reddit:

“Girls, what inappropriate questions about guys have you always wanted answered?”

My time has come. I will try to answer these apparently burning questions, most of which are about genitals.

1. Float unless it’s cold and compact.

Does your dong float or sink in water?

– asawee

2. Yes, it can cause trouble.

Do you feel weird when someone sits on your lap because of uh…you know :0

– Kitty-Bloom

3. Everybody loves a pretty face!

How much does having a nice face matter?

Especially in a long-term partner?

– xatetas277

4. Orgasmic.

how the f*ck does it feel to c*m out semen

– xXChocoboXx

5. Before? No. After? Yes.

When you go to the bathroom, do you wash your hands before taking your d*ck out to pee?

– Hissingbunny

6. Nah, go for it.

Is it weird to grab your *ss during sex? I just want to help… guide it?? Lol

– wowgamesarefun

7. There’s really no need.

Why don’t you have to wipe when you pee??

There’s absolutely NO need at all??

Not even a little dab??

– Pleasant-Flamingo344

8. I think if it were that cold you’d be dead from exposure.

If you nut in the freezing cold, does your c*m freeze mid-shot?

– Veravu

9. I have mixed feelings about it.

For the guys who didn’t get to choose to have a circumcision, are you mad at the people who chose for you when you were a baby?

– MissCheyenne14

10. It’s a bit like stopping a sneeze, but far more within one’s control.

When we ask you to stop, for whatever reason, how much effort does it take?

– takecourage18

11. About the sex that I’m having.

what do you actually think during sex?

– Vegetable_Amount4812

12. Random thoughts come and go, they don’t mean anything.

Do you fantasize about other women when in a relationship?

– Trowaway_29

13. On rare occasion a little something might spark.

Being totally straight, do you ever feel slightest attraction towards other guys sometimes?

– Rooodra9

14. The look is an impulse, the stare is just being rude.

Why do you stare at boobs? Like I get looking at something you think is attractive, but why STARE, it makes women uncomfortable.

– HavePlushieWillTalk

15. …yes.

Has every guy at some point in time tried to suck their own dong or is this just fiction.

– IronDominion

Well, I hope that cleared up a few things.

What questions do you have for people?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Questions That Women Were Too Afraid to Ask Men appeared first on UberFacts.

This is What Influencers Are Like in Real Life

It totally blows my mind that “influencer” is…

  • a) a recognized profession now
  • b) something people are actually proud to claim

“What do you do for money?”
“I try to be popular on the internet so people will buy the stuff I tell them to.”

It’s hard to imagine. So here’s a peek behind the curtain via Ask Reddit:

IRL friends of social media “influencers”: what is it like? from AskReddit

Let’s see what Redditors with the inside scoop had to say.

1. “A lot of getting ignored.”

I dated one. Not super popular but followers in the 100k range last time we spoke.

I remember a lot of getting ignored and only receiving nice gifts/acts of kindness when they could post about it.

Asking me to go to nice places (they didn’t drive) only to leave me on a bench somewhere while they took pictures.

Huge strain on the relationship, especially when they started to get bigger and there was more demand for content.

– 42charlemagne

2. “We’re all using each other.”

She hasn’t come to anything I’ve invited her to in 5 years because she only goes to events that “further her business.” Regularly says things like, “we’re all using each other for something.” Sometimes she texts me the same exact thing word for word over a couple of days, and it’s obvious she just copy/pastes the same thing and sends it to all of us and then forgets who she has sent it to.

She still reaches out to me multiple times a year and claims I’m one of her best friends, but it sure doesn’t feel like it.

I’ve told her as much, but she just says “this is my life now, my business comes first and if you can’t accept that, then I guess you’re not a real friend.”

– Cirrus-Ramparts

3. “Always on the phone.”

Friends with a high profile athlete who is pretty popular on insta…. he is always on the phone… never lives in the moment.

If we are doing anything fun? well, it basically didn’t happen unless the world knows about it.

Its just annoying …I cant imagine living for the approval or satisfaction of others.

– Neither-Act1355

4. “A wannabe.”

I know a wannabe influencer.

She will reply to her own posts from her husband’s account praising herself.

Then she will reply to those posts as herself thanking him, it’s hilarious, like inception for Facebook.

– Sydneyfigtree

5. “She quit her job.”

I post travel photos and have about two hundred followers. 200, not 2000 or higher.

My friend somehow thought that was influencer status and decided to copy me – except she quit her job so she could travel more and “grow her own brand”.

In 2020. She lost her apartment, her car, and still hasn’t found a job, but calls herself a professional influencer all the same.

– oikorapunk

6. “Awful.”

Awful. One of my best friends fell real hard into Instagram, and for a few years it was tolerable and understandable, albeit annoying and strange. Everything needed to be documented in specific ways, so lots & lots of photos, even if it took away from the moment. But the strange part was how, when she’d share things, the captions always told a slightly different story than what actually happened. Like just off enough for me and my other friends to say, huh, that has a weird quality to it.

Fast forward a couple years, and she gets engaged. Boom. This was the catalyst for the worst of the influencer mentality to come out. I was in the bridal party, and it was a nightmare. No gratitude, just demands. Demands for expensive trips and expensive parties and all kinds of things that were above and beyond the means of her closest friends. And all the demands were because she had a “following” and had certain expectations to meet.

It was really heart wrenching to witness someone belittle their best friend and maid of honor for trying to plan a sweet bridal shower because it wasn’t going to be at an expensive restaurant or art gallery.

It reached its peak for me when, after the in-state wedding became an expensive destination wedding, there was the demand for an out-of-town bachelorette party a few weeks before. I was honest and said I couldn’t afford the bachelorette (mind you, I made about a thousand sacrifices over those months to afford what I could), and was promptly bridezilla’d and told I ruined the whole experience and that I was an awful, fake, inauthentic person.

It got so bad that the bridal party fractured and disintegrated, she lost two of her best friends (myself and the MOH didn’t even attend the wedding after all her behavior and blow-ups), and we’ve barely spoken since. All so she could have an instagrammable wedding that would look good for the few photos she ended up sharing of it. And, true to the weird strange re-written reality ways she had, she published a public “apology” on her blog for her followers and family that completely distorted and rewrote what happened, painted herself as the victim, and got her the sympathy points she was looking for.

Ppl really lose themselves when they create an artifice for social media. I learned a lot from her.

– whenthesunrise

7. “Hasn’t changed her at all.”

I’m not sure if this counts as an “influencer” but one of my close friends is a small-ish music streamer on Twitch.

If I said her username you probably wouldn’t know her, but she’s successful/popular enough to where she makes a comfortable living from streaming.

She’s been doing it for several years now and it hasn’t changed her at all.

If anything she’s now just more willing to pay for stuff when we all hang out because of her newfound disposable income.


8. “To be honest…”

To be honest it’s really sh*t. I feel like I’ve been completely forgotten about and like I don’t matter anymore.

I think that’s just some weird misguided jealousy but it still hurts because I miss talking to my friend

– EmeraldSunrise4000

9. “Not worth it.”

Sad. In the beginning they started because they got offers from brands because they were so popular on Instagram and it was a lot of fun for them.

Now they don’t ever post pictures or videos without a filter. Rarely ever like a picture on the first try and don’t you dare post any pictures of them without getting their approval for it.

Imagine trying to get a group picture with all of your friends for your birthday but having you take almost one hundred shots to get one that your influencer friend is happy with.

Also in the beginning I would like and comment on all of their posts but now that’s not enough. They expect me message it others, share it on my stories and my page (something about new rhythms and likes not being important anymore). I hate posting stuff to my page but I do it any way to be supportive.

It is so tiring. They do get free things sometimes though that they sometimes share with me. Not worth it imo.

– yonewredditwhodis

10. “Pretty mundane.”

Pretty mundane, honestly. My friend is conventionally attractive, and if you look at her social media, you’d think she were a supermodel millionaire who goes on tons of trips.

She’s actually chronically unemployed, and has an income of less than 10k/yr. Her boyfriend makes about $60k/yr which is enough to afford them a very nice 3 1/2 bedroom apartment, and she has tons of props she uses to make each room look different from day to day so it seems like she’s always in a new, exotic place.

They take two trips a year to fun, tropical places, in which she takes many photos, and posts them as different places throughout the year.

She’s a very kind, considerate, sparkling personality, but whenever we hang out, I tend to be a shoulder to cry on as she laments about her lack of success in life. It’s quite sad, honestly.

But with her creativity and personality, I think she’ll achieve her dreams eventually.

– LemonFly4012

11. “Lost touch with reality.”

Two of my distant cousins, they’re sisters, and are relatively well known YouTubers. I remember the first time I met them, I was 9 years old and saw that one of them was fiddling with a program on her laptop. I asked her what it was, and she showed me her editing software (thinking back, it was probably iMovie) and basically told me about how she records videos and posts them to YouTube, and that she had about 5,000 subscribers. She was really passionate and excited about it, and it seemed like she could go on and on for hours. I don’t think she got paid a penny. I thought it was cool at the time but didn’t think much of it. Just a hobby, I figured.

Fast forward almost 10 years and she has nearly 9 million subscribers, lives in a beautiful house in LA, and makes more money than anyone else her age could dream of. Her sister graduated college, but she saw her success and fell into the same “influencer” trap as well, because that’s where the money was/is. So they both “influence” full-time and have a whole team of people to do editing, assistant work, PR, managing, etc.

I would say the most obvious thing is that the first sister I talked about seems to have lost touch with reality, simply because she’s been doing this for SO LONG. She acts much younger than her age to get views and maintain relevancy, and she’s gotten very used to living a privileged life, so much so that she frequently complains about “how difficult her job is” when there is no doubt in my mind that, if it were to all disappear tomorrow, she’d be like a deer in headlights working something like a 9-5. Considering she doesn’t even edit her own videos or set up her own camera, she has hardly a thing to complain about, especially sitting in front of your vlog camera and crying to the people who are watching your videos and essentially paying your bills about how stressful your job is. I mean this girl literally has an assistant to fetch her coffee and salads (as if she has no time to do it herself, maybe having an assistant is just an “influencer” or “status” thing to do??). She lives a very spoon-fed life, and seems to frequently forget it.

Fortunately the college-graduate sister is very down to earth, and even she seems to acknowledge the ridiculousness of the whole thing. But at the end of the day, they’re doing very well and I will always wish them the best. I just find myself wondering how much longer it will last for them.

– julesjules76

12. “Fake and staged.”

Exactly as fake and staged as you imagine it to be, the on-camera moments are completely non genuine.

It is in the end just an acting/modeling job and not their real personality.

– SagittariusA_Star

13. “Incredibly annoying.”

So incredibly annoying. I actually ended up cutting her off because everything had to be a photo opportunity. We could never just go out to lunch, or see a movie without it turning into a photoshoot. She never did anything with our friend group unless it was ‘aesthetic’, and even then, she was so focussed on getting us to take photos that a. she didn’t get to enjoy the activity, and b. it started bringing everyone else down because they couldn’t participate either.

And this sounds so petty, but she could never just show up in a t-shirt and leggings (because photos, obviously). Like even sleepovers and movie nights had to be a big production and sometimes you just need to stuff your face with popcorn and look like a slob! It’s good for the soul!!

She’d also complain a lot about how hard her job was… Our friendship group at the time consisted of an EMT, two nurses, a teacher, and me who was juggling university, tutoring, and working retail. Like, I’m sure she had challenges and all jobs are hard sometimes, but… girl…. you get paid to take selfies with free stuff, and show up at events looking pretty…

– MutedApricot

14. “Always bragging.”

a girl in my homeschool group in middle school was always bragging about how her parents had a youtube channel with thousands of subscribers.

she was really arrogant about it and i didn’t enjoy spending time with her because she was a brat.

the funny thing is nobody ever believed her (including myself) until one day i stumbled across a video of theirs while scrolling through youtube.

sure enough, they had thousands of subscribers. she hadn’t been lying and i was shocked. now they have well over a million. they dont upload very often anymore though

– Escapist7427

15. “Bully.”

She became a horrible self-centered bully.

– Gremlinnut

Sounds like it might not be totally worth it living life under the influence.

Do you know any “influencer” types?

Tell us your tales in the comments.

The post This is What Influencers Are Like in Real Life appeared first on UberFacts.

Check Out These Amazing Hairstyles from From a Teenage Stylist

There’s a hairstylist in Germany doing some crazy things with braids right now.

Her name is Milena and she regularly posts her creations to her Instagram account hairstylist.dream, where tens of thousands gather to marvel at them.

They’re incredibly impressive. Here are just a few!

15. Like flowers

How do you even get that intricate?

14. Laced up

Apparently she’s a bit of a night owl.

13. Blue lagoon

“Be a mermaid and make waves.”

12. Woven basket

She does all this WHILE in school. She’s only 17.

11. Holiday cheer

A little subtle celebration of Christmas.

10. Shades of grey

Super diverse.

9. Medieval times

This feels like it would be right at home on an episode of Game of Thrones.

8. The eye

Let the sunshine in.

7. Rainbow bright

Wow, just wow!

6. Honeycomb

“If you can dream it you can do it!”

5. Waves

I can almost hear the ocean crashing.

4. Explosion in red

This feels like it would be amazing for a wedding day.

3. Flower power

Those are some locks of love.

2. In pearls

Top that.

1. From the top

That’s some big energy.

I don’t know how people with this kind of talent even exist, especially at such a young age. When I was 17 I don’t think I had yet figured out how to scramble eggs, I certainly wasn’t out here making beautiful masterpieces of personal style for the ages. Ah, well. Different strokes for different folks, I guess?

What kind of fashion statement would you take on if you thought you could pull it off? What has stopped you so far?

Talk about it in the comments.

The post Check Out These Amazing Hairstyles from From a Teenage Stylist appeared first on UberFacts.

A Teenage Stylist Creates Amazingly Intricate Hair Designs

German teenage hairstylist Milena is doing some things that I’m sure a lot of people in her line of work would try their entire lives to be good enough to do.

Her intricate hair designs are as fascinating as they are beautiful, and they’re freely available to enjoy thanks to her popular Instagram account hairstylist.dream.

There Milena posts stunning images of her creations alongside occasional words of inspiration. It’s really a very refreshing and positive place to be and indicative of the bright future this gifted youngster has in front of her.

let’s take a look at some of the styles now!

15. Decked in pearls

And all wrapped up in a bow.

14. Rainbow road

“Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.”

13. Criss cross

My mind is just absolutely blown.

12. Twinning

Milena will often do collaborations and cross promotions with fellow stylists as well.

11. The gray

With beautiful waves.

10. Spiraling down

Those locks are locked in.

9. Traces

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.”

8. Blue dreams

This was in celebration of 6,000 followers, but she’s now approaching ten times that number.

7. Purple haze

It really catches your eye.

6. Visions in red

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

5. Light blonde

She calls these “waterfall braids.”

4. Basket weave

“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.”

3. Two tone

Did we mention she does all of this WHILE in school?

2. Armour

Count ’em up.

1. A closer look

“Be yourself: everyone else is already taken!”

Congratulations to Milena, here’s to all the success you deserve!

What’s your favorite hairstyle?

Tell us in the comments.

The post A Teenage Stylist Creates Amazingly Intricate Hair Designs appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets People Who Work in Restaurants Will Understand

Restaurant jobs sure are hard. And tough.

Having worked them a bunch is sort of a badge of honor – it’s like the military service of the job market.

And who better to complain about that sort of thing in a funny way than the people of Twitter, who are serving up a steaming hot entree of sass with a side of “tip me 20%+ or go home, you cheap jerks.”

Let’s get to the tweets.

10. Boxed in

I worked at a pizza chain once and I got so good at folding the boxes I might have been some sort of world record holder.

9. Mr. Otis

It really does break all boundaries.

8. On the line

Look, I didn’t become a cook to cook food.

7. Dead serious

We can all hope for such miracles, and one day they may come.

6. On the mat

“But I heard they use chemicals.”

5. To the extreme

How can a person even have that kind of mental focus and persistence of memory?

4. Open for business

For you? Never. Get in here, ya big lug.

3. Sorry not sorry

I almost never get angry with the representative I’m talking to, I know that if there’s bullsh*t happening it is almost certainly not their fault.

2. Cold storage

In here, no one can hear you sob.

1. By the way

Just a fair warning you should probably order now, or five minutes ago, or just leave.

Here’s to all our heroes out there making it happen. We appreciate ya.

Do you have food service industry experience?

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Sleep Talkers Will Understand These Problems

Sleepwalking is what happens when your brain fails to produce the chemicals necessary to keep you still while you’re asleep so you don’t start acting out your dreams.

I’ve never really had that problem, though I’ve suffered the opposite – a phenomenon called sleep paralysis where that chemical keeps getting produced even though you’re conscious. It’s freaky. I think I’d probably trade it for sleepwalking if I could.

I do, apparently, talk just a bit in my sleep. More frequently, I was informed by an ex girlfriend, I hum little tunes. Not too surprising as I am a musician of sorts, but it pales in comparison to how interesting some of these sleep talking confessions are.

12. Bring on the Muppets tonight

Talk about being felt.

Source: Whisper

11. Say my name

Well, that’s just plain uncomfortable.

Source: Whisper

10. Secrets revealed

I wonder if they vet for this kind of thing in like professional spies?

Source: Whisper

9. Panic time

If I hear that in the night, no matter the context, I’m gonna comply.

Source: Whisper

8. Gibberish times

Those are the best.

Source: Whisper

7. Important meals

Well, you heard the lady.

Source: Whisper

6. What an embarrassment

For all you know, it’s already happened.

Source: Whisper

5. A wide variety

You should go into talk radio.

Source: Whisper

4. A class act

Were you muttering the test answers?

Source: Whisper

3. Monkey business

That would be a pretty difficult thing to hide.

Source: Whisper

2. Double trouble

What are you revealing?

Source: Whisper

1. Sexy dork fish


Source: Whisper

Absolutely wild, I’m not sure how I could sleep next to some of those folks.

Do you have experience with sleep talking?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Sleep Talkers Will Understand These Problems appeared first on UberFacts.